• Published 22nd Mar 2015
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Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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Chapter VI: Pictures and Stunts

Things already seemed to be going downhill for me after listening to the purple mutant ramble so long I had to grab the book out of the air and toss it at her face just to get her to stop. Desperate times equaled desperate measures in that matter, though it left me wondering how I managed to grab the book with my hooves that time when I couldn't do it with a ball. Guess I was really that desperate to get her to stop. Finally, the mutant returned from rummaging in what I assumed to be her storage room, as she pushed what I also assumed to be a chalkboard before me, where she suddenly used some chalk to draw various diagrams of, well, so many damn things it was confusing to try to figure out what they all were. Smiling at me, she pointed the chalk at something in that massive mess, to which I thought, Oh, fuck no. I am not gonna try to understand any of this, as I grabbed a book and threw it at her face again. Once again, this caused me to stare at my hooves again as I privately hoped that I didn't need to be frustrated all the time to be able to grab things. I had enough issues already.

Glaring at me with growing rage, the purple mutant was about to open her mouth again when the pink menace interrupted as she said something to the purple mutant. This caused the mutant to look upon me once more as she witnessed my deadpanned expression. Turning her head to the chalkboard, the mutant realized her folly as a blush started to appear on her face. Muttering to herself, I watched as the mutant returned to the storage room as she attempted to find an alternative solution.

As the mutant rummaged once more, the pink menace turned to me, spreading her hooves out again to indicate that she wanted to hug me. "No," I said in their language, being forced to repeat it again and again while she kept up the pose, until she suddenly pulled a plate out of her mane that had some triangular shaped food on it. Its scent quickly reached my nose, its delicious smell making my mouth water. Eyeing her obvious bribe, I simply sighed, knowing that she would still insist on giving me a hug in some way as I said "Yes..." The pink monster squealed out in joy as she shoved the food right into my still open mouth before engulfing me in a hug. Though I nearly choked from having the food rammed down my throat and from the constricting hug, the taste of the food made it worthwhile, as well as the possibility that the pink menace might offer me treats in return for hugs. Now if only I could teach her not to squeeze me to death.

After being released from the death hug, the purple mutant returned, levitating some kind of stack with her. She said something to the pink menace as she set the stack down before me before levitating what appeared to be some kind of paper, revealing that she had example pictures of the winged creatures, the horned creatures, and the creatures with neither, but there weren't one of the purple mutant's race, oddly enough. I pondered the meaning of that as I swallowed my snack. The purple mutant placed a forehoof on the picture as she circled it around all the three examples and said some word over and over, slowly at first before I gave her another deadpan look that caused her to let out a nervous laugh before saying the word normally. After a while, the mutant began to say a different word as she pointed at each of them one of a time, before I figured out that the first word was plural and the second word was its singular version .

"Ponies," I said in their language, causing the purple mutant to smile, before I pointed a hoof at her which I then moved to the pink menace as well as I myself as I repeated "Ponies." This causes the mutant to smile wider as she nodded, which encouraged me to continue as I pointed at her with my hoof, saying "Pony," to received another nod in return. Pointing at the pink menace, I repeated again before pointing to myself and saying the word once more, which after that the purple mutant clapped her forehooves in joy.

The purple 'pony' began to rant in unrestrained excitement before I decided that I’d had enough as I stomped my hoof on the floor to get her attention, to which I then pointed a hoof at the nearby book then at her face, indicating what will happen if she got carried away again with her excitement. Unlike the previous times, though, I didn't take on a hostile expression due to being glad that I was able to stick a name to this species at last. Hopefully they also possess names for their races or subspecies or whatever they may refer to it on this world, though I didn't have high hopes for a name for the purple mutant pony's apparently obscure category. Giving me a timid smile, she proceeded to put the paper away as she drew out another one.

After the eighth picture and word, I finally had to tell the purple pony to stop, though it was through the repeating of the word no and eventually holding my head with my forehooves, which finally sent the message across to it. I was never one for memorizing words, and after adding food, sleep, bathroom, water, walk, good and bad to my pathetically tiny understanding of their vocabulary, I decided that enough was enough and that I would need time to memorize them all. Even though it took a couple hours for the lesson to be taught, the purple pony was apparently pleased at my results, for she still give me a smile and patted the top of my head with her hoof. That, or she was just pitying me and only did that to lift my spirits. I couldn't really tell yet with this mutated pony. On the other hand, the pink creature showed genuine joy at each success, though in her case I was starting to think that something wrong went on in her head due to her overall cheeriness that never seemed to end.

The purple mutant said something in what sounded to be a proud voice to the pink menace, as she levitated the the stack to the pink pony, who grabbed it with a hoof and... stuck it in her mane? Do these ponies actually carry stuff in their manes?

As I poked a hoof into my own mane, the pink pony said something in excitement to me as she bounced towards me. Catching sight of my action, she nudged me with a nose as she asked me something, apparently forgetting that I didn't had a chance of figuring out what she asked. Giving the pink pony my soon to be trademarked deadpan stare, I looked at the purple mutant, pointing at the pink pony's mane and mimicking its action of stashing the stack in her mane, only to receive a helpless shrug. Once again, that pink pony was a menace to logic, but considering my mutation theory, I just chalked it up as more radioactive side effects. Feeling the pink pony nudging me again, I turned to her as she said, "Walk," before heading towards the door. Hearing the purple pony say something, I turned to see her wave at us with a hoof, which I tentatively returned with one of my own, only for the pink pony to burst past me to wave both forehooves before returning to where she was. Honestly, I felt like someone was spiking her food with something, if she wasn't spiking it itself.

After following her out of the library, we went on our merry way- well, merry for her at least. It's rather hard to be merry when you only know ten words of the dominant language, you're completely dependent on others, stuck in the body of a female child, and have with a hyperactive pink pony as your caretaker. Oh, and beyond the sights, it was boring just following the pink pony. That was, until something zoomed by my head. For a moment, I swear I saw a faint rainbow right above my head, just five feet from it before it faded away, as I heard a raspy female voice ranged out nearby.

Turning my head at the source of the voice, I received the sight of a cyan winged female pony, and the even weirder sight of her mane. It was colored with all the colors of a rainbow, which in my opinion was inane for someone to have, but after thinking for a moment, I remembered where I was again. Though, if that mane was natural and not dyed, then my theory on this world being irradiated by something would be getting even more proof. As I was lost in thought, the pink pony said some reply to the winged pony, which caused her to frown in disappointment.

Turning towards me, the cyan pony said something that sounded like she had announced some sort of objective, or a boast to me, which the latter belief got further supported when she puffed out her chest like one would when being prideful. Knowing that it was just some sort of boast, I continued my flat stare, causing the pony to deflate after she noticed my stare. As my stare continued, the cyan pony began to get irritated before the pink menace stopped her rising anger when she said something to her. All the while, the menace bared a sheepish grin like she had done something wrong.

Rolling its eyes, the cyan pony said something to the pink pony in a chastising tone before dashing high into the sky, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. So that explained the rainbow I saw earlier, which put even more evidence on my radiation theory. As I kept my eyes on her, I saw her pulling off various aerial stunts. Great, a showoff, I thought to myself as I simply watched the show until the cyan pony returned to us, smacking a forehoof against her chest as she bragged about her stunt. To her dismay, I just kept on baring a bored expression, not impressed by the display. The cyan pony's jaw dropped, apparently unable to comprehend how I wasn't impressed, as I simply turned my head to the pink pony, who was getting nervous at the sight. Huh, didn't see that coming from her of all people-er, ponies.

"Walk," I simply said, prodding her with a hoof as the pink pony gave the cyan pony a sheepish smile again. Looking at the cyan pony, whose face was starting to redden from anger, I decided to diffuse things since it appeared that the two ponies were friends, and it may be best if I didn't antagonize anyone that I might end up seeing regularly. Sitting down to free up my forelegs, I simply shrugged with them while keeping a face that I hoped said 'Sorry, I just didn't like it,' as I hoped that the message I'm sending was seen in the same way in this world and didn't mean something horrible like 'may all your spawn have horrendous lives.'

Thankfully, the cyan pony understood my message as her face lost the redness while she said something that sounded like a smug challenge of sorts. Glad that this didn't turn into a massive mess, I gave the cyan pony a wave before turning back to my pink caretaker, only to see her giving me a smile that wasn't like her usual silly one, for this one had an implication of pride for someone else's actions.

Rolling my eyes at that, I simply said "Walk," to which the pink pony nodded to as she said her goodbyes to the cyan pony, before we continued our way again. Thinking that today was turning out well, I suddenly remembered that if we headed back to her home, I might’ve had to deal with the twins again, to which I thought Well.... shit, as I headed to what could’ve been my demise.

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