• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 27,978 Views, 1,819 Comments

Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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Interlude I: Disruptions

Data Log Recording: Star System 134 of Quadrant 6 of Dimension 62

Date of Log Entry: 572 A.V.I. Day 172 16:12

Life Scans of Planetary Bodies of Star System: Life Detected on Second Planet from Star

Observations of Life Detected: Sentient Life Observed. No Signs of Sapient Life detected.

All Present Minerals and Elements in Star System 134 Detected and Measured

Probe 42 Mission Status: Complete. Proceeding with Return to Station 17

Maralus Core Frequency Achieved. Opening Dimensional Rift to Dimension 4.

Dimensional Rift Open Successful. Entering Rift.

Rift Entrance Successful

Alert: Dimensional Anomaly Detected after 3 C.U.s in Dimensional Rift

Dimensional Rift Affected by Anomaly. Proceeding with Emergency Dimensional Exit.

Dimensional Rift Collapsing. Emergency Dimensional Exit failed due to Anomaly Interference.

Dimensional Rift Collapsed. Deposit in Unknown Location Eminent.

Scanning Current Location: Current Location in Atmosphere of Unknown Planetary Body

Detecting Unknown Energy Field in Current Location. Scanning Energy Pro- Systems Fail Detected.

Systems Shutting Down. Attempting System Re-

"Huzzah!!! We have vanquished the Cake of Utter Deliciousness!" Princess Luna cried, after eating the largest cake in the world.

"Luna, why couldn't I have a slice of the cake? You know how much I love cake," Princess Celestia whined, as she sat in the corner with a dunce cap on her head.

"Dear sister, thou know that thou is still grounded for thy previous actions from six weeks ago. Thou will not have cake till thou have truly learned thy lesson," Luna chastised her sister, who answered with a whiny whimper.

"Now it is time for our subjects to praise our glorious victory," Luna said as she leaned towards the nearest window, a hoof to her ear as she awaited for her expected cheers. However, instead of cheering, she instead heard cries of horror and ponies screaming in pain and suffering.

"What is the meaning of this? What hast thou done now sister?" Luna asked as she towards her sister, only to see that she had mysteriously disappeared. Tilting her head in confusion, she began to notice that the light in the room had been fading away till she was surrounded by utter darkness. "What trickery is this sister? We command thee to stop it at once."

No reply came to Luna's ears, though she suddenly felt the presence of something staring at her from behind her. Jerking her head to confront the presence, her eyes came to rest upon the sight of one massive grey eye, much larger than the alicorn before it, its reptilian pupil staring right at her, causing her to back away in shock.

"What is the meani- oh, we are dreaming, of course. Begone thou nightmarish beast!" Luna commanded, her horn glowing in her magic as she sent a ray of magic to the eye, expecting it to vanish when struck. However, when the ray hit the eye, instead of disappearing, the ray just glanced off the eye, leaving it utterly unfazed.

"What... how... how ca-" Luna stammered, until a monstrous howl roared into her ears, causing her to scream in fear.

It was afternoon as Celestia attended to her royal duties at the Day Court. Fortunately, the pressing matters that she had to attended to had been resolved. Unfortunately, she now had to listen to her nephew Prince Blueblood's latest foolish scheme as she wondered how her nephew still managed to hold onto his title. However, Blueblood's speech was abruptly stopped when a terror filled scream was heard.

"Luna!" Celestia cried as her horn alighted with her magic, as she quickly teleported to her sister's chambers. Upon her arrival, Celestia beheld the sight of her sister, gasping rapidly as her eyes darted around in fear. "Luna, what has happened‽"

Looking at her older sister, Luna's breathing slowed as she began to calm down. "I... we... we had a nightmare of sorts..."

As an expression of relief came onto Celestia's face, she approaches Luna's side as she said, "Oh thank the sun. For a moment I thought you were under attack. Amusing that the Princess of the Night was frightened by a nightmare," as she nuzzled her sister.

"Dear sister, for this was no ordinary nightmare, for we hath seen a creature that we hath never beheld before," Luna responded.

Tilting her head, Celestia replied, "Really, Luna? Are you sure that it wasn't just a figment of your imagination?"

"We are certain, for upon the sight of the horrendous beast, we recognized that we were in a dream, and used our magic to cast out the vile image. To our dismay however, our magic did not dispel the creature, and it was which at that moment we realized that it was not a nightmarish construct of our mind."

"This... this is troublesome to hear. If you couldn't dispel it from your dream... that means it could either be a projection of some kind... or a vision..." Celestia pondered. "Just what was the creature you saw?"

"We are not certain of the creature's full form, for we only saw its eye, which was massive in size, larger than us. The eye, however was completely grey, with a reptilian slit for its pupil. However, it roared like a beast that we hath never heard of. Regardless of what the foul creature was, either projection or vision, we hath believed that... it does not hold good intentions towards us."

"What do you mean?"

"Dear sister, before our dream was shattered, we felt a presence from the creature, an emotion. The emotion the creature projected... it was of pure hate."

Meanwhile, as the two rulers discussed the implications of Luna's nightmare, the party being held in Sugarcube Corner has drawn to a close as ponies began to leave to make their way to their homes as the sun began to approach the edge of the horizon. As the last guests began to say their goodbyes, an explosion was heard, shocking the residents of Ponyville. Some ponies looked to the sky. They could see a cloud of dark smoke in the sky, right over the nearby forest known as White Tail Woods. Most other ponies, as typical of a resident of Ponyville, scattered in a panic, heading to their homes to board up their doors and windows. For those that saw the cloud of smoke, they beheld the sight of many objects falling out of the cloud, leaving billowing tails of smoke in their wake as they crashed into the woods below.

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