• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 27,982 Views, 1,819 Comments

Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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So it was just the two princesses, Discord and me sitting there in the forest as I rubbed my forehead anticipating another potential headache. However, before silence could truly settle, Celestia broke it as she asked, "Do you really think Equus could be invaded still?"

"...Probably. It really depends on the species that manages to establish some form of contact with this world. There are some friendly species or groups out there, but there are a lot more hostile groups or just groups that want to take advantage of anything," I answered.

The two princesses looked at each other in concern before Luna spoke what they had on their minds. "Doest thou have any recommendations on this matter?"

"Unless you have some way of making it so that the nothing can come here, best I can offer is have some ponies ready for... well anything truth be told."

"We have the Royal Guard, would not they suffice?"

"Hardly by the looks of them. Sure you have magic, but unless every member of the guard can cast spells like you two, I doubt they would last long against... anything I have seen to be honest."

"...Discord, dost thou hath anything to aid us in this matter?"

"Sorry Luna dear, but I simply can't do anything to prevent anything interdimensional from coming over," Discord answered. "Besides, that would be preventing chaos, and don't you two give me that look. I'm not going to bring anything over, nor will I stand back if something comes over that could do some serious harm. Can't have fun in Equestria if there isn't an Equestria in the first place. Now that I'm not needed here, I'm off to have some fun. But here's a little gift from me to you Aether." Discord snapped his fingers, disappearing as something suddenly blocked my vision.

"...What did he put on me this time?" I asked.

"...A giant costume head that... resembles you," Celestia answered. Taking it off, I saw that it was indeed a costume head version of my own, though its eyes... are ridiculously large spheres that stick out of the head in a slightly disturbing way. I then notice that it wasn't the only thing Discord left for me, for there was a matching body costume for the head, scores of figurines in one pile, stacks of shirts that had my face on them, and a fifteen foot tall statue of me with a deadpan look on my face.

"This has to be some kind of sick joke," I finally said after staring at all the stuff for a minute.

"I take it you're not one for glory."

"Nope. Seeking glory is something that would only do more harm than good in the long run, in my point of view at least."

"...Aether, while I assured you that nopony will expect you to d—"

"Just say what you want and I'll give you my answer," I dryly cut in, giving Celestia a flat look as I waited for her to get to the point.

"Very well, based on what you have told us, I believe that I will take you up on your advice on forming a team devoted to handling any future dimensional issues. Since you're the only pony on Equus that has any experience in interdimensional matters, I wanted to ask you if you would train this team."

"...I have the body of a filly, Princess; do you really think anypony would take me seriously enough to be trained by me?"

"That wouldn't be a problem, the Royal Guard will fol—"

"Having the Royal Guard being trained for this role is a horrible idea," I cut in.

"What dost thou mean?" Luna asked.

"Simple, their original training would be too ingrained into their minds that it may cause them to jump back into old habits that won't suit that role. Your Royal Guard follows some structured system, but to prepare for what may come, you have to toss any structure out the window. My former line of work relies on adaptability," I explained.

"I see, so we have to have fresh recruits for this team that Equestria needs. As to your physical state, we can assign a Royal Guard to enforce your decisions," Celestia replied.

"That's assuming I take the position, which I haven't."

"I see, how unfortunate. I suppose we'll have to do with an open minded commander from the Royal Guard. Though I wonder how they will utilize the Maralus core," Celestia said as she averted her eyes away from me.

"...Are you trying to trick me?" I asked as I gave her an irritated look.

"Hmm? I have no idea what you mean. I'm just looking out for my ponies," Celestia answered in a tone that spoke of false innocence.

Scowling, Aether said, "That's not going to work on me, many ponies from where I come from often try to trick others to get what they want. So drop the act already, cause I'm not going to fall for it."

Sighing, Celestia replied, "For one as young as yourself, you show wisdom beyond even the years of an adult. Is there anything I can do to convince you to further aid us?"

Tapping a hoof against my chin, I decided to weigh the outcomes. First case would be if I accepted the position, I would have to endure trying to train peaceful ponies into agents that wouldn't fall apart at any scenario. That, however, would be a miracle based on the stories of how many times Ponyville was sent into a panic. Second case would have some inexperienced fool train a team that would most likely get slaughtered, as well as possibly open a dimensional rift in a fashion that probably would doom this world. ...Buck, I have no choice but to do this after all. Though... I could set things up in my favor still...

"Fine, but only if we do this under conditions set up by me," I answered.

Celestia smiled before she said, "As long as they are reasonable. I know how young foals like yourself can be with their demands."

After giving her a short glare, I replied, "First, the training of the team has to be done in Ponyville."

"In Ponyville? We know that thou are attached to thy family and friends, but we could simply have a chariot pick thou up for the training sessions in Cantorlot. There exists a training academy for the Royal Guard that can be used for the training of this.... team," Luna responded.

"While I would like to stay close to my family and friends, it's more of the matter that this academy is designed for training guards, not ponies that would be following my line of work. This forest would serve as a useful training grounds, and since Ponyville is nearby it makes it a more suitable location. Furthermore, they will be going into the Everfree forest frequently after they have some training. From the stories I heard about that place, it would be the closest to matching the kind of stuff we should expect in other dimensions. This would help me ensure that they get the best training they could receive."

"That is a thoughtful and understandable request, are there any others?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, I would prefer to have volunteers for this team you want to form but they have to be young adults, like one would expect for recruits. No experienced adventurers who think they can handle anything, they would just be the same kind of problem as a trained Royal Guard would be. Furthermore, while I promise that whatever I do for my training will not cause any serious harm to anypony unless they caused it themselves, I want to be able to not have any outside forces manipulate my training methods. If I'm going to train anypony, I'm going to give them the most realistic scenarios I can to make sure I get rid of any ponies that wouldn't make it in the real deal."

"Once again, I can't find any fault in your request. Is that all?"

"Just one more thing, I want Luna to throw that statue of me at you."

This caused the two princesses to blink at my request as Luna said, "What."

"This is not a childish request, it's both the means of venting out my rage for you Princess Celestia as well as an effective means of teaching you a lesson of not messing around with alternative dimensions," I calmly said as I kept a straight face.

"No," Luna deadpanned, causing me to give her a shrug.

"It was worth a try. Though I wonder, why haven't you made any requests on me revealing all my knowledge of the other dimensions and stuff related to that?" I asked as I looked at Celestia.

"Cause there's no need. Twilight will naturally want to be the one to first learn all the information you possess, and she would pass all that to me," Celestia said with a smile that nearly looked like a smirk to me. Regardless, her words had truth to them that caused me to pale under the thought of what Twilight would do when she finally had the opportunity to question me.


Author's Note:

Sequel here: Astral Aegis

Comments ( 194 )

Thank you for the wonderful story.

Yay! Congrats on finishing the story, I can't wait for the sequel!!!

Question are you planning anything new in the future?

Well, I stuck around through the whole thing hoping for any sign of the main character not being an incredibly blatant Mary Sue. Since that didn't happen, I won't be looking out for the sequel.

LOL Poor Aether, subjected to the Twilight Study/question session.

I can almost picture her deadpan look in the form of a statue xD

I look forward to seeing Aether's next adventure when you decide to return to her escapades.

Now I'm seeing her making treats with Pinkie, and comfortable around the twins.

If I were Aether and I got stuck with Pinkie, I would prioritize finding a way to kill myself


"Mary Sue" today has changed from its original meaning and now carries a generalized, although not universal, connotation of wish-fulfillment and is commonly associated with self-insertion. True self-insertion is a literal and generally undisguised representation of the author; most characters described as "Mary Sues" are not, though they are often called "proxies" for the author. The negative connotation comes from this "wish-fulfillment" implication: the "Mary Sue" is judged as a poorly developed character, too perfect and lacking in realism to be interesting.


...Why did you think you'd find much different than what you see here?

Buck....i thought Aether would just go, till Celestia was getting hit by the statue, and even if i really hoped it would happen, i start to think, that it won´t happen for a while, so you can suprise us somehow.

Sometimes i don´t like it if Celestia get´s her way, but this time it is a harmless thought. I guess i just want to see her getting hit:scootangel:
Does anyone knows about a Fire Emblem X MLP story here?

So... Need any OC volunteers?

Is the sequel going to be a time-skip, or just a continuation?

6152432 The story is now set as "Complete." I don't know if it will have a sequel or something, but I think it's best to wait for the author to explain.

On another note... The Author's note is empty.

that was the point of asking, if the author intended to write a sequel and needed OC's for that story I just wanted to offer to help. Since everyone is asking for a sequel I figured instead of asking I'd offer my OC and any assistance I am able.

If the author didn't then the answer would be No.

6152492 Ah, I enjoy to lend out a few of my OC's as well. My main ones being Complete Control and Cloud Skater. They are the ones who have the most completed personalities and most balanced talents.

I love making OCs, my two personal favorites are Daylight Shadow and Thunder Aegis, both are combat unicorn with malleable back stories. I just figured I'd toss the idea out there and see what sticks.

Equestria: Awakening

it's a crossover with Fire Emblem Awakening
i think that might interest you:twilightsmile:

If he doesn't write one that would be one hell of a cliff hanger. :moustache: Stay classy

6152576 :rainbowderp: *points to the right where the column of stories is*

Standard Yay, Standard Neigh at a decent story ending.

This place gets more normal all the time, for a given value of normal. I mean, how do you train for all teh wide variations of realities accross dimentions? Lets all go for a camp out in the Everfree. First one to get back with all their limbs intact pays for icecream for those who manage to live.

I mean, given an Ursa Major, what class equivalent is that, and what class would a group of 4,6,10 have to survive to run away, to beat it?

Was really hoping the statue of Aether was gold, gold foil covered chocolate, filled with raspberry. :trollestia:

Everyone the sequel is out! :pinkiehappy:

I still don't get how people think that a character that develops as things go along or have some background skills are Mary Sue. Like every character has to be a bumbling f**ktard to be not a Mary Sue nowadays. Still I love all of Aether's request. Too bad Luna didn't throw the statue.

Don't like Twilight's antics? Simple way to resolve the issue, continue to throw books at her. Or set them on fire. Or throw flaming books at her.

I loved this story! Please tell me there is a sequel! I'd love to see how Aether trains the ponies... Ensue the hilarity :rainbowlaugh:

6152584 Well then there it is, thanks for pointing that out! :moustache: Unlike me stay informed and stay classy

Throughout all of this, I have read aether's voice as a very heavy, male Russian accent and I have no idea why :applejackunsure:

i really enjoyed this story and im looking forward to more
and here is a nose boop for a good story


Nice chapter. Wrapped up everything and prepped for a sequel very well.

Of course it would have been hilarious if Luna actually did throw that statue. :rainbowlaugh:

Okay. Preparing for the sequel.
I'm ready.


Kinda wanting to see how all the others respond to her being an alien... We haven't seen her talk to the CMC, Pinkie, or Twilight about this yet...


Ah buck indeed.

An awesome story well done, nice job on this man!
It was awesome, funny, and full of epicsaucy mcgoodness! :D

Awesome job, and nice work!

6154054 Oh ok thx for letting know.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Now it is time for the highly anticipated sequel. Can't wait. :pinkiehappy:

I think Aether is gonna find someway to get that statue thrown, in the sequel.

xoid #44 · Jul 1st, 2015 · · 1 ·

"Doest thou have any recommendations on this matter?"


"What doest thou mean?" Luna asked.



> Æther is not a self‐insert
> Æther is somewhat competent
> “Blatant Mary Sue!”

:facehoof: Jesus Fuck you’re an imbecile.

I DID IT! *passes out*
No seriously, it's about 1 in the morning.

It was a long time ago a story glued me in front of the screen...

Now, i just need to favorite the sequel to stay updated!


Thank you ^^

I have a giant stack of cookies Imma eat while I read this. NOBODY STEAL MAH COOKIES OR I WILL 360 NOSCOPE YOU TO HELL AND SHOV- gah, just don't steal my cookies.

6154651 It happens, I think some people get confused when an OC acts competent. It's so rare, and granted there is a fine line between understanding a situation your familiar with and being able to react perfectly to every situation, that some people confuse competence with Mary/Gary Sue-ification. I've had several people accuse my Main character of being a Gary, but most people don't seem to agree.

Silvak, that was great. It's always a treat to read a story that's as original as this one was. I loved Aether's lack of issue with throwing physical abuse at Celestia, even though I'm not certain it accomplished anything besides shock the ponies around her. As I think I've said before, it reminds me of the first time I read BronyWriter's TD stories.

With all of the ‘quiet dignity and grace’ that I can muster, I walk up to Celestia and punch her in the face.

That entire ending sequence was one hell of a rush job. After nearly fifty chapters of slice-of-life stuff that had nothing to do with any of this, suddenly flipping to violent conflict and then resolving it within the span of a bare few chapters was just an awful decision. Sorry, had to be said.

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