• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 27,978 Views, 1,819 Comments

Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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Chapter XXXIV: Colts

After the little incident with Discord, the day passed by smoothly, though Discord left a parting present of a chocolate cake, albeit a stale one that appeared above my head. A low blow to taunt my weight problem with the inedible cake. One bath later and I eventually made my way home for dinner and bedtime, after figuring a few more pages from Twilight's research.

The next day started out well, barring another stare down with Diamond Tiara. That little brat really needs to be knocked down a peg or two, and while I was tempted to do it myself, I withheld pounding her face into the dirt with my hoof, if only to avoid getting in trouble and having to deal with an angry, or sad (don't know which one would occur), Pinkie Pie. Though I still wish Diamond would one day hit me first... that would be a good day no matter what happens.

At the end of class, after saying my goodbyes to the Crusaders as they have to go home due to being grounded still, I made my way to the library till a certain pair of colts decided to follow me... grand. Stopping in my tracks, I gave them both a flat stare as I said, "What do you two want now."

Stopping in their tracks only to stumble down and fall over each other, I watched as the duo get back on their hooves as Snails asked, "What do you mean?"

Facehoofing, I said, "I still remember what you two tried at the party. So I ask again, what do you two want now?" before dragging my hoof down my face.

"What do you mean tried? We just wanted to play with you," Snips said, though by the sweat on his face said otherwise.

Rolling my eyes, I looked at Snails as I said, "Is that true Snails? There was not anything else with it?"

Shifting his eyes between Snips, who was pulling his hoof over his throat over and over as a message to keep silent (which is pretty stupid since I was standing right there), and me, where I was giving him my flat stare, he finally broke. "No, we just... like you. We don't know why!"

As Snips facehoofed as both his face and Snail's start to redden, I just turned around as I release a frustrated sigh. "Figures you two would have feelings. Do any other colts have feelings for me?" I asked as I gave them both a sicken look.

Apparently Snails doesn't know when to stop as he said, "Well, there are a few other co-" before Snips stuck a hoof into Snail's mouth.

"No one! No one likes you! I don't like you! I mean- er..." Snips said, his eyes darting left to right as he tried to figure out what to say.

Facehoofing again, I said, "Sweet Celestia, what do you two take me for, a empty headed fool?" Taking a deep breath, I continued. "Look, you two, I will not be interested in either of you, or any other colts that may be interested in me. So if there is some sort of thing being spread around that involves me-" to which I hope to Celestia isn't happening "-I am not interested in colts, or dating colts, or any 'personal' time with colts. Understand?"

The two of them looked at me dumbfounded for a moment that I thought that what I just said flew over their heads, until Snails said, "Oh... so you like fillies then, that explains it."

"Wait what? I did no-"

"You're right Snails! That makes a lot of sense. No wonder Aether doesn't want to hang with us but plays with the Crusaders so much," Snips replied.

"What? That has nothing to do wi-"

"We got to tell the others about this!" Snails said, to which Snips nodded to before the duo ran off.

"Wait! I did not say- gah! Fucking dumbasses!" I said, reverting to my native tongue for the last two words. Shaking my head at them, I knew that whatever those two are going to do, it was only gonna cause me more headaches in the long run. The only bright side to the situation was that it would help keep some colts off my back, though I really didn’t want to know how many fillies may start to see me as being on the market.

"Ready, Aether?" Twilight asked.

"How can a pony that is not a pegasus be ready for this?" I replied as I stood on a chair, staring at a cloud that Twilight brought in. Twilight said that while the cloud-walking spell may be a bit unusual for a filly to learn, she had started to think that magic was involved with my special talent. I, on the other hoof, believed it was more of ponies being too narrow-minded in their capabilities based on their cutie marks. "Is there any way I could have cast the spell wrong and this ends bad?"

"Don't be silly, a simple magic spell can't go horribly wrong."

"Then what do you call the 'Smarty Pants' issue then?" I countered.

"...The Crusaders told you about that, didn't they?"

Mimicking Apple Bloom's older brother, I replied, "Eeyup."

"Just jump already," Twilight deadpanned.

Chuckling at Twilight's discomfort, I made my jump. Guess I hadn't followed Twilight's example in magic as I landed on the cloud. "Guess it worked after all," I said as I poked at the cloud with my hoof, seeing the cloud shift from the poking.

"Of course it worked. You're a natural at magic Aether, so stop doubting yourself," Twilight said with a smile.

"Better caution than cockiness, though I wonder why Sweetie Belle can not do as much magic as I can," I said as I rubbed a hoof against my chin.

"That's because she's a few years younger than you. You may even be the oldest foal in your class."

"Well, geez Twilight, thank you for reminding me how far behind I am then," I said in a deadpan tone.

"I didn't mean it that way! Remember your mathema-" Twilight stammered.

"Just messing with you there," I said as I laughed at Twilight, who's face reddened at the little prank, until she smirked at me.

"Seems like you're growing to be more and more like Pinkie as time passes, Aether," Twilight said in a smug tone. This caused me to freeze for a moment, before I mentally shrugged it off as I thought to myself, Eh, why keep fighting it? It'll probably only make it worse for me in the long run. Though... I could use this little comeback against Twilight.

Looking at Twilight, I gave her the widest grin I could muster, which caused her to rear her head in surprise. "Oh really? Does that mean I will get Pinkie sense too?" After seeing Pinkie's natural defiance of the laws of reality, learning about her Pinkie Sense wasn't as bad, though it does cause me headaches from time to time on her more outrageous predictions. "Or do the things that only Pinkie can do?" I said, causing Twilight's eyes to widen at the horror of a foal becoming just like Pinkie. Though I have to admit two Pinkie Pies wouldn't end well in both the short and long term.

Shaking her head, Twilight said, "What? No, you can't develop Pinkie Sense, nor do what she can... hopefully..." Breaking my grin, I started to laugh to at her, causing her to frown and furrow her brow into an expression of annoyance, until I suddenly fell out of the cloud. Though I landed on my bottom safely since the cloud was barely above the ground which left my head in the middle of it, I still yelped in surprise from the unexpected fall.

As I batted the cloud away from my face, not only did I hear Twilight trying to stifle a laugh at my expense, but I also heard Spike laughing from nearby. Letting out a sigh, I let him had his mirth, since I already had a lot of my own at Twilight's expense. After the laughter died down, I asked, "Was the spell suppose to last that long?"

"It only lasted that long since it was your first time. A more experienced unicorn would be able to cast the spell to have a much longer duration," Twilight answered as Spike approached her with a scroll in his hand.

"Hey, Twilight! You got another letter from the Princess," Spike said as he held out the letter.

"Oh... well, excuse me, Aether, I need to attend to Princess Celestia’s letter. Do you mind keeping Aether company in the meantime Spike?" Twilight asked as she took the scroll with her magic.

"Sure, I can hang with her for a moment," Spike said with a shrug. Twilight smiled, and said her thanks to him, before heading upstairs. Looking at me, Spike said, "While you falling through the cloud like that was funny, you are getting pretty good at magic Aether."

Tilting my head at him, I said, "Um... thank you? But please do not start thinking I am some sort of magic prodigy like Twilight does."

"Huh? What's wrong with Twilight thinking you could be?"

"Well... while it is nice to think that I could be one, that would also put bigger expectations on me. I would just rather think that just my way of looking at things is what is giving me an edge."

"Your way of looking at things? What do you mean by that?"

"Yeah, maybe... I can not be sure on that though. It is just an assumption, since it may be possible for other unicorn fillies to be as good as I am. Though I think their obsession with their Cutie Marks may be what is hampering their ability to perform more magic."

Blinking in surprise, Spike said, "It sounds like you don't care about Cutie Marks that much. Which is weird since you're part of the Crusaders."

"Oh no, it is not like that. I just think that one should not put all their focus on finding their Cutie Mark and becoming what it tells them to be. I rather just stay open-minded. While I know that when I get my Cutie Mark, it will help me find out what I can be best in, I rather not just stick to that path and not try new things. The Crusaders are like that in a way though, trying as many new things as they can, though it is all for their hunt of their Cutie Marks, for the most part."

"Ah, I get what you mean. Like when that explosion happened over a month ago, I thought aliens were invading but Twilight thought that couldn't happen."

Rubbing my chin, I thought to myself, Twilight is sort of right, but I hope that your beliefs never become true, Spike. "You could be right, but since we all only have... err... broken parts of whatever came down, who can say what really occurred?" I said, as I made a mental note to find out what their word for wreckage is. "Though I honestly hope you are wrong."

Looking downcast, Spike asked, "Why do you want me to be wrong?"

"Spike... do you really want to be right about aliens invading?"

Spike opened his mouth before closing it for a moment until he scratched the back of his head as he replied, "I guess you have a point there... heh heh... though there is one thing about you that is a bit off."

"What about me is bothering you?"

"Well, you're getting pretty good at Equestrian, but even though you know words like 'assumption' and 'hampering', you still don't say words like 'don't', or 'can't'. What's up with that?" Spike asked.

"Err... well... you actually have a good point there. I just think it is part of the translation in my head still. It is easier for more singular words and past tense, but I have language issues with combining two words together. Though, you are right, I really need to get working on that soon," I replied.

It wasn't long afterwards for Twilight to return, at which point I said my goodbyes to Spike as I returned to my magic practice while he went out to pay a visit to Rarity. Before too long, it was approaching dinner time. I gave Twilight my farewell before returning home, where I had dinner with the rest of... well, my new family, I guess. While I did tell Pinkie about how my day went, I chose to withhold the little situation with Snails and Snips, for I felt it would be better if I fixed that mess alone. Hopefully it won’t blow out of proportion and result in every filly in town hitting on me...

...Why in sweet Celestia did I had to think about that... damn it all.

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