• Published 22nd Mar 2015
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Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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Chapter XXXV: Dirt

Today is the day to figure out just how much damage these two idiots can do, I thought to myself as I made my way to school. While this situation may lead to me not having any more colts after my tail, if ponies are open minded about relationships and considering that there are a lot more fillies in class than colts... this may only end up becoming worse for me. Though, after Twilight's comment on my age comparison to Sweetie Belle, I was wondering if I was just the unlucky filly to be hitting that particular stage in life where colts, and maybe other fillies, began to feel attraction towards me due to age. Regardless, I finally arrived at the school, as I looked around to see how my fellow classmates were reacting, they finally noticed me.

As expected, some of them were giving me odd looks, which told me that the duo succeeded in getting the word out, as even some fillies gave me a glance before returning to their business. Before I could take any action, the Crusaders trotted over to me, looks of suspicion plastered on their faces. Once they were within range, I opened my mouth just as Scootaloo began to open hers, but I still beat her to the punch as I said, "What did you hear?"

"Huh?" Scootaloo said, caught off guard by my sudden question.

Sighing, I said, "I figure that you three heard something from somepony about me. So what did you hear?"

Sweetie Belle caught onto what I was saying as she said, "Well... we heard that you don't like colts and instead you like fillies only."

"We also heard that you only joined our club because we're fillies," Apple Bloom said as she did her best to give me a serious face.

Shaking my head, I asked, "Do you three really believe in these rumors? Do you even know where they came from?"

Blinking in unison, the trio look among themselves till Sweetie Belle said, "Well... we doubt it, but since you don't smile, or laugh much... we just wondered if they're true."

"Wait, does anypony know who started this rumor?" Scootaloo asked the other two, who only shook their heads.

"It was Snips and Snails that started this," I bluntly answered.

This got them to give out a unified 'oh' before Scootaloo said, "I should have known that this was all fake."

"But why would just two be goin' around tellin' these rumors about Aether?" Apple Bloom replied.

Sighing once more, I said, "Cause I told them I was not interested in colts, and they then assumed that it meant that I was interested in fillies instead."

"Wait, you're really not interested in colts?" Sweetie Belle asked, only for the other two to look at her with incredulous looks. "What?"

"That's just... ew," Scootaloo said, as Apple Bloom nodded in agreement.

After a moment passed, Sweetie Belle blushed as she said, "I didn't mean it that way! I... maybe when we're older like Aether-"

"Wait, what makes you think that I may be older than you three? I do not recall telling either one of you my age," I asked.

After looking at each other, Apple Bloom said, "Well, it's easy Aether. You're taller than us."


"Yeah, like, I think an inch or so, you didn't notice?" Sweetie asked.

"No... though it was more cause I was always the short one where I came from," I replied, though in reality it was more due living in a city where everyone else is of a different species that happened to be taller than your own.

"What I wonder is why you told Snips and Snails that yo... oh..." Sweetie replied as she began to smile, causing the other two to look at her in confusion before they took on expressions of comprehension that soon changed to wild grins.

"Those two were the colts that liked you, weren't they?" Scootaloo stated, only for me to put my face into my hooves as I groaned.

"Are you three really going to tease me now? Do I not have enough problem already thanks to those two?" I whined.

"Aether is right. I don't think we should be addin' more trouble," Apple Bloom said as she came to my defense. The other two lowered their ears, as they just realized just how much trouble I have to go through just to dispel the rumors. Before anyone could say a thing, the school bell rang out and we headed inside. However, I saw Diamond Tiara getting in before us, but not before turning her head to give me that evil little smug smirk of hers.

...Yup, things have certainly gone to shit now.

After the morning portion of the lesson, during which I saw the idiot duo give me a wave with proud grins on their faces, which I wiped off their faces with a glower, Cheerilee let us out for recess. As I made my way outside, Snips and Snails suddenly came to me as Snails said, "Hey, Aether, we got the word out that you only like fillies."

Facehoofing, I said, "I never said that, I just said I am not interested in colts."

"Wait, I thought you told us that you liked fillies?" Snips asked, only for me to give him a look that said 'Are you kidding me?'

"...No, you two came to that idea yourselves, and now you got everyone to think that I hang out with the Crusaders for that reason alone. Which, before you say anything on that, I hang out with them because we are friends. Got it?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh... wait... does that mean we messed up?" Snails asked, which caused me to ground my teeth for a moment.

"Yes, you messed up, maybe big time," I answered. At this point, I decided that I would rather deal with Discord for a hour than talk to these two for five minutes... maybe.

Lowing their ears, they both said 'sorry' before Snips went on to say, "We'll help yo-"

"No, I do not need anymore help, I will just deal with this myself, okay?" I said, interrupting Snips before he get anymore 'bright' ideas. "Just do not spread any more stuff about me and I will not be angry at you two anymore, okay?" I asked. While I was tempted to harm them, they were just bumbling idiots that thought they were helping, so they didn't truly deserve my wrath. After receiving some nods from them, I made my way outside to the playground, only to find that both Diamond Tiara and her lackey were waiting at the sides of the entrance for me.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A blank flank that hangs with other blank flank fillies just so that she can kiss them all day long."

"Shoo brat, I do not have time for you," I said as I walked past her.

"Hey, don't you dare call me that! You're the brat here!" Diamond retorted, though I ignored her as I continued to make my way to the rest of the class. After a bit, Diamond then said, "Hmph, maybe that is why you were abandoned by your parents. You must have been spending too much time trying to get kisses from fillies all day."

Okay, I'm sick of this orphan crap! I thought to myself as I turned towards Diamond, who gave me a smug grin as she realized that she had gotten underneath my skin. "You stupid little snob! Do you not have anything better to do than to bully on other ponies? Or is it because your Cutie Mark, which is just a diamond tiara, says that your special talent is wearing a diamond tiara and nothing more?"

"Hey! How da-" Diamond started to say as her face redden with rage.

"Maybe you only bully us Crusaders cause you have no real talent besides just sitting there looking rich and pretty with your stupid tiara! Are you still proud of a Cutie Mark that is just your name? Just how original is that? Do not answer, cause I will tell you the right answer, it is original as dirt! So how about you take your empty head a-" THWACK!

A unified gasp rang out from all the ponies in the playground as they saw Diamond slap my face with her hoof. I just blinked in shock, not saying a thing due to the unexpected pain. Diamond, however, began to smirk as she said, "What's wrong now? Got no more stupid words to say? Are you going to c-"

"You slapped me..." I said, interrupting her as a grin started to appear on my muzzle.

"Huh?" Diamond replied as she became confused from my expression.

"You slapped me..." I repeated, my grin now so wide and manic that it might remind the other foals of Pinkie, if she went violently homicidal.

"Why are you smi-" Diamond tried to say before I slammed a hoof on the bottom of her jaw, knocking her head back as her tiara was sent flying off her head. As the foals tried to let out another gasp of surprise, I jumped at Diamond, knocking her to the ground as I used my right foreleg to put her in a headlock.

"You like spitting so much dirt at other ponies, how about I help you out by giving your mouth more dirt!" I yelled as I slammed her face into the dirt, all the while her lackey could only sit there, dumbstruck by what just conspired. Diamond finally shook off the shock of my attack as she fruitlessly tried to pry my grip off her neck. I just responded by punching her in the gut with my left hoof. "Like the taste of dirt? Cause you seem to enjoy spitting so much of it out at us!"

It felt like hours as I rubbed her face into the dirt as I pounded on her gut, as I used my weight to keep it there regardless of her frantic attempts to stop me. Sadly, it probably only lasted a minute as I suddenly felt a pair of hooves try to pry me off of Diamond, which only caused the both of us to be lifted into the air as I didn't release my hold that is now choking her.

"Let go of her, Aether!" a familiar voice said, causing me to lose my grip as I began to realize that Cheerilee was the one holding on to me. Diamond landed on her rump after I let her go, at which point her friend finally came over to her aid. Putting me down on the ground, Cheerilee looked at me with a face full of rage as she asked, "What in sweet Celestia possessed you to attack Diamond?"

Before Silver Spoon (I learned her name a long time ago, but as long as she hung around with the brat, I prefer to simply refer to her as a lackey) could say a thing, the Crusaders ran over as Sweetie said, "Diamond started it! She slapped Aether right in front of the whole class!"

"No, Aether started it! She was insulting me!" Diamond yelled before spitting out some dirt, glaring at me with hatred in her eyes as I glared back at her with my own hatred.

"It's true, ask the class!" the lackey said.

"That's only after Diamond insulted her first and talked about her parents abandoning her!" Scootaloo said, her wings flared in anger as she stared at the two brats with her own rage.

"Enough! Diamond Tiara, you're going to be staying in my office. Aether Aura, you're staying in the classroom! Both of you will remain there as I get your pa- guardians. Understood?"

The two of us only glared at each other before we both said, "Yes Miss Cheerilee," though I said it before Diamond did. As we were herded to said rooms, we continued to glare at each other, though it was obvious that I won that little bout of ours since Diamond's face was still covered with dirt. Before we finally lost sight of each other, I gave her a little smirk that only cause her to shake with even more rage. As I sat down on my seat in the classroom, rubbing a hoof against the spot where Diamond slapped me, I could only think of one thing at the moment, regardless of future consequences.

...That was so worth it.

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