• Published 22nd Mar 2015
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Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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Chapter XXXVII: Siblings

Looking at the two older siblings and Rainbow Dash, I gulped at the thought of how I was going to handle three angry mares at once. Whispering to Sweetie Belle from the corner of my mouth as I angled my head to hide it, I asked, "Did any of you talk to them?"

Letting out a short giggle, Sweetie Belle said, "We didn't have the time... and when we saw them coming they were mad already."

Groaning to myself, I look at the approaching adults to see their faces. Rainbow's face was the angriest of them all, though I already knew that it was mostly due to having the least amount of self-control compared to her peers. Applejack's face was locked into a bit of a scowl, her eyes projecting anger, but not rage, which meant that she may still be reasonable. Rarity, on the other hoof, just had a frown on her face, though her eyes had the look of someone who was annoyed. As the three came upon us, Rainbow was about to open her mouth before Rarity stick out a hoof in front of her face.

"Please Rainbow, like I said before, it may be best if we get Aether's side of the story," Rarity said.

"I know what you're feelin' Dash, but Rarity has a point. I'm plum angry about what I heard too, but it'll be best if we let her explain... this," Applejack, said, causing Rainbow to shut her mouth, but not without mumbling something to herself.

As the trio turned their attention towards me, Rarity open her mouth to say something, yet I decided to follow her earlier example as I said, "I can guess why you three are here, but let me say this then first. Most of what you heard is false."

Cocking an eyebrow, Rarity said, "Oh? So you didn't participate in a brutish fight?"

Blinking at that question, I thought to myself, Okay... news certainly travels fast here. "No... that is true, what else have you heard?"

Before Rarity could continue, Rainbow flew up to my face as she said, "How about the fact that you're only into fillies and that is why you're hanging with the Crusaders!"

"Rainbow! I thought you were going to restrain yourself," Rarity admonished as Applejack bit down on the tip of Rainbow's tail before dragging her away from me.

During all that, I could only facehoof and groan to myself. "So you three... really think I would just play with my friends only for a kiss session?" Beside me, I could hear the Crusaders making various signs of disgust, with even Scootaloo gagging a bit.

"Well, you do have those per-" Rainbow started to say before Applejack and Rarity slammed a hoof over her mouth as they smiled widely at us, while I just facehoofed with the other hoof, covering my face with both of them as I released an even louder moan.

"Hey, why did you stop Rainbow from telling us what Aether has?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Pulling down my hooves from my face, I said to Rainbow, "Nice job there Rainbow." Turning my attention to Sweetie, I replied, "Do not ask Sweetie Belle, it is something related to my parents." Eyes widening, I saw Sweetie nodding her head, the other two nodding as well when I laid my eyes upon them.

"So... was what Rainbow said true, Aether?" Applejack asked, her fury less directed at me and more at Rainbow as she let go of her tail, but not without shooting her a look.

"That is the one thing that is false. The Crusaders are my friends, and I do not think of them in that... way," I answered before I grimaced, sticking out a tongue at the idea. "Honestly, why did you three actually thought that about me? You really should not let... what is that word..."

"Rumors?" Sweetie supplied for me.

"...Yeah... rumors. Thanks Sweetie," I said as I looked at the three mares. Their anger soon faded into embarrassment, Applejack circling a hoof against the ground as Rainbow looked to the side, blushing a bit from her now pointless rage.

"Well, dear, that is a relief. Though I have to ask, what caused those rumors to surface in the first place?" Rarity asked.

"Do you three happen to know the colts called Snips and Snails?"

"Pfft, of course we know them. Hard to forget that they led an Ursa Minor to Ponyville when Trixie first came here," Rainbow answered. "Wait... they were the ones who started those rumors?"

After giving Rainbow a nod, Rarity asked, "I know those two have a penchant for... not thinking things through properly, but what would possess them to come up with such an idea?"

"It was from me telling them that I am not interested in colts. Somehow they came to those ideas and ran off to tell everypony before I could do a thing. I thought other ponies would know better to believe them... but it seems like I was wrong about that," I said dryly. "So where did you three heard about this?"

"Well, I heard it from Carrot Top while I was settin' up my apple stand."

"Heard it from another member of the weather team."

"I overheard somepony talking about it while I was out getting groceries."

"So... that means the entire town has heard this rumor..." I said in an exasperated tone. Dropping my heads into my hooves, I continued, "I can not believe that those two could cause that much damage so quickly."

"Now don't you worry about that. We'll get the word out about that rumor bein' false," Applejack declared.

"Indeed. It is my duty as a fair citizen of Ponyville to dispel that horrid rumor," Rarity said.

The two mares then looked up at Rainbow, who was tapping a hoof against her chin. A short moment passed before Rainbow said, "Here's something I don't get, why would you tell those two that... oh..." before her muzzle split into a wide grin.

As Rainbow started to open her mouth, I decided to cut her fun short as I said, "Say it and I will start saying the stuff that you three do not want me saying, ever," as I pointed a hoof at the Crusaders. This caused Rainbow to go wide-eyed at my implications as she shut her mouth, though I could still hear her muttering to herself.

"What? Stuff we can't hear?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Same answer from before," I answered, ending their questions, but Scootaloo only glared in response to the idea that she was being kept in the dark about something.

Clearing her throat to get everyone's attention, Rarity said, "Well, while it’s good to know that those rumors are mostly false, I believe that we need a more private talk with Aether on the matters of the fight and... other things. So, girls, would you so kindly move along? I assure you that Aether will be able to follow you shortly."

"But Rarity, Aether already had to a talk with Miss Cheerilee and Pinkie Pie about the fight," Sweetie Belle whined as I raised an eyebrow at whatever intentions Rarity has in mind.

"Now, Sweetie, we all have our own concerns that we wish to express to Aether, but I believe that it would be best for her if you three didn't hear them," Rarity said before giving me a look that told me to help.

Sighing, I said, "It is alright Sweetie, I do not think this will take too long. This might be something that I like to keep as private, like my... parents... I will meet you three in the clubhouse, how about you start getting ready for our next crusade?" I said, causing the three fillies to nod glumly before heading off. After they are out of earshot, I look at the Rarity as I said, "Okay, what is this about now?"

"Dear, you don't have to be so blunt about it... I'm just curious about your distaste in... romantic relationships with colts. I know that you're more mature about that subject, but I was wondering if you perhaps didn't know about some of the reasons that mares and stallio-"

"I know that sex leads to foals," I deadpanned, though my blatant use of the word 'sex' caused both Applejack and Rarity to blush, though Rainbow wasn't phased by it.

"So... you're not interested in havin' any foals in the future?" Applejack asked. Odd she's aski- no wait, she's big on family. Of course she would ask something like that.

"Having foals, is probably not going to happen since I will not have any interest in dating colts ever. Raising foals... ask me years later, because that is a different matter," I answered.

"Well... okay... but are you not interested in dating anypony?" Rarity asked.

"Why are you three so interested in my love life?" I groaned, causing Rarity to blush from my statement. "Look, I do not know if I will be interested in fillies or not, I only know for certain that I will not like colts. Ask me again in several years, maybe I might develop interest, maybe not. Can we just drop this now?"

"Alright Aether, we'll drop it then. Go have fun with your friends. Hopefully they learned somethin' from bein' grounded twice about doin' things too dangerous for ‘em," Applejack replied. Giving the trio my farewells, I started my trip to the clubhouse as I steeled myself for whatever plans the Crusaders have in store for today.

"I can't believe you actually punched Diamond like that!" Scootaloo exclaimed, as I dumbly nodded at her. The moment I arrived at the clubhouse, I was bombarded with talk of the fight between Diamond and me, if you can call it a fight. "I knew you were awesome, not as awesome as Rainbow Dash of course, but you were amazing out there!"

"I never thought that you win that fight like that. I mean... well... I knew that in a fight between you and Diamond that you would win, but I didn't thought you would win so easily," Apple Bloom said.

"You three... must really dislike her a lot," I replied.

"Well yeah, she and Silver Spoon have been teasing us since forever!" Sweetie said.

"You’ve got to teach me that headlock you did on Diamond. It looked like she would never get out until you let her go," Scootaloo demanded. Upon hearing that demand, I just looked at her with a look that said 'are you fucking kidding me?' "What? Why are you giving me that look?"

"You just got finished with your punishment... and now you want me to teach you something that will only get you grounded again? Do not answer please... I am just not going to teach anypony how to do that," I stated.

"Awww... but it looked to cool." Scootaloo complained as I rolled my eyes.

"How about we just move onto getting our Cutie Marks? I am wondering what you three decided to try this time," I said in an attempt to change the subject.

"Oh, we're going to try bungee jumping!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh... um... what is bungee jumping?" I asked.

"Wait, you don't know what bungee jumpin' is?" Apple Bloom asked as all three looked at me in surprise.

...Really? They are trying another 'extreme' thing? How many times do they need to be grounded till they learn their lesson? I thought to myself. "What... it is not like I am going to know every 'extreme' thing out there. Can anypony explain to me what it is?"

"Oh, it's where we get a rope, tie it to some bridge high over a ravine, and jump off it."

"...What the buck?"

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