• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 27,982 Views, 1,819 Comments

Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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Chapter XXIV: Math

Thankfully, my sleep was dreamless, sparing me from any night-time terrors. After waking up in the morning and having breakfast, I learned that Pinkie was able to take some time off work to accompany me to school today. So as we walked to the schoolhouse (yes, we walked, without me being on Pinkie's back for once), I had time to ponder what potential situations that could occur after we received the results from my math assessment. It wasn't long before we were both sitting in front of Cheerilee's desk, as she went rummaging through some files for my own, while Pinkie hummed a tune to herself.

"Ah hah! Here we go, Aether's math assessment," Cheerilee said as she put the test on the desk for both of us to look at, though it turned out that I couldn't read what Cheerilee wrote. Pinkie, however, appeared to be in the same boat as me, judging by the confused expression she had.

"Um... so, how did Aether do?" Pinkie finally asked, breaking the awkward silence the two of us had.

"She scored... well... she could be a math prodigy!" Cheerilee explained, though I was still out of the loop. Damn language barriers.

"Really‽" Pinkie screamed in shock, causing me to fold my ears in response, though I still had to cover the one closest to her due to how damn loud she was.

"Due to her being from a different culture, she only answered the questions composed of only symbols and numbers, but she still completed them correctly! Not only does she know the basic mathematics anypony should learn from a basic education, but she even displayed understanding of calculus. Calculus is a college level subject!" Cheerilee explained before Pinkie looked at me in surprise.

"Wow Aether, how did you get so good in math?" Pinkie asked, which finally told me what in limbo was going on.

"Huh? I am good?" I asked, curious about their math standards.

"You're not only good Aether, you know more math than an adult would," Cheerilee explained.

"Really? I thought I was... normal in math," I asked, as I thought to myself, Huh, that's a bit surprising. With this magic thing of theirs, one would think that it would help accelerate the general population's understanding of mathematics.

"Normal in math? Wait, are you saying that in your culture it is normal for ponies to know this much math, at your age‽"

"Err... yes? There are many... ponies that know way more math than I do from my... 'culture'," I answered. I was being completely honest. The sheer number of mathematical formulas that resulted from inter-dimensional species meeting one another meant that my current knowledge was still considered at a child's level. Which is kind of ironic now that I thought about it.

"But wait, weren't you... separated from your parents thirteen years ago?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes? Wait, how you know about it? I do not think I told you about that."

"Oh, Twilight told me about that a couple days ago."

Figures that any tidbit of my past I leaked out is spread around like wildfire. Looking back at Cheerilee, I asked, "So what does this mean for me then?"

"Hard to say... I mean, with your math level you could get into a university by now, but the rest of your knowledge... is currently lacking. Maybe getting a private tutor to help foster your mathematical skills to higher levels would be best while you still come here for your regular education, but I don't know if Pinkie and the Cakes could affo-" Cheerilee said until Pinkie interrupted her.

"Oh, oh! Twilight can tutor her. They are already spending time together!" Pinkie said

"Really?" Cheerilee asked.

"Yeah... she wants to learn about my... culture's words, though she is only teaching me magic," I answered as I rubbed a hoof against the back of my head.

"Well, maybe you should also tell her about your mathematical prowess. I'm certain she will aid you in furthering in your education. Since the class math lessons are... below your level, you should use that time to continue practicing your reading and writing so you can catch up to your classmates. Thank you for coming, Pinkie Pie, but class is about to start so it’s time for you to say your goodbyes to Aether so we can get to class."

Giving Cheerilee a nod, Pinkie turned to me as she said, "Goodbye, Aether! I'll see you real soon."

After I said my own goodbyes, Pinkie bounced out of the office as I headed to the classroom before I suddenly realized something. She said 'real soon'... great... she's throwing another party.

The first part of class followed the same pattern as before, with me spending the math portion practicing my reading skills until Cheerilee excused the class for recess. I was with the Crusaders as we played on the swing sets, where Apple Bloom and I were pushing Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle respectively. It was pleasant doing these childish games, though part of me felt like my current status as a child was affecting me mentally and making me feel that way.

"Well, well. What do we have here, Silver Spoon? A group of blank flanks playing on the swings. You blank flanks are lucky to have a fourth join you so that you can have ponies to push you now," said Diamond Tiara as she and her cohort approached us. While the Crusaders groaned at Diamond's interruption of our fun, I just rolled my eyes.

"What do you want now, Diamond?" Scootaloo said as she glared at her.

"Oh, nothing. Just having a stroll around the playground, blank flanks. How's your newest member?" Diamond said with a sneer. I simply gave her a huff before I resumed pushing Sweetie Belle, though that caused her to shriek in surprise. I guess that she and possibly the other Crusaders were too focused on the duo, judging by the looks Apple Bloom and Scootaloo gave me as I ignored the taunts.

"Hey, blank flank, I'm talking to you," Diamond said, which promptly got her nothing from me. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." No response still. "I said look at me, blank flank!" As I continued to push Sweetie Belle on the swing while ignoring Diamond, the Crusaders just looked at Diamond and me, though Sweetie had a hard time due to me pushing her, while Scootaloo was smirking at Diamond's frustration.

"Hmph, let's go, Silver. I'm not wasting any more time on these blank flanks and their newest orphan member," Diamond said, which finally got my attention as I stopped pushing Sweetie Belle to turn my head towards Diamond. The other foals near us gasped at Diamond’s words, as the Apple Bloom and Sweetie looked at me with concern.

"Now that's going too far!" Scootaloo yelled, her wings raised in aggression as she glared at Diamond.

"Really? I was just stating a fact," Diamond said as she sneered at me as my left eye twitched.

"Wait, how did you know that Aether is... well..." Apple Bloom said.

"Oh, please. Aether is being taken care of by Pinkie Pie, and she doesn't look like she's related to her or the Cakes. Even a blank flank could tell she's an orphan." My face twitched after hearing that taunt, which gave Diamond the cue to press on. "Though, I say she probably just got lost from her parents since she has such a hard time paying attention."

As I grit my teeth, the playground suddenly went quiet as foals all around us stopped their games to look at us. I continued to say nothing, just giving Diamond a flat stare as I hoped that she was done. Sadly, that hope was dashed when she said, "Her parents probably don’t even notice she’s gone, since she's so quiet."

Thankfully, the torment finally ended when the bell rang, signalling the end of recess as the foals headed in, though Diamond gave me a smug look before going inside. "Are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked as the other Crusaders looked at me while I fumed at Diamond when she finally turned her back to me.

"I am fine," I grunted before I too made my way back to class, with the Crusaders following behind me.

The rest of class went smoothly, though my anger didn't subside. Still, I kept my mouth shut and my eyes away from Diamond for I didn't want to give her any more satisfaction. After the end of class, as I made my way out of the classroom I saw Pinkie sitting right outside the door with her ever-present smile. So that what she meant by 'real soon'.

"What are you doing here, Pinkie?" I asked as the Crusaders followed me to find out as well.

"I'm here to take you back to the Sugarcube corner for your 'Congratulations on being a Math Prodigy' party!" Pinkie explained as she stood up before starting to head towards the bakery, with the four of us following her.

"Wait, Aether's a what?" Scootaloo asked.

"Pinkie said she's a math prodigy. That means she's really really good at math!" Sweetie said.

"Wait, does that mean she might have a math cutie mark since she's so good at math?" Apple Bloom asked, causing the trio to check my flanks for one.

"I still do not have a cutie mark, so that means being good at math is not my special talent," I said dryly. While my opinion on these cutie marks is still mixed, I certainly did find a math based cutie mark to be absurd.

"Heh, a math cutie mark would be silly. I certainly don't want to have one," Scootaloo said, to which we all actually nodded in unison.

"Wait a minute, why did you tell Aether she was goin' to have a party? Don't you want to surprise her with it?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Remember the last time Pinkie threw me a party?" I answered, which caused Apple Bloom to blink and blush in embarrassment as she remembered that incident.

"Yeah, why did you smack Pinkie Pie?" Sweetie asked.

"Because surprises make me... either run away or hit stuff."

"Wait, surprises can scare you?" Scootaloo asked, as she smirked to herself, obviously thinking of how to use this as a way to prank me.

"Do not even think about it, or do you want to take the... chance of me hitting you instead of running away?" I said, causing Scootaloo to let out a short chuckle as she averted her eyes.

It didn't took long for us to reach the bakery, where I was the first one to go in since the party was for me. Unlike the last party, the lights were on and and there were no ponies screaming into my face. Instead, all the ponies simply waved at me as I entered, some coming over to congratulate me for being some kind of math genius. Though, when Twilight congratulated me, she asked just how much I knew about math, to which I said the math assessment pretty much covered all I knew, which caused her to show some disappointment for a brief moment before she told me to enjoy my party.

The party was more enjoyable this time around, since it didn't involve any bullies nor me smacking a pony, though one thing did detract me from the party. I overheard a conversation between Rarity and Twilight, as Rarity was talking about the state Twilight had been in lately.

"You really need to take better care of yourself, dear. I saw you passing by yesterday and your mane was an absolute travesty," Rarity said.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to learn more about those strange crystals! Their reactions to magic is just... well, they can be dangerous if the wrong spell is cast on them. Celestia sent me a letter that said there weren’t any other explosions similar to this one, but who knows if they occurred at the other nations, like the Griffon Kingdoms. They could have the potential to harm ponies, and who knows what would happen if someone decided to use them as a weapon."

"You do have a point there, but there is no point in running yourself ragged de-" Rarity said before I stopped listening to ponder this little revelation. So this land isn't as peaceful as it appears, though with how damn cheery most ponies can be and the fact that foals are allowed to roam about so freely made me think it was just a paradise. Though, I wonder... how does magic make the shards dangerous? Oh well, I just have to wait ‘till I learn some more magic, though at least I know not to test those shards in my room. Wouldn't want to blow myself to smithereens. With those last thoughts passing by my mind, I resumed enjoying the party, for I know that there wasn't a thing I could do about those shards, at least for now.

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