• Published 22nd Mar 2015
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Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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Chapter IV: Beds and Words

Babies... why did I have to be put with a family that has babies? I thought to myself as I stared with horror at the twin creatures that were looking at me with curiosity. Children I could handle, but not babies, such horrible things. Any normal person would ask how could a baby be terrifying, but in my defense, after encountering various species whose newborns wanted to make a meal out of me, I think my fears had some justification. As I started to back away from the twins, I felt myself bumping into the the legs of the pink menace, who looked down at me curiously.

Its voice portraying concern, the pink creature said something in own language to me, completely forgetting that I couldn't understand a thing she said to me due to my unexpected reaction to the babies. Looking up at it, I started to decide which were the lesser evil, the twins or my pink tormentor. Making my choice, I dashed around the pink female's legs, putting it between me and the twins, who I was certain were probably plotting my demise.

The blue female suddenly said something with a smile on its face, causing the male to grin as the pink menace giggled before it too said something directly at me, stepping aside so the twins can get to me. Instead of letting those creatures reach me, I simply followed the pink creature, keeping it as my barrier to the twins, no matter how many times it tried to step aside. Eventually, the twins crawled over in boredom towards me, leading to the three of us circling around the pink menace as the adult creatures begin to get dizzy from the sight. As ridiculous as the sight seemed, I sure wasn't gonna take any chances with newborns.

Suddenly the male said something out loud, which seem to signal the time to end this nonsense as it and the blue female collected the twins to my much needed relief. However, my pink warden came over to me as it said something while it picked me up again with its hooves, placing me on its back again before bouncing up the stairs. As we entered a hall, I looked through each of the open doors, observing the rooms until we passed a room with some object in the floor with a hole in it, causing me to assuming it was a toilet. At the sight of what I assumed to be a bathroom, I suddenly noticed a particular feeling in my extremities. Slipping off my tormentor's back, I rushed to the bathroom, shutting the door before it could even say a thing. Walking towards the toilet, I suddenly remembered something extremely important.

I'm not a male anymore, I'm a female now, so that means my method of... relieving wastes is going to be different now. Releasing a shudder, I approached what I assumed to be the toilet, as I awkwardly placed my rear on it, taking care that I don't slip into it. After successfully sitting on it, I simply sat there, blinking stupidly as I began to figure out how to... never mind.

...this is certainly going to be something that I won't be getting used to anytime soon.

After successfully relieving myself, I noticed some kind of papery material nearby the toilet, to which I was thankful that this species has certainly had basic hygiene covered. I really didn't want to remember the times where I was in dimensions where there weren’t any standards or protocols in regards to relieving oneself. It certainly wasn't a pretty sight, to say the least. As I reached for what I hoped was the toilet paper, but I tried to grab it, only to remember that I had hooves instead of hands. Staring at my hoof, I came to a new issue of how I was going to use it.

After what I assumed to be far too long for any creature to normally take, I finally exited the bathroom, only to see the pink menace waiting patiently with its everlasting smile. I really hoped it didn't do that to the other children, ‘cause that was eerie as shit. Fortunately I had already relieved myself, for I wasn't in the mood to test my current body's bladder control.

Before I could move, my pink warden grabbed me with its hooves again to deposit me on its back before continuing its merry way. It angered me that it could use it hooves in such a way when I had no idea how to do that, nor was I even able to understand what even enabled the hooves to grab anything. Seriously, it was just a flat surface. How in reality could these things grab stuff?

Before I could finish my pondering, I felt the pink monster coming to a halt, as I looked past its fluffy mane to see what its destination was. Judging by the bed, and the balloons all over the place, it must have been the pink menace's room. However, it was rather massive for a bedroom, even having a staircase to what appeared to be an indoor balcony. Suddenly, I felt the pink monstrosity's forelegs wrapping around me as I felt it jumping into the air, just to land on the bed, sending the covers into the air that miraculously landed on the both of us neatly.

The pink monster said something in excitement before it let out a yawn as it closed its eyes. I tried to struggle out of its forehooves, but unfortunately its grip was like a vice, leaving me trapped with it for the night until it either let go in its sleep or when it finally awakened. Releasing a sigh, I simply chose to close my eyes, knowing that for the moment I was stuck in my current position, as I drifted to slumber as well.

Once again, the rays of the sun chose to be my enemy, as they struck my eyelids, causing me to stir. As I released a yawn, I rubbed my head against the soft pillow that I was using, until my brain finally started to wake up. My eyelids shooting open, I looked to see that I was rubbing my head against the pink menace, who was still hugging me close to it. Moving my head as far as I could from its chest, I shuddered at the thought that I actually rubbed myself against it, until I felt something on my mane. Looking upwards, I saw a green reptile with its jaw chomping down on my mane.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! GET OFF, GET OFF YOU FUCKIN MONSTER!" I shrieked in a panic, my forehooves flailing around as I shook my head, trying to dislodge the beast from my mane. My shrieking awakened the pink menace, as it looked down in shock to find out the source of my panic.

Upon seeing the beast on my mane, the pink monster cheerfully said something which made it sound like it thought this appeared to be some game it as it loosened its grip on me, which was a mistake. The moment I felt its forelegs loosen around me, I immediately jumped out of its hug as I dashed around the room, still trying to shake the beast off me.

"SOMEONE, ANYONE, GET THIS FIEND OFF ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, before feeling something grabbing onto me, as I felt the green beast's jaws finally release my mane. Looking behind me, I spotted the pink menace holding the green beast before it gently put it on the floor.

Turning towards me, it once again said something to me, which I just returned with a deadpan stare. For a moment, it tilted its head at my response, before it 'facehoofed' as it said something to itself before it moved the hoof to its chin, its face taking a more serious expression that was unfortunately ruined by the tongue sticking out of its mouth. Apparently it finally realized that there was no way for me to understand a thing it was trying to say to me, which caused me to question the creature's intelligence, as well as how it ended up as my caretaker.

After watching it hold that pose for a moment, I simply shrugged and looked around, spotting a toy ball on top of a toy pile in some open toy chest. As I pondered just how childish this female was, I wandered over to the chest and, with a hoof, slid the ball off the pile, causing it to land on the ground and bounce for a bit. Fortunately, when it finally came to a rest, it wasn't near the pink menace or the reptilian beast, as I approached the ball again, placing a hoof on top of it. Focusing on my hoof, I try to force it to tighten around the ball before lifting it, only to find that the ball didn't even move. Grunting in frustration, I repeat my action, once again to be denied any results. I continued my attempts to learn how to grasp with my hoof several more times before I heard the pink menace gasping, causing me to turn my attention to it.

The pink menace exclaimed something in sheer excitement before it trotted over to me with a smile before sitting down before me. With a smile on its face, it began to nod its head as it said something that sounded like it was a single word repeating the action over and over as I blankly stared at it. After a few more repetitions, I started to notice that it was just repeating the same thing while nodding its head, coming to the conclusion that it was actually trying to teach me something, not being its completely inane self.

Hopefully she is teaching me something, and not tricking me. If she is just messing with me, I swear I'm gonna find a way to shave her fucking mane off, I thought to myself, as I finally uttered out the foreign word. "Yes?" Instantly it stopped its repetition as it started to clap with its forehooves, its smile widening. After saying what I believed to be 'yes' in its language again, to which it only clap some more as it nodded its head, it suddenly stopped.

Keeping her smile, the pink monster began to shake its head as it said a different word in its language, once again repeating the word and action. This time however, I was ready as I studied the word, understanding that it was the word no in her language. I uttered out "No?" to which it clapped its forehooves again in joy before it pounced on me, causing me to yelp as it hugged me once more, to my discomfort.

To my dismay, the creature began to rant in its excited manner as it continued to hug me. Before I could maneuver my hooves to my ears, the creature suddenly stopped ranting as it released a gasp of what sounded to be realization. Sadly, instead of putting an end to its ranting, it just continued on, its body shaking in excitement, its rapid speaking somehow sped up to an impossible rate. Before I was given a chance to ponder how it was capable of doing that, the creature settled me down on it's back before it bounced to the door, leaving me to wonder just what it had in mind for me now. Honestly, I wished it would just let me walk. I still needed more practice with that, as I inwardly hoped that today wouldn't have as many horrors as yesterday.

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