• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,378 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Chapter 7 - Head count: Between Large and Massive

(3rd POV - Celestia)

Celestia looked out the window with a small bit of terror.

Out of the corners of her eyes, these past hundred years or so, she'd seen small, colorful creatures. Similar to the ones that had run from Dullahan when she and Luna had finally stopped him.

Since no other pony had seen them, she dismissed them as her subconscious trying to guilt her over imprisoning the animated armor.

Now, though, she saw a small flock of them.

Riding the wind. Jumping across rooftops. Running down the streets.

Talking to ponies.

And then they led some of her ponies out of the city, towards the forest.

She didn't know what to make of it.


Celestia turned her head and saw Twilight, her faithful student, looking at her with concern. "Yes Twilight?"

"I brought that journal of Starswirl's up, and I found something that I think you should look at..."

Celestia gently took the book from her student and read the passage.

...On the subject of the animated armor, it calls itself Dullahan, and identifies as male. Well, rather, I asked it, and it said, "I used to be a guy, but I guess it doesn't matter now." When I inquired as to what magic it possessed to alter the land so, it made a sound similar to a snort, somehow, and replied thusly - "This isn't magic as you understand it. This a force from another world, one called Psynergy, that you do not have to be a unicorn to use. I am getting used to my power, but I know it can move mountains, cause floods, create thunderstorms, or set forests ablaze. Its usage is vast, but like magic...it is but a tool. The wielder is the one who must impart intent."
When I offered to teach him magic, he laughed at me and stated "When I master my powers, I am certain there will come a day when the mightiest will come to me to test themselves, and find themselves lacking."
He left, then, and his comment about another world stuck with me. Could there really be other worlds besides our own? I will have to look into this.

The passage ended there, and Celestia looked back to the window.

"So he was telling the truth. Imprisoning him for all that time was a worse sentence than exorcising him could ever have been."

Twilight walked up to her teacher, trying to come up with some comforting words. "I'm sure you didn't mean to, Princess. If you had only known..."

Celestia sighed. "No, Twilight, at the time, I did mean it. Had I known, had I looked beyond my own snout, I would have seen what I was doing. But I didn't. It took Luna turning into Nightmare Moon before I would think to look at things from others' point of view. I sentenced him to be alone for all this time. Friendless, without his family. Nothing but him and the darkness."

Celestia looked back to the window and saw the creatures still flitting around in the city. "And now he gathers an army."

Twilight came up to her teacher's side and looked out the window, gasping at the sight. "What...what are those? I've not seen their like before! Except for when one joined Dullahan in the clearing..."

Celestia looked at Twilight with a raised brow. "They are what Dullahan calls Djinn. I am...uncertain as to their purpose. Many have written over the years about elemental spirits, but since so very few can see them, they that write about them are deemed...less than sane."

Twilight nodded once, storing the information away, before she and Celestia reared back in fright.

A purple one of the creatures had alighted on the windowsill and was looking at them. It looked from Celestia to Twilight, then back to Celestia.

And then, it spoke.

I bring a message, O great monarch of the sun.

Celestia shook her head a few times to put her thoughts back in order. "A message from Dullahan, I presume. What does he wish to say?"

The creature nodded once, and then spoke in an imitation of Dullahan's 'voice.'

This...is only the beginning.

The creature flew off, and Celestia and Twilight watched it for a moment, before they looked back down to the city.

In ones and twos, the ponies were making their way through the city, leaving it behind and following the djinn.

"Twilight, I have a mission for you."

Twilight drew herself up. "Anything, Princess!"

"Look into alternate worlds. See if you can find a way to open passages between them. Because if you can open the doors, then it will not take long before you will find a way to close them. I trust this task to you because I know you will succeed, sooner or later."

Twilight nodded, once, before she dared to ask the question. "What...will you do with the research, Princess?"

Celestia paused for a moment. "I will offer Dullahan what he wants most. Then I will secure Equestria against the dangers other worlds pose to us."

Twilight nodded again and took off towards the Archives, in search of anything that could have survived that would aid her in her research.

Celestia sighed at the makeup of ponies deserting Canterlot. "Unicorns, wielding his powers...they would be a force to contend with. A mighty force, indeed..."

(Dullahan POV)

My army could not be weaker.

A small horde of ponies had showed up, a healthy mix among the three types. There were a few representatives of other races as well. A griffon, a zebra, a dragon, a-

Was that a fucking manticore?!

Nonetheless, I knew they would only have the most rudimentary understanding of their powers, if any.

And they were currently bickering. Most of them, anyways, about which element was best.

One loudmouthed preacher-type pony was attempting to restore order.

That was when I decided enough was enough and to reveal myself.

Be silent!

I'm not sure whether it was the sudden shout, or the sound of my armor shifting and me moving from the cave that caused them to shut up, but the horde turned their eyes to me and closed their mouths. Or at the very least stopped using them.

Taking advantage of the silence, I decided now was a good time to get the difficult things out of the way.

Okay. Show of hooves, or other appendage if you aren't a pony. Who here knows who or what I am?

The preacher-pony came forward. "You are Dullahan, the Armored One."

I pointed at the unicorn and did my version of a nod. Partial credit, mister...

"Cross," he filled in, "Silver Cross."

My name is Dullahan. Fifteen hundred years ago, I stalked the darkness, scaring ponies into behaving. Teaching them that the bars of society, of decency, their rules and laws weren't there to hold them back from doing as they would. No, those bars were there to protect them from me. I never harmed any pony physically until the day I arrived in Sombra's throne room. The sisters pursued me relentlessly, trying to exorcise me. Then one day they managed to weaken me, and cast me into their basement in the Everfree Castle. When Discord got free, he gave me the strength I needed to get loose. It took me a few days, but I became whole once more, and called to my old djinn. What I got...

I pointed to the mass of djinn hovering nearby. Well, apparently they'd been busy over the years.

That got a few lewd chuckles, mostly from the stallions.

Then one of the djinn spoke up. It's actually worse than this, sir. We're merely the ones who wanted to answer the call. There are others.

Had I eyes, they would have widened. I turned towards the group. We'll go over proper protocol for djinn interaction in a bit. But for now, you're wondering why they brought you here. I know I would be.

Assorted heads nodded, and I continued. It's simple. Fifteen hundred years ago, I righted wrongs. A rapist that gives no support to the mare or his foal? I cursed him so that he would either own up, or never lay with a mare again. A business owner who takes over a nearby shop and puts a family on the street so he can line his own pockets? Cursed so that he either has to return the shop, or be pained whenever he enters his place of business. And so on. I righted the wrongs her royal sunness couldn't see.

At that, I got a few nods of assent.

Fifteen hundred years ago, Celly and Lulu took my source of strength, hid it away, and took it with them to Canterlot, where it was subtly influencing ponies. Fast forward to now, and ponies can actually see the djinn. You, in particular. My previous experience was that none but me could. But if you can see the djinn, then there is a very good chance that you can learn to use my powers. Psynergy.

A pegasus raised a hoof. "And we don't have to be unicorns?"

I merely laughed. Magic and psynergy are not one and the same. True, unicorns will find that some of their training from whatever magic schools they attended will apply. But psynergy is usable by all types.

I pointed towards the manticore and said, For instance, this guy. Psynergy is a force of the mind. It does not require much more than your will, and you will be capable of changing the world when you wield it properly.

I lowered my hand and took a few steps towards the ponies, letting my presence in my armor flare up a bit. But make no mistake. Just like magic, there are pitfalls. Use it too much, and you will physically exhaust yourselves. And there are dangerous psynergies out there, where if you lose control...

I let the sentence trail off, and everyone gulped, realizing what I was implying.

That being said, there is another quality you hold that the djinn saw in you. One that I asked for specifically beyond your ability to see them.

They perked up a bit and looked at me, wondering what it could have been.

There is no love lost between you and Princess Sunbutt, is there? At one time, you may have been enamored with her. But these days, something happened to make you see her for what she is: A flawed creature, like all the rest.

An earth pony spoke up from somewhere in the back. "Her bucking guards shut down my bar! The only alcohol allowed anymore is that stuff from the Apple family, cause one of them's an Element of Harmony!"

A few yelled 'yeah' at that, and another pony spoke up. "I had an appointment planned and everything to try and impress her into being her student, and then that Twilight Sparkle mare goes and blows up a tower! Then I'm informed that 'the position has been filled.' There go my hopes and dreams!"

The dragon came forward then. "My family was executed under false pretenses, on her orders. There are no words in any mortal tongue strong enough to express my hatred of her."

Silence reigned then as the ponies came to grips with just how bucked up that was. Someone eventually got the courage to speak again, and no surprise, it was Cross. "I devoted a church to you and the things the djinn told me about you. I trained a militia to right wrongs, in a similar manner that you did. Celestia ordered it shut down ten years ago, and took everything from me. You have merely to tell me which way to point my blades, and I shall fight for you."

A light blue pegasus nodded and came forward as well. "I found evidence in the Archives that my family is running a slavery ring, and Blueblood is the one taking the majority of the profits. If you promise me that we will strike at them, then I will join you willingly."

And that opened the floodgates. From a son who burned his abusive father in his own home, to a diamond dog losing her adoptive father. A pegasus who couldn't fly, to an earth pony judged because he was taught by a zebra how to use runes. A pegasus who sought adventure, a pegasus who had his trophies of adventure taken from him.

The list went on and on. Eventually I had enough and held up my right hand. This was apparently some sort of unbidden signal, and all of them fell silent.

All but one, a zebra shamaness, who came forward.

"Dullahan, my powers were already great. Why should I stay? I can already command the vines, heal others, and even return the long-dead for a few minutes of conversation. Why should I stay?"

I 'looked' down at her and snorted. Only the long-dead? Only for a few minutes? My dear, you are strong. And you have been misusing your strength. The Revive psynergy is meant to be used on the freshly, not-from-natural-causes, dead. It is meant to heal the body, purge the toxins, return unjustly taken life. And there is so much more to learn. In fact, I think a demonstration is in order. Come, all of you.

I headed to a prepared field, and the djinn and ponies, and others, followed. I'd hauled several freshly-felled trees into more-or-less straight rows, and prepared to show the ponies what psynergy could really do.

Venus, element of earth. The heavy lifters. Move.

The log I was pointing my sword at was grasped by a giant ghostly hand and moved to the left a few feet. Then, I moved it back into line.

Those attuned tend to be stronger, physically, and can cure wounds of others. They are not as adept at it as others, but they can eventually learn how to return unjustly taken life, as the shamaness has proven. And their methods of attack are strong, but tend to target small groups. From Quake...

At this, the earth beneath the first log shifted upwards a few feet, then returned to normal.

To Spire...

A stalagmite shot from the ground, impaling the newly-toppled log, before vanishing.

To the mighty Ragnarok.

A ghostly blade materialized and impaled the log before it detonated, wiping both out of existence.

The horde looked on in shock, amazed that I could command such power. Or that some of them could command such power.

Mars. Element of fire. Element swap, Mars. Blaze.

A jet of flame jumped from my sword towards the second log in the line, incinerating it. Of course, Mars was the reason I'd picked up several logs. I would need them.

Those of Mars tend to be more akin to living weapons. Hitting hard either with their psynergy or their more physical weapons, Mars commands heat and flame. From Flare...

Another log down as a wave of fire wrapped around it.

To Beam...

And another log down as a stream of heat incinerated it.

And even Fireball...

Yet another log vaporized in a flash of heat and flame.

Mars tends to deal with lots of foes, quickly. Mars also has access to a few buffs. Such as Guard and Impact.

The ponies I'd pointed at glowed red briefly, and I could see in their eyes the realization that they felt stronger.

The reverse of these buffs are also available to those of Mars. However, there are those rare cases...those very rare cases...where a Mars adept has access to a healing psynergy. One known as Aura. It soothes away aches and pains of their allies. But such cases are few and far between.

I paused in front of a unicorn filly and tousled her hair playfully.

It requires both a fiery temperament and kindness, a want to not see their friends injured if at all avoidable.

I walked back towards the logs and did my version of a nod.

Jupiter, element of wind, of lightning. The quick, tricky ones. Element swap, Jupiter. Gust.

The log fell over in a rush of wind, and the pegasi in the audience looked slightly bored. Well, most of them.

Those of Jupiter tend to be fast, and can cause so many status effects. Such as Sleep...

A gentle mist surrounded the log I pointed at.

And they even have the power to Seal the psynergy of others.

The familiar purple symbol danced above the log before vanishing.

All of their attacks are flashy. You've seen Gust, but they also have Spark and Bolt...

A ball of plasma devoured one log while lightning set another alight.

They also have access to Ward, to protect against non-physical attacks.

I turned towards the last set of logs and sighed.

Mercury, element of water. The healers. Element swap, Mercury. Douse.

Spheres of water jumped from my sword and impacted the next-to-last log, toppling it.

They do not tend to have many attacks beyond that and Frost...

Ice coated the final log, encasing it thoroughly.

...And those that do tend to have them because of their own abilities, not their affinities for ice and water. All well and good though. Mercury is meant more for healing. Ply for single targets, Wish for many. And they can cure many status ailments, from poison, to paralysis...the only thing they cannot do is return unjustly taken life.

The horde nodded as I finished my explanation of psynergy.

I cannot promise that you all will become masters of the element you have an affinity for. I can promise you nothing but this: should you stay, I will train you. Should you choose to stay with me, we will found a town, a community, where those with such strengths will learn how to handle them, how to use them properly. One with no love of the princess of the sun. And when we are ready...

I hefted my sword and pointed it to the sky.

We will find those that wronged us, and we will hold them accountable for all their misdeeds. We will find those that dare walk the darkness, and we will show them how wrong they are in thinking they are the monsters of society.

I activated my Fulminous Strike, and lightning raced into the heavens.

Will you join me?

After a moment of hesitation, cheers were my response.

Author's Note:

918 favorites.
Good gods.
Okay, so if your OC was mentioned, even tangentially, then congrats. You're in!
If it wasn't, don't fret just yet. I have...30 pages of OCs to get through, and there will be time for each one at least once.
And a good majority of the changeling OCs I've gotten won't show up for a good while, if at all. We're still in early S2, guys! Wait for the wedding!
I'ma take another short break. No chapter tomorrow. Probably one Tuesday!