• Published 17th Feb 2014
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Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Chapter 6 - Should probably see a head doctor

I tried to remember where my old cave was while trudging through the Whitetail Woods. I was going through one glade that looked like most of the rest when I was assaulted by the Royal Canterlot Caps Lock.


I merely sighed and raised my sword. Guard! Element swap, Jupiter! Ward!

Protected from physical and magical assault, at least for a time, I looked at the ponies coming to surround me.

Once again, Luna and Celestia were in my way. Luna to the west, Celestia to the east.

To the north there was a purple unicorn, and to the south was an alabaster one. North-east was a blue pegasus with hair every color of the rainbow, and north-west was an orange earth pony with a cowboy hat.

South-east was a pink earth pony who couldn't seem to stand still, and south-west was a yellow pegasus who seemed like she was trying to hide behind her own shadow.

The fact that there were six ponies besides the princesses did not escape me.

The Bearers, I presume? You're really trying this. You're actually going to try the Elements of Harmony on me.

Celestia nodded and procured a chest from...somewhere. "We are. Dullahan, for your crimes against Equestria-"

Which ones?

The question threw the Princess for a loop. "Um...all of them? Every act against one of my ponies? You've done quite a few."

At that, I twitched.

I used to have a tic. One where if I was feeling indescribable anger, my right eyelid would spasm.

When I became what I am, said tic transferred to my right hand.

My sword twitched violently.

You...dare. You dare to lay all that blame at my feet.

She who would hold the shadow accountable should face that which lurks in the darkness of her country!

My sword twitched even more.

Let me regale you with the most memorable encounter I had with a pony then, Celly.

(Dullahan POV - 1,503 years ago)

The stallion woke up, and was terrified.

This wasn't where he'd gone to bed in, after all. This was my home. My cave.

Hello there, pony.

I paused for a moment, and then continued.

Oh, my mistake. You aren't a pony at all.

I began circling him, beginning my rant. It'd taken Puck a few days to ferret out all of this filth's secrets, and I decided this one required a personal touch.

I'd let the djinn find secrets out about the ponies, seeing as how the ponies couldn't seem to see them, and then once they consulted with me, I told them the best course of action to ensure retribution to they that thought they could do wrong and get away with it.

Kept the mischevious spirits occupied, did some good, everyone wins.

But then there were cases like these.

See, ponies believe in friendship. In sticking together. In acting in everyone's best interest. And you didn't do that, did you?

The sound of metal shifting but no sight of the one wearing it because of the darkness was clearly freaking the stallion out as he shifted and turned, hoping to catch a glimmer of light, or anything.

Good, I wanted him scared.

You certainly don't believe in kindness, the way you stalked that mare. You certainly don't believe in loyalty, the way you abandoned her afterwards, especially when she said she was pregnant with your foal. You certainly don't believe in generosity, else you would have given her some of your pay. Laughter isn't meant to be cruel or mean in the face of one who needs you, and all the lies you fed her tells me what you think of honesty.

The stallion was now paralyzed in fear, as he realized I knew all about his sins.

No, you're no pony. You're a monster. Fortunately...

And here I allowed my presence in my armor to 'flare up' and illuminate the cave.

So am I.

The look on his face was worth it, as were the screams.

I could only take so much, though.


He shut up, instantly.

Good. Now, what would be the best punishment for you, I wonder?...Oh wait, I already know.

I drew my sword and pointed it at him, and the stallion trembled.

For your crimes against pony-kind, you are hereby Cursed.

A violet, screaming skull appeared over the stallion's head, vanishing after letting out a short shriek.

The terms of your curse are these: should you ever so much as think, let alone act in a manner to lay with another mare under false pretenses, then you will experience a pain unique to mares, especially mothers, for no less than three hours. This will only be broken on one of two conditions: you take responsibility for your foal, or you die.

The stallion's jaw dropped, and I would have smiled. Now...Element swap, Jupiter! Sleep!

(Dullahan POV - Current day)

I've dealt with hundreds of ponies in a similar fashion, if not for similar crimes against decency. Each time I was the bogeyman scaring them into realizing an important truth, one they really needed to learn, Celly. The rules and laws of your society weren't bars holding them back from doing what they wanted. They were bars protecting them from me. So long as they were good little ponies, I never paid them a visit in the night.

Celestia had the good grace to look gobsmacked. "You...that was what you did?"

My sword twitched again. You never asked them what they had done to bring me down on their heads, did you?

Celestia looked aside for a moment, and in that moment...

She who blinds herself with her sun should experience true darkness!

I snapped.

My presence inside my armor flared, and I swore I could see jets of blue flames through joints in the armor.

You comforted your ponies, rather than ask them what they did?! You picked hundreds of them, over me?! All because they were ponies, and I was not?! You never thought that perhaps there was a common element to my 'crimes'?! Each one was justified! Each one was a cold, calculated move to scare a pony into behaving! I only acted against those that I would be loathe to call people, those that I thought you would be loathe to call ponies, or yours! Unlike those that I came across, there was a line in the sand that I refused to cross - no physical harm to they that do not deserve it. Before Sombra, I'd never physically harmed any pony! Not even you! You and your sister panicked when I first activated my Fulminous Strike, it never touched you!

I pointed my sword at her, and all the ponies gasped.

But no. Believe the ponies over the giant metal toy. He couldn't possibly be right. Or intelligent. Hell, I bet you didn't even think I was sapient until near the end of our final dance! When I begged you not to take my shield, rather than my sword!

Celestia merely nodded once. "We...I...I always thought you were a wicked spirit, a failed project, a necromancer's toy run amok..."

That explains why you banned Necromancy...So rather than try and discard your theories to suit truth, you twisted truth to suit your worldview! There was a word for people like that where I came from, Celly! Politicians!

At this, Luna snorted for a moment.

I was a living soul before I took up this sword, Celly! And knowing then what I know now, I probably wouldn't have picked it up! I probably would have cast it aside! That being said, I am used to its burden by now, and I fulfill it willingly.

Celly looked to me, and I could see in her eyes that she was probably going to try something to get me to put it down. Probably by appealing to my emotions.

"Please, Dullahan, for what it is worth, I have done wrong by you. Let me make it up to you. Sheathe your blade."

Those words echoed inside my mind, and then...

Fifteen hundred years of imprisonment cannot be atoned for! Work in the dark cannot be interrupted, and this nag did exactly that!

I growled.

Unless time flows differently between this world and my own, Celly, then no, you cannot make it up to me. Fifteen hundred years ago, maybe. When I wanted to be returned. When I could have been returned. But by now, my family, my friends are all dead, except for the one that you have imprisoned in stone again. I think something snapped inside me while in that prison, Celly.

"Please, you can be helped! Let us help! Let us exorcise you from the armor, free you!"

I snarled at her then.

You would try that again?! I do not desire to be freed! I am no mere spirit!

I lifted my sword, pointing it straight up, and activated my Fulminous Strike. Instantly, the sky was filled with lightning.

I am DULLAHAN! I am he who walks the darkness, and rights the wrongs in this world that you cannot seem to see!

I lowered the sword once the lightning was done. Unbeknownst to the ponies, this was a signal me and one of my djinn had agreed on, if I felt like I needed to run.

And it would seem there is one more wrong to be set right in this world.

At this, a Jupiter Djinn alighted on my right shoulder. I am prepared to generate a large cloud of smoke to speed you from this encounter, sir.

She should taste the heat, the flames, the Storm of your anger!

I glanced around at the other ponies and prepared to use an ability that I'd never had cause to use before. Mainly because it was meant to be used on those that would use the power of djinn against me. Then again, there was no cause that this shouldn't work...

And that wrong is you, and how you run this empire of yours. Djinn Storm!

Circles of light erupted under every pony and exploded up in a kaleidoscope of color. After a second, around me, a cloud of smoke appeared, and I quickly ran off towards where I thought my hideaway was. If this attack did to ponies what it did to djinn, I wouldn't have to worry about pursuit for a little while. And even if it didn't, it would prove to be decently distracting...

(3rd POV - Celestia and the ponies)

Celestia staggered a bit as the wave of light erupted around her.

The attack Dullahan had used had sapped even her considerable magic reserves.

Perhaps, if she did nothing else with her magic today, she would be able to lower the sun.

Looking around showed her that the Bearers and her sister were in similar straights, all of them panting at the sudden weakness forced on them. Dullahan had managed to incapacitate them all while doing no physical injury to them. Even now, he restrained himself.

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings a few times. On the third try, she managed to get airborne and clear the smoke out of the clearing, revealing that Dullahan had well and truly fled from them. Again.

"What...what attack was that, Princess?"

Celestia slowly made her way over to her student and sighed. "One he has never used before. It would seem he still has surprises to spring on us..."

Everypony caught on that Celestia was sad about something, especially when they saw she was staring at the spot where Dullahan used to be. Twilight decided to confront the issue.

"Princess? Did we do something wrong by trying to use the Elements on Dullahan? By trying to exorcise him?"

Celestia shook her head as she recalled what Dullahan had said.

"No. The fault is mine, and mine alone."

Luna spoke up then. "Nay, sister. We too are guilty, for we did hunt him with you all those years ago."

Celestia held up a hoof. "I was the one who ignored the facts presented to me. I was the one who kept pushing for us to keep hunting him. I was the one who only saw good in my ponies. The faults lie with me, and I destroyed any chance for us to befriend him. And now, it seems he is truly angry with me..."

Celestia sighed and lowered her head. "What have I done..."

Nopony caught Twilight muttering to herself about the creature on Dullahan's shoulder...

(Dullahan POV - About five hours later)

I arrived in my cave, none the worse for wear, but satisfied.

I'd mentioned that I was from another world to Celly, so that was that obligation out of the way.

Still. She'd probably keep hunting me. Her or her Bearers.

If I was going to stand against them, then djinn army or no djinn army, I would need more than just me. I would need...

I turned towards my djinn, who had found me and followed me on my way to the cave. Have any ponies been capable of seeing you in this past century?

More and more so, sir. Mostly close to Canterlot, but we do get a few in the outlying towns.

Must have something to do with the stars' influence. Alright, each and every one of you! Go forth! Bring unto me an army that can see you! Bring unto me an army that can use Psynergy! Bring unto me an army that dislikes the mighty sun princess even a tenth as much as I do! Whether we shall build our own town, or take one over, I have yet to decide.

Author's Note:

So uh.
Yeah don't make me put in all my own characters, please. I'll take yours off your hands.
Mainly because I'd suck at coming up with that many new characters for Dully's army.
Depending on how many OC's I take in, I may have Dully build a new town, they may just take one over.
We'll have to see, won't we?
And this will be the first BREAK in my daily update schedule.
Until the OC's stop coming in from you guys, I'll not update.
Fav-counter: 808 and rising. Still.

EIDT: Okay tired of having to mention this. Affinities are as thus!
Venus/Earth, Mars/Fire, Jupiter/Wind, and Mercury/Water.

Venus Adepts tens to hit a few targets, and hit them hard. They can also cure wounds, but they can only focus on one at a time. They're also slow, but sturdy and strong.

Mars Adepts are good for causing lots of damage, quickly, to multiple targets. They can also cause a few status effects. But they're horribly vulnerable to magical attacks.

Jupiter Adepts are ace at causing status effects, and all their attacks are multi-target and flashy. They're quick as the breeze as well. But physically, they tend to be vulnerable.

Mercury Adepts are the healers. Multi-target or single, and they can cure all status afflictions. They have access to very few damaging abilities, though. Those they do have tend to depend more on the adept than their affinity for ice and water. They also don't tend to have too many physical attacks.

I am accepting all MLP OC's. The only thing you need besides a backstory and a description is to choose an affinity, and describe how they'd react to seeing a djinn.

And if it's not a pony, then there better be a darn good backstory.