• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,376 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Chapter 12 - It all comes to a Head

Me and mine stared at the cracked pink shield surrounding Canterlot.

When the NAT - Newvale Adventuring Troupe - had sent word back to me via Djinn about an upcoming Royal Wedding, I recalled the words Solaire and I had last exchanged.

That the wedding would play host to an invasion.

Moonfire's bit of information that he tacked on - That he recalled something about Chrysalis needing more love for her Hive, and was looking to Equestria - helped me put two and two together real fast.

To that end, I put out a call, saying that Newvale was going to gatecrash the wedding, and possibly raid the town of those that had wronged us if we could find them.

Almost all the town responded. Which wasn't good.

We needed people back here to keep the town running, after all.

To that end, the weather team was only allowed to give over half its members, Snow Fluff excluded.

Neither of the barstallions were allowed to come, because someone needed to run the inn, and we couldn't take both of them. And since neither could agree on who should go, I ended up cutting both of them out.

Didn't take the adoptive father or his filly.

Aboyami wanted to sit this one out, and I couldn't blame her.

Kajex, the pegasus who couldn't quite fly, also wanted to come, but I told him that until he mastered his strength, I would not take him with me.

The manticore opted out, and frankly, I couldn't blame him.

Amber also elected to stay behind, which was a good thing. Her and Lattice, the Venus Djinn she'd bonded with, were crucial to our mining efforts. Together they could find jewels like nobody's business.

ShiverSpine really wanted to come with, and I quickly ran out of excuses to use on him. Instead, I told him that as long as he stayed close to me, I would permit him to come.

Secretly I wanted to keep him and Celly as far apart from each other as possible, and would later tell him to play nice with the others. Once I found Celly, that is.

And...well, eventually I had to tell them that this was going to possibly be a damn combat op.

Common Grounds left then, saying that someone would need to run the court.

Others made their own excuses, and soon I had a much smaller group before me.

About a week of hiking through the terrain led us to here, staring at a faltering shield.

Eventually, it cracked, letting the changeling swarm in to ravage Canterlot.

I stared for a moment before I turned to the ponies that had followed me.

Ponies! I do not care for Canterlot. I do not care for the Princesses. In fact, the thought of returning here only filled me with sadistic glee. What I do care about is the fact that those damn changelings beat us to it!

There was a mumbling building up in the ponies.

I have often said I have a line, that I harm no ponies that do not deserve it, and the fact that you follow it fills me with pride. But these damn things are not ponies, and they damn well deserve it!

As the mumbling grew louder, I turned to watch the changelings as they attacked. Wave after wave swooped in and landed, did some damage, looked for potential targets, and either took off again, or reacted.

However, every fifty feet or so, hovering in the air, were changelings that did not move much. However, they watched, and moved their legs around as though they were maestros conducting an orchestra, and the changelings below followed. I knew what that meant.

Pegasi! Bring down that leadership!

They took off instantly, hopefully realizing what I did:

Without her relays, Chrysalis would have to control her entire swarm manually.

It's like she's a server, they're her routers, and the footsoldiers are all the computers linked in to her, I mused to myself. Any break in the chain effects the efficiency of the whole chain...

Two changelings fell. Then five.


And then I heard the scream.


I would have smiled as the last of her leadership fell and the pegasi returned to me, landing in a nice little row.

Any fatalities on their side?

The pegasi, to a pony, shook their heads. "Nah, we made sure they were knocked out and laid 'em out on rooftops."

Injuries on ours?

The pegasi did a moment of self inspection and responded in the negative again.

Excellent. Now, we're probably going to have to fight off massive waves of changelings as we progress. Our target is the castle itself, because knowing her type, it's where she'll be. No fatalities allowed on their side, but injuring them? Perfectly fine. I expect it in fact. Just rein in your brutality.

With that being said, I swapped over to Mercury, and we entered the city, only to be met with a huge wave of changelings staring at us.

Oh I do not have time for this! Stand ASIDE! Froth Sphere!

A huge wave of water erupted from my sword and washed over the changelings, dragging them away from us and down the street, evaporating once the job was done.

As we progressed through the city, my entourage decided to test their powers on the various stragglers that would sometimes come up from the sides or behind us. And I am proud to say that we did not lose a single pony to the changelings.

I should know, every five minutes I stopped and used Reveal. It was, in fact, after such a check where I was making sure I wasn't falling into an obvious trap that we were attacked again, this time from above. It was almost as though there was a thick blanket of changelings covering us.

I merely sighed and raised my sword. Shine Plasma!

Multiple balls of lightning erupted out of my sword and tasered the changelings. They dropped, smoking and twitching around us.

Chrysalis got inventive, then, but we kept pushing her back. When she came at us from all sides on the ground, we huddled together, and I reworked Stone Spire and Quake Sphere into dealing with them. When she decided to stay out of range, but divebomb us multiple times, I whipped out my Searing Beam, and clipped one, sending it falling to the ground with its wings on fire.

She kept them well out of range after that.

Once we reached the actual castle, I parted from my company. I shall deal with this. You lot go about and save who needs saving. Or take who has wronged you and prepare them for transport. There is much to do and little time to do it in.

I stalked the halls, slowly hearing the complaining growing louder and louder.

"This cannot be, we trounced those ponies effortlessly, and this small group is fighting back! What are these powers they have? How are they able to push us back with such ease? Find them! Capture them! Interrogate them! STOP THEM!"

Yeah good luck with that, I gave them orders to never travel too far from a Jupiter Adept with Reveal. Plus we have a passcode, one that you won't be able to imitate.

Following the stringent complaining led me to an altar. Or what had once been one.

Chrysalis had clearly started here. Changeling goo covered the walls erratically.

Standing off to the side, under guard by a few drones, were the Mane Six, along with a pink alicorn. I mean, seriously pink. She looked like a bloody flamingo.

Note to self - ask if she eats a lot of shrimp.

Double note to self - ask if Pinkie does too.

By process of being the only damnable bug-pony in the room large enough to be considered a leader, the black insectoid looking horse at the altar must be Chrysalis.

No clue who the white unicorn stallion with the blue mane was, though.

Looking towards the ceiling showed me an unwelcome sight.

Celestia in a changeling cocoon.

Moonfire had explained how changelings operate.

The most common method was the replacement method. You ponynap someone, turn into them, and feed off their loved ones. Meanwhile, the original is back at the hive, cocooned. Your fellow 'lings turn into their loved ones and feed off their love for them, slowly eating up everything they are. At that point, they have the option to either drain them to death, or turn them.

Celestia being in a pod meant that the changeling queen wanted to feed off of everything that made her unique and powerful, so that she could add it to her own.

Not today.

As I stomped into the room, all eyes turned to me.

You tend to draw attention when you're a giant animate suit of headless armor, I've noticed.

"Are you the reason my incursion is being disrupted?"

Holy shit that voice. I can't think of a more obvious tell that someone is evil, even in sparkly magic pony land.

Are you the reason my gatecrashing was pre-empted?

She seemed slightly taken aback that I responded. Or that I could respond. Or my flippant attitude. Hard to tell.


Yeah, essentially, I was gonna show up, wreck the party, be all 'I OBJECT BECAUSE OF YOUR FAT FLANK, CELESTIA!' and show the nobility that you don't need to be a unicorn to be awesome, as the ponies outside are demonstrating.

She hissed at that. "So they are yours, and your fault. You will call them off or I will-"

I decided to cut her off then. Yeah, no. I told them to go have fun, and I'm not about to rescind that. And do you want to know why?

Before she could actually answer, I cut her off again. Spite. You're doing what I wanted to. Also, I may not care for Canterlot or the ponies here, but I will be DAMNED if I will let those that think they are monsters run amok! Do you even know who I am?!

She hissed again at me. "Why should I care? I sense no love in that chestplate of yours. I cannot use you, and you are standing in my way. I will have all the time to learn about you when you're dead."

Ma'am, you're fifteen hundred years too late for that. I am the darkness, the elemental wraith, he who scares ponies into behaving. I am the monster other monsters fear. I am the monster your mother told you stories about to make you wary at night.

I drew and leveled my sword at the bug-horse, and then I felt something...change inside.

I turned and faced Celestia's pod, pointing my sword at the part where it connected to the ceiling. Activating my Fulminous Strike for a moment was enough to cut her down. She impacted the ground with a thud behind me, and the ponies called for their princess. I looked back at Chrysalis, and she was sneering at me.

"You think freeing that old nag will save you? I will still wreck you for your insolence."

I turned back to face the bug-horse, realizing she was still the greatest threat.

I am Dullahan, the shadow, the protector of the light. If you desire the sun's power...

I held my sword to the side for a moment and activated my Fulminous Strike again.


The lightning impacted the wall next to the changeling queen. She looked at the scorch mark, looked at my sword, looked at where my head should be, looked back at the scorch mark, back at me, and did some numbers in her head.

That was when she laughed, and through the windows, I could see the horde of changelings homing in. I had an option, and I hoped it worked.

Djinn Storm!

The waves of light erupted from me, washing over the changelings - and funnily enough, only the changelings.

They fell instantly, and Chrysalis screamed in pain.

"How did you do that?! They're drained! I'M drained!"

I pointed my sword at the unicorn standing next to her, finally realizing that the glassy look in his eyes was the cause of some sort of spell on him. Break!

A jet of blue sparks emitted from the stallion, and after he shook his head and opened his newly-cleared eyes. "Is the wedding over?"

Chrysalis growled at me. "Despite this scrap heap's interference, it's ALL OVER! Canterlot is MINE! All that remains is to oust him and his!"

Twilight saw her chance. Or more accurately, she saw the pink alicorn's chance. "Go to him! Hurry!"

The stallion looked out the window and was dismayed. "No! How could this have happened?"

The alicorn sidled up to him and put a wing on his back. "There is still time, love. Perform your spell."

"And what good will THAT do? My changelings already roam free!"

Indeed, the stallion's horn sparked a few times, but nothing happened. "I've been drained too much...I just don't have the strength."

"My love will give you strength," the alicorn rejoined, causing the changeling queen to laugh.

"What a lovely, but foolish, sentiment." She fired a few bolts of magic at me, and I held up my shield. They bounced off, into the ceiling, leaving a few scorch marks.

That was when I had enough of this bitch, and ran at her, tackling her through the window. My weight bore us down, and she screamed something, probably about how she demanded release. Or to be released. Hard to tell with that much wind whipping past and stealing her voice.

She managed to squirm free just as I impacted the ground. The dust cloud hid me for a moment, and I heard her laugh.

"That foolish pile of metal! He wrecked himself just to buy the ponies a few moments, so that they could say their prayers!"

Thanks for telling me where you are, bitch, I thought to myself. I swung my sword, activating my Fulminous Strike and bringing it across where I'd heard her voice emanating from.

Her scream of pain was delicious.


I am neither living nor dead, I walk the line between the light and the dark. You have challenged me, and I answer all challenges with no less than my full mettle!

The dust finally cleared, and Chrysalis was glaring at me. The feeling would have been mutual, but, no eyes.

Now I call upon the ferryman, he who escorts the dead across the river Styx...

I finally recognized the voice. It wasn't mine. It wasn't me. THIS wasn't me! Killing wasn't my style! CHARON wasn't my style!

I shook violently a few times, trying to regain control, and then the wave of pink impacted me.

It triggered something inside me again.

Mom. Dad. Jenny. Richard. My...old life. My home.

And as I was remembering my life, I remembered something else.

Wait a tic. That's right! Time doesn't have to be a constant! Time isn't a river! It can change, it's malleable, save for fixed points!

I could go back!

And then I sobered and asked myself the crucial question.

How? My powers wouldn't allow for it. None of mine could possess the strength. Nor could I turn back to my old self. Psynergy just wouldn't do it. The only way back would be to...

I watched the changelings get tossed aside, realizing that a plausible answer to my questions...was the one I'd been antagonizing all this time.

And then there was an explosion on Mt. Canterlot.

One that I could feel.

Author's Note:

1037 favs, 778 likes.
I think it's stabilized.