• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,376 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Side Chapter 2 - A shoulder to lean on

Author's Note:

This chapter was written by Isaac3924.

Pyre was a little befuddled at the moment. The reason as to pertaining why, was the quite large (and of course) raucous party going on in the recently established inn/tavern.

Multiple ponies were going about having a blast. Common Grounds was dancing and jumping from table to table, quite happy with his first case, Kajex was dancing along with him, darting about trying to keep up with the slightly intoxicated lawyer, now judge. Pyralis was quite drunk and was incessantly going on and on about his lordliness (whatever that means) to whomever was near. Which at the moment had been Dreamer and Lore Keeper, who were previously trying to hold an intelligent conversation over the din of the tavern. Aboyami and Scarves were sitting together. The zebra mare was talking to Scarves about the culture and traditions of her tribe, while Scarves was nodding along with the similarities that his own teacher's clan shared. Flowing had decided to join in the revelry midway, leaving Irish to tend the bar. He was currently having a drinking contest with Cross, surprisingly.... and even more surprisingly losing to him. Even the local manticore, Fluffy, was lapping at a rather large bowl of alcohol contentedly, letting out an occasional purr. While Pyre himself sat at the bar, where he had been a good thirty minutes before the party started, passively drinking and watching the festivities take place.

Pyre wasn't quite surprised that a party started up, but rather who was leading the festivities.

Amber, the solitary Diamond Dog of the community was going around being as absolutely random and carefree as possible.

She'd go around acting either as a fool, or surprisingly intelligent. She had joined in Common's dance midway only to hop off the table at the end of a strange song dubbed, "Cuban Pete". She poked a little fun at Pyralis, bowing deeply to him and somehow convincing the 'lord' that the raccoons (or plebeians) outside were huge fans of his and would like to thank his lordship for his kind rule, causing the pony to attempt a regal canter out of the tavern, only to stumble and fall on his snout halfway through. Making the usually stuffy Dreamer laugh uproariously, alongside Lore.

It was at this point that Pyre turned back to his drink beginning to get a little angry with the dog. He could not understand her, so he decided to remove her from his sight.

This worked for an entirety of five minutes until Amber plopped down next to him.

"Hey there, Flare! How ya doin'?"

Pyre, turned to face Amber, a little irked that his personal bubble had been invaded, he gave the Diamond Dog a scowl, and let loose a single word, "Fine." Letting it convey that he wished to be left to his drink.

Amber did not take the hint.

"Really Flare? Cause your muzzle says otherwise."



"My name is Pyre."

Amber shrugged, "Suit yourself Pyrie," Pyre's right ear twitched, "but you still don't look 'fine' to me. So what can good ol' auntie Amber do for ya to turn that frown upside down?"


Amber pouted, "Now don't say that, surely something could cheer you up.... Oh, I know, why don't I list the things that cheer me up! I bet one of those will make ya happy again!"

"That's not real-"

But it was too late. Amber let loose a stream of words, strung together to where it became practically inane rambling. The most Pyre could pick up was something about emeralds tasting like watermelon, and the many, many, many wonders of books.

......This went on for about an hour.

Until it was broken by the sound of Irish accidentally dropping a mug and shattering it followed by a quick exchange between Flowing and Cross going along the lines of Flowing yelling out, "MAZEL TOV!" Followed by Cross, staring at him with a raised eyebrow asking, "What does that even mean?" Ending with Flowing stating, "You're not even sspst ch with the panda hat." Followed promptly with Flowing falling over, hitting the ground unconscious.

This went unnoticed to Pyre however, as he used the sudden silence to voice his anger.

"How can you act this way?"

Amber blinked, surprised, "Whaddaya mean?"

"I understand that you're happy that justice is served, but what about the rest of us? What about the ones that might not see justice done?" Pyre's voice began to rise in volume. "What about the ones who can't receive justice?! What about those of us, who had to take justice into their own hooves?! What about me, who burnt his own father to death?!" Pyre's voice didn't rise all that high, but held a cold intensity to it that made it seem to dominate the whole room. "And yet, you go about all happy go-lucky, uncaring for the plights of others! Have you no respe-"

Pyre, suddenly caught himself when he actually took notice of the tears beginning to form in the corners of Amber's eyes, and then looked around the rest of the tavern.

While there were indeed a few ponies... and even the dragon, that seemed to share his sentiments, most looked at him with an expression of anger or shame. Boring down on him for the slight that he had just carried out. Fluffy even had the hairs of his back standing straight up, glaring menacingly in his direction.

"....I'm sorry, I need to go." Pyre croaked out, slowly getting off his bar stool and making for the door. As soon as he got out the door, he galloped away from the tavern and took flight towards a small hill near town.

Pyre alighted himself onto the hill, and let out a sigh as he sat on his haunches, looking down at Newvale morosely. He had done it again. Pyre tended not to let anything get to him, to be calm and collected, yet still, there were always certain buttons that if pressed, made him angry, then he would just simmer and simmer, until finally, he would blow up, (though not in a large commotion) at the nearest pony. It's why he'd move around so much. Being slow to trust others and letting the one bothersome pony get to him.... that and staying away from the foster care ponies that were probably still after him.

Suddenly, a loud crunch made Pyre jump and twirl around in surprise.

Right behind him, was Amber, laying back staring up at the stars, upon a newly formed mound. The diamond dog had dug her way from outside the tavern at some point and had followed Pyre.

"..... How'd you find me?" Pyre queried, tilting his head to the side.

"... You use lilac shampoo."

"......... No I do-"

"Yes. You do."

"Well what do you want?"

Amber just continued to stare at the stars, until finally she turned to Pyre and said, "You know, I never knew my real parents. Still, that doesn't mean I understand how you feel . I was one of the lucky ones, I had someone to provide for me, teach me, and care for m-"

"You're not doing a very good job at this." Pyre deadpanned.

"J-just listen!" Amber flustered. "*sigh*My father, he taught me to always laugh in life, to find the joy in what you can. To laugh, and then make others laugh, to spread joy to others with your own happiness." She turned back to look at the stars. "He told me that when you made somebody, not just somepony, but somebody laugh, a new star formed in the sky like the gems underground, I mean how stupid is that?" She laughed a little to herself staring up at the stars again, wistfully. "Still, hammered the idea into my brain, I mean who doesn't like to look at stars? Heh, the old codger even lived by his creed, found his corpse with a smile on its face." She choked a little at that, "Only bit of consolation I had from his death... or maybe he didn't want me to worry, the poor fool.... Still!" Amber jumped up and clapped her paws together, her expression doing a complete 180. "My old man, did teach me, that sometimes making somebody laugh wasn't always the right way to make 'em happy!" She grinned, and waltzed over to Pyre who backed up a step in surprise.

"Sometimes, the best thing someone needs is'a good ol' shoulder to lean on, or an ear to listen to their troubles. So, here I am." She plopped down beside Pyre pushing his haunches down with her, so they were sitting side by side, staring at the lights from New Vale. "Ya wanna talk about it?"

".... Really? This corny spiel?" Pyre deadpanned again.

Amber shrugged, "It may be corny, but it's sure as tartarus cathartic." She smiled toothily.

"............I'm not getting out of this am I?"


Pyre let out a sigh, "Fine. To begin with, my foalhood, was for lack of a bitter word, shit. My father, was a hero of the guard, and well respected, but when I turned two, he, being his heroic self, faced down a dragon. He then proceeded to actually stall it, until another contingent of guards got to town, but lost his leg." Pyre paused for a second collecting his thoughts, and then continued, "I never knew my mother, and I don't care to know her. I found out later in life that she supposedly left us, due to not wanting to care for me, or a crippled three legged unicorn. So then, father only had me to blame." Pyre gained a bit of a far-off look in his eyes, "He may have been hobbled but his horn worked perfectly fine, as did his mind.... in a way. That thing knew just how to hit me in the right position, and force so as to keep the injuries hidden. When I got to the age of seven, I tried to approach the squad of guards in my town to report him, and to get away." Pyre's face scrunched up into one of spite, "They didn't believe me. My father's status as a hero, and his formerly high rank in the guard assured him to be practically untouchable. I was beaten quite badly that evening."

Pyre grit his teeth even harder, feeling a tension in his chest, "That didn't stop the one or two guards from noticing what was really going on though. When they approached him however, he merely bribed them to keep their mouths shut with his savings and his pension. I don't know why, maybe to keep me as his plaything to vent his anger.

"After a year more of that torture, I- I- " Pyre took a deep breath, then continued his voice wavering slightly, "I tricked my father to fall down the basement stairs. I watched as the bastard fell, broke one of his forelegs, and cracked his horn. After that, I shut the door, locked it, and set fire to all four corners of that hell-hole... I did open the door one last time to say goodbye, to my screaming father. Then I torched the basement..... just to make sure." Pyre had finally calmed down after explaining the murder of his single family member, "The guard found me outside the house, already half-burnt to the ground."

"Heh," Pyre smirked, "earned me my cutie mark." He motioned to the wooden pile of scraps with a blazing fire set upon it. "The guards just threw me into foster care, but it was practically the same old crap as my father, if on a lesser scale. So I ran." Pyre shrugged, "Been traveling around getting work where I could until this." Pyre motioned to New Vale with his forelegs, and then let them fall. Letting silence finally settle over both he and Amber, until finally turning to her and asking, "Are you happy now?"

Amber just smiled heartily, "No, no, no, are you happy?"

Pyre was about to retort, when he realized, "Yeah.... yeah, I sort of am....."

He turned slowly back to Newvale, eyes wide.

Only for Amber to knock him over with a slap to the back.

"There ya go, all better now! Nothing good ol' Amber couldn't handle ya see?"

She reached down and helped Pyre to his hooves who chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Well then, what are we doin' up here all by our lonesome? Let's get back down to the tavern and I'll buy ya a drink, whadaya say Pyrie?"

"Amber." Pyre stated with a serious look on his face, Causing her to pause and turn to him.

"My friends call me Flare."

Amber stood there for a half second and then guffawed, walking down the slope with Pyre Flare right beside her.