• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,377 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Chapter 1 - Heading out

Bored. So very, very bored. You would think they would at least have the common courtesy to take me with them. But no. Trap the possessed armor in unbreaking chains and leave it in the basement. Oh, and take its sword. Not like I NEED IT or anything.

I sighed, thinking about shifting one of my chains, but ultimately deciding against it. It'd require the use of magic I just did not have. Not without my wonderful battery slash converter.

I mean, yeah, it made me less dangerous, but it also took away nearly all my power to do anything more than THINK! Damn pony sisters.

And for what? Clomping around? Terrifying a few ponies while I got used to my powers that I'd never had before?

Maybe screaming my head off I'd be willing to give them. But when you wake up in magical pony land and find yourself as nothing more than a spirit possessing a suit of armor without a head, I'd like to see you maintain your composure.

Suddenly, there was a tang in the air. One I hadn't sensed in quite a while. One that I knew, and it excited me somewhat.

Dissy? Dissy, ol' buddy? That you?


With a flash, the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony entered my 'prison'. He looked around and gagged a bit. "Ech! A thousand and a half years of dust down here. What have you been doing, Dully?"

Oh, you know. Not much. Just complaining about the chains. And my missing sword. Seriously, they could at least have taken me with.

"I'd say you got it easy, but honestly, your prison is just a bit larger than mine was. Anyways, I come bearing gifts!"

Oh Dissy, you didn't have to! What'd ya bring me? A get out of jail free card? Some instant rust?

With a snap and a flash, the spirit conjured up something I dearly missed for the past few eras.

My sword! Oh Dissy! I could kiss you!

"I'd love to see you do that without a head," Discord replied as he placed the sword in my right hand.

Instantly, power flooded my very being. With a groan, I brought the sword down on the chains holding me.

Time had done what pure rage could not, and on the third strike, one of the chains broke.

Now with a bit more leverage, I brought my gleaming sword down on the other chains, snapping them all off and shrugging the metal down to the floor.

You always do bring the most welcome...and unwelcome things, Dissy. Why do this for me?

"Well, being, how do you say, from In Between normally, I can tell when things are happening in this world. Or to this world."

Such as?

"Well, whatever realm inspired your get-up, Frank, and our own? They're starting to notice one another. I'll do all I can to put it off today, but that'll only delay it, especially if those Elements get their act together and put me back in the slammer. So I have a proposition for you!"

Listening, if only because I know what lurks in that realm.

"Work with the sisters, try to tell them about the Multiverse. They'll not listen to me, and I can't blame them. I'm causing so much delightful chaos just by being free, after all. But if they know, then they might be able to devise something that'd protect us."

...You know how I feel about the sisters. You KNOW, and you ask this of me.

"Yes, and I also know how they feel about you. But think about it. If our and that realm get too close, who can say what or who'd survive?"

Is it caused by my being here?

"I don't know! I don't look into the why of things, I merely notice and react to them. But I seriously doubt you want a true villain from that world to notice this one."

I thought back to everything I knew about the game, which was getting rather stale by this point, and nodded grimly. Or rather, I did my version of a nod, which involved tilting my entire upper body slightly a few times. What little I recall these days agrees with you, Discord. But that doesn't mean I'll be polite.

Discord cheered, and confetti fell from...somewhere. "Oh happy day! Now I think I need to be getting back. I might be due for a confrontation!"

Discord made to snap his fingers, and I interrupted him by placing a gauntlet on his paw. Would you happen to know where the stairs out are?


Two hours later, after trudging my way up from the depths, I found myself in the Everfree Castle. Or the castle of the Two Sisters. Or, these days, a pile of ruins.

Sheesh, guess he wasn't kidding about the thousand and a half years part. I mean, good gods. What the hell happened to make them abandon this place?

I sighed as I made out the rope bridge. Nobody tells the inanimate pile of armor anything. I have feelings, y'know!

Testing the bridge with a foot made the entire thing creak, and I stepped back. Nope, not getting across that way. Hmm. What all do I recall? There has to be a way across a giant pit like this, even for someone of my bulk...

Making out a giant dead tree on the other side, I grinned. Or would have. Perfect.

I drew my sword and pointed it at the tree. Okay, this should be simple. Move!

My sword flashed brown, making me realize that yes, I had left it on Venus all those years ago. A ghostlike hand reached out towards the tree and gripped it. Pulling the sword back pulled the ghost limb, and the tree it was connected to, back as well. Until, finally...


The tree bridged the gap, and I nodded. Knew that one wasn't useless here!

I tested the tree, hearing only a slight groan. Knowing that was about as good as I was about to get, but deciding not to take chances, I focused on my sword. Element swap - Jupiter!

My sword flashed brown, then purple. Nodding to myself, I raised it above my neck-hole and said a short prayer. Gods, I don't know if this'll work, but it's my only choice. Um...Haste?

Feeling the tingle of my magic working, I decided to rush it. Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down!

I barely made it across before I heard the creaking and groaning of the tree, followed by a crashing noise. Ha-HAH! Safe!

I put my sword back in the sheathe and looked around. Whelp. Guess there's no time like the present to wander aimlessly. I'll find someone eventually, and they can tell me where Celestia or Luna are. Still gotta decide if I'm gonna be mad at them or not...


"Well done, Twilight, and all your friends. Thanks to your efforts, Discord has been resealed in stone. Now to take him back to the Canterlot Gardens, where he belo-"

"Sister! Tis most unfortunate!"

Luna came out of the sky and landed next to Celestia as she was praising Twilight Sparkle and the other Bearers.

"What is it, Luna?"

"The Element Blade! Tis gone!"

Celestia gasped, instantly looking at Discord. "You...you took it, didn't you? Where did you go with it?"

A whisper of thought eked into her head, directed at her from the statue in front of her. Why dear Tia...I merely returned it to its owner.

Celestia reared back as though struck and flared her wings. "Luna, return to Canterlot! Rally the guard and prepare our defenses! Dullahan is on the move!"

Author's Note:

So uh, yeah. I've been bitten by the whole 'Humans turning into villains and finding their way into Equestria' BUG that seems to be going 'round.
Not to worry, though. I still have my planned interlude for The Betrayed and whatever I'll name my next story going on in the background.
I'm merely planning to write that whole interlude up and post it at once.
Whereas this? This is me having fun writing again.
Lemme know what you think of it!