• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,376 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Chapter 9 - Watch your head, that first step's a doozy

A funny thing I've learned about being in any sort of position of leadership:

The things you say get picked up on.

For instance, while I was building a new house and one of the walls collapsed slightly on me, I sagged and said Sol dammit.

The reason I went with Sol is simple: I'm not using Celestia's name in that sort of context. I don't think of her as a goddess, thank you very much.

It wasn't long before I heard stallions also use my inventive curse, and one of the mares had come to me asking if there was another one I knew about that she could use.

Foolishly I shrugged and said Well, Sol is another word for Sun. I used Sol because I'm not using the sun princess' name if I can help it. I was also thinking about using Selene in the place of Moon...

It wasn't long before 'Selene curse you' became yet another de facto swear.

It was probably born of them wanting a new curse besides 'By Celestia' or 'Thank Celestia'. I mean, I hadn't noticed them saying 'everybody' and 'everyone' yet.

Though it would probably only be a matter of time, seeing as how we had a healthy mix of species.

After a few days, Crossed Gears had managed to give us a rough idea of what we would need to make a generator.

He'd also helped by giving us the idea and schematics to make a water tower.

That'd been an all-day project. An unpleasant one, when one of the supports snapped.

There was also a bit of excitement when I got the idea to use Mad Growth on the field instead of a regular Growth.

That had resulted in a plant monster. One that I realized should be defeated via careful application of Wind Slash.

Burning it to the ground would have resulted in a lot of burned produce that the ponies could use, after all.

Slowly cutting it down to size had netted us a sizable stockpile of food that, while the ponies say tasted a bit more bland than they were used to, did the job of keeping their bellies full.

I don't think our generator project would have gotten anywhere if it wasn't for Dreamer, a violet unicorn.

He'd asked that critical question. Not why isn't it working. But rather.

"Why don't you use Quake to mine out the mountain?"

Good head on him, that stallion.

I was also thankful that we had a few good smiths in the town. We managed to make the parts for generator in what Crossed Gears told us was record time. Though we did have someone else to thank for that.

Namely, our first Venus Djinn to earn a name.

We ended up calling him Lodestone, and his particular talent was in magnetism. Creating and manipulating the fields thereof. He ended up shifting only a little bit, to where it looked like his tail was a horseshoe magnet.

Without that happening, I'm pretty sure it would have taken us much longer to get a generator set up.

Naturally, a small celebration was in order for both him and Talos the griffin, the one he'd formed the closest bond with.

True to her word and possibly her talent, Fulminata managed to get electrical lines laid for the town.

We had food, water, electricity. Now all we needed was some sort of unique product to export along with more housing, and the town would not only survive, but thrive.

I had a few ideas on the unique export front, but first and foremost, we needed to get Crossed Gears, along with the backup generator and books we'd borrowed, back to town.

There were a few ways we could do this unnoticed, but first, I needed to meet with the most interesting cross between zebra and pony I'd ever seen for both the export and the primary plan for returning our 'borrowed' items.

With a coat the color of bark, spiky gray hair that darkened towards the tips, a few stripes in her coat here and there, a unicorn horn, a gemstone cutie mark, and red irises, this equine life form definitely stood out from the crowd.

So, Crystal Clear, I had a thought about the town making money, along with us performing 'missions' a lot easier.

She motioned with a hoof for me to continue.

See, in theory, gemstones can be imbued with certain psynergies. Then, even if you're not of the same alignment, you can still use the contained psynergy by channeling a bit of your power into it.

Her eyes danced as she considered the implications. "That...that sounds like it would help us greatly. But how could this help us perform missions easier?"

Because I know of a few that are, shall we say, unaligned. If I can imbue a stone with one of them, it will make sneaking around a lot easier. All I need is a stone, preferably a dark one, like an onyx.

Crystal immediately began rummaging through her bag and procured an onyx. I took it carefully and inspected it. Perfect. Now, I'm not sure about how much backlash there'll be, so...

She backed up a few steps, but continued to watch. I grasped the spherical gem firmly with my right gauntlet and concentrated. I pulled at the essence of myself and forced a bit of it into the stone. I would have smiled as it caught hold in the stone and shifted, going from a piece of me to a small wisp. Then I focused on my memories, bringing forth the very idea of Cloak.

The darkness is the ally of the one that uses this...used properly, none should fear detection...they become one with the shadows...

A flash came from the stone, and I 'felt' the wisp change. Well, I think it worked, Crystal. Mind taking it and standing in the shade of that building over there?

Crystal nodded and took the onyx in her magical grip, going to the nearby (still shared) home. "And now what?"

Channel a bit of your power into the stone.

Crystal nodded, concentrated, and then she and the stone vanished.

Excellent! It works!

"What works?"

Even knowing who it was and where they (approximately) were, I will say this: Hearing a disembodied pony voice is creepy.

Look down at yourself!

There was silence for a beat, and then rapid breathing. Clearly, Crystal wasn't taking it well.

Calm down! Just step into the light.

After a moment, Crystal reappeared at the edge of the shadow, having stuck one hoof out of it.

And that is Cloak in a nutshell. We are going to have so much fun with it, but first, we need to return Gears, the books, and the generator.

(3rd POV - Twilight - Dawn of the next day)

Twilight was pacing in her bedroom.

She couldn't help herself, really.

That giant animated armor had managed to sneak in, take books without a library card, and sneak out.

How was her home supposed to be safe after that?!

How was anypony supposed to be safe after that!

Nonetheless, the note had said there was a possibility the books would be returned, so she waited in her home. Sooner or later the armor would come by, and then she'd-


Oh, Spike was back from Rarity's already? That was fast.

"Twilight, there's something going on in Town Square! I think you should be there, somepony mentioned something about books!"

Twilight was gone in an instant, teleporting directly to Town Square to see what all the commotion was about. It didn't take long for her to see it.

Lying near the fountain was the town's backup generator, the passed out Crossed Gears, and a small pile of books.

Affixed to the books was a small note. Twilight plucked it off the pile and began to read.

Dear possibly neurotic pony,

As you can see, the property of the town has been returned. As I stated might happen in my last note.

However, while you were here reading this note, a small group has infiltrated your library and is even now taking a few books on metallurgy, mining, and agriculture.

Same deal as before, we'll return them one day. Probably.


Everypony present saw Twilight's mane starting to smoke and knew what that meant.

Unfortunately, there were no bomb shelters nearby.

(Dullahan POV)

So wait, you mean to tell me they made more than one season of that show?

Across from me, Solaire nodded. "Indeed. Last count was...I think four? It's been a while."

Longer for me, and I was never into it. Okay, so the whole Discord thing, was that a major plot point?

Solaire nodded again and took a bite of the sandwich I'd set out before summoning him for a chat. "Yes, that was the season two opener. Things are probably going to get off the rails from there, depending how much you interfere. Or they could follow their paths perfectly. Who knows?"

Can you give me a rundown so I know what to avoid?

Solaire sighed. "Oh gosh. Um...Moonbutt's going to become more sociable, there's going to be a thing about sisters and cutie marks, Dash is going to use Ghastly Gorge to try and find a pet..."

At this I interrupted him. Okay, that's not too far from here. What happens then, specifically?

Solaire nodded at me. "Wise precaution. A rock-slide happens."

We'll avoid it until then. Next?

"There'll be a thing in town about Dash's inflated ego, a thing in Canterlot about Rarity hobnobbing, little Spike is going to run amok for a bit, and...I forget a good bit of the rest except for the dragon migration."

That also sounds like a thing we should avoid. Are we on their path?

Solaire shrugged. "I'm uncertain. It's been a thousand years and change since Earth was a thing I was on. Oh! There's also going to be a wedding. You should definitely avoid that."

Aw, I loved weddings!

"Yeah, well, this one takes place in Canterlot, and plays host to an attack by a rival nation."

Actually, that sounds like the perfect excuse.

Solaire tilted his helmeted head at me. "Excuse for what?"

I would have smiled at him. Gatecrashing, what else?


A few days after my meeting with Solaire, I thought Frostfall, the pegasus who'd helped with the raid on the town, was ready to learn the one Jupiter psynergy that had to be passed down from teacher to student. She wanted to have her friends, who I was now dubbing the Newvale Adventuring Troupe, with her, and I agreed. We met near the entrance of the 'mine'. I was seriously considering hollowing out a huge section of it for my own use. It'd give me a place to store my tablets close to the town! But I digress.

Okay, now this will probably sting you a little bit, but I promise, it'll hurt me more. Just put your hoof in my hand.

Carefully, she did so, and I concentrated on myself. I brought forth a piece of me, purged it of its connections to turn it into a wisp, and then forced it into the very notion of the Reveal psynergy.

It was not easy or painless, doing this, but I was getting used to it.

I then forced the wisp out of my gauntleted hand and into Frostfall's hoof to pass the psynergy on to her. Her face lit up in revelation as the knowledge made its way into her head and she, probably by reflex, tried it out.

The world around us for a good ten meters was plunged into a black-and-white version of itself. Color bled away, and it all looked the same.

All except for Moonfire.

His fur peeled away, revealing a black, insectoid form beneath. Once he realized we were staring, his eyes widened, and colorless flames covered him, leaving no trace of any change. He then screamed in an odd voice that was only slightly similar to his own.

"What the buck is that psynergy?!"

I drew my sword and pointed it at him. It's called Reveal, and you get approximately ten seconds to tell me what the hell is going on before I get pissed!

Instantly Talos was between the two of us, snarling at me. "I don't care that you're Dullahan or that he's...not exactly what I thought he was, but you do NOT threaten my friend!"

I 'stared' at the two of them. Five seconds!

That was when Moonfire blurted out "I'm a changeling!" at me.

I turned from Talos to Moonfire, and then to Frostfall and Flare. And did any of you know this?

They shook their heads and I sighed. Well, then let's find out. Moonfire, if you would?

The rest of that day would prove to be...interesting.

Author's Note:

991 favorites.
Nearly 700 likes.
What. The. Christ.
Anyways, yeah! Dully can pull parts of himself out to make psynergy stones for 'unaligned' psynergy!
The limit for him is gonna be 'can only make one of any particular type' and 'can only make one every few days' along with 'must have proper stone'.
I'm on the fence as to if his followers will be able to make things like Cure or Growth stones.