• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,336 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

  • ...

Side Chapter 6 - The Final Trial

Author's Note:

Three authors on this one!
Shinigamisparda, SwimmingDalek98, and PimpbabyDragon.
Jesus, 6k words for the dragon. Shoulda expected it, honestly.

The Final Trial

The dragon’s fanged smile grew as he heard the approaching metallic footsteps of Newvale’s founder, which could only mean that a certain unicorn priest was approaching as well. It had been more than a week since they left and ever since that beadon of red light began to shine he was anxious for them to return. After all, he was next, and last, in line for a journey. Within minutes, they both came into view.

“Oy there, ShiverSpine!” Silver Cross called.

The adolescent dragon jumped off the roof of his home, flapping his leathery wings once to slow his descent before hitting the ground.

“Welcome back, you two,” he answered with a smile.

Shiver, how’s the Djinn problem coming? asked the mighty headless armor.

“Just fine. I’ve picked up a couple of wild ones nearby, and the rest I need are going to be loaned to me by some of the others.”

Good. All that’s left is to complete your trial. I think you and Silver Cross should have a little chat. Is there anything I should attend to?

“Well, there’s a few new additions to the town, a few non-adept ponies, actually. Some of them don’t have much love for the Princesses, but others are just some enterprising merchants looking to check things out.”

Guess things have really started up now that we’ve got that road finished. Alright, I’ll see what needs to be done. Cross, you take over from here.

And with that the dark armor walked further into town, startling some of the newer residents who either hid behind whatever was nearby or looked on with fascination. Their reactions got a chuckle out of the ice drake and the unicorn.

“So, what exactly was the trial you needed to overcome? Some traps? Or a riddle?”

Silver Cross hesitated a moment before responding, something that caught ShiverSpine off guard.

“Ah think yer gonna want ta sit down for this one. Mind if ah come inside?”


“You’re kidding. You had to give up your hatred of Celestia?”


“So you don’t have any problems with her anymore?”

“Nah, ah’m still plenty mad at her, but ah’m not thinkin’ about it all the time now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ah mean when we first came here there were pretty much only two things runnin’ though mah head: ‘how can ah serve Dullahan?’, and ‘how can ah piss off her Royal Sunbutt?’ But now…” The unicorn closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Now ah’m thinkin’ ‘what can ah do that’ll make me happy? That’ll make everyone else happy?’ ‘Cause that’s all ah ever really wanted. Ah let mah rage take over these past ten years, and ah lost sight of what ah was tryin’ ta get back.”

“So, if you had to let go of your anger, then that means-“

“Aye. That means yer likely gonna have ta do the same,” Cross finished. “Ah understand what yer going though, and how tough it’ll be. Yer the only one in town that has more reason ta hate her than me. It won’t be easy.”

“But it still has to be done, doesn’t it?” ShiverSpine muttered.

“Aye, and soon. Dullahan’s at his weakest now, the weakest he’ll be before he gets empowered by that ‘Golden Sun’ he was talkin’ about.”

“Which needs to show up soon, now that three of the beacons are lit, which means that ‘Wise One’ is coming even faster now.” The dragon groaned. “Why did it have to be me? I… I don’t think I can do it.”

Both waited in silence for a moment before the stallion perked up.

“Ya know, ah might know one that can give ya an idea on what ta do.”

The drake cocked his head in confusion.

“I think we better pay our little shamaness a visit.”


The dragon and the unicorn approached Aboyami’s tent near the center of town, a strange and somewhat unnerving sight to those who didn’t know what it meant for the village. Over time the mysterious and somewhat creepy, yet undoubtedly kind zebra mare, had earned the oh-so-clever nickname “The Grim Healer” from the residents. This was due in part to the combination of her cloak with the skeleton design she wore to work, not to mention her “special services”, and the fact anything she did made things better. Whether it was a cold remedy, a disinfectant for wounds, or in Silver Cross’ case a remedy for chronic lung disease, anyone that met with her always left happier. Recently she’d even begun infusing gems with Growth psyenergy, a trick she picked up from Crystal Clear, having made friends with the half-zebra half-unicorn.

“Oy there, Aboyami!” the stallion called as he entered, leaving Shiver outside to peek in, being a bit too big to fit into the shamaness’ crowded workspace. “Hope we’re not interruptin’?”

Aboyami diverted her attention away from the gem she had just picked up to face her visitors. “Silver Cross! I had heard you were back! It is good to see you well.”

The mare pulled back her hood and gave the unicorn a quick hug, which he reciprocated. This surprised Shiver, as he’d never seen Cross as being the touchy type.

“And hello to you as well, ShiverSpine. What brings you two to my humble abode today?

The smile on Silver Cross’s face faded. “Ah’m afraid we’re needin’ a little help. Or to be more accurate, he’s needin’ some help.”

“Oh, have you finally come to ask for my services?” Aboyami asked.

The dragon grimaced slightly in response. More than once Aboyami had recommended that she help him speak with his family from beyond the grave. It’s not that he was opposed to the idea itself, but rather that he didn’t feel he could face his family. Not yet at least.

“Sorry, but no. Actually, I was hoping to get some advice.”

“Advice on what?”

“Well, maybe ah’d better start on that one,” Cross began. “Well, ya see, on mah trip to the Mars beacon…”


“So that’s basically the gist of it,” Cross finished.

“I see. This is a dilemma indeed,” Aboyami stated before turning to Shiver. “You must overcome your own grief and hate to pass your trial and light the beacon. Amber’s trial was seeking justice for her adoptive father, and Silver Cross’ was learning to no longer let his hate consume him. I hear that Queen Chrysalis’ trial was to be willing to give up everything that she is for a way to help her hive live happily, which involved peace with those she attacked. All were successful in putting the past behind them and looking to the future. Which leaves you, ShiverSpine. I believe it is obvious what you must put behind you.”

“Revenge,” the drake muttered. “Against whoever killed that pony, and Celestia,” he growled that name, frigid breath escaping from between his fangs.

“Indeed. I’d like to take my time and counsel you on letting go of your rage, but I fear we do not have time. The Wise One approaches, and we likely do not have time for a gradual approach.”

“So what do I do? I won’t let everyone suffer because of me.”

The shamaness hesitated. “I… have an idea, but I am hesitant to suggest it.”

The other two were silent, holding their gazes with the zebra.

“I think you may have to confront your problem directly.”

The two’s eye’s widened in shock.

“Do… Do you mean-?”

“Now hold on a minute, even ah know this is a bad idea!”

“I understand, and I would not have suggested it if I thought there was another option,” she explained.

“… Ah think we should talk to Dullahan about this,” Silver Cross suggested.


It had been two and a half days since then and ShiverSpine had already made it to Canterlot, amazing time even for a flying dragon as himself. The Jupiter Djinn had aided in increasing his physical abilities, but also there was the added strength of his own motivation. He was on a time limit, though he had no idea how long it was, and more importantly he was finally going to put to rest one of his goals. A 20 year old goal that had driven him to join the dissenters in Newvale, and had kept a fire burning in him for all that time.

Night had fallen upon the Equestrian capital, which made his infiltration pathetically easily, despite the increased guard patrols. The Cloak Sphere saw to that, especially in the darkness where he didn’t have to worry about the sunlight bringing him out of his illusion. He kept it in a small bag along with some food and water for the trip. Dullahan had given it to him when Silver Cross and Aboyami had explained their plan, one that the armored spirit had his problems with but couldn’t think of any way to refute it. He gave him the treasure and the words “let it go” before sending the adolescent drake on his way.

He had left on his own for the sake of expedience, but that in itself was proving to have unexpected consequences. Being alone, aside from his few Djinn who didn’t talk since introducing themselves, had let his mind wander. He didn’t know exactly what he planned to do when he finally confronted the solar diarch, but over the course of the last two days his thoughts had continually turned darker and darker.

He kept trying to convince himself that he shouldn’t harm her, that Dullahan would’ve disapproved, but as he kept revisiting the thought of rending her flesh it became harder and harder to focus on that. Those thoughts only became more vivid as he entered the palace proper and approached the alicorn’s private quarters.

He could see the light from the fireplace inside. He took a breath and puffed out a melon-sized cloud of frigid air before using his wind psyenergy to guide it under the door. Being able to sense the fluctuations in temperature he guided it to the fire and extinguished it. He heard her gasp inside and quickly yet quietly opened the door. He had made it inside but hadn’t closed it by the time she lit the fireplace again with her magic. The psyenergy disguise wore off the moment the light hit him and the two beings stared at each other for a moment. In that moment one thought flooded ShiverSpine’s thoughts.


The drake lunged at the Princess, toppling her off her cushion and pinning her to the floor, one claw around her neck and the other around her wing, both drawing blood.

“Good evening, Princess,” he greeted, his icy cold tone belying the terrible flame burning in him, thought it was no less dreadful.

The alicorn fired a beam at his face, the pain and force knocking him back and getting him to let go of her. She quickly stood up and reared on her hind legs, slamming both her forehooves into his chest. The dragon managed to grab them before flying across the room, stopping him and pulling her off balance. He used his momentum to hurl her at the door, closing it as she slammed into the wood and fell to the floor, groaning in pain. Not letting her get a chance to recover he lunged and grabbed her hind legs before throwing her at the other wall. Celestia manged to keep herself from impact by flapping her wings, halting her movement in mid-air. The drake responded by firing a burst of wind psyenergy that slammed her back into a desk and then the wall behind it before unleashing a frigid breath that pinned her to the wall in ice. With another quick lunge he grabbed her neck in one claw and her muzzle in the other. He squeezed her throat, choking her, while making sure to keep her horn pointed away from him and yet still in his sights so he could be aware of any spell she tried to cast.

“Do you remember me, Celestia? Do you remember the ice dragons you condemned to death twenty years ago?” he asked, his silver eyes shining in fury.

She stared back and he saw the recognition flicker cross her eyes.

“So you do remember. Then maybe you’ll remember their names. The names of a family of ice dragons who left their kind to live in peace. Who were pushed aside by those they wished to form friendships with. Who were unjustly blamed when a pony was mauled to death. Well I’ll tell you. My father, FrostShard. My mother, Sparkling Sapphire. And my sister, Radiant Ruby. My sister, who you had killed just as she had entered her adolescence. My sister, who you condemned to death on her birthday! Do you remember them, Princess!? Do you remember how they screamed for mercy, for understanding!? How they tried to convince you of their innocence!? Or were their pleas falling on deaf ears because of how your ponies demanded ‘justice’ for our ‘crimes’!? What do you have to say for yourself!?"

As his voice grew in intensity her eyes closed. As he waited for her to answer she finally opened them and gazed back. What he saw was not fear or anger but a look of profound sadness, the likes of which he’d never seen.

“… I’m sorry,” she answered simply.

The room fell completely silent for what felt like an eternity. In that time Shiver briefly considered just leaving, that look somehow managing to pierce his soul. But only briefly.

“Apologizing won’t bring them back,” he snarled. He released her neck and raised his claw, ready to slice her open. “I am ShiverSpine, and tonight I take the first step in avenging my family.”

Before he swung he noticed that the Princess didn’t even struggle. All she did was look back at him with those profoundly sad eyes. In that moment of hesitation his attention was caught by a photo on the wall. It depicted the Princess posing happily with a group of ponies, all of them happy to be with her. It looked quite old. His eyes began to drift as he saw several more photos of several different ages, all depicting similar situations: happy ponies with the Princess. It was then that a terrible thought entered his head, one that warred with his desire for revenge. His raised claw clenched as the internal battle raged.

After what seemed like ages to him he slammed his clenched fist into Celestia’s stomach, winding her but more importantly shattering her icy prison. Before she could recover he grabbed her and threw her across the room before repeatedly slamming his fists into the wall she had been pinned to. The Princess stared as she caught her breath, seeing him begin to crack the wall with his pummeling. After about a minute he fell to his knees, his arms hanging weakly at his sides as he sobbed.

“Why?” she asked, confused at the turn the situation had taken.

ShiverSpine sighed before responding. “It was not your grief that saved you, Celestia,” he began, wiping his eyes as he stood, still not facing her. “Nor was it my own morals, or Dullahan’s teachings. Neither was it knowing that my family would look upon me poorly for taking revenge.”

He reached down and grabbed one of the photos, thinking back to the terrifyingly vivid image he had moments before. Thousands, if not millions of ponies, wailing in sorrow and agony. Screaming the name of their fallen leader who lay dead, slain at his claws.

“It was them, and their love for you. I hate you, Celestia. I hate you so much. But I could never do to them what you did to me.” He dropped the photo before turning to her. “I will not kill you. But I also will not forgive you.” Their gazes held for a moment before he silently walked towards the door.

“Wait!” the Princess called, quickly standing. “Wait please! I know I cannot bring them back, but please let me do something to help you!”

Shiver’s anger burned again, but nowhere near as badly as last time.

“What could you possibly-?” he began, only to cut himself off. Memories of a psyenergy he had recently mastered gave him an idea. “… My family, can you take me to them?” he asked calmly.

Celestia’s ears drooped and she looked down in shame. “I’m sorry, but nothing of them remains. I used my Sunfire on them. It was the only way to enact the execution.”

The dragon’s fists clenched as he grit his fangs, doing his best to restrain himself and quell his rage. After about a minute, he managed it. “What about the pony who was killed? Can you take me to her?”

Celestia raised her head and looked back curiously, but nodded. “Yes,” she answered, and her horn glowed with magic.

With a flash there were now in a graveyard, far from Canterlot, courtesy of a teleportation spell. In front of them both was a tombstone, the name “Spring Green” chiseled onto it.

“This is her, is it?” he asked quietly.

“Yes,” she answered. After a moment she asked “Should I leave you two to talk?”

“You can stay if you’d like. I don’t mind,” he responded raising his claw. He focused his power before unleashing his most recently discovered talent.

“Spirit Sense,” he announced, causing the surrounding area to darken with a shade of blue. “Can you hear me, Spring Green?”

“…Are… are you talking to me?” came a feminine voice.

Celestia recoiled in shock, having also heard the voice, but kept silent and watched the scene unfold.

“Yes. My name is ShiverSpine. I am an ice dragon.”

“Oh goodness, you’re one of them, aren’t you? You’re one of those dragons that got framed for my death!”

“’Framed!?’” Celestia all but shouted.

“Oh gracious! Princess Celestia! You’re here too!? You can hear me as well? Forgive me, Princess, but I don’t have a body to bow with.”

“Please, do not apologize for such a thing. And yes, I can hear you, by aid of this one’s power. Please continue, you said they were framed?”

“…Yes, “ the voice continued, it’s tone turning hateful. “By a griffon. His name is Golden Talon. I thought he was just a merchant, he came to our village so many times over the years. I was walking home one night when he abducted me. Before he killed me he told me that he wasn’t going to be caught because the dragons that lived nearby would be blamed. Your name is ShiverSpine, right? Thank goodness you’re alive! Then that means the rest of your family is ok too, right?”

Neither the dragon nor the alicorn responded.

“No… don’t tell me… They… They were…” there was gap before anything else was said. Soon the mare’s voice began to sob. “I’m so sorry! Oh by Celestia, I am so sorry! If I’d fought harder, if I hadn’t died, then they’d… they’d still be-!”

“Please, don’t blame yourself for something like that,” Shiver interrupted. “That wasn’t something in your control.”


“You’ve already helped me more than you can imagine. You’ve given me the name of the one that was responsible for my family’s death. If you really want to help me then maybe you could give me information on how he looks like.”

Spring Green’s voice sniffled before turning hateful again. “I can do you one better. That horrible griffon comes here during his trade routes to gloat at my grave about how he got away with it and how you all died. I didn’t believe him, I didn’t want to believe him. But now I see it’s the truth. For twenty years I’ve had to listen to him, and it sickens me! I’d sell my soul to bring him to justice! He was here only a few days ago! Maybe you can still catch him!”

ShiverSpine and Celestia were too shocked to answer, not only at the good fortune of having a chance to bring this criminal to justice but also by the deplorable actions he committed.

“I’ll have the royal guard comb the-“

“No. I’ll find him,” the dragon interrupted. “If he was here that recently then I can track him by scent. This is my vengeance, and I’ll see it through to the end.”

Celestia wanted to protest but Shiver’s eyes made her stop. He was dead-set on this.

“Will you kill him?” she asked.

“No. I have something more fitting in mind,” he said calmly before turning back to the tombstone. “Spring Green, you will be avenged. You have no reason to stay here anymore. Justice will be served. I promise.”

It was in that moment that a ghostly white earth pony rose out from the tombstone, her expression one of relief and happiness.

“Thank you ShiverSpine. Thank you so much,” she said gently before he expression turned angry. “Make. Him. Pay.” And with that she closed her eyes and disappeared into a mist.

“You’ll be heading to Clousdale soon, correct?” Celestia asked. The dragon nodded, not even looking at her. “I’ll make sure the Royal Guard expects you.”

Without another word or even a nod the dragon turned and spread his wings, ready to take off.

“Wait, ShiverSpine!”

The drake turned to glare at the Princess. "What!?"

Celestia recoiled for a moment before gathering herself again. “For what little it is worth I want you to know that I am so very, very sorry.”

The dragon turned away, her eyes once again showing that profound sadness he had seen before. Part of him wanted to simply leave, and another part wanted to hit her. However, something else won out.

“I… I know,” said quietly. “I understand that now. And I believe it. Maybe, one day in the future, I actually will be able to forgive you.” He let that sentence hang in the air for a moment before turning to glare at her again. “But don’t hold your breath.”

And with that his leathery wings flapped as he streaked off into the night sky.

Celestia simply watched for as long as she could, which turned out to be only a few seconds due to the drake’s alarming speed, before teleporting back into her room. She stood there a moment before she collapsed to the floor and cried.


Celestia stopped before turning to see Luna in the doorway, her expression attempting to look as comforting as possible.

“L-Luna? I-I was just-“

“Do not bother sister, I saw the end of it. I saw him tell you why he let you go,” she said quietly, not even using her old Equestrian dialect. “Sister, I had no idea.”

Celestia freely sobbed again. Her younger sister lied down next to her, draping a wing over her sibling.

“How many, Luna? How many lives have we – no, have I ruined in the name of love and harmony? How many terrible mistakes have I made?”

The Night Princess nuzzled her solar counterpart. “Sister, we have lived longer and grander lives than any other. It stands to reason that we have also made the most and grandest mistakes. But we cannot let that stop us. If Dullahan’s return has taught us anything it is that we must learn from our mistakes, to ensure that neither we nor anypony else makes them again. We must continue forward and make amends wherever and whenever we can.”

Celesita didn’t answer any more than a nod as her cries died down to sniffles. The two remained in each other’s company before the solar diarch finally fell asleep.


It had taken ShiverSpine only a few hours to locate Golden Talon. He followed the merchant’s scent to his caravan down the beaten path between towns. Shiver was not going to give him even the slightest chance of escape and decided to strike fast and hard. He dived straight into the caravan, smashing it to splinters. The force of the impact sent the griffon sprawling and before he could even figure out what was happening the drake had him pinned with his claws to his throat.

“Hello. My name is ShiverSpine. You framed my family, didn’t you, Golden Talon?” he asked, his introduction cold and menacing.

The griffon’s reaction threw him for a loop. He had some ideas on how the griffon might react but laughing was certainly not one of them.

“Well well, took you long enough. How’d you find out it was me?” he asked in a tone of amusement.

“That’s none of your concern. Why did you do it? Why did you kill that mare?”

“No reason, really. I just felt like killing somepony. I’ve done it before.”

The flippant tone the griffon used, not to mention that smug look on his face, almost drove Shiver over the edge.

“You mean you killed her and framed my family because you thought it was fun!?”

“Not exactly. I killed her for fun. You all getting blamed was just the convenient excuse I needed so I wouldn’t get caught. Anything with claws would’ve done.”

Shiver squeezed Golden Talon’s neck before slamming his head into the ground.

"I should kill you now."

The griffon coughed before responding with “What’s stopping you? Not like it’ll make a difference.”

Shiver nearly gutted the avian right there, but through great willpower managed to hold back knowing one thing for certain: his punishment if he lived would be worse. The dragon tapped into his psyenergy before casting the Sleep spell.


The next few days passed in a blur for ShiverSpine. During that time he traveled back with his quarry, casting the spell again and again to keep the griffon subdued before finally arriving in Newvale. The others, particularly Silver Cross and Aboyami, were happy to see him back. Dullahan was as well, but also because he hadn’t heard of any reports of attacks on Celestia, or her death.

A trial was held for Golden Talon, which was incredibly short. The sociopathic avian actually pleaded guilty when presented with the charges. One might have thought for brief moment that he was trying to repent, but he took the shock of the courtroom as an opportunity to mock everyone, claiming that even putting him to death wouldn’t change anything, that there would always be fools to be preyed on. Dullahan agreed that death wouldn’t solve anything, and that it would be too kind a punishment, so once again the court saw the harshest sentence inflicted upon the defendant: insanity from the armor’s blade.

After the trial, ShiverSpine was approached by Silver Cross and Aboyami, both wearing expressions of sympathy.

“So, ya actually did it,” Cross said. “Or, rather, ya didn’t do it.”

The dragon nodded.

“It wasn’t easy, was it?”

“Not in the least.”

There was a pause before Cross stood on his hind legs and held out his forelegs before smiling.

“Come here, ya scaly brute.”

The drake could only chuckle ash he lowered himself down to the stallion’s level, wrapping his arm around him as the pony gave a quick hug around his neck. After they were done the ice drake turned to Aboyami.

“I’m ready,” he said simply.

It took the zebra half a second to understand what he meant and nodded.

“Meet me in my tent when you have the item.”

The dragon headed back to his home while the shamaness left to prepare the séance.


Shiver sat quietly as the cloaked zebra muttered her chant. She had not only prepared the séance but also made room for the dragon himself in her tent. Laying in front of the sitting mare was a ruby necklace, the gem cut to look like a flame. It was all he had left of his sister, something that he had made by himself for her birthday. If only she’d gotten a chance to actually receive it. It had been his memento and reminder of what he kept living for.

Aboyami stopped muttering in her native tongue, catching the drake’s attention.

“Spirit of Radiant Ruby, I call upon you to this world, to this place. One who you loved in life, and still loves you, wishes to speak with you now. Please come forth so that I may pass your sentiments to him. Come for your brother, ShiverSpine.”

There was a brief pause before she opened her eyes.

“She is here.”

“Right. Let’s give this a try.” The ice dragon focused his psyenergy, hoping that it and Aboyami’s Zebafrican ritual would be compatible. “Spirit Sense.”

The surrounding area darkened with blue and above them appeared a spectral dragon. She smiled and he smiled back.


“Well hey, look at you. Hardly changed, huh?”

Shiver growled in frustration. “Really? That’s what you have to say after being dead for twenty years? After being given a chance to come back and say hi to the world of the living, to your brother, that’s what I get?”

“Hey, I’ve had mom and dad to keep me company. Besides, you know I can’t help annoying you,” she answered with a giggle. “We can get to the mushy stuff later.”

He sighed. “Even after all this time I have no idea how in Tartarus you’re supposed to be an ice dragon.” A smile crept onto his face before he continued. “I guess if nothing else I can take comfort in knowing the afterlife hasn’t been bad to you if you’re still the same as you were.”

“Heh. I guess. So,” she began before smiling the widest grin she could make. “Got a mate yet?”

The red blush shone even through his blue scales.

“W-Why would you even ask that!? And in front of Aboyami! Did you forget we’re not the only one’s here or do you just not care!?”

“Hey, I worry about you! You’re 180 and you never had a serious relationship!”

“Two hundred now, and I just never found a dragon I really connected with, that’s all! And why were you always so worried about my relationship status!? Seriously, shouldn’t it be the older sibling who worries about the younger sibling!?”

“Hey, you know I was always different. So, still haven’t found a mate, huh? Maybe you should look outside the species a bit. It happens, right?” The girl’s spirit turned to the shamaness. “What about her? She doesn’t look bad for a pony.”

Aboyami looked surprised while ShiverSpine’s jaw hung open. He quickly recovered and retorted. “One, she’s the one who brought you here and is keeping you here, so show some respect! Two, she a zebra, not a pony! Three-!”

“Ahem!” the shamaness interrupted. “I appreciate the compliment, Radiant Ruby. However, although your brother is a good friend of mine, he is simply not my type.”

“Yeah, that’d be Silver Cross, right?” Shiver asked.


“Come on, you’re the only one I’ve seen him hug. You can’t tell me that doesn’t mean anything.”

“He hugged you as well, and that affection is nothing of the sort! We are simply good friends!”

“Wow, never expected you to pull something like that, brother,” Ruby stated with a grin.

“Yeah, I guess even with your short time here you’re starting to rub off on me again,” he joked.

Aboyami growled for a moment before throwing her head back in a dramatic fashion. “Oh, what horrible tragedy! My powers are inexplicably and conveniently weakening and I cannot hold your sister in this world for much longer! If you have something you must tell her, do it quickly before she is forced to leave!”

“Ok, Ok, I get the message,” Shiver replied before turning to his sister’s ghost, his expression softening. “Ruby, I wanted to tell you that I’ve found justice, both for us and the poor mare that was killed. And I’m part of something big now. I’m making a change in this world, and I really think it’s for the better. And to top it off, I’ve got a new family now. So tell mom and dad that I’m ok, and when we meet again I’ll tell you all about it.”

Ruby smiled back gently. “Yeah, well don’t hurry to meet us. We can wait. By the way, that necklace was supposed to be for me, right?”

He nodded. “Yeah. Cut it myself.”

“Give it to your mate when you finally get one. There’s no point in it just sitting somewhere as a reminder of me, ok?”

“Yeah… Well, see ya.”

“Yup. Not too soon, hopefully.” And with that, she faded away into mist.

There was a moment of silence before Aboyami spoke.

“ShiverSpine. I believe you are ready.”

“Yeah. I think so, too.”


It had been three days since ShiverSpine had informed Dullahan he was ready. Three days since he was loaned the extra Djinn he needed for lighting the final beacon. He looked up to Cloudsdale from the ground before rocketing upwards. The speed the eight Djinn offered him was incredible and in mere seconds he was already in the city. As he landed on the clouds ponies began to scream and flee in terror, but he simply waited. Within minutes he was surrounded by Royal Guard pegasi, all with their spears pointed at him.

“My name is ShiverSpine,” he called. “You should be expecting me.”

There was a short wait before one of them stepped forward.

“I am Swift Strike. Celestia said that we should guide you to the Weather Factory. Don’t try anything funny.”

“Sure. Let’s hurry. I don’t know how much time we have left.”


It had taken him a few minutes but the ice dragon had finally found the spot he needed to unleash the Jupiter star. As it turned out, it was right in the center of the many pools in the Rainbow Factory section. He warned the rest of the ponies to stay back as he reached into his bag took out the purple star. He gazed at it a moment before closing his eyes.

“Thank you, Dullahan,” he muttered. “Thanks to you and the rest I was finally able to put the past behind me, and get myself a future. With this I hope you become strong enough to stop the Wise One. Strong enough to ensure that he doesn’t make anyone suffer like I did.”

He held the star aloft and it almost instantly shattered. Purple light shot from him into all the pools of the multicolored liquid, which all quickly glowed with bright purple light. Those lights soon all fired and met right above him before rocketing up into the sky and exploding into a massive ball of energy.

Exhausted, ShiverSpine fell to the floor, barely conscious enough to notice the light radiating from the glowing ball increase before firing its power off into the distance. One thought entered his mind as he blacked out.

Please win.