• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,337 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Chapter 5 - Keep a level head

Author's Note:

Cause you all have only asked for it twenty times. Oh, and there's been some changes!
Mkay, so the first thing you may have noticed is that all the old chapters have been edited!
Doublespacing for EVERYONE!
I've also toned down the caps a wee bit. Dully will no longer 'scream' when he casts. At least, if I can avoid it. It'll still be in bold to differentiate it, though.
Also, I cannot thank you all enough for getting this story featured. Holy crap, y'all are awesome.
And the fav-count as of posting is: 722
...If I tried to thank you all individually, I'd never get any writing done!

Finally, I had found a glade suited for my purposes. It only took until noon.

Gods, I've been free for...five days? Yeah, sounds right. And that's on no coffee. Not that I'd be able to drink it.

Well, now that I'm here...Sand!

I stuck the blade, point-first, in the ground. It glowed brown, and all around me, the glade transformed from a small field of green into a ring of stones surrounding fine sand.

This was not what it had been intended for, though, and I panted a bit as the energy left me.

Ow...ow ow ow. Okay, let's not do that again. I have to set up the rest...

I turned towards the south and walked a few paces, then stuck my sword in the sand. Let's see if this works. Growth!

The sword glowed again, and a portion of the glade was restored to itself, with the addition of flowers. A circle of small rocks separated the sand from the newly-restored grass.

Once again, I was left feeling weak for a minute.

Nobody told me making a zen garden would be so intensive...

After a few minutes to recover my strength, I walked into the forest and gathered up some small rocks and a huge pile of twigs. I returned to the glade, arranged the twigs into the perfect shape for a bonfire on the western side of the garden, and encircled it with the rocks. I looked down at the sand and sighed then.

Element swap, Mars! Beam!

Carefully controlling the flame, I made several wind chimes from glass. After a minute to recover, I picked a few sticks out from the bonfire, and went into the forest in search of vines. Eventually, I set up my wind chime in the northern section of my garden. Turning towards the east, I carefully hollowed out a large section of the sand into a circular shape.

Climbing back out, I looked at it and sighed. Gonna need some large, flat rocks...

About an hour later, I had lined my pit with rocks and was praying this would work. Element swap, Mercury! Douse!

A small raincloud appeared and filled in my little pit to turn it into a shallow pond. Satisfied with my work, I placed the blue sphere inside it, where it hit the surface of the water and stopped. It then floated towards the middle and started glowing.

I tossed the brown sphere at the garden and placed the purple on atop the wind chimes, then turned towards the prepared bonfire.

Element swap, Mars! Fireball!

The flames caught, and I threw the red sphere into them, where it hovered. I went to the center of my setup and sat down, clearing my mind of other thoughts. At least, to begin with.

Terra, Dracen, Puck, Newton, I call to thee. I have been freed, and would walk with you again...

My mind couldn't help wandering, though...

(Dullahan POV - 1,505 years ago)

Fredrick and I stared at the sword behind the counter.

It was a pure blue, and it looked like it had runes engraved in it, if the pattern of slightly lighter blue was anything to go by.

It was exactly what we were looking for, and it was only a hundred and fifty dollars.

"So, what's the catch?"

The salesman behind the counter eyed both me and my friend up before replying. "I'll only sell it to you. Your buddy here," and here he jerked a thumb at Richard, "he's outta luck if he wants it."

I shrugged and forked over my card, while Richard scowled. "What's your problem with me?"

The salesman ran the card through and grabbed the sword and its scabbard off the wall behind him. "Ya irritate me, kid. Didn't help any when you picked up the daggers and started plucking hairs off your head to see how sharp I keep my blades. Your friend here at least has respect for weapons like this."

At this, Richard looked abashed while I took my purchase. I bowed my head in respect to the man and turned to leave. "C'mon, we got a costume to put together, buddy."


At Suzy's party, needless to say, everyone wondered just what the hell I was.

It'd taken me time to get used to moving in armor, but it was worth it.

As was the five months of looking for someone who still practiced making armor and showing them exactly what I wanted.

I would be feeling the financial bite of this costume for a while, but hey. I could always wear it elsewhere.

The only thing that was inaccurate was my head, but I wasn't willing to get it cut off for a costume. So I went with a black, tight, but still breathable mask that covered my whole head. Eventually, Suzy decided to take pictures of us all individually, and then a group photo.

For some reason, I drew my sword and held it up as she took the final one.

The one errant thought that ran through my head was I wish I could look this badass all the time.

There was a flash of color and light...


When I came to, I noticed the forest all around me. I got up and groaned, feeling the weight of the armor still. Oh, good gods, how much did I dri-

I stopped in my complaining when I realized my voice sounded vastly different. I didn't know of many things that could change a person's voice.

Cautiously, I raised a gauntlet up towards my head, and felt around for my neck.

And then I felt the back of the armor without feeling my body.

It took me all of two seconds to panic.

(1,504 years ago, Dullahan POV)

Okay, while I may have gotten a handle on this whole Equestria place, and my newfound powers, that...that shouldn't be here.

Said 'that' was a small, portly looking brown animal, with cyan eyes and a tail. No arms were visible, but it had legs, and a few additional spines of brown poking out of its sides.

In other words, it was a Venus Djinn. Sitting on a hill, rocking back and forth.

I cautiously approached the djinn, being sure to make as small movements as possible. Then I realized it was probably intelligent, and cleared my metaphorical throat.

Pardon me, my good djinn.

At this, it turned and stared at me. I froze, but slowly raised a hand in greeting. Hello, my name is Dullahan. May I have yours?

It seemed to consider for a moment, before shaking its whole body, as if to tell me no.

Ah, I see. Well, can I ask how you're here, in this land?

At this, it drooped slightly, as though the answer were depressing, before it shook itself again.

Well if its any consolation, I'm a stranger here as well. And it pains me to see you on your lonesome. Do you know if there are any other djinn in these lands?

It looked intently at me before nodding once.

Would you like to find them?

It nodded again.

Can I travel with you while you do?

It tilted its upper body as though it were curious about my motives.

It would hardly be fair if you traveled alone through this land when there are dangers you don't even know about behind every other tree. And I'd not ask you to lend me your strength. I merely desire a purpose, and you could use a companion. Frankly, so could I.

The djinn considered for a moment longer before it hopped up on top of my foot. It didn't weigh anything, it was as though a small puffball had just decided to vacation on my foot.

Hmm. Do you have a name? I know I asked for it, but now I'm just curious as to if you have one.

The djinn shook itself in the negative and I would have frowned.

Well that's no good. Give me a moment, I can't just call you 'djinn' or 'Venus' all the time...

A few moments of thought gave me the perfect name.

C'mon, Terra, let's be off. Much to do yet!

(Dullahan POV - 1,503 years ago)

Wait, seriously?

I stared at the djinn, who had each come forward with a shining sphere.

One red, one brown, one blue, one purple.

In other words, they seemed remarkably like elemental stars.

Indeed, the voice of the mischevious Jupiter djinn Puck filled the cave I used as a base.

Out of all of them, he was the only one who could speak. He could still understand the others, but he was the only one who could actually talk back to me. Making him the de facto interpreter.

You lot come forward with these elemental stars NOW?! And what's with the Venus one? Is it supposed to be that color?

We didn't come forward with them, we made them. This land is without any foci for such powers as yours or ours, which is why they are so draining and hard to use, especially when you become inventive with how you use or interpret them. So we channeled the power of the land into these spheres, and gave them a bit of our essence. Any anomalies in their coloration is due to the energies of the land. With these, it should no longer be hard for any of us to use our strength.

I merely groaned at the djinn before me. Yes, but elemental stars are highly coveted! And how long were you working on these anyways? The sheer power supposed to be contained in things like these is immense!

Puck looked at the others before returning his focus to me. Ever since you gathered us together, just for the sake of us being together again. Naming us was also a good step. And never asking us for our strength out of respect, that cinched it.

I picked up the stars and could feel the thrum of power they contained. Now my concerns are different. How am I to safeguard the world from this power?

Puck looked at my shield and recited a phrase. The Golden Sun shines but once.

There was a cracking noise, and I looked at the front. A secret compartment had opened, one that seemed just large enough for the four stars. I carefully wedged them all in, and closed it up.

So long as you keep it on your person, the effects of the stars should still transmit to you.

(Dullahan POV - 1,502 years ago)


I looked up from my latest work, the final tablet I felt I should engrave.

Half of them had been my memories of my old world. Those I stored in a room that only my touch could open.

The other half had been the summons.

Yes, the summons. I was uncertain which, if any, I could use besides Charon, but I found I could carve the tablets all the same.

It was like the armor itself guided me in their creation. And the djinn were all too happy to help me imbue the tablets.

Yes, Puck?

I was out scanning some pony minds near the border of the forest, and I've picked up a lot about how trade with some crystal empire has been getting cut off. Because of a tyrant king.

I glanced down at the tablet and finished the final rune. Perfect.

Gather the rest, imbue the tablet, and we'll go take a look-see about helping the empire by assaulting it.

I placed the final tablet in the circle, and the djinn took up their positions around it. The runes and name glowed as the power gathered, and finally, it faded.

Dracen and Newton seemed drained more than the others, and it only made sense. I put the tablet at the end of the line and nodded at the name.

We'll take a day so that you two can recover, but then we're off to the empire.

The word Isis stayed alight as we left the room of Summons, just like all the other names on all the other tablets.

The next day, we would leave my cave hideaway entire and begin the long trek to the Empire...

(Dullahan POV - 1,500 years ago)


I staggered a bit as the full volume of the Royal Canterlot Caps Lock hit me. Christ, Lulu! You could deafen giants with that voice of yours!

The sisters merely landed, one on either side of the glade, with me in the middle. I shifted from one to the other, and raised my sword. So, y'here to try and exorcise me again? It's not gonna go well! Element swap, Jupiter!

The sword flashed purple, and Luna gasped. "Sister, now! Quickly, before he casts-"

Celestia's horn flashed a golden orb at me, but I was faster. Greater Ward!

The orb impacted my newly-conjured protection from spells and bounced off in a flash of purple. I would have smiled smugly at her, if I had a head.

And that was when the blue horn impaled my right hand, causing it to spasm, seize, and drop my sword.

Instantly my strength fled my body. In the five years I had been here, I had never been without my sword. Now I knew why.

Without it, I couldn't so much as move.

I knelled and panted, not really needing the air, but the sensation of being breathless was the closest I could liken to this sudden sensation of being powerless.

What...what is...what have you...

I saw the white legs of Celestia come into view, and felt my shield being ripped away from me, and my sword left my view. "We theorized that your sword was your source of strength. And Luna did find that striking portions of you hard enough to puncture resulted in you losing control of that part. And your first move in combat is usually to protect yourself from our magic. So we came up with this plan. You lose, Dullahan."

Not...the shield...don't take...

"For your crimes against Equestria as a whole, I sentence you to be imprisoned within the depths of the castle."

(Dullahan POV - Current day)

I sighed and opened my eyes. Well that trip down memory lane was interesting.

And then I noticed the djinn gathered in front of me.

The small horde of them.

There had to be at least twelve of each type.

Um. Pretty sure I only called for four. Where'd the rest of you come from?

A Jupiter Djinn came out of the crowd to act as a spokes-djinn. We heard your call. We felt the stars. Our ancestors wrote of you, he who gathered the first four. Together, they experimented with magic and created the next generation of spirits. Who created the next generation. And so on, until today. And there was one thing in common in all their stories. They were sorry for abandoning you, they wished they could have done more, and they swore they would make it up to you somehow. We heard your call and wish to set all accounts square. Will you have us?

If I had a mouth, I would have grinned wide enough to hurt.

(3rd POV - Celestia - Current day)


Celestia turned towards Twilight, who was looking up from a tome. "What is it, my student?"

Twilight's hair was slightly frazzled, and everypony treated her with a bit of caution.

"Well, this tome has a spell for detecting any non-unicorn forms of magic. The only thing it needs is a sample to run off of, and it can pinpoint the user of said magic with a ten-foot margin for error!"

Celestia slowly walked over and put a wing around Twilight. "That is a remarkable discovery, Twilight. But now I need you to do one more thing before we can look for Dullahan."

"What is it, Princess Celestia? What else do we need to do before we can hunt down that defiler, that blasphemer, that burner of books, that total-"


Twilight was out like a light, and Celestia sighed.

"I am sorely tempted to sic her on him right now...but that would just be a touch too cruel."