• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,376 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Chapter 3 - Two heads are better than none

I tromped through the forest, following the rail line towards the ridiculous castle on a mountainside. Ten bits says that's Canterlot. The sisters always did love their castle. I can't see them going without one.

However, the sun was setting, and even following a rail line, it wasn't the safest thing in the world to be wandering in the forest. As evidenced by the fact that not two minutes later, I ran into a manticore standing near a heavily scratched unicorn. Said unicorn was red-coated, with a yellow mane, orange eyes, and a symbol of a campfire for a cutie mark.

'But wait,' I hear you ask, 'How did you know he was wounded if his coat was red?'

Cause his coat was brick red, and blood is a deeper color than that.

Despite how I had acted towards the sisters, I actually did care about ponies in need. At least, when I saw them.

Sadly, most of my ways of helping ponies hadn't exactly been nice...

(Dullahan POV - 1,501 years ago)

You sick bastard. All of this, for crystals?!

Sombra merely laughed at me from his throne. "But of course not just for crystals. For power. For the thrill of it. Something you at least should understand, if the reports of a headless suit of armor such as yourself terrorizing the sisters has any accuracy at all."

I growled at him. I was getting used to my strength! I never meant to do half those things! And the other half I only did towards they that deserved it!

I drew my sword and pointed it at him, and he merely laughed harder. "Please, spare me. You'd not get anywhere near close enough to actually damage me."

Who said I had to?

As confusion crossed his face, I activated my Fulminous Strike. Drawing my sword back and letting power fill it, I swung it forward. Lightning arced out of it, acting like an extension to my sword blade, and catching the unicorn king across the chest.

He flew out the nearby balcony, and I rushed over to watch him fall. Hopefully he wouldn't break into too many pieces. There was so much more I wanted to do to him, after all...

Sadly, he managed to catch himself before he hit the ground. With a flash, he was back on his throne, glaring at me. "You caught me off guard once, creature, and I'll not allow such a tactic to succeed again."

I merely laughed at him. Buddy, if I wanted to really hurt you? If I wanted to really cause you pain? I would have summoned Charon, ferryman of the river Styx, to take you to the underworld. But that would have been TOO EASY! There's a lot of pain I have to give you yet!

Outside, there was a flash as bright as the sun, and I glanced in that direction to see my two least favorite ponies flying nearby.

Whelp it's been fun Sombra but I have sisters to avoid, catch you never!

With that, I turned and jumped off the same balcony, flipping the sisters off as I did so. Element swap, Jupiter! Whirlwind!

The miniature tornado caught me just as I was about to impact the ground, changing my fall from incapacitating to jarring, and I took off down the street. My welcome's worn out here anyways!

The sound of fury from behind me was my only cue that a battle had commenced. That, or the sisters had really wanted to catch me...

(Present day - Dullahan POV)

Shaking the memories from my mind, I pulled my sword out, the ringing noise catching the attention of both pony and manticore. I'm only gonna say this once. Step away from the pony, and nobody gets hurt.

The manticore looked at the sword, looked at me, looked at where my head should be, looked back at the sword, and edged closer to the pony.

Wrong move!

One Fulminous Strike later, and the manticore, charred and scarred, ran off into the forest to lick its wounds. The pony was understandably scared, even when I sheathed my sword. Hey. HEY! C'mon, I know I'm scary, but I gotta ask you a few questions, buddy. Can you keep it together for me?

The pony fainted, and I sighed.


A half hour later, the pony had come to. I'd used Venus to make a fire pit, and Jupiter to cut some branches off some trees with Wind Slash. A bit of Mars later, and I had a roaring bonfire.

I mean, I didn't need it, but from what I could recall, other life-forms enjoyed warmth.

Anyways, the unicorn's first words upon awakening were "Oh thank Celestia it was just a dream."

To which I chuckled and responded. Nope, don't thank her, thank me, and it wasn't a dream. For some reason you were facing down a manticore, which I scared off. You're welcome, by the way.

The unicorn looked over at me and froze for a minute, to which I responded by clapping my hands. Hey! Keep it together! Got a few questions to ask you, and I imagine you have some for me as well.

The unicorn nodded, and I relaxed a bit. Okay, first question. Did the manticore actually sting you?

The pony shook his head, and I would have grinned. This'll be a simple fix, then. I'm going to draw my sword, okay? Don't. Panic.

The unicorn visibly locked up when the sword came loose and pointed at him. Easy. Just gonna heal ya. Element swap, Mercury. Ply!

A stream of blue magic wafted over from my sword to the unicorn, who followed it with widened eyes. The magic focused on the wounds, which slowly shrunk, and vanished. I did my version of a nod, and put the sword away, causing the pony to drag its eyes from the freshly disappeared wounds back to me. There. You may want to rest a bit, that's normal. But you also have questions, probably.

The pony nodded and spoke the most obvious question first. "Who...what are you?"

Two in one, eh? Not that I can blame you. I'm a spirit possessing this suit of armor with powers granted to me by my sword. As for a name, you can call me Dullahan. Friends call me Dully.

"Thank you for saving me...but why?"

I looked to the fire then, gathering my thoughts. Well the short answer? I dislike manticores. The long answer is...you remind me of me.

The unicorn made to ask another question, but I drew my sword and pointed it at him. Enough melancholy. You need rest. Element Swap, Jupiter. Sleep!

The unicorn was out before his head hit the ground. Knowing Celly and Lulu, they'd find the smoke from the bonfire soon enough, meaning the pony would be found and brought somewhere marginally safer soon.

And that was when I heard the shout reverberate through my very being.

‘I am Solaire of Astora! Adherent to the Lord of Sunlight! Those who walk in the path of danger may call upon me!’

I drew myself up and stared at the sky, determined to answer in kind. Raising my sword, I began my speech.

I am Dullahan, the darkness, the shadow, the elemental wraith, the guardian of the light! They that would stand against what lurks within the souls of men are welcome allies to me!

There was a flash, and nearby, a human in armor with a shield in one hand and a peculiar glass staff in the other appeared next to the bonfire. His armor had a sun emblazoned on it, and within the sun was a face. He turned around for a moment before he laid eyes on me, and inclined his head slightly.

"Well I'm quite certain the sun does not need guarding, good sir, but the rest of your titles intrigue me."

I merely snorted and sat back down at the bonfire. While she doesn't need guarding, she does need to learn not to take my damn stuff.

I would have tilted my head at the man nearby me, but, y'know, no head. So, Solaire of Astora. Gonna guess you were once a normal guy as well.

Solaire nodded and sat down at the bonfire as well. "Indeed. I was at a convention with this wonderful prop when it activated and took me here. Next thing I know, Sunbutt and Moonbutt are on my case, all because of a little forest fire. And sitting in their thrones."

I waved a hand at him. Hardly better than my story. I showed up in the forest without a head and started screaming loud enough to wake the dead...

(Dullahan POV - 1,505 years ago)


"Sister, the odd armor is fleeing this way!"


"Luna, there is no head on the armor, and there appears to be nothing inside!"


"Mayhap a possessing spirit, sister?"


(Dullahan POV - Present time)

And, well, after a few Fulminous Strikes, they let me be. Never stopped hunting me, though, and every time I tried out some new power I thought I should have that ended up being disastrous, they found me, and we danced again.

Solaire nodded. "I think you have it slightly worse, good sir. Am I to assume that for quite a while they tried to exorcise you out of your new home?"

I did my version of a nod. Yeah, and one day Luna got a lucky hit on one leg, and they learned how to disable parts of me. The next time we fought, she went straight for the hand, and I dropped my sword. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Being locked up in the same place for a thousand and a half years puts such a crick in your neck.

Solaire leaned in a bit and I could swear I heard him smirk. "Thou wouldst have to have a neck to be having pains in it."

I groaned and would have rolled my eyes. You know what I mean.

Solaire got up and dusted himself off. "Well, this has been enlightening, and I see that you are at the very least a kind soul, mainly because of that pony over there resting by the fire as well. So I grant you this."

With that, he reached behind himself and pulled out a white soapstone. I picked it up and looked at it. Okaaaay? It's a stone.

Solaire nodded. "Merely focus on the stone and call my name, and I will come to your aid. We can engage in jolly co-operation together!"

I nodded as well and held my left hand to him, my right hand going to my sword. Hold still, let me reciprocate.

Focusing on the blade and the power within, I attempted to do something that I knew I would regret. I pulled at the very essence of myself and attempted to create a similar totem.

After a few seconds, a small book flashed into my left hand, and I passed it to him. Hold the tome and speak my name three times, and I shall come to your aid. You will need to expend some power on your part to get me there, though.

Solaire nodded and placed the book behind him. "May the Darksign never touch you, by the will of the sun, Sir Dullahan."

I would have grinned. First, friends call me Dully. And second, may the Golden Sun always illuminate your path, Solaire.

He glowed and vanished, and only afterwards did I permit myself to collapse. Fuck, making that totem took a lot out of me. This is why I need my shield. If only for the stars secreted within it...

Author's Note:

So Solaire and I have agreed to enter jolly co-operation with each other should the need arise.
And at the time of posting this I have 296 favs.
...I've no idea who you all are and I can't thank you all individually anymore.