The One Behind The Mask And Lightning

by Zatoichi Vokunkiin

First published

A tale of a young man who loses his life in one world, but gains a new one in another along with a great power that was given by the very thing that took his life.

Behind The Mask And Lightning by Afro Chicken Thanks again bud. :)

Taylor Etzel, a young man of 25, lived on his own ever since he was eighteen years of age. He was like any other guy in th world. Though he was a bit different as well. He was legally blind, and no operation was available to cure him of his affliction. Though this did not stop him from liveing the best he could. He found some happiness through his hobbies, playing MMORPGs, watching anime, and even watching My litttle Pony: Friendship is magic. While he wasnt a brony, he did find the show and the culture around it comforting to him.

Taylor was also quiet the ambivert, meaning he was an introverted person who could don the mask of a very extroverted peron should the situation called for it. He wore masks, both mediforicly and physically, as he found it comforting to hide his real self from people due to mistrust from all the hurt and disappointment he had faced in his life. He wore masks physically, as he crafted them in spare time as well, from scarey to unique masks

But one day, a storm came along when he was walking home from work, the rain was brutal, and the thunder and lightning just as merciless. And as if being the way he was wasnt enough, his time suddenly ended, from a strike of blue lightning, effectively jerking him up into the air and burning his body, lightning like scars appeared along his whole entire body, thus killing him nearly instantly as he also vanished as soon as the lightning did

Now, the young man finds himself falling into a black void, falling....falling.....into a new world of unknown things....or so he thought at first. And all the while, he now has a mask on his face, a half mask that he cannot remove from himself, until he finds the means to remove it, but It will not be easy, for it will have to be done by someone or rather....somepony other than himself, and they must be the one who he lets into his heart with affection and trust, And above all, love.

(A romance and tragedy combined with fun and seriousness. I cant let it all be tears of sadness now can I? Also there will be adventures and conflict as well. My mind is brewing with ideas s i write this all down. Its time I put my avid roleplaying skills to work in writting my first ff. And finally, this will be a human romancing ponies fic. As for which pony. We will just have to see....though I am definitly leaning towards Princess Luna. And as a final note, Taylor does know about My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, hence why he will find the ponies very familiar, and this takes places after the events of the final espisode of season four. JUst to give you a timeline.)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything that is My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, that belongs rightfuly to Hasbro Studios.

Prologue: The Man Behind The Mask

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It was just another day for the young man, working at his dead end job at a thrift store that he had been working for three years now. His job was to gather the items that people chose to donate to the shop in order to resell them to people who could afford others hand-me-downs. and sort them to their respected containers so the pricers could do their thing with them. He was just as bored as ever, especially with the customers telling him to hurry up with the containers that they had brought their belongings in. All he did was smile and say "Thank you." to them though, it was a talent he had. He could be that guy who brings a smile to your face because of how cheery and happy he looked after he was with a customer. But behind that smile, was a man that didn't want anything to do with these people and their things that they so easily discarded from their homes and closets, especially when they return and ask for it back hours later. The man would simply think to himself"Well, don't bring it here unless you are ready to part with it...simple as that." . Of course he wouldn't say that to their face, as the picky and snippy fuckers would always complain even if you looked at them the wrong way.

Once the day had ended, and the managers had shut down his part of the store. He would walk home, happy they let him leave at least before the sun fully sets. Why was he grateful for that you ask? Well, the young man was legally blind, and very near sighted in fact. As he was growing up, he was always teased and bullied about it, simple because his eyes had a slight discoloration about them as well. one of them was a light brown, you know like most common eyes in the world, but the other, well it was brown with grey spots along the middle of the pupil. Glasses never helped him through the entirety of his life. Sure he wore them for protection when he was a child, but that was because his mother forced him to. He was constantly teased all throughout his school years, even all the way up to junior high. This took a toll on him combine with the abusive step-father who he was forced to grow up with for the first eighteen years of his life. Taylor began to look toward the darker side of things to bring comfort to him when he was going through his life. He mainly listened to metal music when he was either angry or sad. Though the kind of metal that soothed him the most and made him smile was black symphonic metal. A type of music that was dark and beautiful all at once. These bands were normally ones that come from Europe. Cause, lets face it they know how to make some pretty badass metal. His favorite band being Dimmu Borgir. A band that spoke to him about the hypocrisies of religion and such that his mother tried to shove down his throat when he was younger

Another thing that he turned to escape the world was MMORPGs, or rather 'multi-massive role playing games' he had always made friends best that way, for he wasn't like his real self when he was behind a screen, when it came to the games, he was a natural leader, always either playing as a healer or tank. And in every one he played, he would always take control of the raids in his group. Be it in the back, making sure his allies did not fall, or up front and toe-to-toe with the enemy. Shouting out commands and evasive moves to make sure everyone was doing their part

And the final things that Taylor loved to to in his free time, he was a martial artist, mainly excelling in aikido and secondary in karate. No, he did not go looking for fights when he was younger. But you better believe....if he was provoked and gave enough warnings, he would indeed take his aggression out on those who pushed him and attacked him first. To the point to where he would even going into a 'berserk mode' where he would black out in the middle of the fight and suddenly come to standing over his victim with more than he had intended to dish out. As for his last hobby. He liked masks. Yes, he made them, collected them simply because he liked to keep himself hidden from the world. Not because he was a troublemaker or anything. Oh no, he has grown up and doesn't get angry like he used to anymore. Sure, his style in clothing and music hasn't changed, but he is now one of the most calmest people you will ever have the pleasure of knowing. People who smoke weed wonder how he is so relaxed, when the man has never touched the stuff, let alone any kind of drug! As for his mask hobby, there was one mask he favored out of all his creations, it was a mask that he had put his soul into. It had the distinct feeling of bone like material as its base, though its color was grey, though the patterns on it was that of lightning tribal markings that were on the sides of the mask, and around the eye sockets of it were blacked out completely. and in the middle of the forehead of the mask, rested a symbol of the upside down pentagram. No, he wasn't a satanist, though the way he dressed....would probably give you the idea he was.

What's that? You wish to know what this man looks like. Very well then. He was a tall man, six foot two to be specific. Ah, were you expecting a man with nothing but a solid sculpted muscle body of a god? Well too bad. Taylor was more built like a tree. He had fluff on him sure, but he wasn't overweight and out of shape. With his job, he had developed a body that was good to hug, but under that fluff, was a solid body that could endure. While he didn't have abs, his arms, shoulders legs and such were quite built to withstand punishment should the need ever come. yes, he had a belly, all the more cuddly he is! As for his hair, well it was long, about upper back length, he kept it combed or tied back most of the time, he always tied it when he worked. But, at home or out...which he rarely even leaves his home, is always resting behind his shoulders and staying neatly straight. always out of his face. His face...well lets just say without a little bit of facial hair, he had a baby face, the man could go from looking twenty-five to eighteen again should he cut it all off.

His attire, when he was not working, was that of a long black denim long coat that sat nicely around his body, he would wear it buttoned or unbuttoned, depending upon the weather, a black t-shirt or deep blue, black and deep blue denim jeans. But what really someone would notice about him, is the boots he wore. He wore these boots to work and out. They were about knee high black leather combat boots that had straps almost all the way up to the full length and as if they weren't scary enough, the had metal plating on the front of the boot over each straps, giving it a sort of armor look to it

But behind the darkness of this man, was someone who could be the most loyal friend one could ask for, the few friends he had, who have now moved on with their own lives, though he still keeps contact. All agree that he is the one true friend they could come to if things were rocky. Hell, the man has never had a real girlfriend before in his life and yet he is giving relationship advice to people, and it works!

" glad the day is over..I am so ready to go home and get some food in my stomach, then maybe watch some anime."

he said as he walked home. he would make it right before sunset and would see some rather dark clouds rolling in quickly

"Hmm...I need to hurry up now. Didn't think the rain would be coming in this early tonight."

He said as he quickened his pace, he made it home before the storm hit, but as he was getting ready to settle in for the night, something was nagging at him. And it was something very important, but he couldn't put his finger on it-.

"Oh dammit all!"

He shouted to himself, quickly throwing on his more comfortable black clothing and coat and boots

"I forgot to give my application to the massage establishment...I didn't take those classes for nothing after all!"

Taylor wasn't many things, though he was a badass masseur. He had the hands of a god and he was going to put them to use. And make even more money doing it than his lame job of a lousy seven twenty-five an hour. He may be legally blind and has to read things closely, but you don't need concentrating vision to find the stress in people's bodies, and he knew exactly how to do it even before he took his classes

He ran down the sidewalk with his application tucked within his coat, his footsteps hitting the ground hard as the pounding of his heavy boots echoed. But soon, he wouldn't make it without that storm he was so worried about has suddenly hit, and it hit hard. he would shield his face from the oncoming rain and the wind would do its best to slow him down further, but he was a big man, weighing in at 220 pounds, and yet holding his weight with his large body frame and height giving the illusion of a bit less weight.

"Damnit....I will not let this weather stop me!"

He exclaimed to himself, suddenly things seemed to slow down for him, he felt something was incredibly wrong. He was living in Texas, and it wasn't even hurricane season yet! And the storm was this bad?! Come on fate, do you hate this man so much you would make it harder on him to better himself?! Fate, it would seem,isn't without cruelty. As Taylor was looking around, the sky flashed, and it flashed brightly directly over his head, his eyes met with the lightning bolt that was heading directly for him, bullet time took effect for that one moment, everything slowed, passing cars, the rain itself...

"No....please...don't- AAAAAAAGHAH!!!!!!"

He screamed in pure agony and pain, the lightning hitting his right shoulder and coursing throughout his body, thousands and thousands of tiny daggers that have been pulled freshly from the flaming forge tore through his body, making him jerk into the air and fly back, hitting the cement sidewalk as his body was now burned and scared, lightning like marks showing where his blood vessels has been completely destroyed and his heart had exploded from the strike. He laid there, his eyes slowly opening and close, his body twitching hard ask electricity snapped and zapped out of his body from the discharge

"I don't....want to die...please..."

He said to himself as he coughed up blood as he body couldn't move now, his memories of his life coming into view as his eyes slowly close. Now that he looks back on everything, his life wasn't worth much of living anyways. The way he grew up, the way he was treated all leading up to this final moment of his life. he coughed up blood again and laughed weakly

"Its funny....I was so sure things were going to get better once i had that new job...get a icer place, splurge a little with the new pay. And maybe even find myself a girlfriend for once-."

He was cut off again by another cough and a large amount of blood coming from his mouth. he finally slipped away, and in his last moments, his mind drifted to his final words

"Well, it's been sweet....time to go wherever the afterlife is."

He began to fall...fall...and fall into a deep blackness, it was quiet at first, only the sounds of his coat fluttering in the fall and the rush of a slight wind in his ears. He knew he was dead now, and didn't even open his eyes to see the darkness. though, he did catch a few whispers on the way down to his destination

"Ah, this soul has suffered greatly." one said in a feminine whispery voice

"Indeed, the poor boy had so much potential to." A masculine voice whispered

"Perhaps....he is the one they need? One who has known loneliness and hardship. He could be of great asset to them, and they in turn, could bring happiness and warmth to this young man once more." the female whispered again

"I agree, maybe they could be the ones he could open up to, it will be a hard process for him, but in the end, it will be better for him in the long haul. But until then, Malumi, bind the mask to his face. For this will mark the beginning of this man's new life in a new land. And hopefully. new friends of which he can call his own and care for." the male spoke once more before stopping

"Yes, I shall bind him with the gift as well as the mask, after all, the gift chose him, even though it ended his life, the scars will remain, but they will be reborn as marking to guide his path. Should he take the light, or the dark path. Is up to him."

And with that, Taylor fell further and further, and eventually out of consciousness.

Act 1: The Cut Of Rebirth

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It was during this time that all was quiet in Ponyville. All the little ponies were asleep say for the few night owls that roam the streets and late night establishments. But soon a storm of their own would be brewing, not that it did it on its own of course. The pagasi weather team must have scheduled a down pour for the evening later in the night. Though it wasn't bad enough like it was in the world of the human. There was one pony who was awake, in her study of her castle, doing her late night research as always. Geez, wasn't there a night that she didn't study late? She was face deep in a book as always, writting down with her magic at the same time. The book she was studying in was called 'A Book On The Latest Creatures To Date' . She was reading through it rather excitedly, but that was the bookworm that is Twilight Sparkle. The princess of friendship, among her other accomplishments and such. She tore her eyes from the book finaly when she heard the sound of thunder and saw the lightning

"Ah, looks like the storm has finally started. Rainbow Dash did mention a scheduled storm to help with the growth of the crops and such."

She just smiled to herself as she went back to her reading and studying. Her, and everyone else was unaware, that big changes were coming to their little town, and soon it would reach Canterlot soon enough. The weather went on and on. What was to happen next, would send shivers down every pony that was within earshot of the human making his entrance, and it was going to be quite the scarey experience. The ground began to shift in a small meadow surrounded by trees, a hand starting to push the dirt up and another beginning to claw at the ground, suddenly a small crater would explode into a lightning bomb, the figure that clawed its way from the crater was shaking fiercely. sobbing quietly at first, crawling around and suddenly gets to his knees, letting out a loud cry as if he had just litteraly been born from the womb, tears streaming down his face as the rain hit his face. He kept screaming and crying as he thrashed about, grabbing at his head as he struggled to get to his feet, his mind racing and his heart his chest. Wait...his heart was pounding...He was alive! But that wasnt on his mind right now. He was wondering how he was even coming out of the ground like that. He gets to his feet and stumbles about, breathing heavily and still sobbing like a child, he was scared at what had just happened, his arms visibly shaking as he held himself up on a low branch.

Taylor was still shaking as he let go of the branch and found a path way, a few street lamps lite his way. His eyes shifting about as he was trying to get used to his surroundings, he reached up and touched his face, he felt his cheek and ventured up, a hard like material was covering from his upper chek, all the way up to his forehead. the material and the pieces of metal and the small horns that stood up on the forehead of the mask....this was his mask! But why did he have it on? He reached up and tried to remove it, but it wouldn't budge, the skin wasn't even pulling away as he tried to remove it. He began to shake again, looking around for something, anything, to see his reflection he stumbled over to a street lamp that just so happened to be reflecting a puddle of water, he makes his way to it quickly, tripping over his feet as he soon saw what he had feared. His mask, the one he had created to be his favorite, and the one that was the most terrifying to others...was stuck on his face! And whats worse, his eyes have appeared tro change as well. They were a bright lightning blue and a solid black sclera, this wasn't helping his current situation! his mind and heart began racing once more, his breathing picking up gain and he would let out another scream as what he had come to look like, shaking his head violently. Suddenly lightning began to discharge around his body, sparking an snapping at the air around him and shattering the street lamp's light source.

From the homes of Ponyville and Twilight's castle, the commotion could be heard. The sudden explosion and lightning coming from....the ground? THAT got Twilight's attention. Along with many others. But she was the first on the scene as her curiousity was piqued, What she saw, would have terrified anypony. a tall figure, dressed in black, a long coat and strange footwear that looked like armor, he was a large creature, and had long brown hair that was down to his upper back, and lightning seemed to discharge from him every so often as he would lowly rise to his feet once more.

"What is...that?!" another pony exclaimed as the made it out to see what was going on

Twilight looked to the other ponies that were gathering about in their rain coats or umbrellas. Taylor, startled by the screaming pony, slowly turned to see what was going on, he had a look on his face that could turn the blood in your veins as cold as ice, and freeze you in your tracks. He was bareing his teeth like some feral animal and his pupils became smaller, as if he had a look of intent to kill. But this was far from it. It was a look of terror at what he was looking at, his vision still wasn't the best in this 'new body', though it kind of wasn't new, as he could feel scares under his wet clothing, he slid his coat sleeve of and noticed that those same scars that he recieved from the lightning strike were now healed over and....jet black. He then brought his attention to the lavender alicorn that was in the front of the pack of ponies. That voice...that color. While he couldnt see the others very well, that voice and appearance was quite evident enough.

"Twilight...Sparkle.. but how?" he asked in disbelief.

Twilight tilts her head as she heard him call out her name, she began to approche him slowly, he saw her move closer to him and would begin to inch away from her, shaking his head repeatedly. his body still shaking visibly

"No...nonononono. This cant be real. I died from a lightning strike..I shouldn't be alive right now!" he exclaimed as his low tone along with his screaming makes the ponies step back in fear of this creature. All but Twilight.

She continue to slowly approach the creature, clearly sensing his distress and his panic. He looked down at her as she approached him further, lightning starting to spark from his hands.

'S-stay back Twilight...please I don't want to hurt you. I don't- AAAAAAAGH!!!" he screamed as he felt to his knees once more

Taylor was experiencing something that felt familiar, lightning began to rack through out his body, but it wasn't burning or leaving marks on his body like last time, but it was hurting like a motherfucker. The pain was becoming to great, with the state his was in, and his body was in pain. He looked to Twilight weakly before he felt to his side out of pure exhaustion. After all, he had just came back from the dead, and his body was becoming a living fuse box. After he had fallen unconscious again, Twilight eyed the creature more closely. his body was quite strange. He was a bipedal creature with a bit of fur on his face, and a long mane,e especially for what she assumed was male.

"I...need to get him to the hospital, stat!" she said to herself and would lift him up with her magic, then teleporting them both to the large hospital outside the town, she appeared at the front desk and frantically began explaining what had happened and what was going on

"!" she said between breaths

A doctor and a nurse made their way to the front lobby and quickly stopped in their tracks as the saw a large unconscious creature now resting across a full row of chairs, thankfully they didn't have any arms, or else his body would be laying about rather...awkwardly now wouldn't it? His breathing was shallow, and his body twitching ever so often as small sparks would leave his body every now than then. The medical staff wasted in no time in getting him medical treatment, at the same time, very very careful around him. Sure, as medical staff, they had an obligation to help those in need, but at the same time, with the way his body was sparking, they also considered him a threat to both them and their patients

"We will get him settled in and get him some painkillers, and get him out of those clothes, he will catch cold if he stays in them any longer. Make sure they get cleaned as well." The stallion that spoke was named Healing Hooves and the nurse that accompanied him was Nurse Redheart. Twilight Sparkle wanted to follow them to where they were taking him. Her curiousity was one reason, but the other was a slight bit of worry. he...called out her name after all. How does he know her name? This would be something that would bug her until he was final stable enough to have visitors, And if he even wanted any.

Taylor's vision came in and out as long as his hearing. The voices speaking around him as they were talking about him and getting all kind of hings to help aid him in numbing his pain. This was going to be quite a report to tell the princesses, that's for sure. From what Twilight could gather, this creature was new, and potentially dangerous. After all, he could control and conjure lightning it would seem, and his appearance didn't make anything any better.

Act 2: And So, It Begins

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It was dark, pitch black in fact. Taylor was drifting down into the darkness until he landed on his feet, the young man looks around as he listened, his closed his eyes and listened fully. One of the perks i that when he was younger, he knew he may very well lose what little vision his head left when his old age would eventually come. So he would constantly practice moving about and doing things blinded. From martial arts to everyday tasks. He suddenly picks of a sound of...flames flurrying about behind him, he snapped his eyes open and turned around on a heel. Seeing something form within the black and blue flame, it was a wolf. A very large dire wolf to be in fact. Its fur was jet black with lightning blue streaks along its side and back. Taylor's favorite animal was indeed the wolf. So he was wondering what this creature wanted with him. The creature growled at him for a moment, but Taylor didn't move, he stood his ground and locked eyes with the creature. Taylor had this thing with canines, where he was able to somehow...connect with them just by eye contact. And they would instantly warm up to him, either it be a stray or even the most angriest owned dog in the neighborhood. They always warmed up to him eventually. Suddenly, after the stare down, the wolf suddenly chuckled lightly

"Hmmm, so the rumors about you being different were true it seems human."

Did the wolf to him like, actually spoke words to him? And in a very cute and adorable voice as well, almost like the voice of an adult woman who still had the voice of her younger self. Taylor's eyes would narrow to her as he would approche her, the floor below him would form ripples of the same electric blue that came from the lightning

"While I know that I am a bit....strange, I know that I must be going crazy if I am in my own head talking to a wolf that just so randomly pops up in my mind while I am unconscious. And yes, I know I am unconscious because I am one of the few who can dream lucid dreams..if that is even a word. But other than that. What are you doing in my head? I don't believe I invited you in here."

He said as he crossed his arms and arches a brow at her. The large wolf walked up to the man and nearly came up to his neck as her real size was now apparently, she would circle him and looked him up and down, her tail playfully slaps at his legs as she then comes in front of him and plops on her rear

"What do you mean Taylor? You are the one who made me after all. In fact you have always had me with you ever since you created me with such love and care."

She said as she lifted up a paw and lightly paws at the mask that adorned his face, she smiled brightly as Taylor brought a hand up to the mask that was on his face, then looked to her as he blinked a few times.

"I know i took much care and time into creating this mask, but i certainly don't remember...shoving a wolf spirit into it. I am just a normal human. How would I even accomplish something like that? I am no master in the ways of the arcane.

He then returns his gaze to her, then would suddenly see lightning spark from his right arm and down his hand, he closes one eye barely keeping the other open as he was expecting pain...but it never came. He would slowly open his eyes fully and would watch the lightning coil lovingly around his arm, then around his body, and around his other arm. He looked back to the wolf as she chuckled once more

"That's because the ones who whisper in the shadows gave me a physical form along with the 'gift' they gave you. But I am sure that you certainly remember me Taylor. After all, I am the friend you had when you were a mere child. I am that little wolf pup that you brought up in your imagination. Little did you know, I was more real than you had ever imagined."

She leaned in and nuzzled his chest gently, suddenly his eyes shot open and would flash back to his childhood, speeding images flash as he suddenly smiled widely and wrapped his arms tightly around the wolf

"Tsubaki! Its really really you?! OH I have missed you so very very much! I thought i had lost you as i got older...when you weren't around anymore...I thought you ran away because I go older. I know that I was growing up, but when I lost you. I was so afraid i would never see you again..."

He buried his face into the large wolf's neck happy to be reunited with a long lost friend. He know she wasn't real when he was younger, but the fact that she had become...real thanks to the ones she spoke about, this man felt a bit of happiness once more. And he definitly needed it with how his current situation was going outside of his head. He felt the wolf gently place a paw on his shoulder and rested her chin on his head.

"I have missed you to Taylor, but as yous aid, the older you got the more you didn't believe in imaginary friends anymore, as your mother told you they weren't real, you believed her and i slowly started vanishing."

He squeezes her a bit tighter and shakes his head repeatedly

"That may be Tsubaki...but I never ever forgot you."

Their embrace lasted a few more minutes, he would look to her with a more serious face now and reach up and cup her jaw and his other hand rubbing one of her ears lightly.

"Now Tsubaki, I need you to tell me what exactly is going on with me right now. You said..'they' gave you form with the 'gift' they gave me. I imagine its partly the reason why I am sparking like a PC rig that has all but fried its expensive contents and thus ending game time."

Tsubaki chuckles lightly at his amusing comparison and murrs lightly as she was given attention, but maintained focus.

"Well Taylor, after you died back home, your body was taken by the very lightning that killed you. As for the ones that were whispering. They are the ones responsible for the reason why you now wear this mask and you now bare this gift. You havv been given the choice to weild this ability for good..or malicious intent. As of now though, you are currently in the neutral zone, as i remember you being quite the neutral kind of person as you grew up."

"And I plan to keep it that way Tsubaki. While I am a man who doesn't wish to have malicious intent in the first place, I will solve my problems as they come along with violence as a last resort. I will make my own path. The ones who whispered to me expect me to follow theirs. I have played way too many video games that involve making 'moral choices'. I will do what I believe is right and, refrain from what I believe is wrong."

He said this as Tsubaki gave him another smile and wagged her tail happily

"Even after all these still haven't changed in the slightest. Sure, you believe in darker things are better than the light. But you are still the very same kind and gentle soul. I am glad that we have come together again."

Both Taylor and her would notice the cracks forming in the dark void, the sound of glass beginning to shatter around them, he would chuckle lightly and gives her one more pet

"It would appear that my real self is starting to awaken. Boy, he is in for a surprise when he wakes up."

"Indeed his is. I cant wait to see you again Taylor. Please be safe until then."

Suddenly everything flashes to white, his eyes slowly opening and his vision and hearing slowly starting to fade in, and with a sudden upward jerk of his body and a sharp inhale, he falls back onto the bed and quickly sits up, the soft beeping of an EKG monitor that started off with slow beeping sped up just a bit more, his heart was raceing quickly as his vision came through fully, he looks around at where he was. It was...a hospital room, and the bed he was sitting in was barely even big enough to fit his large form, his arms and legs barely hanging off the sides as he would then look down at his body, he was...naked. Buck fucking naked. He was suprised that the blanket even managed to keep him fully covered! He would lift up his arms around looks down at his body, those scars that had been given to him when he died were now indeed jet black and....hardened over into tough skin, almost like tattoos but burned into him. They marks seemed to trail along his blood vessels, explaining the lightning like appearance and why they were ALL over his body including...oh god, even there . his eyes were between his legs and looking at his member. He had always wanted to get a tattoo of sorts, but not down there!. Though, everything seemed to be intact and fully functional He had to admit though, despite having his manhood know covered in black lightning like markings, the rest was pretty damn cool looking, it hurt for damn sure, but cool non-the-less.

Taylor's attention was brought to the door suddenly opening as ponies of different colors came in 2 nurses and one who looked to be a doctor in a coat, the sound of their hooves clicking against the tile. Taylor would tense up slightly as he noticed syrenges in their mouths as they came to each side of his bed, the doctor standing in front of the foot of the bed. Taylor began to speak a bit nervously

"L-look, I promise I wont cause any trouble. I know how I acted earlier was a bit...out of rational thought. But i was scared at what had just happened to me.."

The doctor stared at the man for a moment, then looked to the nurses who held the syrenges and nodded to them, he then returns his gaze to him and spoke

"Forgive me young stallion. But we had the sedatives ready just in case you went out of control. Be it with pain or simple aggression. I am Healing Hooves, I am the doctor who will be monitoring you while you are here, and these are the nurses who will be tending to you should you call for them. Ladies, please introduce yourselves

Taylor's gaze would shift to the one on his left, she was mare who had beautiful brown fur and a jet black mane that seemed to rest on her neck while the front was neatly parted to the right side of her face, covering one of her beautiful cyan colored eyes

"Hello there mister Sparky. I am Soothing Sutures. A pleasure to meet you"

She said with a giggle at his new nickname. Mr. Sparky? Really?

"A pleasure to meet you as well miss Sutures. But my real name is Taylor, if you would please call me that from now on."

He said as his gaze would turn to the other mare to his right, when her eyes met his, she would cower back slightly and hide her face in her long mane, she spoke to him shakily, she was a curvy mare, but not overly so, a jet black fur coat with a white mane that was long as well, but was parted down the middle of her face and her eyes were a lovely magenta

"I-I am Night Surgeon...please to m-meet you Taylor.."

Taylor couldn't help but frown at how she was looking at him, all the more reason he hated having this mask on his face, but her would slowly reach out and carefully places a hand on her head and gently begins to pet her, a warm smile on his face

"And its nice to meet you as well Night Surgeon. I apologize for my..appearance, I know I look scary, but i promise you I wont hurt you or anyone here...after all you all took me in when i needed help. You could have denied a potential danger like me..."

He saw Night Surgeon calm down with his gentle pettings, she was...actually leaning into them and forgetting the that he was a new creature here in their land. He would pull his hand away and then look to Healing Hooves who cleared his throat

"So tell me young stallion. What exactly happened to you? You have these strange scares all over your body, and yet they have healed over so quickly, though they look not even over two days old."

Taylor looks back to him then his scars then to him again"Honestly doctor, I don't even know how I am even alive. I remember being struck by lightning, and dying, my heart exploded, I was coughing up blood, I honestly thought I had bought the farm when it happened. And now...I am here in this world."

All three of them were in shock at what happened to him, even Night Surgeon was placing a hoof on his arm to give at least a bit of comfort, he would lower his head but would then look up to them

"I'd rather...not go into detail of how I am still here. Or why I can now have lightning coming from my body. In fact, I better not cause you anymore trouble than I already have, I need to go,"

He said as he would try to get out of his bed and would stand up, keeping the blanket around him, he would take his first step but would fall to his knees and hunch over slightly, both the nurses and the doctor rushing to his side and offering him support, all fo them with worry on their faces

"Don't you worry about me. I just....need to get my strength up for a moment and I will be fine."

He said as he looked around the room, he saw his clothes and boots sitting in the corner of the room and smiles lightly, he would stand up again and make his way to them, he dropped the blanket and would hear the gasps of all three of them as he did, they were stareing at him in pure shook, this scars, they looked so very painful, and all from his neck, all the way down to his feet. Taylor didn't care that they were looking at him. He knew that if anyone saw those type of injuries, they would react in the same.

After he had finally gotten dressed, he would bring his boots over to the bed and he would sit down and put them on, the sretching of the leather and the clacking of the metal on the straps were the only sounds that filled the room after, and suddenly the sound of the zipper coming up as the entrance of his boots was sealed. He would stand up and looks down at the ponies. A six foot human standing a in room of four feet ponies. It was quite amazing and yet scarey at the same time for them

"I will repay all of you one day, but i do not have your currency to do so. But when i do, I will return to pay my debt to you."

As if right on cue, the door opens and a lavender alicorn walked in with a bright smile on her face and a hungry look in her eyes, a look he has seen before. A hunger of knowledge. As he remembers this from the show he used to watch back home.

"It has all been taken care of sir!"

Twilight said in a upbeat tone as she trots over to Taylor and smiles even bigger as she looks at him, those eyes sparkling. Taylor crossed his arms and decided to have a little fun with the alicorn

"Don't tell me, you want to ask questions about me and my species and where I came from yes?"

Twilight was about to say those same exact words but opened her mouth as no words came forth and stared at him dumbfounded

" did you know?"

Taylor chuckled lightly

"Lets just say...I know quite a bit about you Twilight Sparkle. How I know will remain a secret for now."

He said as he would turn to the medical staff that cared for him and bowed his head, Night Surgeon would approach him and looks up to him with those pretty eyes of hers, circling her hoof on the floor.

I am...sorry for how i acted earlier...I get a bit nervous around creatures who look at little...scary."

Taylor could her the little whimper at the end of her sentence, he would crouch down and rest on the heels of his boots, he stared at the mare for a bit, she would lower her head, only to feel his hand lift her chin up and lock eyes with her, he would then reach up and lightly begins to pet her once more, a warm smile on his face

"I don't hold your fear against you Night. In fact I understand it completely. But I am glad you gave me the benefit of the doubt and didn't brand me a monster."

The mare would smile to him gently and nuzzled into his petting again, he would smile to the three of them and would stand up and looks toward Twilight and begins to walk out, with her coming after him. Taylor knew exactly what was going to happen, an onslaught of question waited to bombard him when they reached Twilight's castle study.

Oh god. What has he just agreed to?

Act 3: Questions, More Ponies and...Experiments?!

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Taylor and Twilight walked out of the hospital and into the town, as they walked through, it was early morning, the sun was just being raised and the ponies around the own were making their way to whatever and wherever. As he and Twilight walked about, they were met with the stares of many many ponies, mostly out of fear. But some were stares of....curiosity, especially the young ponies who wanted to approach the man but their parents pulled them close to them for fear of being hurt or eaten. Taylor knew that they would react like this. A tall bipedal creature cloaked in black with a scary mask over his face, and those eyes, oh god those unnerving eyes that caught their stare that would send shivers down their spines and make their blood run cold

Taylor wouldn't be offended by it though, from what he knows from how this place work from the show, he will have to just warm up to them...unknowing of how to do that though. After all, that was a show, this is a reality now. Things could be much much different. He looks down at twilight and smiles lightly

"So Twilight Sparkle. Have you already sent a letter to your princess as you usually would in these situations?"

He asked with another smirk before she looked at him wide eyed again. Stopping in her tracks

" do you know all of this?! I haven't even told you my name and yet you know so much about me and my...habits.."

She said with a bit of embarrassment, a slight blush coming across her cheek. Taylor would chuckle and crouch down in front of her, she would back a bit, but would lower her ears as he would reach up and begins to pet her gently, she would blink a few times, but that all to familiar sound would come from her mouth as she leaned into his touch. His suspicions were correct, they may be sentient and sapient beings, but they are still ponies.

"As i told you Twilight, I know things about you..and your friends as well. But all your questions will be answered once we get to your castle. I promise. Just don't ask how I got least not yet anyways. By the way, my name is Taylor."

He said as he would then stand up and wait for her to come out her petting high, another blush on her face forming and with a sheepish grin, then she would nod and leads the way. Taylor couldn't shake the feeling that a pair of big blue eyes was waiting for the right moment to pounce, the shivers up and down his back screaming. They were standing in front of the fountain as Taylor stopped with his head down and would close his eyes. Twilight stopped and turned to look at him, a bit of worry on her face.

"Taylor...are you alright?"

She asked as she would begin to approach him, he would hold a hand up and slowly inhales and takes a defensive aikido stance suddenly, his hearing caught sound of something rushing to his left, he would wait till the last second and turn to the pink flash that attempted to rush him, he would grab said creature by the front left leg and uses its momentum to twirl and slam her into the ground his long black coat flowing behind him as if it was something out of 'The Matrix', but not enough to cause a great injury, just to stop her in her track. His suspicions were correct. A pink mare with an even pinker fluffy mane looked at him with wide eyes, but a big smile on her face. Taylor formed a half smile on his

"Its about time you came along Pinkie Pie. I was expecting you much sooner. Even when i was in the hospital."

He said as he would pick her back up onto her hooves and dusts her off, standing back up and waited for her to come out of her shock.

Wait for it....waaaiiit for iiiiit......

Hello there mister, you must be new to Ponyville and if you are new then that means I don't know you and if I don't know you then that means you aren't my friend yet, and I am friends with everyone in Ponyville! Do you like parties?! I like parties! We need to throw you one, a 'Welcome To Ponyville' party! Ohohohoh and-"

Her constant and fast paced talking was quickly stopped by his hand pressing against her mouth and placing one of his fingers of his other hand to his lips, then chuckles lightly

"Pinkie, yes, I do like parties. but at the same time, I am not big on going to them. I am usually a wall flower at those kind of events. But if you are going to throw me one. Then I will go to it, only because its you who is throwing it." he said in his usual cool and soft spoken voice. And with that, Pinkie was off with a pink cloud outline as she ran off. Taylor soon felt more then a few pairs of eyes on him, stare of amazement shock, and a few of horror. Twilight with ehr eyes as big as saucers and mouth agape

"What? I knew what she was going to do. I am surprised she hadn't found me sooner."

he said as he would make his way back to Twilight, all but her quickly back away from him. Twilight finally spoke

'I am just suprised that knew that she was going to do that! No one has ever ever caught her like that when she finds someone new in the town!"

She said in a bit of amazement but also fear for her friend, hoping that she was alright, this caught Taylor's attention and nods

"Oh don't worry Twilight. I made sure not to leave any real damage on her. Beside, I know that Pinkie is more sturdy then she looks. I mean, she is Pinkie Pie after all."

Twilight couldn't help but giggles at him, he did have a point after all. As they made their way to her castle, the crowd of ponies would part as if it was the red sea as he made his way closer to them, he would bring his arms to his front and slowly spreads them open as the crowd splits, grinning and seeing Twilight giggle again as she was assuring everypony was everything was alright and to go back to their own things. Twilight looked up to him as they walked to her castle and couldn't help but smile

"You know, at first I thought you looked very scary and I was afraid that you may have caused trouble in the hospital. But, it turns out the even Night Surgeon even warmed up to you. That's not something that is easily accomplished."

She said as she would walk up to the door and would put a hoof on it, but Taylor quickly moved in and opened it for her" Mares first." he said with a light chuckle and she would smile up to him as well.

"I think one of my other friends are going to like you very very much."

"I bet i can guess which one."

Twilight stopped and would blink and turned her head as if waiting for an answer.

"I believe she is a very posh pony and is the element of generosity. Rarity was her name."

Twilight nearly fell face first and lets out a groan, but laughs.

"Alright are coming with me right now And I want answers now!"

Suddenly he was tugged in by his coat by a her magical aura, and the door closes behind him as he lets out a sudden



Taylor is being dragged as he tries to regain his footing as she gallops down the large hallway and into a room, another door slam behind him as he trips in and falls onto a large sitting pillow and would get to his knee and sits on the heels of his boots, looking to Twilight who was now infront of him with her quill and notepad, he makes himself comfy on his heels and laughs lightly

"Geez Twilight, I may not know all about you after all. Are you this forceful in other ways as well?"

He said with an arch of his brow under his mask and grins at his own little dirty joke, she was able to protest and blushed fiercely

"I- I am not! I am just...excited and curious is all! T-to learn more about your kind!"


-Canterlot Castle, Throne room-

As the throne room comes into view, passing the guards and through the doors. Two alicorns spoke to one another. One was a tall, slender one with curves in all the right places, a flowing mane and tail that was a spectrum of pastel colors and the mark of the sun on her flanks. And a smaller one, just a bit shorter than the other, had a flowing mane and tail as well, but one that held the night sky within it, and her coat was a deep dark blue and she was also curvy in the right places as well., they spoke while the other held a scroll in her golden aura

"Lulu, this could be a potential danger to our civilians, both down in Ponyville and in Canterlot, should the creature make his way here. But from what I can guess, things haven't gone wrong yet. Otherwise Twilight would have sent word."

"I understand Tia, but just because he wears alot of black and is all little scary, doesn't mean that he is a bad being. I was running through the dream realm last night, just to check to see if he was sleeping. I went into his dream, unseen of course. He was talking with some kind of wolf creature. And from what I heard. He was sent here not by chance."

Celestia put her hoof to her chin in thought, a smile to her face as she looked to her sister lovingly.

"And this is why I am happy you are with me again Lulu, you give the most scariest creatures the benefit of the doubt, and you hunches are usually correct. Very well. Send the guards for him. I want to meet this creature personally, and see what he exactly intents to do in our land."


-Back in Twilight's Castle, Experiment Room-

Taylor walked into the room as her guard opened the door, falling Twilight through and caught the glare of the guard as he walked in behind her

"Oh don't look at me like that. I will not hurt her...not intentionally anyways. Its all depends if she wishes to cut me open and look at my innards."

He said jokingly as the guards only winced and nodded in understanding, closing the doors behind him, walking into the room that had...nothing but torches and rune markings along the walls. Twilight would instructed him to come to the middle of the room

"Now, I am going to try something Taylor. You said something about how the mask couldn't be removed. So I will see if magic will help out."

"Very well twilight just....don't tug too hard. My face may come with it if it does come off."

She would nod and gets her notes ready again, her magical aura lightly surrounding his mask and would suddenly dispel and force him to stumble back a few feet, he grunted in pain as it felt like something had punched him in the jaw, but not damage was left behind. Twilight would run over to him with a worried look as he would fall to his knees, but puts his hand up to stop her

"Gah...its okay Twilight...just..I don't think magic is going to be the answer to get this off me..."

"Are...are you sure you are going to be okay, Taylor?"

"Heheh, dont you worry twilight...given my life i lived with my step-father, my pain tolerance is quite high."

He would rise to his feet as his heavy boots echoed through the nearly empty room. he would get ready to take on more of her experimenting pokes now. She nodded and went back to her spot, suddenly a small bubble would appear around her and would nod.

"Alright, I remember seeing lightning for around your body when I saw you last night before i took you to the hospital. Do you...have any control over it?"

Taylor would look at his hand and would open it, closing his eyes and he would concentrate and would suddenly form a small ball of it in his hand. moving it able to room and would suddenly form and arc between his hand, a smile on his face as he was explore the 'gift' that had been given to him, the lightning sparking and snapping as he worked with it in his hands

"It would appear so, Twilight...this is actually pretty cool! I have always wanted to control lightning when i was young. its was kind of like...the superpower i wanted when I dreamed of being one."

He said as he would suddenly do what he would thing someone with this kind of power would do. He clapped his hands together and would suddenly form the sound of thunder as the lightning would spread in all direction. Twilight was starring in awe as he was experimenting. She was writing down her notes of what she was watching and would suddenly watch as he would give one more final test run, he would form another arc between his hands and would point towards the wall, sending the stream of lightning against the wall, until the stream end, he would suddenly feel a bit light-headed and very..thirsty. Apparently his abilities had a limit, but he expected that, he fell to his knees and breathed a bit heavily. Twilight rushed over once she was sure he was done, then places her hooves on his back gently

"Taylor, are you alright?! You shouldn't push your new abilities like that!"

Taylor smiles lightly and would nod to her in response.

"I am alright Twilight, just got a little carried away was all."

He said as he would stand up, suddenly there was a knock at the doors. A visitor?

"Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia and Luna have sent us to retrieve the creature!"

The next thing that ran through his head....

"Oh boy...I am in for it now.."

Act 4: Meeting The Princesses

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Taylor would rise to his feet after Twilight had made sure he was alright. He would look down to her and then to the door. Then back to her again

"Well Twilight, it was only a matter of time before they sent for me. After all, you told them about me. And being a foreign creature in this universe would raise some suspicions I suppose."

He said as he would smile to Twilight, who was looking at him with lowered ears and a small frown, circling her hoof on the ground. Taylor, seeing this would crouch down in front of her and lightly runs his hand through her mane, giving her some pets.

"Don't be sad Twilight. I know you don't mean any ill intentions from it. You are simply doing your job as a citizen and one of the rulers of this land. I do not hold it against you."

Twilight would slowly lift her head up and locks eyes with him, at hopeful stare in her gaze

Really? You aren't mad at me?."

Taylor would let out a small laugh and stands back up fully now. that warm smile still on his face.

"Silly pony, I expected this to happen at some point. The only thing that I am worried about is how the snobbish nobles will react once they see me. Really hope we aren't taking the front entrance. If i remember correctly from the show i told you about that revolves around your universe. noble ponies are a bit...well...judgmental towards those who aren't..."

he prepares his best posh snobbish accent.

"Culturally diverse and fancy, nnyes?."

He would smile lightly as he would get a laugh out of the lavender alicorn and would look up to him again

"Wel, if it would make you feel more at ease, I would be happy to accompany you, Taylor. Besides, I need to head to Canterlot to take care of some business."

Suddenly, the door swung open and four guards charged in all at once, spares pointed and ready at Taylor. Which made him instinctively jump back and quickly reach into his coat, pulling out what looked like a small black pipe from his inner pocket and would fling it with one swift motion, suddenly the pipe would extend into a full on three foot baton, he would take a defensive stance and narrow his eyes at the guard. They would glare at him and approach him a bit more, Twilight was behind him, her expression both shock and horror as she saw Taylor that....whatever it was from seemingly out of nowhere.

Drop your weapon creature! You are coming with us to the castle to be questioned!"

Said the guard who, judging by his appearance and armor, was the leader of the group, Taylor would tilt his head, a grip still firmly on his weapon

"How about this fellas? You lower YOUR weapons and not try to gut me. Then I will possibly consider putting mine away and coming along with you hmm?"

He asked with a small smirk on his face, Twilight still in shock at what was happening, then shakes herself out of it and runs in front of thei human, spreading ehr wings as if a way of shielding him.

"Guards, do not attack this human. He may look scary but he really isn't a bad guy!."

"I am sorry princess Twilight Sparkle, but we are under orders to take him. Be it that he is good or bad."

Said the leading guard as he would then turn his gaze to Taylor, then to his group, the guard nodded to them, in turn that would lower their spears and be at ease. Taylor would nod and presses a button on his baton that would make it retract into it's handle and slides it back into his coat. walking over to them and smiling lightly.

"See now? That wasn't so hard. I like to handle things without violence if at all possible. Thank you for complying Uuuuh...sorry i didn't catch your name."

"Shattering Hammer."

The guard said as he would then motion Taylor to follow him and the guard. Taylor would look behind him before he exited the room.

"You coming Twilight? You do have business to attend to don't you?"

He asked with a tilt of his head. Twilight would nod and trots over to his side. Something about this creature was strange. despite his scary appearance and and his frightful abilities in combat and the way he handles him. She could sense that he is just a simple being who doesn't wish to cause pain to anyone. He may be a bit anti-social and soft spoken. But, that's not his fault. According to what Taylor had told her in ehr questioning session that she so mercilessly attacked him with. He had been like that all his life. Not letting anyone in and keeping his problems to himself. Mistrust was strong in him as he had told her how many times he was stabbed in the back by both family and friends. When she had even asked him if he ever wanted to go back if he ever could, his words still echoed in her head

I never want to return to that hell ever again. I fucking hate humanity and what it has become....

He had said those words with such venom and hatred, that it made her shiver with a bit of fear at how he was even living ebfore he came to this land. Twilight knew, that now more than ever, this human would need a friend. And Twilight was going to do her damn best to try and become one that he could always come to and take to. Maybe even become friends with ehr own friends in time. But for now, she needed to focus on getting him at least one friend here.

They walked over to a carriage that was parked in front of Twilight's castle, the guards motioned him to climb about and would make their way onto it as well, but not before Twilight would join at his side and gives him a reassured smile. He would look down at her and pet ehr once more.

"I know its for business mainly Twilight. But thank you for coming with me. I...would be lying if I said i wasn't a bit nervous. I don't do so well in large crowds and even though I am going to go and meet two ponies. They are royalty. I have never ever met anyone of that kind of importance before when i was back on earth."

He would lift up and hand and look at it, it visibly shaking as they road through the air on the way to Canterlot Castle. Twilight could see the discomfort in his face, even though the top half was masked, she could see it in his eyes mainly, those lightning blue eyes shifting side to side and his mind racing with inner questions. He wasn't showing it very much. But he was scared. After all, he didn't know what was going to happened to him. It was a case of 'You have seen the show, but that doesn't mean its all sunshine and rainbows in the reality version of it' kind of thing. But he would remain as calm and collected as he could on the outside.

Soon, they arrived at the large and beautiful castle. Taylor looked down from the carriage that took him and Twilight through the air. Although he couldn't seen the fine details of the land below him, it was still very beautiful from this height, from the lush gardens, to the statues and over all architecture of the castle itself, he would chuckle to himself, thinking at how out of place he was with his style of clothing and color. But black was all he wore, and he will ever wears, No matter how much a certain unicorn fashionista would try and change his ways.

They would land in the courtyard at the main entrance of the castle, Taylor was hiding behind the walls of the carriage and slightly peeking over to see if there were any nobles about, thankfully his wish was honored as for right now at least, the courtyard was empty of fancy clothes wearing and posh talking ponies. he would rise from his hiding spot and looks to Twilight, then the guards approached him, Shattering Hammer motioning him to follow. He did so with no hesitation, remaining quiet as they walked into the castle.

The interior of the castle was amazing. So very bright and colorful, marble flooring and pillars along the walls. The guards wore armor of what looked to be pure gold. To Taylor, he was taking in the possibilities of gold being of any kind of decent armor. After all, old may have been a priceless metal, but it was weak regarding being of use for armor or weapons. Then again, this wasn't his realm. Things might work differently here. They continued to walk down the halls of the castle, a few turns here and there, until they came to two large doors, they would stop as Shattering Hammer would turn to him and hold out his hoof

"I must ask you to let me hold onto your weapon before you can enter the throne room."

Taylor would think on it for a moment, then look to Shattering Hammer very serisously

"I am afraid I have to decline your request, Shattering. For I will not depart with the very thing I use to protect myself with. This weapon has helped me in situations back where I come from. You have my word that I will not bring any kind of harm to the princesses. Besides, I am sure you are aware, that they could turn me into a smear on the ground should they so desire to do so. Wouldn't you think?"

Shattering Hammer stared at Taylor for a few moments, then couldn't help but chuckle at his jab at a bit of humor.

"Very well. But know that I will have my eyes on you creature."

Twilight didn't like the fact that they referred to him as a 'creature' but they didn't know what he was, so she couldn't fault them for not knowing. Taylor would enter the throne room, the slight breeze of the door would make his coat flow behind him, he would shield his eyes from the brightly lit room as he enter, his heavy boots would echo against the floor as he walked down the red carpet, his eyes looking around until they focused on who he was nervous to meet. The two ruling princesses of all of Equestria. He knew exactly who they were, Princess Celestia, who rose the sun and is the eldest of the two. And to her side, Princess Luna, the one who rose the moon a.nd personally, was Taylor's favorite pony out of all the ones he saw when he watched the show. Taylor would approach them with caution, he walking coming to a slower pace as he would now gaze upon them both. Taylor had a hard time reading their faces, they both stared at him with...blank expressions as they studied him. Then Celestia couldn't help but smile to the young man and spoke to him with a warm motherly voice, standing up from her throne, making her way down so that she could be at eye level with him, along with her sister at her side.

"My goodness, when I heard about there being a creature in black scaring my little ponies about, I knew that the rumors were blown out of proportion from the start. Though i can see how you would be rather intimidating, given to way you look and your sheer size. I am Princess Celestia, and it is a pleasure to finally meet you sir. I and my sister both welcome you to our home."

"And I am princess Luna, we are happy to meet thou as well. and...while our subjects may not like your style...we certainly do."

Taylor couldn't help but smile at Luna as she complimented on his way of clothing, At least the princess of the night approved of his clothing sense. Taylor would look to them both now, doing the only thing he knew to do in front of royalty that greeted him in such a nice way. He would bow down on one knee and places a hand over his chest, bowing forward slightly and lifts his head back up.

"It is a...pleasure to meet you princesses. I am know as Taylor. I must admit...I am a bit nervous in meeting you both, especially since I know a bit about you already. But i never in all my life thought I would actually get to meet you. As I have only seen your story through a fictional show back in my universe."

They looked at him with a slight tilt of his head, then to each other, Celestia then looking back to him with another warm smile, she spoke once more

"Ah, such a respectful stallion indeed. Please rise my dear. As for how you know our story. Would you please follow us so that we may speak with you. We have...concerns of your presence here and wish to know what exactly brings you here."

"Indeed, we are curious about thou and wish to know what thine business is and...what exactly thou are wearing around his legs..."

Luna seemed to have her eyes fixated on his boots, from the length of them to the sound of the stretching leather, to those armored plates that rested over each strap that rested freely from the slots that they should normally sit in. Taylor would rise from his knelt position and nods in agreement, though from behind him, Twilight would wave and smile to the princesses, Celestia's attention would turn to the alicorn and would smile brightly to her, Twilight would then run up to her and hug her tightly

Princess Celestia! So good to see you again!"

'My dearest Twilight! I am glad you made it. And thank you for accompanying Taylor to the castle. I am sure he welcomed your presence. But I know that you are here for other reasons, but before you go. I need to speak with you before you go about your business in the capital. Taylor, if you could please wait here with Lulu. I need to speak with Twilight alone for a few minutes

Taylor froze at this and would shift his eyes between the three alicorns, then focusing on Luna who he caught staring at his boots even mrone closely, he would arch a brow at the princess of the night and cleared his throat lightly, causing ehr to snap her head back up and blush a little at being caught, He was going to be spending a few minutes alone with his favorite alicorn, nope, nothing awkward about that at all, considering he didn't know how to act around her, after all, he was really there.

"Ishall call for you and Luna into the next room once Me and Twilight have finished speaking. Don't cause our guest too much trouble, Lulu."

Said Celestia as she would tease and poke fun at her little sister's curiosity


Luna protested with a glare and a puff of her damn adorable, Taylor wanted to scoop her up and just hug the blue alicorn after that, but refrained from doing so. hee would watch both Twilight and Celestia disappear behind a door in one of the side room and would shift a bit on his feet, looking over to Luna every now and then as she would do the same, circling her hooves against the marble flooring. She would begin to speak

"Um...Taylor was it?"

He would nod as he looked back to her again

"Indeed Princess, I know it may be a strange name in the realm, but that is the name that was given to me at birth." he said as he would reach into his pocket, pulling out a small device and what looked to be a string with two...things on it, he would plug the wire into the device and turns it on. and would begin to lightly bob his head as he would begin to listen to one of his favorite songs, he begins to sing it mocking the vocalist, but not in a very loud tone, work like whispering and mouthing out the lyrics

"Emerged from the depths of the earth gasps it rages against mankind, to annihilate the earth and worse it spills blood like rain, the beauty of death it represents..."

Princess Luna could hear those dark words coming from his lips, but what was the device he was using? Was it the thing that was making him say those words. She would bring a hoof to his arm and gently shake him, he would turn to Luna and pulls his earplugs from his ears and smiles warmly to her

"Hmm? Yes Princess Luna?"

"Um...Are thou alright Taylor? You were saying such dark words in a lyrical manner..."

She looked at him ith a bit of fear and nervousness. She was the princess of the night and was Nightmare Moon, but even Nightmare would cringe at the words he had spoken just now, he would chuckle lightly and put the device away

"Ah, please forgive me Princess, I was..simply listening to music to calm my nerves. Its helps me in situations where i get nervous around new peop-...ponies."

"Then we are both in the same boat are we not? I am not exactly a social butterfly myself."

Taylor would chuckle lightly and nods"I know this Princess Luna. I have seen how you struggled with making friends, even when you went to visit your subjects on Nightmare Night. When I saw that. I was a bit saddened when your efforts failed so many times and....I really wanted to reach out and become your friend. You may be the princess of the night, And you may have been scary as Nightmare Moon. But you know what? I saw you for who you really were Luna..."

Luna's ears flattened as she was fearing the worst from this man's mouth. Was he going to slander her even further by calling her a monster and an evil alicorn who only wanted to harm and control all of her subject and put an end to her sister's rule? She closed her eyes tight...but then, those words never came...

"Honestly Luna...I saw you as a lonely mare who just wanted to be loved by her subjects and her friends and the only family she had, and being imprisoned in the moon for a thousand years only made that pain worse. The shunned all the beauty of the moon and star you so willingly created for them, and only admired the day time your sister brought to them. I may not have been imprisoned for a thousand years, but I do understand loneliness very very well. I didn't row up with any real friends, and my family back stabbed me many times, including my abusive step father, who called me a failure since I was born legally blind and was very cautious at my young age. And not only that..I am a shut in when it comes to being out in the world...I hated leaving my home...going out and fearing the next betrayal that would come to me. As i got older, I moved out of my home and into the world on my own, I got myself a little apartment and a job, I rarely went out then to, only to get food from the store and do my job. I made a bit of extra money on the side commissioning masks for people who wanted them. But other than that...that was it."

Luna's heart dropped low in her chest, to think that this being has suffered such pain and loneliness in his young years to have it affect him into his maturity, she would look at him with eyes of sympathy and worry, coming up to his side and gently wrapping a forearm around him in a hug, taking a chance at this one person who could relate to her pain. She would feel an arm come around her form, she would tense at first, but then snuggle into his embrace. He would whisper to her, doing his best to maintain his calm and collected state

"Thank you princess I really needed this kind of comfort...bringing up these kind of memories always puts me in a very down mood.."

"You have suffered for so long Taylor..and you have made it through despite all the obstacles they laid in your path....I think you may have been brought to this realm for a reason. But I am curious. How did you even get here..? If you don't mind telling me that is."


"Just Luna is fine, Taylor."

"A-alright then...Luna. Its not easy to talk about...but I feel that I can tell you this because understand the life I had."

"The life you had ? But you are still alive aren't you?"

"I...I wasn't before I came here Luna. I died back at my own realm. I was in the middle of a bad storm and lightning struck me down, it was unbelievable body was covered in burns and open wound, and my heart exploded from within my chest...literally. And as I laid there in such pain and agony...I remembered that I wasn't leaving anything or anyone behind.....only wishing I had lived a better of such torment."

Luna couldn't help but squeeze him a bit tighter at him mention he had died

"You..died in such a horrible way. And they don't have any magic there that could have cure your wounds?"

"We don't have magic back where I am from Luna....there was no way they could have fixed me up with the injuries I had. Not to mention, they wouldn't have cared to do so...I was nothing but a dying corpse to them. I know that my realm was happy to be rid of me. But out of a funny sense of irony. Fate had other plans for me...and here I am."

Taylor would continue to hold the princess of the night in his arms a little longer. Suddenly he would be hit with dizziness and a sharp pain in his head and body, The sound of heavy heart beats could be heard. Pushing away from Luna and beginning to crawl on the ground in pain, coming to his knees and grabbing his head, thrashing about while screaming and grunting in absolute pain, Luna flew back in shock as he crawled away from ehr, but saw what was happening as her eyes nearly doubled in size as she saw him thrashing about


Taylor screamed in agonizing pain, it felt like his body was being burned from inside out, it was if he was struck by the very same lightning that had claimed his life, and right on cue, lightning began to spark from his body and attack in all direction, barely missing Luna, but that didn't stop her from calling out to him and trying to get to his side

"Taylor..Taylor What is going on?!"

Worry and fear for this man was clear in her voice.


He continued to thrash about on his knees, his body jerking left and right. and suddenly slamming his fists into the ground causing a clap of thunder and lightning to form in a six foot radius around him, the guards who were in the throne room all began to approach for fear of their ruler's life, but she told them to keep away from him

-A Few Minutes Earlier, The Side Room Of The Throne Room-

Twilight and Celestia sat down on pillow seats opposite of each other, it was quiet for a moment, then Twilight spoke up first

"Celestia...I know what you are probably thinking, but Taylor isn't a bad pony, he came here unknowing of what had happened, and he scared some ponies unintentionally, but I spoke with him and he is just someone who is a bit scared in this new land,please don't rush into anything rash!"

Twilight would receive a stare from her mentor, then a soft smile

"I know he is my dear, I can see it in his eyes, unsettling as they may be behind the blackness of his sclera...he is a warm and gentle soul who is willing to do anything for himself and his friends, the problem is, he hasn't experienced true friendship. As his eyes tell of betrayal and hurt. Twilight, as the princess of friendship, I am counting on you to open up his heart to the possibility, I feel that his wasn't brought here by accident. More like a second chance is what it feels like."

"A second chance? What do you mean Celestia?"

"I am afraid..that is for him to reveal to you should he choose to do so Twilight. Until then, I am trusting you to take care of this young Give him the gift of friendship you and your friends share. And he will become a great asset to our realm. I can feel it."

Twilight was about to speak, suddenly they both heard what sounded like screams and a loud clap of thunder within the throne room, both alicorns jumped to their hooves and ran to the door, their eyes widened in horror at what was going on.

-Present Time, Throne Room-

The three alicorns continued to watch as Taylor thrashed about and slammed his fists into the ground in the pain he was in, slowly getting to his feet and would try and make his way out of the throne room, his vision blooming and blurring as he stumbled to get to an outside area, even a balcony would be helpful right about now, he was feeling something building up inside of him, and it was hurting more and more as he held it in. he stumbles passed the guard and falls to the floor again, crawling his way away from everyone, even the three alicorns who were giving chase. His eyes were now glowing the very same electric blue that was sparking from his body. He managed to get to his feet again and sees a balcony that was to the left of the throne room, he makes his way to it and would nearly fall again as he got there, grabbing the railing and would suddenly let out one final scream of pain, his body lifting into the air as lightning began to explode from his hands as he lifted them up and away from the ground, his coat flowing violently behind him as he continues to spark and snap. after what seemed like nearly an eternity of pain, the lightning quickly vanished and subsided. Taylor would begin to fall back his vision starting to fade as he heard his name begin called, he heard hooves galloping towards him and was nearly about to hit the floor, but he felt something surround him, it was a dark blue aura, which brought him down to the floor with great care, a blue blob coming into his fading vision and his hearing fading out along with it. He had passed out from all that had happened, exhausted.

Act 5: In the Dream Realm

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Taylor's vision was slowly returning as he would slowly open his eyes over and over

Osamu...Osamu come on boss man wake up!"

Said a familiar voice as he blur watched over him and would soon come into view, a short slender asmodian girl, who's was an assassin, she kneeled over his body and started poking at him

"Ah, Castalia, stop I'm up I'm up!"

He said as he would sit up suddenly and looks down, he was wearing his top level cleric gear, black chainmail with black and blue long robs and plated greaves and gauntlets. And he had...claws? His hair was a bit longer, but it was neatly parted down the middle and raven black. His skin was ghostly white and he looked down at his feet, they also had claws, and he felt something on his back, a mane, and he felt larger and heavier than he would in his normal body...he was in his cleric's body!. This was one of his favorite games he grew up playing, it was called Aion. a game that involved something called a cataclysm and three races fought to claim the tower of eternity. The asmodians, which was his favored race. The elyos, which he despised with a passion. Thos damn white winged rats..... And the Balaur, which were a non-playable race.

Osamu reached up to feel his face, feeling the blindfold that was to suppose to obscure his vision, but he could see just fine. He had purchased the blindfold accessory in game to put a a little piece of himself into his character. he would stand up slowly, his mace at his side and his shield onhis back, he would look around at were they were. This landscape was very familiar, it was full a full forest area, and it had familair creatures roaming about...he remembered eactly where he was now

"Ah are we running the newbies through the elite level twenty area today? I only ask cause we at the mau Blackclaw outpost."

"Yes Osamu, it is friday night after all. You know, the night that we have on the forum scheduled every week?"

"Yes Cast I remember silly girl."

He would look around to see all the legion members he had with him.

"Alright, so we have the healer, two assassins, a sorcerer and a templar. Alright everyone, Lets go those levels up so we can get you all to the next area!"

Everyone in the group let out a hardy


As they were getting ready to head into Blackclaw territory, Osamu caught sight of something...familiar, it was a dark blue figure hiding behind one of the trees, it wasn't a monster he had seen before in the game, must have been a bug or something. But he didn't have time to worry, he turned and ventured back into his group, drawing his mace and shield, giving out orders as if he was a general in combat. As he drew his weapons, battle music appeared out of nowhere.

"Pull the mobs, attack them all at once and be careful on the blacclaw sleekpaws, that weapon they throw is very nasty and will slow you down. Stay together, I will make sure you all stay alive!"

He would watch their health bars and conditions closely. casting healing spells and dispelling any debuffs that would cause the battle for his teammate to have trouble, suddenly he would hear something behind him, it sounded like...hooves galloping across the dirt path. He would quickly turn around to see...Luna? His eyes shot open, ven though she couldnt see them, she could see the shock on his face. He then shot his attention back to his group who's health gauges were dropping, casting healing spells once again and shouting out orders once more, Luna just watched him work in amazement, he was like a totally different person here.

"Cast, Shadow, you got blacklaw stalkers and scratchers coming left and right on you, stay focused!"

He then pointed to the tank.

Ikazuchi, pull the mobs off our dps guys! Keep them busy!"

After a long fight, and many more that had gone through the whole area, the group had arrived at the entrance to the boss area, looking to his group who were excited about killing off the boss

"Alright everyone, get your breaks in before we hit the chief. Its gonna be quite the battle."

He walked away from the group, walking to the side of the cliff the portal was resting on, his eyes closeing as he heard Luna trot up beside him, his gaze shifting to her under his blindfold. She began to speak to him quietly


"if you are here Luna...then I must be dreaming. Otherwise i wouldn't really be here. nBut yes, it is me. Looks like you got to see me when I wasn't in the real world...or the person I wish that i could be like."

He would sit down on the cliff, Luna plopping her rear beside him, the view in front of them was a night sky. Filled with dark blues and purples and lots of stars, the area below them was forested and had a few marshes between the trees. Luna spoke up once more

"I noticed that in this dream. You took on another form, a rather....intimidating form if i must say, but from what i saw. You have the role of one who supports his allies and makes sure that they do not fall."

"Mhmmm, I am a cleric in this world, and I am the leader of my legion. We are named 'Immortal Wolves'. A name I have had in many other ....virtual worlds such as this one."

"Virtual worlds?"

Luna asked with great curiosity, her eyes nearly sparkling with interest.

"Indeed, hese virtual worlds allow their players to create other forms of themselves and live out that form's life how ever they wanted to, even questing and such."

Taylor went on and on about how it all worked, suddenly his legion members called out to him

"Alright boss man, we are ready!"

Osamu would stand up and look down at Luna, he would smile lightly and pets her gently

"Feel free to come watch the show Luna. Let me show you why they call me 'Dem Heals'."

Luna would follow Osamu in and his group. instantly he drew his mace and shield once more, giving the signl to charge in.

"Kill of the spellcasters first, they hit the hardest!, Sleekpaws in the corners, don't aggro them yet!."

The battle went on for a good twenty minutes, finally getting to the chief and their health and mana starting to drops, Osamu was breathing heavy, he had run out of mana potions and was starting to empty, he was cursing himself as he wished he had brought more. he my have been at the level cap, but his healing skills at through his mana like it was cake.

"Damnit all. I don't have anymore mana potions guys, he is down to ten percent health, hang in there!!!"

He exclaimed as he tried to build up mana using a skill that increased his mana regain speed, he would be successful in doing this, healing the group one more time, the boss suddenly fall and all the monsters around vanished, he would look at his groups health gauge and would see numbers ranging from one percent to five percent health left. This was an elite run after all, Osamu fell back onto his rear and chuckles lightly, even though he didn't lose any of his h7ealth, he felt the drain of mana on his body and looked over to Luna who was watching from behind a pillar, he smiled to her and gave her a thumbs up. Luna ran over to him and began to rub his shoulder gently with a hoof.

Taylor, that was amazing! The way you kept your group from falling, even during all that fatigue was inspiring! I am proud of you!"

She was about as giddy as a school girl watching her favorite tv show rush, this made him laugh a bit as he sat up

"Well, now that the group has finished. I can go off and do as i wish now. Would you like to accompany me Luna? I want to show you one of my favorite spots in this realm."

Luna nodded excitedly and would suddenly latch onto him. Osamu would blink and chuckle again, casting a teleport spell, which lead them to outside of a place called Adelle Village, and in front of a lake, a large lack with a large tree in the middle, with large flowers that had their own light to them, and the tree had also its own lighting flowing around it...its was even making the sound of a heart, beating steadily

"Even though this is near the beginner area...its still my favorite place to come to every now and then." he said as he would walk into the water and gaze at the area. Luna watched him curiously and would follow in after, the water coming up to her lower legs

"Taylor...this world of yours, in this dream...its so very beautiful."

"It is Luna, but its nothing but a fantasy world, created by other humans like myself to escape the reality that was life, and i was one of those people who was trying to escape my reality. And I was the person I always wanted to be here. One who people looked to and counted on. The leader of the Immortal Wolves."

He would stretch out his arms and crack his neck, suddenly a flash of light would come from his back, and large black and blue feathered wings would appear on his back, surpisingLuna as they seemed to appear out of thin air.

"Not to mention. I can fly here as well."

He said as he would flap his wings and lifts into the air, going higher and higher, Luna would soon follow and would just continue to watch in amazment. Osamu would smile and begins to speed off, Luna would suddenly trail after him. They flew through the skies of the world, laughing and enjoying the time they had. Suddenly Osamu came to a stop, turning to her as his hovered in the air, a frown on his face

"Luna.....I am scared to wake up from this dream. I know what happened to me before i fell asleep. I...I caused a bunch of trouble for you and your sister didn't I?"

Luna would quickly close the gape between them and latch onto him in a hug, shakling her head

"No nono, you didn't cause any trouble Taylor! I mean, their was a commotion going on, but the story was covered to something along the lines of rogue weather. You are safe Taylor. You have my word!"

"Thank you Luna....Hey, I just noticed, you are talking to me regularly now. I really like it."

This made Luna blush gently, hiding her face in her mane and would release him from the hug

"Taylor...I have a question for you. And the right answer would make me very happy. Would you become my friend?"

She asked as she would fidget with her hooves, there was a long pause, she closed her eyes expecting the worse outcome, but then felt his arms wrap around her gently.

"Of course I would have shown me nothing but kindness. Why I do not trust anyone so easily, you are on thew road to gaining it. While I know you from a fictional tv show back in my world. I don't you the real you as much as i want to. So yes. I will be your friend."

Luna's eyes sparkled more than they had ever have, a smile forming on her face that would nearly rival that of Pinkie Pie herself. Taylor couldn't help but laugh a little

"Huzzah! The friendship has doubled!!!"

Taylor let out another laugh at what she had just said, then nodded in response

"Indeed it has!"

He said a bit more upbeat tone. Suddenly, the world around them began to crack, shattering like glass. He would look to Luna and smiled lightly

"Looks like my body is waking up. I am expecting a lot of soreness when I wake."

"I want to come see you Taylor, when you awaken,I will be coming into your chambers...I will knock of course."

"My chambers...? What do you mean?"

And with that, the dream fades to white.....

Act 6: To Open His Heart

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Taylor slowly opens his eyes as his vision slowly returns. He was laying on something rather soft and comfortable. He sits up and suddenly lets out a low grunt of pain. Yep,his body was very sore alright. He noticed that his jacket and boots were taken off of his body, he looked around to find his coat hanging on a coat hanger and his boots resting below it. At least they didn't strip him down this time! Then again, that was a hospital, they had to do their job after all. He looked around at the room. It wasn't what he had expected. Instead of white marble walls with gold trimming, it was dark blue with black trimmings, and black curtains that lead out to a balcony that looked over the city below. It suddenly hit him. Was this Luna bedroom?! He quickly looks around, not really seeing anything that would belong to her, letting out a long sigh of relief.

"If I was actually in her room...I think my heart would explode again. I haven't ever been in a female's room before...let alone a mare's room."

He spoke to himself with a nervous chuckle. There was a knock at the door that made him jump a bit, then he remembered that Luna would be stopping by.

"Taylor, it's Luna. May I come in?"

"Yes Lulu, come in."

Luna enters in the room, a small blush on her face as she heard what she called him, closing the door behind her and approaching the human who was now making sure the content of his coat was still there. He would pull out that strange device again, and then he pulls out this small black pipe thing. Luna's curious eyes hit him hard as she got closer

"Y-you called me Lulu."

"Well of course Lulu, we are friends now aren't we? Its only natural we don't use formalities anymore. Plus...I think Lulu is rather cute."

Her blush would only redden as she heard this, she shook her head quickly and would change the subject

"I noticed that you carry around these odd objects, I remember the little square device you had. But what is this one you are currently holding?"

She asked as she pointed her hoof to his baton. Taylor would smile widely and turns to face her. bringing his weapon to his right and lifting it so it pointed away from her. He would flips the switch as a black steel rod extended out to three feet, surprising Luna in the process, making her wings nearly stiffen. Taylor would laugh lightly and twirls and shows off his weapon with expertise.

"This is this blind man's weapon of choice. I had this little beauty custom made. It has the same weight and properties as a normal sword, but instead of causing cutting and slashing damage, it apply blunt force trauma, and I even had something a little extra installed."

Taylor squeezes the handle a bit more firmly this time, suddenly a snapping and sparking would be heard from the weapon, though the irony of this hit him hard

"Its funny...I don't even need to use the stun feature on this thing now. Since i can control lightning now..."

Luna looked up to him with a worried and serious look, motioning him to follow her out to the balcony, it was about time to raise the moon

"About that Taylor. What...happened to you earlier? We were very very worried about you after what you went through back in the throne room...I was especially worried. Especially since you are my first friend who accepted who I was with such ease."

"Well Lulu, all I can say, is that I felt something growing inside of me. I think my abilities is developing now that I am in a world of magic. I am guessing, from my experience is that with a world that has such an abundance of it, my 'container' his growing as it fills over and over."

Taylor felt kind of silly using a reference from one of his favorite animes, but it was the best way he could describe the feeling. He looks down at his hand, watching a small strand on lightning pop out every now and then, then back out over the city.

"Lulu....I am scared...I have never ever used magic in my life. And now I have something so dangerous in my hands that I could possibly lose control again and hurt peop-...ponies I do not intent to hurt. Especially if one of those ponies is the first friend I have ever truly made."

Luna would look to him with concern again, bringing a arm around his side and nuzzles into his side gently

"If it would help you Taylor, I would be happy to teach you how to help you control and even improve your abilities. Should to have me as a teacher."

Taylor would rub his chin in thought at the opportunity to learn and improve his newfound abilities, and to learn with Luna was even better!

"Sounds good Lulu...I think you would be able to teach me better than your sister anyways. I really feel she wouldn't...really have the patience to teacher someone like me. I feel that she thinks I am a bit of a troublemaker. But then, that just may be my paranoia kicking in."

"I and my sister spoke about you while you were couldn't be any further from the truth Taylor. My sister is actually over the moon with you. She even told me that she found you rather handsome, especially since you aren't a pony. I couldn't agree more with her. You look decently fit, and despite the mask you wear, you have a rather adorable face. And you aren't just all muscle. So the lucky mare you will eventually have feelings for will have someone to cuddle up to and keep her warm at night..."

Taylor would wonder why she was springing this on him all the suddenly, his would arch a brow once more. Luna suddenly caught herself from what she was saying and buries her face in her hooves. letting out an adorable little whine

"I am sorry Taylor..I didn't mean to.."

"Its alright Lulu...actually I take that as a compliment. No female back in my world ever really noticed me. I was the kind of guy who stayed in the shadows and simply observed. So, even back when I was a child, I never really developed a crush on anyone. I went through my life focusing on myself. And now I am here. With you Lulu. My first ever real friend. And feels's something I thought I would never get to experience. Thank you Lulu."

He said this as he knelt down and wrapped his arms around her gently, closing his eyes and nuzzling into her. Luna would smile brightly and returns the gesture. Taylor couldn't help but think to himself as she was this close to him

"She...smells really nice..."

Whoa whoa there Taylor! What do ya think your doing there?! Back to your mindset! He would then release her from his embrace, Luna would get a bit of a disappointed look, but not enough for him to see it. Taylor would walk over to his boots and over to the bed he rested on earlier. He sits down and starts putting them on, then his slides on his coat and makes sure its all nice and snug. He then looks to Luna, seeing the sun fall behind her. He figured he would ask her since it was about that time.

"I need to head back to Ponyville Lulu, I promised a certain pink party pony I would go to the welcoming party she would prepare for me. But first...may you raise the moon?"

He said as he would fidget with the sleeves of his coat. But to his surprise, Luna couldn't have looked happier as she heard his question, she would surroundhis arm in her magical aura and pulls him onto the balcony.

"Yes! I would love for you to watch!"

She said in a rather adorable and cute tone on her voice, then clearing her throat and would nod

"I mean...yes, you may."

And with that, Luna's horn would glow her respected color, and she lifts into the air and splays out her wings, the moon rising behind her. The moonlight combined with her display of magic was...a sight to behold indeed. Taylor's thoughts began to wander again

"The moon here is so beautiful...she is so beautiful..."

A mental knock to head was delivered once more as I he was in meditation,and a monk found his worldly thoughts. After she would finish up, Taylor began to clap in appraisal

"It is even better now that I got to see it in person, Very well done Lulu. The stars are very lovely as well."

Luna hide her face in her flowing mane at the compliment he had so generously given, she would walk up to him and lookup.suddenly she rear back on her hind legs and would wrap her front hooves around him in a warm hug, he would blink slightly but would return the hug. He felt her shaking a bit. He couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he knew what she was feeling. H would have to leave for now, and being seperated from a friend wasn't easy.

"Lulu...hey don't worry. I am only going to Ponyville for a week so you can get things ready here for me when it is time to teach me. I mean...couldn't you come visit me in your free time? I understand you have night court to deal with., but who's to say, you cant come visit me in my dreams huh? I would be more than happy to have you keep me company while my body slumbers."

This made Luna smile as he was making valid points. Taylor was one...despite his attitude and the way he was, who was rather very optimistic. He was like this for people he knew who were down. And did his best to bring a smile to their faces. Bet it a little joke, or just someone who would listen

"Yes...yes you are right Taylor. And i look forward to your return when it is time that I teach you. Until then..please be safe. We shall see you when you slumber."

The two gave one more final hug before he turned away from her, heading out the door and leaving Luna to her own devices. He couldn't help but hear an adorable happy squeal from behind the door as he walked away, this made him stop and smile lightly

"Until then lulu..." he said to himself as he began to walk down the halls. Asking guard which way the exit was, they guided him. As he walked neari the exit of the castle, Celestia was watching him from the shadows. He would stop, his head lowered and not even looking to her.

"I am not sure what Lulu told me about what you thought of me was true. Regardless...thank you for helping me out. Your sister is a very special mare. And she needs someone to be there for her. We have forged a friendship. While i do not completely trust her or any of you fully. You have been nothing but kind to me. So thank you."

He said as he would begin to walk away towards the door, reaching his hand out and placing it on the handle

"And thank you, Taylor."

"He would stop, and turn his head a little towards her

"Thank you for becoming her friend. She has had so much trouble ever since she returned from her exile to the moon. As I am sure you are aware it was something that I couldn't avoid. But now that she has returned, and now that you are here. I believe things will get better for my little sister. While you may not trust us yet. I believe in you and your gentle heat and protective natural. And you will do your best to keep her, and any other friends you make from harm. So again, thank you."

Taylor listened to her voice, behind that warm motherly tone was...sincerity. Something he still hasn't gotten used to. He would simply nod.

"Should Luna ever need me for anything while I am not here, Please send for me. And should you need anything as well, send for me. I will not let this second chance go to waste."

he said as he would walk out of the door and close it behind him. Celestia could only smile as a potential friend for herself as well as Twilight and her friends would leave. Taylor would walk through the courtyard, his head still down, he was deep in thought. Everything that had happened up to this point. It hit him like a ton of bricks. His second chance. To make himself and others around him happy. To be one they could cometo for anything for good or for bad. It would seem, that fate dealt him a cruel death. To simply start him over with something that he had always wanted in his life. Just a little bit of happiness he never got when back in his home realm. He made a promise to himself at that moment, he will protect that happiness with his life. He looks down at his hands, and pulls them into fists,lightning sparking from them. With this power, no matter how he would use it. none of his friends will ever be left to sadness or suffering while he still breathes. No matter what he had to do...even kill some other being to do it. The leader of the Immortal Wolves was now real...even though his legion was simply a fantasy.Now that Taylor had power. He could be just like Osamu. Brave and protective. Making sure his allies never fell, and would be there to urge them on with his optimism.

Taylor would suddenly come out of his train of thought by white unicorn with a long blond mane looking at him with a disgusted stare

"SO then, you are the one that the princesses were fawning over. Ugh...look at you. Such a beastly looking creature and you have the nerve to wander about our fine courtyard like you own the place? How unrefined you are beast. And the way you are dressed, no wonder they fear you. You reek of evil intentions."

Taylor would shift his gaze to the snobbish unicorn with a cold stare, with that glare and those eyes of his, he saw Bluebood's face go paler than his body already was, his blood freezing at Taylor's shadowy gaze. Taylor would turn to him and slowly walk to him. his heavy boots echoing against the stone. Blueblood would see this and start to panic

"S-stay back you monster! Don't come near me with your filth!"

Taylor would walk ever so closer to him, taking out his baton and extending it. Sending his own electrical current through it now. His dark glare still apparent in his eyes. Blueblood would panic more and throws a lightning spell from his horn. The stream of lightning was caught as Taylor put his other hand in front of him, absorbing it within his body. He would finally get in front of Blueblood and would lift his baton over his head. He would swing down with force. Blueblood closed his eyes hard waiting for the blow, pathetic whimpering came from him as he did. But, the strike never came.

"Listen here you arrogant and miserable waste of life. I am only going to say this once. You cause me or any of my friends any trouble. You can kiss that horn of yours goodbye. And I will explain to the princesses I was either defending them, or myself from your idiotic decisions. So tread carefully, noble trash."

And with that, he swings his baton to the side and retracts it, turning away and leaving Blueblood in a jelly puddle. He makes his way to a chariot that had been prepared for his departure back to Ponyville. He would see Shattering Hammer would be accompanying him again. Taylor bowed his head in greeting and climbed onto the chariot. Few words were spoken between the two, but a smirk on Shattering Hammer's muzzle appeared

"Thanks for knocking down that arrogant bastard down a peg. I enjoyed to look of terror on his face."

"I should have hit him when I had the chance...but, I am the better ma- pony for walking away when i did. But it was fun seeing that snob cower in fear. he had it coming."

They both chuckled, and the rest of the ride to Ponyville was silent.

Act 7: New Friends And Premonitions

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Taylor soon arrives in front of Twilight's castle. He steps off the chariot and nods to Shattering Hammer in departure. As he turns to walk away, a sudden blur of lavender fur is met with his face. Judging by her scent and the sound of fluttering wings. It was Twilight herself. he would just stand there, ,slidding a hand between his face and her tummy and pushes gently

"Taylor, thank Celestia you are alright...I was so worried that you had go into trouble after what had happened!"

"Mmm mmmmph mmmm mmm.."

"Hmmm? What was that-"

She suddenly leaps off of her as she feels him lightly bite her tummy, falling backwards went she did

"I said, "I am alright Twilight."."

Taylor would spit out a bit of her fur from his mouth and then shakes his head, then smiles to her and knelt in front of her

"And thanks to you and the other princesses. I was kept a secret from the nobles...well most of them anyways. I ran into Blueblood. He did what I expected him to do. Call me a monster and that I reek of evil intent. But whatever. But enough of that. I have good news Twilight. I made my first friend. And it is none other than the princess of the night herself."

Twilight's face lit up, those same sparkling eyes appeared as she heard those words, reaching up and wrapping ehr arms around him

"Oh Taylor, that IS wonderful news, I knew you weren't a bad pony! I just knew it!"

"Yes Twilight, and I have something to ask you. Should you choose is up to you. but first, I feel I owe you a debt of gratitude. For when I came to this world, every pony but you that night, was brave enough to take me to the hospital. Something that would have never happened back where I am from. I would have been left on the side of the road and left to die. But, you aren't that kind of mare. And I am very very grateful to you for it. So I ask you now. Would you like to become my friend as well? So that I may repay the favor one day when the time comes, and help you in anyway I can?"

There was a pause, Twilight's muzzle was slightly open, she stared at the man with a surprised expression, but would turn into another smile and gasps, tightening the hug around him

"Yes Taylor. I would be honored to have you as a friend. But enough about that. Come with me, I have something I wanna show you!"

She said as she began tugging him up the stairs into her castle by his coat, he would stumble up behind her and come into the door way. Wait..he knew what was coming, the lights were off from the windows, and the room was dead quiet, he chuckled to himself and one thing came to his mind

"You didn't get me last time aren't getting me now.."


Everypony yelled all at once, balloons and streamers and such floated about the main room, they all cheered with happy faces and jumped about, but all froze and stared at Taylor, he had his arms crossed and a rather large victorious smirk on his face. Yep, he was well prepared for this, thanks to the knowledge that is the tv show he had watched back home. Pinkie Pie bounced up to him as he readied for her bombardment of words

"SO were you surprised huh huh huh?! Do you like the party?! Wanna play a game-"

She was cut off by his hand to her muzzle again, she was still making muffled noises behind it and he would kneel down in front of her, that smile still on his face

"No Pinkie Pie, I was NOT surprised, for i know that you are quite the party pony and like the throw welcoming ones. But that doesn't mean, that I am ungrateful for this little get-together you went out of your way to prepare forme. You are a sweet pony." he said as he would stand up and looks to the massive group of ponies behind him, he would wave to them a bit and smiled

"Please continue."

He said as he made his way through the crowd, trying to find a nice little corner or part of a wall to lean against. But first, he was gonna grab some of those yummy party foods...well the ones he could eat anyways. His stomach was a little on the empty side and he could go for...oh god, they have it! Taylor ran to the table and saw his prize, A full plate of nachos was waiting on the other side, he soon swooped in and snagged the plate before anypony noticed they were there. and would soon slunk off to the corner of his choosing and would begin to nibble on his prize

As the party went on, a few ponies came up to Taylor and tried to speak with him. He would make small talk with the ones who weren't too afraid of coming up to him. A few stallions, a few mares. But what was odd, the most he attracted were the young one. Fillies and colts gathered around the man with curious wide eyes. Taylor would only be too happy to oblidge speaking with the young ones. Talking to children really wasn't hard for him back home. He supposes it must have been his big brother instinct playing out. He would laugh and joke with the young ponies, they questioned him about the way he dressed, the items he had that he showed to him. Just silly things that children would ask.

After the parents who has feared for their children's safety had dragged them away from him, mouthing "sorry" to him over and over, he would just wave it off with a smile. Suddenly, a pair of large purple eyes would appear in front of his face, a slight glare to them, and a bit of multi-colored mane would follow. Yes, there was no mistaking it. Rainbow Dash was the first.

"So, you are the new guys here in Ponyville huh? You are not so scary!"

She would say poking a hoof against his chest. Taylor would decided to have a little fun with her now, and looks at her with a normal stare for a moment, then suddenly gives her a crazy glare with those eyes of his and leans forward, letting out a low grunt. He would watch the cyan pegasus fly backwards with a shout, she flipped about twice. He would hold the glare for a few moments, then cracks a smile and laughs.

"Not scared huh? If you say so Dash."

He said as he leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed. She flys back up to him again and tries to defend her honor

"I-i was just surprised is all. I could take you with my wings tied!"

"Now bow, Rainbow. Thar's no need to go makin' trouble with 'im."

Yep, there she was. The orange farm pony with the blonde mane and tail and the accent he was all to familiar with. After all, Taylor did live in Texas.

"Howdy sugarcube, mah name is Applejack. Its a pleasure to meetcha!"

She said as she would extend a hoof, he would kneel down and take it into his hand, giving her a firm shake and meeting her eyes with his, she looked like she was searching through his soul for something, her eyes narrowing for a moment, then smiles again

"Ah yes, Ah can tell you and you will be gettin' along nicely."

"Well I believe so Applejack. After all. I grew up on a farm myself. So I am no stranger to manual labor."

Applejack would smile up at him and nodded approvingly, she would pull her hoof away after he had released his grip.

"Well, if you are ever lookin' for somethin' ta do. You could always come and visit my apple orchard. Coiuld use a big strong pony like yerself to help out with the apples."

Taylor would think on it for a moment, then would nod in agreement.

"Perhaps Applejack. We shall see how things go for me here though huh?"

"Call me AJ sugarcube. All mah friends do."

Taylor chuckles lightly with a nod

"Very well then, AJ."

She nods in approval and would suddenly tug on Rainbow Dash's tail, she she nearly got in his face again, Taylor would sigh and lifts his gaze to her

"Look Dash. I know I may look like evil incarnate, but its not my fault that this damn mask is stuck to my face. You should know full well not to judge a book by its cover. Even someone cloaked in darkness has a good heart."

She attempted to counter his words, opening her mouth but nothing came out. She would lower her gaze and nodded

"Yeah..I do know that. Sorry about that big guy. Just trying to be a good friend and making sure nopony causes trouble for them. You know?"

Taylor would nod and reach up, placing a hand on her mane and began petting her gently

"I know that Dash, you are like me. You want to protect that which you hold dear. Just be careful who you label as a baddy from now on though alright?"

Dash would smile and nod to him, punching his shoulder playfully

"You are alright big guy. Would like to hang out some time. Maybe even challenge you to a hoof wrestle!"

"Me too. I wanna see what kind of strength ya got thar partner!"

"You are on girls."

All three of them chuckled before Dash and AJ went on to do their things at the party. Once they were out of view from his, he would let out a long sigh and would shake his head, speaking into his mind

Being an ambivert is sooooo exhausting...can only hold my mask for so long...

That's how you have always been Tay Tay, even when we were both young!

Taylor would twitch a brow as he heard that familiar voice chime in his mind

Ah, Tsu Tsu. I was wondering when i would hear from you again. You been staying out of trouble like a good wolfy should?"

She would playfully growl at him

"I may have been, I may have not. But i am happy that you are trying to reach out and be friends with these equines. I am just worried may forget me and..."

Taylor would glare under his closed eyes a bit, as if glaring at her

"Stop right there Tsubaki. You know damn well I am never ever going to forget you. You are a very special part of me I could never forget, eben if i got amnesia, I wouldn't lose you."

While he couldn't seen it, he could feel e\her happiness and the wagging of her tail

Love you Tay Tay."

He would chuckle to himself and smile warmly

[i ]"Love you too Tsu Tsu. Be a good girl, and I will see you soon."

He was brought out of his mind by a sudden gasp that belonged to a certain fashionista unicorn that had decided to invade his personal space

"Darling what is that you are wearing?! So much black on one pony isn't good fashion sense! But this fabric of the coat and pants. It is simply divine.."

He we go...the one pony that he was dreading to meet and stab him with her sharp fashion criticizing daggers was moving in for the attack

"Well Rarity, if you must know. I do not work will with other colors. Black and dark blue are all you will be seeing me wear."

He stated plainly, she would then take her attention to his boots, she would lean back in slight over dramatic horror as she saw them

"Is that...leather?!"

"Yes? What of it?"

You...aren't a pony eater are you..?"

Taylor would sigh and would grin wickedly, he was going to mess with her to.

"Mmm yes I am, I eat ponies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I cook them in many ways and they come out quite tasty every time."

A look of pure fear came across her face, she would faint right there and place a hoof over her head. Taylor would crouch down over her and would reach his hands out to her in a mockingly evil manner, only to lift her up in his arms and carry the seemingly unconscious mare to a near by couch. he would whisper to her gently

"Of course i don't eat ponies you silly mare."

He would feel her stirring in his arms and watched her open one eye at him. He would lay her down on the couch carefully amd ;ppled down at her, she would gaze back up at him. suddenly she looked rather adorable when she did

"Darling....while I do not agree with all that black you are wearing, I must admit you do look rather mysterious , especially with that mask of yours. It all rather....dangerously exciting now that i think about it."

Taylor could see a blush slowly creeping across her face. This would make him smile at her and crouch down, bringing a hand to her cheek and gently caressing it. he would mess with her once more

"Are you saying my dear Lady Rarity, that you would like to have a dark knight of your very own to sweep you off your hooves?"

He asked with a tilt of his head, he could feel her trembling in his touch, her lips quivering and her eyes sparkling before she would faint again, this time for real. Taylor would chuckle to himself and stands up. leaving the mare to regain her composure, but before he could get any further, she would tug on his coat weakly as she looked up at him

"Darling, let me make you something that would compliment your outfit. And let me make some modifications to your coat as well. I am sure you won't be disappointed!"

Taylor would think on it, this coat was his favorite in all the world...he was very hesitant on letting the mare have her way with it. But he couldn't say no to her pleading eyes and would nod

"Very well Rarity. Just...please take good care of it."

Rarity nodded excitedly, letting him go. He would wander off outside to get some fresh air, it was getting a bit too crowded in there, and his extravort mask was starting to crack, he needed to recharge. As he made his way outside, he couldn't help but feel like eyes were on him. He closes his eyes as he leans against the railing of the stairs. Listening carefully for any movement or sounds. He would catch the slight movement of hooves behind a bush.

"You don't need to hide. I am not going to hurt you."


Was all that he heard from the bush, seeing a pair of big green eyes peeking out at him, The mare slowly crept out of the bushes. Yep, there was no mistaking it, that yellow coat and that pink mane. Definitely Fluttershy. he would crouch down to eye level with her as to not seem so intimidating, motioning her over to him

"Hello there Fluttershy. Its a pleasure to meet you finally. I take it you don't like being in crowded places either huh?"

He asked in a warm and soft spoken took that seemed to mimic hers

"N-no, I don't too many ponies in one place can get a bit stressful."

"I can me."

Taylor would rub his face a bit and lets out a sigh. Fluttershy approaches him and sits next to him, finally someone she could relate to

"So how do you deal with it? I saw you interacting with the ponies just fine....and now you look completely exhausted from it all..Are you alright?"

She would ask with genuine concern in her voice. Taylor would smile weakly to her and nods

"Well Fluttershy. I am what one would call an ambivert, I put on a non-physical mask that no one can see. I can become the life of the party, but at the end of the day, it drains me. Except when I am around friends. Then I feel like I can let go and be comfortable around them. I am sure you are the same way yes?"

Fluttershy would nod in agreement

"I do understand very much. And how do you know my name? I haven't even told you..."

"That is a secret my dear fluttershy. But i will tell you kine. I am Taylor. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Fluttershy would give a meek smile to him and nods her head in greeting

"Well mister Taylor, it is a pleasure to know you as well."

He would nod and reach up, placing his hand on her head and petting her gently. She would close her eyes tightly as he reach for her, but began to open them and would nuzzle into his gentle touch. It would seem that all Taylor would have to do around here is give pettings and they would all warm up to him

-A Few Hours After The Party, Guest Chambers-

Taylor tossed and turning his his sleep, breathing heavily as he was in some kind of nightmare. Tsubaki was at his side in the dream trying to fend it off. but the darkness, the rain and lightning were taking over. Flashes of a creature that reminded him of a centaur, destruction from all that he could see. his friends laying on the ground, seemingly lifeless, and a darkness surround his body as black lightning with red outlines coursed around his form, a look of horror on both of Celestia's and Luna's faces. Taylor was sweating profusely now, gripping at the blankets his slept under, the dream focusing in on Luna now. Taylor saw a dark figure approaching Luna, It was that same centaur looking figure he had saw earlier. It would pick Luna up by the neck and would begin to squeeze with great force She would struggle in its grip and looks to Taylor with tears in her eyes, reaching out to him. He wanted to run to her, but black tendrils were holding him in place. He would reach out to Luna, then everything went black. A pair of dark eyes flashed in his vision, red eyes with a green sclera,and a low wicked chuckle that soon followed.

"Give into the darkness boy....for if you want to defeat the one who will steal all the magic in will need my power."

The voice that was speaking to him was dark and gravelly. And it was so familiar. Where had he heard it before?

"Yeessss my dear boy. You know me all too well don't you?

It was really him...King Sombra.

Oh god, where was Luna when you needed her the most? The nightmare resumed, suddenly, Luna's body went completely limp after he heard a bone chilling crack. This caused Taylor's heart to drop and tears began to flow from his eyes

Thaaaat's right...look at how powerless you are to save the ones you care for. This will all come to pass if you do not accept the dark gift I wish to bestow up on you boy. After all, I am simply the remaining flicker of life of a former king."

The dream seemed to have frozen in time. And suddenly, Sombra made himself visible to Taylor, the tendrils around his legs would vanish and he would stand up, looking to the dark unicorn king

"And why should i trust you? You are no different than that monster before me. You enslaved ponies for so long!i."

Sombra would growl lowly in anger and stomps his hoof

Silence boy! You do not know what happened all that time ago when I was the king of that land. I wasn't always like this you know. I was a normal pony like anyone else would. Until the darkness corrupted my innocent soul and turned me into what you see now. But i can see that your soul feeds on the darkness and can turn it into power without being corrupted by it And while it may not be much. This darkness will be the thing you need to defeat Tirek. I want you to kill him boy, make him regret to ever returning and trying to kill off our kind."

Taylor would look to Sombra for any truthfulness in his words. Sombra would suddenly chat into a grey unicorn with a black mane, and deep blue eyes. A dark smoke hanging over him and hover to the middle. His eyes meeting Taylor's again.

" I will ask you again boy. Will you take the dark gift that I wish to bestow upon you. And kill off Terik in the name of all pony kind?"

Taylor would be hesitant once more, looking back at the limp body of Luna in the hands of With a glare in his eyes, he would turn to Sombra

"Give itto me...If he would dare to hurt any of my friends. I will kill him with my own hands and spread his blood on the ground...."

Sombra would chuckle darkly and smiled, the dark smoke flying toward Taylor and engulfing his entire body, he would rise up off his feet and flow into his body, he would thrash and let out grunts as it entered into his body, finally he would drop down, on his hands and knees, Sombra would look to him, a peaceful look on his face..suddenly a normal sounding voice would come from his mouth

"As I was told by someone long before my corruption. Even someone completely shrouding in darkness.....can be the hero that saves the light. MY former powers are slumbering within you now Taylor, but when you need them, they shall awaking and aid you in your time of need.And tell Tia and Lulu I said hello."

And with that the dream resumed as he vanished into black smoke. Taylor would rise to his feet, his anger rising for the centaur creature and would begin to charge at him, letting out a loud battle cry, leaping into the air for an attack.

The dream shatters and fades to white...

Act 8: Forging His Own Path And A Gift From Rarity

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It was nothing but darkness. Taylor was still sleeping it would seem, as the dream, or rather nightmare had come to an end. But something else had appeared before him, it was that same black void he had reunited with Tsubaki in, he drifts down and down, until he lands on a supposed surface, ripples forming under his feet. Taylor looks around, hearing whispers from all directions. Then, two figurd in black robes approach him, one of them giving off a chuckle.

"It would seem he has chosen the path of darkness rather than embracing the light like we hoped he would. This could spell trouble for Equestria. Especially now that he has embraced the power of the dark unicorn king."

the female voice said to him in a bit of amusement, but also sounded like she was....annoyed by his decision. Then a male voice chimed in.

"Indeed. Tell us boy. Why did you decide on the path of darkness? Do you plan to deceive these poor ponies into trusting you? Are you going to waste this second chance we so generously gave you by betraying these new friends you have made?"

Taylor stood there, his hands slowly becoming fists and shaking with anger at the accusations coming from them both, he suddenly shouted.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I knew what I was doing when I accepted his power. I will not play your game god damnit! I am doing this my way...and I know my way is the right way. Who ever you two are. I do thank you for bringing me here and giving me another chance at life. But I am not be your entertainment, you brought me here for one reason. And that reason seems to be clear. I will mak esure that this place doesn't fall at the hands of evil. But I will do it with the means that are given to me. And if the gift you two gave me won't be enough to stop Tirek. Then I will happily take what Sombra has given me and use it to kill him. I will NOT let him take new friends from me. So then, screw your hero of the light or villain of darkness paths."

The two looked to each other then back to him,he spoke before they could again

"I am going to make my own path, my own future here. And I am going to do what Twilight and her friends didn't have to heart to do. I WILL kill Tirek, so that he will not ever return to harm these ponies for a third time. And if you don't like the idea of a hero of darkness, then that's too bad. Its what you are gonna get."

Everything went silent for a moment, the two figured stared at him for a few moment, Taylor stood his ground with a determined look in his eyes. The two suddenly let out a laugh of amusment and nodded.

"Ooooh yes. This is getting better than we had hoped my dear human! You choose not to become a hero of the light, nor a an enemy of darkness. But you plan on using the darkness to become the hero? And you don't think that by doing this, it will consume your heart and soul like it did with King Sombra?"

Taylor spoke again

"I know it won't, because I have Luna, and all the other girls who are my friends now. So long as i have them. I will never be corrupted. You can count on it."

The two nodded to him and smiled under their hoods, beginning to drift away from him, the dream suddenly changing

"Speaking of princess Luna, you have a visitor incoming Taylor..we will be watching how to you this path young man. Do not disappoint us."

The vanished, as did the darkness, he was now standing in the night sky with the moon giving off its beautiful light, the stars all about the sky, he heard his name being called and the sound of flapping wings approaching quickly

"Taylor, Taylor!!"

He suddenly felt himself being tackled down and feeling a pair of arms wrapping around him, he would open his eyes and see just who he wanted. Luna, oh thank god it was her.

"heheh...hi Lulu..."

She would rub her head into his chest, she looked like she had been crying, looking up to him with a worried look in her eyes. Gah...the tears, they sting the heart!

"I was coming to see you tonight, but then I couldn't get into your dream portal! It was surrounded by a darkness my magic couldn't penetrate. And I could sense your distress. I...I was so so scared something may have happened to you Taylor. I really was.."

Taylor would bring his hand up to lightly pet her, running his fingers through her mane, trying his best to comfort her, How was he to tell her what was supposedly was going to transpire? A great threat was going to be returning to this land again, and this time, he was out for blood

"Lulu...when I come to stay with you for my training. I will need you to have your sister and Twilight speak with me in private. And if at all possible...Princess Cadence as well. We may have a big problem on the way here in the near future."

Luna looked at him with wide eyes, she stood up off him and backed away, he stood up and looked at her with a serious stare. She would speak up.

"H-how do you know princess Cadence? How did you know any of our names when you first came here Taylor?"

"Its a long story Lulu. But for now, please, I ask of you. Do this for me. Whenever I have dreams of danger....they are usually correct."

Luna looked at him in shock and disbelief. She would look in his eyes, they held the truth, but also...fear and worry.

"Taylor...what did you see? Tell me what happened."

Taylor suddenly relived that moment in his head, the flashes of his nightmare hitting him like knives in his heart, going back to the one part that scared him the most. Was Luna being choked to death by Tirek, and that sickening crack. Luna could see the fear and sadness in his eyes, He was gripping at his left arm tightly and fell to his knees. She came running to him and gently puts a hoof on his shoulder.

"Taylor...please tell me.."

"I...I cant Luna...I am scared...I am so very scared right now. What if my power isn't enough? Even with the gift? What if I...I.."

Taylor would suddenly break down into tears and wraps Luna into a tight hug, the tears flowing down his mask and onto her chest, he would begin to shake.

"I finally have friends here in this world. And if this comes to pass, I am scared that I may lose them all Luna....that I may lose you."

Luna brought her hooves to his face, looking into his eyes, those beautiful teal eyes had a look of comfort to them, he would do his best to stop the flow of tears and speak again, but Luna places a hoof gently over his lips

"Now listen here Taylor, whatever you might have seen may be a warning. But that doesn't mean it will happen in that same way. You aren't going to lose anyone. For if things do happen has your nightmare has shown. Me, Tia, and the 6 emelments will be by your side to handle this threat. Now tell me. What is this threat you saw?"

Taylor would be hesitant to tell her, but simply says one name Luna wish she would never hear again


Luna's eyes widened with worry and would release him from her hooves, nearly falling back from the shock. She looked like she had almost been hit with a sac of potatoes.

"In my vision...he was out for blood after what Twilight and her friends did. He plans to steal all the magic again, and then instead of enslaving ponies...he wants to kill them off. And I mean...all of them."

He said as he would then stand to his feet and looks to Luna

"Luna...should this come to pass. I want you to know this. And listen well. Should it get to the point were I am out of options, and worse come to worse. I will take that monster's life. And I will make sure he slowly dies a painful death. Nor you, or the other princesses will stop me. I don't want to become a killer. But if I must to protect my friends, then so be it."

Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing. This man she had become friends with, who had such a caring nature and a warm heart to his friends. Was now talking of killing another being, she walked up to him again and lifted her front hooves up and placed them on his chest, her eyes meeting his.

"Taylor...I know you aren't a murderer. Your heart and soul are too kind for such things. We will find a way to stop him, and make sure that he will ever ever return."

"Yeah, that's what happened last time. But i don't think using the elements once more will prevent Tirek this time. Like it or not Luna. I may in fact become a killer, as much as I don't like the idea either. And I will not let you or your sister or the elements jave that blood on your ha-...hooves. I have begun my own path here now. And I will see it through to the end, even if it would cost my life to make sure this world is safe. I will not waste this second chance I was given. I am about to wake up now Luna. Don't tell anyone of this until I come to Cabterlot on Saturday. Make sure that everyone is there. I will have Twilight accompany me. You gather your sister and princess Cadence."

Luna would nod to him, then gives him a tight hug before the dream vanishes, leaving him with a few more caring words.

"Everything will be fine Taylor. I promise you..."

As Taylor left the dream realm, Luna stood there in silence, until a black and blue smoke formed into a pony that was within her. Nightmare Moon, she would chuckle darkly and smile at Luna, walking around her

"I can see why you like him little Lulu. He has the affection and love that you have so desperately been searching for. And I like him to...the darkness that dwells within his soul, yet incorruptible...mmmmn, it makes my marehood quiver at the power that must be sleeping within him."

Luna would blush brightly at what she had just said, how how much lust was dripping from that statment. She would turn to look at her dark counterpart with a glare

"You will not say such thing about Taylor. He may have darkness, but he is a warm and kind being. And would only relate to violence when it is needed."

Nightmare would suddenly get into her face and lightly places a hoof under her chin, an even wider smile on ehr face.

"What will you do then Lulu? What will you do when he is forced to let tat darkness out in order to protect you and all his other friends hmm? That beast that is dwelling within him is just itching to get out and shed some blood. And it knows that taylor will release it should the need to kill Tirek comes along. While its not an evile is darkness regardless. It will kill. Just not innocent lives."

Luna watches the imagine in her mind, the human putting his hands to another pony or any creature that commited a grave sin, she would see him smiling wickedly, his eyes open to an insane, blood thirsty stare that sent shivers up her spine and gave her a sense of fear for the man, meanwhile Nightmare was enjoying the image, low moans and whimpers coming from her, licking her lips

"He would indeed make a suitable mate for us better scoop him up while you still can. Tia or even one of the elements may get him first. And we don't want that now do we?"

"Taylor is just a friend, a very close friend! M-my feelings for him aren't like that!"

She said defensively


Nightmare said after another dark chuckle


It was now morning, and the sun was beginning to rise. Taylor would slowly open his eyes, his vision blurred at first then clearing, he would sit up in his bed and places a hand on his head, beginning to speak within his mind.

"Tsubaki....I am scared. I know Luna said she would do everything in her power to make sure i don't have to kill. But I know...from what i saw. I will have to kill Tirek. I don't know how to take a life..."

"Taylor...I don't want to say this...but you have no choice in the matter. Your lightning alone wont stop Tirek from trying to claim what he wants and killing off your friends. You will need to release the darkness oin order to successfully end his life, making sure that he will never return again. I don't like the idea of you becoming a killer either. scares me to even consider you becoming one. You are very kind and loving Taylor, Which is why I am glad that I was created by you, my master."

Taylor slowly forms his hands into fists.

"I love you Taylor. While I am not physical. I always saw you as my big brother when we were growing up together. And I am happy that I am now a part of you again."

"I love you to Tsubaki...thanks for being here. I know that I can come to you when I need to talk to someone."

Taylor would get up from the bed, walkover to the bathroom at the side of his chambers, he saw all the basic toiletries he needed to get ready. He would brush his teeth first, then looks down at the razor, running his hand over his face, not quite long enough to trim just yet, he would then get into the shower, letting the water run over him for what seemed like an eternity. That same flash of his nightmare playing over and over his his head, he places his hands on the wall in front of him and would lower his head, the hot water falling down his form.

"So then...I really have no choice in the matter..if i want to protect them, then I will have to have blood on my hands...."

Taylor would suddenly be yanked from his train of thought at a knocking on the door to his bathroom

"Taylor! Are you alright? You have been in there for a long time!"

"Y-yeah Twi! Sorry, just been needing a good shower ever since i came here."

he turns off the shower and quickly gets out, beginning to dry himself off and making his way outside of the bathroom, his towel over his shoulder and would stop to see Twilight starring at him with wide eyes, a massive blush crawling across her face, but one of pure horror at the black scars all over his form. Taylor would just arch a brow at her and tilt his head

"What? You all walk around pretty much naked to don't you? Then again...I haven't ever seen your bits. Must be some kind of magical piece of clothe you all wear or something."

He would laugh as he walked over to his clothing and begins to put them on, Twilight putting a hoof on his arms to stop him

"Its...just the first time I have ever seen your kind's anatomy before. But...all those scars. Taylor what happened to you?"

She asked with a worried look in her eyes

"Well Twi, I believe I would I told you I would tell you the story when I was ready yes?"

Twilight nodded and lowered her ears a bit a sheepish smile coming across her face.

" are right. I didn't mean to pry...oooh so this is what human male genitals look like. It looks...strange."

"Yeah yeah Twi...I know Stallions have much larger packages, but that's just your kinds anatomy."

"Oh no no no, I wasn't saying anything bad about are actual;ly at quite an impressive size.."

Taylor would groan as a blush came across his face, he would have expected this from Twilight, so he would let it go, but she was starring too intently at his junk, he quickly got his underwear and pants on as she would give a little pouty face at him when her potential research was taken from her. He would slide on his shirt and socks now, taking his long hair from out under his shirt and would throw it back in its usual slicked back position, he had been doing this fora long time now, so his hair had been trained to stay that way. He walks over to his boots and begins to slide them on, Twilight would venture over to him and examine to footwear, noticing that they looked armored and would tilt her head to him.

"Taylor, I have seen some strange hoofwear in my time here, but your boots are just so...outlandish. Whats with the metal platting on the front?"

She asked as she would tap her hoof against it, he would move his leg away from her grabby hooves

"Its simply the kind of fashion I am into. Black, black, and more black with a bit of blue every now and then."

He finishes sliding his boots on, grabbing his coat and throwing it on as well. grabbing his mp3 player and his baton and sliding them in his coat pockets, turning to Twilight and smiling lightly to her

"Well Twi, I am off for a bit. I was pulled into a little deal with a certain fashionista last night. ANd she wanted to make me something. She really is the element of generosity, that;'s for sure."

"Ah, you are heading to Rarity's? I will come with you then. I need to return a book of hers that I barrowed. I will grab my saddle bags and we can be on our way."

Taylor would nod, he made his way to the entrance door and leaned against the wall, waiting for her, spotting that familiar little purple and green dragon going about the castle doing the things he usually did


Taylor asked


Spike said back. They didn't talk toe each other much, but they had a mutual respect and liking of one another, they bumped fists as spike walked by. Twilight soon coming to join Taylor at the door

"Okay, ready!"

They both made their way outside and into the town, Taylor would catch eyes upon him every now and then, but at least they weren't ones of fear or hate, more just about curiosity now. A few colts and fillies ran up to the man and smiled up at him, Taylor would smile back and crouch down, he would playfully growl and rawr at them and scoop them up in his arms and would pretend to nom on them, they would laugh and giggle, running away screaming mockingly as he would give chase

"The big bad human is gonna get ya!"

He said as he chased them, all of them shouting mockingly

"Noooo don't eat me mister human!"

After a little bit of play time, he would leave the young ones with a gentle pat on the head and resumes his walk to Rarity's shop, Twilight was looking up to him the whole way, a big smile on ehr face. Taylor looked down at her with a headtilt


"You are just so good with the kids. I bet you would make a pretty good father."

"Oh Twi, I don't think I am ready to become a father anytime me."

As they made their way to the boutique and went inside, the a ring of a bell overhead, he could help but remember they had this kind of thing back home, suddenly that familiar posh voice rang through

Be with you in a minute!

She came around the corner, first seeing Twilight

"Ah Twilight dear, I trust you liked the book I lent you?"

Then Taylor came into ehr vision, a gasp of happiness and widened eyes met him quickly

"Taylor darling! You came!"

She ran up to him and reached up and placed her hooves on his belly, she couldn't reach as high as Luna could, but was rather adorable

"Oh darling I have to most wonderful idea for your gift, and i think you are going to LOVE it. I have already got the base deisgn done, I just need to ask what kind of pattern you want on it and what color!"

"Well um...I suppose a nice cobalt blue would be good. And can you do lightning patterns?"

"Say no more my dear, I will get right on it, and let me have your coat as well, I promise you will like how it will match your gift."

Taylor would reluctantly hand her his coat, she took it with her magic and would motion Twilight to follow her. Taylor would try to follow in suit but would be stopped by Rarity's magic

"Ah, ah, ah! No peeking!"

She said with a big smile and closed the door. Taylor would pout a little as he was denied a peek, he would then find a place to sit down and waited...and waited..and waited. So he was asleep on the couch he had sat on and suddenly heard the door slam open.

"It is done my dear!"


Taylor yelled as he fell off the couch face first and would just lay there for a moment. He puts a thumb up and gets to his feet. Rarity would smile brightly and brings his coat to him first, what he saw would bring a wide smile to his face. It was his coat, but it had cobalt blue trimmings on the cuffs and all along the outer edges of the hem. And what he noticed most of all, was the tribal lightning bolts on the sleeves and the back of the coat, he quickly slid it on and ran over to a mirror. examining it on his body and would look over to Rarity with a serious stare, this gave her a worried expression on her face, and just like that, she was quickly scooped up into a hug by the man and nuzzled into.

"Oh Rarity...I love it so so much! It looks better than before, that's for sure!"

"Ah, but the best part has yet to arrive darling!"

She said as she would bring in the gift she had so lovingly created for him, it was folded up, but he could tell that it had a hood on it. He nearly dropped Rarity but then careful sat ehr down as the item fell into his hands.

"Rarity...this isn't a...."

He would let the fabric fall completely down in his hands now, it was exactly what he was thinking. It was a cloak! A black black cloak with silk cobalt blue trimmings on the edge, and a sapphire clip to hold it in place over his body, he quickly threw it on his body and clipped it in place, the cloak nicely sitting on his shoulders as it reached down to his ankles, about the same as his coat, he would put the hood on his head, which shadowed his face completely and made his eyes glow the most bright electric blue in the shadow of it. He would hear a squeal from both Rarity and Twilight now

"Oh my...he looks just like him don't you think Twilight?!"

"Oh yes Rarity. Just like the one in the book!"

Taylor looked at them very confused. Who did he look like? Rarity would blush and swoon as she gazed at him more

"Oh sorry Taylor...but you look like the dark lightning wizard the we are both in love with in this book I have. I lent it to Twlight...and you just resemble him soooo much! Well, except you aren't a pony...but still!"

Twilight was still ogling Taylor, he even spotted a bit of drool coming from her gaping mouth. Taylor turned to Rarity, kneeling down in front of her and removing his hood slowly, his gaze lovingly with half lidded eyes, reaching up to caress her cheek gently. Sending the mare into shivers with the combined touch and stare

"I thank you lady Rarity, while i don't have anything I can give you in return for all your hard work...I can at least help you with a fantasy of yours I am sure..."

He suddenly leaned in and locked lips with the mare, her eyes widening and and her legs beginning to shake as her eyes slowly closed, wrapping her forearms around him and leaning into the kiss, he would pull back after a moment and now see the goofy grin on her face, and soon she crumbled to the floor in pure happiness. Taylor couldn't help but laugh

"As for your mor....intimate fantasies. I am afraid i can't help you there. I am saving that fun time for the right pers- pony. But at least i could give you that."

Rarity would come out of her blissful stupor as Twilight would shoot Taylor a jealous pouty face as if saying 'where's mine?'

"Oh my...erm it was nothing dear..but thank you..I will remember this generous action of yours.."

She said still with a heavy blush across her cheeks. And with a few exchange of words and farewells, both he and twilight were off to their next destination

Act 9: Taking A Life...Isn't Easy.

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Taylor and Twilight continued walking through the town, talking and rambling on about random things, they would soon part ways as Taylor decided to go off and adventure the land around the town,he soon came upon what he assumed was the entrance to the Everfree forest. He would grab his weapon from his coat and wanders in. His ears and eyes open for any movement. His grip on his weapon ever so tight and his finger on the switch, ready for anything to come out. as he ventured through. He went on for about thirty minutes, remembering the path he was taking so that he could find his way back.

"Damn...this place is just like the forests back home..expect for the random magical living plants and such. And I have yet to see any Timberwolves. Which is a good sign I believe."

Taylor continued to venture about until he heard what sounded like screams of terror. He quickly turned his head to the sound and heard what sounded like Fluttershy and three little fillies scream


Taylor ran as faster as he could towards the commotion, weapon in hand and forcing his way through the bushes and trees, he would come to where the screaming was coming from, and what he saw put a look of shock on his face. Two manticores, surrounding the mare and the fillies. Taylor took no time to hesitate, he removed his cloak and let it fall to the ground behind him as he ran to their safety, rolling in front of them and charging up a lightning ball in both hands, releasing them into both of the manticore's faces, making them flip back a couple yards and go into a daze, He looks back to Fluttershy, his eyes filled with seriousness.

Fluttershy, get them out of here. I will stall them until you can get away safely!"

He said as he would stand up and ready his baton, the metal extending as he pressed the switch. Lightning sparking around its extension. The manticores would slowly get to their feet after a few minutes. Taylor was ready now. lightning arcing and sparking all across his body, his eyes glaring at the two beasts and took his fighting stance

"Alright you ugly bastards. You aren't getting a free meal today..."

The two beasts growled and roared as they charged after Taylor, he would cast an arc of lightning with his free hand as he rolled out of the way, striking one of them while he strike the other in the head forcefully with his baton, his combat training from when he was back home finally starting to kick in, he made note of the stingers most, and was very careful to make sure to avoid them. the fight went on as he did his best to knock out the creatures as best as he could, leaving them with burns and bruises all over their bodies. It looked like he was winning, until he leaned away a little too late and one of the bests clawed him across the chest, leaving deep gashed into his body, he lets out a pain filled scream as the other would take its turn clawing him in the same spot, but in a different direction, he would place a hand over the wound and stare at the beasts with deep hatred now. He switches his weapon back to safe mode and slides it in his coat. his eyes becoming more fierce looking now.

"Alright you sons of bitches. You leave me no choice..."

The lightning around his body begins to spark much harshly now, and much more often, his coat flowing behind him from the build up of power, the beasts leaped in the air. Taylor let out a mighty battle cry as he would suddenly throws constant streaming arcs of lightning into the beasts and stopped them in middle air, they let out a roar of pain as Taylor began to fry them from the inside out. Unfortunately, as they flew passed him, one of their stingers landed right in his right shoulder and injected its poison into his body, his eyes go wide as the liquid began to start burning through out his who body


He yelled out in pain

--Outside Of The Forest, In Ponyville--

Fluttershy and the three fillies ran out of the forest, they ran to safety while Fluttershy flew off to get help from her friends, gathering them up as quickly as she could, finally she gathered up Dash, Applejack and Twilight, in a paniced tone, she was explaining the situation

"We need to go into the Everfree Forest,Taylor is in there. I was looking for the girls when they wandered in, and we got cornered by two manticores...h-he is still in there fighting them off! We need to help him!"

And with that,they wasted no time in heading in, Fluttershy leading the way

--Back In The Forest--

Taylor was now covered in gashes now, blood all over his body and dripping down, the poison had slowed him down remarkably, he was lucky he was getting in dodges and attacks with his condition, what little vision he had was blurring in and out of focus, and his movements were getting sloppy. He had finally lost all his strength to fight, the poison taking its affect fully. He fell back and began to slowly try to slide back away from the approaching beasts, his breathing was becoming quick and shallow

"Is this it for me? Is this how I am gonna die?"

"That's entirely up to you boy. Will you let these lesser beasts have their way with you and devour you? Or will you use what I have given you to destroy them? It is time you learned, that killing is a necessary evil when your own life is at state. Let it go boy...your life is no longer one of clean hands. Kill them, or they kill you."

Taylor heard that all too familiar voice again, he closes his eyes tightly and one last thought comes to mind, the manticores leaping into the air to catch their prey

"Lulu....I am sorry..."

The sound of flesh being pierced and bone being broken echoes throughout the forest, Fluttershy and the others arrived just in time to see what had just happened. Standing there in a black smokey form with a blue fiery aura coming from the eyes, was Taylor and in front of him, two large black crystal with blood trailing down them like a waterfall with the two manticores impaled fully on the top from the head all the way through the body with their limps impaled as well on the spike of the crystal. Taylor would finally noticed the girls looking at him in shock and fear. They knew this power all too well and froze as he gaze met theirs. he would take on his normal form once more as would finally realized what he had just done

Taylor's eyes widen as he saw the bloody display of what he had done to protect himself. he began to breathe heavily and quickly Grabbing his head and began to thrash about violently, letting out screams of insanity. he had not taken one life, but two. He felt to his knees and continued screaming like that for a couple of minutes. Fluttershy and the others could see the look of torment on his face, and quickly ran over to restrain him and try to calm him down. They pulled him away from the scene as he began sobbing now. Never in his most horrible nightmare, would he think that killing would affect him this much. But on the inside, his mind was battling it out, the logical side trying to convince the emotional side that it was necessary for self preservation, while the darkness in him smiled victoriously at his first kill

"Fluttershy was holding onto Taylor by his left arm

"Taylor, you need to calm down, its over, its all over now Please!!"

Applejack and Dash both had him pinned down on his chest, careful to avoid his injuries, since he when into his smoke form, the poison was no longer in his body, but he was still bleeding

"Taylor, stop strugglin' you are gonna only open yer wounds more!" Applejack exclaimed

"Yeah you idiot, stop thrashing about already!"

Followed Dash

Just then, Twilight would cast a knockout spell on his body, careful to avoid the mask. His body would slowly come to a stand still, before he spoke out a few more words before he passed out

"I...I killed....I am a monster now...I didn't want this!"

Vision fades to nothingness


--Ponyville Hospital, Taylor's Room

Taylor's eyes suddenly shot open, his sits up quickly, cold sweat dripping down his body and the memories flashing back to him quickly. he grits his teeth and places a hand over his eyes, fresh tears coming down his face

"I did what I never wanted to do....I stole life from another creature. And i did it so brutally. But I had to do it...I would have died if i hadn't. So why do i feel some much emotional pain?!"

He exclaimed as he would bury his face into both of his hands now, that familiar voice returning to him

"because Taylor, even in our world. Survive depends on your resolve to make sure you aren't the one that is dead. Death happens here everyday, believe it or not. And what you did, was a sign of that resolve. You have proven to me and the ones that sent you here. That you can kill should the need for survival come. I can honestly say, I am proud to have given you my power. And i hope you lookto it, should the need for survival calls upon it."

Taylor would suddenly hear the door open, and just who he didn't want to see, was one of the two ponies he felt like he let down the most. Fluttershy. Taylor quickly avoided eye contact with her, lowering his head and looking to his hands. She walked over to hsi bedside, looking at all the bandages that covered his body and the look of utter sadness on his face.


"Why are you here Fluttershy? Why are you even close to someone like me? I know you hate seeing animals hurt, even beasts like that, And i took two of their lives even though it was in self defense. I was trying to find a better solution...I really was nut, I...I couldn't find one!!!"

He buried his face into his hands again, he would suddenly feel a warm pair of arms wrap around his body, dqueezing him firmly and feeling a hoof run through his hair, he opens his eyes and looks up to her, The was Fluttershy, trying to comfort him, even though what he did, she still wanted to be near him

"Ssssh Taylor...I may not like death and pain. But you killed for the sake of protecting yourself. And I understand that you didn't and couldn't find an easier solution. I can't be upset at you for that. And neither are the others. But that's not what scared us. You....have the same power as a dark unicorn king who enslaved the Crystal Empire many many years ago. And we didn't expect it was all."

Taylor wrapped his arms around her in a hug and buried his face into her soft and warm chest

"I...I am sorry Fluttershy...I am sorry to all of you."

He said as he would continue to hold onto her, she kept on comforting him, knowing the emotional pain was greater than the physical pain now. he would felt another part of arms wrap around him gently, then another, then another.

"it's alright sugarcube. We aren't upset in the very least with you. We would be upset if we had lost ya. You haven't even gottin' ta try muh apple pie yet!"

"That's right, and you still owe me and AJ here a hoof wrestle!" Dash chimed in

"And don't forget, you still need to tell me how you got those scars! I need more research on you!"

Twilight followed soon after

The sound of hooves running down the hall meant either trouble, or possibly Rarity and Pinkie finally got wind of what happened. Yeps that's exactly who came in the door. Rarity seeing the state Taylor was in, tears forming in her eyes as she leaps onto him and and hugs him tightly, he lets out a grunt of pain, but smiles weakly down at her

"Oh Taylor are covered in injuries! Those horrible beasts did this to you?!"

"Yeah...they got me good Rarity...though, I got them better. As much as I didn't want to."

"That doesn't matter could have died. And that would have happened, I could never live with myself! But most of all, than you for saving my little sister Sweetie Bell. You really are like the dark wizard in the very brave and noble...!"

"AH also wanted to thank ya for savin' my little sister as well, Apple Bloom. You are a real stallion for jumpin' into the line of danger like that."

"And thanks for saving little Scootaloo back there big guy,I knew you were a good pony from the start!"

Pinkie Pie finally came in, And seeing Taylor in his injured state, her poofy mane suddenly falls flat and would walk up to Taylor, tears in ehr eyes as she loos to him\

"Nooo, not you to Pinkie...come on. I am fine now. I am in the hospital..surrounded by all my ponyville friends, get over here and join in the hug you."

He said as he would pull her into the hug pile, trying his best to smile to keep Pinkie pie from being sad, luckily her mane shot right back up and wrapped her arms around him as well. Now the only one he had to worry about was...Luna.

Oh will she take it? Does she already know?

Suddenly, as if right on cue a dark blue flash of light appeared in the room, revealing none other than Luna herself

Act 10: A Change Of Plans

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Taylor would let out an audible gulp as Luna made her way into the room from teleportation. The others would quickly scramble off of him and make their bows. Taylor would avoid eye contact with her and lower his head a bit. She approaches him and stands at the front of his bed.

"Taylor, gather your things and get dressed. You are coming to stay at Canterlot Castle now."


" Now Taylor."

Taylor couldn't tell if she was upset with him, or something else. But he would nod and begins to get ready to leave, gathering his coat and cloak which had been perfectly mended and cleaned of blood. No doubt Rarity's kindness at work. Luna would then turn to Twilight.

"You as well Princess Twilight, your presence is also demanded at the castle. You will come with me. We have many things to discuss."

Taylor's mind was racing with thoughts as he got ready to leave. Did she know about everything that had happened that morning? Had Twilight given the alicorn sisters a detailed letter? She would...damn over organized equines. Taylor finishes getting dressed and slides on his boots now, Twilight looked between him and Luna

"Princess Luna....I suppose you and Celestia both read the report I sent then?"

Luna said nothing, she just gave a simple nod as she had her focus directly on Taylor still. He could feel those eyes weighting heavily down on him. This made him want to unbuckle all of the straps on his boots and redo them again just so he didn't want to face what was to come. But he got his boots on fully and nodded to Luna

"Just...let me say goodbye to the girls real quick..."

Luna would simply nod. Taylor turned to the group who looked up at him with worried faces, and possible tears in their eyes, he would kneel down and open his arms, all of them coming to hug him at once. They were all so soft and warm, he could feel them nuzzling against his chest and neck

"I don't know when I will come back to see you all. But I want you to know. I will miss you all dearly. Thank you all for everything you have done for me. And thank you for becoming my friends."

And with that, the waterworks started, tears began to flow out of their eyes and he walked away from them. It wasn't sobbing, just quiet tears as they watched him go, they didn't know what was happening, so he was sure they were assuming the worse. He threw his hood over his head and stood next to Luna

"Alright...let's go Luna"

In a bright flash of light, the two alicorns and him vanished from the room, leaving the other girls behind and still weeping as their new friend is taken.

--Canterlot Castle, Outside The Throne Room--

The light returned again as they appeared in front of the large double doors, Taylor would stumble back and forth a bit, as it was his first time teleporting, so many colors and such fast speed. Luna looked to Twilight with her serious gaze still in play

"Tia wishes to talk to you alone first Twilight. She is waiting for you."

She said as the doors opened and allowed her to go in. Twilight nodded and went inside rather hesitantly, but went inside non-the-less. The door closed behind her and then, Luna's attention turns quickly back to Taylor, who had just pulled himself deeper into the hood of his cloak

"And you mister. Walk with me."

Taylor would almost be frozen in place, but his legs would start to move. The two walked out to one of the royal gardens were Luna knew they couldn't be heard, she stopped in front of him and stood there, facing away from him. Taylor closed his eyes, waiting for the worst possible thing.

"I know what happened Taylor. And while I am a bit upset that you did indeed take not one but two lives, I am also proud of you for protecting my subjects. But, it was extremely foolish of you to do it alone. I know you are a capable fighter. But sometimes, even with the power you have.One on two isn't exactly a fair fight. Also, I know what you had to do in order to stay alive. What I want to know is..Why?"

She would suddenly turn to him and run at him at full speed, tackling him down to the ground and would bury her face into his chest, tears flowing down her cheeks, he voice suddenly becoming its normal tone

"Why did you let that monster pass his power on to you? Why didn't you tell me of this when I saw you last?! Taylor, King Sombra was a merciless ruler who enslaved thousands of ponies. To accept something from him that could potentially corrupt you heart...I don't understand!"

Taylor would understand why she was so upset with him, after al. She didn't now who King Sombra used to be, he would then go on to explaining what he and the former dark king spoke about. Luna would listen intently as he spoke, all the while he held the alicorn in his arms, hugging her and running his fingers through her mane as he tried to calmly explain it to her.

"And so you see...I will be needing this power he gave to me. If I am to defeat Tirek. Then I will need it to aid me in battle. After all, it did save my life, as you know."

"Taylor, why didn't you trust me with this information when I last spoke with you?"

"Because I knew you would react like this Lulu...I didn't want to see you like this. Tears don't suit you. And I didn't want you to think your very first real friend was a darkness filled time bomb ready to explode and try and take over all of Equestria. I am still me, and always will be Lulu. Its not like it will corrupt my mind and soul. Otherwise, Sombra wouldn't have passed it on to me."

Luna understood and nodded to him, still burying and nuzzling her face into his chest. She didn't know why she was so upset at him, it felt so...personal. Like he should have told her everything about it first hand. The thought of Taylor losing his life scared her to no end. And the fact that if he didn't have control over the dark magic, he would turn into an evil being and Luna and the others would have to kill him as well. She would tighten her grip around his large form and closes her eyes tighter.

Taylor could see the distress in her face and felt her squeeze him tightly. And as if he could read her mind, he brought his hands up to her face, cupping her cheeks in both of his hands, making her lock eyes with him

"Hey...Lulu, you don't need to worry. I am not gonna let this take me over. I know it won't. As long as I have you, and the others. I am incorruptible. plus my will won't allow such a thing to take me. Do you understand that?" Now please...stop crying Lulu...."

He said as he would bring to wipe the tears from her eyes and face.scooping her up in his arms and hugging her closely. Trying his best to comfort the mare who he had been developing deeper feelings for. Wait....what? That's right, he has been getting feelings for the princess of the night out of all the ponies in this realm, and she was the one who was capturing his heart. He didn't know it, but she was slowly slipping through the cracks of his defense, like water escaping through a dam. This realization would....frighten him a bit. But at the same time, it was oddly...nice. He was interupted by Luna's voice

"Taylor...I brought you here for another reason. the main reason actually. It's time for your training. I know we agreed on you coming here two days from now. But I ave been seeing other ponies with the same nightmare that you have explained to me. And they are also ones that dream of future events to pass. The signs are becoming plain as day Taylor. He will return for blood."

"I am glad that we know of it now ahead of time then Lulu. We should begin as soon as possible then. I want to be able to prtect those I hold dear."

He pulls away from her, getting on his knees and sitting on his heels, bowing to her deeply with his hands resting on his thighs

"Teach me all the ways you know to help my magic and abilities grow, Mistress Luna."

Luna would arch a brow at being called mistress, and even a slight blush would come across her face


Taylor would would as he came up from his bow

"Indeed, back home when I was in martial arts training. the leader of the dojo was either called master or mistress. which is funny, as our teacher was a female. So we called her mistress. Otherwise if the teacher was male. We would call him master."

Taylor would notice the blush on her face and would blush in return

N-nono no, its not THAT kind of mistress Lulu!"

He quickly said in defense, happy that his hood completely shadowed his face from Luna. He would stand up from his position and turns away quickly

"I..I don't want you to call me that anyways Taylor. While I am going to be your teacher, I am still your friend. Besides...I like it when you call me...Lulu. When I hear it with you voice, I don't know..."

She said as she would fidget with her hooves a bit, then getting to the matter at hand

"Anyways, your training begins tomorrow. That will give us two months before winter rolls around. Be ready Taylor.For when I am done with you. You WILL be a force not to be reckoned with. That is my promise."

She said as she would then turn her head to the castle

"Let us return to the throne room Taylor, Tia has finished speaking with Twilight, and Cadance has made her way here. Its time we talked of what is to transpire in the near future. Also...I like you new's my colors...and your coat as well. I take it that the element of generosity was the one who made you these?"

Taylor would nod and smile

"Yeah..Rarity did this for me. She said I look like one of her fantasy crushes....just not a pony."

Luna smiles softly and whispered to herself

"You do look liek him a lot...and to think, I will have you all to myself for the next couple of months..."

"Hm? What was that Lulu?"

"O-oh nothing, nothing at all Taylor, let us be on or way!"

--Throne Room, Fifteen minutes earlier--

Twilight walked into the throne room, following the red carpet up to Celestia who was sitting on her throne. She would stand up and meet Twilight half way, they would bow to each other and look at one another. Celestia was the first to speak

"Twilight, I am sure you know exactly why I have summoned you and him here. Its about what you wrote to me. I told you to keep an eye on the human. How did something like that...'thing' inside of him get passed you? You are usually so perceptive."

Twilight would lower her head a bit.

Crlrdtia. I did what i could to monitor him. He didn't hurt anypony at all. He helped out in any way he could of the town. He is still a good pony, despite what you may think. I mean no disrespect princess...but perhaps you are judging him simply because of the power he now carries. Just because King Sombra seemed to have passed own his abilities to him. Don;t mean he will become like Sombra. Taylor is a warm and gentle pony who doesn't like hurting others. You should have seen him when he killed those two manitcores. His mind must have been hit hard when he saw what he did. I had to knock him out with a spell so that he wouldn't open up his wounds from all the thrashing about he did. I could imagine...taking a life for the first time, being it a sentient or non-sentient creature, would pack a heavy blow to one's mental state. Especially with how...grotesque the attack was."

Celestia listened to her former student's words, then would nod and motion Cadence to come forward from where she was.

"Luna has asked me to gather you and her to come here this evening. She wouldn't say why. But it has something to do with Taylor. We will also be able to confirm what true intentions are within the stallion's heart while we have Cadence here. After all, no one can read hearts better than she can."

Twilight would run up to Cadence and hug her tightly, they stood there and conversed about random things, you know, mare talk.

--Throne Room, Present Time--

The three alicorns would turn to see the door opening, the guards letting in Luna, and Taylor following behind her. Twilight ran from Cadence to Taylor. Looking up at him with sadness in her eyes. She was expecting him to yell at her for even mentioning what had happened to the princesses, but to her surprise Taylor knelt down and began to pet her gently

"Don't worry Twi, they would have found out eventually anyways. I am not mad at you. Promise."

The two shared a hug for a few moments, Celestia would look to Cadence, and motioned her to follow her to meet Taylor

"Taylor, this is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Princess of love."

"You can call me Cadence though. I prefer that anyways.."

She looked at Taylor intently, her eyes roaming up and down his figure. One thing she did notice off the bat. Lots and lots of black, and the way he was dressed.

"Removed the hood."

Taylor did so, revealing the rather intimidating mask under it

"Remove the mask.."

She said in sight annoyance, suddenly Luna would snap at her

"Cadence, I told you not to ask that of him, he cant remove it!"

Cadence would lower a bit and nods slightly

"R-right...sorry Lulu.."

Shw would motion for him to come down to eye level with her, she would cautiously place her hooves on his cheeks, Taylor would close his eyes and try to look away from her, but she would insist on keeping eye contact with him

"Don't worry...I am not going to hurt you young stallion. Just look into my eyes. I need to check something."

Taylor would reluctantly open his eyes and allow her to gaze into them, the way they looked sent shivers down her spine. But that wouldn't stop her from what needed to be done. She began to search through his eyes, then through his soul, and then his heart. After a minute or two, Cadence would release him from her hooves and back away with a slight glare on her face, but then it would soften into a warm smile

"This stallion, truly has a souls filled to the brim with darkness. Perhaps even more darker than King Sombra himself. But his heart is totally different...its filled with warmth and kindness. It is strange how these two things can co-exist without one consuming the other. And would seem that he is developing love for another pony. A very strong love. But he won't admit it."

She said with an arched brow, looking up at Taylor, who quickly threw his hood back up and turned away from the three ofthem

"No,I am not telling don't even bother to ask..."

"Its alright Taylor. I already know who she is anyways. But when that time comes and you tell her. You better be good to her and make sure she is happy above all things."

Taylor would glare at Cadence from under his hood, she in turn would give a bog toothy grin to him and then looks back to the three alicorns who's jaws are open and their eyes as big as saucers. He was in love with a pony?! Who?! Taylor would then clear his throat as it got everyone's attention

"Alright ladies. It is time for me to tell you why I have had you all come here. Since this matter will apply to the ones who rule this realm mainly."

He would go on to explain what he had saw in his vision, and that Luna had told him that other ponies have also been sharing similar nightmares as well. The alicorns listened intently, their eyes widening at the news he had brought to them. Twilight seemed to have been affected by it the most.

"S-so...everything we went through last time...was only temporary? He will return. And this time...try to kill us all?"

"It would appear so Twilight. Which mean he will try to kill us as well, if not first."

Luna said with hatred in her voice for the centaur creature, Luna looked over to the other two princesses as did Taylor

"I will say this now ladies...should worse come to worse. I will fix the problem...permanently. Tirek will be no more when I am done with him. Unless you can find some alternative to remove his magic stealing abilities from him, then I will rip off his horns and will end his life. I am doing what Twilight and her friends don't have to stomach to do. Forgive me if i sound so violent. But when my friend's lives are at stake. I will kill to protect them, as I have found out i am now capable of doing."

They would be quiet, but simply nod to him

"As for Luna, she agreed to help me better my abilities, so for the next coupleof months, she has invited me to stay here so the training would be easier. I will do my best to become stronger for all of you, and all the ponies of Equestria. That is all I have to say..."

He would then turn and begin to walk out, making his way to the doors and opening them up. Whispering to himself

"Especially for you...Luna."

He exits the room, leaving the princesses to talk among themselves now.

Act 11: A Little Time Off And The Gala Part 1

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It was a cool, fall afternoon in the city of Canterlot. And the view from the castle was lovely as always. It would seem, as cooler seasons drew nearer, the beauty would increase. Into the Castle gardens, would be Taylor, laying under one of the trees with his hood over his face to keep the pesky sun from invading his nap time. It had already been a long and hard month of training ever since he and the four princesses have decided to prepare things earlier than intended. over the month, he has developed both his mind and body. While he still wasn't slime fit in the slightest, his muscle has grown under his belly, giving himself a bit of a four pack. Maybe if he didn't eat so much, he would slime down faster, but nah, food is good. Though he did fit nicely into his now new leather armor that was created for him, it was pure black with lightning and tribal markings all along it, , it covered him fully from upper neck to all the way down to his boots. He still wore his favorite coat and cloak that Rarity had fashioned for him with such care, that wasn't leaving his choice of clothing ever. His hair had gotten just a bit long as well, and his beard had also grown out a little as well. but he kept it neat and trimmed. He looked like he had aged a bit more as well, finally looking like he was a man of twenty-five, finally rid of that baby face of his

Taylor was snoring lightly, a butterfly landed on his nose, flapping its wings as it greeting him in it's own way, then would fly off as a pony approached him, clearing her throat and giving him a 'I found your hiding spot' look. It was no other than princess Celestia, no doubt wondering where he had been all day long.Taylor opens his eyes slowly to see her standing over him

"Ah, afternoon Tia. Finally found me did you?"

He asked as he sat up and looked to her, she gave him a playful glare

"If you have time to be napping around Taylor, then you must be so powerful you could defeat me and Lulu at the same time huh?"

"Aw come on Tia...I have been training my ass off. And the result have been promising as Lulu has told you. And I do believe that I bested Lulu in practice battles a few times. So that counts for something right?"

"Only because she has grown even more fond of you and nearly swoons every time you show off your abilities, and you use that against her."

"Tia, in battle, you must do what you can to throw off your enemies right?"

She would puff her cheeks up at him with another glare, but then would sigh and smile lightly

"Taylor, sometimes I wonder how you do it. You still remain such a sweet and humorous pony. While you are mastering such dark powers that me and Lulu used to fight against so many years ago. Its...oddly refreshing to see such a power on our side for once. And the time I have taken to get to know you more. You become more and more dear to me and the others everyday."

Taylor would feel the same way about Celestia and the others as well. To him, Celestia was like the mother he had always wanted. She accepted him and supported him in his decisions. And comforted him when he needed to speak about something that was bothering him.Twilight and Cadence have both become like sisters to him. Even though they were both princesses. and he was just...well just Taylor, they would hang out a lot when Taylor was training with Luna. As for what Luna had become to him, she was now his most beloved and trusted friend now. The month that they have been spending together, both in and out of training was...something that Taylor had always wanted, but never got to have back home. Though something about Luna would tug at both his mind and heart. And this feeling has been growing more and more everyday when he spends time with her. He was then brought out of thought by Celestia clearing her throat

"Taylor, I don't need to remind you...that the Grand Galloping Gala is within two days time. Are you finally going to tell me who you are taking?"

Taylor's eyes widen and shifted, looking for the quickest way out of this situation now.

"Oh my...would you look at the time.I a thing...yeah. the thing needs to be taken care of..."

He then turns into his smoke form and zooms under Celestia's legs and out the garden exit, Celestia,not too pleased with his tricky escape, gave chase in flight

"Taylor, you aren't getting away from me this time! We have kept you in hiding for awhile now. It is time that Canterlot knows about the being that may be the one to save them from a certain fate!"

"I Told you before Tia. I don't like being in big crowds, much less snobby nobles! And I will not deal with your arrogant nephew again!"

Celestia would try to capture his form into a binding spells, be his was just so quick in this state that he would just shift to avoid the shots, she was cursing Sombra for giving him his power, but the chase went on for nearly thirty minutes, flying through the other gardens, the rooms of the castle, all over the place in fact before Celestia would throw her trump card, she grinned as she did.

"But Taylor, all your friends will be there. The elements, Cadence..."

"Even if they are all there, it won't be the same without Lulu!"

"Then ask her to go with you silly boy."

Taylor was about to continue his escape until Celestia said that. Could he really work up the nerve to ask a pony to a formal gathering? Let alone the princess of the night? He would take his normal form once again and looked to Celestia, who had a rather victorious grin on her face, but would sense the nervousness from him now, walking up to him and placing a hoof on his shoulder. She gave him a reassuring nod

"Don't you worry Taylor she won't say no. In fact I know for a fact she won't. After you see her tonight, just ask her."

"Easier said than done Tia...but if you think it will all go alright when I do ask her. I have faith in your prediction. I will give it a go. But IF I do go to this gathering. I am staying away from the nobles. I pop out, introduce myself, then I am vanishing like smoke."

Celestia would smile wider and nods, she would chuckle lightly at her next thought

"And you will have to dress nicer Taylor. As...handsome and dangerous looking as you are. Leather armor and those boots aren't going to cut it. I have already sent for Rarity to come here. I know you only trust her when it comes to making you clothes. Now head to your chambers so she can get you measured up. She is nearly here by now I am sure of it."

Taylor nods and begins to walk off, but turns to Celestia and suddenly wraps her into a hug, she was a bit taken back by it, but closed her eyes and wraps ehr own hooves around him lovingly

"Thank you and all the other girls have been so good to me. Even your guards are more friendly with me now than ever. I am really glad I was brought here..."

"We are all glad you are here as well Taylor. You have given everyone here a new outlook on life, that even darkness can mingle with the light."

And with that, she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Now, run along silly."

Taylor would nod and began to make his way to his chambers, passing guardsmen along the way and greeting them a silent greeting, they smiled and did the same as he passed. He finally made it up to the chambers he was staying in, funny enough, it was right under where Luna's bedroom was, sometimes he could hear her pacing back and forth up there when she wasn't sleeping, or even talking to ehrself. As he removed his cloak and coat, he would hang them up neatly and makes his way in front of the window, stretching out his body, the leather making its stretching sound as he did

Suddenly, he heard the galloping of hooves coming towards his room. He braced himself for what was to come. His door swung open with force, and there she was. The fashionista with hungry eyes and a big grin, she would leap at Taylor with open arms and latch herself onto his body, he would fall back and let out an 'ooph!' as he was hit. She nuzzles and buries her face into his chest, then looks to him

"Oh Taylor dear! We have missed you so so much back in Ponyville! I am sooooo happy that I get to see you once more though!"

"Hello there Rarity. Good to see you as well. Miss you girls a lot. How are the others anyways?"

"Oh they are doing alright darling, they are doing what they do you know? Or helping Twilight with a friendship problem."

Taylor would chuckle and began to pet Rarity as she laid on top of him, she would enjoy the attention completely and sways her tail

"Hmmm, as nice as this little cuddle session is Rarity. Don't you need to get started?"

Taylor would regret reminding her why she was here, her eyes little up and a big smile appeared. This...made him nervous

"Oh Taylor,I have the most lovely idea for your outfit, I even had a mannequin especially made for your kind."

"How much will I owe you once it is done?"

"Oh worry not dear. Though...if you would like to repay me, you could give me a dance at the Gala.."

She would look up at him with those beautiful big eyes of hers, batting them every so skillfully. She has had practice with her charm skills,that much is certain. Taylor would grin widely and knelt down in front of her, bringing a gloved hand to her cheek and stroked it lovingly, getting the same reaction he did back at the castle in Ponyville

"Very well Lady rarity. I shall honor you with a dance. It will be a spectacular one as well."

Rarity turned into a pile of pony pudding after that, she twitched and was giggling to herself like she was on some kind of narcotics. Taylor would laugh a bit and began to remove his armor. Rarity shot back up at the sound of the falling pieces and the unbuckling of straps, soon he was wearing absolutely nothing in front of her. It took Rarity everything she had not to plow him into the floor again and have her way with him. He was very attractive, and she liked the fact that he wasn't overly muscular to, he still had quite a bit of softness around his body that she was sure would be divine to snuggle into all day, especially wrapped in those arms of his. Her eyes ventured further down, her eyes tracing over each scars that was on his body, seeing the last ones he had gotten brought up memories of his heroism, and how he had risked his life to save her little sister. Then she saw it, his member hanging freely between his legs as well as his rather impressive sized orbs. This young man looked rather well equipped to handle a mare here. Though stallions are bigger here, he wasn't exactly lacking either

"Uhhh Rarity?"

Taylor noticed she was starring at him with those hungry eyes again. She approached him and gave him a seductive stare.

"Oh sweety...what I would give to have just one night with you.."

She would close her eyes and chuckle gently

"But i already know you have another pony on your mind. You are in love with her."

Taylor would blink at her and tries to play dumb.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about Rarity."

She would motion him to follow her to a little stand in the middle of the room she had brought with her.He stands on top of it and holds out his arms as a measuring tape flys around his body

"Oh Taylor.I have an eye for these things. Behind that dark and broody image of you. is a heart that is ready to burst open. Whoever she is...she will be one lucky mare. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous.."

She said with a cute pouty face as she continued to work, but maintained her professionalism since she was now on the job. Shelooked up at him with a serious look now, her quill writing down the measurement Taylor would gaze back to her

"You better be good to her Taylor. Show her that she means the world to you and keep her smiling.."

Taylor would then avoid her gaze as he could no longer deny what two ponies knew about his feelings. He would shudder as he finally admitted it to himself and out loud.

"I do love her...very very much. But I am scared Rarity. What if she doesn't feel the same way? Especially since I am not exactly one of your kind."

"Then she would be a fool to not accept your love Taylor. And if she did deny you of that. I would swoop in and steal you for myself. But I am sure your love will reach her Taylor. Just trust me."

She would finish measuring him and gathered all the things she needed, she walks passed him, brushing her tail across his his inner thigh, giving him another sultry stare

"See you soon, stud."

She said as she closed the door behind her, Taylor was about to lift a finger in protest, but she was already gone. He stood there stunned fora moment. Then shook it off. Since he was already undressed he would decide to get a shower in while he had the time before meeting up with Luna. The two had planned their free night to go and hang out. And he was going to ask her to the Gala. He clenched his fists. Enough hiding his feelings for her. He would tell her at the Gala. And would hope like hell she would accept his feelings.

--Canterlot Eastern Garden, Nightfall--

Taylor was in his casual attire now, sitting in front of the large pond that he and Luna liked to hang out near. He looked up to the sky, she seemed like she made her night sky more beautiful every single night. He would close his eyes and feel the breeze blow through hist hair and against his face. his mask fully illuminated by the the moon. All was quiet, until he heard hooves approaching him. He shifted his gaze to see none other than Luna, a warm smile on her face as she then galloped towards him and pounced on him, nuzzling and rubbing against him affectionately. His hands reaching up and wrapping around her in a warm hug, happy to see her likethis again

"Hey there Lulu. Glad we finally have sometime off from the training. I like getting to see you like this.

Luna would smile up at him, her eyes meeting his. She nods in agreement

"Indeed Taylor, it is nice to be able to spend time with you when not in the heat of sparring or constantly hammering techniques into your head"

She said to him,playfully sticking her tongue out at the last part. Taylor brings a finger to her nose and boops it playfully

"Well,maybe if you understood that lightning and dark crystal magic are a hard thing to combine, you would get why I am so cautious with it. After all, I don't want to hurt you when sparring."

"Is that why you are so over the top when you show off? So you can distract me and pin me down when I am in awe? You sneaky sneaky man."

They both laughed and would sit there for a while, she rested in his lap while he held her in his arms.They would always cuddle like this whenever they had the chance. And it was very very nice.

"So how has night court been going Lulu? Do you have it again later tonight?"

Luna would groan at the mention of night court

"OH don't know how much I wish you were there with me to scare off these annoying nobles. The come and complain about the most silliest things."

He grins and prepares his most snobbish accent

"'Oh some peasant stepped in front of me while was walking!' Or, "I told the waitress to put the hay fries on the other side of the plate!'."

Luna couldn't help but go into a serious giggle fit as he would hit the nail on the head. She loved how he mocked the nobles, in fact, she loved it when he was the one who made her laugh and smile. She looks to him with her beautiful teal eyes, she wouldsearch his, sensing something was nagging at him, she reaches up and lightly places a hoof on his cheek.

Taylor,what is bothering you?"

This was it,it was now or never,and Taylor didn't like the never idea at all

"Well you know the Gala is coming up and I know I said I would never go to it...but if you were going..well..."

His heart was racing quickly, Luna looked at him with a tilt of her head,he finally asked her after a moment of silence

" want to go with me?"

It was quiet for a few moments, but to Taylor, it felt like an eternity. Luna would bring her hooves to her muzzle, he eyes wide and sparkling. Tears nearly ready to fall from them

"N-n-nopony has ever asked me to go...they have either been to afraid or showed no interest...they would always go for my sister or anyone else...and of all is you who asks me. I..I think I am about to cry...I am so so happy right now! Yes, yes I will go with you Taylor!"

Taylor noticed a few things about Luna when they were alone together,she would let her guard down...and she was almost...adorably childish with him,and he loved every moment of it. He would smile in return and let out an inner breath of relief, he looks to Luna with a big smile of his own.

"Lulu...have I ever told you how adorable you are when its just us? You are like a little schoolfilly who is having the time of her life with her future sweetheart."

Luna would blush brightly and cover her face with her hooves and shakes her head

"A-am not! Don't tease me!"

They would both laugh together and enjoy the rest of the night together. After a couple of hours, Luna had to go to night court. They parted ways after hugging her closely

"I will look forward to the Gala now Lulu."

"Neither can I Taylor...neither can I."

As taylor walked away and out of sight of her, getting her squeal and dance on her hooves before running off.

Act 12: A Little Time Off And The Gala Part 2

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Tonight was the night that Taylor had dreaded, but now looked forward to ever since his friends and especially Luna was going to attend. But he was nervous beyond all hell as this was his first party to take anyone, or in this case anypony. His heart was ready to jump out of his chest. He stood there in front of his outfit that Rarity had made for him. She indeed did know his favorite colors very well and put them together with a bit of gold accents and sapphires along with it. It was a long coat like the one he wore, but it had a split going down the middle at the bottom of the lower back area. It was black with blue trimmings, and over the trimmings on hte hems of the tails and along it's cuffs what looked to be golden silk stitch, And on each shoulder, there was a row of five sapphires going down to meet his triceps. The pants were black silk, not too tight, but not too loose either. She had made him gloves as well, just simple black gloves. As for the shirt and vest he wore The shirt was pure black and the vest was the same color as the trimmings of his coat. cobalt blue. And his tie was also black, but had a sapphire stone resting on the clip. He would then look down to the boots that rested there. Which he was surprised Rarity even touched, considering she used actual leather. They were just black leather boots that went the same height as his others. Just not having any straps or armor platting. But the whole entire outfit was very very nice. And he wanted to show it off, especially if it drummed up business for Rarity. Taylor would finally sigh

"Alright bud. It's now or gotta tell her tonight. And ask her to dance damnit..."

Taylor let in a long inhale and exhaled just as long. He began getting himself dressed and combed back his hair extra neatly, funny, with his mask on he felt liek he was going to a masquerade than anything. But, he didn't wear it by choice after all. After he got dressed, he looked himself over in the mirror. Everything had fit perfectly, he was definitely going to have to repay Rarity for a job well done. He would grab his MP3 player and his baton, putting them both into his coat pocket. The MP3 player for the song he wanted the dance with Luna to. He had asked Vinyl Scratch to mess with his MP3 player a bit so that it would work with magic here, and play over loud speakers by simply being near them. Hey, pony magic, it can do anything. With everything in hand, he made his way to the door, going out and closing it behind him, beginning to walk down the hall, a boice behind him spoke

"Well well Taylor. You are looking very very handsome indeed, Luna is going to be very impressed."

Taylor turned around to see it was Celestia, he couldn't help but chuckle lightly and scratch the back of his head

"You really think so Tia? I am wanting to make sure this night goes well for both of us. Especially for her. She deserves a good night like this you know?"

She would give a warm smile and nods

"And you are the right stallion for the job Taylor. I know it."

"God I sure hope so...I heard her pacing around her room so much today..."

"That's because she is as nervous as you are Taylor. Though you hide it better than she does. But I know you will make this night special for her in the way you know how. After all, just be yourself like you always are around her. And everything will go grand."

Taylor would nod to her words of wisdom, and would bow his head as he went off to go and meet Luna, they had planned to meet at the entrance of the party room. As he got there, he could see she was being crowded by a bunch of other stallions, this made his blood boil just a bit, but would smirk as he made his way over to her, calling out.

"Oi boys, she is with me tonight. So. Back. Off"

He said with an intimidating glare and lightning began to spark from his hand. With that, they scattered like roaches seeing the lights come on. Luna let out a sigh of relief after they had ran, she didn't notice who had scared them away.

"Ah, thank you good sir, I was waiting for my companion whe-"

She looked up to see that very person she was talking about, her jaw dropped as she looked him over and how the clothes he wore fit him so very well, and how handsome he looked in a bit more...elegant set of clothing

" look very very dashing...and even though its not a masquerade...the mask still keeps that whole mystery vib about you...I REALLY like it.."

Taylor would finally get an eyeful of what she was wearing. It wasn't what he was expecting for sure, but it really did look good on her.

" are looking very very lovely as well. Really am glad you didn't overdo it. What you have on is really all you need to look...well...beautiful. You look very very beautiful, even more so with that dress on."

Taylor could see her face blush hard with the compliment she had received, not only did he compliment her beauty in her dress, he complimented her beauty at how she usually presented herself. Taylor would realize this and blinks, then blushes

"Uh...s-sorry I guess I kind got a little carried away."

"Nonono Taylor! Not at all! I am made me feel a bit more happy to hear you say I am beautiful, thats' all."

Taylor would smile warmly to her, walking up to her and holding out his gloved hand, bowing to ehr slightly as he did

"Shall we go then Lulu?"

She smiled to him again, happy he wasn't going to be acting like any kind of noble here by calling her by her official title. She liked his nickname for her better anyways. she places her hoof into his hand and nods

"Yes Taylor, let us go forth and enjoy the night. But first, introductions are in order. We must head to the balcony just up the stairs here. Please follow me."

Taylor had forgotten all about that Canterlot wasn't aware of him, most of it anyways. he would let out an audible gulp of nervousness, and looked to Luna

"I just hope they don't start throwing things at me. Especially food...Rarity would KILL me if I got this outfit ruined..."

Luna would giggle softly at the thought of it, even more so when he looked at her with a glare

"Don't worry Taylor, they won't throw anything,e specially with me and Tia up there with you."

Taylor would sigh in relief and smile. Princess bodyguards...shouldn't that be the other way around? As they approached the balcony, Luna stopped him as she went out from the curtain.

"Wait here till I give the signal Taylor."

He simply nodded and waited. The two sisters were now going on about how they were happy to have everyone come and all the formal things being spoken of, then they finally got to him.

"And for those of you who have heard rumors about a new being staying ehre in the castle, it is time we put those rumors to rest. For you see, they are indeed true."

There we gasps and whispers among the crowd at what the princess of the sun had told them. Luna stepped forward to speak.

"Indeed, and he is no threat to us, I assure you. He is a good pony who is loyal and protective of his friends. And does things that need to be done where no other pony will. Be it friend or a complete stranger. He may not trust them, but he will help them should the need rise. Now without further ado.."

Taylortook that as the signal, and would make his way from out behind the curtain, his appearance caused even louder gasps and even some cries of fear. Which he expected of them. especially with his mask and eyes

"You mean to tell us is supposed to be a good pony? Just look at it! Its so...revolting to look at!"

Shouted one snobbish male noble pony

"Don't get too close to it, it may try to eat us!"

"Princesses,how can you let this beast roam so freely in our midst?!"

The accusing questions went on and on. Taylor had enough of it, he clenched his fists and approached the end of the balcony, both Luna and Celestia could see the anger in his eyes, they tried to stop him by blocking him with their arms and wings, but he pusged them aside gently and stoo on the rail of the balcony, dropping off of it and landing on the ground below, rising up from his landing and glared at every single one of them. The snobbish questions and remarks stopped then, they all froze in fear. Taylor began to speak.

"Now, you all listen here, you pompous, arrogant, pampered good for nothing nobles. Out ofall of you here. There is only two of you that I know that are way more decent than all of you combined. In fact, he and his wife are a class above all of you. Fancy Pants and his wife. I am certain would give me the benefit of the doubt. They did so formy friend Rarity when she was first starting out with expanding her business. And if he can do that, at least I know I have him on my side. But all of you? Oh no, you see something different that isn'tto your likeing and you shot it down instantly. You are no different than the rich self-entitled assholes from my realm. Just remember one thing..I may very well be the very creature to save your asses one day.And I am sure you won't care one way or another. As long as you are all safe in your big houses, bounting up your bits and having others do your work for you."

Taylor then heard a voice call out to him, as they approached

"Now this lad, hit the nail right on the head. And he is right you know. I can name a few ponies in here who didn't like Rarity because she was from Ponyville, but I saw her potential."

Yep, it was Fancy Pants alright, he walked up to Taylor and smiled to him, offering his hoof up to him, Taylor would take it and give it a firm shake

"Thank you sir, At least you are a thousand times more decent then these fools. You and your wife. It took me a lot of guts to come here. I didn't want to come here because of this whole thing. But, when I heard that my friends were going to show up, and the fact that I am here with Luna.Well,it made ita bit more bearable."

"And you are an awfully brave chap to do so. I commend your courage my good stallion. And did I here you correctly in saying you are friends with Rarity? And you are the companion of whom Princess Luna was speaking about?"

"Yes and yes."

"Well, any friend of Rarity's is a friend of mine. And if you managed to have the princess of the night accpted you as a date tonight, you must be doing something right my dear boy."

The crowd would whisper again and look at one another, than at him. They would get ready to pelt him with more remarks until all his friends joined him at his side. with twilight in the front

"That's right. He may look scary at first, but me and my friends have gotten to know this po-..this man. And he is a very kind and protective one. Even more so, he was sent here for a reason. Even though we don't know why. So don't judge someone by the way they look. After all, he could just be your next business partner as well."

And with that, the crowd thinned out as they had been beaten. Taylor looked down at all his friends and smiled warmly to them

"Thanks girls...for sticking up for me. You came at the right time that's for sure."

They all nodded and hugged him tightly, Rarity looked him up and down and nodded in approval

"You look VERY dashing darling. How do they fit?"

"Oh you did an excellent job Rarity. They fit comfortably and I LOVE the way you created it. I will have to repay you some how."

"How about another one of those kisses hmmm?"

She asked him with a sultry tone in her voice. Taylor would chuckle and knelt down in front of her, bringing a gloved hand to ehr cheek and would caress it gently, locking lips with her and giving her what she wanted. Breaking the kiss after a moment and would watch her melt once more,making him laugh.

"Now remember Rarity, this may be the last kiss I can give to you if my plan go right.."

"I know darling...good luck to you and I hope she feels the same way about you."

With that, she ran off to go and join her friends, looking up to see Luna approaching him with a pouty face

"Hey there mister...why were you kissing her?"

"Well,its what she wanted for making the outfit for me, so I agreed. I meant nothing by it."

Luna's face seemed to brighten after he told her that, why was she so jealous about him kissing another mare? Could she feel the same way he did about her? She would take hold of his hand and smiles gently.

"Good, after all, you are mine tonight."

"Honestly Lulu, there is no other pony I would rather be with."

This made Luna squeal internally at his words, on the outside was just a wide smile

"Come with me Luna. I at least want to have one dance with you tonight."

"Lead on then Taylor."

As they approached the dance floor, Taylor would take out his MP3 player and looked over to the musicians he had talked to earlier, giving them the cue for him to take over, he would rest his MP3 player by the speakers as Luna and him walked by, setting the time for it to start playing

"Now Lulu, I am going to need you to follow my lead on this alright? Put your arms around my neck, and I put mine around your waist. And just follow my...hoofsteps alright?"

Luna would nod and do so, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her hind legs, the song then began to play, Their movements started out slow to the beginning of the song, leading her along with his footwork, back and forth, side to side. Suddenly the music began to pick up speed and so did they

"Hold on tight Luna, and don't let go."


She said with a smile. They began to dance and twirl through out the dance floor, other ponies clearing out to give them room. Taylor would take one of her hooves in his hand and begins to have them both spin around in circles as they side across the dance floor. Taylor was surprised that she could keep up with him, especially since she was on her hind legs. But she looked like she was having the time of her life. And that's what this night was all about. To make her happy. His coat and her dress flew about elegantly as they danced, keeping in sync with their movements. his feet and her hooves moving with one another. It was quite an amazing show indeed, all the ponies that had been caling him a monster and beast now saw how good of a dancer and gentleman he could be. they would watch with full intent. gasping as he would pick Luna up and hold her in the air with one hand, then bring her back down into a clean swoop and catch. Taylor finished off the dance with a move he had always wanted to do,he would spin them around a few more times as the song was ending, and would fling her down, but held her up by her hoof as if she was laying in mid air, just a foot from the ground. And the dance and song was over at that point.

All was quiet for a brief moment, then a sudden applause and cheers came from all the ponies around, Both Taylor and Luna were sweating slightly from the dance, but had big smiles across their faces, he would bring her back to her hooves and grabbed hist MP3 player as it was tossed back to him

"By the moon...that was amazing impress me with your hidden abilities everyday...I still wonder why no mare has scooped you up yet!"

Taylor would go quiet after she told him that,then he looks behind himself to her

"Luna, could I talk to you out in the courtyard? Its rather....important."

Luna would nod and could hear the seriousness in his voice, she follows him outside and away from prying eyes and ears. Taylor would turn to her, she would stop frozen in her tracks as he would bring a hand under her chin and lock eyes with her. He began tospeak

"Lulu....ever since I first met you. I felt a connection with you because we both understood the loneliness we both had. But now that I have made friends, especially with you, and all the time I have been spending with you here while I am here training...I cant hold back what I have been hiding anymore...Luna, I love. I love you so damn much that it has taken all my mental strength to not scream it to the sky. You have been nothing but sweet and loving to me, even when you first met me as a complete stranger. My heart only beats for you Luna..I just thought you should now how I feel about you. I am not sure you feel the same way,and I can understand if you do-"

Taylor was then cut off directly by Luna's lips locking fiercely with his as she plants her hooves on his chest and leans against him. His eyes widened for a moment then closed as he slowly wrapped his arms around the princess of the night, leaning back into the kiss that they shared with such passion, both of their hearts would ready to burst and fly away. Luna had been hopping for this for so so very long, And now that he finally said it. She was the happiest she had ever been in all the years she has been alive. They broke their kiss after a few moments, her eyes lock with his. She brought a hoof up to his cheek and caressed it lovingly.

"Taylor...if only you knew how long I was waiting to hear that straight from your mouth. I was so very afraid that you didn't feel the sameI do for you. But now, you have banished that fear...and made me the most happiest mare alive.I love you very very much. And I want to be with you as you with me. You are mine now, and I am yours."

Taylor would smile again and pulls her closer, his arms protectively and warmly around her, running his fingers through her mane gently

"I love you to, Lulu. My princess of the night."

Act 13: Hearth's Warming Is Upon Us

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Taylor opens his eyes slowly, his vision slowly steadying as he awakens from his nightly slumber. his eyes widen as he felt something warm against his body, and it felt like it had a vice grip around his form. He looked over to see Luna. She was nestled into his form with her head under his chin. It has been a month since Luna and him have been together. And he is the most happiest he had ever been in his life. He would bring his his hand up and rest it on her flank lovingly, and his other hand to her mane, running his fingers through it, chuckling quietly

"Love you Lulu."

He would eventually prey himself from her death grip of love and somehow managed not to take her, he pulls the blanket over her afterwards and made his way over to the bathroom, getting his usual morning routine going. As he was showering, his thoughts were racing through his head, he was leaning against the shower wall as the water fell on him

"Tsubaki, you there?"

"Its been bothering you to huh?

"Yeah. This time of peace we are enjoying is about t come to an abrupt end. I feel that Tirek will be returning within the next couple of weeks, I can feel his malice from here..."

"All you can do is be ready Taylor. Now that you have ponies worth protecting, Especially Luna, I must admit I am a bit jealous

Taylor let out a playful chuckle

"Should have made your move sooner silly wolf

They would both laugh at that, suddenly Taylor was brought out of his thoughts ny something pressing against his back, it was warm and wet. He opened his eyes to see Luna wrapping her forearms around him. She had decided to join him for the shower it seems. He would turn his head to her and arches a brow

"I thought you would still be sleeping Lulu. Not that I am complaining of this new development."

"You better not be complaining."

They chuckle at their little jabs at each other, Taylor turns to face her and wraps his arms around her waist. she leans up and kisses him sensually. Taylor's hands wander down from her waist and to her flanks, squeezing and groping her as they kiss. She moaned into his mouth and sways her tail behind her happily. They eventually broke their kiss, Luna giving Taylor a sultry stare.

"You know my love, you have gotten really grabby with me since our relationship blossomed...I love the way you touch me so lewdly, and so lovingly at the same time. Your love and affection makes me feel so complete."

"Oh Lulu, you do have a pretty sexy body, that much is always a plus. But as you know, I fell for you and who you are. You could have been just a regular pony and I would have fallen for you. That much is true. But I won't lie in is pretty cool to be the coltfriend of the princess of the night. Not to mention...its pretty hot..."

Taylor would suddenly catch himself at what he was saying, looking down to see Luna's face super crimson and eyes super wide, she then lowers them into a seductive stare and a little smirk, lightly circling a hoof to his chest and circling it gently

"By the moon Taylor, you are revealing new things to me everyday aren't you? You surprise me with all the things that you even hide from me in your dreams."

Taylor would blush a bit himself and scratches his head

"Well Lulu, when I have a marefriend like I do who can peer into my mind as you sleep. I gotta be on guard, there are things that I do not want you to know about, nor do I ever want to remember. Now, if you just want access to my lewd thoughts about you. You gotta ask nicely."

He said as he would slap her rear playfully, she would let out a cut little 'Eep!' her eyes locking onto his, grinning widely

"Oh Taylor, I do know one thing you fantasize in your dreams about. And I am going to make it a reality. Right. Now."

Taylor suddenly felt himself being pushed against the wall and would let out a small grunt, opening his eyes to see Luna trailing down his form with sweet kisses, her hooves sliding down his sides. Taylor would try to speak out to her, but the excitement and heated moment kept his mouth quiet. Luna continued to kiss down his body until she met with what she was after. His member was already half way erected from having Luna's wet naked form against his, she would give him a sultry stare from below and chuckles

"Someone is quite excited aren't they? Well don't you worry my love. While I know you are a virgin, and as am I. I am going to learn every single thing about you so that I can make sure you are even more happy with me."

"Oh know I am more than happy to be with you. But the fact that you are willing to do this for me...I most certainly wouldn't decline it..Mmmnh"

Taylor would suddenly feel her warm soft tongue licking up and down his now fully erected member, Luna's eyes trailed up and down. He was an impressive size to be sure, but nothing to overly large. She would nuzzle her cheek into his hardened shaft, suddenly wrapping her muzzles around the tip and began to suckle on it lovingly. Taylor lets out a low grunt of delight as he was experiencing his first sexual contact given to him by another. Even more so it was from the pony he loved. Taylor was in heaven at the moment. His hands twitching and his hips bucking as she took him deeper into her mouth, the sound of her suckling and slurping over the water made his arousal rise even more. Her head moving back and forth, twirling her tongue around him as if she had done this before.

"Oh god are you so good at this? If you are a virgin...shouldn't you have been hesitant to do this? Not that I am complai-"

He then cut himself off by a low groan and shudder of delight, she had taken him all the way in her throat and swallowed around him with such eagerness, her tongue snaking out to lick at his his hanging orbs>If he was clawing his fingers at the solid wall that she had him pushed up against. Never in his wildest dreams would he imagine that his first time would be so...wonderful. If this was how it felt when he was getting sucked off. He could only imagine what it would be like to claim her marehood. Luna slowly pulled off of him with a lewd wet pop and inhaled sharply, she looked up at him with those beautiful teal eyes of hers and winked to him, her hooves gently running up and down his slick member

"Oh Taylor....I can learn a lot from a visual source. That strange device you carry around with you plays moving pictures. They were animated though. I do not see one of these that involve another one of your kind. Though it would see you are fond of animals that have to same kind of form you do. But still have their features."

"Indeed, what you saw was something that a fandom created. When humans are watched when doing such...lewd things. Its seems so fake. And that doesn't sit well with me. But, what me and you have is as real as it gets. And I am extremely happy about that."

Luna would let out a small coo of delight, she would then return to her work, using her magic to place his hands on her head and around her horn

"Then please my love...allow me to show you just how real this is..."

With that, she would begin to bob her head up and down on him quickly, he tail swaying behind her in delight as she was pleasing the pony she so loved. Taylor would gently squeeze her horn and run his fingers through her hair tenderly, beginning to thrust his hips against her bobbing head, his orbs swinging freely until her magic got a hold of them and began to massage them with it. This went on for a few minutes more, with both of their speed and force rising. Taylor could swear he caught a scent that made his arousal spike, then remembering that she had been swaying her tail in excitement. She must have been getting aroused at all the growl and moans he was giving off. Or she really got off on giving oral. Suddenly his body began to tighten and shudder in pleasure.

"L-Lulu...I am going to..."


Taylor throws his head back in pleasure as his sudden orgasm rocks his body hard, his hips bucking furiously as he feels her swallowing down his thick ropes of his essence,moaning around his member as she climaxed herself . Gulping down the large amounts and finding it surprisingly tasty. I could have been the fact that the man eats oranges everyday.But she didn't care. He tasted very good. He finally finished releasing his seed into her belly after a minute, she pulls off of his member slowly with another wet pop. Panting and catching ehr breath as Taylor slid down on his back and sat on the shower floor, a goofy toothy grin on his face as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Oh fuck....I can only imagine...what it will feel like when we go further my sweet Lulu."

"Well my love. You shall find out tonight then. It is hearth's Warming eve after all. And from what I have gathered its an evening where couples tend to get wild under the sheets. So I figured tonight would be a good night to give ourselves to each other wouldn't you say?"

Taylor would widen his eyes, he would nod in agreement, but also just remembered that today was Hearth's Warming eve. He would hope she hadn't gone snooping about his chambers for her gift he had hidden from her, He wanted to to be a surprise after all.

"I would agree. But only if you are ready Lulu. I would be happy to give myself to you if that is the case."

Luna smiles happily and nuzzle in close to Taylor, pressing her body against his firmly and making sure she was as close to him as possible. Taylor loved it when they snuggled, it didn't matter where or when it was. He was just happy to have her with him and in his arms. Though they did get a lot of jealous stares from both stallions and mares, but that only made them smirk and giggle. They new their love was strong, and they intended to keep it that way. They sat there for what felt like forever, snuggling and kissing each other while the water rinsed them down. They finally released one another, Taylor stood up and turned off the water, while Luna got out and dried herself off, floating a towel over to him as he followed out. He shifted his eyes to the hiding spot where her gift was being concealed, it didn't look tampered with, so it was safe.

"So Lulu, you and Tia gonna go do some family bonding? Seeing as this is most likely the only couple days you two can really spend time without being annoyed by petty nobles."

"Mhmm, we are. And by we,I also mean you Taylor. You are going to come spend time with us,I will not be having you alone during such a happy time here."

"Oh Lulu, that isn't necessary,I don't want to be with ponies who I am not family to. I feel I would be imposing. Really Lulu, I will be fine. I spent christmases all by myself."

Luna turned around and looked Taylor in the eyes, coming up to him and bringing her face directly in front of his, a look of disapproval on hers.

"Don't you EVER say that again Taylor. You are family to me, Tia and even Cadence and Twilight. While while we may not be 'blood family' to you. We still see you as one of us. Even if you are a human. And who knows...we may become an actually family. After all, you are the man I plan on marrying. So no alone on Hearth's Warming Eve for you, mister! Me you and Tia are gonna have fun!"

Lunat said with a bright smile on her face, then tossing the towel in his face playfully

"Now get dressed and meet us downstairs for breakfast, silly boy."

Luna closed the door as she exited, he would hold the towel she had thrown at him and leans his face in and inhales her lovely scent

"Looks like I am really cashing in from my last life...I can honestly say, that I am the happiest man alive. I have a beautiful pony who loves me. Friends who care for me. Not to to mention, I have powers I can use to protect them. Tirek, nor anyone else will take them from me. They will have to kill me first."

"That's right my boy, do what I couldn't do when I was corrupted. Show them that the power of darkness can be a forced used for good. I am proud of you for gaining control of it over these last few months

"King Sombra? How are you still speaking to me? I thought you passed on."

"Just Sombra is fine my friend. And while I am dead, this part of me is still alive. Don't worry. I am not going to try and possess you or anything. I don't even have the ability to do so. But from what I could hear through your those from earlier.Lulu is very much in love with you, you lucky son of a bitch."

Taylor didn't see it, but he could hear it in his voice, a smile of definite approval coming from him

"You be sure to be good to that mare. She thinks the world of you."

"As do I with her Sombra. And I will kill anyone who tries to take her, or any of my friends away from me."

Sombra's dark chuckle echoed in his mind

"Good man, now hurry up and get dressed. Don't want to keep them waiting."

--Equestria, Outlands--

A portal appears, swirling with red, yellow and orange colors as a cloaked figure with four legs and a humanoid like upper body crawls out of it, the portal closes behind him as he stands up and chuckles darkly

"Soon princesses....very very soon. I will be sure to end all of you now."

Act 14: The Time Of Peace, Shattered

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Taylor, Luna and Celestia were enjoying their time together on the royal gardens, laughing and smiling as they caught up together and just enjoyed the time they were spending with one another. Taylor's mind was clear. He had finally been accepted into a world where he had friends, and a lover and apparently future wife. He was as happy as can be. He would reach into his cloak and pulls out two boxes. One was a bright yellow with orange ribbon, the other dark blue with black ribbon. Both sisters stared at him with shocked faces and then big smiles

"Happy Hearth's Warming to you both. You two and all my other friends have been nothing but kind to me. And I want to thank you especially Lulu. You have made me the happiest I have ever been with your love and affection for me. And I want you to know...I love you so very much Lulu...with all of my heart."

Luna looked at him with tears in her eyes, she sat the box on the table they were at and leaped into his arms and kissed him happily, he would wrap his arms around her lovingly and returns the kiss. Celestia could only smile at how happy her little sister had become, and she had this man to thank for it. After they broke from their kiss, Celestia spoke up

"And I want to thank you , Taylor. Because of you we are now ready to face a threat that we hardly had time to prepare for back then. And I want you to know. That I consider you part of our family as much as Luna does."

Taylor would smile again and nods, looking to the boxes then to them.

"Well go on, open them. I made them myself. Its all I really know how to make. but I put a lot of work into them."

As they unwrapped their gifts, they would smile at what was inside. It was a mask just for them, Celestia's was a white mask with the sun on the top of the forehead part, and orange and yellow tribal markings down the front. And Luna's was a dark blue mask, that had the cresent moon on the forehead, with the night stars all decorated along them mask, and black tribal markings as well. And even better, it had holes that perfectly fit their horns. They looked at Taylor with big smiles, running over to each side of him and wrapping him in their forearms, nuzzling into him lovingly

"They are wonderful Taylor, such excellent craftsmanship.."

"Yes Taylor...I will treasure this gift all my life...thank you so much my love."

They would hug him a little longer, until a noise from below in the city caught there attention. It sounded like...screams and explosion. Taylor quickly stood up and ran to the edge of the garden, seeing that all to familiar mixture of colors in the magic that was destroying everything int it's path.

"Tia, Lulu, gather the guards....he is here...and of all days today..."

Taylor said as a shiver went up his spine, he then noticed that Cadence have arrived just before the attack, she knew exactly what was going on, and so did Twilight, who had also brought her friends along as well. They spoke for awhile, telling them that Tirek had already gone through Ponyville and had taken everypony's magic again,he he was on his way here to come and kill off the princesses. This was the moment Taylor had been dreading. His mind was racing and his heart was pounding. He looked to the group of ponies and nodded.

Girls, get to the throne room, he will be heading there to confront you all. Hopefully the guard can at least bang him up a bit before he find us. But I promise to you all. I will protect you, or die trying."

Taylor turns and walks to the castle, he returns to his room and grabs his leather armor and puts it on, sliding on his coat and cloak, making his way down the stairs and into the throne room where they were all waiting for him. He looked to Twilight and her friends

"If you all can stop him somehow.I will not step in. But the moment things get bad. I will be unleashing my power on that monster."

And right on cue, the large doors explode with great force, Taylor would form an electric shield around him and in front of the others to protect them from the debris. He would take this time to vanish into his smoke form and trail off into hiding, watching from the shadowy corners of the ceiling of the throne room. As Tirek made his way in, he would smile darkly and chuckle

"Wemeet again princesses, at least. And we even have the elements of harmony to add to my collection once more. And this time. I am going to make will never get it back again"

Celestia stepped forth and glared at Tirek, her eyes fixated on him with rage

"You dare to come here and harm my subjects again? And then you have the nerve to come and threaten to claimthe lives of the rulers once more? You didn't succeed last time Tirek. You won't now."

"That's right, we will stop you here and now Tirek!"

Shouted Twilight and her friends, they would change into the formed they had used when they sent him back to Tartarus. and using the same spell to do it again. But something was wrong...he was..absorbing the spell, absorbing their magic through it!. They were quickly depleted of their magic, Tirek wouldlet out a loud roar as the magic from between his horns charged up and fired at the weakened ponies, tossing them against the walls with such great force, Taylor heard the bones crack and saw blood coming from their ears, eyes and mouths

"I have grown strong over the two years I was imprisoned. I am immune to your 'magic of friendship' now Twilight Sparkle. And now. I will be claiming what rightfully belongs to me. He said looking at the battered princesses that were also hurt badly from the raw power. But just as he was approaching them, A black smoke fell directly in his path, a bipedal form became visible from it, lightning surrounding the creature's body.

"Sorry Tirek, but you will not be getting anything else from these ponies today. Nor will you ever."

Tirek looked at Taylor, a bit thrown off at his appearance but would let off a loud laugh.

"And what can you do about it? You are just a simple creature. You may look tough dressed in black and have a bit of spark going, but that doesn't mean-"

He was cut short by a suddenly impact the his gut and the feeling of being shocked by a thousand lightning bolts surging through his body, the beast let out a scream of pain as the magic Taylor had seemed to make contact with it's target, causing Tirek to stumble back in pain and glare at Taylor.

"Y-you will pay for that you welp.....I am going to kill you slowly for that. But first, I will force you to watch me kill of these two when I have you laying on the ground with broken bones...."

Taylor didn't say anything after that, he charged forth and began attacking Tirek with all he had, they clashed fists, lightning with spells. They were tearing up the throne room with their impacts, Tirek would make attempts at the hurt and weakened ponies, but Taylor would block them fromthe attacks, getting hurt in the process, but he still kept on going.

By this time,he was beaten, bloody and very hurt. Tirek would chuckle darkly and land another hit directly into Taylor, he would fly back into the wall and hit it hard, blood coming from his mouth as he let out a scream of pain. He would fall to the ground and a motionless heap, his eyes wide but his body not moving. Luna saw this from her downed position and would widen her eyes in horror. He was bleeding severely and not moving. He couldn't that wouldn't happen! She wasn't going to lose the love of her her life to this monster. She would scream and call out to him.

"Taylor, Taylor get up! You promised me! You said you would protect us...all of us! You can't be dead! Please get up-"

She was cutoff by large red hands clasping around her throat and beginning to strangle her. she would hit at Tirek's hands as he smiled evilly. She was choking and gasping for air as she looked at Taylor's...wait, his body was rising from the floor. and it was surrounded by black lightning now. She would reach out to him as tears began to stream down her face

"Taylor...don't let it take....control.."

Tirek would turn to see what was happening, he dropped Luna like a rag doll and chuckled at the sight before him

"So you aren't done yet are you? Good, I will make sure that you are done for this time."

Tirek stepped forward to confront Taylor, but stopped as he would see something was off. The black lightning was starting to whip around all over the place, the man's eyes glowed a dark blue and black smoke came from the sides...

(Epic combat music for those that want it)

"You dare to lay a hand on the one I love? You will pay the consequences.."

Suddenly there was a massive explosion of dark magic and black lightning swirling around Taylor. his cloak and coat flowing behind him violently as he would let out aloud scream. His hatred and raged had been released from deep within his heart. And Tirek, being the poor unfortunate fool to have even touched Luna was about to get what was coming to him. Taylor's face was now visible as his hood fell from his head.His teeth bared and his eyes in the most hateful and evil glare one had the misfortune of being directed at. Tirek began to back away a bit at the power coming from this man.

"I can still kill you!"

He exclaimed as he would start throwing as much magic at the man as he could, black crystal would appear in front of Taylor and fall apart as they were hit, but not one bit of magic made it to him. Taylor would suddenly vanish, reappearing in front of Tirek, slamming his foot intothe ground as making black crystals penetrate his legs and arms, making them branch out further into his flesh. Tirek would let out a cry of pain as he would try to pull himself free, but was only hurting himself more in the process.Taylor continued to glare at the centaur beast. And for the first time, he would show fear of another being.

"A-alright...I surrender I will give everpony back their magic I promi-"

He let out another scream of pain as Taylor began to shove more sharp crystals into Tirek's body his eyes coldly fixated on the screaming beast. Taylor would suddenly slam his fist into the ground and sent black lightning to the crystal and began to tear apart Tirek from the inside. He chuckled darkly as he watched him suffer.

"You had your chance Tirek. You should have stayed away went you had the chance. but Me and this young man will be watching you suffer for all the pain you have caused his friends. And I will enjoy watching from his eyes."

With that, Taylor would leap up onto Tirek's head and lands between his horns, wrapping his hands around them and begins to pull at them with all his might, a loud sickening crack was heard as he had removed them from Tireks skull, a gush of blood coming from the holes that were left there, Tirek was in absolute pain, between the crystal tearing at his flesh and the lightning still coursing through his body and now his horns had been ripped from his head. He was screaming and struggling. And this was making Taylor smile very wickedly. Taylor snapped his fingers as the crystals expanded, eventually severing Tirek's limbs from his body and falling to the floor, Taylor would approach the now immobile beast and leaps on top of him, grabbing a near by piece of sharp crystal and holding it threateningly over Tirek.

"Please....I don't want to die...Please-"

He was cut off by the crystal being plunged into his chest, Taylor letting out a dark laugh as he did it over and over again

"Die...die...die..DIE..DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!"

"Taylor That's enough!'

Taylor would stop as he heard Luna scream at him, tears in her eyes at what he had become and what he was doing

"It is done Taylor...please...just stop....I beg of you my love...I don't like this side of you. Please come back to me...."

Taylor would jump off Tirek's now lifeless body, slowly making his way over to Luna. She began to back away from him as she could still see that evil glare in his eyes. He would stop mere inches away from her, he raised that bloody piece of crystal up over her threateningly,Luna closed her eyes, fearing the worst.He was far too gone now...her love was lost in the realm of darkness and hatred. She opened her eyes once she heard something land away from them. She looked up to see those eyes she knew, a weak smile coming across his face and alight chuckle

"Lulu.... I told you I able to..."

Taylor would suddenly collapse to his knees, falling in front of her and smiled weakly to her again

"Keep you safe."

As he said that, blood came up from his mouth, he soon lost consciousness and became motionless. Luna began to try and lightly push at him

"Taylor..Taylor! Somepony please help him! He is going to die! ANYPONY!"

Was all he heard before he lost full consciousness.

Act 15: The Truth Finally Revealed

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Taylor drifted along the the now dark abyss after he had lost consciousness, no doubt from finally succumbing to the lack of blood and the power surging through him had fallen back to normal levels after his rage induced power boost. His body was floating on it's back, arms and legs hanging freely. He floated on and on for what felt like eternity, thoughts running through his mind as he drifted

"Is this how it all ends for me then? Dying a noble death, but leaving behind ponies I have come to know and love? And what about Luna? I know she will be absolutely heartbroken if I break my promise to her, not to mention leave her alone once again...."

Taylor then noticed his body came to a stop, and suddenly he was tilted up and forced onto his feet, the echoing sound of his boots hitting what sounded like marble and ripples forming under him. He walked around in the black abyss, looking for anyone...or anything even. He walked on until a voice suddenly called out to him, its tone was soft and motherly, not like Celestia's. Just the sound of it made him....feel warm and safe. But it also sounded very familiar.

"Taylor, I must thank you for what you have done for all of my little ponies. All of my children. Including both Celestia and Luna. You have defeated a powerful enemy that they could not."

"Lauren Faust? That is you isn't it? I have heard your voice enough times to remember it."

There was silence for a moment, and then a light chuckle coming from the voice

"I go by the name Faust, though you must be speaking of another person from your world. And yes, before you ask. I am aware of where you come from. You are human, so I would imagine you come from that realm. Though something has changed you. Have you encountered a man and a woman wearing hooded robes before you came here my dear?"

"Yes I have. I take it the female's name is Malumi. Which could also mean she is the more troublesome one. That name is latin for malice. As for the man...I do not know his name yet. But something tells me he is seeking what she is. A result. Of what, I do not know. But, I really wish I did."

The black realm around him suddenly shatters around him and a spectrum of various colors flow around him. An alicorn of white fur and a red mane came from above, smiling warmly down upon him, she was much taller than him. Taylor looked up at the alicorn with an arch of his brow behind his mask. She opened her wings and carefully wrapped them around him, he widened his eyes a bit, but closed them, feeling safe in her wing hug. She spoke to him gently.

"You are stuck in the middle of something that I had created long ago. And shouldn't have created. And I am sorry you have had to go through so much trial. See, you weren't supposed to be born a human. Which is why you have had such misfortune back in the human world. Your spirit is one that is a dark unicorn wizard who fought for the side of good. You are his reincarnation Taylor, You where called Shadow Strike. And like you do now, you controlled both lightning and shadow magic. Which may explain why you adapted so easily during your training with Luna. Your last life took you ages to perfect his technique. Not to mention. Sombra was a good friend of Shadow Strike. Which may be why he also passed down the remains of his power to you. You have quite the legacy here Taylor, Or at least your past life does."

Taylor backs away from Faust, his eyes wide at the, the nuke that had just dropped on him. He was a pony in his past life? And he was supposed to be born a pony again? What the hell was going on?! And she said she was the reason for his misfortunes through out his life? That could only mean...

"You are the reason why I was the way I was? A human that struggled though life from childhood to adulthood because of my limited vision? You made that part of me when I was born? Do you know the hell I had to go through because of that Faust? Do you?! I was teased mercilessly, and looked down upon because of that affliction. I had hardly any friends because of it, and people told me I was a slow, good for nothing child who held people back with my disability because I needed help with things. Only as I got older did my vision get slightly better. But it wasn't enough! And because of a mistake YOU made. I went through my life alone! Because I was born in the wrong damn world!"

Taylor turned away from her and clench his fists, lowering his head and gritting his teeth.

"I should, I should LOATHE you for what you did to me, Faust. I really should."

Faust lowers her head and her ears, sadness in her eyes as tears begin to form in them


Her ears perk up as does her head

"Because of that misfortune. Because of my death in the human world. I have been brought here. Where I should have belonged in the first place."

Taylor turned on his heels and ran to Faust, slamming her with a hug, tears falling down his mask as he buried his head into her chest.

"Better late than never....I am so happy to be back home. Where I should have been.

Faust brings her wings back around him once more, closing her eyes closing slowly as she whispers to him.

"Welcome back home, Shadow Strike. Welcome back home."

With that, she places her horn against his forehead and begins to send all his past life's memories into his mind. Taylor's eyes widen as the sudden surge of memories flow rapidly. He grabs at his head, his jaw dropping at at what he was seeing. Memories od colthood all the way to stallionhood. Everything she had revealed to him was absolutely true. From growing up with King Sombra as children, to becoming a dark wizard that eventually fought against him when he became corrupted. And a new memory that surprised him even more. He was engaged to Luna?!

"That's right Taylor. You were to marry the princess of the night when you were Shadow Strike. But your untimely death prevented this from happening. And that is partly the reason why she became Nightmare Moon. She doesn't know that you are her long lost loved one Taylor. But...I do think it will make her happy to know, that You are indeed the very one she was destined to marry. Unfortunately I cannot turn you into the pony you formally lived as. But I watched you and Luna over the past few months. And your love for each other couldn't be anymore true than it is now. And now, both of you can pick up where you left off. As I speak, you are being patched up both ponies. You fought valiantly against Tirek. And now he will no longer threaten Equestria."

Taylor nods and smiles softly up at Faust, giving her another squeeze

"So...what about this mask then? Do you think you could remove it? After all, you are like....the Creator and such aren't you?"

He asked with a hopeful stare, but soon had his balloon shot down by her frown.

"I am sorry Taylor, that is something I cannot help you with. The mask you wear is something of the human world. Though you were the one who created it, it has been bound to you for a reason. Though I am not sure what that reason is. But I hope you will be able to remove it at some point in your life. You had quite the cute face without it, even as a stallion unicorn."

Taylor would blush lightly as the creator of this world called him cute. That was a first.

"Ah, my time with you has now come to an end. Be safe Taylor. And please make sure Luna and Celestia are kept safe as well. They may be alicorns and rulers of Equestria, but they are also still sisters without a family. But now that you are here. That has completely changed."

Taylor nodded, Faust leaving him with a smile as the vision faded to a bright light, Taylor snapped open his eyes to reveal a white marble ceiling. He sat up quickly and looked around, but grunted in pain,grabbing at his side. His body was mostly bandaged up. As he regained his senses, he could hear a light snoring beside him, he looked over and spotted the one he needed the most right now. There she was, at his bedside sleeping so closely to him, her hoof in his other hand.

Princess Luna, his one and only.

Act 16: The Bleeding Affect And Old And New Love Combine

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Taylor held Luna's hoof in a gentle grip as he stared at her. His mind racing with all the new...well old memories that Faust had passed onto him from his last life. Everything just came to him so quickly when she gave him those memories. And to find out that his future wife from back then is the one pony his is in love with now. Does he tell her that he is the reincarnation of her past fiance ior, keep it to himself for now? He wasn't sure what he should do. But he was happy that she was alive and with him. He hoped that Celestia and the other girls were alright as well. He places his other hand on the top of her hoof, gently squeezing it. He saw her stire slightly and open her eyes slowly. Taylor gives her a warm smile and a light chuckle.

"Rise and shine Lulu. You can't sleep while the patient is awake. Bad bedside manners silly mare."

Luna's eyes opened quickly as she saw he was finally awake, she leaps up, wrapping her forearms around him lovingly. Tears of happiness began to fall down her cheeks as she looked up at him, a weak smile on ehr face. Taylor reaches up, wiping those tears away from her cheek, leaning in and kissing her lovingly.

"Thank the night....I am so happy you are alive Taylor. How could you have been so reckless?! You knew that combining both of your magic types could have sent you into an uncontrollable state of mind...if I had lost you Taylor...I couldn't live through that again...."

Taylor lightly kissed her again, cupping her jaw in both of his hands, rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs.

"I knew the risk Lulu...I knew it all too well. But I was not going to stand by and let him kill you. Nor will I stand by and let anypony else lay a hand on you. I care too much for you to be taken away from me. If I have to lose a bit of my sanity to do that, that's what I will do."

Luna lowers her head as she relives the memory of her love becoming the monster that slaughtered Tirek so mercilessly. Shivers running down her back as she looks up into his face, seeing those kind eyes once more, happy that he was back to his gentle and protective self. Her arms tighten slightly around him.

"Taylor...what me and Tia saw you become, it shook us to the core. The sweet and gentle man we had come to know was a monster. Even more fearful than Tirek. It reminds me of something that happened a long long time ago..."

Taylor lightly placed a hand on his head as what she was talking about came to him. A tall and thick pony in a black cloak and black leather armor was standing in the middle of a field as arrows and spears flew through the air, that same black lightning he could cast was coming from the unicorn. This must have been what he looked like in his past life, though eh couldn't see his face from the hood, those same glowing blue eyes made it clear it was him. Luna saw Taylor grabbing at his head. A look of deep concern on her face.

"Taylor..? Are you alright? Do I need to go and grab a nurse?"

"No Lulu...I am fine. Just....a bit of a headache is all. After affects of getting banged up I guess. Anyways...I had a surprise visitor as I slept.. Faust decided to thank me personally. I was very honored to be in her presence."

Luna's eyes widened as he told her that. She leaned in closely, placing her hooves on his thighs

"Faust came to you?! That may have been why I couldn't get to you as you laid here. But the fact that 'The Mother Of All Ponies' came to must have caught her attention when you defeated Tirek."

Taylor nodded to her, reaching up and gently caressing her side with one hand while the other strokes of of her wings. He heard her let out a small coo and moan as he caressed her so lovingly

"I am just happy that all is well again. You and the others are safe. How are the other girls? Are they alright? Tirek threw them around quite a bit."

"Yes Taylor, Tia and the element bearers are already fine and moving about. Its you we have been worried about. You have been out for a whole week. While we were able to seal your wounds, you just kept on sleeping. We all feared you wouldn't wake up. But it seems that fear is now forever gone now. You have come back to us..and more"

Taylor blinks a bit. A whole week? It felt more like a mere thirty minutes when he was talking to Faust. He brings his attention back to Luna, looking to ehr with a loving gaze. continuing to caress her form

"I Told you Lulu, I am not going anywhere. Not when I have you with me."

They stayed like that for a good ten minutes, just holding each other and kissing one another ever so often. After that, they seperated and Luna got off the bed, She turned to look at him.

"You think you are feeling better now? I know I may sound selfish...but I miss you in my bed with me as I sleep...I miss your warmth."

Taylor rubs his chin, then manages to pull himself out of the hospital bed, revealing that...he was indeed fully naked, then again he was sure it had to be done to bandage him up properly. Luna's eyes went wide and even drool started to come from the corner of her mouth, she was eyeing her lover like he was a fresh red apple what she just had to have. Taylor couldn't help but laugh as he found his clothing which had been washed and cleared of the blood from the battle. he gets dressed and slides his boots on. making sure he had everything. Knowing he left his baton and mp3 in his chambers. He nods to Luna.

"Alright, I am ready to go...I think I have had enough of hospitals for awhile matter how nice they are.."

Luna giggles at him teasingly and motions for her to follow him. As they walk out and into the hall. All the ponies stop and bow.

"Geez Lulu, don't you ever get tired of having them bow each time they see you?"

"They aren't bowing tome this time Taylor, they are bowing to you. You are their hero after all. You are all of Canterlot's and Ponyville's hero. After what you did."

Taylor would widen his eyes as he gazed at all the ponies lowering themselves in front of him, he waves his hands in front of him frantically, not wanting them to bow to him. His eyes shifted about as he did.

"N-no no, please you don't have to bow to me everypony. I don't like that kind of attention...really..."

They all slowly came up from his bow as he and Luna walked passed them, many of them saying thank you and such as they walked out of the hospital wing, happy to be out of that place. Though on the way to the throne room, he gets the same treatment. He rolls his eyes a bit and picks up the pace and walks through the new double doors that must have replaced the others. As he walked in he say Celestia reading over scrolls and writing in them as well. Luna ran over to her sister.

"Tia, I have to most wonderful news!"

"I am a little busy at the moment Lulu. Can't it wait?"

Taylor would feign hurt as he would place a hand over his heart. Grinning a bit

"You don't even have a little time for me Tia?"

The sound of scrolls and a quill dropping could be heard through the throne room. Celestia slowly looked up to see Taylor standing before her. She was nearly on the verge of tears when she did. She leaps off her throne and gallops to him, reaching up and wrapping her forearms around his body and nuzzling into him.

"You are awake Taylor! Thank the sun!! We have all been so worried about you. We have missed you dearly.."

"We? Who else is here?"

"The element bearers and Twilight and Cadence stayed here while you were in the hospital. They will be more than overjoyed to see that you are fully recovered."

Taylor smiles widely knowing that they cared enough about him to stay here at the castle while he recovered. It made his heart feel all warm and melted on the inside

"And you won't believe this Tia, Faust came to him while he was sleeping! Isn't that amazing?"

Celestia's eyes opened widely as she hears about this, then looks between him and her sister, then back to him. Taylor nods in confirmation

"Indeed she did Tia...and my god she is a tall alicorn. But she was a very nice mare. He hugs made me feel...I Like she was my mother or something."

"Well, I am just surprised that she came to you Taylor. Then again, killing off a foe that me and the other princesses couldn't kill. I would imagine that got her attention."

"It did. She wanted to thank me personally it seemed...though I simply don't see the reason why ponies have been bowing to me because of makes me rather uncomfortable a little bit. Even if I am a 'hero'."

"You know Lulu, I never did mention this. But Taylor is a lot like 'him' isn't he? He never did like the spot light either."

"Indeed he is Tia...which is one of the many reasons why I love this man with all my heart. He is kind, humble and sweet. But isn't afraid to stand up for what's right and defend those who need it. Even if he has to bloody his hands."

Taylor assumed they were speaking of Shadow Strike, he also ventured a guess that he was the same dark wizard pony in the novels a couple of the other girls enjoyed to read, but he wasn't sure. Would he tell them now of what Faust had given him. He had them both here at this moment, so now was the time.

"Um...Lulu...Tia. There was something that she had given me while I was with her. Old memories of a past life...from this realm. My past life apparently."

They both looked at him with eyes the size of saucers now. approaching him rather closely. Lulu spoke up first.

"You were a pony here in your last life?! How is that possible?!"

"Indeed Taylor....that is quite a revelation. Are you sure you didn't just have a dream of meeting her?"

Taylor cleared his throat and takes in a deep breath, then lets it out

"Does the name....Shadow Strike ring a bell for you two?"

Both of the alicorns went silent, both with dropped jaws, especially Luna. Tears began to stream down her face as he heard that name come from his lips, the pieces beginning to fall in place.

" are saying are the reincarnation of...Shadow Strike? My fiance who passed away a thousand years ago before my banishment...? You Shadow Strike?"

Taylor nods to her. His eyes meeting hers as she begins to back away in disbelief slowly, shaking her head. Taylor approached her holding out his hand a bit

"Taylor I....if you are truly the pony who died in my arms to save my life...then tell me the only thing that was kept between me and him. I don't mind if Tia knows..I just...want confirmation..."

Taylor nods to ehr in agreement

"No matter how dark the abyss is, or how bright the sky. Through rain, hail, snow and fog. Our hearts will always find one another. Even in the darkest of times."

Luna began to shed tears of both sadness and happiness. She ran up to him and wrapped her forelegs around him tightly, beginning to sob uncontrollably in his arms, wrapping her wings around him as well.

"It's really really is Shadow Taylor.."

Taylor feels her lean into him more, lowering down onto his knees to take her into his arms more lovingly, Celestia coming in to soothe her sister as well, joining in on the hug

"That's right Lulu...even through death, I have made it back to you. But I am sure you know. I am not Shadow Strike now. But I am him at the same time.

"I know Taylor...but the fact that you now have the memories of our past together when you were makes me so very very happy."

"Indeed Taylor...when she lost Shadow Strike...she became so bitter and was partly the result she was banished. But now...not only have you brought my sister happiness with your growing relationship. But you have brought her even more with this development.I knew there was a reason you were sent here from your that world you didn't truly belong. But now you are home... With all of us at last."

That's right, Taylor was home. While it was a little late, it was better than never. While he was hugging Luna, he could swear that he saw Shadow Strike standing in the corner, removing his hood and smiling warmly to Taylor, he was standing beside a younger version of Luna, both bowing and whispering

"Thank you."

Act 17: All I Want Is To Be With You, Forever

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Taylor and Luna walked through the castle after their long embrace from what was shared earlier between him and the two sisters. As they walked, Luna was sticking to his side much closer than she usually would. Not that Taylor didn't mind one bit, having her at his side was the best thing he could ever hope for. As they walked on, he was greeted by both soldiers and maids that worked in the castle, some male some female. Luna didn't mind the males, but each time a mare squeals and runs up to Taylor, she puffs out her cheeks in jealousy. Taylor had to keep reassuring her that all was well. They finally made it out the the farthest royal garden, on his way though. He could see...phantom images of Shadow Strike and Luna playing around the courtyard, seems like this was when they were much younger. He could help but chuckle at what he saw. Two young ponies having the time of their life together. Luna looks up at him and arches a brow.

"What is so amusing Taylor? Are you laughing about me puffing my cheeks again?"

"No Lulu, just...remembering when we were younger is all. This is my favorite spot ever since I came here. And now I know why. This is where me and you played when I was a pony. We would always sneak out here at night and play pranks on the night guards. Come to think of it....all I have from the colthood memories are memories of this castle and you and Tia. As well as your parents. But no memory of my own parents."

Luna closed her eyes and would nuzzle into him lovingly, leaning against him.

"That's because you didn't have any parents Taylor. mother and father took you in. They found you while on royal business, and they brought you home. They felt like they had found you for a reason, so you lived with me and Tia."

"So in short, I am kind like your adopted little brother....that's kinda hot."

He said teasingly, Luna's face turned crimson, she visibly shivered at the suddenly realization and he could swear her heard a small moan coming from her. He laughs lightly, leaning in closely whispering to her

"Oh? Does that taboo thought turn you on my sweet Lulu?"

"By the moon Taylor. You are soooo lewd with me....and I like it more than I should..."

Taylor smiles warmly and leans in closely. locking lips with her passionately as the moon's shown on both of them, Taylor brings his arms around her and places both of his hands on her flanks, squeezing and fondling her as they shared that passionate kiss.

"Now then my dear princess of the night. I believe that we had plans before everything went all to hell. I love you so much Lulu. And I want to show you just how much I do."

Luna looked at him for a moment with wide eyes, she knew exactly what he was talking about and remembered that they indeed did make plans for such things. And what better night than this one? The night of his return to her. She gave him those sweet seductive bedroom eyes and nodded. Suddenly she teleports them both to her chambers, both of them falling to the bed with Luna under Taylor, he leans over her carefully and cups her jaw with both hands, kissing her heatedly as their arousal began to grow rather rapidly. He takes off her regalia while still showering her with affection and love. he then removed his own clothing after he had helped her, the bare forms now touching and rubbing against one another as they deepened their kiss. after awhile, there was heavy panting and the scent of Luna's arousal filling the room, and Taylor's nose, this started to drive him crazy as his member was now rock hard and ready to claim his prize. Taylor was aware of what was going on, but his arousal made him feel...more like a beast rather than a human, his eyes locking with hers and his hands pinning her down firmly but not enough to hurt her

"Mmmmnnh...Taylor...please be gentle with me at first. This is our first time after all."

She didn't get a word from him, only a simple nod and began to lean in and bite at her neck, pulling at her skin firmly as his hands wandered her form, squeezing and fondling her flanks and her teats between her legs. This may have been his first time as well. But he knew all the hot spots for her for some reason. What it because of the memories that he shared with Shadow Strike? Quite possibly. As Taylor fondled and played with her form, Luna lets out a series of coos and moans as her lover claims her body for his own, she barely manages to speak to him.

"T-Taylor...can I suck you for a little bit...I like nursing on you a lot...and I know you enjoy it very much as well..."

Taylor would stop molesting her body long enough to give her another nod. He pushes back and slides across the bed, opening his legs up to give her better access. Luna crawls between his legs slowly and seductively, bringing her head to his tip and licks on it slowly, then brings her mouth on it and bobs her head slowly and suckles on it happily, her rear in the air and swaying side to side as she claims her lover's member. sweet little moans and suckling sounds coming from her. Taylor lets out a low growl of delight as he watches her work his throbbing member. his hands gripping the bed sheets and his legs twitching ever so often.Luna just continued to stare up at him with those beautiful teal eyes. Working her tongue expertly around his member as she had seen done within his dreams. She felt kind of bad for invading dreams like that. But it worked to help make her lover happy. And his happiness was important her, as was hers to his. She could hear him breathing heavily and feel his muscles tighten.


"Yes Taylor, give it all to me...I want to taste you more and more.."

She said after she pulled off of him with a wet lewd pop, then plunges him back down her throat and begins to work her head faster and harder, lightly massaging his orbs as they tightened. With a loud grunt, his releases his thick seed into her throat and belly. She lets out a little squeal as she somehow had her own little climax as he poured himself into her mouth. She didn't know why, but she could get off just by doing this. But Taylor wasn't going to have that...not this time. As Luna pulled off and licked her lips, Taylor pushed her down and lined his still hard member up with her wet and needing folds, a low growl in his voice as he spoke to her

"I am going to claim you are going to be my sweet breeding mare forever and ever..."

Luna could hear the dominance and desire in his voice, she lowered her ears and opened herself up to him

"Yes Taylor, please take this mare. claim her body for your own and no one else. I am yours now and forever!"

With that, Taylor slid him member into Luna and began to work his hips against hers, feeling himself pass through her barrier. She lets out a small cry of pain and wraps her legs around him, but soon they melt away into moans of pleasure as Taylor worked his hips hard against her flanks, his orbs slapping against her rear with each thrust. They locked lips every now and then as their bodies came together. The sounds of heavy breathing and flesh clashing together echoed through the room. The two lovers were in pure bliss as they made love to each other. They switched from missionary position to doggy position, which seemed to turn Luna on ever more. She seemed like such a lewd and sexual mare with Taylor, especially here. But outside these walls, you would have never guessed it!

"Yes Taylor, mount me mount me!"

She screamed out in moans and heavy breathing, their bodies now covered in sweat and other fluids as their love making continued. Luna was soon on the verge of her climax, with Taylor not too far behind her

"Taylor...I am so close, so very very close. Give me all you got now. Breed this mare!"

She screamed out. Taylor only responded in growls and grunts as he gave full force with his hips now. Harder and deeper, reaching down and slapping her rear a few times. Suddenly they throw their heads back in delight, Luna screaming and Taylor letting out another loud growl as they climaxed together. Their hips working in short and quick motions. They both lean in and meet half way, locking lips once more with a heated kisses, moaning into each others mouth and twirling their tongues together as they share their moment. After awhile, they snuggled up together with Taylor still inside of her, his arms wrapped around her and hers around him.

"By the moon Taylor, You are sure you are a virgin? After that performance? It was absolutely amazing..."

"Well, being a virgin also means you have pent up sexual frustrations that needed to be released. And that's exactly what I did my I loved hearing you be so lewd...really turned me on..."

"And they way you took me without hesitation was scary, but oh so very exciting and wonderful....I want you to claim me the way you did every time we do that."

"I am curious are you able to climax just by sucking me off?"

"I..I am not sure Taylor. But every time I see it happen in your dreams...its so so exciting. And it gets me aroused. And when I do it...I just let go..

"Well, I certainly am not going to complain my princess of the night...feel free to make yourself comfy between my legs and get your fill..."

He said as he would lightly boop her nose, then kisses her again. He then gives her another loving gaze and caresses her cheek

"Luna...I want to be with you forever...but I am sure you know that me being a human. And you being an are going to out live me by far.."

Luna couldn't help but giggle lightly, this making Taylor arch a brow at her

"We won't need to worry about that Taylor, as you are my destined lover and partner. You will be given the same life span that me and Tia have now. You will stop aging at twenty-five. You will be immortal, but not invincible."

"Wow....get the love of my life and I get to spend eternity with her? Pretty sweet deal..."

They both laughed and held each other closely. She then whispered to him

"This was all I wanted be with you, forever and beyond."

Act 18: To Spend Time With Friends Part 1

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It was still early in the morning. Taylor's eyes shot open as he awakened, his eyes upon the dark ceiling as he laid beside his lover and best friend. She had all four of her legs wrapped around him in a loving embrace and her head on his chest. He reaches up and runs his fingers through her mane lovingly. She was so beautiful, be it awake or asleep. Taylor couldn't help but feel he was the luckiest guy ever. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead gently. This makes the alicorn smile as she slept, nestling in even closer to her. He was practically wearing her now. Not that he didn't mind one bit of course. He looked out the window and noticed the sun was making its way up. He gently shook Luna and chuckled lightly

"Come on Lulu, you gotta lower the moon so Tia can get the sun much as I hate that damned thing."

A little whimper came from her as she buried her head in his neck a bit, those legs of hers putting a vice grip on his body. He laughs lightly and boops her nose gently with a finger.

"I don't want this to end as much as you don't Lulu. But we gotta get up at some point silly mare. Not to mention, after last night we need to get ourselves cleaned up."

Her eyes open quickly and a massive blush came across her face, though a smile came across her face as well.

"Last night was absolutely amazing Taylor...the love we made...and how firm and loving it was. You made me show a side of myself I never thought I had. And I loved it..."

"You think I did that good for my first time? I just acted on instinct and my feelings I had for you I suppose."

"And you must love me quite a lot then, I am very very sore from the mounting you gave me, one of the sweetest pains ever."

They both laughed at that, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips lovingly. They then got up.

"I will go and get the water ready for us Lulu, you go do your thing."

He said as he walks passed her, swatting her flank playfully, causing her to make her usual cute little 'Eep!' sound. She narrows her eyest at him for a moment, then sticks her tongue out at him. He grins widely and heads into the bathroom, turning on the shower. The events of what happened the night before played over and over in his head. Never in a million years did Taylor think his first time was going to be with...a royal pony...much less a pony. But you know what.. He was okay with this. After all, he was her past fiance in another life. So he felt no shame in it whatsoever. In facr, he felt great joy in his relationship with Luna. There is nothing more that could truly make him happier.

"Taylor, I am coming in now!"

He was met with a blue blur that raced towards him and pounced him, causing him to fall back against the wall, but he maintained his footing and opens one eye to see that there was a Luna latched to his body. This was juuuuust fine.

"You certainly didn't waste time did you?"

"Of course not, I want to spend as much time with you before you leave for the week. I remember you telling me you were going to Ponyville to spend some time with the others...though I must admit I am a bit jealous..."

"Oh come on Lulu. What, you think I am going to go around with my friends and be unfaithful to you? Not happening for two reasons. One: You are the only mare for me. Two: I don't feel like receiving divine wrath from you or Tia. I like living."

Luna gave him a little smirk and a wicked giggle, narrowing her eyes at him

"That's right mister. You are mine now. And no other mare shall have you but me. Don't worry Taylor, I trust you completely. I know your heart won't stray."

"Well of course, you are the most sexy and beautiful mare in all of Equestria. Your sister comes in at a close second. But you take the cake."

Luna puffed her cheeks out at him with a very much not amused stare, but nodded in agreement

"Yes,she is beautiful, but at least you think I am more beautiful than her...and that's all that matters."

Taylor nods, pulling her close to him as the water runs down both of their bodies. The hot liquid washing away the scent of last night's love making and passion. He runs his fingers through her wet fur, scrubbing and massaging her body all in the process, She became puddy in his magical hands, melting and leaning limp against him, a goofy grin on her face. After about twenty minutes of shower time and many kisses, they finally came out and dried off. Taylor walked over to his clothing and got dressed in his more casual attire instead ofi the leather armor, though he was taking his cloak as it was still winter. Though winter wrap up was coming in three weeks. He is going to miss it very much, as winter is no doubt his favorite season. Luna levitated her regalia onto her body, then slid on her horseshoes, she gazed back at him while he was sliding his boots on. He caught her gaze.

"You know Lulu...if you want to. You could come with me. I will be staying at Twilight's in my duration there. And that big bed in the chambers I stay in gets quite lonely."

Luna's face lit up with a smile, she'd almost nod, but lowers her head and shakes it gently.

"I have to stay here my love. Royal business must come first before I can even leave Canterlot. But how about this. I come and see you in your dreams every night till your return."

" won't be the same without you snuggling against me, but I can work with that."

Luna gives off a little 'N'awwww', coming up to him and placing her front hooves on his chest and kissing him loving, he leans into the kiss, their tongues dancing around each other for a few moments, then the kiss breaks slowly.

"Now run along my love. You don't want to keep them waiting after all."

Taylor nodded, grabbing the few things he needed for his trip, this time taking his baton with him. He made the mistake of leaving that behind before. He looked to Luna and smiled.

"You gonna at least come with me to see me off?"

He asked teasingly. Luna nodded and trotted up to his side. They spent the next few minutes talking about random things, he complaining about night court and him mocking the nobles complaints at every turn. She loved it when he did that. Made her job much easier when she had to do it. They soon came upon the chariot that was to take him to Ponyvile. He turns to her, kneeling down and locking lips with her passionately, not caring the guards were watching, and nor did she. Their kiss lasted a minute or so. Thenn slowly broke, steam coming from their mouths as they parted.

"Be safe Lulu. I love you so very much."

"And I you Taylor. Until you dream, my love."

And with that, Taylor stepped up onto the chariot, the pegasi guards lifting off and taking him to his destination, he waves to Luna as he is taken, then slips his hood on. Cold air is cold.

--Ponyville, In Front Of Twilight's Castle--

Taylor soon arrived at his destination. He hops off the chariot and bows his head to the two who brought him, they smiled and bowed back to him before they took off back to Canterlot. He walks up to the door and knocks on it a few times, within a few seconds, that familiar aura swings the door open, Twilight with the biggest smile on her face jumped up and lunged at him, wrapping her legs around him.

"You made it! I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show!"

He chuckled and hugged her closely, nuzzling into her.

"Come on Twi, with all that's happened. I finally get to come and spend time with you girls. This is gonna be a fun week I am sure."

"Oh oh oh yes it will, me and the girls are very excited. In fact, they are actually here waiting for you in the main room."

"Wait...all of you waited for me to get here?"

"Mhmm, we sure did. While we were unconscious during your battle with Tirek, we have been waiting for awhile to here about it."

Taylor winced a bit as she said that.

"Uuuuh Twi...I don't think you or the others want to know what was pretty grotesque...not to mention poor flutters would be even more afraid of me than she was before."

"So you roughed him up a bit and he was sent back to Tatarus, big deal!"

" don't know what really happened didn't you? I killed Tirek...very brutally in fact. I don't think I want the others to know that I became more of a monster than he was. But he was going to kill Luna and you. Along with Celestia and your friends. I had no choice."

Twilight back away from him with eyes as wide as saucers, she lowered her ears a bit.

"You...killed him? Taylor...I could understand you killing a manticore...but no matter how evil he was. Tirek didn't deserve death."

"No Twi, he didn't.He deserved slow painful torture, then death. And that is exactly what I gave him. He was going to kill Luna right in front of me. And I just suddenly...lost it. I wasn't in control of my body, yet I was watching the whole entire thing unfold. All becuase I wanted to save the mare I loved. And the friends I cared for. And if you fault me for that Twilight, then that's fine. But in my heart, I know what I did was right."

Twilight thought it over for a moment, in the end,he was in his right to do what he did. She looked up at him with a nod

"You are right Taylor...I have no right to judge you, especially when our lives were at stake. Thank you for protecting us."

Taylor and Twilight heard the sound of a throat clearing. He froze for a moment and slowly turned his head to see the rest of his friends staring at him with wide eyes, he would frown under his hood

"Girls...I..please don't be upset with me or scared, I-"

He was suddenly rushed upon by the group who pounced him with hugs and nuzzles, the pony pile growing with Twilight added into the mix

"You..aren't mad at me?"

"Of course not darling. You did something unspeakable yes, but you did it for us...we cannot fault you for that. You saved our lives."

Said Rarity as she nuzzled into his neck

"Yeah, especially now that we don't have to worry about him ever coming back to hurt our friends!"

Exclaimed Rainbow Dash

"And I am not afraid of you Taylor...despite what you did. I still think you are the sweetest pony out there..."

Whispered Fluttershy

"He is a lovable big guy, willing to do what others can;'t. We can't fault him for that!"

Pinkie Pie chimed in

"That's right, he is a true cowpony, willin' to take on even tha toughest!"

Applejack finally finished

"You girls....are truly awesome friends...thank you for not holding it against me."

They stayed like that for awhile just snuggling and nuzzling into him.

Act 19: To Spend Time With Friends Part 2

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It was the first morning in awhile back in Ponyville Taylor had waken up in. Staying with Twilight as usual when he was in town. He sat up and stretched, letting out along yawn as he got up and shuffled to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for his day. The first pony on his list to hang out with for half the day was surprisingly enough..Fluttershy. As he leans against the wall of the shower, cause he wasn't awake yet, he smiles slightly.

"Ah Flutters, never did I think I would ever be spending time with the pony who is the most shy in all of Equestria. Well...I suppose Pinkie's other sister is pretty shy to. But, Flutershy takes the cake."

He then began to wash his hair and soap up his body. After he got out and dried off, he got his usual clothing on sliding on his coat and boots afterwards. As he walked passed a mirror, he stares at the mask that seems it will never release its grip upon his face. He places a hand on the side of it and frowns lightly.

"Don't get me wrong...this is my favorite mask. But I don't want to hide my face from Luna forever. Out of all the ponies I have met here. I want her to see it. Just wish I knew how to get it off..."

He walked out of his room and down the stairs, waving to Twilight as he headed to the door.

"I will be back later tonight Twi. got some plans for today."

"Alright Taylor, be safe and I will see you tonight. Don't be late for dinner!"

"Yes, mother."

He said teasingly. Twilight sticking her tongue out at him in return. He chuckled lightly as he closed the door on his way out. walking down the stairs and into the town. As he did this, the ponies he had come to know smiled and waved to him as he walked by. He returned the gesture. He finally made his way on the outskirts of Ponyville, which eventually lead down a small path and to Fluttershy's small cottage. Indeed many many animals surrounded the home. Bird homes and dens all over the place. Taylor could feel all sorts of eyes on him as he approached, but it didn't bother him none. He got to her door, knocked on it a few times and waited..and waited..he knocked once more

"One second..I will be right with you."

He heard her say

"Fluttershy? It's only me."

"Oh Taylor?"

She asked before opening the door and looking up at him with a gentle smile.

"Please come in, I just put on some tea."

He ducks down to come in, closing the door after he makes his way in. Her house looked small on the outside, but inside was actually quite spacious. He looks down at her.

"You said you needed help with one of your animal friends Shy?"

He asked using a little nickname he had given her

"Mhmm, she is a fox I had found wandering around. She was hurt and I nursed her back to health, but she is very...stand-offish towards me now that she is better."

"Well, I am good with canines in general. Perhaps I can see if she will warm up to both me and you huh?"

"That would be absolutely wonderful Taylor. But first, let me get you that tea.Please make yourself comfortable on the couch over there."

Taylor nodded, walking over and taking a seat. he looks around, meeting the eyes of all the animals that peek from their hiding places to look at him. one little white bunny stands in front of him with his eyes narrowed and his arms crossed. Taylor couldn't help but chuckle.

"And you must be Angel. I know, you get jealous if Shy has a new friend don't you? Sorry little guy, but you can't control who her friends are after all."

The bunny kicked at the bottom of his boot and hopped away. He shook his head and watched as a small white mouse came up to him and sniffed at his boot. Taylor slowly reached down and opened his hand to allow the mouse to climb on if he so wanted. Hesitantly, the mouse did so. He brought him up close to his face and brought a finger under his chin, gently scratching.

"I can see why Shy loves you all. You are very friendly. Animals back in my world weren't like this."

The mouse squeaked to him with a smile, he some what understand what it had squeaked to him

"Indeed, she is a wonderful pony. I suppose Shy has told you about me and Luna then? I won't lie. She is an incredible mare. And I love her with all my heart. No one will ever take her place."

This conversation went on for a few more minutes, until Fluttershy came in with a saucer holding a glass of green tea. Taylor gently sat the mouse back down on the floor gently and watched him run back to his family. He waved to Taylor, he in turn waved back with a warm smile. He turned to see Fluttershy starring at him with an approving smile.


He asked with an arched brow

"Angel bunny doesn't like new faces. But my other animal friends have already warmed up to you Taylor. You truly have a kind soul and a warm heart. Despite what you did to Tirek. It didn't change you negatively. I was worried the event would send you further into the depths of cruelty when you took his life. But,I can see I and the girls have nothing to worry about."

"Well Shy, I wasn't going to let him bring harm to you and the others again. Especially to Luna."

"You truly do love her, don't you Taylor?"

"If only you knew how much Shy...if only you knew."

"She is a lucky have someone as gentle and loving, but willing to cross the line to protect her at the same time. I wish I could have somepony like that..."

"Don't worry Shy. You will find somepony who will sweep you off your hooves, and cherish that sweet and adorable personality you bare. And your shyness will entice them even more. Trust me, if it wasn't for Luna. I would have taken you for myself."

Fluttershy's cheeks turn crimson and she hides behind her mane, placing her hooves together.

"You really would have wanted to be with me Taylor...? I mean, I am nopony special-"

"You are special Shy. In fact you and the rest of the girls are quite special to me. I had no one until I came here"

The conversation went on for awhile, until Fluttershy lead him out into the backyard and to the den where the fox was living. Taylor watched the fox come out of it and locked eyes with her instantly. The fox lowered her ears when he made eye contact with her. he knelt down and held out his hand. sparks began to form between their eyes as they gazed at each other for a few moments

"Come here."

He said in a calm tone, the fox complied and walked over to him, he reached up and began petting her gently, the fox letting out happy fox sounds and nuzzling into his hand. Fluttershy was again impressed at how quickly he could make friends with animals.

"Amazing...she came right up to you...and she seems very happy with you as well."

"Like I said, I am good with canines mostly. She was just afraid is all. Seems like whatever hurt her caused her to become mistrustful. I am just reassuring ehr that everypony isn't all that bad, even someone like me can show her that. Now then sweetheart. Fluttershy will take good care of you. She is kind and gentle as well. So please don't shy away from her. I promise you she won't hurt you. Alright?"

He got a nod and a small yip from the fox, her tail swaying behind her happily as he pat her gently again

"Good girl. Alright Shy, I need to get to AJ's, I promised to help her with apple bucking...even though I can't really buck. I suppose a good drop kick would work...who knows."

"Alright Taylor, thank you again for coming over. I enjoyed our time together, and thank you again for helping me with my little fox friend here."

"Of course Shy, you be careful and be safe."

He said as he began to make his way to Sweet Apple Acres.

--Sweet Apple Acres, Entrance--

Taylor walked along the dirt road and into the farm's entrance. He looks around, getting a bit of a flashback to when he was younger. He grew up on a small ranch when he lived with his parents. Raising cows, goats, rabbits, all kinds of animals. His flashback was quickly shatter by the sound of a young filly calling out his name and slamming into him with a hugs, she clung to his leg and nuzzled into him happily

"Taylor! Its you! Ah am so glad you came by! I have been wantin' to thank ya for savin' muh life. Along with muh friends..."

"Ah hello there Applebloom. Good to see you again. And no worries little one...I simply did what I had to do to make sure you all stayed alive."

"You were so were like a knight jumping in to save a princess from an evil creature. it was rather cool of you to do. Sweetie Belle especially admired you for it. Ah think she may have a crush on you.."

"Poor little heart already belongs to another unfortunately for her. Even if it wasn't taken, she is far too young and I am sure it would be frowned upon. Anyways, where can I find your sister? I am supposed to be helping her with the apple bucking today. least try to anyways."

"She and Granny Smith are in the house with Big Mac. They are waitin' on you actually. Come on in, make yourself at home!"

Taylor nodded and made his wait to the house, coming in behind Applebloom, watching her run in circles around him

"He's here, he's here!"

She shouted excitedly

Applejack looked over and smiled to Taylor, pulling her sister away from him to give him some room.

"Sorry about that sugarcube. Ever since you saved her hide, she has been wantin' ta see you for awhile now."

"Soooo Applejack, this is the handsome stallion you told me about. Well he isn't a stallion, but he is handsome. He needs to remove that mask! So we can see what he looks like!"

"Granny Smith...please don't talk ta him about his's rather personal!"

"Its alright AJ. I have gotten used to ponies wanting me to remove my mask. It simply just can't be done. That's the only explanation I can offer them."

Big Mac walked up to him and looked him up and down, after awhile he smiled and simply said "Eeeyup."

"Looks like Big Mac has already taken a liking ta him. That's good progress."

Applejack said as she lightly punched at Taylor's leg.

"Why i'd say you are already part of the family!"

"Thanks are all too kind."

"T'ain't nothin' sugarcube.Now then, shall we get goin' to the orchard and start gettin' them apples down?"

"Yes, put me to work AJ. I am your pony"

"That's what ah like ta hear!"

Taylor took off his coat and put it o.n the coat hanger that was by the door. He wasn't going to need it. As they walked to the orchard, he was amazed at how many apples had already grown and ripened. Applejack stood there and grinned with her eyes narrowed. Taylor a bit confused.

"Show me what you can do sugarcube. Let see those legs work."

Taylor walked up to a tree and looked up at all the apples. He thinks back to his martial arts training back home and inhales, then exhales, taking a stance and performs a full round house kick to the side of the tree.The tree shakes violently and apples fall from the branches and into the baskets below them. This surprised both him and Applejack.

"Wow...I was actually expecting to fail miserably. turns out as my magic strength did my physical, albeit a little..but still!"

"Indeed. ah am quite impressed with you Taylor. If you can deliver a good solid kick like that, ah'd hate ta be on the receivin' end of that boot of yours..."

This went on for the rest of the day, he helped carry the barrels, kicked a few trees, gathered water for them to drink, and just all around helped the best he could for them. It got to the point where his shirt was completely soaked with sweat, so he removed it as he continued working. Both Applejack and Big Mac looked at his upper body. They starred in shock at the black lightning scars that littered his form. but never brought it up. After is was getting close to sun down, they stopped for the day and went back to the house.

"Thank ya ever so much for helpin' us today Taylor. With your kicks, we got a lot of apples down. We may have ya come by as a part time job if you are interested."

"I will think on it AJ. But right now...I am ready to go back to Twilight's and pass out...feeling a bit sore after that."

"Alright sugarcube. You be safe goin' back now."

"See ya'll around then. And thanks for the job offer. I will let you know soon."

He said as he made his way back to Ponyville. Eventually making it back to Twilight's and passing out after faceplanting into the bed.

Act 20: To Spend Time With Friends Part 3

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It was Taylor’s last day away from his favorite pony. He may have been gone only a week, but it felt like absolutely forever since he had seen her. Maybe he could even try to leave by tonight if things went right for him. Yeah, he will surprise her at Night Court, knowing he will get to see that beautiful smile and her lovely teal eyes light up with happiness. But for now, he did owe some time to Rarity and Pinkie Pie. So he gets up, gets a shower, and gets dressed in his usual attire. He heads out, waving to Twilight as she looked at him with sleepy eyes and smiled as she was was making her way to bed.

“Must have been another all nighter.”

He said with a light chuckle to himself. He opens the door and walks out, closing it behind him as he makes his journey to Rarity’s home.On his way, he is stopped by the three little fillies whom had become like his own little sisters in a way. They run up to him and smile up at him.

“Hey Taylor! Where are you going?”

Sweetie Belle asked with curiosity.

“I am actually on my way to see your sister, Sweetie. What about you? You three staying out of trouble?”

“Yes we are...for the most part.”

Applebloom said with a sheepish grin, which made Taylor arch a brow. He crosses his arms and leans to the side slightly.

“And just what are you three up to this morning? Nothing that would cause your sisters any grief I hope? And not cause me any trouble as well?”

All three of them shook their head quickly, Taylor giving them an approving smile. He crouches down and gives them a gentle part on the head, pulling out some bits from his pocket and holds it out to them.

“Good girls. Got get you something sweet from Sugarcube Corner. I am off to meet with Rarity.”

He said as he stood back up and began to make his way there, the fillies called out to him again.

“Thank you, Taylor!”

They all shouted before running off whatever fillies did he supposed. He made it to the door of Rarity’s shop. It had the sign flipped to open, so he just opened the door and walked right in, closing the door behind him. He walked into the main room, looking around as all of the fashionista’s designs, chuckles to himself as he sees she was already one step ahead for the season. He then hears her call out from the other room.

“Be with you in a moment!”

“No hurry on my account, Rarity. It’s just me.”

“Ah, Taylor!”

She said as she ran in the room tangled in ribbons and fabrics, doing so caused them to wrap around her form and tie her up. Taylor saw trouble here, quickly moving in before she fell to the ground after she stumble, catching her in his arms. She looks up at the man with a slight blush. Taylor was blushing a bit as well, as those ribbons were squeezing her lovely curves that she worked so hard to keep. He wasted no time in helping her out of her binds with a light chuckle.

“I told you to not rush Rarity, you have me for a few hours. We got plenty of time.”

“Oh I know...I am just happy to see you is all, Taylor. Ever since you and Princess Luna got together, you have been staying more in Canterlot. I must admit I am kind of jealous. You living in Canterlot, staying in the castle…”

“Oh Rarity, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. The only reason I stay at the castle is because of Luna. She is the only reason it is worth staying. I don’t deal well with all the nobles and such. And all the fancy events that happen just irritate the hell out of me.”

Rarity nuzzles into him gently as she layed in his arms.

“I am also a bit jealous she has somepony like you wrapped around her hoof. She is a lucky mare.”

Taylor lightly boops heri on the nose with a finger, smiling warmly to her.

“Even if you had gotten to me first Rarity, i don’t think the memories that I was given would have allowed me to be yours. But that is a story for another time. What is it we are doing today?”

She gave a little frown at what he had said, but shook her head and gave him another smile.and She had him all to herself for at least a little while.

“Well, I need to run out and grab some fabrics and such for my next designs. But a poor mare like me can’t carry it all…”

She said as she batted her eyelashes at him.

“You know you don’t have to charm me with those pretty eyes Rarity. I’d be happy to help you. So long as you don’t ask me to sue something or anything that involves superior eyesight...I am kind of lacking in that department as you know…”

“OH sweetie...I would never have you do something I know you would have trouble with. That would be rather insensitive of me wouldn’t you think?”

Taylor chuckles lightly, rubbing the back of his head.

“It is strange….I can take down a manticore and a super powered centaur with magical abilities. But mundane tasks such as sewing and such...I am about as helpless as a child.”

Rarity wraps her arms around his neck and nuzzles him again.

“No need to be ashamed, it is something that is not your fault. If it is one thing I learned. Everypony has a flaw or two, be it physical or not.”

Taylor wraps his arms around the mare, gently squeezing her into a hug.

“You certainly have a way with words Rarity.Maybe you should get an extra cutiemark in ‘sweet talking’ huh?”

They both have a little laugh at that. Taylor releases her and stands up from his kneeled position.

“Alright then. Shall we go?”

“Yes we shall!”

Taylor walks over to the door and opens it for her, standing aside to let her through.

“Ladies first after all.”

“Such a gentlecolt, thank you!”

As they walk through the town gathering the necessary items, Taylor and Rarity talk about the events that have been going on. A few friends stop and say hi. A few clients stop Rarity in the street and chatted her up as well. All the while Taylor had one pony on his mind, Luna. He’d hope that she was doing alright without him. Once he was gone for two days and when he returned, she pounced him and asked him where he had been. As if he was gone for a month.

They continued walking on, the load they have gathered having come to quite a large amount of fabrics and all sorts of things for crafting clothing. Rarity looks up at Taylor, curious as to why he hasn’t said much about the amount of weight he was carrying,and with that mask, she couldn’t tell much of his facial features if he was struggling or not.

“Taylor sweetie, do you...need to take a break?”

“Hm? Oh no. I can make it back to the boutique. Do we need to stop for something else?”

“, but how does anyone tell what is going through your mind with that mask? It worries me. Especially knowing you are a pony who likes to keep to himself a lot.”

Taylor stops for a moment, then offers her a simple smile.

“If you knew me like Luna did. You would know the answer to that. But to put it simply.I don’t like to burden people with my own problems that I have within me. Its how I have always been, even before I came to this world. Growing up with this affliction and an abusive step-father has made me the person I am today. I used to curse God for creating me the way he did. Back in school, the others used to tease me and make fun of my...ailment. But you know what? I showed them what a kid like me could do. I joined up in martial arts, hell I even got first place in a tournament. That is about the only accomplishment I was proud of in my introverted life. Nut then I was brought here, and my life changed for the better. I will never ever want to return to the world I was born in. I believe this is where I truly belong. I guess I had to go through some suffering to get here though. Funny what life throws at you huh?”

Rarity nods to him as she listens intently to his story. After he finishes, she walks up to him and hugs around his waist gently, looking up at him.

“I agree with you. Perhaps you are supposed to be here. But even if you are or aren’t I know I am one of the few ponies here who is happy to have you here with us. I know Twilight and the others are as well. And especially Princess Luna, if that wasn’t obvious enough.”

Taylor nods and reaches down, giving Rarity a gentle pet, this making herr sway her tail happily. Animals will be animals he supposed, sentient or not.

“I couldn’t expect any better friends than all of you, Rarity. I mean it.”

“And you are the sweetest stallion ever..despite your...grim disposition.”

Taylor laughs lightly.

“There is a saying that is said back in my world, ‘Hate the game, not the player.’.”

Rarity giggles and motions for them to get moving back to her shop. Once there, Taylor unloads the items in the spots that Rarity has asked him to place them in. He still had a little bit more time to spend with her, but he wasn’t sure on what they would do.

“It seems we are slightly ahead of schedule, darling. Would you perhaps like some tea before you leave?”

“Do you have green tea?”

“I certainly do!”

“I will take some of that, please.”

“Coming right up!”

She said as she trotted into the kitchen. During the silence, Taylor could hear her humming. Her voice was so alluring. If Luna hadn’t got to him first, he very well may have ended up with Rarity, that much he was willing to admit to himself. He was brought out of his train of thought after he heard the sound of a saucer with a tea cup placed in front of him on the coffee table, He looks up to see Rarity smiling gently to him and sits on the chair across from him. He nods his head in thanks and picks up the cup and sips on it.

“Delicious, thank you again, Rarity.”

“You are quite welcome.”

“Also, thank you for ensuring just how wonderful of a life I have come to have here. I guess I can always count on you to help me see the silver lining in things.”

She blushes lightly, but nods.

“Anything for you, sweetie.”

Taylor waves to Rarity as he leaves her shop, making his way to sugarcube corner now. He can only imagine what Pinkie has in store for them to do. Most likely baking, planning a party, who knows. He was actually quite happy he got a headstart on his day, if he played his cards right, he could leave Ponyville around 6 o’clock in the evening, and be back in Luna’s arms by nine. Just in time for night court to get close to ending. He walks up to the door of the sweets establishment, he couldn’t help but notice that the sign was switched to ‘CLOSED’. He hesitantly knocks on the door, waiting a few moments before knocking again.

“Perhaps both Pinkie and the Cakes are both out on business?” Well, if she had something planned, then I can just head out early-”

Right on cue. Gummy, Pinkie’s pet alligator falls out of the window, landing on top of Taylor’s head with a little grunt, his gaze turns up to look at the large eyes reptile and can’t help but smile.

“Hey there little guy, I take it you have a message from Pinkie?”

The scaley pet simply dropped a piece of paper from its toothless mouth and into Taylor’s hands. He opens up the paper and begins to read it, having to bring it up near his face. Curse you nearsightedness.

Hi Taylor!

Just letting you know I have a fun fun FUN surprise for you at the lake just outside the Everfree Forest. Gummy should have delivered the message to you by now, be sure and bring him to! I just know you are going to like what I got planned! See you soon!

Your favorite party pony,

Taylor shook his head, but smiled. Knowing her, it is a party of some sort. Very well, I guess I can humor her. Ready Gummy?”

He asked the alligator, he then began to make his way to the destination that was specified. While on his way to the lake, thoughts of what exactly she had planned ran through his head. He just shook his head as he thought up that she may try to surprise him again. Silly mare hasn’t learned that it is not a surprise if you tell someone about it. Ah well, she was doing something for him, even though she didn’t have to, and that is what counted. He comes up to the opening which had the lake set in the middle. He was on guard and ready to foil her surprise when lo and behold, there were all his friends, smiling and waving to him as they lounged by the water, all six of the mares justy enjoying...a swimming party. Pinkie saw him approach and bounced up to him with a big smile.

“Nothing like a little pool party to make your day huh?”

She was excited yes, but not the surprise-y kind of greeting he expected.

“Was expecting you to try and surprise me like you always do Pinkie.”

“Well, I kind of did didn’t I? You didn’t expect me to not surprise you, so that is a surprise in itself!”

She was right, she got him..without getting him. Genius.

“Come on silly boy! We got all kinds of refreshments and fun to have. ANd I hope you brought a swimsuit!”

“Sorry Pinkie..I...don’t swim, more so...I can’t.”

Her and the others look at him with frowns as they hear that come from his mouth. Yep,, Taylor doesn’t like to swim, nor can he. He walks over to the table that was set up with the food and drinks, making his way to an umbrella that was vacant and nibbles on his food quietly. They all get up from their spots or out of the water to come around him, he looks up to them.

“Oh girls, don’t worry about me. You all go and have fun. I promise I am fine here.”

“But Taylor...we want you to come swim with us!”

Pinkie said as she lightly tugged on his arm.

“Please Pinkie, don’t ask me of this. I...have a fear of drowning. I will stay here and enjoy watching you all.”

They all gasp while putting a hoof to the mouth.

“Taylor, darling...we wish we would have told us...had we known…”

“Its is alright Rarity, you all didn’t know. It’s weird, I love to take baths and everything, but swimming in deep water just terrifies me. I am sorry if this ruins your fun. But I want you to know I appreciate this nonetheless.”

He lowers his head and pulls his hood over it, lowering his gaze to the ground.


He suddenly feels a pair of warm arms wrap around him, a light squeaking noise was heard.

“It doesn’t matter if you can swim or not! You are here with friends, and that is what matter! I am happy you came! You don’t have to swim, we can still make this fun! Now, no pouty faces mister broody!”

She said as she pulled his hood off and gently took his face into her hooves.

“Come on Taylor, smile!”

He lowers his gaze for a moment, then brings it back up to her, he gives the best smile he can. When he smiles, it is a small and mostly unnoticed one. But for her, he gives her the biggest smile his can, this making her quite happy and cheers.

“Right then, let’s get this party started!”

Pinkie yells as her and a couple of the others leap into the water, the others either sunbathing or just lounging about. That was the first time he had divulged a fear to this case anypony. It just goes to show how far he has come with the group and how close they have gotten. As he was deep in thought yet again, Twilight comes up to him and plops down next to him

“Taylor..are you really alright?”

He lifts his head up from his knees and reaches over, petting her gently on the head.

“Yeah Twi, I am fine, promise.”

“You know, before you got here, me and the girls were talking about our time with you. We all agreed it was very nice. And we hope that you will come and see us more often. Just like I have grown to love these five, we all have grown to love you, and we would do anything to see you happy...anything.”

Taylor smiles warmly to Twilight and continues petting the alicorn. His gaze meeting hers.

“Thank you Twi. I really do mean it. I truly am lucky enough to have you and the others. Even more have Luna again…”

Twilight tilts her head to the side.

“Again? What do you mean Taylor?”

He opens his eyes wide for a moment, realizing that he had just slipped, but quickly plays it off.

“Oh nothing twi...just talking nonsense is all.”

Twilight leans in close and looks him in the eyes. She wasn’t applejack, so he could hide it easily, but she still wasn’t buying it. But she pulls away.. Now that she got a good look at him, she finds something….oddly familiar about him. But she wouldn’t dwell on it now. She simply enjoys her time with all her friends.

It was getting about that time for Taylor to depart back to Canterlot. As he walks to the train station with his friends by his side, he waves and hugs them all goodbye for the time being.

“I promise to return soon ladies, then we can all get together. Until then, all of you please stay safe.”

“Bye Taylor!”

They all shouted and waved at once. After he was on the train and hone, Twilight looked over to Rarity as they were both thinking the same thing.

“You noticed it too, did you?”

“Indeed I did darling. I can’t believe I never really noticed it till now. But there is something that is nagging at me…”

--Canterlot Castle, Throne Room, 9:30 PM--

“This session is now dismissed, be on your way.”

Said a bored Luna as she leaned against her hoof as she sat on the throne.

“That is all for tonight guards, send the others away I have had enough of these petty issues the nobles can’t solve on their own..”

Just as the guard was about to shut the throne room doors, a hand slaps onto the door and pushes it open, the cloaked figure slipping in with a warm smile, those glowing blue eyes staring at the princess of the night so longingly.

“Are you sure you can’t squeeze one more visitor in, your majesty?”

Luna’s eyes widen and she could have sworn her heart was about to burst out of her chest. That voice, those eyes. The guard knew exactly who he was and gave a light chuckle

“Seems our princess has just gotten into a better mood. We will leave things to you then, sir.”

They said as they left the room. Luna climbs off of the throne, she walks Toward Taylor at first, then a trot, then into a full gallop, colliding with him sending them both to the ground. She wrapped her limbs around his body, hugging and nuzzling him like a dog who hasn’t seen their owner in ages. Taylor runs his fingers through her mane gently.

“I missed you to very very much.”

“Oh Taylor...praise the moon you have returned!”

She leans up and locks lips with him instantly, letting out a soft moan as she is now reunited with her lover and soulmate. Taylor lets out a low rumble in his throat as he reaches up and caresses her cheek ever so tenderly. Extremely happy to be with her again. He isn’t going to be taking anymore trips anytime soon. He had missed this beautiful mare a bit too much.

“I love you Lulu.”

“And I you so very much. Welcome home.”

He presses his forehead against hers.

“Good to be home.”

Epilogue: And So, The Mask Finally Falls...

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/!\ CLOP AHEAD! /!\

It was early evening on a cool, crisp fall night . Taylor had finally gotten accustomed to sleeping whenever he needed to. He felt something nuzzling at his neck and a warm arm wrap around his slumbering form. Even without his eyes closed, he smiled and leaned in, locking his lips with his one true lover. She lets out a cute little giggle as they kiss, her tail swaying behind her happily.

“Good evening to you my sweet.”

Luna said as she nuzzled him more.

“It is always a good evening when I wake up to you, Lulu.”

He said in a warm and soft tone, reaching over and cupping her left cheek into his hand. She closes her eyes and nuzzling into his hand affectionately, always so happy to feel her mate’s loving touch.

“It is time for you to wake now. I have Night Court this evening, but when I finish, I have something I wish to show you. That I have shown nopony ever. Not even Tia knows about it. And I feel...that if I trust you with this, our bond will strengthen.”

Taylor was a bit taken back by this. Something that she had never even shared with her sister? Her own flesh and blood? He was feeling more than anything, honored by this. He simply offers her a smile and nods leaning in and pressing his forehead against hers.

“Alright Lulu. I will be awaiting you as always in our favorite spot, just like back then.”

Luna smiles to him in return and nods, giving him one more kiss before heading out the door.After a few minutes, Taylor gets up from out of the bed and stares into the mirror, lightly running his hand along his upper cheek where the mask still laid firmly in place. When would he ever get this thing off? What would Luna think if she saw what was hiding behind it? So many question flooded his mind as he gazed into his reflection. He wasn’t in anyway in resemblance of his former life. Taylor knew what was underneath the mask. A face scarred by the cruel hand of fate that was dealt to him that very same night he was brought to this land. Just as the scars on his body had blackened over and hardened, he was sure that those on his face had done so as well. No...he wasn’t going to doubt this. If her feelings did ring true for him, she would accept him in this form as she did in his last. He knows Luna far better than that.

Do not worry yourself Taylor. She has accepted you, just as you have accepted her, even though you know her flaws and the deeds she has committed, you didn't let that stop you from loving her as you did all those decades ago. Have faith, my friend.

“I know that Sombra, I just wish I knew why this mask was bound to me in the first place. It is my creation sure. But what was the purpose?”

We shall find out soon enough. Give it time.

Taylor simply nods and gets his clothing on, sliding on his cloak to add an extra layer of warmth. He grabs his extendable baton and slides it in his coat, you never know when it would be needed. He makes his way out of the chambers he and Luna shared, walking through the corridors and makes his way to their favorite spot in the west garden. He walked over to the large tree, sitting under it and waited patiently for her to return to him, lowering his head and closes his eyes, falling deep into thought.

--Meeting Place, 11:55PM--

Taylor slowly opens his eyes as he hears those familiar hoofsteps of Luna approaching, he stands up and smiles to her as she comes around the tall wall of bushes that obscured view from everyone, even Celestia’s eyes. Luna comes up to him and stands on her hind legs, Taylor instinctively reaching out and taking her forehooves into his hands, their eyes meet.

“Taylor, are you ready?”

“Yes Lulu...I trust you completely.”

“Then close your eyes my love, and don’t let go of me.”


With a sudden burst of a dark blue light, they couple was swallowed up, vanishing into an unknown area of...somewhere. Taylor opens his eyes and looks around. What he saw was truly breathtaking. This place that he and Luna was in was beautiful beyond all compare. Twas the night sky,dressed in the most beautiful and luminous stars he had ever seen, and the moon in the background was as bright as can be, as if they were standing super close to it. Taylor’s gaze went downward, they were standing on...water. From what he could tell, they were in the middle of a lake that had a small island in the middle of it. Which had a large bed with a large canopy over it that the moonlight shone through from above. Taylor then switches his gaze back to Luna, she began to speak.

“Taylor...those words you spoke to me. Do they still ring true in your heart? Please tell me.”

Taylor lowers his head in thought, then comes back up with a loving smile.

“Lulu, I am going to be honest with you. Never in my whole life, did I ever imagine I would ever find happiness like I have here in this world. I have friends who care for and love me. A new life to live, and then there is you. The one being who I never expected to ever fall in love with and have the chance to be with. We come from two separate worlds Luna, but it would seem, that Fate was kind enough to bring me to you. And I am not going to lie, I am happy I got to fall in love with you Luna. And I did it even though I wasn’t aware of my past life here. Luna, I love you. Always and forever. You are the one I truly belong with and no other will substitute. Even though I am not the pony you fell in love with anymore back then, you still fell in love with me anyways without even knowing it was me.”

He squeezes her hooves gently as he locks eyes with her.

“Luna, I want to be with you forever and ever. I want to be your eternal lover. To comfort and console you in the dark times, and be there to have fun with you in the fun times. I belong to nopony but you. And that is how I want it.”

Luna’s eyes well up with tears not of sadness, but overwhelming joy and happiness. Her body nearly shaking from his genuine words. Her heart was beating ninety miles an hour and it felt like it was about to burst out of her chest.

“ truly have made me the happiness mare alive. Please...kiss me, show me how much you love me…”

Before she could finish her sentence, he locked his lips with ehrs into a kiss that was full of his love and passion for the princess of the night, she lets out a small whimpers as he eyes close slowly, leaning into the kiss as well. Suddenly a black and blue light begins to swirl around Taylor, voices echoing around the area they were in.

He has come so far hasn’t he?

Indeed he has. I think he had met more than enough of the prerequisites…

I believe you are right. We shall release his binds then.

Both of the voices chuckle lightly before both saying.

You continue to entertain us, young man. We may be releasing you, but we will still be watching. We wish you luck in your future and love with this alicorn. Goodbye for now..

And with that, Taylor was lifted into the air and pulled from his lover’s lips, the light continuing to swirl around him, quicker this time. Luna reaches up at him as he is pulled away from her. Suddenly, the light shines even bright around him for a few moments, after which it lowers his body back onto the ground. He collapses to his knees and hands.


Luna shouted as she runs over to him and slides her head under his arms so that it rests on her neck to support him. He lets out a groan as he lifts his head. And just as he did, the mask began to slowly release itself from his skin. Falling to the water, hitting it and tumbling away as if it was on a hardwood floor. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around. Something was different though. His vision, it was...clear. So very clear in fact that he could see things he could barely make out in all the years he had been like this. He looks down in his reflection at the water. Yes, the scars were indeed there, but his eyes had gone from that frightening deep blue and black sclera, to his normal white sclera, and brown and hazel eyes, even the small spots of grey in his hazel eye returned. But, he could see plainly and clearly, as if he never had the affliction ever in his life.

The only thing Taylor could do now, was cry. Things in his vision were now so very precise and clear. Something he had always wanted in his life was now given to him.

“Luna...I can see...everything now. I can see just how hard you work with the night sky now, I can see every detail of your beautiful eyes.”

“And I can see you now Taylor...the one who you truly are behind that mask has been revealed to me. And I can’t be anymore happier with what I see. Your real eyes are absolutely beautiful. And your face is very lovely, now that I can see all of it. Those markings go very well.”

“I am glad that I have been given so much here. Twilight and the other, you, and now this.”

Tears of happiness start streaming down his face at all the abundance of joy in his heart. Luna leans in and kisses his tears away and gently cups his cheek in one of her hooves.

“Taylor...let us consummate our eternal love. Let me give you my gift of love and life, so that I may share it with you forever and always”

She said as she tilted her head towards the island in the middle of the lake, teleporting them both on top of the bed. She stands over him for a moment, then lowers her body onto his and locks lips with him again. Taylor reaches up and places his hands on her rear caressing and squeezing it lovingly as they kissed once more. Luna lets out a cute little moan and she wastes no time in riding Taylor of his clothing and herself of her regalia. Now skin on fur contact, she begins to rub and grind against him, enjoying the feeling of his smooth skin against her.Their kiss lasted for what felt like forever, until they finally parted lips, breathing slightly heavily from the excitement and passion going through their forms.

“ are so beautiful. Nopony compares to you.”

“And you are a very handsome human. I don’t care what others say about us. I know you rightfully belong to me, just as I rightfully belong to you.”

She slowly begins to kiss down his body, running her hooves gently over his exposed flesh. Massaging and rubbing over his form as she makes her way down to the prize that she was seeking, nuzzling against him every now and then on her way down. Taylor shudders slightly from the sensation of her sweet kisses, reaching down and running his fingers through her ever flowing mane. She enjoys it very much when he does that. She may be a ruling member of a diarchy. But now, she was just a pony wanting to show her love to the one and only male her heart soars for. She leans in closely, gently nosing the muscle that rested on his orbs, feeling her hot breath upon the sensitive organ began to make it rise up. Taylor lets out a low moan as he felt that warm tongue of her lick up and alongside it. His free hand squeezing the bedsheets into his grip as he has been wanting this again for quite some time. And knowing Luna, she has as well.

“Mmmh, I have missed your taste my love. And your scent is simply intoxicating..”

She said as she nuzzles into his lap, bringing a hoof up and lightly stroking his member up and down, those beautiful teal eyes looking up into his. Taylor chuckles lightly.

“I know you won’t want to go any further until you got a bit of my seed in your belly. Please my dear, drink up.”

Without hesitation, Luna wraps her warm and soft lips around his growing member, beginning to suckle and nurse on it with her hooves resting against his lower abdomen. Bobbing her head gently, closing her eyes and looking as if she was on cloud nine. Taylor could smell her arousal in the air. Her own folds winking and moistening as she nursed on him. Taylor continues to enjoy her loving attention to his member, his eyes closing and his hands grab ahold of the bedsheets again, squeezing and digging his fingers into them.

“Oh god certainly know how to get me going don’t you? When you get your fill...mmmmh, I am gonna show you just how much I love you...just you wait…”

Luna looked up as him with a loving smile around his cock and those beautiful eyes. Everytime she gazed at him like that, his heart would nearly jump out of his chest. She had such beautiful teal eyes that anyone could get lost in. As Taylor was thinking about that, Luna began to pick up her speed and suckling power. It was clear that she hungered for his seed, and she was not going to back down until she got what she wanted. She moaned and whimpered, bringing her hooves down and lightly massaging his orbs as she continues to milk him for his first release.Taylor’s breathing quickened, squeezing the bedsheets even more harder as his orgams was close at hand. He began to thrust his hips up against her pretty face, taking hold of her horn and running his fingers along it gently. He didn’t know it, but the way he was stroking her horn was increasing her own pleasure. He could tell he was doing something right because of how hard she was sucking on him now, and her tail was swaying more. This causing him to feel that familiar sensation creeping up his body once more. Yes, the sensation of a powerful release building up.

“L-Lulu...I’m gonna…”

She pulls off of his member with a lewd pop and breathes lustfully, giving him those bedroom eyes again.

“Yes my love, give me what I want, allow me to drink from you once more!”

She exclaimed as she went straight back to work, running her tongue around his memebr and suckling harder and faster now, feeling his member throb and swell within her muzzle a bit more. He started panting a bit more heavily, that sensation getting ready to nosedive down his spine and out of his body. With a sudden thrust of his hips, he began pumping his essence into her maw, the feeling and taste of his seed filling her mouth was enough to make the mare squeal and have a small orgasm of her own. Her eyes widening for a moment, then closing as she begins to nurse on the flowing stream. Her own juices leaking down the side of her hind legs she was laying on. She gulps and gulps as she drinks down her lover, happy as can be. After the stream ends, she slowly pulls off of him again with another wet pop, licking her lips clean and swallowing what was left on her lips

“Delicious as always…”

She said with an adorable giggle. Taylor placed his hands on her sides gently and gets ready to switch positions, but is stopped by her.

“ stay on top this time, please?”

Taylor arches a brow, but nods and allows her to stay how she is. She climbs a bit further up until her warm, dripping sex is right over his still hard member. She places her hooves on his chest gently and lowers herself down onto him, his member sliding into her marehood perfectly like a glove.He reaches down to her rear, placing his hands on each of her flanks and looks up into her eyes lovingly.

“Are you ready for the ride of your life then, my princess of the night?”

“Yes, my dark wizard...I am ready.”

She said as she began to work her lower body and and down on his member, he in turn begins to thrust up inside of her, meeting with her in rhythm as their love making continued. As this went on, they locked lips every now and again, kissing and nosing one another lovingly, pressing their foreheads against each other. All was wonderful. Just them and no one else, showing each other just how much they loved one another. This wasn’t like the last time they made love. That last time was a bit more wild and lust driven on both of their parts, but this was more for affection and love than anything else. Sweet and gentle. Luna starts to ride him a bit faster, her soft rear lightly bouncing on his hips as he meets her riding with his own thrusts. The sound of their forms slapping against each other echoed throughout the area.

“Taylor...I love you, I love you so so very much!”

She exclaimed as she began to ride on him as quickly as she could, her inner velvety walls squeezing tightly around him.

“As I you L:una, always and forever!”

He exclaimed as well, they were both reaching their final climax after going on for about awhile now. They could feel each other shaking and getting ready to explode once more. Luna was more than ready to receive her lover’s seed once again, and he was more than happy to give it to her.


“As am I My love, as am I!”

They both let out a synced loud moan as they begin to climax as one, his seed filling her insides and her own climax milking him for all he has, this goes on for a few minutes, the waves of pleasure racking both their forms in absolute bliss. After their ride ends, Luna flops down on his body with a satisfied grin, closing her eyes and rubbing his chest gently, his member still buried deep within ehr. She leans up and locks lips with him once more, Taylor not minding this one bit.

“And now, in the name of Faust, we are now eternally bound.”

She said as a small dark blue light began to glow on Taylor’s body, just over his heart. Luna’s crescent moon cutie mark was now placed directly onto Taylor,symbolizing that Luna has now truly found the one she wants at her side forever and always.

“It is done.”

Taylor said with a loving tone and begins to run his fingers through her hair affectionately once more. The couple just laid there, knowing that even should things become dark in this world, they will fight through it together. And never to be split apart again.

Author's Note

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So then,I decided to end the story here. But it is not over. Since the mask is off, it is time to create a whole new story. I see it as...Taylor and Luna continuing their relationship from where they left off. And a new story will be born in the process. I know this will upset a few of you. But it is how I feel that it should work. So in short, a sequel will happen. This was my first story, and i rushed it too quickly. Been racking my brain since I last updated this story. And I hope that those of you who will be angry with me forgive me.

May the darkness grant you all peace.