Messing with Magic 2

by blablafreckenlover

First published

Twilight and Fluttershy enjoy a nice if unorthodox relationship until something happens to change it.

A run in with dark magic leads Twilight and Fluttershy to start an stable, happy, and unorthodox relationship. When an unexpected event causes a change in their dynamic, their relationship is pushed. How will they hold up under this new stress? **Warniing ab/dl and light bds, content ahead. Continue reading at your discretion**


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“Hmmm,” Rarity pondered staring at Twilight. She put her red glasses back over her eyes and scrawled something on a piece of paper. Twilight wiggled around anxiously on a podium. She was wearing a light blue dress that had an embroider picture of a sheep prancing on the chest. The skirt of the dress was adorned with white polka dots and it went all the way to the base of Twilight’s tail. Past Twilight’s tail was a thick pink diaper the sides of which were adorned with curvy lines. Twilight seemed to be annoyed with Rarity.

“Is this going to take much longer Rarity?” Twilight asked. “It feels like we’ve been at this for hours.”

“This is a delicate process Twilight. I have to get the skirt length just right. Enough were you can catch glimpses of the diaper but not so much that it’s constantly visible. It’s a tough length to nail down just right.” Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. “Just try and stay calm dear I’m almost done. Besides it’s not like you have to stop to go to the bathroom.”

“Haven’t heard that one before,” Twilight said quietly under her breath.

“Ok I think you’re right we do need a break,” Rarity said picking up on Twilight’s growing annoyance.

“Thank you,” Twilight said relieved. She stepped down from the podium as Rarity helped her get undressed. After the dress was removed Twilight shook a little trying to get the stiffness out of her limbs. “Sorry Rarity I know how hard you’re working on this new line. I just couldn’t take it anymore.”

“I know I know,” Rarity said sympathetically. “I can always just do a spin on last year’s foal fashion if this doesn’t work out. Wasn’t there something else you needed done while you were here?”

“Oh yeah,” Twilight said as she moved the coat around her neck out of the way to reveal the pink collar around her neck. “Fluttershy was worried that my collar might be getting a little too tight.”

“It’s supposed to be darling,” Rarity said inspecting the collar with her glasses. She tugged at it to see how far it would move from Twilight’s neck.

“That’s what I told her, but you know how she is always worried about everything. It’s not really up to me anyway.”

“I suppose it does seem a bit tight. Do you wear it in the bath?”

“Yeah I don’t ever really take it off. You and Fluttershy are the only two that have the key to it.”

“I think it may have shrunk a tad dear.”

“Oh should I stop wearing it in the bath then.”

“Oh no dear. This is a simple fix I left a little bit of extra fabric sewn on the inside because I figured this would happen eventually.” Rarity walked over to her desk and rummaged around until she found a small key. She also found a piece of rope and tied one end in a loop. She went over to Twilight who lowered her head. Rarity found the heart shaped lock on the back of the collar and opened it with her key. She then carefully removed the collar and quickly threw the rope loop over Twilight’s head.

“What’s this?” Twilight asked confused about the rope. Rarity tightened it up against her neck.

“I take collars very seriously Twilight. You’re going to have to wait here until I get done.” Rarity said as she tied the other end of the rope to a small ringlet in the floor.

“Is this really needed Rarity?” Twilight said. She tugged on the rope to get a good sense of where it let her wander.

“Yes Twilight,” Rarity said as she wandered into a back room. Twilight rolled her eyes and laid down on the floor. She could very easily undo the knot, but she decided against it she didn’t want to upset Rarity. It wasn’t long before Rarity emerged from the back room. “Ok all done. This should fit a little better. I also took the liberty of washing it for you.” Rarity said as she put the collar around Twilight’s neck. “Let me know if the fit bothers you because I’m about to lock it.” Twilight ran the tip of her hoof around it. It was looser than she liked but she didn’t see any reason to complain.

“I think that’s fine,” Twilight said happily. With a click Rarity locked the collar in place.

“Ok all done,” Rarity sang happily. “You guys really should let me make some other things for I have so many ideas,” Rarity said removing the rope from around Twilight’s neck.

“Easy cowgirl,” Twilight said playfully. “We don’t really do all that.”

“But I’m more than happy to let you try. Bon Bon absolutely loves the stuff I made for her.”

“I appreciate the enthusiasm Rarity, but I don’t think it’s what we’re looking for,” Twilight said as she grabbed the dress she wore in. It wasn’t a particularly loud dress. It was a light shade of pink and the skirt trailed past Twilight’s flank and covered her diaper completely. “I’ve got to head back home now. Sorry I couldn’t help you get the sizing right.”

“It’s fine,” rarity said dismissively. “We can try again some other time. See you later Twilight,” Rarity waved as Twilight walked away.

Chapter 1

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A blue bird chirped outside of Twilight’s window. The noise caused her to rustle awake. Her movement also caused Fluttershy, who was sleeping next to her to wake up as well. They both were a sight. Their manes were tangled and messy and the fur on their coats was tufted in odd arrangements.

“Good morning baby,” Fluttershy said lovingly. She leaned in to give Twilight a kiss on the forehead.

“Can I have five more minutes?” Twilight asked groggily.

“Come on silly the sun's up so you have to be up too,” Fluttershy said as she got up from the bed. She threw the covers off of Twilight revealing the Pink diaper she wore to bed. The diaper was thick and had an infantile floral design on it. “We have an appointment with Rarity to pick out our dresses for the gala. All of our friends will be there.”

“Ok ok,” Twilight said as she rolled off of the bed.

The two of them made their way to the bathroom and crowded around the sink. Fluttershy turned on the faucet while Twilight grabbed their toothbrushes with magic. She quickly ran the toobrushes through the running water and put one squirt of toothpaste on each of them. Flutterhsy turned off the faucet and the two began to brush their teeth. After they were done the two simultaneously spit into the sink. After they brushed their teeth they brushed their manes back into shape and sat down across from each other. They then applied finishing touches to each other. Fluttershey finished styling the front of Twilight’s mane while Twilight curled Fluttershy’s eyelashes. After they were finished the two kissed each other lovingly on the cheek. They then moved to the closet where Fluttershy began thumbing through the myriad outfits she had acquired for Twilight since they’ve been together. She pulled out one of Rarity’s foal fashion dresses. This was a purple one decorated with sideways white stripes instead of the usual embroidered animal motif. This dress ended in a purple satin tutu that stopped way before Twilight’s tail. It had a purple diaper cover with a single frill around the waist in a similar style to the tutu.

“I know it’s a little showy,” Fluttershy said placing the outfit down on the bed. “But it’s just our friends and you know they don’t mind, so you’re wearing this today.” Fluttershy said not giving Twilight a choice in the matter.

“Yes mommy,” Twilight said obediently. Fluttershy smiled happily. Fluttershy moved over to Twilight and looked carefully at her diaper.

“You’re still dry. Let’s wait til after breakfast to change you. I’d hate to waste a perfectly good diaper.”

“Works for me,” Twilight said as the two made their way towards the castle’s kitchen. “What did you want to eat?" Twilight said happily skipping past the living room and into the kitchen. The living room sat just off of the main chamber of the castle where the magic map was, and was fairly spacious. The walls were crystalline but the furniture was a bit more comfortable, wooden tables and chairs and a large purple love seat were the main pieces of furniture but the walls were decorated with pictures from Twilight and her friends adventures. The furniture here wasn't near as imposing and royal looking as the rest of the castle. The kitchen was similar. Metal appliances stuck out against the crystal walls oddly. Empty spaces on the walls were covered with various knick knacks to try and make the juxtaposition of crystal and metal less jarring. "I just went to the store yesterday so I’ve got all kinds of stuff we could whip up,” Twilight said stopping in the middle of the kitchen

“I think I’d be fine with some fresh fruit,” Fluttershy said removing assorted fruits from Twilight’s fridge.

“Sounds perfect,” Twilight said grabbing a plate for the two of them. They spent the next few minutes chopping up a pineapple, some apples, and pears into a colorful arrangement on the plate. Fluttershy made her way to the living room but Twilight stayed in the kitchen.

“What is it baby?” Fluttershy called.

“Do you think maybe you could feed me in the highchair?” Twilight asked cutely.

“Of course sweetie,” Fluttershy said lovingly. Fluttershy opened a closet that held various spices and also Twilight's high chair. She moved the large highchair into the middle of the living room. Even though they called it a highchair it was actually about the same size as a regular chair just with straps to keep Twilight secure and a tray over it. It needed to be low to the ground so Fluttershy could have an easier time feeding Twilight. Despite this Twilight still loved being in it and it felt like a highchair to her. Twilight excitedly climbed into the highchair and Fluttershy secured her in with the chairs straps and attached the tray. She then lovingly tied a bib around Twilight's neck and made sure her hooves were stuck underneath the tray so she couldn’t feed herself. She placed the plate of fruit on the tray. Fluttershy proceeded to eat a bite of fruit for herself and then feed a bite to Twilight. “Open wide sweetie,” Fluttershy cooed. Twilight obliged and opened her mouth comically wide causing Fluttershy to giggle. “Someone’s being silly this morning.” Twilight giggled back confirming Fluttershy’s statement. Between the two of them they quickly finished the plate of fruit. Twilight of course made a bit of a mess but Fluttershy quickly and lovingly cleaned her with the bib before releasing her from the high chair. Fluttershy coyly revealed that she had a filled bottle behind her back. Twilight pranced happily on to the living room's couch. Fluttershy sat down on the sofa and Twilight laid her head in Fluttershy’s lap.

“Did I ever tell you I love you,” Twilight said softly. Fluttershy stuck the nipple of the bottle in Twilight’s mouth.

“Only every day,” Fluttershy replied giggling. This bottle was one that Rarity had made for them. The nipple was larger allowing Twilight to suckle easier so she finished the bottle in no time. Once she was done Fluttershy replaced the bottle with a purple pacifier that had a similarly modified nipple. Twilight happily suckled on it as Fluttershy checked her diaper. “Now we’ve got a wet diape don’t we?” she said lovingly. Twilight blushed slightly but continued suckling her pacifier as Fluttershy led them into the castle's most recent addition, the nursery.

The nursery was tucked into the back corner of the castle in one of the rooms that was noticeably less crystalline than the others. Instead of the hard crystal in most of the other rooms, the floor of the nursery was covered in a soft pink rug and, with the help of some construction from Applejack, the hard rock walls were covered over with a softer dry wall material. This was decorated with several pictures of Twilight and Fluttershy happily together as well as several hand drawn and colored pictures from Twilight of various creatures she observed from Fluttershy's cottage. The two pieces of furniture in the room were a large crib and changing table both for Twilight, though sometimes Fluttershy was known to keep Twilight company in her crib if she or Twilight was having a particularly stressful day. Several Stuffed toys dotted the floor of the room and light shone in a rainbow though one of the crystalline windows. The whole room had a peaceful atmosphere of love. Twilight lied down on her changing table and Fluttershy put Twilight’s hooves into the restraints on the table that prevented Twilight from getting her hooves in the way during the diaper change. The two didn’t speak during the diaper change. They didn’t need to though Twilight just happily suckled her pacifier while Flutterhsy lovingly applied powder and taped a fresh disposable diaper in place.

“I thought we should probably stick with disposables today since we are going out. We can get you in some cloth diapers tomorrow if you want,” Fluttershy said as she released Twilight from the changing table’s restraints. As soon as she was able Twilight sprang up and embraced Fluttershy in a hug. “Thank you sweetie, but we still have to get you dressed for the day.” Twilight happily obeyed and followed Fluttershy back into the bedroom where the outfit was still laying on the bed. Fluttershy dressed Twilight into the outfit. During the process Twilight had come down from her significantly little state she was in earlier.

“Do we really have to go to the gala this year?” Twilight asked. “Can’t we just stay here?” FLuttershy kissed Twilight sweetly.

“It’s important for us to be with our friends dear. You’ll have fun, and then we can play all day the day after how about that.”

“Oh alright,” Twilight said giving in. The two made their way to the front door of Twilight’s castle but Fluttershy stopped along the way to grab Twilight’s leash which hung innocently and inconspicuously on a hook by the front door. The leash was made out of the same pink material her collar was and was dotted with several blue hearts. “Honey our friends will be there," Twilight said concerned. "You know the leash makes them a bit uncomfortable.”

“We’ll take it off before we get there ok,” Fluttershy said attaching the leash to Twilight's collar.

“But other people will see us too,”

“We’ll take the long way. All I know is my baby wants some special attention and you’re going to get it,” Twilight was about to say something but Fluttershy cut her off. “I don’t want to hear any more back talk out of you,” she said in the sternest voice she could manage. Despite how stern she was trying to sound it still came out as sweet and tender, but it had the intended effect on Twilight who immediately snapped to attention and obeyed.

“Yes ma’am,” Twilight said obediently.

“Good girl,” Fluttershy said rubbing Twilight under her chin. With that the two peeked out of the front door of the castle. When they couldn’t see anyone around them they bolted to a secluded path behind some trees giggling the whole way. Once they were safely out of sight of others they took a more leisurely pace to carousel boutique. Twilight would purposefully lag behind so Flutterhsy would have to yank on the lead to get her to speed up. Once the boutique was in sight Fluttershy removed the leash from Twilight. When she got in close to remove it Twilight surprised Fulltershy with a kiss on her forehead. This scared Fluttershy and she jumped away from Twilight in terror before she realized what happened. Twilight couldn’t help but laugh at Fluttershy’s skittishness. Fluttershy playfully hit Twilight on the head with her hoof. “Don’t scare me like that.”

“I can’t help it,” Twilight said giggling. “It’s funny.” Fluttershy sighed, because she just couldn’t stay mad at Twilight. “I’m sorry though,” Twilight said lovingly as she gave Fluttershy a hug. “Forgive me?” Twilight asked cutely.

“I forgive you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t get you back for this later,” Fluttershy said snidely. Twilight was both excited and slightly scared at this comment. The two then made their way inside carousel boutique where their friends were waiting.

Chapter 2

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When Fluttershy and Twilight walked inside Carousel Boutique, Pinkie Pie was currently being fitted in her dress while Applejack sipped from a juice box to the side. Pinkie was eerily still as Rarity made the modifications to her dress. Apparently Rarity had talked Pinkie Pie into sporting one of her foal fashion dresses to the gala. Pinkie Pie’s was of course pink with a candy motif. A lollipop picture adorned the front of the dress and pictures of other candies were dotted around the body seemingly at random but in a way that, at a distance, gave the appearance of sprinkles. The body of the dress was the longest part and it want all the way to the tip of Pinkies tail where a small white skirt fanned out. Underneath this was a plain red diaper cover. The white skirt and red diaper cover gave the appearance of a cherry on top of whipped cream. Seeing Fluttershy and Twilight enter the shop caused Pinkie Pie to leap with excitement.

“Fluttershy! Twilight!” Pinkie sang happily. Rarity quickly grabbed her before she jumped away.

“Hold on I’m almost finished,” Rarity said annoyed by the sudden movement. Pinkie shook expectantly while Rarity finished some stitching.

“Howdy,” Applejack said positively. “You know Twilight. We’re supposed to be trying on dresses you didn’t have to wear one here.” Applejack said noticing the rather showy dress Twilight wore in.

“Twilight gets a little nervous when she goes out without anything covering her diaper,” Fluttershy said lovingly.

“It’s not really covering anything,” Applejack said swatting at Twilight’s tutu which stopped about halfway down her body.

“I guess it’s the thought that counts,” Twilight said shrugging.

“Twilight!” Pinkie pie screamed now that Rarity was finished. She jumped off of Applejack’s head and vaulted over Fluttershy to embrace Twilight in a hug that quickly became a tackle as the two fell to the ground.

“Pinkie!” Rarity shrieked. “Just because I’m done making adjustments doesn’t mean you should jump around in it. You’ll tear a seam.” Rarity and Fluttershy combined their strength to help pull Pinkie Pie off of Twilight. The purple alicorn lay dazed and confused from Pinkie’s surprise attack.

“Aww but I have so much affection to give,” Pinkie said latching on to Fluttershy.

“If you’re going to be hopping around like that at least take the dress off so you don’t ruin it,” Rarity said angrily. Pinkie Pie seemed to lose all form as she slid out of the dress, perfectly catching it with a hangar before it hit the ground and effortlessly tossing it on a nearby rack. “So what did you think of that one Applejack?” Rarity asked caught up in her own design.

“I don’t know Rare. It still doesn’t seem like somethin’ I could pull off,” Applejack said unsure.

“Pull what off?” Twilight said curiously.

“Oh Rarity was wantin me ta wear somethin’ from her new line to tha gala,” Applejack said a little embarrassed. “An I’m not entirely sold on em’ just yet.”

“Still think they are too infantile huh?” Rarity said as if that were a challenge.

“Isn’t that tha point?” Applejack said confused.

“Well yes, but I can still pull off the signature foal fashion look without it being ‘infantile’,” Rarity said styling her mane.

“Look Rare I’m more than happy to help spread the word about it some other way. You don't have to make a special style just for me.”

“Tell you what, look at the one I made for Fluttershy and then make up your mind.”

“Really you’re getting one?” Applejack said looking at Fluttershy confused.

“I know,” Twilight laughed. “Isn’t it great?”

“I was impressed with the design she gave me,” Fluttershy explained. “And I really do want to help her market her new clothing line so I said yes.”

“Now watch and be amazed Applejack,” Rarity said as she swiftly grabbed Fluttershy and brought her on to a small platform. She then wheeled out a rack of dresses that had Fluttershy’s on it. With expert precision Rarity quickly helped Fluttershy get dressed. Fluttershy's dress was a dark blue with purple frills. The skirt had an opposite pallet purple with dark blue frills and covered most of Fluttershy’s tail. The skirt also covered most of Fluttershy’s diaper cover which in this case was operating more like bloomers. The diaper cover was a slightly lighter shade of blue with one line of pink lace around the middle of it. It was only noticeable from a certain angle or when Fluttershy moved and even then it was only glimpses. Rarity topped the ensemble off with a purple feather tucked behind Fluttershy’s ear. Twilight was ogling Fluttershy in a dream like state. Applejack stood surprised at the result. “Now what do you think Applejack? Still too infantile?” Rarity said proudly.

“Credit where its do Rarity you somehow made it look appealing,” Applejack said humbly.

“Wow honey you look amazing,” Twilight said hopping on the stage with Fluttershy.

“It definitely wasn’t what I was expecting,” Fluttershy said not used to her clothing being so brash. “And these bloomers feel a little strange,” Fluttershy said purposefully avoiding calling them what they were.

“You get used to it,” Twilight said giggling.

“So I assume you’re going to place an order for one Applejack?” Rarity said proudly.

“Ah don’t know about that just yet,” Applejack said seriously. “Can you send me a design before I commit to it? Maybe something that’s not quite as uhh eye-catching,” Applejack said trying to find the right words.

“I’ll work on it,” Rarity said grabbing a notebook. “I already had some ideas in mind that I can tweak for you.” Applejack rolled her eyes. Of course Rarity already had a design planned for her. As Fluttershy was removing her dress Rainbow Dash barged into the room suddenly.

“Sorry I’m late,” rainbow Dash said out of breath. “I got caught up managing a rouge cloud.”

“No you didn’t you were asleep,” Pinkie blurted catching Rainbow Dash on her lie.

“Well better late than never I suppose,” Rarity said. “Now I’ll assume you’ll be ordering one of my foal fashion dresses for the gala."

“What?” Rainbow Dash said angrily. “You called me out here just to throw this sales pitch at me again?”

“Come on Rainbow everypony else is wearing one,” Rarity said persuasively. Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack who started sweating nervously.

“Hold on I didn’t agree to nothing yet," Applejack said shifting uncomfortably. "I just thought I should humor some designs is all."

“Ugh not you too,” Rainbow Dash said dismissively.

“Nopony’s forcing you Rainbow Dash,” Rarity reminded. “I would appreciate the exposure though.”

“Sorry Rare, but there’s no way you’re getting me into one of those. You’re lucky enough to get me into a regular dress." Rarity gave an angry smirk. And moved toward Twilight to work on her dress design. Given that Twilight would be a royal dignitary at the gala Rarity’s dress design was surprisingly regal. It was a white dress with gold trim and had a skirt the flowed well past Twilight’s flank covering Twilight’s diaper completely. The dress also featured some lace decoration around twilight’s wings. When she folded them out the light coming in from the room shone through the lace and gave her a glow. Despite the regality and elegance of her dress Twilight seemed to be disappointed by it, but accepted the disappointment as she figured it was important for a princess to look regal at public events. Rarity could read Twilight’s disappointment,

“I know not what you were expecting,” Rarity said apologetically. “But I thought it might be for the best if you toned it down a bit for the gala. Important political figures will be there and we want out princess to look the part.”

“Yeah you’re right,” Twilight said with a sigh "It does look really pretty Rarity."

“But of course,” Rarity said with a smile. She quickly made some small modifications. After she was finished Twilight took it off and stood next to Fluttershy sadly. Fluttershy nudged her reminding her of the full day of play she promised after the gala and that seemed to brighten Twilight’s spirits. “Ok Rainbow you’re up,” Rarity said still angry at the Pegasus for not even considering one of her new designs.

“You did get my letter about how I wanted it right?” Rainbow asked concerned. “I might get called in by the wonderbolts to help with the show so I have to be able to take it off in a flash should the need arise,” rainbow Dash said using the opportunity to brag about herself for a bit.

“I got it Rainbow and I’ve got just the thing.” Rarity revealed a leather jacket combined with a white skirt that stuck out from the bottom of it. “It’s pretty easy to get in and out of. The jacket has a zipper and you can just step out of the skirt. What do you think?”

“It’s perfect Rarity!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Not my most stylish work I’ll admit, but function has to come before form I suppose.”

“As long as I can get out of it in a flash I don’t care how it looks.”

“You say that now,” Rarity said devilishly.

“So,” Applejack interjected. “Did ya need anything else cuz I gotta get back to tha farm. Ifin’ we’re done here that is.”

“Well yes but before you all go I wanted to get your opinion on my dress for the gala.”

“I’m sure it looks fine Rarity,” Fluttershy said sweetly. “You have such a good fashion sense.”

“Yeah and you’re not going to get any good feedback out of us fashion slobs,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Speak for yourself Rainbow,” Twilight said proudly. “I have actually read several books on the subject, so even though I am a ‘fashion slob’ I won’t let that stop me from giving a solid review of Rarity’s dress.”

“What are you talking about,” Rainbow Dash called Twilight out. “You only care if it’s cute or not.”

“The cuteness of the dress is an important factor in the overall design," Twilight said in a scholarly tone. "And I am an expert on cute.”

“You sure are sweetie,” Fluttershy said coyly giving Twilight a tap on her exposed diaper.

“Hey Fluttershy the cakes are renting a room if you want to keep that up,” Pinkie Pie said snidely.

“Woah!” Rainbow Dash and Applejack said in unison.

“That was a good one Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash said giving Pinkie Pie a hoof bump.

“Thank you thank you,” Pinkie said doing some small bows. Fluttershy and Twilight were giggling slightly having been thoroughly roasted by Pinkie Pie. The joking was interrupted by Rarity who had snuck off to get changed into her dress and now had suddenly thrown herself on to her small stage with fanfare. She was sporting one of her foal fashion dresses. Her dress was in a sailor motif. It was white with blue edging and a blue scarf that extended behind her neck and a neckerchief that hung down from the collar. The skirt for her dress was blue with small white stripes and it stopped at the tip of the tail. She was also wearing a solid white diaper cover with a large blue bow instead of the frills her diaper covers usually have. She also used her magic to roll two clothing racks on to the stage showing off her new foal fashion line. It was clear that for this line she was focusing on different occupations instead of the usual animal motif and these had varying degrees of success.

“Well what do you think?” Rarity asked the crowd of her friends.

“Your dress looks really cute,” Twilight blurted.

“I don’t think some of the other designs quite worked out though,” Applejack critiqued gesturing to one particularly bad design representing a fire fighter.

“They all look like baby clothes to me,” Rainbow said adding her two cents to the conversation.

“I admit some of the designs need a lot of work,” Rarity said quietly. “With this line I really tried to avoid turning everypony into a lace monster. I tried to make the cuteness stem from the outfit idea itself you know.”

“I think it could work,” Fluttershy said encouragingly. Though Rarity questioned the honesty of her statement. “The sailor one is definitely the best though.”

“Good eye Fluttershy, that’s because it’s the only one that’s completely finished right now,” Rarity said elegantly. “That’s why I chose it to be my dress for the gala.”

“It should definitely turn some heads,” Applejack said trying to stay positive.

“That’s the plan Applejack,” Rarity said happily. “Well I do appreciate you all coming for your fittings, it’s good that I got to take care of it all at once. I do, however, need you all to leave. I must finish the final alterations the gala will be here before you know it. Applejack you should stay, I’ve got some ideas for your dress I want to bounce off of you.”

“Ok,” Applejack said a little unsure.

“It was nice seeing you Rarity,” Twilight said as she and Fluttershy were leaving. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie followed the out.

“Do come again soon,” Rarity called out happily as the left closing the door behind them. With a wave pinkie skipped off into a separate direction as the Sugar Cube Corner was in a different direction than Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s houses. This left Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash alone as they walked toward their houses.

“So how are things going,” Rainbow Dash said awkwardly. “You know with you two.” Twilight grew noticeably flustered. Fluttershy was on guard.

“It’s been going really well,” Fluttershy answered honestly. “I think we’re both really happy.”

“That’s good,” Rainbow said with an extra effort on being genuine. “I really mean it.” There was a long silence as Fluttershy and Twilight walked and Rainbow fluttered. Finally the fork in the road that Rainbow would have to take to reach her house appeared. As this approached Rainbow Dash stopped and turned to face Twilight and Fluttershy. “Look uh I just wanted to say,” Rainbow seemed to be struggling for words. Twilight and Fluttershy were waiting awkwardly. “Look this is hard for me to do, but I’m really sorry about how I acted. I just wanted you guys to know.” Twilight buried her head into Fluttershy’s mane. “I really am happy for you guys. So are we good?” Fluttershy nodded yes and looked to Twilight who removed her head from Fluttershy’s mane only to hide it behind her own.

“Yeah we’re good,” Twilight said. “Let’s just not bring it up again ok, it’s really awkward.”

“Bring what up again,” Rainbow Dash joked. The joke seemed to ease Twilight and Fluttershy’s anxiety. They waved bye as Rainbow Dash sped off to her house.

“Jeez talk about a mood killer,” Twilight said when Rainbow was safely out of earshot.

“Be nice Twilight,” Fluttershy scolded. “It was a rough time for her.”

“I don’t see why you have to keep making excuses for her. I don’t care how hard it was for her she left us hung out to dry back when we were cursed. All because she was jealous. It's petty.”

“Twilight I mean it! Rainbow Dash is your friend you’re supposed to be supportive.”

“You mean like she was supportive of us?” Twilight asked snidely.

“Now that’s enough of that!” Fluttershy said stopping. “I am not going to hear any more of this. Bring it up again and there’s going to be serious punishment for you.”

“Really?” Twilight said growing a little angry. Fluttershy turned and gave Twilight an angry stare to know she was serious.

“Look Twilight you agreed to belong to me. Part of that is trusting me to know what’s best for you whether you like it or not. You are going to drop it ok the past is in the past.”

“Fluttershy you can’t just make me forgive her for that,” Twilight said defensively.

“No I can’t, but I am telling you not to bring it up again so don’t!” Fluttershy said with a strong hint of finality. There had only been one other time where Fluttershy put Twilight in her place in their relationship but Twilight could tell she was serious about this. To emphasize this Fluttershy attached Twilight’s leash and deliberately only gave her a small amount of slack. Twilight kept her head down and was quiet for a bit as the two made their way to Twilight's castle. “I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said after a few minutes. “I didn’t mean to pull that card on you like that.”

“Do you really think that’s whats best for me?” Twilight asked seriously.

“Yes I do, but I didn’t mean to threaten you like that.”

“It’s ok Fluttershy. I know what I agreed to when I let you own me. I know what this collar is supposed to symbolize. You don’t have to feel bad for wanting to ... discipline me.” Fluttershy grew a little red in the face because of Twilight’s implication.

“Twilight I know we mess around with that sometimes but I was uhh,”

“You were serious,” Twilight said also getting red in the face. “I know you were serious. I was too. You can do what you want with me it’s why I’m here.”

“You really trust me that much,” Fluttershy said flattered.

“If anyone knows what’s really best for me, even more than I do, it’s you,” Twilight said lovingly.

“Well now I can’t do it,” Fluttershy said tearing up. "You're just to sweet." Twilight laughed a little.

“Ok,” twilight said hugging Fluttershy. "Just know you don’t have to feel bad about it. I belong to you.” Fluttershy gave a signal for Twilight to stop as she was on the verge of crying hysterically.

“We should spend the night at my place tonight,” Fluttershy said drying up her tears of happiness. “I’ve got to take care of the rest of my animals.”

“That’s for the best,” Twilight said. “I think Spike said he was going to need the castle for a little bit anyway. I guess even with his new cushy Canterlot job he still has to come to me to borrow books.” Twilight and Fluttershy walked back to Twilight’s castle to pack a few things before heading to Fluttershy’s cottage.

Chapter 3

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Fluttershy quietly opened the door into her cottage. Both she and Twilight were carrying small bags of luggage. Once the door was opened Twilight and Fluttershy sat their bags down on the floor. Twilight was still wearing the dress she wore earlier that day to Carousel Boutique. Due to the length of time she had worn it, pretty much all day as Twilight looked outside to see the sun setting, the dress had become rather uncomfortable. She quietly removed it while Fluttershy busied herself in the kitchen.

"Twilight I have to feed the critters before dark," Fluttershy said heading toward the door of her cottage holding a bag of generic feed. "Be a dear and unpack our things would you?"

"Sure thing," Twilight said as she had finished getting undressed. She threw the dress and diaper cover on top of the suitcases and took them to the laundray wearing only her diaper. Twilight began washing Fluttershy's dirty clothes. She didn't have a lot, Twilight wore enough outfits for the both of them, so she was able to finish quickly. She hung Fluttershy's clothes on a rack to dry and moved into the nursery to unpack her clothes in Flutterhsy's nursery. Fluttershy's nursery, formally her guest bedroom, was a good deal smaller than the one in Twilight's castle. Twilight's crib took up most of the room, and the rest was taken up by a changing table leaving only a small but cozy patch of floor right in front of the closet. Despite its smaller size this nursery was filled with just as much love. Several of the toys on Twilight's crib were hand stitched by Fluttershy in her free time. The walls were a nice peaceful shade of white that calmed Twilight down considerably while she was putting her clothes in the closet. The nursery in Twilight's castle was great for playing in, but Twilight always felt like this smaller one at Fluttershy's house was easier to fall asleep in. Twilight began to get drowsy just looking at the mobile that hung over the crib. Twilight was startled when Fluttershy suddenly approached her from behind and pressed her hoof against Twilight's diaper. "Oh my, you're wetter than I thought you'd be," Fluttershy said sweetly. She wasn't wrong Twilight hadn't noticed herself, but without the diaper cover it was easy to tell that her diaper was very used. It had a noticeable change in color and sagged off of Twilight's body.

"I guess I could use a change," Twilight said bashfully. Fluttershy expertly lead Twilight over to the nearby changing table and secured her hooves in the straps and placed a pacifier in her mouth. Fluttershy quickly removed the soiled diaper and replaced it a cloth diaper with three stuffers. Twilight was about to ask why there were so many stuffers but she was stopped when she felt something long and cold on her bottom and then slowly slide inside of her. The pacifier in her mouth, and her surprise at the suddenness of the insertion, prevented her from letting out little more than a grunt before Fluttershy was finished. Flutterhsy removed the small metallic grabbing instrument she had just used to deposit something inside of Twilight. She quickly placed the utensil in a nearby glass of water with bleach in it. "What was that?" Twilight asked alarmed spitting out her pacifier as she did. Fluttershy caught it and placed it back in her mouth before speaking.

"It's something I picked up at the pharmacy," Fluttershy said pinning the cloth diaper on Twilight. She then reached under the changing table and pulled out a Velcro diaper cover and placed it over the already thick cloth diaper. "I thought if you wanted to we could try it one day," Fluttershy said as she released Twilight. "Since you were a little miss sassy pants today though I made the decision for you."

"But what is it?" Twilight asked now more intrigued than concerned. Fluttershy didn't tell her at first and instead removed a clear pair of locking plastic pants from under the changing table and quickly fixed them on Twilight locking her in. Flutterhsy silently handed Twilight the box they came in. The box read "Extreme constipation relief" Twilight could make out the Flim Flam brother logo brazened on the corner. She could only hope that this meant the product wouldn't work.

"Before you ask," Fluttershy said sternly. "I'll change you before you go to bed. Maybe sitting around in that mess for a while will make you think twice about back talk young lady." Twilight couldn't tell if she felt fright or excitement and still hoped that the product was a hoax. After a few minutes though she could tell it wasn't. She felt what she could only describe as a pop inside of her. Her face reflexively scrunched up and she began to wet her diaper uncontrollably. She continued wetting at full force for around 30 seconds and then she felt pains in her stomach. She grunted briefly in an attempt to stop it but it was no use. With a loud fart she began filling the diaper with excrement. It continued coming out of her for about 5 seconds before it stopped. She could feel the mess spread through the seat of the diaper and the up the front of it until her whole bottom was covered with it. When she made even a slight move she could feel it rubbing against her and coating her bottom completely. The smell did not make things better for Twilight. She wanted desperately to escape it but since it was coming from her she couldn't. Fluttershy stood proudly admiring her punishment.

Twilight let out a scared whine when Fluttershy grabbed her by the collar and led her quickly to the kitchen where her high chair was already set up. The pace at which they moved was faster than Twilight's liking she had to waddle uncomfortably in a failed attempt to keep the mess form spreading further. Twilight looked at Fluttershy with tears forming in her eyes, Fluttershy gestured sternly for her to sit. Twilight slowly lowered herself on to the chair. As she did the mess spread even more, she could feel it coming out through the leg hole of her diaper thankfully it stopped before it made it out of the diaper cover. Twilight whimpered as the mess continued to spread with every small move she made. Sitting in the high chair only exacerbated this. Fluttershy returned from the kitchen with a large jar of baby food. She then quitely secured Twilight into the high chair

"Please no," Twilight said but as she opened her mouth Fluttershy forced a spoonful of the food into twilight's mouth. The lack of a bib meant that the excess spilled on to Twilight's fur and became stuck there over time. Fluttershy continued to force spoonfuls of the food into Twilight's mouth every time she opened it, which was frequently because she began crying hysterically after the second spoonful. Eventually Twilight calmed down enough to where she could somewhat eat the food as fast as Fluttershy was feeding it to her. Twilight finally ate the enitre jar of disgusting food but it was quickly replaced with a large bottle. Twilight, who was eager to be finished with the ordeal, quickly drank the milk inside. It was a rather large amount of milk, and since she drank it so quickly it she could'nt help but gag some of it back out. This spickle fell off of her mouth and stuck to her coat with the baby food. Fluttershy quickly released twilight from the chair and led her by the collar to her playpen in Flutterhsy's living room. The playpen was made for pegasi foals and had a closing top to keep the young pegasi from flying off. Fluttershy had modified this closing top with a lock that Twilight couldn't open from the inside. Twilight sadly stepped inside of the playpen as Fluttershy locked the top shut.

"Now I want you to think about all I do to take care of you," Flutterhsy said angrily. "I expect you to listen to me without any back talk next time." With that she stormed out of the room. The playpen was small for Twilight. Small enough that she couldn't stretch out fully, stand up fully, or spread her wings at all . Normally this isn't a problem as the top is left open for Twilight to hang her hooves out of, but now Fluttershy had closed the top and wandered off to who knows where leaving Twilight alone in her disgusting mess. Twilight was left alone crying for what seemed like hours to her, in reality it was only about 10 minutes before Fluttershy returned.

Fluttershy returned with a different more calm expression on her face. She was no longer angry but back to her normal caring self. Neither she nor Twilight said anything as Fluttershy let Twilight out of the play pen and over to the changing table. Despite the gravity of the mess that covered the entirety of Twilight's bottom, Fluttershy did not comment as she cleaned Twilight up, In fact she seemed happy as she cleaned Twilight up as best she could. Instead of putting another diaper on Twilight Fluttershy led her to a warm bath that she had made for her. After a few minutes of cleaning and some elbow grease from Fluttershy Twilight was sparkling clean. After her bath Fluttershy lead Twilight back to the changing table where she put her in another cloth diaper and a pink diaper cover with flowers on it. She then put her in a similarly pink sleeper that covered everything but Twilight's head in a cozy embrace. The two then spent several minutes on Fluttershy's couch embraced in a hug. Twilight was crying into Fluttershy's shoulder while Fluttershy lovingly rubbed Twilight's back and cooed at her. Twilight eventually stopped crying and fell asleep as Fluttershy quietly rocked back and forth. Fluttershy let Twilight sleep for a while. She lovingly ran her hand through Twilight's mane as she slept. She continued this for several minutes as while she looked out of her window into the night sky. Finally Fluttershy began to tire as well and she shook Twilight awake.

"It's time for bed sweetie," Fluttershy said lovingly to the sleepy Twilight. Twilight responded by embracing Fluttershy in a hug for a few minutes before whispering.

"Okay mommy," Twilight said tired. Fluttershy led Twilight to her crib and closed the gate locking it shut. Twilight was about to fall asleep again when Fluttershy returned with a bottle of milk and one of her hoof stitched toys. She gave Twilight the bottle and the toy and sat on a nearby chair. Twilight began suckling from the bottle hugging the toy as Fluttershy began to read her a story about a cute rabbit. Before long Twilight finished her bottle and Flutterhsy finished her story. Fluttershy opened Twilight's crib and took her empty bottle and kissed Twilight lovingly on the forehead and then nuzzled her nose with her own. Flutterhsy then left the room but stopped at the door.

"Remember honey mommy loves you," Fluttershy said quietly before almost shutting the door completely. She left a crack in the door so the light from the hallway could shine into the room.

Chapter 4

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Fluttershy calmly woke up to the sound of birds outside her window. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced out of the window to see the sun barely poking over the hills. She glanced at an old wooden clock on her wall that told her it was 6 in the morning. Fluttershy sighed a bit annoyed. She made her way over to her window where a blue bird was still happily chirping on the branch of a nearby tree. Fluttershy opened the window.

“Hey ceasar,” Fluttershy said to the bird. “Do you think maybe in the future you could do your singing somewhere else, or maybe do it a little quieter?” The bird chirped confused in response. “I know I told you to wake me up,” Fluttershy explained, “But it’s Saturday, ponies like to sleep late on Saturday’s.” The bird gave a dismissive series of chirps. “Well do try to remember next time.” The bird gave a quick motion then he and the other birds flew over to a distant tree to continue their singing. Much to Fluttershy’s dismay she knew that once she was awake there was no way she was going to go back asleep so she decided to make productive use of her time awake. She quickly brushed her mane and quietly made her way to Twilight’s nursery. She cracked open the door to find Twilight who was very much still asleep. Twilight wasn’t quite snoring, but she was breathing heavily and her body was contorted in a strange fashion that only a pony in a deep sleep would find comfortable. She was slowly suckling her pacifier as she slept. Fluttershy found the sleeping Twilight to be one of the most adorable things she’d seen in a while, but didn’t want to wake Twilight from her peaceful slumber. She left the door open so that when Twilight eventually decided to get up she could hear it and let Twilight out of her crib.

Fluttershy busied herself in the kitchen making breakfast for not only her and Twilight but the various critters that lived in and around Fluttershy’s cottage. In between mixing various seeds, fruits, fish, and oats Fluttershy managed to make herself some steamed vegetables which she snacked on in between preparing food for the critters. After a while Fluttershy had prepared a significant amount of food that she had placed into three sacks depending on what type of animal would get them. Fortunately for her Fluttershy hadn’t eaten all of her food which meant she could give the leftovers to Twilight which, when supplemented with a bottle, would be enough to fill her up. Fluttershy quickly got to work filling a bottle for Twilight. Fluttershy knew enough about taking care of baby animals to know how to make specialized drinks for different kinds of animals. She wasn’t making this for any baby animal but she knew how to make a formula that suited Twilight’s needs to keep her more than healthy. She carefully added small amounts of vitamins and minerals that Twilight didn’t eat a lot of in her regular diet along with a ground up leaf that helped to keep her hydrated. The end result was something more akin to a health shake than anything meant for babies. So much so that after a few moments of thought Fluttershy duplicated the concoction for herself, though hers was poured into a coffee cup and not a bottle. Fluttershy placed the three bags of animal feed by the front door while she drank from her coffee cup. As she finished she heard some rustling from Twilight’s room. She poked her head in the room and sure enough Twilight was beginning to rise from her sleep.

“Morning sunshine,” Fluttershy said as she began opening Twilight’s crib for her. Twilight stretched and gave a sleepy groan. While she was stretching something seemed to catch her off guard. “What’s wrong sweetie?” Fluttershy asked concerned. Twilight crawled out of her crib.

“I think I might’ve had an accident,” Twilight said nervously. As she uttered this Fluttershy was already unzipping her sleeper down to her diaper to check.

“That’s ok sweetie,” Fluttershy said checking to make sure Twilight's diaper was actually wet.

“No it’s not Fluttershy,” Twilight lowered her voice as if others were listening even though no one was around. “I don’t remember doing it. Normally when I do I make a choice to it doesn’t just come out like that. I don’t remember it this time. If I wasn’t wearing a diaper I would have wet the bed. I haven’t done that since I was little.”

“Well it’s a good thing you were wearing diapers then,” Flutterhsy said calmly. She then gestured for Twilight to lie down on the changing table.

“I don’t know Fluttershy I’m really worried about it,” Twilight said a little scared. Fluttershy embraced her in a calming hug.

“It’s ok baby. You were sleeping pretty soundly last night, and you did take that,” Fluttershy gave a small cough here, “medicine last night that’s probably what it was. It was just an accident.” Fluttershy lovingly kissed Twilight on her forehead. “Besides even if you did have to wear diapers that wouldn’t be so bad right? It means I have an excuse to take care of you all the time.” Twilight blushed a little.

“You sure have a funny way of making me feel better,” Twilight said giggling. Fluttershy smiled knowingly and gestured for Twilight to get on the changing table again. This time she obeyed happily. Fluttershy strapped Twilight’s hooves behind her as she began to expertly change the wet diaper.

“Now mommy’s got a lot of work today taking care of all the little critters, are you going to be mommy’s little helper today?” Flutterhsy said cheerily.

“Yeah!” Twilight exclaimed happily. Twilight and Fluttershy both giggled. Fluttershy finished changing Twilight into another cloth diaper with a pink diaper cover and some see through plastic pants. She then got Twilight dressed into a yellow romper decorated with small ducks. The romper covered most of Twilight’s chest and diaper area, it left the rest of her uncovered. It was made of a light, breathable fabric to help keep Twilight cool and comfortable while she was running around. Fluttershy finished the outfit with a large yellow bonnet the she tied around Twilight’s head covering her horn. “What all do you need to do today?” Twilight asked after she had been dressed.

“Well I guess I should start by feeding all of the critters,” Fluttershy said cheerily. “I’ll start with my smallest critter,” Fluttershy said poking Twilight in the stomach causing her to laugh. “Come on I steamed some veggies earlier this morning you can finish them off for me.” Fluttershy set up Twilight’s high chair in the living room and left her with the plate of steamed vegetables and a sippy cup of juice. Seeing as Twilight was safely secure Fluttershy used the time to clean and reorganize her living room. She did have a lot of chores to be done today, and despite what she said earlier, she knew Twilight wasn’t going to be any help at all, in fact she’d probably get in the way. Fluttershy looked over to Twilight who was slowly eating her food. She saw that some of it was stuck to the side of her mouth so Fluttershy took a small break from cleaning to go and wipe Twilight’s mouth off with here bib. Twilight smiled back lovingly before continuing to eat. Yes, Twilight was going to do nothing but get in the way today but Fluttershy wouldn’t have it any other way.

After Fluttershy had finished tidying up her living room she noticed that Twilight was still eating. “Young lady quit playing with your food and finish eating!” Fluttershy scolded. Twilight’s sudden motion confirmed that Fluttershy's guess was accurate and Twilight finished the food by the time Fluttershy made her way to the high chair.

“All done,” Twilight said innocently.

“Good,” Fluttershy said lovingly. “Here I got you a bottle to wash that down with.” Fluttershy stuck the nipple of the bottle in Twilight’s mouth and she almost instinctively started suckling it. Fluttershy continued to hold the bottle high to make it easier for Twilight to drink. At the same time Fluttershy began cleaning up Twilight’s plate and wiping the crumbs off of her face. “Wow you drank that fast,” Fluttershy said noticing the bottle was empty.

“I was thirsty,” Twilight said giggling.

“You sure were. Why don’t you be a big girl and put your dishes in the sink dear.” Twilight giddily obliged and took her plate over to the sink while Fluttershy put Twilight’s highchair away. The sound of running water meant that Twilight had grown up just long enough to actually clean her dishes so Fluttershy didn’t have to later. Fluttershy thanked her for this by giving her a surprisingly affectionate kiss. Before Twilight could think of a response Fluttershy had made her way to the door. “Come on baby we need to feed the rest of the critters." Fluttershy put two of the feed bags on to her back while Twilight approached the door.

“Ready!” Twilight said happily.

“Good,” Fluttershy said gently placing the lightest of the three feed bags on Twilight’s back. Fluttershy reached over to her coat rack by the door to grab a large straw hat and place it on her head. She also took a moment to make sure that Twilight’s bonnet was still on her head and that it would cover her eyes from the sun. Once Twilight’s bonnet covered her head to satisfaction Fluttershy opened the door and stepped outside with Twilight trotting behind her humming a song. “We’re going to feed the birdies first,” Fluttershy said sweetly.

“Can I feed em’ mommy?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy knew this question was coming and that was why she started off with the easiest animals to feed.

“You sure can sweetie. That bag on you back is for the birds.” Fluttershy gestured to a small trough that was hanging from a nearby tree with several bird houses around it and a small step ladder leading up to it. “Be careful on that ladder dear,” Fluttershy said cautiously.

“It’s not even that tall,” Twilight replied dismissively. Twilight carefully climbed the small ladder, opened the bag of feed on her back with her mouth, and began slowly filling the trough with the mixture of seeds inside. With the bag empty Twilight had an easier time descending the small ladder.

“Good job sweetie,” Fluttershy said encouragingly. “You did that all by yourself. Now mommy has to go feed the other critters, why don’t you go play in the garden.”

“But I wanted to help!” Twilight complained. As she was complaining Flutterhsy had stealthily lead her to the garden gate. The garden was a small area near Fluttershy’s cottage that was fenced in. Despite the name there was only a small patch of carrots and tomatoes in the garden the rest was just grass and lawn furniture and served as place for Fluttershy to relax. Flutterhsy ushered Twilight inside and closed the gate and locked it shut. The fence was tall enough that Fluttershy felt confident that Twilight wouldn’t wander off, at least for the small amount of time it would take Fluttershy to feed the other animals. Twilight pouted from the other side of the fence.

“If you really want to help why don’t you rake the leaves,” Fluttershy said handing Twlight a small rake. Twilight happily accepted the job. It wasn’t much of a job at all, fresh leaves hadn’t fallen in the garden since winter which was several months ago, but Twilight just wanted to feel helpful and Fluttershy was more than happy to facilitate that. Fluttershy quickly emptied the bag of feed for the smaller mammals, and then the much larger bag for the bigger mammals that lived on the other side of Fluttershy's cottage. The weight of the feed bags and the speed at which she moved caused Fluttershy to develop a bit of a sweat so she removed her hat to wipe some from her forehead and made her way inside to fix herself a drink. Fluttershy rummaged around her kitchen until she finally settled on having some of the apple juice Twilight had with her breakfast. She looked out of the window and into the garden to see that Twilight had raked the small amount of leaves some time ago and was now studying nearby insects, drawing them on a pad of paper. Fluttershy laughed, even when she was being little Twilight’s inquisitive side was very apparent. Fluttershy refiled her glass and poured more of the apple juice into a sippy cup for Twilight. With drinks in tow Fluttershy made her way to the garden and handed Twilight her sippy cup which she immediately began drinking. “How are the bugs this morning?” Fluttershy asked opening the gate for Twilight.

“I’m glad you asked,” Twilight said intellectually. “Ladybugs are actually very interesting creatures, especially these ones so close to the ever free forest. I think the extra surge in magic nearby may be affecting their normal migration route.”

“Wow,” Fluttershy said genuinely amazed. “I have a smart cookie on my hands.”

“So what are we doing next?” Twilight said drinking from her sippy cup.

“Well we’ve got to go trim up around the ever free forest and then go get some more critter food from Applejack.” As she said this Fluttershy was already making her way toward the forest Twilight following behind her like a duckling. Before leaving her property she reached inside her door and grabbed Twilight's lead.

The two spent the next few hours combing the edge of the ever free forest trimming some of the plants that were growing outside of the forest's edge. Fluttershy kept Twilight’s lead short more out of fear of what would come out of the forest if she got too close. And she very well could’ve gotten close as Twilight spent most of this time casting spells on the plants and noting their effects. Flutterhsy had loosened Twilight's bonnet letting her horn out so she could cast the various spells easier.

“You know it really is beautiful out here sometimes,” Twilight said as she was shaking a small tree sapling magically.

“You always have to be careful though,” Fluttershy said cautiously. “You never know what may come out of the ever free forest. I know the path to the two sister’s castle is pretty clear but there are still a lot of unexplored areas who knows what’s in there.”

“I really should make an expedition into the unexplored parts sometime. Who knows what’s hiding right under our noses.”

“I don’t know dear some things are better left alone.”

“Oh come on where’s your sense of adventure.” As twilight said this the tree she was shaking suddenly and violently caught fire. Twilight pressed down with her magic and snuffed the fire out before tossing the burnt twig into the forest.

“It is nice though,” Fluttershy said looking at over the hill toward sweet apple acres. “And secluded too. I bet it would make a great spot for a picnic.”

“We should do that!” Twilight said excitedly. “Maybe one day when you aren’t so busy.” Twilight tugged on the lead and gestured to her horn. Fluttershy quickly readjusted the bonnet so it covered Twilight’s horn again. “Even if we don’t have a picnic it’s a great place for a walk."

“It is isn’t it?" Fluttershy took note of the sun which was now on it's way down. "We should head to Applejack’s before it gets too late. Come here for a second.” Twilight obeyed and Fluttershy somewhat abruptly stuck her hoof inside the bottom of Twilight’s romper. It didn’t bother Twilight at all, she had become used to and appreciative of Fluttershy’s surprise diaper checks. “Oh Twilight you’re soaked.”

“Oh I hadn’t really noticed, I’ve been having too much fun.”

“I figured this would happen that’s why I brought a disposable. We’ll get you changed at Applejack's.” Twilight grew red in the face. “Don’t be embarrassed sweetie,” Fluttershy said noting Twilight’s hue. “It’s only natural that babies need their diapers changed. Applejack won’t mind.” Fluttershy’s assurances didn’t help ease Twilight’s embarrassment. The two walked off toward Applejack's farm.

Chapter 5

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Twilight and Fluttershy walked over a hill and could see all of sweet apple acres before them. The sun was resting at the top of the barn a sign that the day was coming to a close. Twilight was beginning to waddle as her diaper had become uncomfortably wet. Seeing this Fluttershy quickly made her way to the farm Twilight following behind her. They approached the barn, the doors were wide open and Applejack was talking with Rarity inside. Fluttershy quietly knocked on the barn door interrupting Applejack and Rarity's conversation.

"Oh Fluttershy," Applejack said surprised. "I forgot you were coming today. Ya'll give me a minute to get yer critter food ready."

"Oh that's fine," Fluttershy said politely. Twilight tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder anxiously. "Oh if you don't mind do you think we could go somewhere private so I can change Twilight's diaper."

"Fluttershy!" Twilight yelled embarrassed. Rarity and Applejack giggled.

"You can use the barn," Applejack said leaving. Rarity didn't take the hint and remained in the barn. Twilight and Fluttershy looked at her expectantly. After a few seconds of this Applejack return quickly ushering Rarity out of the barn closing the door behind her.

"What!" came Rarity complaining from the other side of the barn.

"I wonder what Rarity's doing here?" Twilight pondered.

"We can ask her later," Fluttershy said removing the disposable diaper she had stored under her hat. She then helped Twilight free her legs from the romper she was wearing and gestured to a nearby hay bale. "I don't have anything to tie your little hoofsies with so you're just going to have to behave ok," Fluttershy said as she removed a pacifier from under her hat and stuck it in Twilight's mouth. Twilight peacefully started suckling the pacifier as Fluttershy changed her soggy diaper. The disposable diaper wasn't as thick as the cloth one Twilight was wearing for most of the day but it would be fine until they returned to Fluttershy's cottage. After Twilight was changed Fluttershy wrapped the wet diaper discreetly inside the diaper cover and tied it around her body so that it hung off of her left flank. While she was doing this Twilight managed to get back into her romper. The two emerged from the barn Rarity was waiting next to the door.

"Hello girls," Rarity sang. "Been having fun today?" Rarity asked coyly. Twilight blushed.

"Oh we have," Fluttershy said cheerfully. "And my little baby was a big helper today." Twilight was now deeply blushing.

"I bet she was," Rarity said pinching Twilight's cheek. The combined affection from the two of them was making Twilight grow increasingly shy. "You should let me foalsit some time you know." Fluttershy and Twilight looked a little unsure at this prospect. "Oh it's fine if you don't want to," Rarity said beginning to add drama. "I'm just so alone with no special somepony to play with, I just want to try it, just once." To finish her dramatic scene Rarity began forcing herself to cry. Fluttershy and Twilight looked at each other neither of them buying Rarity's act. As Rarity continued to sob though Twilight spoke up.

"I don't mind I guess," Twilight said clearly unsure. "It's up to you Flutters."

"Oh well if you're ok with it," Fluttershy said attempting to shift blame.

"Well you don't have to leave it up to me. You can say no," Twilight said hopefully.

"Oh no I couldn't. If if you want to let Rarity foalsit then I won't stop you." Rarity was beginning to get annoyed at the constant blame shifting.

"Can somepony give me a yes or no sometime today," Rarity said annoyed. Twilight spoke up.

"I guess you could be my foal sitter." Twilight said hesitantly.

"Hooray," Rarity said hugging Twilight. "Ever since you two starting dating I've been dying to try it. It just looks like so much fun. Unfortunately opening with that at speed dating has gone over well, but now I don't have to worry about that."

"You know it is fun but it's also a lot of work," Fluttershy said while attempting to free Twilight form Rarity's embrace.

"Well of course I know that," Rarity said seriously. "But don't worry I didn't open up three successful fashion stores without being able to handle some hard labor. I'll do my best, and if I have any questions I know just the pony to ask," Rarity said comfortingly.

"Ok," Flutteshy said a little more confidently now. "We'll get together later and work out a date and I'll send Twilight over."

"Oh yay!" Rarity said embracing the two ponies in a hug. Applejack had just returned from the field carrying three large sacks on her back.

"What did I miss?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Oh Applejack I'm going to be a foal sitter," Rarity said happily. Applejack looked at Twilight and Fluttershy who shrugged their shoulders innocently.

"I guess I'm happy fer you," Applejack said unsure. "Just don't fill me in on any of the fine details alright. Anyway I got yer critter feed Fluttershy. Be careful these bags are real heavy."

"Twilight do you mind helping?" Fluttershy asked seriously.

"No problem," Twilight said as she lifted one of the sacks on to her back magically. She then lifted the remaining two on to Fluttershy's back who grunted from the weight. "You got it?" Twilight asked concerned. Fluttershy continued to struggle so Twilight instead placed the extra bag on to her back instead. The extra weight caused her to briefly loose her balance but Twilight found that if she distributed her weight a certain way she could manage it. Fluttershy lovingly kissed Twilight on the cheek as thanks.

"Well we should be going," Fluttershy said concerned for Twilight.

"You be careful now ya hear," Applejack said concerned.

"Don't worry I got it," Twilight said confidently. "I got a bunch of extra muscles when I grew my alicorn legs," Twilight joked. With that Twilight and Fluttershy quickly began making their way back to Fluttershy's cottage.

After a few minutes of walking Twilight spoke up. "Oh shoot," Twilight exclaimed. "We never asked Rarity why she was over there."

"Oh she was showing Applejack her dress for the gala. I saw it in the back of the barn while I was changing you. I didn't want to say anything about it though." Fluttershy said.

"Really, Applejack's actually going to wear one of Rarity's new dresses." Twilight exclaimed.

"I guess so," Fluttershy said. "She was probably too embarrassed to say anything about it, it looked like it would fit her well though."

"It's kind of adorable that's she's embarrassed about it," Twilight said giggling. She tripped a little because she was laughing too much.

"Are you sure you've got that dear?"

"No I need you to take it the rest of the way," Twilight said as she moved the extra sack onto Fluttershy's back. Twilight gave an exhausted sigh. "How did you do this on your own?"

"Well usually I'm not tired from looking after a little one all day."

"Oh sorry."

"Don't be sweetie. I love taking care of you, and besides you're here to help me out now so it all worked out."

The two made their way back to Fluttershy's cottage in loving silence. Once they arrived Twilight and Fluttershy dropped the sacks they were carrying near the front gate to Fluttershy's cottage. "I should probably head home tonight," Twilight said tired. "I probably have a lot of princess paperwork to take care of."

"Oh ok," Fluttershy said, "I'll talk to you tomorrow dear." Fluttershy called out as Twilight walked toward her castle.

"Ok love you babe!" Twilight shouted as she walked out of Fluttershy's sight. After a quick walk Twilight made her way to her castle. A small note on the door told her that Spike had already came and went. Twilight assumed the Spike found whatever books he needed and thus didn't look at the note in much detail quickly throwing it in the trash as she made her way inside. Twilight had correctly assumed that she would have work to do. When she walked into her office she noticed the small pile of paper left on her desk, no doubt something from princess Celestia. Working on this took Twilight the rest of the night. Once she finished she stumbled into her room exhausted and hastily removed the romper she'd been wearing all day and fell down on her bed limp.

Twilight awoke the next morning groggily rubbing her eyes. She made her way to her bathroom to take care of her mane which had become mangled in her sleep. As she was brushing her mane she noticed the she forgot to take her diaper from yesterday off. This didn't particularly bother her, she usually ended up wearing a diaper to bed more often than not these days so she didn't pay it any mind, she just made a note to get out of it whenever she found the time. It was only after she continued to move around that she noticed something off. Her diaper was wet, and to the best of her knowledge she didn't do that while she was awake last night. Twilight's face grew dim as she thought of the consequences of this. Despite the fact that Fulttershy wasn't around Twilight decided to change into a new diaper, given that this was the second night in a row that this had happened she didn't trust herself without it.

Chapter 6

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“What am I supposed to do Fluttershy?” Twilight cried anxiously as she paced around the living room of the palace in nothing but a hastily taped on diaper. Fluttershy stood nearby uncomfortably, trying to remain positive in an attempt to calm Twilight down.

“Let’s just try and calm down,” Flutterhsy said quietly.

“I can’t calm down!” Twilight said beginning to panic.

“I just think maybe you’re jumping to conclusions here. We need to try and look at the situation calmly so we don’t make any rash decisions.”

“But Fluttershy this was the second time this happened, it’s not a fluke anymore. Oh Celestia, a princess who wets the bed I’ll be the laughing stock of royalty.”

“Maybe we need to take a break for a few days,” Fluttershy offered. “Let’s get you out of that diaper and do something grown up for a change.”

“No I can’t do that!” Twilight said stopping Fluttershy from approaching her. “What if I have an accident?”

“Twilight you’re jumping to conclusions again. Just because you had an accident at night doesn’t mean you’ll have one while you’re awake.”

“You don’t know that for sure though!”

“Ok ok if it makes you feel better about it keep it on. Listen I know you’re scared right now, I’m here for you we’ll get through this.”

“What if this means we won’t be able to play anymore? Oh no I went so long without someone to share this with I can’t go back.” Fluttershy sighed defeated. Twilight was really concerned about this. It’s not that Fluttershy wasn’t, but she didn’t know what to do about it either and she needed Twilight’s help to come up with something. Twilight increased her pacing speed a sign that Fluttershy’s efforts to calm her down were fruitless.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Fluttershy snapped. Twilight stopped pacing to look at Fluttershy. “Sit,” Fluttershy commanded.

“Fluttershy I don’t think this is the time,” Twilight began but she was cut off by Fluttershy.

“Sit!” Fluttershy repeated more sternly this time. Twilight obeyed but shifted around uneasily as she did. Before she could say anything Fluttershy began lovingly petting her mane

“Fluttershy I don’t…”

“Shhh,” Fluttershy hushed Twilight as she continued rhythmically stroking down Twilight’s mane. Fluttershy began humming a soft tone as she moved to scratching behind Twilight’s ear and underneath her chin. Twilight quickly fell to the floor and rolled over and Fluttershy began lovingly rubbing her stomach and tickling her. Before long Twilight was a giggling mess rolling around in the floor. After a few minutes of this Fluttershy stopped leaving Twilight on the floor panting.

“Feel better?” Fluttershy said still calmly.

“Yeah,” Twilight said still giggling a little.

“Sorry I uh got carried away there,” Fluttershy said embarrassed.

“No you’re fine,” Twilight said lovingly burying her head in Fluttershy’s chest. “What are we going to do about my accidents though,” Twilight said catching her breathe finally.

“I know you’re worried about it,” Fluttershy said calmly. “But I think we should just wait and see if it happens again.”

“What if it does?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy was quiet for a minute.

“If it bothers you Twilight,” Fluttershy paused. “We’ll find a way to work through it,” Fluttershy said reassuringly. There was a small pause from Twilight.

“You like the idea of me needing diapers don’t you?” Twilight asked seriously. Fluttershy sighed.

"Twilight if you're unhappy it doesn't mater if I like it or not."

“But you do like it?” Twilight said more accusingly this time. When Fluttershy struggled to find an answer Twilight moved away from her.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said honestly. “I can’t help it. I like my baby needing me.” Twilight was quiet for a while.

“I guess it’s up to you then,” Twilight said sadly. “If you want me to always need diapers and always need you to take care of me then we can do that.”

“Twilight I want you to be happy,” Fluttershy said moving close to Twilight and hugging her. “I’m glad that you would do something like that for me, but I don’t want you to do anything that makes you unhappy.”

“Does this mean we have to stop?”

“No it doesn’t we’ll think of something. Hey nothing’s cuter than a filly going through potty training right?” Fluttershy said jokingly. Twilight gave a small giggle.

“I don’t want to play today though,” Twilight said still slightly concerned.

“Yeah me neither,” Fluttershy said laughing.

“Want to just hang out?”

“I’d like that.”


The sun was beginning to set as Twilight and Fluttershy walked to the top of a hill near the ever free forest. The two had been hanging out all day, and nothing else, which was unusual for them, though they were both happier for the break. Twilight still wore a diaper, a relatively thin pull up, throughout the day. She remained concerned that her night time accidents would become daytime accidents. Fortunately, with the help of Fluttershy’s reminders, Twilight didn’t use her diaper the whole day which filled her with some small relief.

Twilight began to help Fluttershy unfold a blanket she had brought and opened a large bottle of apple cider pouring it into two glasses. The two sat down on the blanket and gave their glasses a clank as they drank and enjoyed the sunset.

“It was nice just hanging out for a day you know,” Twilight said quietly.

“Yeah it was,” Fluttershy agreed. “It seems like it would get boring after a while thought right?” Twilight giggled at this.

“Yeah I know what you mean, every once in a while it’s nice but how do other ponies do it all of the time. There’s just …”

“No interesting dynamic,” Fluttershy said finishing Twilight’s sentence. The two giggled and stared lovingly at each other. “Well do you feel any better about you know?” Fluttershy asked tenderly.

“No not really,” Twilight said melancholy. “But I appreciate you trying.”

“You’re not mad at me for wanting you to …”

“No, I’m not. I know you can’t help how you feel.” The two were quiet for a while enjoying the sunset, their glasses of cider, and each other’s company.

Unbeknownst to them a creature had emerged quickly and quietly from the edges of the ever free forest. It was about the size of a saddle bag, and it hat a dull red chitinous shell that was a mix between the shell of a horseshoe crab and a cockroach, with 8 stick like legs made out of the same chitin sticking out of it and a hole in the front of it where a large red eye could be seen. It scurried along the ground silently and quickly, pausing at the top of a small knoll. A green snake like head emerged from the opening in the front of the shell and extended a foot and a half in the air. It surveyed its surroundings with the one large eye in the middle of its head, sticking its tongue out through its mouth as it looked around.

It spotted Fluttershy and Twilight on a nearby hill. It locked it’s on the two of them and slinked it’s head back inside of the bug like shell, to where only the single eye was visible barely poking out of the whole. It began to shake its body and the plates making up its outer shell rotated to around to reveal their shiny insides. The color of the plates changed to match the ground it was standing over exactly, the only thing left visible was its eye and its twig like legs. Sensing that it was sufficiently cloaked it made its way over to the two ponies who were still relaxing on the blanket.

The creature couldn’t care what the topic of conversation was it was focused on its target it spotted an appropriate place on the back of Fluttershy’s neck. Silently the creature creeped up until it was just behind Fluttershy only inches away, and it waited there patiently for the opportunity to strike. It saw its moment when two were distracted by kissing. It slowly extended its head out from its shell and then in an instant unhinged its jaw and bit Fluttershy’s neck. Fluttershy immediately began screaming with Twilight joining her screaming a few seconds later.

“GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!” Fluttershy screamed thrashing her head around to no effect. The creature remained latched on to Fluttershy’s neck, its unhinged jaws gripping in a vice. It’s one eye was locked on to Twilight trying to predict what her next move might be. Twilight struggled to get a clear shot at the creature but it was moving its head with Fluttershy’s as she violently attempted to shake it off.

“Stand still Fluttershy I need to line up a shot!” Twilight said, magic beginning to shine from the tip of her horn. Flutterhsy obeyed but it was apparent she was straining to do so. Twilight released a precision shot of magic toward the creature, hitting it on its extended neck which caused it to loosen its grip on Fluttershy, who immediately put as much distance between herself and the creature as possible.

“Finally,” The creature said menacingly, venom dripping from its fangs as it spoke. “5,000 years of hibernation, and finally the raccni are ready to return,” it seemed as if the creature was preparing to start a long winded speech but it was cut off by Twilight firing a bolt of magic in the creature’s direction. The creature twisted its head around to avoid it and quickly moved the head back inside the still cloaked shell. “Hey I wasn’t finished,” He didn’t get time to continue as the ground beneath him opened up and a large rock came shooting out. The source was clearly Twilight who was now glowing in a magic aura. The raccni quickly clung to the ruck as it rose out of the ground and scurried up it. The cloaking on its shell had faded giving Twilight full view of her target

“Don’t worry I’ll finish your speech for you,” Twilight yelled and the rock exploded in a purple mist sending the raccni flying across the field landing on its back a few feet away. “And then I’ll finish you.” The lighter magic aura turned into a darker one as Twilight shot a beam of dark magic in the direction of the raccni, who jumped out of the way with a pathetic scream, he began scurrying back to the forest as pillars of fire erupted behind him.

“Oh man what did I bite?” The raccni said as Twilight burst through the fire in a full speed flight toward him. The raccni screamed again and began to scurry off but Twilight was faster she quickly over took it and picked it up magically and began violently slamming the creature against the ground repeatedly until its shell cracked and started to show a mass of green underneath. The shell quickly shifted between a multitude of colors as the raccni vainly tried to cloak itself again but was unable to due to the damage to his shell. “Look I think there’s been some mistake,” the raccni began pleading, but this was met with another slam on to the ground, this time Twilight placed her front hooves over the creature and pinned it to the ground crushing the shell and the insides even more.

“The only mistake you made was biting my friend,” Twilight said vengefully. “What are you? What did you do to her?”

“I’m sorry,” he pleaded. “I didn’t know. I was just really hungry I needed to eat something.”

“I don’t care! You’re poisonous I saw the venom drip from your fangs. What does the poison do? How do I stop it?” Twilight crushed the creature more and more as she talked. Suddenly two ligaments protruded out of the opposite side of the shell. They pulsed blue for a fraction of a second and then shot an electric jolt of energy into Twilight’s eyes, momentarily blinding her. While Twilight struggled with this the injured raccni quickly ran back into the forest. When Twilight regained her sight the raccni was gone. Twilight stamped her hooves angrily on the ground before hurrying back to the Fluttershy to check on her.

Chapter 7

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Twilight was struggling to get Fluttershy to the hospital. She was galloping as fast as she could with Fluttershy on her back. Since she had been bitten about an hour ago, Fluttershy had been constantly raving and squirming which wasn't helping Twilight carry her any faster. Twilight had been mostly ignoring what Fluttershy was saying, as it didn't make any sense, one second she would be laughing before launching off into a screaming fit and then just as quickly start crying.

After an incredibly long run Twilight burst into the hospital before immediately falling down exhausted with Fluttershy still ranting on her back. The hospital staff and waiting patients looked shocked at the sudden entrance.

"Help I need," Twilight began but couldn't finish because she was out of breathe.

"Quick nurse she needs help!" shouted one of the doctors finishing Twilight's thought. Two nurses quickly grabbed Fluttershy from Twilight's back and put her on a gurney before rushing into the back of the hospital with Twilight struggling to follow them.

"Please help she's," Twilight struggled to speak while chasing after the doctors and nurses.

"Doctor it appears she's bouncing rapidly between emotional states and moving uncontrollably," one of the nurses said again finishing Twilight's thought.

"She was bit ... Forrest," Twilight struggled to speak.

"Doctor there are bite marks on the neck, she must have been bitten by some creature, probably from the everfree forrest" The other nurse said. Twilight gave up talking and focused and catching her breathe.


The wounded creature continued to quickly scurry along the floor of the ever free forest before stopping at the base of a tree. He quickly identified a particular root and tapped on it with one of his legs. After a few seconds another snake like head emerged from a small hole in the tree.

"Tom there you are," the other head said happily. "You're not looking too good buddy? What happened to your shell?" it asked referring to Tom's shell that was still badly damaged from his encounter with Twilight.

"Oh Rick it's ridiculous. Quadrupedal equines with magic and wings, and one of them was shooting fire at me, and then she threw me on the ground cracked my shell," Tom said struggling to come to terms with what just happened to him.

"Easy easy man. Hold on I'll get the door for you," the head went back into the small hole and some clicking and locking sounds could be heard before a small hatch in ground popped up. Tom quickly scurried down the hatch and into a small tunnel that was dimly lit with magic torches that hung on the tunnel's walls. They burned with a green light and the flames themselves moved differently than a typical fire. The tunnel seemed to continue for miles and it branched off into numerous other tunnels with other tunnels leading into it as well forming a complicated inter connected network. As Tom scurried along the tunnel Rick emerged from another tunnel that merged into the one Tom was in.

Rick was in a shell that was made from the same material Tom's was and it had a similar shape as well, only Ricks was smaller and more round and featured wings on the top that could be used for flight, though at the moment Rick was scurrying along with similar twig like legs

"Sorry about your shell Tom," Rick said sympathetically. "I know you worked really hard getting the stealth thing working." The two expertly moved through several connected tunnels as they talked going deeper and deeper down into the earth.

"Tell me about it," Tom said sadly. "This one was a real work of art; I'll have to make a new one. Hey did Cindy wake up yet?"

"No her whole section is going to be out for another year or two, they had to get the lights during this last sleep."

"Too bad, I owe her some money."

"Really what for?"

"We made a bet. She totally called quadrupedal equines being the dominant species."

"Really, quadrupedal equines. I would've thought octapedal arthropods would make a comeback."

"I thought it was going to be bipedal hairless apes."

The two finally emerged from their tunnel into a central room that several other tunnels led in to. The room itself was a bar, one that had very clearly just reopened as boxes of food and silverware were visible behind the counter and tucked into a corner. The room was filled with raccni like Rick and Tom, all of them had different shells, though some of them were similar to each other as if they were based off of the same thing, including two that seemed to be based off of the octapedal arthropods Rick mentioned earlier. Rcik and Tom moved over to the bar where a raccni in a shell with 4 large legs acting as a platform for a smaller head.

"Tom good to see you," the bartending raccni said flirtatiously.

"I'm here to you know," Rick said clearly jealous.

"You haven't been up to the surface yet Rick. I'm interested to see what's out there this cycle," the bartender said as she put two green fruits in front of them. Rick bit into the fruit with his fangs and sucked the juices out. The juice seemed to have an intoxicating effect.

"Woah Patty," Rick said coughing, "That's some strong stuff."

"Well Tom?" Patty asked.

"Quadrapedal equines," Tom said seriously. "With wings, and some of them can channel magic through horns on their head."

"Sounds interesting," Patty said biting into an apple herself.

"Yeah interesting is one way to put it," Tom said bitterly. "I was right in the middle of giving the speech, you know the 'the raccni have risen after 5,000 years speech" the other two nodded they knew the speech. "Well I was just about to get into it when one of them does this to my shell, starts throwing me around with magic."

"Did you manage to get one of them before that?" Rick asked. "I imagine they would make a great replacement shell."

"Almost, I bit one but another stopped me before I could finish, I can't replicate the design."

"Aw man that sucks dude," Rick said as he made a motion for another fruit.

"It's fine, I'll just fix this shell the best I can. Let's hope that tree is still around this cycle so I can get the cloaking working again." Tom and Rick bit into their fruit and extended their heads so that the apples in their mouth touched each other doing the best they can at mimicking a toast before sucking all of the juice out of the apple.


Fluttershy continued to rave wildly and bounce between emotions as she had been for the past hour, the nurses had just finished injecting her with some medicine. The doctor looked at the machine monitoring Fluttershy's vitals.

"Nothing," The doctor said gruffly. "None of our medicine is having an effect on her."

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked concerned.

"In my professional opinion, she's suffering from some form of magic, probably a curse."

"Magic, but how she was bitten by something."

"That's correct she was, but there's no other explanation for what we're seeing. She was injected with some kind of venom but it's having a magical affect not a biological one. You would have a better chance of fixing her then we would." Twilight pondered for a few moments. Now that the problem was magic she felt more confident in fixing it herself.

"Ok," Twilight said wavering but confident. She racked her brain thinking through the countless magical tomes she read to try and find something similar to what was happening, or something that could stop it. She didn't know for sure but she had a feeling that if Fluttershy was left in this state for too long it wouldn't be good.

Finally the thought came to her. She could think of only one spell that could alter a mind to this extent. "Ok I think I've got an idea. I'm going to try and break this spell with another spell and hopefully get her to calm down." The doctor and nurses stood back as Twilight prepared her spell.

Her horn started to glow with the light of dark magic and after a few seconds of charging she shot a beam of dark energy toward Fluttershy. As the beam made contact her body was enveloped in a green haze that eventually condensed around her neck to form a steel collar with a red jewel in the center. The mist then moved on to Twilight's front hoof where it formed a bracelet with a similar design to the collar. After the bracelet was formed a locking sound could be heard and Fluttershy stopping moving and raving and looked at Twilight innocently. "I think it worked," Twilight said optimistically. "Fluttershy, are you ok?" Twilight looked expectantly at Fluttershy who stared back for a few minutes.

"I tiwed mommy I go nite nite," Fluttershy cooed before falling asleep sucking on her front hoof.

"What just happened?" The doctor asked worried the spell might not have worked.

"Oh wow look at that she's fine," Twilight said laughing nervously. "I think I'll take her back to the castle. I've got more magical equipment there."

"Are you sure? You know it might be best if we monitor he vitals for a few hours just to be sure."

"Not if you want to keep those sheets," Twilight said quietly.

"What was that?" the doctor said overhearing a bit of what Twilight said.

"Nothing nothing at all," Twilight said putting Fluttershy on her back. Fluttershy's peaceful sleep made carrying her much easier. "Thanks for all of the help really bye." Twilight shouted as she quickly galloped toward her palace.

Chapter 8

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Twilight stood addressing the rest of her friends in a smaller side room of the palace. Fluttershy was off just to the side in Twilight’s playpen wearing one of Twilight’s foal dresses, a pink one with an embroidered bunny on the skirt, peeking out from the skirt was one of Twilight’s diapers. Twilight was also wearing one of her diapers, but her’s seemed to have been more carelessly taped than Fluttershy’s, and in general her appearance was a bit frazzled.

Fluttershy was absent mindedly playing with a stuffed animal and suckling on a pacifier while Twilight explained the situation to the rest of her friends.

“Fortunately breaking the spell this time around will be pretty easy because I didn’t self-cast it,” Twilight said finishing her explanation, “but if I break it the other spell will just take over again, it’s also why I can’t give her any kind of potion to lessen the effects. So we have to find a cure for that spell before we can break this one. Any questions?” Twilight asked having caught everypony up to speed.

“So let me make sure I understand you,” Rainbow said accusingly. “Fluttershy is in an emotional fit and you decide to cast a mind control spell on her!” Fluttershy made a small gurgling noise over to the side confirming Rainbow’s assessment.

“Well yes,” Twilight clarified. “But the basic principle is that dark magics tend to cancel out each other’s effects if they do similar things so that’s why I went with the mind control spell.”

“I think what Rainbow means to say,” Applejack said trying to prevent a confrontation between Twilight and Rainbow. “Is that, well couldn’t you have found some other spell, maybe something less extreme for Fluttershy’s sake.”

“I know where you’re coming from,” Twilight stated. “But I'm not exactly an expert on dark magic this was the only spell I could think of.”

“Well you should’ve thought of a better one,” Rainbow said still antagonistic.

“I think the important thing here is the Fluttershy is ok,” Rarity interjected. “Relatively speaking of course. Twilight are you ok taking care of her? It’s not too much work for you?” Rarity asked taking note of Twilight’s already haggard look.

“Well it’s definitely not what I’m used to,” Twilight admitted. “I think I’m getting the hang of it though,” she said unconvincingly.

“Mommy I hungwy,” Fluttershy shouted from her playpen.

“Of course you are sweetie,” Twilight said approaching the play pen and releasing Fluttershy who immediately embraced Twilight in a hug. As her friends got closer Fluttershy buried her head in Twilight’s coat out of shyness.

“I don’t mind helping,” Pinkie Pie said cheerily. “Taking care of you was oodles of fun when it wasn’t oodles of weird. I’m sure Fluttershy will be no sweat.” Pinkie said happily. She had already begun tickling Fluttershy causing her to giggle and remove her face from Twilight and open up more.

“Are you sure you’re ok Twilight?” Applejack asked. “I would think only one of you would need diapers,” Applejack sated as she and everypony else had noticed that Twilight was still padded.

“Oh that,” Twilight said. “Well all the time I’ve been with Fluttershy may have had an adverse effect on my ability to control my own bladder, and all this stress has sort of made it worse.”

"You don't seem bothered by it at all," Rainbow Dash huffed under her breathe. Nopony seemed to hear her.

“Oh well sweetie then you do need help,” Rarity said. “It’s no problem. I’m sure between me, you, and Pinkie Pie we’ll keep everything under control.”

“I’m all about making ponies happy!” Pinkie said skipping around the room joyfully.

“Come Fluttershy dear,” Rarity said coaxing Fluttershy with loving pats on the head. “Let’s get you something in that tummy of yours.” With that Fulltershy followed meekly behind Rarity and Pinkie into the kitchen.

“The highchair is behind the pantry!” Twilight called out, “Bibs next to the spoon drawer!”

“They can take care of Fluttershy for now,” Rainbow said interrupting Twilight’s motherly shouting.

“Yeah we need to figure out how in the hay to break that spell,” Applejack added.

“Any ideas egghead?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well it’s a bit complicated,” Twilight admitted. “When the creature spoke it said it was a raccni and that it had been gone for 5,000 years.”

“So what, we fight old stuff all of the time,” Rainbow Das stated brashly.

“Not this old Rainbow. 5,000 years predates the earth, pegasus, unicorn union, and Celestia and Luna weren’t even around for that.”

“Ok so it’s really old, how does that make a difference?”

“It means we don’t know anything about it,” Applejack said.

“Applejack’s right,” Twilight said seriously. “Whatever this thing is it predates all of Equestria’s recorded history. There is literally no information about it. At least none that would be written in a language we can understand.”

“So what are we supposed to do then?” Rainbow Dash asked concerned.

“Well every snake venom I’ve seen has an anti-venom,” Applejack said.

“Maybe you’re right,” Twilight said thinking of a plan. “We need an anti-venom.”

“Well I could’ve told ya that!” Rainbow Dash said annoyed.

“We also need information about what this creature is, and the only way we can get both…”

“Is ta catch it,” Applejack said finishing Twilight’s thought. “But how are we gonna do that.”

“Well I know it lives in the everfree forest, and even though it can use magic I can tell you for a fact that it isn’t physically strong.”

“Ok,” Rainbow Dash said. “But the everfree forest is a big place, and you said it can turn invisible, how are we supposed to find it.”

“Correction, it could turn invisible,” Twilight said proudly. “Only its shell was invisible and I broke the shell. Plus we know that it has to leave the forest to hunt. So all we have to do is catch it by surprise the next time it leaves the forest.”

“Easier said than done,” Applejack pointed out. “What if we get bit?”

“Well I do have a way of keeping the venom from affecting you.” Twilight pointed out. There was a giggle from Fluttershy coming out of the kitchen.

“That’s an appealing thought,” Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

“Well at least we got a plan,” Apllejack said positively.

“I’ll put together some stealth wards to put around the edge of the forest,” Twilight asserted. “That way we can track everything that goes in and out until we find it.”

“Well I’ll let you get to it,” Applejack said. “I’ve got to catch up on some chores at the farm so I should go”

“Maybe you should go to Rainbow,” Twilight said having not been in love with Rainbow Dash’s tone throughout the day.

“Yeah I read you Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said angrily leaving the castle Applejack following behind her trying to calm her down.

Twilight made her way into the kitchen to see Pinkie Pie entertaining Fluttershy in her high chair an untouched bowl of oatmeal was over to the side of the tray. Pinkie was making various funny faces while Rarity was busy at the stove making something for everypony else to eat.

“Pinkie Pie you know she has to eat her food,” Rarity scolded Pinkie who stopped playing with Fluttershy and started feeding her with a grumble.

“How is it going?” Twilight asked.

“Oh just fine. You know Fluttershy she’s crazy quiet.” Twilight looked over at Fluttershy who was eating the oatmeal Pinkie gave her sweetly.

“Mommie!” Fluttershy shouted upon seeing Twilight sticking her arms up in the air and dropping all of the food in her mouth all over Pinkie Pie who shrugged it off with a giggle. Twilight lovingly kissed Fluttershy on the forehead causing her to go into a giggle fit. Pinkie Pie moved over allowing Twilight to finish feeding Fluttershy.

“You know I can see why Fluttershy likes this,” Twilight said enjoying the time with Fluttershy.

“Looks like someone needs a change,” Rarity said approaching Twilight and Fluttershy.

“What? She’s fine.”

“I’m talking about you,” Rarity said gesturing to Twilight’s diaper which was beginning to sag.

“Oh yeah I forgot, I’ll go change.”

“Please allow me,” Rarity volunteered. “You seem to have trouble getting them on by yourself.”

“Are you sure? Last time you were.”

“That was last time dear I’m over it now. Making all of your dresses and other things has, well, desensitized me to it.”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said nervously.

“Oh don’t be shy,” Rarity said sweetly as she made her way to the castle’s nursery with Twilight following slowly behind her. Once there Twilight nervously sat down on the nursery's changing table while Rarity prepared a diaper and changing supplies.

“I understand if you’re a bit nervous,” Rarity said as she began changing Twilight. “Would you like a pacifier?”

“No thanks,” Twilight said. “I think I should be big for Fluttershy you know.”

“Nonsense dear, this is a stressful situation and you should do whatever you need to relieve stress. It’s no trouble for me to take care of you and Fluttershy.” Twilight instinctively raised her legs as Rarity removed the dirty diaper and replaced it with a clean one with oddly expert precision.

“Maybe not right now.”

“That’s fine dear. The offer’s still on the table if it ever gets to be too much for you though.” With that Rarity finished taping up Twilight’s new diaper. It wasn’t quite as snug and comfy as when Fluttershy did it, but it was still better than the hasty job Twilight did on herself. “There all done.” Twilight stood up happy about getting out of her wet diaper.

“I think I should give Fluttershy a bottle to wash down that oatmeal with,” Twilight said making an excuse to leave the nursery and the fairly awkward situation. She met Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie who were playing a game in the living room.

“Mommy got diapee changed,” Fluttershy cooed.

“Wow that’s not something you hear every day!” Pinkie Pie said laughing. Twilight and Rarity laughed too. Twilight went into the kitchen and quickly returned with a bottle of milk, and started to feed Fluttershy the bottle on the couch.

“Aren’t they cute together?” Rarity said quietly to Pinkie Pie.

“Nope it’s still super weird to me,” Pinkie answered honestly. “But then again I’m pretty weird too.”

“An astute observation Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight played with Fluttershy for a few more hours keeping her entertained with a few toys she had around the castle, mostly stuffed animals from the nursery with funny voices provided by Twilight. Rarity and Pinkie Pie helped with more mundane housekeeping tasks as Twilight was absorbed with taking care of and entertaining Fluttershy who had a surprisingly small attention span and would wander off if something got even slightly boring. As the sun went down it became obvious that both Fluttershy and Twilight were exhausted. Twilight struggled to stay awake as she fed Fluttershy a night time bottle. She was so tired that she didn’t even notice that Fluttershy had fallen asleep a few minutes ago and was just chewing on the nipple of the bottle in her sleep and not actually drinking anything.

“Ready for bed Twilight?” Rarity asked entering the living room. Rarity’s sudden entrance had woken Fluttershy who rolled off Twilight’s lap sheepishly.

“Yeah I could use some sleep,” Twilight said as she made her way to the nursery Fluttershy obediently following her. “Do you and Pinkie have places to sleep.”

“Of course dear, Pinkie Pie is already asleep in the other guest bedroom.” They made their way into the nursery and Rarity helped Twilight get Fluttershy into a sleeper. Once she was cozy Twilight helped Fluttershy into her crib and lovingly kissed her on the forehead as she fell asleep.

“Thanks again for your help,” Twilight told Rarity as they quietly exited the nursery.

“You would do the same for me, not that I would ever be in this situation.” Twilight laughed a little as the two approached her bedroom.

“Are you sure there’s enough room for you and Pinkie.”

“Don’t worry. Pinkie Pie runs about mile a minute when she's awake, but when she sleeps she doesn’t wake up for anything except breakfast cupcakes. I’ll be fine.”

“Well see you in the morning I guess”

“Good night,” Rarity said as she left down the hall. Twilight left a crack in her door open so she could hear any noises from the nursery. Despite being incredibly tired Twilight struggled to fall asleep with concern for Fluttershy.

Chapter 9

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A ray of sunlight shone through Twilight’s window causing her to stir and wake with a groan. Once she had woken up she placed her hoof over her diaper, and somewhat unsurprisingly she had wet during her sleep. She had a mild bit of annoyance before getting over it. It was a problem for another time she had to help Fluttershy get better first. With Fluttershy on her mind Twilight ventured a peak into the nursery. Fluttershy was still sleeping soundly rhythmically suckling on her pacifier as she slept. Twilight let the sleeping pony lie and went back into her bathroom to get ready for the day. She was somewhat slower than usual without Fluttershy helping her but she eventually made herself presentable and went back into the nursery. This time Fluttershy was awake and was laying calmly in the crib looking at some of the pictures that Twilight had colored that adorned the walls.

“Good morning sleepy head,” Twilight cooed motherly.

“Good morning,” Fluttershy replied in a distinctly adult voice.

“Oh sorry,” Twilight said caught off guard. “I forgot you feel more yourself after sleep.” Fluttershy smiled. “Oh and I’m sorry about, you know this whole situation.”

“Why are you apologizing?” Fluttershy asked. “You saved me, and I should be apologizing to you for all of those awful things I said.”

“It’s fine Fluttershy I know you didn’t mean it, you were just under the effect of the curse and all.”

“Well I'm thankful none the less, you did a good job.”

“So you’re ok with …” Twilight struggled to clarify her position.

“Of course I’m fine with it Twilight. I know you did what you had to do to keep me safe, and I know you can handle it.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight said wavering. “I don’t think I’m very good at it. I still need my diapers.”

“That doesn’t matter,” Fluttershy said. “Besides you have Rarity and Pinkie Pie helping you.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“I am, you’ll do fine and you’ll make me all better I believe in you.” Twilight hugged Fluttershy through the bars of the crib for a moment. “All this is pretty ironic though don’t you think?” Fluttershy said laughing.

“Yeah it is,” Twilight said joining in on the laughing. “How do you like things on the other side of the crib?”

“It’s not bad I suppose,” Fluttershy answered honestly. “It’s definitely cozy, and I do look cute don’t I?”

“You sure do,” Twilight said pinching Fluttershy’s cheek. “And you’re ok with the diapers. I know that it's not exactly what you're used to.”

“Well,” Fluttershy said blushing. “I may have worn them once or twice while you weren’t around.”

“What?” Twilight asked amazed.

“Well I was curious. You liked them so much and made it look so fun. I wanted to know what the fuss was about.”

“And?” Twilight asked expectantly.

“They aren’t as bad as I thought. They are comfortable and when you first wet them …” Fluttershy was cut off.

“You sure you only wore them once or twice?” Twilight said jokingly.

“Ok you got me, I wore them often. I was actually going to tell you about it soon but then all this happened. I wasn’t sure how you’d take it.”

“Oh Fluttershy,” Twilight said laughing. “I wouldn’t mind it at all. I’ll listen to you whatever you wear.”

“Dats good.” Fluttershy said a bit more childishly.

“Looks like I’m losing you,” Twilight said. “I bet you got a wet diaper like I do let’s get you changed.”

Twilight let Fluttershy out of her crib. Though Fluttershy wasn’t completely childish yet she obeyed Twilight and let Twilight change her diaper. By the end of the change Fluttershy was as childlike as ever. Thankfully Twilight was better at putting on Fluttershy’s diaper than her own. After the change Twilight dressed Fluttershy into a light pink sun dress with white lace trim. This particular dress didn’t have a diaper cover to go with it so Fluttershy’s diaper was left bare. Once Fluttershy was dressed Twilight led her out of the nursery and toward the living room when they ran into Rarity.

“Oh good morning you two,” Rarity said cheerfully. “I was just coming to wake you up and check your umm …” Rarity was trying to find a more subtle way of saying diaper so as not to make Twilight to uncomfortable.

“I changed Fluttershy already,” Twilight said more comfortably than usual. She continued to walk toward the living room as she talked. “I need to be changed though. We can put Fluttershy in the playpen for a little bit and take care of it.” Rarity seemed a bit shocked at Twilight’s sudden openness but didn’t think anything of it. Twilight got Fluttershy in her playpen and piqued her interest in a nearby toy before securing it shut. Once Twilight and Rarity arrived at the nursery Twilight quickly hopped on the changing table.

“Well you seem a bit chipper this morning,” Rarity commented as she got supplies ready.

“Yeah Fluttershy and I had a nice talk this morning that made me feel better about everything,” Twilight sighed.

“Well that’s good, I’m glad you feel better about the whole thing,” Rarity said removing Twilight’s diaper and quickly replacing it.

“You know she told me something that I thought was pretty funny,” Twilight remarked.

“What?” Rarity asked curious.

“I don’t know if I should repeat it, it was kind of personal.”

“Well now I just have to know,” Rarity said stopping her diaper change just sort of completion. “And I’m not finishing until you tell me.”

“Ok well keep it a secret ok.”

“I make no promises I am an open gossiper.” Twilight gave Rarity a stern look. “I suppose I can promise not to make it the first point of conversation when I do gossip.” Twilight seemed to find that acceptable.

“Well,” Twilight began “It turns out that when I wasn’t around Fluttershy had been trying on my diapers,” Twilight giggled a little “she said she was curious.” At the mention of this Rarity started blushing heavily and quickly finished taping up Twilight’s diaper.

“Well I mean one can hardly blame her,” Rarity said fumbling. “I mean you make it look like so much fun. Anypony would be curious.”

“You tried it too didn’t you?” Twilight said with a massive grin on her face. Rarity just blushed deeper in response.

"Yes," Rarity said quickly and bluntly.

“Did you …”

“Well I didn’t want to waste them.”


“The smallest they sold was a pack of 20.” Twilight was struggling not to laugh.

“I’m sorry it’s just really funny to me,” She eventually composed herself. “Well did you like it?”

“Enough to go through the whole pack,” Rarity said honestly but still embarrassed. “Not enough for me to buy another though.”

“Well at least you tried it,” Twilight leaving the room still trying to contain her giggles.

The two made their way down to the living room where Pinkie Pie was already entertaining Fluttershy.

“Oh pinkie,” Twilight said happily. “Thanks for looking after Fluttershy I needed a change.”

“No problem,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Actually can you and Rarity keep watching her? I need to go ahead and get started on those stealth wards.”

Twilight went to a nearby room that she had set up for magical experiments, and used the supplies to make the stealth wards. She left the door open so she could hear Fluttershy and whenever Fluttershy cried or became too loud she would pop out to give hugs or stern warnings whichever was appropriate. It didn’t take her long to fashion together about 10 wards, turning random junk into secret spying devices. The average pony would be none the wiser that the random pieces of garbage were actually watching and sending the view into one of Twilight's magical crystal balls. After testing each one thoroughly and ensuring they worked Twilight packed them all into a small bag and made her way back to the living room.

“Emerging from your cave again,” Rarity teased.

“Yes,” Twilight said a little tired. “But this time I’m finished,” she said dropping the bag of wards. “10 stealth wards. I’m sure if we put them in the right places we can cover all of the exits to the forest.”

“Well that’s great!” Pinkie Pie shouted with what looked like bits of paper and glitter stuck in her mane, more paper and glitter than usual anyway. “Are we going to set them up?”

“Right now?” Rarity asked.

“Well it would be a nice excuse to get out of the house,” Twilight said grabbing the bag again. “And we need to do it as soon as possible anyway, so there’s no time like the present.” Twilight made her way over to Fluttershy who happily hugged Twilight. Twilight looked at Fluttershy’s dress. Despite some small stains from an arts and crafts session with Pinkie it was still relatively clean. “You want to go outside for a bit sweetie?” Fluttershy quietly laughed meanwhile Twilight was slyly checking Fluttershy’s diaper. “Let’s get you change and then we’ll go for a little walk.” Fluttershy seemed delighted by the idea.

Twilight was happily pushing Fluttershy in her stroller with Rarity and Pinkie Pie following close by. Pinkie Pie often skipped happily ahead before circling back. Fluttershy seemed to be enjoying everything from the comfort of her stroller. Twilight had tied a white bonnet to her head to keep the sun out of her eyes and she had her pacifier and a stuffed rabbit to keep her company. Twilight had decided to wear a sundress similar to Fluttershy’s though her’s was in blue and not quite as lacy. It also covered more of Twilight’s diaper and Twilight also wore a diaper cover. As they walked Fluttershy would often stick her hoof out and point at an animal and Twilight would respond with the animal’s name. Eventually they entered areas around the forest so every now and then Twilight would stop to set up one of the wards. When they came to the last vantage point Rarity and Pinkie began unpacking some snacks that were stored in the back of the stroller.

“Want to stop for snacks?” Twilight asked sticking the small mirror that served as the ward into the ground.

“Well he have been walking a while,” Rarity whined.

“I suppose we can stop for a minute,” Twilight said checking the crystal ball making sure the images from all of the wards were coming in clear. “Not for long though, we should head back soon Flutterhsy needs her bottle and bath before bedtime.”

“Wow look at Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said butting into the conversation. “Being all mommy-like.” Twilight blushed a little.

“I’m trying my best,” Twilight smiled content as she let Fluttershy out of the stroller.

“Now Fluttershy, you need to stay here while we eat ok.”

“Ok,” Fluttershy cooed innocently.

“Can you eat your sandwich by yourself or do you need help?” Twilight asked tying a pink bib with a happy smiling bunny on it around Fluttershy’s neck.

“I gots it,” Fluttershy said stick her hoofs out grabbing at the sandwich Twilight held in her hoof.

“Ok here’s your sandwich and a sippy cup of juice,” Twilight said handing them to Fluttershy. “Stay right here,” Twilight said sternly. Fluttershy abruptly sat down on the ground and began eating her sandwich. Twilight quickly grabbed her own sandwich but upon looking back at Fluttershy, who had already made a mess, she realized Fluttershy would need help. “Here let me help,” Twilight said sitting next to Fluttershy. She tore off bite sized pieces of Fluttershy’s sandwich that she could eat easier and fed them to her, taking bites of her own sandwich when Fluttershy stopped to drink from her sippy cup. Despite this slow process Twilight and Fluttershy eventually finished their snacks, and Twilight allowed Fluttershy to play by herself while she ran some more tests on the wards. While Twilight was distracted Fluttershy wandered off after a bunny. It wasn’t long before Twilight noticed the lack of noise and she quickly spotted Fluttershy a few feet away.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight yelled. Fluttershy turned around innocently. “I told you not to wander off like that,” Twilightv said grabbing Fluttershy by the arm and taking her back to the stroller.

“But I wanna see da bunny,” Fluttershy whined.

“Well you’re going to chase that bunny into the forrest and get yourself hurt,” Twilight said strapping Fluttershy back into the stroller. Fluttershy struggled against the straps of the stroller but they held strong.

“Noooo!” Fluttershy yelled getting the attention of Rarity and Pinkie Pie who decided it best not to intervene.

“Hush!” Twilight yelled sticking a pacifier in Fluttershy’s mouth. Fluttershy begrudgingly started suckling be she continued complaining by kicking her feet. Twilight grew even sterner. “When we get home it’s straight to bed with you.” This caused Fluttershy to yell behind her pacifier. “Keep that up and there won’t be any diaper changes before bed you’ll have to sleep in the one you have on now.” This threat caused Fluttershy to grow quiet, but she continued an intense bout of pouting. Twilight was bluffing of course Fluttershy would’ve gone to bed as soon as they got back anyway and Twilight wouldn’t let her sleep in a dirty diaper, Fluttershy didn’t know that though and Twilight gave a happy smirk knowing that her bluff worked.

“I think maybe we should head back,” Rarity said now that the situation was resolved. Fluttershy looked innocently at Rarity but Twilight was quick to catch this.

“Don’t look at her she isn’t going to help, you’re in trouble,” Twilight said turning the stroller around. Fluttershy audibly groaned.

“You've really stepped up today Twilight,” Rarity said congratulating Twilight.

“Thanks,” Twilight said genuinely. "It's really exhausting though. I turn away for one second and she just wanders off on me." Rarity gave Twilight a comforting pat on the back as they walked back to the castle. On the way back they stopped by Fluttershy’s cottage to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash moving around it somewhat erratically.

“Oh hey,” Rainbow Dash said passive aggressively noticing Twilight and the others on their way back.

“Howdy Rainbow!” Pinkie said much more positively than Rainbow Dash. “What are you guys doing?”

“Oh howdy,” Applejack said coming from around the corner of Fluttershy’s cottage. “We were just taking care of the critters?”

“Yeah cus somepony forgot,” rainbow said accusingly. Twilight looked to the ground embarrassed, she had forgotten all about taking care of the animals around Fluttershy’s cottage.

“I’m sure Twilight had enough on her mind taking care of Fluttershy Dash,” Applejack said sternly. This comment hit Rainbow in the same way her comment hit Twilight leaving two somewhat dejected ponies. Rarity and Applejack shared a concerned glance.

“Well we should get Fluttershy in to bed she’s a bit cranky,” Rarity said giving her and the others an excuse to leave.

“Yup,” Applejack said figuring out Rarity’s strategy. “And we’re pretty much done here so I reckon we can head on home.” And with that Rarity and Applejack escorted the two currently feuding friends to their homes.

Chapter 10

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Twilight was busily making some soup in the kitchen with Fluttershy was nearby in her highchair. Twilight wore nothing but an apron and her diaper and Fluttershy was wearing a green onesie adorned with cute frog faces. Twilight hummed as she stirred the large pot and then used the spoon to taste the soup. She gave a happy smile and covered the pot with a lid and brought the temperature on the stove down.

“It’s ready Rarity,” Twilight called. Rarity could be heard making her way into the kitchen. While she was on her way Twilight picked up the crystal ball that she had set on a nearby table and looked into it . It gave a view of everything the wards she placed yesterday could see but nothing interesting was happening around the forest's edge.

“Anything yet?” Rarity asked as she entered the room to see Twilight staring into the crystal.

“Nothing,” Twilight said. “But it’s only been a day.”

“I’m sure it’ll turn up eventually,” Rarity said as she lovingly patted Fluttershy’s head while making her way over to Twilight’s soup pot.

“It’s chicken noodle,” Twilight said pouring some out for Rarity into a bowl. “It’s not as good as when Fluttershy makes it, but I did my best.” Rarity took a sip and her face lit up.

“Well if Fluttershy makes it better than this then color me impressed.”

“Thanks,” Twilight said as she brought a bowl of the soup to Fluttershy. She tied a large bib around Fluttershy’s neck and tried to feed her carefully, but even with her care Fluttershy still managed to make a mess. Twilight just smiled and cleaned Futtershy up when she needed to. “I need a diaper change after I finish feeding Fluttershy and I eat, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Rarity said nonchalantly. “It’s about the only thing I have left to do you seem to have everything under control.”

“Don’t sell yourself short Rarity,” Twilight said “You’ve been a big help.” Fluttershy finished her soup but Twilight left her in the high chair giving her some toys to occupy her while Twilight ate.

“If you want I can change you I the living room,” Rarity said while Twilight quickly slurped her soup down. “It’s just us here now.”

“Oh yeah that’s right,” Twilight said her voice muffled by a mouthful of crackers. “Pinkie had to go and run sugar cube corner. Don’t you have a store to run too?”

“Don’t worry about it dear. I’m letting the brand rest this season. It’s a fashion thing.” Twilight shrugged her shoulders not getting it at all. “Don’t worry yourself with the details point is the shop’s closed for now.” Twilight rolled her eyes as she finished her soup.

“Well let’s get me changed because I’m sure Fluttershy needs one too.” Twilight and Rarity made their way to the living room within earshot of Fluttershy who was still playing with her toys. “I’m sorry but I might be messy.” A look of dislike flashed across Rarity’s face before she composed herself.

“It’s alright, this was an eventuality.” Twilight gave a half smile.

“Yeah I tried to make it but these diapers are hard to take off and I ...”

“You don’t need an excuse Twilight. I’ll just try not to think about it too much," Rarity said as she was about to begin but Twilight stopped her.

“Uhh do you think I could have a pacifier?” Twilight asked slightly embarrassed.

“Of course dear,” Rarity said placing a pacifier in Twilight’s mouth. Twilight greedily started suckling a look of relief on her face because it had been so long. Rarity was happy to have Twilight quiet while she tried her best to clean Twilight without getting anything on her. While it took some time Rarity did manage to clean Twilight and change her diaper while keeping herself clean as well. As Twilight was getting up she felt a familiar vibration coming from her cutie mark.

“What is it?” Rarity asked seeing the look of concern on Twilight’s face.

“The map is calling me somewhere,” Twilight said anxious. “Ugh this is the worst possible time. I’m sorry but I need you to take care of Fluttershy while I take care of whatever the map wants.” Rarity sighed not really wanting to change another messy diaper this soon.

“I’ll take care of it just please hurry back.” With that Twilight made her way to the map room. She saw her, Rainbow Dash’s, and Applejack’s cutie marks circling around a clearing in the Everfree Forrest. On cue Applejck and Rainbow Dash came running into the map room.

“We’re here,” Applejack said panting.

“Yeah what’s the sitch,” Rainbow Dash said anxiously. Twilight was studying the map.

“It looks like the map is sending the three of us somewhere in the Everfree Forest.” there was a pause as Twilight tried to discern where exactly they were to go “It looks like the tree of harmony.”

“The tree of harmony?” Applejack said perplexed.

“What else do we have to do there?” Rainbow Dash said a bit annoyed. “I hope it’s not another box.”

“Yeah I’m still tryin’ to wash the red out of my mane from the last time,” Applejack said rubbing a part of her mane.

“I don’t know what it is,” Twilight said hurriedly. “Hopefully it’s something quick I need to get back to taking care of Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes angrily at this.

“For once I’m with Twilight,” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Let’s get this done as quick as possible so I can go back home and get actual work done and not just play around." This jab was directed at Twilight but she ignored it.

“You know usually when the map sends us somewhere there’s some friendship lesson to be had,” Applejak said. “Could you two think of any friendship lesson that might happen between us?” Applejack asked hoping to avoid listening to Twilight and rainbow dash bicker the whole way.

“Nope,” Rainbow Dash said bluntly.

“Yeah I can’t think of one either,” Twilight said with obvious disdain. Applejack sighed defeated. “Ok then let’s go.”


“Are you sure this is the right tree? ” Rick said as he and Tom emerged from the shrubbery into the glade surrounding the tree of harmony.

“What kind of question is that,” Tom said as the two raccni approached the tree. “It’s a giant white magical tree with glowing rocks on it what other tree do you think would have invisible sap?” Tom was in a different shell than his last one. This one had four legs and two pincer arms and closely resembled a crab. Rick was in his usual shell, lightweight with beetle like wings in the back.

“Ok well how do we get that sap you were talking about?” Rick asked as he flew up to one of the branches.

“Well last time it grew this weird box thing with locks on it, and it was in a jar inside the box.”

“Oh do we have to go on some quest to find out about ourselves and earn the keys by mastering some new kind of friendship?”

“What? No! that would be dumb. I’m going to break the box open. That's why I borrowed Cindy's shell. I'm going to open it with these," Tom said clacking the pincers menacingly.

“Oh yeah that does seem like it would be a lot easier,” Rick said flying around and examining the tree.

“But first we have to get the box to show up. Just start poking at those rocks until something happens, that’s what I did last time.” The two of them began furiously poking at the tree with their appendages.


Applejack was walking along a path in the Everfree Forrest being continuously annoyed by Twilight and Rainbow Dash who were fluttering behind her throwing mean spirited quips at each other.

“Would ya’ll be quite,” Applejack finally yelled. “Or do you want every manticore and hydra in the forest to know where we are?” Twilight and Rainbow Dash pouted at each other.

“Well she started it,” Rainbow Dash huffed.

“I didn’t start anything!” Twilight complained. "You started it."

“Yer both acting like babies!” Applejack yelled. Rainbow dash was about to state something but Applejack stopped her. “That was a poor choice of words.” Rainbow Dash and Twilight nodded. “But that doesn’t make it not true and you both …” Applejack stopped as the three of them heard something over the ridge. They immediately got quiet and watched from behind a bush where they could see the clearing ahead of. They had reached the tree of Harmony and were looking from their hidden perch as two Raccni cntinued to fiddle around with parts of the tree of harmony.

“That’s the creature that bit Fluttershy,” Twilight whispered.

“Are ya sure?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah,” Twilight pointed to the head of one of the Raccni. “See that’s the elongated head I was talking about. I don't think it's the exact same one, they both look different, but it' the same species no doubt.”

“Alright!” Rainbow dash said. “What’s the plan here?”

“Well we need to capture at least one of them if we want to make an antivenom.”

“Right so what’ the best way a doin' that?” Applejack asked.

“Well,” Rainbow dash said evaluating the situation. “It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to try and grab them with our hooves. The poison and magic make it too dangerous, so I’m thinking Twilight here should trap one with a spell. Something that keeps them from using their magic.”

“That’s good thinking Rainbow,” Twilight said, “I think I have just the spell in mind, but I can’t do it on something that large.”

“Well it’s just the shell that’s big right?” Rainbow said thinking aloud. “What if we cracked the shell and pulled one out?”

“That’s pretty dangerous Rainbow,” Applejack pointed out. “You might be bitten if you get that close.”

“No I can do it. I’ll grab the one without wings and drop him from the air. Then all you guys have do to is take care of the other one.”

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked concerned.

"I don't need to hold him for that long," Rainbow Dash said confidently. "I'll be dropping him from 50 feet before he even knows what's happening."

“ok," Twilight said some concern still in her voice. “Just be careful I’m not sure how powerful their magic is, and I don't want to see anypony else get bit.”

“Don't worry Twilight,” Rainbow dash said clapping her hoofs together. "We got this. Let's go girls."

With a nod the three ponies jumped out of the bush they were hiding behind and stormed into the clearing with a yell. The two Raccni jumped startled at the pony’s yelling and Tom began screaming when he saw Twilight.

“That’s her. That’a the quadrupedal equine!” Tom said beginning to run away.

“Are you serious?” Rick teased. “They don’t look that tough to ufff.” Rick was interrupted as a purple blast from Twilight hit him and sending him flying into the tree. Tom had already begun running away before the first shot was fired, but he wasn’t nearly fast enough for Rainbow Dash who caught up to him in a matter of seconds, picked him up by one of his back legs, and began flying upwards. At the same time Applejack was busy keeping Rick pinned to the tree and punching at his head each time it came up.

"I knew I should've gotten one with wings," Tom cursed as he struggled. Seeing his struggle was in vain, he began to extend his head from his shell and tried to bite Rainbow Dash on her hoof, but she dropped him before he could extend it far enough.

“Incoming!” shouted Rainbow Dash. Twilight gathered that Rainbow Dash had dropped the other Raccni and grabbed Rick with her magic tossing him in the air. Applejack jumped up and gave the airborne Rick a strong kick sending him careening far away into the forest.

As soon as Rick was out of sight Tom hit the ground with a thud and as expected his shell cracked in several places from the impact.

“Oh not again,” Tom said referring to his cracked shell. He didn’t have time to complain long as Twilight forced the rest of the shell apart with her magic and grabbed him, quickly using her magic to surround him in a solid magical bubble. His snake like body seemed to shrink in response to the bubbles small size

“Got him!” Twilight shouted. Applejack and Rainbow Dash cautiously approached. The Raccni seemed to struggle for words for a minute but then spoke up with little confidence.

“I-I-I am a Raccni. Uhh prepare to face the Raccni’s powerful magic honed for over 5,000 years.” Two probes appeared out of the bottom of his body and they began glowing with a blue light. The ponies braced for an impact, but when the spell was released it bounced around harmlessly inside the magical bubble before hitting Tom in the eye and knocking him out cold. The ponies relaxed knowing that the situation was resolved and that they were all not in much danger to begin with.

“Can I just say out of all of the really old mysterious monsters we’ve fought, this one was the lamest.” Rainbow Dash said unimpressed.

“You could say that again,” Applejack echoed.

“Well at least we got him,” Twilight said with a sigh of relief. “Now we can get to work on an antidote.” Twilight began squishing the bubble in between her hooves and it teleported away to her castle.

“Well good job everypony,” Applejack said as she slyly nudged Twilight and Rainbow closer together. The two looked at each other awkwardly for a moment.

“That was a handy spell Twilight,” Rainbow dash said struggling.

“Well it was all thanks to your good plan.” Twilight said starting another awkward silence. “Look,” Twilight said after a while. “We can’t keep doing this. I don’t know how much longer I can take being at each other’s throats like this.”

“Yeah it is kind of exhausting,” Rainbow dash said honestly. “I’m ready to be over it too.”

“I know it sucks that you have to watch me and Fluttershy flaunt around all of the time, and I’m sorry I just got mad at you instead of trying to see it from your point of view.”

“No I’m sorry. I let my jealousy get in the way. You never would have been good enough for Fluttershy in my eyes and that’s not fair.”


“Friends.” Twilight and Rainbow embraced in a hug and Applejack gave a sigh of relief.

“Glad that’s over,” Applejack said joining in on the hug. “I didn’t want to put up with all that on the walk back too.” The group began walking back.

“Got any interesting gossip from Rarity for the walk back?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight giggled.

“Just one,” she whispered. “But you didn’t hear it from me.”

“Sounds juicy what is it?”

“Well,” Twilight motioned for the other two to lean in close and they did. “It turns out Rarity and Fluttershy were secretly wearing diapers too, they said they were curious.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash immediately moved away from Twilight and started blushing.

“I mean who could blame them right?” Applejack said quietly.

“Yeah you just make it look like so much fun you know,” Rainbow Dash said just as quietly.

“No way!” Twilight exclaimed. “You did it too!” Rainbow Dash and Applejack blushed even more. “Let me guess the smallest you could get was a pack of 20 and you didn’t want to waste them.”

“Alright alright,” Applejack said annoyed. “You found us out you don’t gotta rub it in.”

“I’m sorry it’s just really funny to me,” Twilight said hitting Applejack playfully on the back. “Oh I almost forgot I guess I don’t need the stealth wards anymore I’ll cast the self-destruct spell when I get back home.”

“Won’t somepony get hurt?” Applejack asked.

“Only if they’re standing around looking at garbage next to the most dangerous part of town.”


Derpy stood in front of a mirror stuck in the ground. She didn’t know why exactly but she was always fascinated by mirrors. She had spent the last few hours trying different ways to get her one off center eye to finally line up, or at least find a way to style her mane that covered the fault up. Just like every other time though she couldn’t find a way to hide it. She sighed as she looked in to the mirror focusing on her imperfection when all of the sudden the mirror started glowing with a faint purple light. As Derpy looked closer the light grew bigger until eventually the mirror exploded into a cloud of purple smoke. Derpy could hear several other explosions follow this one. When the dust cleared Derpy stood singed but otherwise unharmed. She looked back at the mirror which was now cracked. She looked closer and was amazed. Somehow the explosion worked, it knocked her eye into place. A huge grin went across her face as she started dancing and happily yelling. When suddenly a rock, knocked into the air by another explosion landed on her head with a conk, and Derpy’s smile faded as her other eye slid out of place. She looked in the cracked mirror and confirmed her mismatched eyes. She gave a defeated sigh and kicked the mirror before heading home.

Chapter 11

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Twilight was busy mixing the Raccni venom she got from Tom with several compounds and putting them into various tubes and flasks and placing them in the lab so they could finish reacting. Rainbow Dash was curiously poking at the bubble where Tom lay unconscious from Twilight’s numerous venom extractions.

“So,” Rainbow Dash said bored with the unconscious Raccni. “Which one of these is the cure?”

“Difficult to say,” Twilight said. “I’ve combined the venom with every compound I could think of that had similar composition, we just have to wait a day or two and see if there are any changes. If worst comes to worst we could always inject it like a vaccine into one of us and see if we can produce any antibodies.”

“Who’s the lucky pony that gets that job?” Rainbow Dash asked as the two of them moved into the living room where Rarity was playing with Fluttershy.

“Hopefully it won’t come to that,” Twilight said optimistically. “So let’s just cross that bridge when we get to it ok.” Rainbow Dash seemed satisfied at this response. “Anyway thanks for helping me in the lab.”

“No problem,” Rainbow Dash said boastfully. “I’ve done some snake wrangling before and this was kinda the same thing. Except usually the snakes don’t complain that much.” Twilight laughed a little at this. “See you soon,” Rainbow said happily as she flew out through the castle’s front door.

“I’m glad you two are getting along,” Rarity said happily.

“Me too,” Twilight said. “It was really tiring fighting all of the time.” Twilight moved over to Fluttershy who greeted her happily with a hug.

“Well apparently we have some time to kill,” Rarity said with a sigh.

“Yes we do,” Twilight confirmed. “It’ll be about a day before the samples are done maybe longer for some of them.” Twilight seemed to struggle saying something. “Listen since we’ve got a while.”

“Is there something wrong Twilight?” Rarity asked picking up on Twilight’s nervousness.

“Well it’s been so long since Fluttershy,” Twilight was stuttering. “And there’s no telling how much longer until she can.”

“Twilight are you asking what I think you’re asking?” Rarity said piecing together some of Twilight’s ramblings. Twilight nodded her head and Rarity and Rarity burst into a happy yell. “I’m so glad you’re finally letting me babysit,” Rarity said hugging Twilight.

“Are you sure you can handle both me and Fluttershy?” Twilight asked concerned.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head,” Rarity said patting Twilight on the head. “Let me take care of everything.” Rarity led Twilight and Fluttershy up to the nursery where she dressed them in matching pink onesies. “Don’t you two look cute?” Fluttershy giggled and fell on her back. Twilight started to help her up but Rarity stopped her by sticking a pacifier in her mouth. “Twilight I'm taking take care of you and Futtershy. So you don’t need to worry about anything except being cute." Rarity picked Fluttershy up and helped her regain her balance. "Now come with me.” Rarity led the two back into the living room and into the play pen in the corner of the room. Once they were both inside the playpen Rarity closed the top on it locking it shut. “I’ve left you two some coloring books and toys in there," Rarity said looking in on Twilight and Fluttershy through the play pen walls. " Why don’t you two get reacquainted with each other while I go and make you something to eat.”

Rarity left humming her way to the kitchen. Twilight was a bit unsure of herself but Fluttershy began poking her with a stuffed bear playfully as she suckled on her pacifier. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle and she slowly got more in the mood. Over the next few minutes Twilight and Fluttershy played various games, colored, and had childish conversations about their favorite color or how pretty or silly one of their stuffed animals was. They carried on this way for a while before Rarity returned from the kitchen.

“Well what have you two been up to?”

“Cowowing!” Fluttershy shouted.

“Sounds like fun,” Rarity said opening the top of the playpen. “Can I see your picture?” Fluttershy and Twilight eagerly handed Rarity their pictures.

“I drew a dragon!” Twilight said excitedly, “And Flutters drew a bear.”

“Rawr!” Fluttershy said as she lunged at Rarity with her picture in front of her. She and Twilight both laughed playfully.

“Well aren’t you scary?” Rarity said playing along. “I bet you’re hungry too, come I’ve got you two some food in the kitchen.” Fluttershy and Twilight followed eagerly behind Rarity.

In the kitchen one highchair was already set up and Rainbow Dash was nearby setting up another one.

“Raibow Dash?!” Twilight exclaimed shocked.

“Oh hey Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said casually. “Rarity said you needed another highchair so I flew over to Fluttershy’s and got hers, had to take it apart so I could carry it though. Just give me a few more seconds and I’ll put it back together for you.” Fluttershy happily pranced over to Rainbow Dash and hugged her.

“Wainbow!” Fluttershy said during the hug.

“Fluttershy do not disturb Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolded with a threatening slap on the thigh. Fluttershy wandered back pouting.

“These tools can be dangerous Flutters,” Rainbow Dash said as she screwed in another screw. “Don’t want you getting hurt.” Fluttershy sat nearby waiting, but Twilight was still standing far away awkwardly. “There finished,” Rainbow Dash said putting the tools away. With that Rarity helped Fluttershy into the newly completed high chair while Rainbow Dash approached Twilight. “Why the long face Twily?” Rainbow Dash asked happily.

“I thought you didn’t like this?”

“Well I’ve gotta get over it sometime,” Rainbow Dash said helping Twilight into the other highchair strapping her in tightly. “Consider this me getting over it.”

“Thank you again Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said carrying over two jars of mushy filly food.

“Anytime, can’t have the fillies eating without their high chairs,” Rainbow Dash joked. “Anyway I’m going to head back out and grab some food for myself just give me a shout if you need me again.” Rainbow Dash flew off again leaving Rarity alone with Twilight and Fluttershy.

Rarity tied bibs around Twilight and Fluttershy and alternated feeding each of them bites of the filly food. Twilight had no problems eating the food despite its bad taste. She had gotten used to it after all of the times Fluttershy would feed her the same thing. Fluttershy, however, seemed to like the taste as she greedily ate each bite Rarity gave her. Twilight had a tired face of disgust as she finished her jar of food, but Fluttershy remained happy and energetic. Rarity returned with two sandwiches placing each one on a high chair tray.

“I know that filly food might not have been exactly filling so I made you two some sandwiches,” Rarity said cheerfully. Twilight eagerly began eating her sandwich to get the taste of the filly food out of her mouth. Rarity had to help Fluttershy with hers as she seemed to be having trouble. Twilight finished first which meant she had to wait in her high chair while Fluttershy finished eating.

“I’m done Rarity,” Twilight whined.

“Well Flutterhy isn’t so you’re going to have to wait on her.” Twilight kicked her feet anxiously and Rarity quickly put a pacifier in her mouth.

“You are going to wait there patiently!” Rarity said threateningly. “Do not take the pacifier out until Fluttershy is finished.” Twilight pouted angrily while Fluttershy finished eating which didn’t take long. Afterwards Rarity took the two back into the living room carrying two bottles. “Fluttershy gets her bottle first.” Rarity said sitting down on the couch. Fluttershy sat on her lap and began suckling on the bottle. “Twilight, are you going to be a good girl and wait patiently for your bottle?”

“Yes ma’am,” Twilight said defeated. She lay on the couch next to Rarity resting her head near Rarity’s leg suckling on her pacifier while she waited for Fluttershy to finish. After Fluttershy finished Rarity sent her off with a pat on the bottom. Twilight eagerly took her place and began suckling on the bottle while Fluttershy entertained herself nearby with some blocks, spelling out pretend words and building towers only to immediately knock them down. “All done!” Twilight proclaimed as she finished the bottle.

“Good job little filly,” Rarity said sweetly. “It’s time for a diapee check.” Rarity said as she opened the bottom of Twilight’s onesie. “Yep somepony is a very wet filly. You too Fluttershy get over here.” Fluttershy wandered over and let Rarity check her diaper. “You’re both wet, come on let’s get those diapers changed.” Rarity led Twilight and Fluttershy to the nursery and changed both of their diapers. When she finished Fluttershy gave a yawn. “Looks like it’s nap time for you two,” Rarity said as she helped the two into the crib and locked it shut. “We’ve had a busy day haven’t we?”

“I wuv pwaying wif mommy,” Fluttershy said getting sleepy.

“Me too,” Twilight giggled as she hugged Fluttershy.

“I bet,” Rarity said. “And you two can play more after your nap.” Rarity said authoritatively leaving the room. Twilight and Fluttershy snuggled together and the two drifted off into a light sleep.

After two hours of sleep Fluttershy was the first to wake, and she immediately woke Twilight when she rolled on top of her.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight said still waking up. She couldn’t talk much because Fluttershy had begun kissing her. “Stop,” Twilight said laughing.

“I can’t,” Fluttershy said giggling, “You’re too cute I can’t help myself.” Eventually though she did stop and just laid down on Twilight’s chest

“It’s nice to see you again,” Twilight said wrapping her hooves around Fluttershy. “I should have the cure soon so I can have you back all of the time.”

“I don’t know,” Fluttershy said coyly. “This is kind of fun, we should do this more often.” Twilight giggled.

“It is kind of fun having a playmate,” She said pushing playfully on Fluttershy.

“Yeah and Rarity does a good job taking care of us don’t you think?”

“She’s not as good as you are,” Twilight said with a smirk.

“You’re cute when your brown nosing,” Fluttershy said as she gave Twilight another kiss. The two giggled some more as Rarity poked her head into the door.

“Are you two decent?” Rarity said covering her eyes with one of her hooves.

“Yes,” Fluttershy said as she rolled off of Twilight. The two of them crowded near the cribs bars as Rarity approached.

“Fluttershy feeling good?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy nodded.

“I think you are doing a vewy good job taking cawe of me,” Fluttershy said childishly.

“Oh I think she’s slipping away,” Twilight said hugging Fluttershy.

“Well that’s ok, I’m just glad she thinks I’m doing a good job. I was worried she might be a little mad that we did this without really asking her.” Rarity said as she opened the crib up letting Twilight and Fluttershy out.

“She seemed fine with it to me.” Twilight said giggling coyly.

“I know dear I had the filly monitor on.” Twilight blushed deeply as Rarity brought Twilight and Fluttershy into the living room where they played together for a few more hours. Twilight stopped playing and got up.

“What’s wrong dear?” Rarity asked.

“I just have to check on the samples real quick,” Twilight said moving off to the lab. "It shouldn't take to long."

“Ok dear come back soon.”

Twilight entered her lab. She immediately removed her onesie, hanging it on a hook by the door and donned some safety goggles. She took a glance at the various samples she had. To her surprise it seemed that they had all finished reacting finished reacting much earlier than she had predicted and had settled into liquids of various colors. Twilight was filled with cautious optimism, she could have Fluttershy cured tonight if everything goes well. With the thought of getting her special somepony back filling her mid she quickly got work examining the samples to see if any of them produced a promising cure.

Twilight immediately eliminated a large portion of them with a simple magic detection spell. The compounds that weren’t magically charged wouldn’t help so Twilight focused on what was left. After running tests on the remaining samples she found that several of them seemed to be more dangerous than they were before and the rest of them were rendered inert, as harmless as a bottle of water but unfortunately not capable of healing Fluttershy. Worry and panic settled on Twilight, all of her samples were wrong, none of them rendered an antidote. Twilight sighed as she teleported the bubble containing Tom into the lab.

“What do you want now?” Tom asked aggravated at the sudden summoning.

“I need the anti venom now!” Twilight said gritting her teeth as she picked up the bubble.

“Well good luck with that,” Tom said laughing. “Did all those venom samples you get not do anything?”

“I don’t have time for this Tom!” Twilight said banging the bubble on a table. “I know you know how to make the anti venom tell me how now!”

“I can’t tell you anything, our whole deal is that we remain secret, strike from the shadows and what not. I’m not going to be the Raccni that blows our cover.”

“Ugh, your cover is already blown. I’ve captured you, and we know about the rest of you what else is there to cover up?”

“Nothing for much longer,” Tom said sadly. “Soon the rest of the Raccni will go into stasis again for a very long time, long enough for all of you to forget about us. All of the Raccni’s secrets will die with me.”

“Oh sweet Celestia!” Twilight said pacing, after a while though she stopped and thought about what Tom just said. “So you’re just going to sit back while they leave you behind?” Twilight said with a sweeter tone.

“I don’t have a whole lot of options do I?” Tom replied angrily.

“But you do,” Twilight said seriously. “Tell me how to make then anti venom and I will let you go.” As a show of good faith Twilight released Tom from his bubble. He fell to the ground, but quickly regained his balance. Tom hummed a bit as he thought about Twilight’s offer. “Neither of us have any options left Tom. I want that anti venom and you don’t want to be left behind. Why don’t we help each other out?” Tom struggled in thought for a while before he finally broke.

“Ok ok,” Tom said. “We have the anti venom stockpiled underground in the burrows, but if you want to get it we need to get there now. Once the rest of the Raccni go into stasis the burrows will seal themselves off, and they would have already recalled everyone once they got word I was captured.”

“Ok I understand,” Twilight said picking Tom up and putting him on her back. “I’ll take you to your borrows and you show me where the anti venom is deal?”

“Fine,” Tom said hesitantly. “Beats wasting away for 1,000 years.” Twilight left the lab and flew out of the nearest window and into the sky. Rarity ran to the commotion but could only catch of glimpse of Twilight flying off. Tom wrapped around Twilight’s neck to get a better grip.

“Alright where am I going?” Twilight said fluttering.

“In that large forest I’ll give you specific directions when we get closer.” Twilight flew off quickly following Tom’s directions.

Chapter 12

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Twilight landed next to a large tree in the Everfree Forrest. Once she landed Tom slithered off of her neck and moved toward the tree.

"This is it," he said quickly before moving toward the tree.

"Hey!" Twilight shouted grabbing Tom by his tail. "Do not leave alone me out here understand."

"The door isn't going to be open for much longer. If you stand there yelling at me neither of us is getting in. You're going to have to trust me." Twilight begrudgingly let the Raccni go and he slithered into a knot on one of the tree's roots. After a few seconds of waiting a loud click could be heard and part of the ground near the tree slid open revealing an entrance to the large network of tunnels used by the Racci. Twilight peered inside and could vaguely see Tom partway in to the tunnel a green light emanating from his tail. "Alright come on," Tom beckoned. Twilight stood at the entrance of the tunnel nervously. "You gonna stand there all day or come in here and get the anti-venom." Twilight nervously entered the tunnel and followed Tom down several different twists and turns. As they walked torches on the wall next to them lit up in a green flame leaving a nice visible trail back to the entrance. From the light of these torches Twilight could see all of the different branches of the tunnels and how they seemed to go on forever.

"Wow!" Twilight said amazed. "These tunnels must go on for miles."

"They actually go under most of the planet," Tom said proudly. "But typically we only use one section at a time we don't have the numbers we used to so we can't use the whole network."

"How long have you been here?" Twilight asked.

"Longer than any of us alive care to remember." Tom took a turn into a small chamber that was filled with several empty shells. Tom's tail lit up again and he pulled one of the shells on the top down with telekinesis magic. It was very similar in appearance to his first shell with only minor differences mainly shorter legs and actual wings on the back. Once it was on level ground Tom slithered inside it, a green glow shone from the inside and he suddenly gained control of it. Twilight looked embarrassed like she shouldn't have seen that. "This one should do fine for now," Tom said getting used to the shell. "Come on it's just a little further." Twilight followed behind Tom as he continued to lead the way. "Everyone else is probably already in stasis so there shouldn't be anyone around to stop us from grabbing as much of the stuff we need."

"So you go into stasis? For how long?" Twilight asked out of curiosity.

"5,000 years is the standard time between activity cycles," Tom stated. "This one will probably only be 1,000 though we didn't get anything before our cover was blown."

"What do you mean by get something? Are you a predatory species?"

"That's one way of putting it," Tom said plainly. "We feed off of life force itself. We don't actually eat anything. We steal the life force from our prey and use that to stay alive. We can stretch one year of life force for you into 100 for us, even longer while we're in hibernation."

"Interesting," Twilight said pondering. "Feeding off of pure life force, that's incredibly unique."

"It's an old planet," Tom commented. "We're an evolutionary hold out from a much different time. We weren't exactly the dominant species back then, it was some race called metroids I think, so we decided to stockpile our life force so that a couple thousand of us could ride it out so to speak, wait for a time when we could rise up as the dominant species."

"Something tells me that didn't work."

"It took too long that was the problem. It was 50,000 years before we could safely claim the dominant species role, but by then we were down to only 500 of us so we couldn't repopulate sustainably. Ever since then we've just been taking what we can each cycle enough to stay alive."

"So what's with the shells?" Twilight asked. "I mean why do they all look different, wouldn't you have found one design that worked by now?"

"That's just a tradition. Every cycle we try to keep a record of the dominant species at the time. When we take somethings life force we get their essence their being so we use part of that to make a shell design based off of them to sort of remember them by. It's not like we want to hurt them, we just don't have a choice we can only survive on life force and we can't take part of a creatures life force we have to take all of it. We started making the shells so that, I don't know they could live on forever with us."

"That's amazing," Twilight said academically. "I mean being the victim of it means I'm biased against you, but on a scientific level your culture and your anatomy are fascinating. Plus an evolutionary record of the planet."

"Thanks?" Tom said not sure if what Twilight said was a compliment. "I'm really not supposed to be telling you this, and I don't really know why I am."

"You feel bad."


"You feel bad. You tried to kill somepony close to me and you realize what that means and now you feel bad about it."

"Whatever," Tom said dismissively.

"Well whether you admit or not that's what you're doing."

"If you say so," Tom said refusing to listen to Twilight. The two approached another chamber that was sealed off with a wall. Tom clicked one of his shells legs against the wall rhythmically and it slid open magically revealing a room filled with several small bottles. Tom grabbed one and threw it casually toward Twilight who caught it with magic. "There you go that's your anti-venom." Twilight looked at the bottle curiously. It was a glass bottle that was lined with cold black stone. The bottom of it looked like it could be pushed in and the top resembled a pointed fang. "See that pointy bit at the top, stick that into the skin near the bite mark and push down on the other end. Make sure you inject the whole thing. You know what take two," Tom said throwing another one. Twilight caught it with magic again. "That way you got some extra just in case one bottle isn't enough. It's not like we're going to use all of these, heck we've only ever needed it like 5 times." Tom tapped his leg on the wall again and the door slid shut.

"Ok thank you," Twilight said business-like.

"You can follow the lit torches back out or just blink out of here if you know how, we don't block outbound magic transportation."

"I know how to blink," Twilight said mildly offended. "And listen. I can't forgive you, but I understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate that you tried to make it right so I accept your apology."

"Listen tinkerbell don't make me ..." Tom began but he was cut off by Twilight who picked him up shell and all with magic and held him close to her face threateningly.

"And don't ever show your face again we clear?"

"As long as you don't tell anyone else about us or record our existence at all then yes we're clear."

"Well you can't exactly stop me from doing that can you?"

"No I can't, but I could've just left you stranded out in front of the tree with no way of saving your mate, so just keep that in mind." Twilight rolled her eyes at the term mate being used to describe Fluttershy, but she did see that the Raccni had a point.

"Fair enough I suppose," Twilight said setting Tom back on the ground. "You didn't have to help me, but you did anyway I can do the same for you. Have a good nap and I hope I never see you again."

"You won't," Tom said as Twilight blinked out of the tunnels. Tom let out a sigh as he cast a spell and all of the torches went out.

Twilight blinked to the front of her castle. She was surprised at how easy the long range blink was and guessed that the tunnels must have magical amplifying effects. Twilight calmly walked in to her castle where the rest of her friends were waiting, all of them crowding around Rarity who was documenting how Twilight flew off in a rush.

"She just flew off," Rarity said with concern. "I don't know where she is, and I'm worried sick."

"I know where she is!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "She's right there," Pinkie gestured to Twilight who was walking up to the rest of the group.

"There ya are Twilight," Applejack said relieved. "Ya done had Rarity worried sick."

"I know and I'm sorry," Twilight apologized. "I was kind of in a rush though. I had to get these." Twilight said proudly holding up the two jars of anti-venom.

"What are those?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"This is the anti-venom. I couldn't produce an anti-venom myself so Tom and I worked out a little deal."

"No way," Rainbow dash said excited.

"Hold on a second, what kinda deal?" Applejack questioned.

"He wanted to be brought back to the rest of his people before they all went into stasis."

"Wait so that means they're gone right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"For another 1,000 years at least. The important thing is I got the anti-venom and I can fix Fluttershy."

"I guess you're right," Applejack said hesitantly. "I just don't entirely trust him, but if he is true to his word then he's not our problem anymore."

"And if he isn't then we'll deal with him," Twilight added authoritatively.

"Right," Rarity said. "Well what are we waiting on let's get that anti-venom in Fluttershy." Twilight motioned for Fluttershy to come over and she obeyed immediately. Twilight brushed back her mane to find the spot where she was bitten and quickly stuck the sharp end of the anti-venom into her skin and begane pushing down on the bottom. Fluttershy started crying as the anti-venom was injected into her, but Twilight calmed her down by petting her mane as the bottle slowly became empty.

"Did it work?" Pinkie asked not seeing any change in Fluttershy.

"Only one way to find out," Twilight said nervously. Her horn glowed with dark magic as she released a spell at the bracelet on her front hoof. The bracelet broke off and dissolved into a green smoke that made its way to the collar around Fluttershy's neck. The smoke enveloped the collar and with a loud click the collar came open and dropped off of Fluttershy and fell to the floor dissolving into another green smoke that then quickly dissapated. Fluttershy stood groggy shaking her head in an attempt to clear it.

"Fluttershy are you all right?" Twilight asked concerned. Her question was answered when Fluttershy embraced her in a hug and several kisses.

"I knew you could do it!" Fluttershy said happily. There were collective awws from everypony watching. Rainbow Dash began ushering everypony out once the hugging began to get more intimate.

"I'm so glad to have you back," Twilight said happily.

"I'm glad to be back," Fluttershy said.

"We should get you out of that onesie," Twilight said laughing.

"I don't know," Fluttershy said embarrassed. "I like it. Besides I need to stay in diapers for a little bit longer anyway just to be safe. I say we let Rarity keep having her fun."

"But I want my mommy back," Twilight said whining.

"Your mommy is back sweetie," Fluttershy said grabbing Twilight's collar. "But you've got a big sister now too." Fluttershy playfully put a pacifier in Twilight's mouth and Twilight seemingly melted into her arms.

"I can't say no to you," Twilight said through her pacifier.

"No you can't," Fluttershy coyly reminded her. "What are you going to do with that?" Fluttershy asked gesturing to the remaining bottle of anti-venom."

"I don't know," Twilight said honeslty. "I guess I'll hang on to it just in case." She wrapped the bottle in a magical bubble and teleported it to her lab. "It might be a good idea to keep it around in case they show up again I bet I could repicate the anit-venom if I need to."

Twilight and Fluttershy made their way into the map room where the rest of their friends were waiting, both of them sporting matching purple and pink onesies.

"Thanks for all of the support guys," Twilight said tiredly. "I really appreciate it, but Fluttershy and I need some time together."

"Well that's my cue to leave," Pinkie Pie said skipping happily out of the palace.

"Yep I'm outta here too," Applejack said following her. "Great ta have ya back Fluttershy." Fluttershy looked at Rarity.

"Rarity we were wondering if you wanted to keep being our foal sitter." Rarity's face beamed with happiness.

"Of course I love looking after my two little foals," Rarity sang.

"Alrighty well you know where I am if you need me," Rainbow Dash said fluttering out of the room. Rarity looked at Fluttershy and Twilight who were both suckling on pacifiers looking fairly tired.

"Why don't I give you two a bath and then we all go to bed huh?" Twilight and Fluttershy looked at her like that was the best idea ever.

The three made their way upstairs Rarity let Twilight and Fluttershy play with a stuffed toy while she ran the bath water. Once the tub was full Rarity undressed the two and helped them in the bath. Between the two of them there wasn't a lot of room in the tub but Twilight and Fluttershy didn't seem to mind being close to each other. Rarity cleaned them both off thoroughly while they played with bath toys, their favorite game being one where they passed a toy boat back and forth between each other. After the bath Rarity quickly got the two back in diapers and lead them into the nursery and into the crib together. She gave each one a bottle of milk, a stuffed animal, and a pacifier before locking the crib shut.

"Good night, sleep tight," Rarity said sweetly as she closed the nursery door. Twilight and Fluttershy cuddled next to each other and fell asleep suckling on their pacifiers.

Chapter 13

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Rarity yawned as she woke up, she quickly turned on the filly monitor she had on the nightstand next to the bed. She heard silence from the other end so she got up and started getting ready, hoping to be done before Twilight and Fluttershy woke up. She started to hear some rumblings from the monitor while she was giving her hair its signature curl, so she quickly finished so she could greet the two fillies as they woke. In the time it took her to walk from Twilight’s bedroom to the nursery Twilight and Fluttershy were already awake and were snuggling together quietly.

“Good morning sweeties,” Rarity sang. Twilight and Fluttershy turned finally noticing her come in. Twilight was still suckling on her pacifier and holding a stuffed rabbit while Fluttershy was just laying down her pacifier hanging from her pajamas by a clip. Rarity unlocked and opened the crib and let the two out. “I think I’ve got an idea of something fun we can do today.” Rarity said getting the two out of their pajamas.

“What’s that Rarity?” Twilight asked eagerly.

“I don’t want to ruin the surprise,” Rarity said getting the two of them undressed. She then made them lie down on the changing table Twilight had wet during the night but Fluttershy was dry so Rarity focused on changing Twilight first. Twilight suckled on her pacifier while Rarity changed her. “Fluttershy I noticed your diaper isn’t wet you aren’t holding it in are you?” Fluttershy looked away ashamed.

“Maybe a little,” She said messing with her hair embarassed.

“You may be Twilight’s big sister but you’re still a filly and fillies use their diapers,” Rarity said authoratively. “You don’t want me to tell you twice.” Fluttershy blushed and started wetting her diaper while Rarity finished changing Twilight. Rarity got Twilight in a diaper before Fluttershy finished so she waited patiently on Fluttershy.

“I’m done,” Fluttershy said meekly. Rarity put a pacifier in her mouth and started to change her

“Good girl,” Rarity cooed. Fluttershy suckled on her pacifier while Rarity finished changing her. Now that both Twilight and Fluttershy were in clean diapers Rarity giddly moved toward the closet to pick out outfits for them. “This is my favorite part,” Rarity said looking through all of the outfits she had made trying to find the best one. “I’m thinking we go with a short dresses because it’s so hot out.” Rarity said holding out a white and red dress with an embroidered strawberry design on the front. She then pulled out a similar dress that was blue and had small pictures of flowers throughout. Rarity expertly dressed Twilight in the strawberry dress and Fluttershy in the blue one. She then finished the ensemble with a red diaper cover and bonnet for Twilight and a blue diaper cover for Fluttershy.

“I don’t know,” Fluttershy said looking at the dress in the mirror. “Everypony can see my diaper.”

“That’s the point dear,” rarity said dismissively. “It looks cute, and it makes it easier for me to check when your diaper. I’m sure Twilight agrees.” Twilight nodded her head enthusiastically and hugged Fluttershy. With the extra love from Twilight Fluttershy accepted the dress.

Once Twilight and Fluttershy were dressed Rarity lead them into the kitchen putting them in their highchairs for their breakfast that consisted mainly of filly food which was complimented with slices of fruit.

“Now the first thing we have to do before we get to the surprise is take care of the critters at Fluttershy’s cottage,” Rarity said shoving a spoonful of the mush into Twilight’s open mouth.

“Oh yes,” Fluttershy agreed excitedly sitting on the edge of the highchair with the straps preventing her from going too far. “I know Rainbow Dash and Applejack did their best, but I miss all my little critters and …” Fluttershy was interrupted by a spoonful of filly food.

“And I bet all the critters miss you and your special brand of tlc."

“Sissy is da best at takin care of da aminals!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

“She sure is,” Rarity said feeding another spoonful in. “Do you think you can be a big girl long enough to feed them Fluttershy.” Fluttershy nodded knowing what Rarity meant. Fluttershy then opened her mouth for another bite of food. Rarity obliged and stuck a spoonful in her mouth. Rarity continued to feed Twilight and Fluttershy until the large jar of filly food was gone. She then led them back into the living room and into the playpen where she locked it shut.

“Now you two be good and play in here. I’m going to make us a little pic nic and then we can head out,” Rarity left into the kitchen to pack some food. When Rarity was gone Twilight buried her head in Fluttershys chest.

“It’s still a little weird for you isn't it?” Twilight said laying against Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded her head.

“I think I’ll get used to it,” Fluttershy said apologetically.

“You don’t have to,” Twilight said giving Fluttershy a kiss. “It’s enough that you’re doing it with me. I’m having fun with you.”

“I’m having fun too,” Fluttershy said relaxing a little. “But I think I want to be mommy again soon.” Twilight giggled at this.

“Yeah I want my mommy back too. But we can wait until tomorrow can’t we. I think Rarity really likes playing foal sitter.” Fluttershy smiled and nodded yes. There was a small pause in the conversation.

"Twilight I've been meaning to ask," Fluttershy began as she stroked Twilight's mane. "I know you've been busy lately with taking care of me and everything so you haven't really tired, but if you're still having accidents I can help."

"No it's fine really," Twilight said happily. "I mean you're always going to be there to change me, and you know that's how I like it." Fluttershy smiled.

"Yeah I like it that way too." Rarity returned interupting the moment between Fluttershy and Twilight, she had a full pic nic basket and was wearing a white sundress with purple and yellow trim and a fairly large white sun hat.

“You two ready,” Rarity said opening the play pen. Fluttershy and Twilight happily nodded yes and walked to the door. “Well the stroller only has room for one so you two are going to have to take turns riding it. Fluttershy you get to ride first.” Fluttershy nervously sat down in the stroller and Rarity strapped her in making sure all of the straps were tight. Fluttershy couldn’t sit up very far in the stroller but she didn’t want to because she found it incredibly comfortable to lay back and relax. Rarity folded out the sun visor on the top and Fluttershy began suckling her pacifier and entered a state of calm. Once Fluttershy was secured Rarity attached a lead to Twilight’s collar and tied it to the stroller so that Twilight couldn’t move very far from it. “Ok now that all the fillies are safe and secure let's go."

Rarity pushed the stroller and Twilight and Fluttershy with it out of Twilight’s castle and towards Fluttershy’s cottage. Fluttershy was quiet the whole way enjoying riding in the stroller. Twilight on the other hand was talking with Rarity about various thoughts that entered her head like why trees were green and why nopony liked beets. Rarity humored her through these conversations until they arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage. Rarity let Fluttershy out of the stroller and untied Twilight’s lead holding it in her hoof. Fluttershy immediately walked to a shed in her back yard and got out several bags of food.

“Do you need any help darling?” Rarity asked as Fluttershy already began to feed the animals.

“No I can take care of it,” Fluttershy said as she happily began flying around feeding the animals still in her filly attire. Twilight watched happily as Fluttershy fed the animals while Rarity checked Twilight’s diaper.

“You’re wet dear,” Rarity said patting Twilight’s diaper. “And I bet Fluttershy is too. I’ll change you two after Fluttershy gets done.” Twilight seemed to be enamored with watching Fluttershy and didn’t notice Rarity. Rarity sighed and began setting up a blanket nearby. Eventually Fluttershy finished feeding all of the animals and also found time to love in pet each of them, she fluttered over to Rarity who was sitting Twilight in the stroller using it as a highchair by attaching a tray to it. “How did it go?” Rarity asked handing Fluttershy a sippie cup of juice.

“Oh just wonderful I missed my animals so much,” Fluttershy said taking a drink from the sippie cup. Rarity was busy setting a sandwich on Twilight’s tray and helping her eat it.

“Since you’re the big sister here Fluttershy I thought you wouldn’t mind eating on a plate.”

“Oh that’s fine I know Twilight can be a messy eater,” Fluttershy said teasingly. Twilight stuck her tongue out at this.

“Now quit bickering both of you,” Rarity said threateningly. “Or you’ll both get spankings during your next diaper change.”

“She started it,” Twilight said.

“And I’m ending it,” Rarity said finally. Twilight and Fluttershy shared a knowing smile and Rarity helped Twilight start eating. After everyone was finished eating Rarity motioned for the two of them to lay in her lap, and Twilight and Fluttershy rested their heads on each of rarity’s legs. “Alright I’ve got bottles for both of you so open up,” Rarity said cooing. Twilight and Fluttershy immediately started suckling from the bottles offered to them. Rarity hummed a song while the two finished their bottles and once they were done she laid them on their backs on the blanket and began to change their diapers out in the open. Despite the relative remoteness of Fluttershy’s cottage they were both a little embarrassed by being changed in the open, but nopony was around to see it happening. “Ok my fillies are nice and clean and all the little critters are fed,” Rarity said as she started packing up the pic nic.

“No we getting our supwise,” Twilight said as Rarity strapped her into the stroller.

“Yes and I think you are going to like it,” Rarity said pushing the stroller with Twilight strapped in it back into town. Fluttershy followed close to Twilight.

The group made their way through a remote part of town into Rarity’s boutique relatively stealthy having only been seen by one passerby who didn’t seem to notice anything strange. As soon as they were safely inside Rarity let Twilight out of the stroller.

“Where’s the surprise?” Twilight asked impatiently.

“Yeah you’ve built it up so much I’m curious too,” Fluttershy said adding to the general enthusiasm.

“Well,” Rarity began. “You know how well my adult foal line has been doing and it’s all mostly thanks to you for giving me the inspiration.” Rarity had moved into a back room and was rummaging around through several designs in said line looking for something.

“Oh go on,” Twilight said flattered.

“I thought I might return the favor since I had some free time while I was letting the brand rest this season so I made you something.” Rarity rolled at a large rack filled with several high quality locking collars each with a matching set of cuffs. “The one Twilight has now is getting a little dirty and Twilight you can pick one out for Fluttershy to wear when she wants to play big sister again.”

“Wow Rarity,” Twilight said admiring the care that seemed to go into making each one. “These are really nice.”

“And you made so many of them,” Fluttershy added.

“Well I wanted you to have options,” Rarity said. “And I everything I make is of top quality."

“I don’t know what to say,” Twilight said overwhelmed.

“Well you can start by picking out the one you think goes with Flutterhy’s coat the best. I think these are the best ones for her,” Rarity said pointing out a particular group of collars. Twilight pondered over the various colors until she settled on a pink one with butterflies on it similar to Fluttershy’s cutie mark.

“Ooh I like that one,” Fluttershy said remarking at the collar Twilight picked out for her.

“Well go ahead and put it on her,” Rarity said excitedly. Fluttershy blushed and lowered her head for Twilight. Twilight gingerly began putting the collar around Fluttershy’s neck and tightened it. Rarity came in to make some final adjustments and ensure the fit was right. “Ok what do you think?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy struck a dramatic fashionista pose that showed off the collar casing Twilight to laugh a little.

“I think it suits you well Fluttershy,” Twilight said happily.

“I like it to,” Fluttershy commented.

“Great!” Rarity said excitedly. “Let’s lock it on then. Rarity placed a small round lock into the appropriate hole in the back of Fluttershy’s collar and locked it shut. Fluttershy struggled with the collar to test it and sure enough she couldn’t get it off on her own. Rarity briefly went over how to get the lock off and then she and Twilight put on the set of cuffs that went with it, one on each of her legs. Fluttershy moved around trying to get used to the new sensation. “Ok Fluttershy your turn,” Rarity said bringing the set of collars over to Fluttershy. She looked over them for a minute with Twilight waiting eagerly nearby. Eventually Fluttershy settled on a very dark blue, almost black one with a white star pattern. Twilight gawked at the pattern while Fluttershy expertly put the collar on her getting it just tight enough and then locking it like hers was. She then quickly put on the matching set of cuffs.

“I think this one is thicker than the last,” Twilight remarked.

“Oh is it too much dear?” Rarity asked concerned.

“No I like it.”

“Well good, now for the finishing touch.” Rarity pulled out two keys each of them in a heart shape and they had Twilight’s and Fluttershy’s name carved into them. Rarity attached the keys to the metal rings on each of the pony’s collars with a key ring the one with Fluttershy’s name going to Twilight and vice versa. “Now each of you have the key to the others collar and that’s the only key. So to make sure you don’t lose it I took the liberty of attaching it to your own collars.” Twilight and Fluttershy took a moment to look at the rather ornately designed keys before looking back at each other and smiling.

“Thank you Rairty,” Fluttershy said happily.

“Yeah these are so nice,” Twilight added.

“Don’t mention it,” Rarity said dismissively. In a sudden burst of movement Rarity attached a short leash connecting Twilight and Fluttershy by their collars. “Now why don’t we pick up where we left off.”


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Twilight was laying on Fluttershy's lap in the living room wearing a white onesie with purple trim. Fluttershy stroked her mane lovingly. Fluttershy wasn't wearing anything but the pink collar Twilight picked out for her She pressed her hoof against the bottom of Twilight's diaper.

"Uh – oh someone had an accident," Fluttershy said caringly. Twilight blushed.

"I didn't even notice that time," Twilight said a little embarrassed.

"That's ok baby, that's why you're wearing diapers, now come on lets go get you changed. Fluttershy put a pacifier in Twilight's mouth and began leading her up to the nursery. Once they made it up the stairs Twilight eagerly laid down on the changing table paying no mind that she had squished her messy diaper against herself. Fluttershy happily began changing Twilight. "Wow you really did lose all control didn't you?"

"Don't tease me," Twilight said blushing.

"I'm not teasing you. I'm just happy that I get to take care of my little one 24/7." Twilight giggled at this comment.

"I guess it's a good thing you got potty trained so fast then."

"Well I'm not done yet I still have night accidents every now and then," Fluttershy said finishing taping Twilight's diaper. "But I'll get there eventually." Fluttershy helped Twilight stand up from the changing table Twilight thanked her with a kiss on the cheek. Fluttershy giggled slightly as the kiss tickled her a little. She patted Twilight's head a gentle signal to stop.

"Do you think we should check on her, I wonder how she's doing?"

"I guess we should check on her, hopefully this little attitude adjustment worked and she'll behave."

Fluttershy and Twilight made their way to Twilight's other extra bedroom which had been turned into a makeshift nursery. The occupant of the nursery was currently locked in a playpen inside

"Are you going to behave now Rarity?" Fluttershy asked with authority. Rarity didn't answer. Mostly because she was very well restrained, with mittens over all of her hooves and a ring on her horn blocking her magic, and a pacifier gag in her mouth and couldn't say anything past a muffle. Fluttershy reached in the playpen and took the pacifier out of Rarity's mouth.

"Ok ok," Rarity said frantically. "You've had your fun and made the joke. Can you please get me out of this you know how I hate messes Fluttershy this is killing me." Rarity was referring to her very full diaper that was sagging even underneath the plain white onesie she was wearing. It was very obvious the diaper was full because of both the smell and the fact that there was a yellow stain on the bottom of Rarity's onesie where the diaper had started to leak.

"You are messy aren't you?" Fluttershy said motherly. "If I change you are you going to be a good girl?"

"Please Fluttershy," Rarity begged. "You have to."

"Looks like somepony hasn't learned their lesson yet. Maybe I need to keep you in there a little longer."

"No no I'll be good promise," Rarity said frantically.

"I don't know if I believe you," Fluttershy teased. "A good foal would say it a little nicer."

"I be good girl mommy," Rarity said forcing a foolish speaking manner. Twilight laughed at the poor attempt.

"Don't make fun Twilight she's trying her best," Fluttershy scolded.

"Yes mommy," Twilight responded obediently.

"Ok let's get our new foal changed out of that messy diaper," Fluttershy said letting Rarity out of the play pen. She laid her down on a changing pad on the floor. Rarity blushed as Fluttershy removed her diaper and started cleaning her, Twilight watched while suckling on her pacifier.

"Maybe you can fill me in on why you kidnapped me and started treating me like a foal Fluttershy," Rarity said polite as she could. Fluttershy shut her up by putting her pacifier back in her mouth.

"I believe that you shouldn't do something to somepony that you wouldn't have done to you. If you are going to foal sit Twilight and I then I need to know that you have an appreciation for our situation when we're foals. Understand?" Rarity nodded meekly mostly to avoid upsetting Fluttershy who had already locked her in a playpen for disobedience. "Good, and I don't want any more attitude out of you today or I'll do worse than putting you in your playpen for a few hours."

"Ooooo," Twilight teased from the background.

"That goes for you too Twilight, I don't tolerate teasing. Twilight became quiet and looked away shyly.

"I sowwy," Twilight said innocently.

"I forgive you, why don't you help me pick out a new onesie for Rarity hers is a little dirty," Fluttershy said tossing the soiled onesie into a hamper.

"I think she would like one of the frilly ones," Twilight said with enthusiasm.

"How about it Rarity?" Fluttershy asked nicely. "We do have some frilly onesies if that's what you want."

"That sounds nice," Rarity said poorly hiding the fact that she was excited to wear anything with extra decorations frills included. Flutteshy picked out a purple onesie with darker purple frills for Rarity to wear. Once she was dressed in it Rarity seemed to beam with happiness.

"I suppose it's not that bad once you get started," Rarity said admiring how cute she looked

"I'm glad you're starting to have fun," Fluttershy said with an encouraging pat on Rarity's shoulders.

"Yay!" Twilight screamed excited. "Now Rarity's happy." The three of them shared a laugh at Twilight's comment as they made their way to the living room.