Wisdom's: Journey to find Lily Peace

by InnerWisdom

First published

I, InnerWisdom, take you on a Journey to find Lily peace, during my Journey we face attackers, and near death situations.

It's been almost a month since the events of The After Party. The Hive has been attacked, a lovely pony by the name of Lily Peace has been ponynapped, and the attacker in charge was a student of mine. I set out on a journey with my friends and a few new members to find her and to bring the attackers to justice.

Chapter 0: The Prologue

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The following story takes place two months after the events of The After Party.

It has been two months since the events and a lot has happened. So the real question is, where to begin?

A week after the events, I was invited to Canterlot by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. When I arrived, I remember Celestia asking me if I’d consider becoming an adviser on her behalf. I had to be honest, explaining that I really wanted the position but couldn’t accept it because I had unfinished business to attend to.

I was currently preoccupied with teaching a student, a young colt named Clank, whom I was training in the ways of meditation. He was a remarkable student, but he always lacked focus. He would try and fail then try again, only to fail time after time. I kept telling him, “Everypony fails but we thrive to succeed when we are calm, eager, and well focused.”

He kept trying but, as truth be told, he failed every time. To make things worse, for some reason he believed that I was the reason he was failing. He grew angry, eventually becoming out of control to the point to where I had no choice but to knock him out. When he awoke he ran out the door and left.

Another week passed and I was summoned to the hive, where I was to meet with Zircon about a serious situation. When I arrived, I knew immediately something was wrong. Zircon says to me, “Sequoia was attacked, and the attackers tried to force information from her. We don’t know what she told them but we do know that she asked for you. Be aware, we believe whoever attacked her is planning something big.”

I ran to the hospital and walked into a room with a seriously injured Sequoia. She looked at me and tried to smile but the pain overtook her. She slowly said to me, “You are the only one, who can save her, you are the only one who has the knowledge and care to find her, and you are the only one that I can trust to bring her home. I was stupid for sending her to Manehattan, but I now realize that you will bring peace and harmony to this family.”

I looked at her and said, “You want me to find Lily? Then I need you to tell me where exactly she is and if your attackers know where she is.”

A tear began falling from her eyes and she said, “I gave them a false location, I told them that she was living in a library on the edge of the town. She really is staying in the hive located beneath Manehattan. You will need to talk to Grandmaster Pondi, he will take you to her. If anything happens to her...”

I looked at her and put my hoof down and said, “Nothing will happen to her, not until whoever or whatever tries to hurt her kills me first. I promise to bring her back safely. I also promise to find those responsible for this, and bring them to their knees upon the council.”

I left and went back to the hive. When I arrived Zircon said to me, “I want you to meet your team, the ones that will help you bring the attackers to justice. Each of these ponies have unique talents but what sets them all together is the fact that they have no cutie mark. I’d like you to meet the Demolitionist, Dynamo Gunderson. We found him trying to save a whole town from being obliterated. This is Dr. Shenanigans, the best Interrogator of them all; Your Trackers and Hunters, Weep and Sleep; Sgt. Fears, and, not to be underestimated, Monstershy. We found these four hunting down timberwolves but Monstershy took it a step forward, devouring them. These ponies are the best that we’ve got, and they have been ordered to follow your orders. Your mission is to find the attackers and bring them back for their punishment. Your second mission is to find Lily Peace and bring her home. Any questions?”

“No Zircon, but when can we expect to leave,” I ask.

“Immediately, that’s enough time to catch the next train to Manehattan, and to get acquainted with your team, see you soon Wisdom,” says Zircon, as he walks away.

I got to talk to these 5 ponies. They were all quite ecstatic at the chance to go and find the attackers; what we didn’t know was who or even what we were after.

We began our Journey towards Manehattan. The train ride was smooth and calm but that all changed when the train was suddenly attacked. We turned ourselves in, so that we could meet our attacker face to face.We were blindfolded and I was wearing my robe to cover my face. When the blindfolds were removed, standing in front of us wearing a hat was none other than Clank.

He smiled and said, “Well, look at what we’ve got here; the ponies that are suppose to bring me in. Ya’ll don’t know this but I intend to get revenge on that hive for all it’s worth. Even if I have to kidnap one of their own children to do so, I will.”

“You will fail, that is, if you stay on that current course!” I say while remaining inconspicuous.

He laughed, “Oh really, and who do you think you are?” (He looks to one of the attackers) “Remove that ponies hood.”

He does so and I am revealed.

“Wisdom! Wow, I can’t believe you think you can stop me.”

I said while smirking, “I don’t think I can stop you, I know I can stop you, Monstershy let him have it.”

Monstershy eats his ropes and the others and a fight breaks out. Clank hops off the train and before I can catch him he climbs onto a carriage and drives away. We have the other attackers roped up and begin the interrogations. Dr. Shenanigans begins the interrogations while the rest of us prepare to arrive to Manehattan.

When we arrive, a group of ponies wearing hoods approaches us and tells us to follow them and to bring the few attackers that we have. They take us to an almost destroyed Hive and tell us that Clank kidnapped Lily and Pondi and is holding them hostage somewhere in the city. Thus, we knew that our Journey had begun.

Chapter I: The Followers

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“Where should we start looking?” Says a curious Weep.

“Why don’t you ask Wisdom, he should have an idea,” Says Sleep.

“Fine! Hey Wisdom, Where do you think we should start looking?” Weep asked.

I had been thinking long and hard on the same question but what was really hard to decide was if I could find someone who knew Manehattan pretty well. I have an idea and say:

“First, we need to get high, and by that I mean we need to get a top one of these skyscrapers. Second, we await for a friend.”

We headed to the tallest building, which was called Empire Tower. It stood 2,000 ft in the sky and for some reason had only one elevator. We entered and noticed that the elevator was full.

“Aw dang it, Now we have to take the stairs!” Weep said.

“Well, only those who don’t have wings will have to. Those who have wings can simply...fly up to the top,” says Sgt Fears.

“Sgt Fears is right my fellow ponies, those who can fly will meet you up at the top. But be careful, I sense we are being followed,” Dr. Shenanigans said as he notices two hooded ponies watching our every move.

So, Dr. Shenanigans, Sgt Fears, Monstershy, and I flew to the top of the tower, while Weep, Sleep, and Dynamo took the stairs.

When we arrived to the roof, we found an inscription on the wall. It says, ‘If you are reading this, then this is the possible future in which you need me to help you find or understand something. If you are reading this by mistake then this is the possible future in which you really just don’t like your life and should not jump because it won’t do you any good -Griffin.’

“Why would somepony write this here?” says Sgt Fears.

I smiled, “Not somepony but more like a Griffin named Griffin.” Sgt Fears look puzzled, “ looked at him “Just turn around, and ask him how it’s going.”

Sgt Fears turns around to see Griffin behind him and says, “How is it going?”

Griffin smiles, “Going, how is it going, well, for me it is going quite well, unless this is the possible future in which I must get going because of an imminent attack, or if this is the possible future in which you have come here to get help with something that has turned for worse, then I am not good, but that depends.”

Sgt Fears turns back to me and seems shocked. Dr. Shenanigans has been studying Griffin since he landed and says, “Such a fine specimen, if I may ask, where exactly are you from?”

“I am from the secret hive underneath Trottingham. But enough about me...” Griffin said as he looks over to me and says, “Wisdom, What can I do for you?”

I smile, “We need your help in locating a pony called Clank, who has ponynapped Lily Peace and Pondi. We have reason to believe there somewhere in this city.”

“Oh and you’d be right. You see, they have been taken to a warehouse just on the outskirts of the city. I will be honored to help you but your five friends are about to come through the door and surprise us.”

I looked at Griffin curiously, “Five? There is only three others with us.”

We braced for the worst and when the door opened, Weep, Sleep, and Dynamo got bucked threw the door and as they crawled towards us, they were all saying, ‘She’s a monster, we had no chance! She wouldn’t even let us introduce ourselves, she just kept asking how we knew you.’

I threw my hood over my head and waited for this pony to reveal herself but just when all seemed to get worse, Peachy Keen walked through the doors.

“You’d oughta tell your friends not to try to hit on me cause I’ll hit back!” She shouted.

I smiled at her, “Peachy? What are you doing here.”

We hugged,

“We couldn’t find you anywhere, we searched Sugarcube Corner, Canterlot, and even the Everfree Forest but no pony could find you. That is until Some Pony came from outta nowhere and said you’d be here in Manehattan.”

“We? what do you mean we?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Well, Tick Tock and I of course. Rocket is far too busy being a king and all but he did say if we needed anything to just ask.”

Tick Tock comes crawling from the door out of breath, “Too many stairs, why couldn’t you just wait for the elevator. It’s not like we had to keep following them, gosh.”

“Stop being such a cry pony,” Peachy said with a slight annoyance in her voice.

I walk over to the two of them, “My friends, I’d like you to meet my team, this is Dynamo Gunderson, my demolitionist. This here is Dr. Shenanigans, the interrogator. These two are Weep and Sleep, my hunters. Lastly this is Monstershy, my tracker. If all of you haven’t realized it yet, none of them have cutie marks either.”

“Interesting, but why do you have a team and why are you here in Manehattan?” Peachy asks.

I sighed, “It’s a very complex and long story, I’ll tell you more on the way down.”

I explain the situation to Peachy and Tick and just when we are about to step off the elevator and walk out of the tower, the receptionist says, “Sir, yes you (as he points to me), this just came for you (gives me an envelope).”

I was baffled, and asked, “Who gave this to you?”

“A pony wearing a hood and heavy jacket,” says the receptionist.

I open the letter and begin skimming through it.Everypony and Griffin ask, “Well, what does it say?”

I look at them and say, “It says,

‘Dear Mr. Wisdom and friends,

You don’t know me but you will soon learn the real threat to Equestria, for I am the destroyer of all peace and harmony, I am the one who will rule equestria with an Iron Hoof, some will call me a terrorist, others an inspiration. You however. . .can call me Destro. I look forward to defeating you and your friends.


Destro and student Clank’

“So Clank has found a new teacher, somepony much, much worse. I fear his destiny has turned for the worst. Griffin, take us to the warehouse. I feel they already moved them but they might of left behind some clues.”

We left and headed for the warehouse unaware of how dangerous Destro really was.

Chapter II: The Wise Move

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“We are almost there my friends,” Griffin said as he carries Weep and Sleep.

“That’s good to know, but keep an eye out for any movement from below,” says Sgt Fears who is carrying Dynamo, “You really need to lighten your load. What do you even have in those bags?”

“Oh, Let’s see,” Says Dynamo as he opens one of the bags, “I’ve got about 100 sticks of homemade explosives, 5 cherry bombs, 45 blocks of C4, a brick, and lastly my most prized explosive, the Cupcake.”

“A cupcake? Why do you have a cupcake?” says a frustrated Sgt Fears.

“This isn’t no any ordinary cupcake, this cupcake is made from a petroleum solution, and has the ability to level skyscrapers, all on it’s own!” says Dynamo.

“Well what would happen if some pony ate it?” says Weep with curiosity.

“Oh, well, you see, once it makes it’s way into the stomach, the acid would mix in with the solution causing a chain reaction that would sadly cause that pony to explode,” says Dynamo while smiling.

“Good to know!” says Weep with some fear.

I fly ahead carrying Peachy and Tick and say,“Everyone focus on the objective, we can’t let distractions elude us.”

“We’re here, and look it doesn’t look like any pony is home,” says Griffin.

We began to descend onto the Warehouse and as we landed I noticed that the warehouse door was cracked opened. I signaled the others to gather up.

I look to each of them and say, “Ok. Here’s the plan, Peachy, Tick, Dynamo, Weep, and Sleep, will go to the back of the warehouse and search for any possible clues. While they are doing that, Monstershy, Sgt Fears, Griffin, Dr. Shenanigans, and I will approach from the front. Everypony understand. Good. Move out!”

We approached the door and as we slowly opened it, there was an ambiguous smell that had permeated throughout the building. We looked around and couldn’t find any ponies within sight. That is, until we stumbled upon a horrific scene.

We all shrieked and said, “Oh my Faust, so he’s building an army by cloning himself”

There was a scream from an office nearby, we all ran to investigate and found Tick in a corner freaked out beyond all reason. I walked over to him and said, ‘What is it? Did you see something?”

He points to a closet door and as we approach, a shuffle is heard from within. Before we opened it, Peachy and the others arrived and just as we opened the door, a scientist tried to make a run for it but before he could even leave the room, Sgt Fears shut the door and we had him surrounded.

I approach the scientist and ask “Who are you? and why were you hiding in that closet?”

The scientist seems shaken but says, “I am Professor Beams, Destro hired me to create a weapon so powerful that it could obliterate anything in its path. I call it, The Mang, but Destro decided to call it, The Destrobeam.”

We all were quite shocked and so I asked, “Where is it now?”

The scientist gulped, looked at me, and said, “Destro and Clank have taken your friends and the device to another location. I wish I could tell you more but that is all that I know.”

We began to head for the front of the warehouse but before we could even leave the office, the front of the warehouse was blown away. Sgt Fears, Monstershy, Griffin, Dr. Shenanigans, and I grabbed our friends and Professor Beams and flew high up to see the device leveling the warehouse. What made it worse was the fact that it was operational, driveable, and looked indestructible. It honestly was a fortress on wheels.

“Where do you think your going!” says Destro with a laugh in his voice, “The destruction has hardly yet to begin, Clank stay here and awake the army.”

“Yes sir,” says Clank.

“We will destroy them sooner then later...hahahaha,”says Destro while he laughs.

We flew to a field and when we all finally touched down onto the soft grass, I said, “Is everypony alright?”

I got the same response from all of my friends and the professor but Weep was the only one to say, “How are we going to destroy that...device. We don’t have an army big enough to even overtake that monstrosity.”

“Yeah, it’s not like any of us know somepony with an army that can disguise themselves as Destro’s minions,” says a tired Sleep.

I automatically knew that what Weep and Sleep said, was what we needed. A changeling army. So I looked over to them and said, “I know where we can get one. I know the king of the changelings, well, actually Peachy, Tick, and I know the king and queen. If we can get them to help us, then maybe they can use the cupcake and place it in the engine compartment causing an explosion big enough to destroy the machine. So, Peachy, Tick, and I will go to the Changeling Hive, and hopefully gain an army.”

“Wait, but weren’t we just at the hive, and if so, how did we miss Rocket’s kingdom, it can’t be that hard to see, isn’t it?” says Tick.

“Yes and No my friend. We were in a part of the hive were the Wise Elder Council resides. The hive is bigger then you or I can even imagine. It is so big in fact, that the whole changeling army can have it’s own boot camp and training ground. The only problem is trying to get inside. Even though we know Rocket and Rose, they are unaware that we are stopping by. I don’t know what could possibly happen,” I say.

I flew Peachy and Tick to the Hive. When we arrived we saw a big door with the two guards. I landed safely on the ground and as we approached I said, “Ok, let’s not make a scene. We shall be honest, non violent, and truthful.”

Peachy then sighed and said, “Ok, But I don’t see how we are going to get past these two guards if we tell them that we’ve come here with information involving an inbound threat.”

We kept arguing until the guards said, “Halt! State your business!”

I sighed and said, “We have come here with a message for King Rocket Sky in regards to an inbound threat from Destro. We merely come in peace and mean no harm.”

The guards looked at each other and moments later we ended up in a jail cell.

“If you haven’t realized it yet, these bars are charged with an electric current, any escape is futile. I am the Warden of this facility. You can call me The Warden or if it is easier to say, your worst nightmare. We shall start by interrogating each of you separately!” says the warden.

I laughed and said, “I offer you this one opportunity to let us go.”

The warden and the guards laughed and the Warden said, “Oh yea! and if I don’t what will happen?”

I chuckled and said, “Well if you would like to know, then be it, my friend Peachy over here will put one of you through the two way mirror and then pummel you until she is taken away in shackles. When you interrogate me, you will find that I will mean you no harm unless you tempt with my time. If you do temp with my time, then I promise to find you (Points to Warden) and put you up against a wall and if you force my hoof, I will put you away for quite some time.”

They laughed and took Tick into the interrogation room. After 15 minutes, he was returned to his cell with wide eyes. He says while sobbing, “They tortured me by destroying the greatest guitars ever.”

They then took Peachy and after 5 minutes, she was returned in shackles. Before the guard could come to my cell, he was getting cursed at by Peachy who was saying, “Yea, that’s right walk away you motherbucker, and tell your friends that if they try to hit on me, they will get hit back.”

The guard then came to my cell, opened the door, and escorted me to a room. When I entered I noticed a two-way mirror with a hole which seemed to have been caused by a changeling being thrown through it. They seemed to have put a piece of wood to cover it up but it wouldn’t matter.

“Mr. Wisdom. . .I took the time to look through your criminal record,” says the Warden.

“And did you find something that brought interest to you?” I asked.

“No! Your record is clean, not even a single word. But your background shows me that you are the wisest pony in Ponyville and Canterlot. So, tell me, why are you here and how do you know the king?”says the Warden.

“I am not going to answer your questions because they are irrelevant to the current situation. I ask you, one last time, release my friends and I, and take us to Rocket so we can tell him what we need to tell him,” I say as I put my hood on.

“Take that hood off, and TELL ME (as he slams his hoof on the table),” says the Warden.

I take my hood off and say, “You are beginning to force my hoof.”

“This is your last chance before I have your friends incarcerated for life in the Changeling cavern,” says the Warden who is growing Angry.

“And this is your last chance to let us go or I will put you up against that wall and force your hoof,” I say with confidence.

“That’s it, Guard! Take this worthless excuse for a pegasus to the cavern, and also, place his friends in their with him,” says the Warden.

They begin to escort me but I knock both Changeling Guards unconscious and grab the Warden.

I grab his hoof and cause him to backflip across the table and land on his back. Then I pick him up and put him up against the wall and say, “Worthless? You think Pegasi are Worthless! Here’s how it goes, right now! Tell the guards in the other room that they are to release my friends and I. If you don’t (Twisting his hoof) I will have no choice but to break your hoof.”

“Do what he says (as he groans in pain),” says the Warden.

“Wise choice,” I say as I release him.

My friends and I are then placed in a heavier cell together. We then hear a voice coming towards us. A guard opens the door and says, “My queen, what may I do for you?”

“I heard that three ponies caused a ruckus in the cell interrogation room and I needed to interrogate them myself,” says Rose.

She approaches the cell and see’s us in the cell. “Peachy? Tick? Wisdom? What are you? Guard let these three go. These are friends of the King and I. They need to be treated with the utmost respect.”

We are released and escorted by Rose to the throne room. When we enter Rocket smiles and approaches us. He says, “My friends, what a surprise! I hope the Warden didn’t scare any of you, he can be over dramatic. How have you all been?”

“Rocket. . .we don't have time for catching up. We need to discuss the possibility of gathering an army to face Destro, who has decided to attack all of the Hive’s in Equestria,” I say.

He takes us to a boot camp and show us an army, but no ordinary changeling army. The Elite Changeling Army, an army with the best armor and tools ever needed.

“My friend, this army is now under your control. I hope they can help. If you’d like, I would be honored in involving the whole Changeling army,” says King Sky.

“That won’t be necessary. I just need a small army for a task that could stop Destro’s plans. Even then, my friend Windston, has already began his mission in causing the distraction, and even then, I don’t want you to put you or Rose’s life in harms way, by order of Zircon, I only ask for the small army,” I say.

“Granted! I hope they serve you well, and if you need anything else, just fly by,” King Sky says as he chuckles and walks away.

The army then forms together and we take off towards Manehattan.

Chapter III: The Request

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“Where the hay are those ponies? They’ve been gone for several hours now,” says Dr.Shenanigans.

“I don’t know, but I just hope they got help. We are going to need it in order to stop that machine and Destro,” says Sgt Fears.

The sky above them went dark and when they all looked up, Dynamo says, “Is that what I think it is!?”

“A changeling army! We’re doomed!” says Sleep.

We landed and as soon as the changeling soldiers landed with us they were quick about looking like other ponies. Sleep faints.

“Wow! This is going to be awesome!” says Weep.

Just when we thought we could prepare for the attack a letter appeared from Ticks mouth.

“Woah! Now I know how Spike feels,” says Tick.

“What does it say?” says Peachy.

I begin to read it and say, “It says,

Dear InnerWisdom,

Your presence is requested by the highest authority of Canterlot. Princess Celestia needs to discuss an urgent matter regarding the current situation that has become a threat to Canterlot, Ponyville, and all corners of Equestria.


Princess Twilight Sparkle”

“Well, it looks like I’ll be heading to Canterlot before we start this attack. While I’m gone, I want you guys to get the army ready and await for my orders,” I say as I take off for Canterlot.


Guards were everywhere and the wonderbolts have taken control of all airspace between Canterlot and Ponyville. The Princesses were kept in the safest place possible, underneath the Canterlot Palace. I approach the front doors to the palace and I find myself being escorted to the bellows of Canterlot. I enter a chamber and hear some pony say, “Wisdom, Welcome to the archives.”

“Who’s there?” I say.

“I am the keeper of all known books that have ever been created. I am the only pony in your way from seeing the princesses, and before I let you through I must ask, is it really as bad as it seems?” asks the Librarian.

“Yes. But I can stop it.” I say.

She takes me to a passage and tells me, “Follow this tunnel, make a left, and then enter the door with the eye.”

I do as she instructed me. I find the door and enter to be stopped by guards in heavy armor. They then bring me to Princess Celestia who says, “Wisdom, I do apologize for the heavy security but when I heard that all of Equestria was under attack, I knew I needed to protect my ponies. So please tell me, who is responsible for this, is it Clank?”

I sigh and say, “Princess, I do regret to inform you that Clank is involved, however, he is not the one in charge. The real threat comes from a pony calling himself, Destro. So far, he has a machine that can level skyscrapers, and I have a plan to stop it. However, I do request that you keep all airspace locked down. I have an idea.”

“What is it?” says Celestia.

I smile and say, “I know that there’s a secret Wonderbolt laboratory that creates armor and weapons. I also know that their is a device called The Black Box, which captures anything that flies into it. I may have use for it but I need the wonderbolts to wait for me to say ‘Sierra Echo November Delta India Tango’, this is what I will say when I want them to SEND IT. Whatever happens, I will stop Destro, I will save Lily Peace and Pondi, and most of all, I will get Clank back home.”

Celestia smiled and said, “And when you return, will you then reconsider my question of becoming my advisor?”

I smiled back and said, “If I make it back, then yes. But if I fail, then I will have disappointed every pony.” I begin to head for the door but get stopped.

“Follow me. I must show you something,” says Celestia.

We leave the room and go to a private archive room. She uses her magic and puts a file on the table. It reads, “CLANK-Classified. For Royal Eyes Only.”

I began skimming through and afterwards she says, “Isn’t it tragic. He was just a foal when he was abandoned by his parents in front of an orphanage. Several years went by and when the day came and he was told it was adoption day, he thought he was finally going to be adopted but the parents chose a little filly over him, so he ran away. He then got into trouble and was sent to another orphanage but he did the same thing. He finally was sent to me because no one else wanted to help him, but I knew I could. I sent him to you because I thought you would teach him how to control his feelings. I still believe that. I know that you can get him home. I also know that he can help stop Destro. That’s why I will agree to your request and alert the wonderbolts of your plan. Fly safely and bring Clank home.”

I smiled and said, “Thank you, but I must be getting back to Manehattan. I have to stop Destro before it’s too late.”

I walk out.

“Can we really trust him sister?” asks Luna.

“Do you doubt him? I see only good opportunities in his future, and one day, the time will come for him to make a hard decision.”


I arrive to see the army in formation. I see all of my friends and my team awaiting for me to give some sort of speech.

My friend Windston finally arrives. He walks over and says, “Wisdom, I hope you like the present I brought for you.” He opens a bag and reveals a clone of Destro tied up and gagged. “I figure, the changelings need to look like Destro and so why not copy with a clone.”

I smile to Windston. Peachy then waves for me to take the stage. I walk over and Peachy says, “Spread Wisdom to them all.”

I smile, give her a hug, and then look to the army and say, “We have all had great differences but I have looked past all that and I now see an army of changelings that want more than just to follow orders, but changelings that want to have a purpose in their life. I tell you this because I know that some of you have a dream. What that dream is I don’t know, but whatever it is, it has been threatened by Destro. Tomorrow, we fight back, and we destroy the machine. Afterwards, we finish what was started and capture Clank and Destro. Now let’s all get ready for the battle!”

A big and loud applause occurs and that’s when we all realized that tomorrow was going to bring progress. Progress that would soon bring Clank closer to home.

Chapter IV: The Lair

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Somewhere in Destro’s Base

Destro was walking through the halls of his base with Clank by his side. He approached a door and knocked, a small window slid open and a guard looked through to see Destro peering right at him. The guard opened the door and let Destro and Clank in. They were in a dungeon of some sort. It was dark and gloomy and looked like any dungeon would.

“How are the prisoners today?” yelled an ecstatic Destro.

“Well the older one has done nothing but meditate. The female however has tried to escape and has also tried to hurt anypony that has tried to approach her cell,” says the guard.

“Well, now may be a good time to introduce myself,” says Destro as he approaches Lily’s cell, “Well, well, well. You must be wondering, who I am and what I intend to do with the both of you.”

Lily charges for the cell door and tries to hit him by any means necessary and says, “You're just a freak that plans on either killing us or torturing us for some purpose.”

“Do you know what I have done to Equestria! I’ve changed the way ponies think about safety. I have made terrorism into realism. I don’t plan on torturing you or Pondi for much longer, oh no, I plan on using you both to my advantage, which means, that Wisdom and his friends, will have no chance to stop me,” says Destro with a bit of pleasure in his voice.

“Wisdom? Wisdom’s the one who was sent to save me!” says Lily with happiness.

“Well? He was sent to save you and stop me but it won’t matter because he is going to die and I will make you watch him suffer,” says Destro with anger.

“He will stop you, you will have no chance to kill him, nor his friends in fact. He will save Equestria, he will save Pondi, and most of all, he will save me,” says Lily with confidence.

“What do you see in him, hmm, is it the fact that he thinks he know everything but in reality he doesn’t, or do you see nothing more then the fact that he is in love with you,” says Destro with Curiosity.

“He loves me? I knew it. I knew it when I met him in the Hive’s Library,” says Lily with more happiness.

“That is not the point of this. The point of this is to find out why you keep believing in him saving you and Pondi. Why you believe that he will be there for you when you need him the most, why you believe he is the wisest pony of them all?” says Destro with rage and anger.

Lily smiled and looked Destro directly in the eye’s and says, “I don't believe. I know, and because I know that, I will always be able to believe.”

Destro then slammed his hooves against the cell bars and said angrily, “It won’t matter, I will kill him, and I will make you watch, if I must.”

“Your plan has already failed you and you don’t realize it but your future has been sealed,” says Pondi.

“Oh really? How?” says Destro.

“Your future has for told me that you will always remember the one thing you’ve hated the most,” says Pondi.

“And what is that?” says Destro with curiosity.

“The sign of Peace. A sign of equality, a sign of unity, and most of all the color red. You will never forget these last words, ‘Sierra Echo November Delta India Tango’ then black will surround you,” says Pondi while meditating, “Also, I see a change of heart from somepony.”

“Impossible! No pony will stop me, nor will anypony stop my machine. That’s why one of you will have the opportunity to witness the destruction and the terror that will consume all of Manehattan.The next move for me I guess would be to choose who...Tisk...tisk...tisk. I choose Pondi. Wisdom will watch as I kill one of the wise ponies of Manehattan.”

“NO! You Monster!” says Lily.

“A monster, oh no, I am more then a monster, I am Destro, the most wanted Terrorist of all Equestria, and I plan on ruling all of you.” says Destro as he maniacally laughs, “But while i’m gone, Why doesn’t Clank show you what we have in store for Wisdom.”

Destro’s guards put chains and leg braces on both of them and drag them to see a room containing torture devices and medieval contraptions.

“You see this, this is where Wisdom will tell me the truth, this is where the truth will reveal his lies, and this is where I will exploit this love and destroy it.” says Clank.

“But Why?” says Lily.

“Because Wisdom hurt me. He is the reason I am who I am. He told me things and they never happened, he deserves what he is about to get! Now if you don’t mind, I have a battle to commence.” says Clank smiling with an evil grin.

Lily is escorted back to her cell while Pondi is loaded onto a transport with Clank and headed towards Manehattan.


Peachy approaches a small tent that has been turned into a small meditation room. She walks in and as she approaches me I say, “Whatever you want to ask. . .don’t bother, we all know that Clank ran away because of me. I know I could’ve stopped all this but I didn’t see it. Whatever happens, I want you, Rocket, and Tick to know, that you guys are the greatest friends I could’ve ever wanted. But, You guys cannot help me stop Clank, I must face him alone. And hopefully, get him to come home no matter the cost.”

Tick enters and begins playing a sad melody with his guitar.

I continue, “Hopefully, Lily hasn’t been harmed. I made a promise to her mother, that I would bring her home safely but if I fail, I want you guys to try to get her home safely.”

“Don’t think like that, you will save her, we will help you save her. We are your friends, and friends don’t leave behind friends. We may pick on each other, we may even fight every now and then, but true friends always apologize and help their friends. Now is the time for you to make the decision of facing Clank alone or facing Clank after we capture him,” says Peachy.

“Thank you, I do agree, capturing him would be much easier. I can then confront him and tell him the truth. For that’s all he wants. And all I want is for ‘Tick to stop playing the music’.” I say as I peer over to Tick.

“Fine! but it was going so well with the mood,” says Tick as he walks out.

“Now comes one of the harder challenges of my life. To save Equestria, to save Clank, to save Pondi and Lily. Alert the army, we leave immediately, and Peachy. . .Thanks,” I say as Peachy smiles and leaves to gather the army.

Chapter V: The Battle

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Black smoke was filling the air as the machine made its way towards our basecamp. The Elite changeling army had readied themselves by disguising themselves as Destro’s clones. Destro grew more confident about succeeding in capturing my friends and I.

“We are almost to their base my clones, they have no chance against our strength and numbers, nor will they be able to withstand the power of my machine,” says Destro with confidence, “Clank keep a close eye on Pondi, for once Wisdom reveals himself, I shall end Pondi’s pathetic life.”

“Yes Sir,” says Clank as he watches Pondi’s every move, even though he is in a cell.

“I hope that this is what you want. I hope death will show you how much you really need Wisdom, and his friends. And I hope you find what you have been looking for, for I already know that you aren’t a bad pony Clank, oh no, you are merely confused, and don’t know which path to choose,” says Pondi while meditating.

“I know which path to choose, the path that leads to Wisdom suffering just as much as me,” says Clank with a bit of anger in his voice.

Pondi sits back and meditates more. Meanwhile Destro is looking through a pair of binoculars trying to see if he can see us anywhere ahead.

I prepare to drop Peachy and Tick from above but before I do, I signal for the rest to advance.

“Attack!” I say as I drop Peachy and Tick from the sky.

They land and the battle begins.The others join in and begin fighting.

Destro orders for his army to charge the machine and to keep us busy. His clones begin to attack and as one of his clones approaches Peachy, she smiles and the clone screams in terror and runs away.

Tick bashes some of the clones with his guitar.

Dr. Shenanigans puts banana peels around him and watches as the clones slip and slide everywhere, even into each other.

Dynamo pulls out cherries and throws them at some clones, the clones go over and eat them and laugh just as Dynamo says, “Bad idea,” and Dynamo ducks behind a rock as an explosion occurs, he then looks over the rock to see the clones unconscious on the ground.

Weep and Sleep huddle into a corner and just as the clones surround them Monstershy eats the clones and burps.

Monstershy goes on a clone eating rampage and leaves the clones running in fear.

Sgt Fears charges at some clones and throws them over himself and right before they land on the ground he bucks them further away.

Windston flies up and darts towards a clone and when they collide, the clone is seen flying far away.

Meanwhile, I land in front of Destro who says, “Ah, Mr. Wisdom, we fight at last.”

“This is merely just the start,” I say as we charge each other.

A huge fight breaks out as Destro and I go head to head. We fight back and forth tossing each other onto the ground, pummeling each other. I even fly up and drop him to the ground but it still isn’t enough. The fighting continues until Destro knocks me down and says, “Give into my power Wisdom, you would make an amazing piece to my collection.”

“I don’t think so!” I say as I push him off and start pounding him with all my strength.

It lasts for a few minutes before Destro says, “Enough! Clank bring Pondi!”

Clank begins to walk Pondi on over to Destro but before he has the chance to hoof him on over, Griffin tackles Clank, saves Pondi, and flies to safety with both of them. At that same time, one of the changelings plants the Cupcake and gives the sign to retreat. We all pull back and Destro says, “They are retreating! Victory is ours! (He starts to hear a ticking noise) Wait! What's that noise?”

The ticking noise grows louder and faster. Then without warning, there is a huge explosion. The machine stops emitting black smoke and Destro is nowhere to be found. Sgt Fears and Dynamo put Clank in Pondi’s cell and he is carried off by some of the changelings to the Prison at the Hive in Manehattan.

Everyone rejoices while I walk away and sit on a tree stump and began meditating. In the background, you can see Monstershy throwing up some of the changelings, as they fall over and try to catch their breath. Pondi walks on over and with a sincere gesture and says, “May I join you.”

“Not at all,” I say.

“I must say, you and Lily complete each other. She is the one that keeps you thinking straight while you give her the advice that she needs. It has been said that a pony would sooner or later guide Lily onto the path of Wiseness, and I now see that you are that pony, you care for her more then yourself,” says Pondi.

“How is she?” I ask.

“She wants me to tell you that she loves you and that she can’t wait for you to save her,” says Pondi.

“Really!” I say with excitement.

“Oh yes,” says Pondi, “But, first, you need to confront Clank and fix your issues, until then, he is lost forever to the power and hatred of Destro.”

I nod and everypony including the changeling army head for the Prison at the Hive in Manehattan.

The Manehattan Hive Prison

Clank is escorted in chains, a muzzled mouth, and shackles to a highly secured prison cell deep within the hive. A pony approaches and says, “So you're the one I’ve been told to keep under heavy guard.”

Clank can hardly speak due to his muzzle being muzzled shut.

“I know you can’t say anything but I promise you that any attempt to escape is futile, because down here, I have the means to beat you up, I have the power to put you through hell and back, I have the power to end you if I must, for I am the Warden of this here facility, and I mean business,” says the Warden.

A guard approaches the warden and says, “Sir, Grandmaster Pondi has arrived to speak with you.”

“So, can’t you see I’m busy,” says the Warden.

“Yes sir but he has company and has demanded for the prisoner to be brought to an interrogation room,” says the Guard.

“Who does he think he is taking my prisoner to an interrogation room,” says the Warden.

“As I said sir, Grandmaster Pondi has brought company including a pony by the name of Wisdom,” says the Guard.

“WISDOM!” says the Warden with Excitement, “Oh! Well, (as he looks to Clank) you are in for quite the interrogation, take him to the interrogation room and make sure he is escorted by our finest guards!”

“Yes sir!” says the Guard.

Several heavily armored guards escort Clank to the interrogation room and when he enters they sit him in a chair and lock him into place.

“Huh! Good Luck!” says the guard.

The guard leaves laughing as if he knows something Clank doesn’t.

Chapter VI: The Interrogation

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Clank looked around and couldn’t say anything due to his muzzle still being muzzled shut. He looked around more and saw a mirror, he realized it had to be a two way mirror and so he figured that my friends and I were watching his every move. He didn’t move, but instead just looked straight at a door as if he was expecting me to enter.

Griffin looked to my friends and said, “He has chosen the best path, to fix the destiny of Clank and answer his questions truthfully, for the only way to a great future is by telling the truth.”

The door began to open, Clanks eyes grew wider and wider as if he knew who was coming through the door. Then, the lights turned off, his heart started pumping faster and faster, and when half the lights turned on, he let out a scream. Sitting in front of him was Dr. Shenanigans who was wearing googly eyed glasses.

Clank after realizing who it was also realized that his muzzle was no longer muzzled shut. So he calmed down and said, “I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting that, but now that it’s just us, tell me, why doesn’t Wisdom talk face to face with me, huh.”

Dr. Shenanigans laughed and says, “You don’t want Wisdom to come in here, cause you know that as soon as he steps hoof in here, he will beat the answers out of you. So, here’s your chance to tell me, what we all want to know. Where is Lily Peace being held?”

“So straightforward now aren’t we, I can’t believe Wisdom hasn’t figured it out yet, I can’t believe you think I’ll tell you where Lily is, because in all retrospect, I won’t,” says Clank as he lays back in the chair.

The door begins to open and Dr. Shenanigans gets up and goes to the door to have some pony tell him something. Clank is watching noticing that all of my friends are out there talking to Dr. Shenanigans but he also notices that I am not out there with them. He grows suspicious and when the door closes and Dr. Shenanigans sits back down, Clank says, “Let me guess, Wisdom isn’t even around right now, he is probably meditating with Grandmaster Pondi about this interrogation, and if that’s the case then I guess he really doesn’t want to find Lily and tell me the truth.”

“Truth? What Truth?” says Dr. Shenanigans with curiousness.

“The truth behind what he did! (Slamming a hoof on the table) Why he knocked me out, why he kept letting me fail, why he would never be their to help me in my time of need, why he never helped me find a family, and why he let me go,” says Clank with rage and distrust.

“I think it’s time for me to go get something to drink,” says Dr. Shenanigans.

“Oh, is this where I’m suppose to think of my bad deeds and correct them,” says Clank with curiosity.

“Perhaps, Good Luck,” says Dr. Shenanigans with a smirk.

The lights from behind Clank turned on and he found himself thrown to the ground with his chains stretched as far as they would go. He was unsure of what just happened but after a few moments he got caught up in reality and realized that I was standing over him, with no expressions on my face. I picked him up, sat him back in the chair, and said, “Let’s talk.”

I take a seat right across from him and my friends watch on from the hidden room looking threw the two way mirror.

“Talk. Yes, lets talk. Why don’t we start with you telling me what I want to hear!” says Clank while yelling directly at my face.

“Fine!” I say.

“See. You don’t want to talk, if anything you want to know. . . (Clank pauses and ponders what I said) wait, did you just say fine,” says Clank confused.

“Yes. . .because Clank, I know more about you then you even think I know,” I say calmly.

“Yea right, you're just lying to get me to tell you where Lily is, well its not going to work,” says Clank with confidence, “There’s no way you know my past as much as I do!”

“You were abandoned by your parents as a foal. They left you in front of the Ponywood Orphanage. You stayed their for five years with the hope that someday you would be adopted. Then finally, adoption day came, you were told a family wanted to adopt you but when they saw another young filly they changed their minds. You grew upset and ran away. You lived on the streets of Manehattan for several days doing nothing but stealing to survive. One day, you were about to steal from a vendor but an officer caught you and brought you to Foster’s Pony Orphanage. You had the same problems as you did when you were at Ponywood Orphanage, and so you ran away again. Finally, you trekked around Manehattan looking for somewhere to stay, you saw a chariot and stowed yourself inside it. It arrived in Canterlot and when you thought it was safe to climb out, the guards caught you and took you to Princess Celestia,” I say with a sad pitch.

Clank is just surprised and can’t believe what I’ve said. He then says, “And do you know what Celestia did to me!”

“She sent you to me. Hoping that I could teach you the ways of meditation. I must say, I was quite proud of you, you never gave up, you kept pushing for success, and you were never a let down,” I say proudly.

“Yea right, you kept telling me that failure is just a way to get better, but every time I failed, I felt like I was failing even worse. You didn’t try to help me, but instead, you merely let me build up my anger and when I tried to strike, you knocked me out, and when I awoke I ran away, hoping to get revenge,” says Clank angrily.

“I specifically told you, ‘Everypony fails but we thrive to succeed when we are calm, eager, and well focused,’ and I meant it. You kept failing but you also kept striving to succeed. You just weren’t calm or eager. You focused your hatred on the fact that no pony wanted you, but I did. To be honest, you were my friend, my son, and my successor, but you didn’t finish your training. Instead, your hatred got the better of you and led you to attacking me which failed horribly. I knocked you out and began thinking of how to train you more efficiently but when I went to check on you, you ran away,” I say with mixed emotions, “You were a symbol of hope, a guide into those who were lost, and even a true friend to those in the same boat as you.”

My friends were in tears wondering what Clank was going to say next and before I said anything else, Pondi entered the room, sat next to me, and said, “You two were meant to help each other, Wisdom was meant to help you learn how to control your anger, while you helped him learn the value of teaching. You both have learned some amazing things here today, but now we must find Lily, So Clank, please help us and tell us where she is.”

Clank began crying and says, “The abandoned train station a few miles away from here. That’s where Destro has been keeping her. I’m so sorry, I just didn’t know that you cared for me, I always thought no pony wanted me.”

I get up and unlock him from the chair and give him a great big hug. My friends all walk in and introduce themselves. I turn to Clank and say, “We want you, for we are your family, your friends, and your guides. Welcome to the herd.”

There's a big group hug and finally Monstershy walks on over and squeezes all of us to the point of which Tick says, “Too much hugging.”

The others begin introducing themselves.

“It’s nice to meet you, we are Weep and Sleep, trackers extraordinaire,” says Weep and Sleep proudly.

“I’m Sgt Fears, and if you do something that puts one of my friends in danger, I promise to hunt you down and show you your true fears, HAHA, I’m just kidding, but seriously,” says Sgt Fears with irony.

“I’m glad I didn’t have to put a grenade in your mouth and slowly pull the pin, I’m Dynamo Gunderson, Explosives expert, nice to meet you,” says Dynamo while crushing Clanks hoof causing it to move out of place.

Clank is frozen in pain. “You’ve already met me, I’m Dr. Shenanigans, interrogator specialist and doctor, if you allow me to...” says Dr. Shenanigans while popping Clanks hoof back into place and begins looking him over, “Wow, you’ve taken good care of yourself even through all of this.”

A big roar erupts and Monstershy licks Clank across the face, Dr. Shenanigans says, “That means he likes you.”

Peachy walks on over and says, “Hi, I’m Peachy Keen, it’s nice to meet a student of Wisdom, but if you ever try something stupid, I will haunt you in your dreams,” says Peachy as she smiles and walks away.

Tick walks on over and shows off his guitar, and plays a bit and tells Clank, “We should make a band, can you play any instruments.”

Clank shakes his head left and right. Tick walks away.

Windston doesn’t give Clank any hellos but instead just smiles and flies somewhere else.

I huddle everypony together and say, “we all know what we have to do, we also know where to go, so my fellow ponies...Let’s save Lily Peace.

We have planned for our journey to save Lily but we just didn’t know what was lurking up that road.

The Battlefield

The machine was in ruins, but there was movement coming from a piece of the wreckage. Destro pushed the metal off and walked away from his destroyed machine saying, “My machine! My army! My Student! Now you’ve done it Wisdom, Now you shall suffer, you all shall suffer,” he walks away with anger and depression, swearing to get payback.

Chapter VII: The Betrayal

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We had a small but convenient room in which many conversations took place in. This time however, we planned for our trip to the abandoned train station to save Lily. But there was still much to discuss.

“Good evening my fellow ponies. We have been given this floor plan of the abandoned train station with the help of Wisdom’s student, Clank. Now I will let him explain the floorplan and what we need to expect,” says Sgt Fears.

“So, Destro is keeping her here (As Clank points with his hoof to a spot on the floor plan) in this jail cell. There are three guards keeping close watch on her, there are also bigger guards standing by for any situation. Our best bet is to set up a diversion, sneak in, break Lily out, and fly to safety, any questions,” says Clank.

“Questions. so many questions. What do we do about a unforeseen force that could possibly change the situation? How do we know we can trust you? and Why would it seem as if it would be too easy to break her out if their are only three and a half guards?” says Griffin.

“Do you have something that we should hear before we continue Griffin, if so, please step up and tell us,” I say knowing that Griffin knows something we don’t.

“My friends, I am going to be swift and out front with all of you, but I have had a vision that has shown me somepony that we all thought was gone. . .(Griffin pauses and takes a deep breathe in) Destro isn’t dead, he is merely scarred but is now planning something much more terrifying that even Lily is in danger of. This plan Clank has made is brilliant but nonetheless useless since Destro is still alive and knows we would be coming,” says a truthful Griffin.

“Oh great! we are so bucked we don’t realize how bucked we are,” says Weep.

“Yea, it’s not like we can just turn ourselves over to him and plan a brilliant escape,” says Sleep.

I grabbed Clank, Griffin, and took them into a secured little room. Everypony wondered what I was talking to them about but had no idea of what was in store. We leave the room and everypony asks, “So what’s going on?”

“It’s time we go to the abandoned train station,” I say.

“Do we even need to know what. . .oh, never mind,” says Peachy who doesn’t want to know now.

We headed for the abandoned train station. When we were close enough to it, spotlights came on, and the next thing we knew was that nets were draped over us. We had been caught. Destro walked on over and said, “my, my, my, what a fortunate surprise, and it seems that I have the whole gang including Clank.”

“I brought them to you, I knew how much you wanted Wisdom, but I thought. . .” says Clank before being disrupted.

“You thought that if you brought Wisdom and his friends, I would forgive you and let you back. . (Destro pauses). . .hahahah, good show my friend, I must say I can’t believe you pulled this off, welcome back. . .(as Destro gives him a pat on his back)” says Destro happily.

They began walking my friends away in shackles and they begin to muzzle them but a few get to say something.

“How could you Clank!” says Weep.

“I thought we were friends!” says Sleep.

“I’m gonna kill you!” says Peachy.

“Buck you!” says Dynamo.

They take my friends away and place them in a cell. Meanwhile, Destro’s guards escort me to a special prep room. While they do this they have made it impossible for me to move or to fly.

They place me at a table and leave the room laughing.

The Cell Room

My friends are all in a dismal looking cell, very plague, dusty, and very well guarded. When they enter the cell, Peachy begins making remarks against the guards who leave the room.

“That’s right, leave this room, you don’t have the courage to come in here and face me,” says Peachy as the guards shut and lock them in the room.

There’s a shuffle from the cell next to them, most of them freak except for Dr. Shenanigans, Pondi, and Peachy who all look at each other with curiosity. Pondi then says, “Lily, is that you?”

Everypony looks closer to see who it is when a voice returns.

“Master? (Lily runs towards Pondi giving him a hug) It’s been horrible, they told me you were dead and kept saying Wisdom was next, and that his friends were all gonna die with him,” says a sobbing Lily.

“Lily, I want you to meet Wisdom’s friends who have risked their lives to save you,” says Pondi.

Lily walks on over and see’s my friends who all introduce themselves, especially Peachy who says, “So, you're the one my friend Wisdom can’t stop talking about. . .it’s nice to meet a filly who can care for him as much as Tick and I do, and it’s also nice to see that you and him share a common interest,” says Peachy.

“What’s that?” says Lily.

“Peace! Peace from all evil, peace to balance harmony, and Peace for all of Equestria,” says Peachy.

“I guess you’re right, but tell me, does he really love me,” says Lily.

Peachy pulls her aside and says, “Look just between us, he doesn’t stop mentioning you, he can’t stop thinking about you, and he has even gone to the lengths of risking his own life for yours.”

“She is right, young grasshopper, what all ponies strive to learn is the essence of True Love, a love which can not be found by saying what one will do for another, but instead what one did for another. Wisdom has shown True Love, that is a power no pony can take away, not even the wisest of all ponies. That is why, I still have a few tricks tucked away, especially in situations like this,” says Pondi as he knocks the cell gate off it’s hinges by whacking it with his own staff, “Let’s save Wisdom, before it’s too late.”

“Wait, you mean he’s here, where is he?” says Lily.

“He is being held in a room about to be interrogated by Destro and Clank, and then he will probably be Executed, so we must move, now!” says Pondi.

“Wait! There is something you all need to know,” says Griffin.

“What?” says Lily.

“There is another pony who needs to be saved, one that is key to aiding Wisdom in the battle against Destro,” says Griffin while being blunt.

They leave the cell room and proceed to find this other pony, so that they can save me before it's too late.

Chapter VIII: The Demand

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I was strapped into a chair in a torture room of some sort and my muzzle had been muzzled shut, ironically. I only say a torture room because of all of the medieval devices that were around me. I could hear somepony coming and while I awaited I thought to myself, and came to the conclusion, that there was no way I was going to tell Destro a single thing.

The door opened and Destro says, “Well, well, well. I hope this room is comfortable for you, cause now I need you to cooperate for me, or else. . .I get to have fun.”

I just sit and stare at Destro as he unwraps a sheet and unveils several cutting tools.

Destro then says, “all I want to know is. . .Celestia’s Plan of attacking me. If you cooperate I promise to let you see your friends and Lily again before I end up killing you.”

Again, I just remain motionless and as I do so he removes the muzzle and says, “well say something at least so that I know that you understand me.”

“You’re Scared,” I say in a hushed tone.

“Scared? Scared of what?” says Destro completely curiously and lost.

“The truth, the answer, and the outcome, because no matter what I tell you, you will be scared,” I say.

“I won’t be scared by you or any other pony, so just tell me, what are Celestia’s Plans,” says Destro who’s growing angrier and impatient.

“You really think I’m going to tell you, are you that desperate, that scared, you must be if you're asking the one and only Wisdom for information, and if I may say so, your interrogation techniques are just cliche,” I say chuckling.

“Well then, why don’t we just skip to the torture, and why don’t we start with. . .your wings, then the rest of your body, and we finish off with your dignity,” says Destro with a look of pleasure.

A series of horrifying screams are heard all around the facility, guards start laughing and hoofing each other. Destro grabs some scissors clipping several of the feathers from my wings off, he beats me with sticks, metal poles, and even tortures me by dunking me underwater.

He then throws me in the chair and says, “Now, do you have something useful for me, something that I need to know.”

Exhausted beyond all belief, I pull myself together and say, “You can clip feathers from my wings, you can beat me up, you can torture as much as you’d like, but I will never tell you Celestia’s plans.”

“So be it, I guess I must torture some pony important to you in order to get my answers,” says Destro before calling for a guard, he then says, “Bring prisoner L!”

“You leave Lily out of this. . .” I say before being interrupted.

“Who says Prisoner L is Lily, what if it’s somepony else,” says Destro laughing maniacally.

Moments before the interrogation

My friends were outside of a guard station planning to capture a guard and question him.

“Alright, Weep, Sleep, Peachy, and Tick will go to the left, while I lead Lily, Sgt Fears, Dynamo, and Dr. Shenanigans, take the right. Monstershy. . .hmm, Monstershy, I want you to cause an aerial distraction,” says Pondi.

They all shake their heads in agreement and then attack the guard station. Three guards try to get away but Peachy, and Lily tackle them. Sgt Fears duct tapes them to a wall and Dr, Shenanigans begins the painful interrogation.

Moments later, Dr. Shenanigans walks over to the group and says, “Their keeping the pony on the other side of the facility near Destro’s main office. However, Destro isn’t going to be in his office, he is about to begin interrogating Wisdom.’

“Then it’s time to gallop!” says Pondi.

They start galloping to the other side of the facility when they hear a huge scream coming from somewhere in the facility. Then when they think that they have found the containment cell for the pony, Pondi says, “Monstershy, rip it off!”

Monstershy rips the door off and they find no pony inside.

“Where is this pony?” says Weep.

“Was there even a pony?” says Sleep.

“Perhaps we were too late,” says Pondi.

They then decide it’s time to save me. They start galloping again towards the sound of the screaming. As they approach guards swarm around them and the fight begins.

Pondi pulls out his staff and swings it around knocking several of the guards out cold, Lily keeps punching and kicking the guards while Peachy hops on one of the guards backs and rides him around crashing him into a wall. They fight until the guards are defeated, they then head towards the screams once again, slowly approaching the door.

Back to the interrogation

The guards enter the room with a pony with it’s head covered.

“Well, well, well, Prisoner L, before I remove that bag I must tell you that you have been doing well being locked up here for several years. I hope your ready for this, (Slowly getting closer to Prisoner L’s ear, whispering) Cause I sure am,” says Destro.

The bag is removed and a stallion is revealed. This stallion has light green fur, and a red mane. He looks at me and says, “Who is that, why are you doing this to me.”

“I’d like you to meet Wisdom, he is the one who is currently following in Zircon’s hoof steps, and has been learning from all the other elders including your wife, Sequoia,” says Destro.

My mouth drops as I look over to the stallion and say, “Your Wife! wait, wait, wait, You’re Sequoia’s Husband, Lily’s Father, but we all thought you were dead.”

“No, I was never dead, I was merely ponynapped by him and forced to give away the location of the hives. . .”says Lily’s Father.

“But why, why did you?” I ask.

“I didn’t, it was that assistant of his, Clank if I’m right. He gave Destro all the locations,” says Lily’s Father.

“Enough! Now, I will kill him, if you don’t tell me Celestia’s plans,” says Destro menacingly.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“My name is Cosmos Peace,” says Cosmos

“I said ENOUGH! This is your final chance to tell me Wisdom or else I will kill him,” says Destro as he puts a blade to Cosmos neck.

“Fine!”I say.

“Don’t do it Wisdom, I’ve served my purpose and now you must serve yours,” says Cosmos.

“What?” I say confused.

“You must take care of Lily, keep her safe, and whatever you do, kill this motherbucker,” says Cosmos.

“You’ve got three seconds. . .” says Destro before being interrupted.

“She plans on using another army and attacking this very same facility,” I say.

Destro laughs and says, “Good. Now that I know what she plans on doing I can prepare my troops for battle. I shall finish you off, afterwards.” Destro leaves the room with Cosmos and I still inside.

“Why’d you tell him Celestia’s plan, now there’s gonna be no chance at stopping him,” says Cosmos in shock.

“I gave him the plan Celestia had in mind, but I didn’t give him the real plan,” I say smiling.

I explain the plan to him and he looks at me and says, “That’s brilliant, but how are we gonna get out of here.”

Just as he says that the door get ripped away, the lights turn off, and Monstershy trots in and finds me. He rips the straps off and as he does my friends trot in to see my wounds and bruises.

“Wow, he really did a number on you now didn’t he,” says Sgt Fear.

Lily gallops on over and hugs me and says, “I was so worried that I was going to lose you. . .”

I stop her and say, “I’m okay, I missed you too, but I’ve got a huge surprise for you.”

I walk over into the darkness and untie Cosmos straps and walk with him over to Lily.
As soon as she see’s him, she gallops onto him, crying tears of joy. Cosmos explains everything to her. It was a wonderful father and daughter moment.

I then say, “It’s time to end this, once and for all.”
As I say that Clank walks into the room and gets tackled onto the ground.

“Well, looky who it is, I told you I’d put a grenade in your mouth and pull the pin (As he starts to put a grenade in Clanks mouth)” says Dynamo.

“Wait, he must answer for his crimes first,” says Sgt Fears.

“Yes, throw him into the chair and strap him down,” says Dr. Shenanigans.

He is thrown into one of the chairs but before they strap him in, I say, “Wait he’s still with us.”

Everypony looks at each other confused but then I say, “I planned for him to capture us, and bring us here, I knew it was the only way I was going to get to see Lily. I also knew it was the only way I could stop Destro. Isn’t that right Griffin.”

“Right? Isn’t that Right, well when you took us into that room and said what you pretty much just said then I guess you’d be right, so yes,” says Griffin.

“As I said before, it’s time for me to end this,” I say heroically.

“Wait. You can’t do this by yourself, I’m going with you,” says Lily worrisome.

“I can’t allow that, I can't put you in harms way, nor could I have the rest of you put in harms way again,” I say before I start to fly away.

All my pegasus friends start carrying the others and fly next to me.

“We never leave a friend behind,” says Peachy.

“Yea, you may be in charge but we can’t just let you go like this, it’s suicide,” says Weep.

“Yea, plus Destro is getting an army ready, you're going to need us to help,” says Sleep.

“Plus when this is all over, I would be more then happy to learn more about the one who risked his life and his friend’s lives to save my daughter,” says Cosmos.

“Well then, my friends, it’s time WE end this, once and for all,” I say proudly.

Chpter IX: The Final Battle

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Destro’s remaining troops, mainly guards from the station, gathered around a field just as the sky began to get gloomy.

My friends and I looked on from a distance and watched as Destro used a pair of binoculars and looked towards Canterlot awaiting for Celestia’s army.

“So, what’s the plan?” asked Weep.

“Why don’t we just attack his small army while Wisdom battles Destro. . .” says Sleep before being interrupted.

“Because, we can’t underestimate Destro’s abilities, and we don’t even know what he plans on doing when he figures out that Celestia’s army isn’t coming,” says Sgt Fears.

“Why don’t we just ask what Wisdom wants to do,” says Dr. Shenanigans.

They all look over to me and Peachy asks, “What should we do?”

“We need a diversion, something that will get his guards to stray away from his plans, and then when Destro is all alone, I will fight him, and end this,” I say before noticing Dynamo writing something on a notepad, “What are you doing Dynamo?”

“I’m creating plans that shall end these pointless arguments over what we should do,” says Dynamo confidently.

“And they being?” asks Pondi.

“Plan A: Destroy Destro’s base by using every explosive I’ve got” says Dynamo before also saying, “That might be a nice finish.”

Several of us hoof ourselves in the face and before we can say anything. . .

Dynamo says, “Plan B: Ditch your friends and cut your losses, before the situation gets worse, (Dynamo ponders) that might work”

“What about option C?” asks Lily.

“Plan C: Dress up as some mares and get the guards to stray away from their posts, (Dynamo ponders) I don’t know I still like Plan B,” says Dynamo.

Peachy smacks Dynamo across the face and then says, “I think plan C, would be a great way to get the guards away from their posts, but Lily and I can’t simply do it, especially since they know what we look like,” says Peachy.

Peachy and Lily then come up with an idea, an idea so bold, so brilliant, it just might work.

“We give Tick, Dynamo, and Dr. Shenanigans a Makeover!” say Lily and Peachy excitedly.

Tick, Dynamo, and Dr. Shenanigans begin to panic and start to try to gallop away but they don’t get more then a few steps away before getting tackled onto the ground by Lily, Peachy, and I.

“Don’t do this to us.”

“I didn't sign up for this.”

“This is going to be embarrassing.”

Lily and Peachy give them a makeover and when they are revealed to us, they come out as some of the weirdest mares I’ve ever seen, Wearing dresses, makeup, and even earrings. We start to giggle but before we get out of hoof, Griffin, Clank, Cosmos, and I, push them out towards the guards.

“I hope this works,” says Clank.

“You do realize their muzzles look nothing like a mares muzzle, don’t you,” says Griffin.

“Hey, we couldn’t fix everything, we merely improvised,” says Peachy.

“Sshh! here they go,” says Pondi.

Dr. Shenanigans took a step forward and in his best girly voice, which wasn’t that great, says, “Oh boys!’

The guards turn around and start trotting on over to them and begin following them into the forest line.

When the guards past the forest line they are jumped and beaten by us and when i look out towards the field, I notice Destro still looking through the binoculars.

I start trotting towards the forest line back towards Destro, when I’m suddenly stopped. . .by Lily who gives me a kiss and says, “Stay safe.”

I nod and continue towards Destro. I approach cautiously and when I am merely a hundred feet away I say, “Destro!”

Destro turns around and is caught off guard. He says, “where are my guards, where’s Celestia’s army? No matter, I’ll have to deal with you anyways.”

He flies towards me at ridiculous speeds, speeds that aren’t as fast as Rainbow Dash but slowly getting their. He crashes into me, causing us to somersault several hundred feet. When we stopped, I threw several punches at him. He then pushed me off and pulled out a knife and stabbed my hind leg. I screamed in agonizing pain.

Lily looked on in fear and when she tried to rush to me, Cosmos stopped her and said, “Lily, Wisdom can handle this.”

“Yes, he must defeat Destro alone, no matter the risks, he’s tough, and won’t quit, like a flower trying to find water, it grows it’s roots until it finds what it has been trying to look for,” says Pondi.

I then pull the knife out with my wings and jump onto Destro, even with a wobbling hind leg, I grab him and buck him onto the ground putting the same knife in his own hind leg. I then fly up into the sky and say, “Hey Destro, bet you can’t catch me.”

“You’re gonna regret doing that,” says Destro as he flies after me. I flew faster and faster and faster until I was nearly to Canterlot. Destro caught up to me and tackled me down to the ground causing a huge crater to form nearby.

Celestia’s guards witnessed the fighting and alerted Celestia.

Celestia then sent a message to the Wonderbolts who were to be scrambled to Canterlot with the Black box.

Celestia then gathered all the ponies into the castle and activated a bubble of energy around the castle as a precautionary measure. She then said, “Good Luck Wisdom.”

Meanwhile, Destro kept trying to stab me again and again but when I grabbed the knife from him, he broke my front hoof and knocked me on the ground and said, “How does it feel, having your enemy stand over you. I grabbed his beard and said, “I don’t feel a thing because your no longer over me.”

I hold onto him as I thrust my knee into his gut, then I grab him and spin him around before saying, “ Any last requests.”

I throw him into the air and fly towards him, as I do, he adjusts himself and flies towards me. We collide and keep fighting. He then says, “ we aren’t even in Canterlot airspace and you're already signaling for help. You are pathetic.”

He then flies closer to the castle just as the wonderbolts can be seen arriving. I grab him and say, “You’re engaged on a member of the royal council, over Canterlot airspace, Sierra Echo November Delta India Tango.”

"What? No this is impossible, I'll kill you!" says Destro furiously.

I release him just as the black box gets shot towards us, I attempt to fly away but get nicked in the head by the box. I start falling to the ground as the box entraps Destro and crashes into the ground. I crash to the ground several yards away. The wonderbolts and royal guards surround the area and transport the box to a secure facility. I am immediately transported to Canterlot’s hospital in critical condition.