• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Ticket master

After Danyelle, a 29 year old human girl who was turned into her Mobian OC, arrived in Equestria with the alicorn filly known as Nyx, that was once her favorite plushie, me and the others decided to help them fit in and once Danyelle got settled in, Twilight offered to let the two stay at her place until they find a place to live.

Today, Twilight and I were at Sweet Apple acres helping Applejack pick apples and once we had enough, we all headed to the barn to put them away except Spike kept throwing some of them when looking for one to eat. "No. Nope."

"Thank you kindly, you two, for helping me out." Applejack says turning to us. "I bet Big Macintosh I could get all these golden delicious in the barn by lunchtime." She say with a smile on her face. "If I win, he's gonna walk down stirrup street... ...in one of granny's girdles." She says before laughing.

"[Laughs] that would be hilarious to see." I say thinking about big mac actually doing that.

Twilight just smiled before saying. "No problem at all Applejack, I'm glad the goal is lunchtime, all this hard work is making me hungry."

As we walked to the barn we saw Danyelle and Nyx walking up to us as Danyelle calls out to us. "Howdy AJ!"

"Oh howdy Danyelle, what brings you two here?" Applejack asks.

Danyelle replies. “Nyx and I were getting hungry.”

"Well you came just in time, we were about done with these here apples in the barn before we head out for lunch." I say before hearing Spike burp and when I looked towards Spike to see him holding a scroll.

Danyelle asks. "Let me guess, two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?"

Nyx shyly asks "Gala?"

Spike opens the letter and read it. "Wow, how did you know?"

"How did you know?" I asked.

Danyelle responds. "I have clairvoancy, I know when something is about to happen."

"So basically you can see into the future, well that's good to know but I do have one question. What’s the grand galloping gala?" I ask.

Danyelle responds. "It's a yearly event held in Canterlot. And as for the extra ticket, I suggest you be extra careful then Sparkles. Your friends might want to go."

"She's right Twi, why Ah'd love to go." Applejack says before mentioning how she would make money by selling all her apples and apple sweets at the gala and use the money to fix up things around the farm.

Danyelle’s ears twitch before shouting. “Incoming Pegasus!” as she grabs her doll turned adopted daughter and hid. After the dust settled, Danyelle coughs "Gosh dang it Skittles! Watch where you're flying!"

I chuckle a bit before hearing Rainbow. "[Chuckles] sorry about that."

"Rainbow you better not have been doing another failed stunt?" I say as I helped her up.

"Yeah and you told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples." Applejack says with an angry look. "What were you busy doing, spying?"

"First off no I wasn't and secondly I was busy napping." She says pointing to the tree she was napping in before turning to Twilight. "And I so happen to hear that you have an extra ticket?"

Danyelle pulls Rainbow’s tail before saying. “Cool your jets Skittles, the last thing anypony needs is several other ponies chasing after Twilight.”

Nyx nodded in agreement.

Danyelle spoke "Sooner or later, I'll have to enroll Nyx in school. It just doesn't sit well with me that somepony her age isn't in school."

"I can help with that if you like Dany?" I asked before seeing Twilight leaving with Spike while Rainbow and Applejack were hoof wrestling.

Danyelle spoke. "Thanks Lillian but as far as magic lessons go, I'll ask Twilight about that."

"Yeah I think that's a good idea, she's great at using magic." I say with a smile before hearing my stomach growling. "Why don't we go get something to eat, I'm starving after harvesting apples."

Danyelle spoke. "ditto, I could so go for some pancakes right now."

Nyx asks "Could I have daffodil sandwiches and celery soup?"

"How about we head to sugar cube corner and I make you two something free of charge." I said

Both respond. "Thank you, we owe you one."

"No problem lets go." I say, heading back to town.

The two follow Lillian to Sugarcube Corner. Danyelle asks. "Say Lillian, how did you adjust your diet when you arrived here?"

"It wasn't easy, I still miss eating meat but hey it's the little things in life that you miss so I decided to make veggie patty burgers when I'm hungry because before I worked at a business company I used to be a chef." I say as we walked into town.

Danyelle responds. "I could maybe help with that..." Covering Nyx's ears, Danyelle continues "I've taken to hunting in the Everfree Forest so I could get my meat fix."

I smile before shaking my head. "I appreciate the offer but I've gotten used to how I do things." As we get to sugar cube corner, we spotted Twilight and the gang standing in front of sugar cube corner.

"Quiet!” Shouted Twilight only to hear Pinkie still talking.

"And then I said, "Oatmeal? Are you craz--" oh…" Pinkie soon stopped talking when she sees everyone looking at her.

"Uh what's going on here?" I asked as we walked up to the group.

Danyelle sighs as she facepawed.

Danyelle sighs. "Typical, Pinkie found out..."

Nyx squeaks. “Y-yeah…”

Danyelle asks. “Rarity, could I ask you for a favor?”

"Oh um sure Dany what do you need darling?" Rarity asks as her and Danyelle talked Twilight told me what was going on.

"Sorry you had to see that Lillian it's just the girls were arguing about who should get the second ticket." She says before looking at me a bit skeptically. "You don't want the ticket too so you?"

"What of course not why would you even assume that?"

"Sorry Lillian it's just I'm having a hard time figuring who I should give the second ticket to and on top of that I'm really hungry." She says as her stomach growled.

Smiles as I put a hand on her shoulders. "Don't worry Twilight you'll figure it out but first go get something to eat."

She smiles and nods as she took Spike and went to go get something to eat while the others left while back with Danyelle her and Rarity were still talking.

Danyelle spoke. “Nyx needs something to hide her wings, I don’t want others to find out she’s an alicorn… And maybe something to disguise her eyes. The last thing I need is a pair of bullies picking on her for being... well different.”

"I see, guess I can see your concern there very well, I'll do it besides when will I ever get another chance to work with a pony who has a black coat." Rarity says agreeing to make something for Nyx.

Danyelle spoke. "Nyx is the only pony we know with a black coat. So I was thinking a purple vest and maybe a teal headband to hold the forelock back."

“Hmm I think I can make those but I'll need you to bring her over to my boutique so I can take her measurements."

Danyelle replies. "Okay plus I may need new clothes too. What I have on is all I got… And the last thing anypony wants is a female Mobian wandering around naked..."

“Oh I completely understand then why don't you come over with Nyx so I can take both of your measurements." Rarity says before heading to her boutique.

Picking Nyx up, Danyelle follows Rarity to the boutique.

"Danyelle where you going?" I asked seeing them leave.

"We're heading to Rarity's place to take our measurements." She says before following behind Rarity.


After arriving at Rarity's boutique, Danyelle spoke “You have a nice place.”

"Why thank you darling." Rarity replies.

Danyelle smiles before saying. "I'm not one for footwear except in the wintertime since it's too cold for my sensitive toes."

"Oh so that's why you aren't wearing shoes like Lillian, thanks you for telling me Danyelle dear." Rarity says before taking the two's measurements.

As Rarity took their measurements, I came into the boutique with a bag of food. "Dany, Nyx you two here?"

Danyelle spoke. "Over here Lilli, I'm just getting my measurements done so I can have new clothes."

Nyx spoke. "Same for me, I have to disguise myself as a unicorn so I don't get picked on."

"Oh okay well after you guys left, I made you two lunch from sugar cube corner but I'll give it to you two when Rarity done she doesn't like a mess when she's working."

Rarity nods in agreement. "That's right darling." She says before finishing taking both of their measurements. "Alright that should be all I'll have them sent to Twilight when they're done speaking of which, I'll be right back." After saying that Rarity left.

Danyelle and Nyx both thank Rarity before heading off with Lillian. Soon enough, Nyx had jumped into Danyelle's arms since the filly was scared of the noise that had been caused by the townsponies since Pinkie had blabbed about the ticket.

Danyelle sighs. "Not again...."

"What in the world is going on!?" I asked when I see the ponies chase Twilight and Spike around town while at the same time swearing I heard yakety sax chase music playing as this happens.

Danyelle spoke. "I blame Pinkie for this... I better stop it before it gets out of paw.. er, hoof..."

After Nyx had plugged her ears, Danyelle lets out a loud yowl thus causing the others to stop

Danyelle shouts. "ENOUGH!!!"

Soon everyone stopped, Twilight used that as an opportunity to teleport her and Spike away.

"God Dany that was loud, tone down your voice a bit when shouting. I think I may have popped an eardrum." I say rubbing my ears.

Danyelle spoke. "Sorry but that was getting out of hoof..." Danyelle looks at the other ponies. Danyelle spoke. "You lot should be ashamed of yourselves, chasing Twilight around town just for a ticket?" Nyx was rubbing her ears after hearing the loud voice.

They all looked down before apologizing and leaving to go about their day.

"Let's go check on Twilight to see if she's okay." I said.

Danyelle spoke. "My distraction was what she needed to get away."

The trio head to the Golden Oak library.

Danyelle asks. "Hey Sparkles, are you and Spike okay?"

Twilight and the others turn to us after breaking their group hug. "We are now." She says with a smile.

Danyelle notices the rest of the Mane Six.

Danyelle spoke. “Girls, could you give Twilight some space? She hasn’t had anything to eat since breakfast and after being chased around by everypony else, she’s a little cranky. Plus I nearly busted a few eardrums with my shouting earlier.”

“Good thing I came prepared." I say pulling out another bag of food and gave it to Twilight who gratefully accepted after the girls gave twilight room.

Danyelle spoke. "I honestly don't know how I got such a loud voice but it came in handy. So Twilight, have you decided about the second ticket?"

"No not really." Twilight says looking down.

"It just wouldn't be fair for the rest of us if only two went." Danyelle says.

Nyx spoke. "I agree with my mom on that one."

Danyelle spoke. “Spike, take a letter please. *Ahem* "To Celestia, did you just troll Twilight? There's 10 of us and only two tickets. I don't think it would be fair if only two went and the other eight stayed behind. To put it bluntly, think it over before sending tickets next time. And as for Nyx, she's not Nightmare Moon. Yours truly, Danyelle the Nekomata-gryphon hybrid. PS, you just got Rick Rolled!"

I grabbed the tickets from Twilight and placed them in the letter before handing it back to spike as he sends it to Celestia.

"Now you won’t go to the gala, either." Fluttershy says.

"It's okay, girls." Twilight says with a smile. "I couldn't possibly enjoy myself without my best friends there with me." We all smiled at that before joining in for a group hug. "So I'd rather not go at all."

As we all hugged, Spike did a gagging gesture before covering his mouth before belching out a letter.

Danyelle chuckles at the heartwarming scene just before she heard Spike burp up a letter.

Picking up the scroll, Danyelle spoke. "It's from Celestia! "Well aren't you a clever cat? You saw through my ruse when I had sent only two tickets. So here are ten tickets for the Gala. Princess Celestia. PS: Oh, you did NOT just go there! I will get back at you some day you sly cat." She smiles after reading the letter. "Figures, I outsmart her because of my clairvoancy. But now, all ten of us can go!"

"Awesome!" I say as the others were excited though Spike pretended not to care but was secretly excited as well before we all went out to eat to celebrate.


Author's Note:

All Danyelle and Nyx line were written by my Co writer and if you like how this story is going so far put a comment and let me know but if you don't like this story put a dislike no hate comments.

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