• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,988 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Tempest's Feelings

After cleaning the mess up, Tempest was talking with Rarity.

Tempest spoke "Rarity, I need some advice."

"Of course darling what do you need advice on?" Asked Rarity.

Tempest spoke "I need love advice. It's because I have a crush on Lillian."

Rarity screams in excitement when she heard that. "Oh I always knew you had a crush on her from how you always act around her have you told her how you feel?"

"No not exactly." Tempest says as he thinks back to how he tried making this feeling obvious.


*Tempest POV*

I was trying to figure out how I should confess my feelings to Lillian when I saw Ben and Danyelle talking while having a date.

I think "Hmm... Maybe I could ask her out on a date?"

"Yo Tempest, we got some orders from Ben and Danyelle." Lillian says trying to get my attention.

I stammer "R-right! What did they order?"

"A vanilla and strawberry milkshake and two strawberry shortcakes." Called out Lillian.

I spoke "Got it!"

I go to prepare the items, accidentally prepping a chocolate milkshake instead of a strawberry milkshake since I couldn't think straight.

"Um Tempest, this is a chocolate milkshake not a strawberry milkshake." Lillian says.

I spoke "Oh sorry, I'm just not thinking straight today...."

"[Sigh] it's fine how about you take the orders and me and Pinkie makes them?" Lillian asks taking the milkshake.

Danyelle glances over at me.

Danyelle spoke "A wise old tortoise once said, 'There are no accidents.'. Besides, I do like chocolate too."

"Kung Fu Panda, really Dany?" Lillian asks.

Danyelle blushes while speaking "Hey, I liked that movie though..."

"Can't argue with you there." Lillian says in agreement.

Danyelle spoke "I watched so many movies that I lost count."

I ask "Lillian, could I talk to you after work?"

"Sure Tempest." Lillian says.

Danyelle was snickering for some reason.

I spoke "Okay then, after work it is."

End Flashback

I spoke "That's the gist of it Rares, I don't know what to say to her... It's because I've never been on a date before... Not even when I was a female..."

"Don't worry Tempest, I'll teach all that you need to know about dating and how to win Lillian’s heart." Rarity says with a smile.

I spoke "Thanks Rares, I'll need all the advice I can get."

Later that day, Rarity was teaching me all I need to know about dating and how to win a girl’s heart.

I spoke "Thanks Rares, I owe you one."

I zoom off to a field of flowers.

I think "This place would be good for a date."

Lillian was back at sugar cube corner waiting for me. "Where is Tempest, he said he had something to talk to me about?"

I soon arrived while carrying a bouquet of lilies.

I spoke "Hey Lillian, I got these for you."

"O-Oh um thanks." Lillian says feeling a bit awkward as she takes the bouquet. "How did you know I like these kind of flowers?"

I spoke "I asked Fluttershy about it and she said that you liked lilies."

"I see, thanks." Lillian says before putting the flowers away. "So what did you need to talk to me about?" She asks.

I ask "W-would you like to g-go on a date with me?"

"Say what now?" Lillian asks.

I spoke "For Faust's sake Lillian... I have a crush on you..."

"Wow I um don't know what to say." Lillian says sweating a bit, as she was feeling a bit awkward.

Danyelle was carrying a Pegasus filly in her arms but the filly was actually a disguised Changeling since someone had left it at Twilight’s home.

I ask "Let me guess.... You have never been on a date before?"

"Well that and something else." Lillian stated.

I ask "That being?"

"Well um you see, I'm not really a girl." Said Lillian.

I spoke "And I'm not really a guy."

"I mean I'm not a girl on the inside on the outside I'm a girl but on the inside I'm a guy and well um me dating a guy with this body well kind of feels weird to me even if you’re a girl on the inside." Lillian spoke.

I spoke "I don't mind it one bit Lilli. I love you regardless of that fact."

Lillian starts blushing a bit, as I say that while unbeknownst to us, our friends were watching us from the bush.

"I...wow I have no idea what to say?" Lillian stutters.

Twilight whispers "Girls, what are you doing here?"

Rainbow whispers "Watching Lillian and Tempest talk."

Danyelle whispers "I didn't see that coming... Lillian's actually a male? With that body?"

I spoke "I understand if you don't feel the same way."

"How about we hang out together and see where it goes from there?" Lillian says with a smile.

I spoke "I'd like that very much."

Bluestar sneezes, causing Lillian and I to turn our attention towards the bush.

"[Groans] come out you guys, we know you’re there." Lillian says annoyed.

Twilight had teleported away as Rainbow flew off, thus leaving Danyelle to Lillian’s wrath.

Danyelle stood up before speaking "Uh, hey you two..."

Lillian walked over with an angry smile as she cracked her knuckles.

"Hey Danyelle, have I ever told you how much I love people ease dropping on me?" She asks getting closer to Danyelle.

Backing up, Danyelle spoke "I c-can't help it... Please don't.... GAH!”

Danyelle ran off with Bluestar and Dawn as Lillian chased the trio around town while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg was heard in the background.

After the trio ran off, Lillian and I stated hanging out together from that day on enjoying each other’s company.


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