• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

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I didn't literally mean I wanted to become my oc (edited)

"AAAAAAHHHHHH shit, shit, shit leave me alone you overgrown furball, I already apologized for waking you up!" I say as I ran from the beast that was chasing me before seeing a log too big for me to jump over in the path I was running on but sees a gap under it that was big enough for me to slide under and seeing how it was my only option to get away far from the thing that was chasing me I ran towards the log before sliding on the ground under the huge log before getting back up running hearing a roar far behind me.

Once I thought I was in the clear I stopped to catch my breath; however, before I knew it a load roar could be heard above me and looking up my heart sank from seeing the beast from before flying down towards. "Oh you got to be fucking shitting me!" As the beast descends closer to me, I put up my arms to embrace myself from the beasts attack.

Okay pause, now I'm sure you're all are wondering what is going on here and why I'm being chased by a flying feline beast and who even am I well, allow me to introduce myself my name is Lillian Rose and I am a Mobian bird or Babylonian, but the thing is I wasn't always a Mobian and my name wasn't always Lillian Rose instead I was actually a human before this and my name was actually Steven Lockhart.

I was born and raised on earth like any other human, in Manhattan, New York and like everyone else, I had a good job and a perfectly good home, but despite having those two good things life was basically crap from my childhood growing up to me being an adult.

Whenever something would end up good happening to me, my life would decide to screw me over and ruin whatever good thing I had. My life would take any chance it took to screw me over and the times it took to screw me over were some of the most embarrassing or stressful days in my life.

Even though my life would screw me over first chance, it gets there were some good things about my life that it did not screw me over with like the few friends I had and the love and support of my family, they have always been there for me through thick and thin. There were also times where I would just have some time to myself and when that happens I would watch my most favorite show that I would like to watch as a kid and that show was sonic the hedgehog.

I would even play every sonic game I could get my hands on and one of them actually became my favorite and the game in question was none other than sonic forces and despite some of bad reviews on the game I still actually loved it.

I enjoyed playing sonic forces especially with you making and customizing your own sonic avatar or as most people would call them OCs and I made plenty in the game, but out all my character I made there was one that I really enjoyed playing with the most and that was a pink Mobian bird girl I had made who I named Lillian Rose.

Lillian wore a pink and black Amy rose dress, a pair of pink and black Shadow shoes and a spy eye piece and as for her hair she had a mohawk that was pink she even had a pony tail since the hair style came with her look when choosing her appearance.

Out of all my character I made in the game I felt more of a connection with Lillian than the others and apparently the thing I call a life took notice of this and I'm sure you can guess what happened if not I'll tell you it started when I came back home from work one night.

The door to my apartment opens as I entered my home looking a bit tired. "[Yawn] man work was a lot more tiring today than usual well at least I'm home at last now I can play a bit of sonic forces before hitting the hay but who should play as hmm oh I know Lillian." I say before I put my stuff away and head towards my desk sitting in my chair and turning both my console and TV that I use as both my computer and TV on and put in sonic forces. "Oh I know I can defeat infinite this time."

After playing the game for a few hours, I turned everything off and head towards my bed. "[Sigh] doing those challenges while completing zones or boss levels are always hard to do heh well with Lillian as my lucky OC I'm able to compete them as required." I say with a smile on my face. "I wonder how cool it would be to actually be my characters and to do all the things they can do like using those cool wispon or to actually use the phantom ruby heh that would be real cool."

Looks at my clock to see what time it was. "Well time to get some shut eye got work tomorrow." With that, I closed my eyes and let sleep take me not knowing that the thing I call a life took what I said into consideration.

As I slept, the environment around me slowly starts to change and not only was my environment changing, but I was changing as well, my body started changing both shape and color. My whole body started to change into that of a female, my skin slowly starts turning pink, and my mouth soon starts turning into that of a beak and my usual short cut hair starts turning pink before turning into both a ponytail and mohawk. Once my body finished changing my clothes started to change a well and once my transformation was complete, a bag appears next to me with a note on it.


As I slept I started feeling the light of the sun hit my face as I try blocking the suns light by covering myself with my blanket, but as I feel around for my blanket I noticed I couldn't feel it anywhere thinking it might've fell off my bed I slowly started getting up yawning as I stretched.

"[Groans] god I'm so fucking tired." I say as I start rubbing the sleep out of my eyes only for me to stop in realization that the voice I heard was not my voice but instead the voice I heard sounded female. "H-Huh what the hell what's going on with my voice why do I sound like a girl?"

I placed two fingers on my neck to test out my voice to check if I wasn't just hearing things but the moment I placed two fingers on my neck what I felt wasn't flesh being touched by flesh, but instead what I felt was the flesh of my neck being touched by what felt like a glove.

I pulled my hands away from neck to look at them and what I saw shocked me not only did I see I was indeed wearing gloves, but when I saw my arms I saw that they weren't my normal skin color but instead they were pink. "AAAAAAHHHHHH what the hell going on why am I pink and why do I sound like a girl?" I say as I was panicking until I started hearing the sound of wild life around me looking up I noticed I was in a forest of some kind and seeing this freaked me out even more.

"HUH WHERE AM I WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Looking around I saw a river not too far from me along with a bag next to me with a note on it, but wanting know what the rest of me look like I decided to read the note later so I ran over to the river to look at my reflection and what I saw was something I did not expect to see, the face that was looking back at me was one I was all too familiar with.

"W-What the hell am I L-Lillian?" Taking a closer look at myself, I noticed that I was wearing the same outfit and shoes I gave Lillian; however, that spy eyepiece I gave Lillian was missing. "Okay what going on here why am I in a forest and most importantly WHY AM I LILLIAN?" I say screaming the last part out of frustration and confusion until I remember the bag from earlier with the note, going over to it; I picked up the note and start reading it.

"Dear Steven Lockhart

I'm sure your wondering what's going on and where you are right now well let me start off by telling you this is all for my enjoyment because after screwing you back home I have lost all inspiration to screw with you more until you gave just the inspiration I needed to enjoy my fun again. After hearing how you wanted to know how it would feel be one of your sonic characters in your game I decided to do just that, but instead of putting you in the body of your male characters I choose to put you in the body of one of your favorite female ones Lillian.

As for where you are you’re in a place called the Everfree forest in a world called Equestria and as for the bag, in it I left you the last item Lillian had when you made her along with a few other things I know you'll like.

From the Life that likes screwing with you."




"WWWWHHHHHAAAAAATTTTTTT?" Looks at the note again reading it over to see if I did not misread it, only to see what I read was no mistake. "Are you kidding not only am I finding out that my life literally became its own entity and been screwing with me my whole, well itself, life all this time, but it literally turned me into one of my oc just because I said I wonder what it would feel like to be one of them are you kidding me I didn't literally mean that GOD I HATE MY LIFE!" Just than another note appeared in front of me as I grabbed it and read what it said.

I know you mean love.

After reading that, I just face palmed. "[Sigh] barely woke up not too long ago and I'm already having a terrible day oh well might as well see what the thing I call a life left me inside this bag." Kneels down and opens the bag in front of me looking through the contents of the bag. "Huh so that's where Lillian spy eye piece was." Pulls out one of those spy eyepieces you would sometimes see in spy movies or shows and put it on before looking through the bag again.

"Hmm seems like the grappling line that's supposed to be on my character wrist was placed in here to that's good to know." Pulls out what looks like a wristband and places it on my wrist. "Let’s see it seems like my life had the decency to give me some form of clothing besides the ones I'm wearing right now also should probably call my life something other than my life now that I know it, its own entity now." I say as I was finishing looking through the bag until I caught the sight of a purple glow at the bottom.

"Huh what's that?" As I moved the things out of the way from whatever they were on top of the light was getting brighter and once everything had been moved out of the way I gasp at what I saw. "No way, how is this possible turning me into my female OC one thing but this are you serious?" I reached into the bag and pulled out a twenty-sided purple ruby with black ripple patterns on the surface of it.

"I can't believe that they actually gave me the phantom ruby but the question is, is it the real thing or the prototype that my character found in the game hmm I'll probably figure that out later for now let’s find a way out of this forest." I put the ruby away before closing the bag back up and putting it on.

"Okay now which way should I go oh wait I know how about I climb one these trees to see if I can spot any way out." I say before heading over to one the trees near by climbing it only to slip and fall off it. "Owe okay that hurt seems like climbing this tree isn't going to work but how am I going to get to the top than?" I start thinking of way to get to the top of the tree until I remember my grapple on my wrist.

"Oh right almost forgot about this but how do I use it do I just thrust my arm out like my character does in the game?" Looks up at the tree before thrusting my arms towards the nearest branch and to my surprise a metal cabal line launches from the grapple on my wrist and wraps itself on the tree branch before launching me towards the branch.

"Wow okay this is cool I think I might get used to this." Landing on the branch, I was launched towards as the line retracted before doing it to another branch than another until I got to the top of the tree. "Hmm okay now let’s see if I can find a way out of this forest or if I'm close to the forest exit." As I looked around I noticed what looks like a castle on a mountain cliff from a far and then from the west I saw what looks to be a town of some kind in the distance I also noticed the way out of the forest looked to be a bit further from where I was.

"Okay now that I know where the exit to this place is the best I could do is head straight and I'll eventually make it out of here, alright than with that in mind time for me to head out." Jumps off from the tree I was on and lands on my feet; however, upon doing so I didn't notice the huge feline I landed on that was sleeping not too far from where I was as it roars in pain from me landing on its tail.

"Aaaaahhhh um sorry there big fella I um didn't mean to wake you I didn't notice you were there." I say getting off the creature tail backing away from it and after getting a better look at the feline in question, it looked like a manticore from Greek mythology.

"[Growls]." The manticore growls at me as I kept backing away from it before I start running away from it with it chasing after me leading to where we are now.


As I embrace myself from the manticore attack, my bag started glowing before a familiar sound could be heard coming from it.

Wondering what was going on I opened one of my eyes to see why I didn't feel the manticore attack; however, once I open my eye I was surprised by what I saw right in front of me was the manticore that seems to be trapped in cage somehow, but taking this as my chance to escape I turned back to the path in front of me and started heading towards the exit out if this forest.

"What the hell happened back there one moment I was about to get attacked by that manticore the next I heard a strange noise and see that the manticore is trapped a cage?" As I ran, I noticed the same purple glow from before coming from my bag realizing what happened I reached into my bag and pulled out the phantom ruby seeing it glow.

"Is this why that manticore was in that cage and what that noise was all about if so I think I might know which phantom ruby this is." Just as I said that, I noticed a light up ahead realizing what the light means I smiled and put the ruby back in the bag as I head towards what I hoped was the exit.

Once I was out the forest I closed my eyes from the sudden brightness before finally letting my eyes adjust and once my eyes adjusted I started to slow down my running as I took in the site before me, before me was a beautiful meadow with many types of flowers growing in it. "Wow this place looks beautiful I never seen anything like this before." I say before noticing the town in the distance reminding me where I was heading.

"Okay I need to see if there's anyone in that town who can help me and hope that the residents of that town don't freak out when they see me." And with that I started to head towards the town hoping to see if anyone their can help me while also curious on what the people of this world look like since the thing I call a life put on the note saying that I was in a new world called Equestria still confused by the name though.

As soon as I get to the town, I was shocked at what I was seeing there were ponies walking through the streets of this town talking with each other and going on about their day there were even some at some stalls buying or selling stuff some of them even had horns and wings. "Okay I was not expecting this." I say still a bit shocked not noticing one of those winged ponies flying right up to me before land in front of me glaring at me.

"Hey who or what are and why are you here?"


To be continued

Author's Note:

Hello guys I'm back with my life as a sonic oc and the chapters all have been edited thanks to the help of my new editor and co author Cocoa Swirl.

I hope you guys like the story and remember no hate comments.

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