• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Sonic Rainboom

*No POV*

Rainbow Dash asks “Now, what have we learned?”

Fluttershy spoke “Lots of control.”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Good.”

Fluttershy spoke “Screaming and hollering.”

Rainbow Dash asks “Yes, and most importantly?”

Fluttershy spoke “Passion!”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Right! So now that you know the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one.”

Fluttershy spoke “[inhales] Yay.”

Rainbow Dash spoke “...Ugh. You're gonna cheer for me like that? Louder.”

Fluttershy spoke “Yay.”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Louder!”

Fluttershy spoke “Yay.”

Rainbow Dash shouts “Louder!”

Fluttershy spoke “[deep breath] [quietly] Yaaay.”

Rainbow Dash groans “Ugh...”


Fluttershy asks “Too loud?”

Danyelle groans "This'll be a long day..."

*Lillian’s POV*

"You guys were great." I say walking up to them.

Rainbow groans "At this rate, I'll be the laughing stock of all Pegasi..."

Danyelle spoke "That was awful..."

"I thought you guys did great, right Fluttershy?" I asked turning to Fluttershy.

"Oh I agree, you two were great." She says with a smile.

Rainbow spoke "We need to work on that more..."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and with the competition coming up, it's going to be hard!"

"Well I'm sure you two will do great." I say.

"Lillian’s right, you two will do great." Fluttershy says.

Danyelle groans "I haven't been able to pull off the fireboom since my birthday!"

"I'm sure you'll get it Dany." I say reassuring.

Danyelle spoke "I hope so..."

As they kept practicing, Rainbow tried to do her sonic rainboom again but she failed again and was launched back into town.

Even Danyelle was flung backwards as she failed to pull off the fireboom.

Danyelle spoke "OW!"

Rainbow groans "That hurt...”

The two had made a mess of the books.

As we entered the library, Fluttershy cheered for them. "Way to go you two woo-hoo." She says before seeing the mess. "Oh my, did my cheering cause this?"

"No it was caused by those two crashing." I say pointing to Dany and Rainbow.

Silverstorm groans "We just got it organized too...."

"Sorry about that, ladies." Rainbow says apologizing to the girls as she pulls herself out of the pile of books. "That was a truly feeble performance." She says looking at Fluttershy.

"Actually I don't think it was all that bad." I say.

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me wingslap you Skittles...."

"I don't think she was talking about you Dany, I think she was talking about Fluttershy." I say.

Danyelle spoke "Oh... Let's go Dash, we should take a break for a bit."

Rainbow spoke "Right behind you Dany."

*After the two left,*

Silverstorm spoke “I got an idea that could help Rainbow out!”

Nyx asks “What is it?”

Silverstorm spoke “I was thinking that we go to Cloudsdale to cheer Rainbow and Danyelle on!”

Nazuna spoke “That’s a great idea! But I can’t show myself to the Princess just yet.”

Lucy spoke “Oh I see what you mean Nazuna, sirens haven’t been seen in Equestria in over a thousand years.”

Natsu spoke “Someone has to carry Silverstorm though...”

Lucy spoke “And since I got my wings not long ago, I haven’t learned how to fly yet.”

"How about Twilight, she has to have a spell that can work?" I asked as we all looked to Twilight.

Twilight asks "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Come on Twilight we know you got to have spell that can help out." I say.

Twilight spoke "There are two spells but one is a bit harder to use. I'll need a volunteer though..."

Silverstorm spoke "I'll volunteer!"

Twilight spoke "You sure about this Silverstorm? Crosswind would shave my tail if you got hurt..."

Silverstorm spoke "Oh, I hadn't thought of that...."

"I'll do it." Rarity says offering to volunteer instead.

Nyx asks "You sure about this Rarity?"

Twilight spoke "Even with an alicorn filly’s help, it's a tough spell."

"If it's to help support our friends, then I'm sure." Rarity spoke.

"Very well then." Twilight says as her and Nyx start casting the spell.

As the two cast the spell on Rarity she was being wrapped in a cocoon; however, as Rarity was being wrapped in a cocoon, a surge of magic back fired, hitting Silverstorm.

"Silverstorm, you alright?" I asked running up to hir.

"Yeah I'm okay." She says before she felt something on hir lower back when shi turned to see shi was shocked to see that shi has wings. "What the hell!"

"I think the spell worked a little too well..." Nyx says when she sees Silverstorm’s wings.

"You think." Silverstorm says still looking at hir wings.

"Do you know happened Twilight?" Nazuna asks.

"I think a surge of magic backfired as soon as Rarity was wrapped in that cocoon." She says before we all heard the cocoon Rarity was in starting to crack and once it cracked open, Rarity came out with a pair of butterfly wings.

"Oh wow Rarity, your wings." I say amazed by her new wings.

Lucy spoke "They're beautiful!"

*Rainbow Dash POV*

Danyelle had flown to Cloudsdale with Fluttershy and me.

Danyelle spoke "Wow, Cloudsdale is an amazing place Dash."

"Yeah it sure is." I say with a smile. "This is where Fluttershy and I grew up before we lived in Ponyville."

Danyelle spoke "It's a great place."

"Yeah." I say before turning my attention to Fluttershy. "And you Fluttershy, you have got to be assertive when you cheer for us at the competition."

Danyelle spoke "Don't be so hard on her Dash, she's trying her best."

"I know it's just this might be my chance to hang out with my idols." I say as soon as we landed but the moment we did we were meet with that last three ponies I wanted to see.

"Well, well, well what do we have here." One of colts says mockingly.

"It's our old friend Rainbow Crash." The other colt says using the nickname I hate so much.

"Get kicked out of flight schools lately." The first colt says before the three of them started laughing.

Danyelle growls at the trio.

Danyelle snarls "Well if it ain't Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score... What do you three want?"

"Hey how do you know our names and who or what even are you?" Hoops asked looking at Danyelle.

Danyelle growls "As if I need to explain my appearance to a trio of bullies like you!"

The nekomata-gryphon hybrid had her wings fully spread wide and her tails fully fluffed out in attempt to scare the trio of stallions.

Danyelle growls "And as to how I know your names, it was a lucky guess!"

"Yeah well whatever." Dumb-bell says while Hoops taunts me.

"Why not ask Crash about the Sonic Rainboom!" Hoops said.

Dumb-Bell just scoffed when he heard him mention the Sonic Rainboom. "That's nothing more than an old mares tale she doesn't have the skills to even pull it off."

Danyelle growls "Don't make me set a raincloud on fire... and FYI, Dash CAN pull off the Sonic Rainboom! I know she can!"

The bullies saw how mad Danyelle was getting and left.

Danyelle spoke "We'll prove it at the competition!"

"No those guys are right I'll never be able to do it." I say with a sigh as I thought about what those three said.

Danyelle soon calms back down.

"[Groan] Why do they pick on you so much Rainbow?” Danyelle asks with a groan before her nose starts twitching as she catches the scent of something.

"They been like that since flight camp." I said.

"So they're just plain jerks then also why do I smell perfume." She says before we hear Fluttershy say something.

"Rare? Fluttershy the Sonic Rainboom is way more than just rare!" I say.

"Rarity?" Fluttershy says before me and Danyelle turned to see Rarity flying with wings.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah Flutters and the Fireboom is just as legendary as the Rainboom is since I'm the only Mobian to pull it off... Wait...."

"RARITY?!?" Both Danyelle and I say surprised when we see Rarity flying.

Danyelle asks "How did you...?"

"Hello darlings, what do you think of my wings, aren't they just smashing?" Rarity asks happily, as she flies up to us. "Twilight made them for me.”

The sound of broad wings flapping was heard as Silverstorm arrived with the others. Natsu and Lucy arrive with the group since Spike was on Lucy's back.

Silverstorm spoke "Hi girls."

Nyx and Bluestar were with Twilight.

"Lucy, you too?" I asked surprised.

Lucy lands on the cloud before responding. "Yeah but I didn't come alone. The other girls came too."

We all see the others coming up on a hot air balloon while Lillian was flying as a Pegasus as she using the phantom ruby to make herself look like that.

"Hey guys." She says waving to us before landing in front of us.

Alice came to watch the competition. Clarity showed up along with Blaze and Tails.

Landing on the cloud, Silverstorm spoke "Twilight, Nyx, Bluestar, Spike, Pinkie and Applejack came too. Dawn stayed behind though, something about not wanting to be near Princess Celestia yet."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough, Dawn's not comfortable enough to be around others."

"This is so cool I'm happy that you guys all actually made it!" I say happily.

"Sure did!" Pinkie says before jumping off the hot air balloon.

"Wait!" I shouted worried that she was going to fall through the clouds only to be surprised when me, Fluttershy and Danyelle see that she didn't fall through the clouds. "How are you doing that, only gryphons and Pegasus ponies can walk on clouds."

"Pretty cool, huh?" Pinkie says before doing a cartwheel.

"I found a spell that makes temporary wings, but it was too difficult to do more than once, so I found an easier spell that lets the rest of us walk on clouds." Twilight added.

Alice lands on the cloud.

Lucy spoke "Those that have wings didn't need the spell though."

Natsu asks "Mind showing us around?"

Danyelle spoke "Sure, we got time before the competition starts."

After landing on the cloud, Silverstorm spoke "Woah... Walking on clouds is weird!"

Everyone agreed as we all heads towards Cloudsdale.

*Lillian POV*

Danyelle spoke "Welcome to Cloudsdale guys."

"Wow this place really is made up clouds." I say surprised.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, it sure is."

Bluestar was nomming on a small piece of cloud.

Danyelle asks "Say Rainbow, are clouds safe to be chewed on by babies?"

"They're safe, clouds are just made up of water." Rainbow replied with a smile. "Now come on, let’s show you guys around."

Danyelle picks Bluestar up before following with the others.

Nyx was wide eyed. "Wow!"

As we looked around the cloud city, Rarity was looking at herself in the mirror she found.

"Rarity, what are you doing?" I asked.

Danyelle groans as she facepalms.

Nyx spoke "Come on Rarity! We're here to cheer Rainbow and my mom on!"

"I'm sorry darlings but I can't help it, my wings just look fabulous." Rarity says.

Nyx drags Rarity away from the mirror with magic.

"Since we're here, I'd sure like to get a look at where the weather's made." Applejack says as she looks around.

"Yeah I been curious about that too for quite a while ever since I came here to Equestria, I know the Pegasi make the weather but never knew how?" I added.

Danyelle spoke "I'm just as curious as the others are."

"Great idea." Rainbow says with a smile. "Come on everyone, to the weather factory!" She says flying with all of us following behind her.

Once we made it to the weather factory, I was surprised to see how big it was before Rainbow had us put on lab coats and helmets on before leading us inside. "This is where they make snowflakes." She says as she shows us the part of the factory that makes snowflakes. "Each one is hoofmade as you can see, it's a delicate operations." As she says that Rarity flew up to look up at the snowflakes that they had hanging around.

"[Gasps] ooh, the snowflakes look even better from up here." She says as she was accidentally blowing away all the snowflakes with each flap of her wings causing all the lab ponies to try and catch all of them.

"Rarity can you please put away those wings!" Danyelle says to her not happy.

"I can if her wings are butterfly not Pegasus." I say.

She tried saying something back before realizing I was right. "[Sigh] guess you make a good point."

"We'd better move on before Rarity accidentally ruins winter and causes a drought." Rainbow says as we all agree before we all left to a different part of the factory. "And here is where we make the rainbow."

As we looked in awe, Pinkie dipped her hoof into the rainbow pool before tasting which she immediately regretted as she started changing colors before saying how spicy it was before running off to get water.

Spike spoke "I had no idea that you came from here Rainbow!"

Natsu had a bit of liquid rainbow on his claws as he licked it off.

Natsu spoke "huh, that didn't taste spicy at all."

Lucy spoke “Maybe it’s because you have fire resistance...”

Danyelle spoke "Don't look now but here come the bullies..."

Nyx hides under Lucy as Bluestar hid in Danyelle's backpack.

The bullies didn't really pay attention to us as they were admiring Rarity's wings. "Oh, where'd you get those amazing wings?" One of them asks Rarity. "I want a pair."

"Hmm yeah, I guess I could see that." She says before the bully who asked her about her wings spotted us.

"Oh, hey, look it's Rainbow Crash again and her weird two legged friend."

"[Laughing] yeah Rainbow, uh..." One of the other bullies says before forgetting what he was trying to say before remembering. "Crash! And her weird friend."

"Rarity, what are doing talking to these guys?" Rainbow says not happy our friend was talking to her bullies.

Danyelle passes Bluestar over to Twilight before turning a fiery glare over towards the trio.

Danyelle growls "How dare you call me weird!"

Natsu knocks Danyelle out cold with a tail slap to the head.

Natsu spoke "Don't provoke a fire user... Or a dragon.... "

Instead of listening to what everyone was saying, Rarity answered Rainbow. "Oh, they were just admiring my wings, Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah." Agreed the same bully that asked Rarity about her wings. "You should forget the sonic rainboom and get yourself some wings like these." He says as he points to Rarity’s wings before him and the other bullies laughed and flew off.

Lucy groans "Ugh... Bullies are the same in any world..."

"Yeah ain't that true." I say as I agreed with Lucy.

"Come on everyone, why don't we see how clouds are made." Fluttershy says before heading towards where the clouds are made as we all followed her. "Don't listen to them, Rainbow and Danyelle are gonna win that competition for sure." She says as she tried cheering up Rainbow.

"Are you kidding?" Rainbow asks upset. "I can't do the sonic rainboom and just look at these, boring plain old feathered wings." She says as she showed off her wings. "I'm doomed."

We all looked at each other bothered and worried for Rainbow before we make it to the cloud making room, which of course Danyelle woke up from being knocked out by Natsu the moment we entered.

Danyelle groans "Ow... What the heck was that for flamebrain?"

Natsu spoke "You were about to go full on savage on those three... It just wouldn't sit well with Cheerilee if Nyx started getting into fights."

Danyelle spoke "Oh jeeze... You're right... And I don't think I'd be able to pull off the fireboom with boring old wings and..."

Danyelle suddenly goes silent due to her clairvoancy being blocked by something.

"You okay Danyelle?" I asked confused on why she went silent all of a sudden.

Danyelle spoke with a panicky tone. "I can't see anything that is yet to come!"

I take Danyelle away from the group as they explored. "What do you mean you can't see anything?"

Danyelle whimpers "Something is blocking my clairvoancy... I'll talk with Sonic and Tails about it later since they would know what I'm talking about..."

"Well if anyone might know anything it would be them." I say before we head back to the group and the moment we did we saw a crowd of ponies admiring Rarity’s wings. "What's going on here?"

Danyelle shouts "WHAT THE HECK?"

Tails spoke "Well... Ponies are becoming distracted by Rarity's wings..."

Danyelle groans "Just great... everyone will be watching Rarity that they won't notice it with Dash and I blow it at the competition!"

"Hey, there's an idea." One of the worker ponies says over hearing Danyelle. "You should enter the competition."

"Yeah I could watch you fly all day long." Agreed an elderly pony.

Danyelle groans "Dang it...”

"[Laughs] you and Rainbow Crash will never pull off those stunts of yours now that, that gorgeous pony is entering the competition." One of Rainbow’s bullies says as he came out of nowhere.

Tails was holding Blaze back since the lilac cat's anger was rising.

Blaze yowls "Let me at him! Let me at him!"

Danyelle snarls "If that's so the case then Lillian will be entering the competition as well!"

"Me why?" I asked a bit nervous.

"Ha that pipsqueak right there, I doubt she can pull anything off."

After hearing that, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy backed up a bit confusing everyone before they all saw how dark my face has become.

"So I'm a pipsqueak am I and you think I can't pull anything off huh!?" I say with a bit of anger in my voice. “Well think again you little shit because I'm entering that competition too and show you what I can do!" I say as I grabbed his coat and brought him close to my face looking him dead in the eyes.

Flames were swirling around Danyelle since she was about to snap.

Danyelle growls "Dash and I will win that competition AND pull off the Fireboom and the Rainboom!"

The bully gulps before flying off scared.

Tempest spoke "Easy Lillian, don't let him get to you."

"Uh Tempest, I wouldn't really get to close to Lillian when she's this mad." Pinkie says to Tempest.

Tempest spoke "I know Pinks but I used to be a massage therapist after I had left my job as a waiter. I know all the pressure points. My mom taught me how."

Tempest walks over to Lillian and massages the female's neck and back to calm her down.

As he did, I eventually started to calm down a bit.

"Thanks Tempest." I say.

Tempest spoke "You're welcome sweetie."

As I was calming down I just realized what I just did. "Oh no I just realized I agreed to enter the competition didn't I?"

Danyelle spoke "Eyup... You did... oh feathers! The competition starts in 30 minutes! We have 5 minutes to sign up!"

Danyelle uses Chaos Control to teleport herself, Rainbow, Rarity and I over to the sign up station as the others made their way there.

*At the Cloudiseum*

Madden spoke “Fillies, gentlecolts and Mobians! Please rise and join me in welcoming our beloved Princess Celestia! And introducing for the very first time, please welcome the Dragon of the Skies, Princess Wendy!

Lucy whispers in Twilight’s ear.

Lucy whispers “When did Wendy become royalty?”

"Didn't you read the papers? Princess Celestia adopted Wendy a month ago." Twilight whispered back.

Lucy whispered "That was a year before Natsu and I arrived... Danyelle sent her away since she was not much of a fighter."

Madden spoke “Please welcome our celebrity judges for the Best Young Flyer Competition: the Wonderbolts!”

As soon as the announcer said their names, the Wonderbolts flew in doing tricks before heading to their judging station.

Madden spoke “And now, let's find out who will take the prize as this year's best young flyer!”

Meanwhile back in the contestants’ room, Rainbow and I were both nervous. She was nervous about not performing well while I was nervous because of my stage fright. "Oh why did I agree to doing this what was I thinking."

Danyelle was pacing back and forth as she mumbled to herself.

Danyelle spoke "This is gonna end in disaster..."

"Okay, contestant number 1, you’re up." A mare says as she calls out to one of the contestants as the pony in question walked up rainbow looked to her number seeing she was number 2, she started getting scared so she looked for a pony to swap numbers with.

Danyelle mutters "Good thing I'm number 17..."

"Alright, number 2 let's go." The mare called out while Rainbow switched numbers with another pony who was eating hay.

"She's talking to you." She says the pony as he stopped eating his hay and looked at his number.

"Oh, uh... Oh I guess that's me." Say as he ran out.

Danyelle asks "What number are you Lillian?"

"I'm 16 I'm before you but I am a bit nervous because you see I um actually have stage fright." I say nervously.

Danyelle spoke “There's a song I know of, it's called Confidence.”

"I actually know that song." I say.

Danyelle spoke "Focus on that song and you'll do great and uh... Dash swapped your number with the one she had..."

"Wait what?" I looked down to my number seeing that it went from 16 to 15 as the number that Rainbow swapped my number with was called up. "Dany, remind me to pay Rainbow back for this." I say before heading out.

*Danyelle’s POV*

I spoke "good luck Lillian, I'll scold Dash later."

I walked over to a shaking Rainbow.

I spoke "Come on Dash, you've put it off long enough... and will you hurry up Rarity! There isn't much time left!"

"I'm almost done darling." She called back while outside I heard cheering and wanting to know how Lillian is doing I went over to the curtains.

I groan "Rarity, if you don't hurry up, I'll set your tail on fire..."

"How rude!" Rarity exclaims.

Outside I heard cheering and wanting to know how Lillian is doing, I went over to the curtains.

I watch Lillian perform; she seems to have overcome her stage fright thanks to the pep-talk I gave her earlier.

"Way to go Lillian, you’re doing great!" I hear Tempest call out along with the rest of our friends.

"Number 16, you’re up.” I heard the mare from before called out and when I looked to Rainbow, I saw that she had swapped my number with the one she took from Lillian.

I spoke "Give me a second!"

I shake some sense into Dash before going to get Rarity.

I growl "Hurry the f*ck up Rarity! The competition is almost over and there is only time for one more performance! Like it or not, all three of us have to have our acts overlap!"

"Number 16 come on we don't have all day, you’re up." The mare said.

I drag Rarity out of the room by the tail.

I spoke "Number 4 was taking too long so I really don't want to set the clouds under her on fire..."

Rarity, Rainbow and I flew out from the waiting room.

Madden spoke “And now, for our final competitors of the day, contestants number sixteen and seventeen! Uhh... And apparently contestant number four...”

Rainbow Dash spoke “[gulp] C'mon, Rainbow Dash. You can do this. Just remember the routine. Phase one.”

I create rings of fire to fly through as Dash swerves around cloud pillars. I was blindsided because of Rarity's wings, causing me to crash into Dash.

[crowd cheering]

After I had crashed into her, Rainbow Dash spoke “Oof. Waaah!”

I spoke “Sorry Dash.”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Time for phase two.”

[ponies cheering]

While Rainbow and I were doing our routines, Rarity was dancing.

"And now for my grand finale, I will fly right up to the sun and beam my beautiful wings over the whole city of Cloudsdale." She says before flying up high in the sky while I overheard Lillian mention something.

"I feel like Rarity about to reenact something from my home, ancient history or something but can't put a finger or well in the case of my form a hoof on it." Lillian said.

I think "It's that Icarus incident... Fly too close to the sun and the wings vaporize..."

Rainbow Dash spoke “Looks like this is my last chance to turn things around. Phase three. The sonic [gulp] rainboom. Wings, don't fail me now!”

I spoke with a shudder. “This has to work...”

Rainbow and I flew high into the sky.

As soon Rarity flew high enough she called out to the ponies down below. "Look upon me, Equestria, for I am Rarity!" She shouts out showing off her wings as the light reflected off them showing different colors, as ponies were awestruck by the beauty of her wings.

But the heat from the sun had vaporized Rarity's wings, causing her to fall. The three Wonderbolts attempt to save Rarity but they were knocked unconscious by her flailing hooves.

I shout “Oh crap! Pigeon into the pavement! Come on Dash! We got a few sparrows ª to save!”

Rainbow spoke “Right behind you Dany!”

I flew down towards the four alongside Rainbow as mach cones form around the two of us, thus pulling off the Sonic Firerainboom.

I grab Soarin and Spitfire as Rainbow grabs Rarity and Misty Fly before we bank back up at high speed.

"They did it! They did the sonic firerainboom!" Fluttershy shouted with excitements.

Natsu and Lucy roar in excitement.

Many others cheer as Dash and I land after a few Pegasi took the unconscious 'Bolts aside as two held onto Rarity.

Nyx shouts "THAT'S MY MOM!!!!"

"We did it Dany." Rainbow Dash says turning to me.

I chuckle "We sure did Dash, best day EVER!"

"Thank you Rainbow Dash and Danyelle, you two saved my life." Rarity says as the ponies held her.

"Yeah we did that too." Rainbow says with a smile.

After everything was done the Wonderbolts were taken somewhere to rest while Rarity was placed in the hot air balloon as she apologized to all of us for getting carried away with her wings. "I guess I just lost my head."

"It's okay Rarity." Lillian, Pinkie and Fluttershy say.

"Oh, don't worry about it, kiddo." Applejack says to her.

I chuckle "Mistakes happen but we all learned a valuable lesson too."

"Yeah." Rainbow said in agreement before looking sad a bit. "I wish I could've met the Wonderbolts when they were awake." As soon as she says that, she felt a tap on her shoulders and when she looked, she was surprised to see the Wonderbolts awake.

I was flapping my wings in excitement.

"So you two are the little pony and Mobian who saved our lives." Spitfire says before adding. "We really wanted to meet you two and say thanks."

"Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!" Was all Rainbow Dash could say as she was excited to meet her idols.

I chuckle at Dash's silliness.

I spoke "No problem, Captain Spitfire."

"Princess." I hear Twilight say as we turned to see Celestia coming down from her booth, we all bowed to her before getting back up.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle, and hello to your friends, too."

After gliding down, Wendy gave Lucy a hug.

Silverstorm bows before speaking. "Hello, my name is Shir Silverstorm Sparkle."

"Hehe so you’re Twilight's adopted child that she told me about in her letters." Celestia says with a smile.

Silverstorm spoke "Yes I am, Crosswind's my older cousin.”

"I see well it's very nice to meet you Silverstorm." She says before turning her attention back to us.

"Princess Celestia I'm sorry I ruined the competition." Rarity says as she apologizes to the princess. "Rainbow Dash and Danyelle really are the best fliers in Equestria."

"I know they are, my dear that's why, for their incredible act of bravery and their spectacular combination of the sonic rainboom and sonic fireboom, I'm presenting the grand prize for the best young flier to this year’s winners, Ms. Rainbow Dash and Ms. Danyelle." She says as she places two crowns on both of our heads.

I spoke with happiness. "Awesomesauce!"

As our friends picked us up, Celestia spoke with Twilight. "So Twilight Sparkle, did you learn anything about friendship from this experience?"

"I did princess, but I think Rarity learned even more than me." She says as she turns to Rarity.

"I certainly did, I learned how important it is to keep your hooves on the ground and be there for your friends."

"Excellent, well done Rarity." Celestia says with a smile.

"This really is the best day ever!" Rainbow Dash says with excitement as our friends puts us down.

I soon notice the trio of Pegasus stallions.

I spoke "Oh hi guys, I'm sorry for giving you three a hard time earlier. I was in a cranky mood."

"No we should be the ones apologizing for messing with you and Rainbow Crash." Dumb-bell says before Hoops corrected him.


"Oh, uh, sorry Rainbow Dash, we just wanted to congratulate you two on winning the competition."

"That sonic rainboom and fireboom was awesome!" Hoops says with excitement.

I chuckle "No harm, no foul."

"Hey, do you two want to hang out with us?"

I spoke "Sorry guys, Dash and I have other plans."

I soon fly off with Dash and two other 'Bolts.


Author's Note:

ª - Skate Rat lingo for anyone wounded, stranded, or in danger.

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