• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,988 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Sleepovers and the Stare

"Crosswind darling, do you know where I put that fabric?" Rarity asks Crosswind as she was running around with other fabrics.

Crosswind was busy at work; helping Rarity make some things despite the fact Silverstorm and Sweetie Belle were bothering them.

Crosswind spoke "I thought you had it!"

Rarity kept looking around until she found it and handed it to Crosswind before grabbing some gems. "Oh, I thought I did already." She says before placing the buckets of gems she had down as she then grabbed some yarns. "Oh, and we don't want to forget we've got to."

The whole time as Rarity and Crosswind worked, Silverstorm and Sweetie belle were standing around watching the two work.

Silverstorm asks "Need any help?"

Crosswind spoke "No Silver, just stay out of the way. It'd be hard to work with a pair of children underhoof as it were."

"Ooh, how are we ever gonna get this done?" Rarity asks as her and Crosswind received an order from a customer to make them some outfits and Rarity is worried that they will not be able to finish them in time.

Crosswind spoke "Not to mention, the slumber party tonight...."

While the two talked, they didn't notice the two children trying to help despite being told not to and by the time they did notice it was too late as the two had made a mess.

Crosswind groans "Gosh dang it you two...."

"We'll just stand over there." Sweetie belle says sheepishly.

*Cue MLP intro*

Crosswind spoke "Rares, where is that bolt of gold fabric? It's very much needed..."

Before she could answer, the doorbell rang. "What now!" Rarity says not happy about the interruption.

"Oh, sorry." Came the voice of Fluttershy. "I thought the "open" sign meant you were open, but I must have been mistaken." She says as she backs up a bit.

Crosswind spoke "It's okay Fluttershy, Rarity and I have our hooves and hands full with an order."

"No worries, you two I was just bringing Opal back from her groom." Fluttershy says

Crosswind picks Opal up in hir arms.

Crosswind spoke "You have a beautiful cat here Rares."

"Oh thank you darling and thank you too Fluttershy she looks great I just don't understand how you’re able to do it." She says as she gets near Opal. "I can't get near her without getting a swipe from her claws." The moment she says that Opal hissed as she tried scratching Rarity who luckily moved away quickly before glaring at her cat. "Did you use...the stare on her?"

Crosswind spoke "Being half chakat kinda helps me; most non Mobian cats tend to swarm around me. Heck, I befriended a cougar once. Wait... What's the Stare?"

"Oh the stare is something that Fluttershy can do, she basically gives a stern stare to those who are out of line and let me tell you no one can resist her stare they'll just be frozen in fear." Answered Rarity.

"Well kind of but I didn't use it on Opal and I can't even control it when it happens." Added Fluttershy "I'm just good with animals is all it's my special gift." She says as she nuzzles Opal.

Crosswind spoke "I think Yuki has it too but she rarely uses it... Plus I know someone that scared the cuss out of Blaze and Lune's father one time..."

The three soon were interrupted by Sweetie Belle who ran up to Opal. "Ooh, ooh, maybe I can be good with animals, too!" She says before Opal sliced part of her mane off. "Or not."

Both Fluttershy and Rarity laughed a bit after Opal sliced off some of Sweetie’s mane.

Cross scolds Opal.

"I'm sorry we can’t invite you to stay and chat, Fluttershy." Rarity says turning to Fluttershy. "But Crosswind and I bitten off a bit more than we can chew with this order."

"But you’re not eating anything." Replied Silverstorm.

"Yeah." Sweetie Belle says agreeing with Silverstorm.

Crosswind spoke "It's a metaphor..."

"Yes and it means that we've taken on more work than the two of us can handle." Rarity added.

Crosswind spoke "It takes time."

"Precisely." Rarity says in agreement. "And we've got 40 of these special robes to make tonight they're due in Trottingham tomorrow morning." She says before pulling out a golden fabric.

Crosswind spoke "Even if Rarity called in Alice and Danyelle to help, it'd take too long. Not to mention, Danyelle has a short attention span... Put a book or game in her hands and she'll ignore everyone around her."

"That fabric is lovely but 40 by tonight? How will you two get it all done by yourselves?" Fluttershy asks as she looks at the golden fabric.

Crosswind spoke "Fluttershy has a point Rares; the two of us can't get that many done... Even IF we pull an all-nighter."

"True but I'm sure we can figure something out." She says before Sweetie Belle interrupted them.

"Oh, oh, oh! Maybe Silverstorm and I could...just --." She says before noticing the stern stare Crosswind and Rarity were giving her. "Just stand over here and watch."

Danyelle enters the store with Nyx, Dawn, Applebloom, Rusty and Scootaloo following her.

Danyelle spoke "Hi Rarity, I brought two of my children over with Rusty, Applebloom and Scootaloo."

"Hello Danyelle it's good to see you." She says greeting back Danyelle while the other crusaders greeted Sweetie Belle.

Danyelle spoke "I brought the five over for the slumber party tonight. Lance is grounded since he got into a fight with Diamond at school; Cinderstreak is over at Twist's place tonight."

"I understand thank you for telling me Dany." Rarity says before the crusaders starting shouting.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SLEEP OVER AT RARITY’S YAY!" Shouted Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Nyx, Rusty, Silverstorm and Dawn.

Danyelle was rubbing her ears after the six had yelled.

Crosswind spoke "Sorry kids, Rarity and I are backed up on work tonight."

Danyelle asks "Need the extra help Rarity?"

"Oh yes it would mean a lot to us darling."

Danyelle spoke "I'm quite good with a sewing machine. Same with Brandy but I haven't seen her all day though... I'm worried"

"I'm sure she's doing fine Dany." Rarity says reassuringly.

"Look what Silverstorm and I made for us." Sweetie Belle says showing the rest of the crusaders the cape she made for them.

"What does the patch on your cape mean?" Fluttershy asks walking up to the group.

"THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" The five shouted in unison.

Rusty had a neckerchief around his neck that had the CMC logo on it.

Crosswind spoke "Uh Rarity..."

"Yes Crosswind, what is it?" Rarity asks.

The brown ponykat was holding up the gold silk fabric, which was now ruined by the six.

Rarity screamed when she saw the fabric. "Sweetie Belle, Silverstorm what have you done?!" She asks not happy at what the two did to her golden fabric. "That was the last of the gold silk oh, now I'll have to make more!"

Danyelle spoke "I had Clarity express deliver more earlier though since I had sensed this would happen."

A knock was heard on the door.

Clarity spoke "Hi Rarity, I brought more of the fabric you needed."

"Oh um thank you Clarity." Rarity says taking the fabric before looking back at the crusaders. "Even though Clarity brought me new gold silk I'm afraid that your sleepover isn't going to happen Sweetie Belle." She says as she turns to her younger sister.

Clarity spoke "Maybe Fluttershy can handle them for the night."

"I don't know what do you think Fluttershy?"

"Oh I don't mind." Replied Fluttershy.

"You sure I couldn't ask you to do that."

"Oh, it's no problem at all."

"Have you meet my sister and her friends?" Rarity asks. "A problem is all it would be."

"Did I have a problem with Opal?"

After arriving, Brandy spoke “Hi.”

Danyelle spoke "Oh hi Brandy, Rarity and Cross need help. They got a big order that is due tomorrow."

Brandy spoke “I will help.”

Crosswind spoke "If Rarity says it's okay."

Brandy spoke “Okay Crosswind.”

"I wouldn't mind more help and I have to agree with you Dany but alright Fluttershy you can watch the crusaders."

Danyelle takes Dawn aside before telling the young nymph to never reveal her true self unless it's an emergency.

"Okay mom I promise." After Dawn promised to keep her true self to herself she followed Fluttershy along with the Crusaders.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, let's get to working on the clothes."

*At Fluttershy's place, Yuki was helping with the animals since Lune was looking after the kittens*

Yuki spoke "Oh hello Fluttershy."

"Hello Yuki, how are you?" Fluttershy asks.

It was clear to Fluttershy and six of the Crusaders that the white furred Mobian cat was tired since raising twin kittens was hard but she was thankful to have help from her sister in-law.

Yuki spoke "I don't know how Dany handles raising four adopted children at the same time though..."

"I think it's because she's great with kids." Fluttershy says.

Yuki spoke "She doesn't have any that are blood related yet."

"True but at least she'll have some practice when she eventually has some that are related and speaking of kids I get to take care of the crusaders since six of them are staying the night at my place since Rarity is busy at the moment."

Yuki spoke "I'll help you out."

"Oh why thank you Yuki." She says with a smile before heading inside her home.

The tired she-cat followed Fluttershy into the cottage.

Sitting on the couch, Yuki asks "May I have some tea please?”

"Of course Yuki." Fluttershy says as she heads into the kitchen to make herself and Yuki some tea while the crusaders went upstairs to play.

Yuki spoke "Ginger tea please."

"Sure thing." Fluttershy called back.

Dawn was tickling Sweetie Bell much to the unicorn filly's squeal.

Yuki spoke "Thank you Fluttershy."

"You’re welcome Yuki." Fluttershy said.

Once night came, Fluttershy went upstairs to her room to put the crusaders to bed.

Dawn was curled up beside Nyx and Silverstorm while asleep.

Rusty spoke "I'm not tired yet."

"Same here." Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo say in agreement.

Dawn sleep-spoke "Girls, go to sleep... You don't want her to use the Stare on you..."

"How about I sing you four a little song to help you sleep." Fluttershy says with a smile.

Silverstorm thinks "Oh no..."


The noise had scared off a few chickens.

Rusty groans "That hurt...."

"Hehe sorry." Sweetie Belle says as she chuckles nervously.

"Well I'll be going but so you four should better be asleep when I come check on you okay." Fluttershy says before leaving.

Rusty spoke "We'll be asleep."

She smiles before leaving, but as she did the three fillies got up as they were still not tired yet and when one of them spotted that one of Fluttershy's chickens escaped they thought it would be a good idea to go get their cutie marks in catching chickens.

Dawn follows the trio.

Dawn whispers "You girls think this is a good idea? Sneaking out could get us caught by Fluttershy and Yuki... "

"Of course we're sure Dawn." Replied Scootaloo.

Dawn whispers "Next time we have a slumber party, I'm so daring you to confess your feelings to Rusty... I know he's got a crush on you Scoots."

Scootaloo was now blushing as she spoke “That’s so not true!”

Yuki shook Fluttershy awake.

Yuki spoke “Four of the Crusaders are gone!”

Fluttershy spoke “That can’t be good, we should go after them. I’d rather not have my tail on fire if Dany found out that Nyx or Dawn got hurt.”

Rusty yawns “Exactly...”

Fluttershy spoke “Those girls have really done it this time! They have really bitten off more than they can chew! Oh, just like me! I never should have offered to watch them. [deep breath]”

Yuki spoke “let’s go get them before something bad happens.”

*In the Everfree Forest*
*Dawn’s POV*

Apple Bloom spoke “Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-chick! Brawck, bawk-bawk-bawk, brawck!”

Scootaloo asks “What are you doing?”

Apple Bloom spoke “Callin' for the chicken!”

Scootaloo spoke “That is not how you call a chicken.”

Apple Bloom asks “Oh, and you know how to call a chicken?”

Scootaloo spoke “I know that's not the way.”

Apple Bloom spoke “Then show me.”

Scootaloo spoke “I don't have to show you!”

Apple Bloom spoke “You're just chicken!”

Scootaloo spoke “Am not!”

I spoke “Are too.”

Apple Bloom spoke “Oh, wait, now I know how to call a chicken! Scootaloo! Scoot-scootalooooo!”

Scootaloo spoke “That's so funny I forgot to laugh.”

Apple Bloom spoke “You also forgot how to call a chicken!”

Scootaloo spoke “Why, you...”

Apple Bloom blows a raspberry.

Sweetie Belle spoke “Come on, guys, we're not gonna find the chicken or our cutie marks by arguing.”

Apple Bloom spoke “Maybe that's our special talent. Arguin'!”

Scootaloo spoke “Is not!”

Apple Bloom spoke “Is too!”

Scootaloo spoke “Is not!”

Apple Bloom spoke “Is too! Anything yet?”

Scootaloo spoke “Nope.”

Apple Bloom spoke “Darn.”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom giggle.

[wind blows]

Apple Bloom spoke “Heeeere, chick-chick-chick-chick, baaawk, bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk, b-baaaaawk!”

Fluttershy whispers “Girls? [gulp] Girls? [squeak] Oh! Get a hold of yourself, Fluttershy. Just put one hoof in front of the other.”

[twig snaps]

Fluttershy asks “Ahh! What was that?”

Yuki spoke “I d-don’t know Flutters.”


Fluttershy spoke “Twilight? I-Is that you? Oh, Twilight, it is you. Thank goodness you're here. I need your help. The girls are out here somewhere, and I'm afraid that they're— [gasps] Oh! What's happened to you? [scream]”

Yuki spoke “This is bad!”

Fluttershy spoke “Oh, no! If you've been turned to stone, it must mean— oh! Oh no, the girls! Don't move. I'll be back for you. Girls!”


Scootaloo spoke “Is not!”

Apple Bloom spoke “Is too!”

Scootaloo spoke “Is not!”

Apple Bloom spoke “Is too!”

Sweetie Belle spoke “Girls! Our special talent is not arguing. Besides, what would the cutie mark of somepony whose talent
is arguing even look like?”

I spoke “I hear voices...”

Yuki asks “Girls? Girls?”

Sweetie Belle asks “Fluttershy? Yuki?”

Fluttershy spoke “Girls! Thank goodness Yuki and I found you!”

Apple Bloom spoke “Fluttershy, what...”

Yuki spoke “Girls, we have to leave the forest at once!”

Sweetie Belle spoke “But... we haven't found the chicken yet!”

Fluttershy spoke “There's no time for that. There's a cockatrice on the loose!”

Apple Bloom asks “A cocka-what now?”

Yuki spoke “A cockatrice! It's a frightening creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a snake. Now, come on!”

Scootaloo spoke “The head of a chicken and the body of a snake? That doesn't sound scary, that sounds silly!”

Apple Bloom spoke “Why, if I ever saw one of them cockathingies face-to-face, I'd laugh at how silly it was.”

Fluttershy spoke “No! Never look one in the eye!”

[chicken clucking]

Fluttershy spoke “If you look a cockatrice in the eye...”

Apple Bloom spoke “The chicken!”

Yuki spoke “Girls! Wait!”

Cutie Mark Crusaders spoke “Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-chick!”

[chicken clucking]

Sweetie Belle spoke “There he is!”

Scootaloo asks “Two chickens?”

Apple Bloom spoke “I thought only one escaped!”

I spoke “Grab them both!”

[chicken clucking]

Cockatrice roars

[chicken clucking]
Cutie Mark Crusaders [scream]
Cutie Mark Crusaders [gasp]

I was hissing at the cockatrice while keeping my eyes closed.

Fluttershy spoke “See? Now we have to...”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders scream in fear.

Fluttershy spoke “Girls, please. Girls— now listen to me, girls, I— please!”


The cockatrice squawks.

Fluttershy spoke “Girls! Behind me and Yuki, now!”

The cockatrice squawks and roars.

Fluttershy asks in a mad tone “You! Just who do you think you are, going around turning others into stone?”

The cockatrice squawks.

Yuki hisses “You should be ashamed of yourself. I have a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to, young man. Now you go over there, turn Elizabeak and my friend Twilight back to normal, and don't ever let me catch you doing this again. Do you understand me?”

The cockatrice lets out a dismayed squawk.

Fluttershy spoke “Are you girls all right? I was so worried!”

Scootaloo spoke “Yeah, fine!”

Sweetie Belle spoke “Thanks to that stare of yours.”

Scootaloo spoke “You're like the queens of stares. You're the—“

Cutie Mark Crusaders spoke “Stare Masters!”

Sweetie Belle spoke “We're sorry we snuck out of the house and into the forest.”

Apple Bloom spoke “Yeah. We'll listen to you from now on.”

Scootaloo spoke “We promise.”

I spoke “Yeah, we promise.”

Fluttershy spoke “Oh, you do, do you? Well, you better, or I'll give you... the Stare!”

I giggle “Anything but the stare!”

Fluttershy, Yuki and the Cutie Mark Crusaders giggle.

Twilight Sparkle asks “What... what happened?”

I spoke “It’s a funny story though Twilight.”

[chicken squawking]

Cutie Mark Crusaders giggle.

Fluttershy spoke “And that's when it brought you back from stone.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “This is gonna make quite a letter to the princess. I was wrong about you. You certainly do know how to handle those six.”

Fluttershy spoke “Oh, I wouldn't go that far.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Hmm? How so?”

Fluttershy spoke “I assumed that I'd be just as good with kids as I am with animals. Boy, was I wrong. I really learned the hard way not to bite off more than I could chew.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “You and Rarity both. Good morning, Rarity.”

Fluttershy asks “Did you, Crosswind, Danyelle, Brandy and Clarity finish all those capes?”

Rarity spoke “[sigh] Just delivered them. I have to admit, if you hadn't come along, we might not have. Thanks again.”

Fluttershy spoke “Won't you stay for some tea?”

Rarity spoke “I really must get back to the shop and clean up. Kids! Get your things. Time to go. Kids!”

Cutie Mark Crusaders giggle and talk among themselves

Rarity spoke “Kids! Time to— Kids! Your things! Kids! It's time to— Kids!"

Fluttershy spoke "Allow me. [clears throat] Kids?”

Apple Bloom spoke “Yes, Fluttershy.”

Scootaloo asks “You called?”

Fluttershy spoke “Go and get your things. Rarity is here to see you home.”

Sweetie Belle spoke “Of course, Fluttershy, right away!”

Rarity asks “Ah, huh, ah, how did you... how did you do that?”

Fluttershy spoke “I guess I'm just as good with kids as I am with animals.”

Cutie Mark Crusaders spoke “Thank you, Fluttershy! Bye! Thank you, Stare Master!”

Rarity spoke “Ah, uh, speaking of which, I could use your help with Opal.”

Fluttershy spoke “Of course. How about later today?”

Opalescence yowls.

Rarity asks “How about now? [strains]”

Opalescence yowls.

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy giggle.


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