• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,988 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Dog and Pony Show

*Crosswind’s POV*

Rarity spoke "Perfect!"

[doorbell ringing]

Rarity spoke "Coming! Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique. [gasp] Sapphire Shores! The pony of pop!"

Sapphire Shores spoke "Good afternoon, Miss Rarity!"

Rarity stammers "You yah... y-y-you know my name?"

Sapphire Shores spoke "Well, of course I do, darling. I make it a point to know all of the up-and-coming designers and Clothes Horse magazine simply raved about you."

Rarity spoke "Oh my stars. If I'm dreaming, do not wake me up. How may I help you, Miss Shores?"

Sapphire Shores spoke "Oh please, call me Sapphire."

Rarity asks "[giggle] How may I help you, Sapphire?"

Sapphire Shores spoke "Well, as I'm sure you know, I'll be touring all of Equestria with my latest concert, Sapphire Shores' Ziegfilly Follies, so I need to look seeensational! Ow!"

Rarity spoke "Cross and I have just what you need. Sapphire Shores, prepare yourself for the pièce de résistance de la haute couture. We used every last diamond I found on this one garment."

Sapphire Shores spoke "[gasp] And it is spectacular! I'll take it."

Rarity asks "Really?"

Sapphire Shores spoke "Oh yes, and five more, each done up in a different jewel."

Rarity asks "Beg pardon?"

Sapphire Shores spoke "Costume changes."

Rarity faints.

Sapphire Shores spoke "[chuckle] Yes, I do have that effect on ponies."

I chuckle “It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Shores. I’m Shir Crosswind, Rarity’s assistant."

"Well it's wonderful to meet you too Shir Crosswind now if you don't mind, I got to get going but I do wish you both the best of luck on making those outfits." Sapphire says before leaving.

I spoke "We'll have them done soon."

Later that day, Rarity and I went up to the quarry to go look for some more gems we need for the outfits with the help of Spike. "Oh, my gosh Sapphire Shores!" He says excitedly. "The pony of pop she is awesome I mean, she's gorgeous and talented and..." He soon stopped talking when he saw me and Rarity looking at him. "And -- not even half the pony you are Rarity."

I chuckle "Oh Spike, you are such a flirt at times."

"Awe shucks, but were you two totally flipping out or what?" He asks.

I spoke "I don't flip out..."

"Ladies do not flip out, Spike." Replied Rarity.

I spoke "Nor do they freak out."

"Uh aren't they like the same thing?" Spike asked.

I spoke "I'm not answering that."

As I say that Rarity's horn starts lighting up. "Oh, we need to find more jewels than ever before to decorate her costumes." She says before stopping at a particular spot. "Ooh! Aha!"

"Did you find some?" Asked Spike.

I spoke "Good thing I borrowed the dumbass's saddlebag, it can carry a lot of gems."

"Crosswind, language please." Rarity says not happy about what I said.

I spoke "Ugh fine... But Blizzardstar's an idiot though...."

The aforementioned chakat had sneezed, causing Tempest to be frozen in ice.

After Spike dug up the gems, he looked at them like some sort of treat. "Oh, you look so... Delicious." He says while the drooled like a dog before diving into the hole and grabbing them before trying to eat them, but before he did, Rarity stopped him.

"Spike! I promised I'd give you gems to snack on, but we need to collect more first or Crosswind and I will never be able to make these outfits for Sapphire."

I spoke "Yeah, patience is important. Even Ben knows that despite being the leader of the new Mobian Guard since Danyelle transferred her roar to him."

Spike sighed as he placed the gems in the wagon. "I'll miss you my sweets."

"Come along Spike, we have many jewels to find." Rarity says as she walks past Spike.

My back left hoof was itchy.

I spoke "I feel something!"

"I'm sure it's nothing darling." Rarity says as she kept looking for gems.

I used my forehooves to dig up a large amount of gems.

I exclaim "Look at this!"

"That's wonderful Crosswind, place them in the wagon would you please." Rarity asks with a smile.

I spoke "Sure thing Rarity."

I put some of the gems into the wagon and some into the saddlebag.

My ears were on full alert since I sensed someone was watching the three of us.

In a nearby bush, three figures were watching us. "Gems!" One of the figure says. "Gems!" They say again as they see the gems.

"Where?" The second figure says.

"Precious gems." The third figure says.

"He is the gem hunter." The first figure says looking at Spike. "With him, we can have all those gems and more, let’s get the dragon." They say as leave to get the dragon but before they can get Spike, they heard me and Rarity call out to Spike.

"Spike, where are you?" Rarity called out.

I gallop over to where Rarity is with more gemstones in the saddlebag.

I spoke "I got a huge haul!"

A female Diamond Dog was watching the trio from her hiding spot.

"Wait, who's that?" The first figure says before noticing me and Rarity.

"You know, it's terrible to keep a lady waiting." Rarity says calling out to Spike.

Spike spoke "Sorry Rarity."

I spoke "We got quite a big haul. We can start heading back."

The amount of gems I had in the saddlebag was getting the hidden trio's attention but I was unaware.

"Ooh, it's not the dragon we want it's the pony and feline creature." The first figure says from the bush.

"Yeah, pony." The other two figure says in agreement before leaving.

"Yes I do agree with you Crosswind." Rarity says agreeing with me. "These gems will certainly get us well on our way with Sapphire's outfits." As soon as she says that her horn starts glowing brightly. "Ooh! What's this?" She asks surprised on how bright her horn is glowing. "Another jewel!" She says before heading in the direction her horn is leading her. "Oh, oh, strange?"

I ask "What'd you find Rarity?"

"The jewel my magic detected seems to be in the tree." Says as she gets close to the tree, but the moment she got close her horn stopped glowing before a two-legged canine with a red vest and collar came out of the tree startling Rarity. "Ah uh, good day gentle...fellow." She says backing up to Spike and me. "Uh, I am Rarity and these are my friends, Spike and Crosswind." She says as Spike chuckles nervously waving to the canine.

My fur was starting to fluff up as I ask "What brings you around these parts?"

"We are Diamond Dogs and we hunt gems." He says as he walked over to us while we backed away from him.

"Oh, um, is that so well we like hunting gems too, but just finished were about to head back home right Crosswind?" Rarity says a bit nervously.

Pinning my ears back, I spoke "Yeah, we're just leaving."

Before Rarity or I could move, we had been surrounded.

Panicking, I charge up my magic before teleporting Spike back to Ponyville as Rarity and I get grabbed.


The group of diamond dogs soon started dragging Rarity underground while she screamed, she tried staying above ground but noticed she got dirt on her hoof causing her to let go and be fully dragged underground before the same happened to me.

After Rarity and I were dragged underground, the female diamond dog who was also watching us in secret looked towards Ponyville.

"Let’s hope that small dragon was sent back into town to get help." She says before burrowing underground.

*Back in Ponyville*

Danyelle's eyes shimmer as she saw Spike running back.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight! We got trouble!"

(Danyelle P.O.V)

*An hour later*

I spoke "According to Spike, Rarity and Cross were taken by Diamond Dogs."

Clarity spoke "We have to go save the two!"

I ask "What do you think Lillian?"

"I read about Diamond dogs, they're gem hunters who live underground digging up gems and capture those who also hunt for gems and use them to hunt gems for them." She says as we head to where Spike told us they last were before being teleported away.

I spoke "Good thing we're bringing Clarity along, her nose is super sensitive like Shirou's nose is. It should help us find them."

*Back at the place where Rarity and Cross vanished*

A blue furred male Diamond Dog with several scars was watching the group before disappearing down a hole.

Once we get to the last spot where Spike told us Rarity and Crosswind were last seen, we saw a bunch of holes.

"Um which hole did you say they were dragged down again Spike?" Lillian asked Spike who was on Twilight’s back.

Clarity was sniffing around.

Clarity spoke "There's too many scents overlapping, I can't pinpoint their scents..."

Chloe spoke "We have to keep trying..."

"Well we're not going to find them by just standing around staring at the holes, let’s split up and check every hole; one of them has to lead to Rarity and Crosswind." Applejack says before we all split up looking down each hole.

I was flying about, using my ability to help.

While everyone was looking down the holes twilight spotted something down one of them before all the holes started to be filled up. "The holes they're being filled up hurry quick get down one before they're all filled up!" Lillian called out before trying to go down one, only to hit in the face with some dirt from the hole she tried going down.

I dive-bombed one Diamond Dog at high speed, knocking it out cold before guarding the unfilled hole.

I shout "I got one!"

Everyone saw the hole before running to me and down the hole.

I spoke "I knocked a mutt out so that the hole didn't fill up."

Chloe spoke "Smart thinking Dany!"

After we all head down the hole we saw that there were multiple tunnels. "Now where do we go?" Lillian asks looking down each path.

I ask "Got any ideas Twilight?"

A female voice echoes "HELP!!!!"

"Yes, but who was that?" Replied Twilight.

"Don't know but that voice sound a bit familiar for some reason?" Lillian answered.

My eyes shimmer as I look down a tunnel.

I spoke "That sounded like Brandy!"

A second voice was heard. "Get your dirty claws off my wife!"

"I'm not sure unless she got married without any of us knowing then I don't think it's her, but Twilight you use whatever spell Rarity taught you while me and Dany go help whoever those are." Lillian says before turning to me. "Let’s go Dany."

I spoke "That sounded like Aaron! I know his voice anywhere! Aph! Aaron! Hang on! HELP IS COMING!"

With that, Lillian, Chloe and I go rescue Brandy and the other two while Twilight and the others go find Rarity and Cross.

*Crosswind P.O.V*

I kept complaining which drove the trio of dogs crazy.

"Please be quiet!" The diamond dog known as Rover shouted not want to hear anymore of mine and Rarity whining.

I spoke "But I thought you wanted whining!"

Clarity sends a Diamond dog flying with a kick.

Danyelle soon arrived with Lillian, Brandy, Aphmau, Aaron and Chloe.

Chloe snarls "Let them go!"

"Please take them please." The three diamond dogs says running up to the group begging. "We can't take anymore whining."

Breakfang kicked a random male Diamond Dog in the jewels, causing him to keel over in pain.

Breakfang growls "They might as well take me and Bluu as well, we're sick of how you treat us!"

Bluu was cleaning his injuries.

I had a harness on my lower back with a huge amount of gems in it.

I spoke "Under the condition that you three don't resort to kidnapping ponies again. And it's best you spread the word to the other packs so this doesn't happen again."

An orphan Diamond Dog pup had climbed up into one of the wagons since she wanted the gems. However, she went unnoticed until Rarity had gotten home.

*After the warning Crosswind had given the Diamond Dogs*

*Danyelle’s POV*

I spoke "Lillian, meet Aphmau and Aaron. They're friends of mine, I met them through a video game I like."

Aphmau spoke "I heard what happened from the fox so Aaron and I came to help but we had to ask Amy to look after our kids while we helped you guys. But we got caught by those mutts."

Aaron spoke “Thanks for saving us but now, Aph and I have to get going.”

The two head back to Mobius to recover.

*Crosswind’s POV*

After Rarity and I had gotten back to the boutique, the two of us got to work on the dresses. But then, Rarity finds a Diamond Dog pup in the wagon of gems.

After remembering the incident with Thunder according to what Fluttershy had said, Rarity decided to adopt the pup and names her Emerald Glow.


Author's Note:

Aphmau and Aaron belong to Jessica and Jason Bravura

The Mobian wolf forms belong to me

Emerald Glow belongs to me as well

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