• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,988 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Arrival of an old friend

"Hoof-fighting action overload!" Pinkie shouted with excitement. "She was like a stunt superstar, flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down -- swoosh!" She says zooming off before coming back to Twilight. "And right before she hit the ground -- shoom! -- she pulled up! Vroom!"

"Uh-huh." Replied Twilight.

"And then she looked around and around, like Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"


As Pinkie looked up at the sky she saw Rainbow Dash flying by, so she got up and start calling out to her. "Oh, Rainbow Dash!" She says getting the attention of the rainbow maned pegasus.

"[Groans] Pinkie Pie? Not again." She says to herself before flying off.

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie called out again chasing the mare.

"Not now, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow replied back before flying off faster.

"But -- but, Rainbow Dash!"

"I'm in the middle of something."

"But --."

"I said, "not now"!" Rainbow says before crashing into a mountain.

"I was gonna tell you to look out for that mountain."



Lillian’s P.O.V

As I walked through the market I spotted Pinkie asking ponies if they seen Rainbow Dash when I looked up I saw the pony in question was trying to hide in a cloud. "Hey, Lillian, have you seen Rainbow Dash anywhere?" Pinkie asks coming up to me.

"Yeah she's up there." I say pointing to the cloud she was on.

When she looked up she called out to Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash!"

After hearing Pinkie call out to her, she immediately bolted off as Pinkie started to follow her. "That was weird." I say before going about my day again.


Later that day Pinkie and Rainbow have been pulling pranks on everyone with them giving Spike the hiccups, making Rarity sneeze with sneezing powder, switching Twilight's ink with invisible ink, painting Applejack's apples different colors and patterns, putting itching powder on my clothes and even scaring Danyelle with a joy buzzer.

When the next day arrived, I woke up and got ready for the day and as I left my room I saw Pinkie wearing a gag arrow on her head, a pair of funny glass and had a party horn in her mouth. "Um good morning Pinkie what are you wearing?" I asked.

"Oh good morning Lillian I was going to head to Rainbow's place to see if she wants to pull off anymore pranks today."

"I see well you better not try pranking me with itching powder again because I couldn't stop itching all day yesterday."

"[Giggles] yeah sorry about that Lillian I promise I won't do it again well bye." She says before running out Sugar Cube Corner and straight to Rainbow's home.


(Pinkie P.O.V)

As I arrived at Rainbow Dash's home I called out to her. "Rise and shine, Rainbow Dash! It's a brand-new day, and we got a lot of pranking to --." As I called out to Rainbow I was surprised to see a griffon come out of her home. "Ooh."

"Morning, Pinks." I hear Rainbow says as she came out her home before flying down to me. "Gilda, this is my gal pal Pinkie Pie." She says introducing me to the griffon now known as Gilda.

"Hey. What's up?" Gilda says as she flies down from Rainbow home.

"Pinkie, this is my griffon friend Gilda."

"What's a griffon?" I asked.

"She's half eagle, half lion..." Rainbow replied before Gilda added.

"And all awesome!"

"Gilda's my best friend my days at junior speedster flight camp." Rainbow says before remembering something. "Hey, remember the chant?" She asks Gilda.

"Chyeah. They made us recite it every morning." She replied. "I'll never got that thing out of my head."


"[Groans] only for you, Dash."

"Junior speedster are our lives.."

"Sky bombs, soars, and daring dives."

"Junior speedsters, it's our quest to someday be our very best."

After they finished their chant I started laughing. "Oh, that was awesome!" I say as I walked up to them. "And I gave me a great idea for a prank Gilda you game?"

"Huh. Well I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon." She says before turning to Rainbow. "But, Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning." She says before taking to the skies.

"Yeah, uh, well... Pinkie Pie, you don't mind, do you?" Rainbow asks turning to me. "Gilda just got here. We'll catch up with you later."

"Oh, um... Well, sure -- no problem!" I say a little disappointed that I can't have fun with Rainbow till later.

Rainbow smiled before flying off with Gilda leaving me alone to myself.

*Lillian's POV*

As me and Danyelle were walking through town we spotted Pinkie sitting outside of sugar cube corner alone drinking a milkshake looking sad. "Hey Pinkie what's wrong you look upset?" I asked.

"Yeah what seems to be the matter?" Added Danyelle.

"Well see an old friend of Rainbow who's a griffin came to visit her today and well she acted really rude to me when I tried to hang out with Rainbow, but Twilight just thinks I might be a bit jealous."

"Really Twilight thinks your jealous because of how rude Rainbow's friend acted that literally make no sense." I say annoyed at Twilight thinking.

As we talked Rainbow and her griffin friend in question flew over us laughing. "That was sweet!" She says to her griffin friend. "I got to take care of a few weather jobs around here shouldn't take longer just, uh, out in town, and I'll come find you."

"That's cool, I guess." Replied her griffin friend. " I'm gonna go show down!"

"Later!" Rainbow says before flying off and after she did three things happened with her griffin friend after she left one she did a harmless little prank on Granny Smith which I guess was good, but it's the two other things she did that got to me that being her stealing food from a cart without paying and if all things making Fluttershy cry.

"Okay I seen enough stealing is one thing but making my friend cry is another I'm going to have a talk with her!" I say ticked off but before I could walk over to her Danyelle grabbed me by the arm.

"Lillian don't, I'm sure she didn't mean what she said to Fluttershy and I'm sure she didn't mean to make her cry." She says as the griffin leaves.

"Fine I'll let it slide this once." I say before me and Danyelle went to tell the others about what happened.

After telling your friends about Rainbow's griffin friend they were shocked to hear what happened. "Wow I can't believe how rude she was to Fluttershy." Clarity says upset about hearing how Rainbow friend made Fluttershy cry.

"I know right she's lucky that Danyelle held me back before I did something regretful to her." I added.

"Come on guys I know what she did was wrong but I believe there's more to her than you think." Danyelle says joining in the conversation.

"Really like what?" I asked.

"I believe that she's hurting inside about something."

Before I could say anything, a bright light appeared before us before immediately disappearing. "Well that was strange?" I say confused not noticing a lavender Mobian alicorn was out cold on the ground by me and a brown Mobian hawk next to Clarity.

“Uh, Lillian, Clarity I think you two should look next you.” Danyelle says as we looked down next to us surprised to see two more Mobian but this time this one of them looked like Twilight.

"Huh? What in the world Twilight?"

The Mobians groans before waking up. “huh where am I?" The lavender Mobian asks looking around before noticing us. "Who are you?"

“I'm Lillian.” I say introducing myself to the Mobian.

"My name is Clarity."

"Names Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog."

"My name is Miles Prower but my friends call me Tails."

Nyx comes out from Danyelle's backpack before introducing herself. “H-hello there my name is Nyx.”

"I'm Danyelle and I'm Nyx's mom."

After we all introduced ourselves, the two Mobians introduce themselves. "My name is Tempest the hawk." The hawk that we know know is named Tempest says introducing himself.

"My name is Twily Sparks." The lavender Mobian alicorn now known as Twily says introducing herself.

"So my thoughts about you being a different Twilight was correct." I say after hearing the Mobians' names.

“wow so including Celestia and Luna, we have five alicorns even though Clarity is half alicorn.” Danyelle exclaims.

"Wow there's so many alicorns it’s so overwhelming." I say.

Later on that day Pinkie had thrown a party for Rainbow's griffin friend who we soon found out was named Gilda in order to help change her attitude, but despite her efforts to bring a smile to her face Gilda had snapped.

"This is your idea of a good time?!" She asks not happy. "I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life!" She says before looking at Pinkie. "And, Pinkie Pie you -- you dare queen of lame-o with your weak, little party pranks!" She asks getting in Pinkie face. "Did you really think you could make me loose my cool?!" She says before going over to Rainbow. "Well, Dash and I have 10 times as much cool as the rest of you put together!" She says as Rainbow was getting mad at what she says. "Come on, Dash, we're bailing on this pathetic scene!" As she walks towards the door she saw Rainbow wasn't following her. "Come on, Rainbow Dash! I said we're leaving!"

"You know, Gilda I was the one who set up all of those weak pranks at this party." Rainbow says surprising Gilda.

"What?" She says looking at Rainbow in disbelief.

"So I guess I'm queen lame-o?"

"Come on, Dash, your joshing me?"

"They weren't all meant for you specifically it was just dumb luck that you set them all off."

"I should've known that dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it." Pinkie says to Spike.

"No way i-it was Pinkie Pie!" Gilda says not believing Rainbow. "She set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me!"

"Me?" Pinkie says surprised that Gilda is blaming her for something that's not true. "I threw this party to improve your attitude I thought a good party might turn that frown upside down.

"And you sure you sure didn't need help making a fool of yourself Gilda." Rainbow says clearly not happy. "You know, this is not how I thought my old friend would treat my new friends of being cool as all you care about, maybe you should go find some new cool friends someplace else."

"[Growls] yeah well, you -- you -- you care such a, um, flip-flop, cool one minute and lame the next!" Gilda retorted back. "When you decide not to be lame anymore, give me a call." She says as she leaves sugar cube corner. “That was the lamest party ever!”

As Gilda was about to leave town, Danyelle ran up to her. "Gilda wait!"

"What do you want freak!"

"Listen Gilda, I know what it’s like to lose a friend. I once had a close friend when I was younger but I lost all contact with her... You don’t have to go down the same path I once did.”

"Just leave me alone freak!” Despite what Gilda had said, Danyelle hugged the griffin.

"Ahh hey what are you doing let go of me!" Gilda says trying to get Danyelle off of her.

"Gilda I know losing a friend isn't easy especially when that friend has newer friends but just because your old friend has newer friends doesn't mean that they don't consider you a friend anymore." The things that Danyelle was saying soon got to Gilda as starts to break down into tears as she returned her hug. “Friends may drift apart but you shouldn’t take your anger out on somepony else. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it.”

“Maybe I did go about it the wrong way but after what happened back there, I'm sure Dash hates me now." Gilda says looking down saddened.

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you mad maybe, but hate no."

"How do your know for sure she doesn't hate me?"

"Why don't you come back to the party and find out." As Danyelle heads back to the party, Gilda followed her and as soon as they get back, we all stared at Gilda as she walked up to Rainbow who was still mad at her.

"Hey Dash, look I know I acted like a huge jerk and I just wanted to say I'm sorry, can you ever forgive me?”

Rainbow just stared at Gilda for a moment before sighing and smiling. "Of course Gilda and I'm sorry too, I didn't know how you felt." She says.

"I was wrong to take my anger out on your friends, especially Fluttershy.”

“It’s okay Gilda.” Rainbow says pulling Gilda in for a hug.

Gilda returns the hug, giving Rainbow a noogie in the process. “I should get going, I’ll see you later Dash.” she says before leaving.

After the problem with Gilda was peacefully solved, Danyelle had another vision. This time, it was concerning Infinite. Danyelle’s ears were pinned back because of the vision.

Clarity asks. “Say Lillian, do you think Infinite would show his face around here?”

“Doubt it even if he does, he’ll have to fight me with my phantom ruby.”

Danyelle spoke. “Plus I have my chaos emerald just in case. Not to mention, we have the elements of Harmony as backup too.”

“Yeah.” I say.

Danyelle spoke. “Exactly! Plus we have the mare-bitch too.”

Clarity snarls “Let me at that damn jackal, I'll rip him to shreds!"

“With all of us here I’m sure are can take on any challenge that comes our way.” I say as we all enjoyed the party and had fun while Twilight wrote her friendship report to the princess.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone hope you like this chapter my Co author/editor and I both wrote out this chapter together and the Mobian Twilight was my co author idea so if you like this story leave a like if not put a dislike no hate comments.

I'm just writing this story just for fun but if you have any tips on how to make the story better let me know other than that hope you enjoyed this story.

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