• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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The Magic Of Friendship part 2 (edited)

Last time on my life as a sonic oc.

"Hmm elements of harmony I know I heard of those before but where."

"All the ponies in this town are crazy!"

"What about that strange bird girl Lillian?"

"First off Spike, Applejack said she called herself a Mobian even though I don't know what that is and secondly I guess she's okay seeing how she's the only one who hasn't tried making friends with me."

"I was planning to come to the library after I checked on the preparations for the summer sun celebration so I can find a way to stop or prevent Nightmare Moon return by learning all I can about the elements."

"So that's what this has been all about huh you wanted to prevent an evil tyrant who shrouded the whole world in eternal darkness from returning or try to find a way to defeat her using the elements of harmony?"

"Wait you know about Nightmare Moon and the elements of harmony?"

"Legend has it that on the longest day of the 1,000th year, the stars will aid in her escape, and that she'll bring about another everlasting darkness."

"Even though I know that Nightmare Moon will return I'm also hoping that the Princess was right and that it really is nothing but an old pony tale."

"Nightmare Moon." Both Twilight and I say looking at the pony on the balcony.

"Remember this day, little ponies and bird creature, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" She says before she starts laughing evilly again as everyone looked at Nightmare Moon afraid.

"[Evil laughter]"

"Guards seize her only she knows where the princess is." Mayor Mare shouts as a couple of Pegasus guards flew towards her in attempt to catch Nightmare Moon.

"Stand back you fools!" Nightmare moon demanded as her starts glowing before she made lightning strike down the guards. "[Evil laughter] you fools thought you could've stand up to me Nightmare moon."

"Hey Nightmare!" I yell out making Nightmare Moon look towards my direction.

"Huh?" As soon as she looked my way I shot grappling line at her as it attached itself to her chest plate confusion her. "What is this?" She says trying to get my line off her only to get the air knocked out of her after I launched myself at her hitting in the chest causing her to crash through the walls of the town hall.

"If you think no one can stand up to you, you have another thing coming Nightmare." I say looking at Nightmare Moon who was under a pile of debris from the wall she crashed into only for her to burst out of the debris looking pissed.

"You dare challenge me you pathetic poultry!" She shouted before charging her horn for an attack.

Seeing this I turned to the crowd of ponies that were still on the building. "Everyone get out now I'll stay behind and deal with her." As soon as I say that all the residents of Ponyville started running out of the building.

"Alright Nightmare you want to fight then you got one." I shouted before I charged at Nightmare as she shot bolts of lightning at me and seeing this I jumped up in the air to dodge them as I than shot my grapple at her launching myself at her again; however, she used that to her advantage as she shot another bolt of lightning at me when she saw me being launched towards her.

The moment I was hit by her attack, I was launched towards one of the banquet tables crashing into it. "Okay now I'm pissed." I thought to myself as I try getting myself up from the table I crashed into feeling a bit shocked after being hit by the bolt of lightning. "I need to end this quickly and fast but how." I say before thinking of something.

"What are you blabbering about you fool could it be that you’re now regretting your decision of challenging me."

"Of course not I was just coming up with a way to finish you off." I say with a smirk as I shot my grapple onto a piece of the table I broke before spinning it around confusing Nightmare before I threw it at her.

As soon as Nightmare Moon saw the piece of the table I spun around was being launched at her she charged up here horn and blasted the piece of the table with her magic only to be surprised when she saw that I launched myself at her hitting straight in the face causing her to crash into another set of tables.

"I hope that finishes that because I don't know how much fighting this town hall can take!" I say looking the mess the town hall was in and after saying that, Nightmare Moon comes bursting out from the pile of tables she crashed into looking pissed.

"You may have defeated me this time bird but you along with the rest of Equestria will never see the sun again." She says as she starts laughing evilly before turning into a cloud of blue smoke that starts leaving the building.

I ran outside to see where she went, but she was nowhere in sight. "Damn she got away." I looked around to see that everyone was gone well not before I saw Rainbow and the others heading towards the library so I followed them.


As soon as I get to the library, I heard Rainbow talking to Twilight. "And just what are the elements of harmony and how did you and Lillian know about Nightmare Moon huh are you two spies?"

"Okay Rainbow one I can't believe that you'll accuse me of being a spy after staying here for three years and two we're not spies we know about Nightmare Moon because we read about her and her return." I stated as I entered the library as everyone turned to see me. "Like seriously you seen me come to this library all the time."

"She has a point Rainbow, she has been coming here every month." Applejack says as the others agreed.

"I guess you have a point there but how do we know if she's not really a spy than huh?" Rainbow ask pointing a hoof at Twilight.

"Because she's been trying to find a way to prevent Nightmare Moon's return or at least find a way to stop her for when she did return and the fact that she knows what's going on isn't that right Twilight?"

"Yes and like Lillian stated we read all we know about Nightmare Moon and some mysterious objects called the elements of harmony are the only things that can stop her but the thing is." Twilight says looking down a bit sad.

"Let me guess you don't know what they are and how to find them?" I asked.

"Yes but not only don't I not know how to find them but I also don't know what they do?"

"Hold up I think I can help with that." I say as walked over to a bookshelf.

"You do how?"

"Hold on just a minute, ah here it is the elements of harmony, a reference guide." I stated pulling out a book from the bookshelf.

"How did you find that?" Twilight asks as I handed her the book.

"It was under "E"; remember I said I read every book here." I say walking over to the others.

"Oh." Was all Twilight said before she opened the book and starts reading it. "There are six elements of harmony but only five are known. Kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty and loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery." She says before adding.

"But it is said that if the elements of harmony should fail in sealing away evil a seventh relic would appear to help the elements; however, the relic has been lost for centuries and the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters."

"It is located which is now the [gasp]." Was all that Twilight could say before gasping as she ran out of the library as me and the others follow.

"Lillian darling do you know where she's going since you ready that book before?" Rarity asks as we followed Twilight.

"Yeah but you and the others aren't going to like it." I stated

"Why wouldn't we like [gasp]." Rarity says before gasping as her others stopped before looking at the forest before them.

"THE EVERFREE FOREST." Rarity and others says looking at the forest.

"Wee let's go." Pinkie says heading into the forest only to be stopped by Twilight.

"Not so fast look I appreciate the offer, but I'd really rather do this on my own."

"No can do sugar cube. We sure ain't letting any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone." Applejack says while Twilight cringed a bit when she mentioned the word friend. "We're sticking to you like caramel on a candy apple."

"Mm-hmm." Agreed the others as they entered the forest.

"She makes a good point Twilight trust me I been in there before." I say as I followed them others.

"Yeah especially if there's candy apples in there." Pinkie says as I rolled my eyes.

"Really Pinkie you really think that there's going to candy apples in a creepy forest?"

"What those things are good." Pinkie says following the others.

Twilight sighs as she follows us.


[1 hour later]

After walking through the forest for an hour with dead silence, Twilight decided to break the silence and asks. "So besides Lillian, none of you have been in here before?"

"Oh. H-Heavens, no. Just look at it. It's dreadful!" Rarity states with fear.

"And it ain't natural. Folks say it don't work the same as Equestria." Applejack says.

"Really you’re scared of this place because it's spooky and that it doesn't work like Equestria okay the spooky part I can understand but the second part really?" I asked.

"Of course we would be afraid and for good reason." Applejack says turning to me.

"And why's that?" Twilight asks a bit afraid only to be answered by Rainbow while trying to scare the others.

"Because it is said that everypony who's ever come in has never come...out!" As soon Rainbow says that the cliff we were all standing on broke off sending everyone on to the ravine below.

"Rainbow, Fluttershy go help the others don't worry about me I'll be fine!" I called out to them as they nodded before going to help Rarity and Pinkie.

As I was sliding down the hill, I saw that Twilight was hanging on the side of the hill while AJ was trying to help her up before seeing two shadows flying over them and when I looked up; I saw that it was Rainbow and Fluttershy. Once I saw they didn't have Pinkie or Rarity I figured they got them down to safety.

"Hey AJ." Applejack turned to me after hearing me call out to her and as she slid down the hill as I pointed up and after looking up, she looked back to me and nodded.


(Twilight P.O.V)

After Applejack looked towards Lillian who called out to her, she turned her direction back to me. "Applejack, what do I do?" I ask trying not to fall over the cliff while Applejack held onto me until she said something that shocked me.

"Let go."

"Are you crazy?"

"No, I ain't. I promise you'll be safe." She says while I hold onto her.

"That's not true." I say in disbelief.

"Now, listen here. What I am saying to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe."

I looked into Applejack's eyes before closing mine and letting go of her falling off the cliff screaming. As I screamed I felt myself being grabbed by something and when I opened my eyes I saw that it was Rainbow and Fluttershy who caught me. "Phew." After breathing in a sigh of relief, they nearly dropped me before catching me again. "Aah!"

"Sorry, girls. I'm not use to holding anything more than a bunny or two." Fluttershy says apologizing while I see Applejack scaling the cliffs. Once all of us landed safely on the ground we continue onward to the castle not before Lillian called out to us.

"Um girls a little help here." We all turned around to see Lillian hanging onto a tree root that was poking out from the cliff.

"Oops sorry Lillian." Rainbow says flying up to her and helping her down.

"Thanks Rainbow." Lillian says as Rainbow places her down on the ground.

"No problem Lillian." Rainbow says before we continue our way to the castle of the two sisters.


(Lillian P.O.V)

As we headed towards the direction of the castle, Rainbow Dash bragged about how she and Fluttershy both got Rarity and Pinkie Pie down to safety than how they caught Twilight just in time while I was getting a bad feeling about something.

"Hmm I can't help but feel like something bad as going to happen but I can't put my finger on it." I told the girls, as they looked at me confused.

"What do you mean by that Lillian?" Twilight asks only to get her answer in the form of a Manticore showing up growling. "[Gasp] a Manticore!"


"Wait a minute I know this Manticore!" As soon as I say that the Manticore glared at me before lunging at me, and as it lunged at me I jumped to side. "Why are you still holding a grudge against me?"

"We got to get past him." Stated Twilight as the Manticore pounced at Rarity who lucky dodges it before kicking it in face; however before it pounced her, I noticed its movement was a bit off.

"Hey Fluttershy I think there's something wrong with that Manticore." I told Fluttershy, as she looked at it worried as the others fought it.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes because before it attacked Rarity I noticed that its movement was a bit off." Once I say that we saw the others charging at the Manticore and before they could attack Fluttershy blocked their path shouting.

"WAIT!” once she said that everyone stopped even the Manticore.

Once everyone stopped, Fluttershy smiled as she turned around to face the Manticore before walking up to it.

"[Growl]." As Fluttershy walked up the Manticore, it growled at raising one of its paws to attack while the others looked away and closed their eyes not wanting to see what is to come that was until they heard something they did not expect.

"Shh. It's okay." Fluttershy says calming the Manticore as it looked at her before looking down at its paw as it then showed her its paw showing it had a thorn in it. "Oh, you poor, poor little baby."

""Little?" Both Rainbow and I say in unison.

"Now, this might hurt for just a second." Fluttershy says before pulling the thorn out of the Manticore's paw, but once she did the Manticore roars as it picked her up.

"Fluttershy!" We all shouted thinking that our friend was going to be eaten only to see the Manticore licking her.

"[Laughs] oh, you're just a little old baby kitty, aren't you?" Fluttershy says as the Manticore licked her. "Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

"If that's a little baby kitty than I hate to see what a grown Manticore looks like." Once I say that the Manticore stopped licking Fluttershy looked towards me growling. "Oh come on why do you hate me."


"They say because you rudely woke them up when you stomped on their tail three years ago and [gasp] and for putting them in a cage?" Fluttershy says translating what the Manticore said.

"Okay for one I apologized for the tail and second I um can't really explain the cage part but I'm sorry I did that okay can you please forgive me?"

The Manticore sat there glaring at me as it thought it over before nodding as it put Fluttershy down and left.

"Phew I'm glad I won't have to deal with anymore daily attacks from that Manticore anymore." I say as I breathed a sigh of relief.

Once everything was settled, we continue on our way to the castle. "How, did you know about the thorn?" Twilight asks Fluttershy once she caught up to us.

"I didn't. Lillian saw its movement was a bit off, but sometimes we all need to be shown a little kindness." Fluttershy says as Twilight stopped and thought about what she said.


(1 hour later)

"[Shudders] My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck." Rarity says as we walked deeper in to the forest as it starts getting darker.

"Well Rarity you got your wish because now none of us can't see anything anymore."

"I didn't mean that literally." Says Rarity as we were now walking in the dark.

"That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces, and we wouldn't even know it." Twilight says before we all start bumping into each other in the dark apologizing to each other.

"Oh, wait. I think I stepped in something." Applejack says as she lifted up one of her hooves that was until we heard Fluttershy screaming.

"It's just mud." Applejack says to Fluttershy before looking in front of her seeing a ghoulish looking tree screaming as well.

We soon noticed that ghoulish looking trees surrounded us all as everyone started screaming except for me and Pinkie as we were both laughing the trees more than be scared of them.

"Huh?" The others says as they see me and Lillian laughing well Pinkie was both laughing and making silly faces.

"Pinkie, Lillian what are you two doing? Run!" Twilight says to us trying to get us away from the trees.


(One laugh fest later)

Once we left the dark part of the forest, we all stopped before a river that was moving rapidly.

"How are we going to get across this?" Asks Pinkie.

"I don't know but we have to find some way to get across." As soon as I say that, we all started hearing someone sobbing.

"Huh?" Wanting to know who it was that was crying we all followed the sound of the sobbing and to my surprise the one who was sobbing was a blond purple sea serpent who also had a mustache well half of one actually.

"What a world. What a world!" The sea serpent says splashing the water.

""Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?" Twilight asks as we walked up to the sea serpent.

"Well, I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off." Says the sea serpent as he shows us his missing half of his mustache. "And now I look simply horrible!" He says as he starts crying splashing waterfall over us.

I shook the water off before saying. "Huh so that's why you have half of a mustache wait did you say cloud of purple smoke?" I asked the sea serpent and before he answered, Rainbow and Applejack interrupted us.

"Oh, give me a break."

"That's what the entire fuss is about?"

"Hey come on you two you both may not understand but to him, his mustache means a lot to him."

"I agree with Lillian how can you be so insensitive?" Rarity says walking away from the group as she walks over the sea serpent. "Oh, just look at him. Such lovely, luminescent scales."

"[Sniffles] I know."

"And his expertly coiffed mane." I added as I walked up besides Rarity.

"Oh, I know, I know!" Says the serpent as he gets back up smoothing out his mane.

"And your fabulous manicure."

"[Gasp] it's so true." The serpent says happy about the complements.

"But sadly it's all ruined without the second half of your mustache if anything it's a crime against fashion."

"It's true! I'm hideous!" Says the serpent as he starts crying again.

"I simply can't let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected." Rarity says as she plucked a scale off the sea serpent.

"Ow! What did you do that for?"

"Rarity, what are you are you--." I stopped Twilight and the others before they could do anything.

"Just watch Twilight." I say as we see Rarity cut off her down tail while the sea serpent fainted thinking that Rarity cut him when instead Rarity picked up her own tail she cut off to replace the other half of the sea serpent's mustache.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! My mustache! How wonderful!" The serpent says admiring his new mustache.

"You look smashing." Rarity says with a smile

"I agree it looks great on you." I say admiring Rarity handy work.

"Oh Rarity...Your beautiful tail." Twilight says as she walked up to us.

"Oh. It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season." Rarity says with a smile.

"Yeah and besides it's not like it won't grow back." I added.

"That's right Lillian darling."

"So will the mustache." Rainbow says to Twilight while she just smiled at that.

When Twilight turned to look at the river, she gasped as she sees that it is not moving rapidly anymore. "We can cross now. Let's go." She says as she starts crossing the river only to by lifted up by the sea serpent. "Aah!"

"Allow me." Says the sea serpent as he dipped his head in the water so we can call cross and once we all made it to the other side well not before I stopped and turned back to the sea serpent.

"Thanks um..."

"Magnet, Steven Magnet."

"Oh well thanks Steven Magnet hope to see you again." I saw before waving good-bye as I catch up with the others.

"And the same to you." Steven says waving back to me.


(1 hour later)

After walking through the forest, we eventually make it to our destination.

"There it is! The ruin that holds the elements of harmony. We made it!" Twilight says excited as she starts heading to the castle.

"Twilight! Wait for us!" Applejack says calling out to Twilight as we all followed behind her.

As we get near the castle, I noticed that the bridge was gone and saw that Twilight was about to head over the cliff.

"We're almost there."

"Twilight watch out!" I called out to Twilight.

"Whoa!" Just as Twilight got near where the bridge was supposed to be here, she nearly fell over the cliff but luckily, both Rainbow and I were able to catch her and pull her back up.

"What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" Rainbow says to Twilight as she gets up.

"Yeah you should probably watch where you’re going next time Twilight." I say as I walked up Twilight and the others looking over the cliff seeing the bridge was down.

"[Sigh] Now what?" Pinkie asks, as there was no other way to get across to the castle.

Rainbow looked back at her wings flapping them. "Duh."

"Oh yeah."

"You got this Rainbow." I told Rainbow giving her a thumbs up.

"You know it." She says before she flew up and dived into the ravine and coming back up with the other end of the bridge landing on the other side.

As Rainbow landed, I noticed clouds of purple smoke passing by her.


(Rainbow Dash P.O.V)

After grabbing the other end of the bridge from the ravine I flew back up and landed on the castle grounds and as I was about to tie up the other end of the bridge I heard a voice calling out my name.

"[Echoing] Rainbow."

"[Gasp] who's there?" I asked looking around.


"Come on out whoever you are I ain't scared of you. Show yourself!" I say calling out to whoever was calling out to me.

"We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flier in Equestria." Came the same voice from before.


"Why, you, of course."

"Really? I mean, oh, yeah, me." I say proudly. "Hey, uh you wouldn't mind telling that to the Wonderbolts, would you? Because I been that group for-like-ever."

"No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, the shadowbolts." Just as the voice says that three Pegasus ponies came running out of the fog stopping before more as they wore a black and purple spandex with lightning bolt patterns on them two of the Pegasus ponies where stallions while the third one in the middle was a mare.

"We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest. And soon, we will be the greatest in all of Equestria."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait if you guys are the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest how come I never heard of you guys before and how can you become the greatest in all of Equestria if the Wonderbolts are?"

"That is because we first need a captain." Hearing that made me smile. "The most magnificent..."




"...Bravest flier in all the land."

"Heh yes. It's all true."

"We need..." Hearing all this I was getting really excited. "You." The mare says whispering the last part into my ear as I flew up in the air excited.

"Whoo-hoo! Lady you have a deal, just let me tie this bridge real quick." I say as I go try to tie the bridge that was until the mare got in front of me.

"No! It is them or us." As they say that, I heard both Lillian and Twilight calling out to me.

"Rainbow! What's taking you so long?"

"Yeah tying a rope couldn't be that hard to do?"

After that, I turned back to the shadowbolts now having to choose between my friends or the fame I always wanted and as I was deciding if heard Lillian and Twilight again.


"Don't listen to them Rainbow!"

Before I turned around, a fog blocked my view of my friends.


"You." The mare smiled but then frowned after what I said next. "Thank you for the offer, I mean." I say as I go back to tie the rope before turning back to the shadowbolts. "But I'm afraid I have to say no." After declining the shadowbolts offer, I flew back to my friends.


(Lillian P.O.V)

As the fog cleared, Rainbow came back as we all cheered for her.

"Good job, Rainbow."

"Yeah Twilight right you did a good job because of you we can cross the bridge." I say as I gave her a thumbs up.

"See? I never leave my friends hanging." She says flying next to Twilight as we all crossed the bridge.

Once on the other side, we all headed into the castle and upon entering we were amazed at what we saw, in the middle of the room was huge pedestal holding five orbs.

"Come on, Twilight." Applejack says calling out to Twilight. "Isn't this what you've been waiting for?"

"The elements of harmony. We found them."

"We sure did now let's get them down." I say as everyone starts getting each elements down from the pedestal.

"Careful. Careful."

Once all the elements were down, Pinkie started counting them. "One, two, three, four. Uh, there's only five."

"Where's the sixth?" Rainbow asks.

"Yeah and what about that artifact the one that's supposed to help the elements if they fail in defeating Nightmare Moon?"

"The book said when the five elements are present, a spark will cause the sixth elements to be revealed, but for the secret relic, it's been lost for centuries."

"What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" Applejack asks.

"Yeah and if that secret relic has been lost what are we supposed to do if the elements doesn't defeat Nightmare Moon huh?" Rainbow asks.

"Well I'm not sure, but I have an idea and we'll just have to hope that the elements do defeat Nightmare Moon."

"Twilight right we can't just focus on if the elements will fail or not all we have to do now is hope everything will turn out alright in the end."

"I suppose you have a point there Lillian."

"Alright everyone stand back I don't know what will happen." We all do as Twilight asks as we all stand back as Twilight tries to concentrate in casting a spell on the elements.

"Come on, now, y'all she needs to concentrate." Applejack says as everyone followed her except me. "That means you too Lillian."

"I'm actually going to stay back to make sure nothing bad happens okay."

"[Sigh] alright but make sure ya don't disturb her." Applejack says before rejoining the others.

"You got it Applejack." As soon as the others left, I turned around to see the elements being surrounded by a cloud of purple smoke. "Twilight, the elements!"

When Twilight opened her eyed she saw that the elements were being taken so she jumped into the cloud of purple smoke not wanting to lose them and knowing that she might be in danger I jumped in after her as both us and the elements disappeared to another part of the castle.

When the others saw we were gone, they started looking for us until one of them spotted light coming from one of the towers.


(In the tower)

After the smoke cleared, we looked around coughing a bit before noticing we were in a different part of the castle; however, that wasn't the only thing we noticed, standing on the other side of the room we were in was Nightmare Moon with the elements laughing.

"[Gasps] the elements!"

"I know Twilight, she has them but I got a plan you go and get them and continue that spell while I distract her." I say whispering into Twilight's ear.

"You sure about this Lillian?" Twilight asks with concern.

"Yeah I'm sure now you go get behind her and get the elements while I distract her now go!" Twilight nods as I called out to Nightmare moon. "Hey Night horse how about we have a little rematch fight to see if I can kick your flank again!"

Saying that got Nightmare attention as she looked at me pissed. "You dare mock me you insolence bird."

"So what if I am what are you going to do about it go back to the moon and cry." Without warning, I was hit by a powerful magic blast.

"I will make you regret the day that you were ever born you worthless poultry!" Shouted Nightmare Moon looking very pissed off now while I was recovering from here attack.

"[Coughs] Fuck that was a low blow." I say as I get back up.

"So even after that attack you still want to fight instead of running away like the chicken that you are?"

"Okay first off I'm not a chicken I'm a fucking hawk and secondly yeah I'll still fight you because living in a world of eternal darkness isn't my thing not to mention what it'll do to the ecosystem."

"Very well then chicken if it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get." Nightmare Moon says before turning into her cloud form again splitting off to make multiple versions of herself laughing maniacally.

"[Gulps] well this got a lot more difficult than I thought." I say looking at the multiple Nightmare moons.

"Oh what's the matter already afraid like the chicken you truly are don't worry we'll end this quickly." All the Nightmare Moons says maniacally in unison before firing bolts of lightning at me.

Not wanting to be turned into fried chicken by all those bolts of lightning, I shot my grapple to the ceiling to avoid the attacks. "Crap I can't take them all on if it was one of her that'll be okay but multiple of her I don't think I can deal with!" I thought to myself before an idea came to mind. "Well not by myself at least." I whispered to myself smirking.

"[Laughs evilly] I knew that fool was too weak to fight me and seeing how there's nothing left of them proves it." One of the Nightmare Moon says before the others started laughing with her.

As they laughed all the Nightmare Moons were hit by a wave of strange energy. "I don't think so night horse." I say falling from the sealing landing on my feet.

"What how I know my spell hit you!" Says one of the Nightmare Moons.

"Heh that's because I dodge it in time by launching myself to the ceiling."

"Clever but there's still only one of you and ten of me." All the Nightmare Moons says unison.

"That's what you think." I say with a smirk as one of the Nightmare Moon clones was suddenly hit across the room.

"What the?" When all the Nightmare Moons looked to where the other Nightmare Moon was standing what they saw surprised them. "Another one but where did they come?" One of them says as they all saw another me before each Nightmare Moon was attacked out of nowhere revealing more of me.

"Now what was that about there being one of me again?" I say with a smirk.

"Don't just lay there you fools get them!" one of the Nightmare Moons says to the others before they all started fighting against my clones while she looked at me angrily. "I don't know how you’re doing this but I will find out you Chicken!" She says before charging at me.

"I already told you I'm not a chicken I'm a fucking hawk!" I shouted before charging at her as well.

As Nightmare charged at me, she lit up her horn charging it for an attack before firing a blast of magic at me.

Before her magic hit I summoned the cube wispon jumping in the air spinning before shouting. "CUBE!" I slammed the wispon down on her blast of magic turning it into a blue cube shocking Nightmare.

"What impossible what manner of magic is this where did that strange weapon come from?" Demanded Nightmare Moon before she noticed one of her clones being defeated by one of my clones as it turned back into a cloud of smoke and rejoining her.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Nightmare but I ain't using any magic and as for this weapon it's called a wispon and that's all you'll need to know." I say before changing the cube wispon to a lightning wispon. "Since you been attacking me with lightning I think I'll return the favor."

I jumped up in the air pulling the trigger on the wispon as a rope of lighting shot out as I attacked Nightmare Moon with it shocking her.

"[Screams] you will pay for that you fool!" Shouted Nightmare Moon as she fired multiple bolts of lightning at me.

"I don't think so." I say as I changed my wispon to the void wispon. "Void!" I fired the wispon as a miniature black hole shot out sucking up the lightning bolts but not only that but each of my clones eventually took out her other clones as they turned back to smoke rejoining her as my clones disappear as well.

"Impossible how are you this strong?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out, but I guess I stalled you long enough."

"Stalled? Stalled for what?" Just then, Nightmare Moon heard the sound of magic being casted and when she looked towards the elements, she saw Twilight casting a spell. "No!" She then turned back into a cloud of smoke heading straight for Twilight but the moment she got there it was too late she had already casted the spell.

"[Zap!] Aah!" The moment Twilight casted the spell she was knocked back as the elements start floating as sparks started flying through them scaring Nightmare Moon.

"No! No!" Just than the magic stopped shocking Twilight and I.

"[Gasps] but where's the sixth element?"

"I don't know Twilight but this doesn't look good."

"[Laughs evilly]." Seeing that the elements did not activate, Nightmare Moon raised her hooves before stomping them shattering the elements. "You fools really thought distracting me so you can activate the elements to defeat me would work well your wrong because now you will never see your princess or your sun for the night shall last forever!" She says before laughing manically.

As we stood there watching as Nightmare Moon stands over the shards of the elements, we heard our friends calling out to us through the stairway.

"[Gasps] you think you can destroy the elements of harmony just like that?"

"Well than think again Nightmare because the elements of harmony aren't truly destroyed because their spirits are right here!" I say as me and Twilight revealed our friends as the shards of the elements started floating.


"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of honesty." Just then the shards for the element of honesty flew over to Applejack.

"Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore and help me and it reconcile over what happened between us with her compassion, represents the spirit of kindness." I say as the shards for the element of kindness flew over to Fluttershy.

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of laughter." The shards of the element of laughter flew off to Pinkie.

"Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of generosity." As I say that, the shards for the element of generosity flew over to Rarity.

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandoned her friends for her down heart's desire, represents the spirit of loyalty." The last element shards of the element of loyalty flew over to Rainbow Dash.

"The spirits of these five ponies got use through every single one of yours challenges you threw at us." I say pointing at Nightmare Moon.

"You still don't have the sixth element the spark, it didn't work nor do you have the artifact to help the elements."

"But it did, a different kind of spark is felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you." Twilight says turning to face the others. "The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all...are my friends." As soon as she says that, the last element appeared.

"You see, Nightmare, when those elements are ignited by the spark that resides in us all, it creates the sixth element the element of magic."

"Yes but the elements isn't complete without the artifact, the artifact that is said to help the others."

"Precisely." Nightmare Moon says smiling evilly only to vanish after what Twilight says next.

"However the artifact has been with us all along."

"What?" Everyone says shocked at the news.

"Impossible the artifact has been gone for centuries you have to be lying." Nightmare Moon says.

"No it's true the artifact resides with Lillian, who informed Applejack about Fluttershy and Rainbow before she reassured me, pointed out the manticore's movements, helped Pinkie banish fear, helped Rarity try calming down the serpent, helped Rainbow pull me back up from the cliff when the bridge was out and who helped distract you while I handle the elements." Just than the phantom ruby started glowing brightly.

As I pulled out the phantom ruby, Nightmare Moon backed away in shock. "No! No! It can't be that was supposed to be lost for centuries."

"But it isn't if it wasn't for her helping each of us along the way the elements would've truly failed." Twilight says before all the elements started glowing brightly as each one attached themselves to everyone while the phantom ruby combines with me as each one of us started floating.

As we all floated a bright light shone over the others as they shot a rainbow beam at Nightmare while a purplish aura surrounded me before activating the phantom ruby's power and shooting a red beam at Nightmare Moon.

"No-o-o-o-o!" As the beams hit they started swirling around Nightmare Moon like a tornado as she cries out in defeat as a bright light soon lit up the entire room before we all wake up on the floor.

"[Groans] my head." Rainbow says groaning.

"Everypony okay?" Asks Applejack.

"Oh, thank goodness!"

"Why, Rarity it's so lovely."

"I know I'll never part with it again." Rarity says to Fluttershy as she admires her newly grown tail.

"No, your necklace, it looks just like your cutie mark." Fluttershy says pointing out Rarity new necklace.

"Wha-huh?" Rarity looks down at her necklace before noticing Fluttershy’s. "So does yours."

Fluttershy looks at her necklace gasping.

"Look at mine! Look at mine!" Pinkie says bouncing around.

"Aw, yeah!"

Each of the girls were admiring their new accessories until one of them realize I haven't said anything. "Wait what about Lillian, where is she?" Rarity before they noticed me laying on the floor still as they all ran up to me.

"Yo Lillian, you okay there?"

"[Groans] what happened?" Asked getting up but as I did everyone gasped. "Huh what's wrong?"

"Lillian, your chest." Pointed out Twilight.

"Huh what about my chest?" When I looked down at my chest is saw that the phantom ruby was attached to my chest the same way it was attached to Infinite. "Well shit should've seen this coming."

After we all stopped focusing on the phantom ruby attached to my chest, Applejack turned to Twilight. "Gee, Twilight, I thought you were just spouting a lot of hooey but I reckon we really do represents the elements of friendship." As soon as she says that, an unknown voice spoke out of nowhere.

"Indeed, you do." Says the unknown voice as the sun soon starts to rise, a bright ball of light entered the room we were all in before it disappeared to reveal a tall white pony with both a wing and horn whose mane and tail were flowing in a non-existent wind.

When I looked to the others, I saw that they were all bowing well except Twilight. "Um guys why are you all bowing?" I soon got my answer when I heard Twilight gasping as she walked up to the pony.

"Princess Celestia!"

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student." The pony that I know is Princess Celestia says as she and Twilight hug.

"Wait that's Princess Celestia and did she call you her faithful student?" I asked Twilight as she nods.

"That is right and you must be the rumored Mobian I heard about that lives within Ponyville?" Asked Princess Celestia.

"Yes that's me your highness." I say before bowing.

"Well it's great to finally meet you and as for you Twilight I knew you could do it."

"But you told me it was all an old pony tale."

"I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside you to defeat her, but you cannot unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart." Celestia says as Twilight looked at of us.

"Now if only another will as well..." Celestia says as we all looked to see where Nightmare Moon was only to see a different pony in her place. "Princess Luna."


"It has been 1000 years since I have seen you like this." Celestia says as she walked up the pony known as Princess Luna.

"Wait if princess Celestia was the pony who banish her sister who became Nightmare Moon to the moon and been raising the sun and moon for 1000 years does that mean Princess Luna is Celestia..." before I could finish my thoughts they were interrupted when I heard Celestia say what I was about to think

"Time to put our differences behind us, we were meant to rule together little sister."

"Sister?" Everyone but me says surprised.

"Will you accept my friendship?" Celestia asked Luna.

"I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister." Luna says as she hugged Celestia.

"I missed you too."

As they hugged Pinkie blew her nose as she starts crying until her mood changed. "Hey! You know what this calls for?"

"Let me guess a party?"

"You know it."


Ponyville, daytime

After we all left the Everfree Forest Pinkie wasted no time in throwing a party not for the safe return of Princess Celestia but the return of her sister Princess Luna.

As everyone was enjoying the party and bowing to the two princesses, I saw Twilight by Celestia's carriage looking sad. "Hey Twilight, what's wrong?"

"Well it's just after learning how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave you all to go back home to Canterlot?"

"Is that all my faithful student?" Celestia says smiling as she walked up to us as Twilight nodded. "Spike, take a note, please." Celestia asks as Spike pulled a paper and quill out of nowhere.

"I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from here new home in Ponyville."

Hearing that made me and others happy as the seven of us joined in for a hug. "Oh, thank you Princess Celestia I'll study harder than ever before." Twilight says as everyone cheered.


At the castle of the two sisters

Back in the Everfree Forest at the castle a machine entered the room where Nightmare Moon was defeated picking up the shards of Nightmare Moon's armor before flying off somewhere deeper into the forest. Once the machine made it to its destination, it entered a facility that was within the forest dropping the shards into a tube.

"So this is all that remains of the one these...ponies call Nightmare Moon huh?" Says an unknown voice. "I think I can find some use for these; however, I'm more concerned about that pest from the rebels not only have they been living here in this world, but they also possess the phantom ruby!"

"So what are we going to do boss?" Asks a new voice that sounded robotic.

"You want us to send out some of the badniks to retrieve the ruby?" Another robotic voice.

"No for now we'll just observe and gather as much information about this world as we can and once we got all the information we need we'll make this world apart of the new Eggman Empire!" Says the unknown voice laughing manically.


Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry if took so long for this chapter to come out been busy with stuff but hope you like this chapter I know the fighting scenes may not have been good this was my first attempt at writing out fight scenes in a story but if you liked my first attempt leave a comment but if you have tips on how I can better write out fight scenes in a story please let me know it'll help out a lot for future chapters and stories.

Like I said hope you guys like this story but for those of you who don't remember no hate comments just put a dislike but for those who do like the story leave a comment and a like on the story thanks.

With that out of the way hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

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