• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,814 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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The Things They Brayed

The dangling remnants of a rusted windmill pivoted two quarters of a circle in the desert breeze, wobbled, and pivoted uselessly back. Dull iron chains dangled from an overturned bicycle while a wall of bent aluminum teetered back and forth. Hazy yellow sunlight glinted off broken glass and a smattering of loose bolts in the arid dirt.

The wind pickedt up, tossing a tumbleweed across the outskirts of the inexplicable junkyard. Listing Breeze paced back and forth beside her makeshift home of a wheel-less carriage.

"Okay. So... remember Sky Surge and the Red Cloud Gang?"

"How could I not?" Rainbow muttered. She sat on a threadbare seat dangling from a bent swing-set. The petite pegasus drifted back and forth, resting her numb limbs. "They worked you all day and all night. I knew things got super weird when you were the one coming home late with bruises for once."

Listing Breeze squinted over her flank. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Rainbow sighed, rolling her eyes. "You were saying...?"

Listing resumed pacing. "So... uh... after you and I both—you know—stopped being you and I both." She cleared her throat. "Sky Surge's gang scored super big. This douchebag of a griffon tried settling down in northern Cloudsdale. He barked at everypony, tried to evict a school... y'know. Typical wealthy supervillain stuff. Everypony hated him. So, for the greater good—and a sweet bonus on the side—Sky, myself, and a few other badflank souls snuck into his hotel and made off with his jewels."

"Luna Poop, Listing..." Rainbow moaned. "Please don't tell me you're still tangled up with the Red Cloud Gang after all this time..."

"Will you let me finish the damned story?!" Listing growled. She sighed, staring off over the wreckage. "So, like... we got a lot more bits out of that heist than we expected. Like waaaaaaaaaaay more. Enough bits to swim in."

"I dunno who would wanna do that."

"Tch... I was being figurat, booger."

"For the last time, don't call me boo—"

"Anyway, the bits got to Sky Surge's head. He wanted to... like... buy a bunch of weapons and try and run the other Cloudsdale gangs out of the heavens. Stupid bonehead went powerhungry and wanted to start a turf war in the clouds."

"And you rolled with him?"

"Tartarus, no! What do you take me for, Rainbow?"

"You were really gung ho about being Sky Surge's go-to mare for tough gigs."

"Yeah, well, I'm really gung ho about keeping my skull intact! Not that I'd expect you to know what that means."


"I knew what was rotten before jumping into it. So I took my piece of the score and took off for the western territories."

"So..." Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "What's the problem? Sounds like you got out of that whole stupid mess while you could afford it."

"Yeah, well... I afforded it a bit too well..." Listing smiled nervously. "About five thousand bits of affordability. Eheh... not that I was complaining for a few months."

"Let me guess..." Rainbow glared. "You took more than you were allowed... and now you're in it deep."

Listing bit her lip.

"So, what? Sky Surge wants his bits back? Is that why you're holed up in this junkheap?"

"Well, not Sky Surge, exactly. But what's left of the Red Cloud Gang. Sky Surge ended up being tossed behind bars and... uh... the Red Cloud Gang has 'reformed', so to speak, under a new leader."

"Someone tougher and bloodthirstier?"


"Yeesh..." Rainbow shuddered. "I'm kinda glad I'm not living in Cloudsdale anymore."

"Things have really sank since you left, Rainbow."

"You make it sound like I'm the direct reason for it."

Listing continued pacing. "Anyways, the Red Clouds believe that all assets Sky Surge seized belong to them, and they're not too keen on former members having flown the coop."

"Are they after you?" Rainbow blinked. "You could easily outfly those bozos."

"It's... no longer that simple, Rainbow."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "Why's it no longer 'that simple,' Listing?"


"Talk to me," Rainbow droned.

"I... joined a differen group here in Las Pegasus." Listing Breeze coughed and spoke on: "A bunch of tough cookies called the Desert Hounds."

Rainbow blinked. "'Kay... and what's that got to do with your situation?"

"I kinda sorta borrowed from them too."

Rainbow's jaw dropped. "Like how much?"

"Eight thousand bits."

"What in Tartarus for?!"

"I was going to make a drop for them!" Listing exclaimed. "They wanted me to make a delivery to the Buffalo Reserve to the south. Eight thousand bits for top-of-the-line parasprite dust."

"Parasprite dust..." Rainbow Dash face-hoofed. "Friggin' A, Listing..."

"Shhhh!" Listing frowned. "I'm not finished!"

"How?!" Rainbow gritted her teeth. "How could you possibly not be finished?!"

"I... thought I could up the ante a bit," Listing said, fidgeting slightly. "So, instead of going directly to the Buffalo Reserve, I made a detour by the Hump Gang."

"... ... ...who in the crap are the Hump Gang?"

"A bunch of mules who run the southern half of Lower Las Pegasus."

"You're dealing with mules now?!" Rainbow grimaced.

"I thought that—if I could get them a share of the cut—then they could toss a few carriages in the Desert Hounds' direction. We've been needing wheels desperately... especially out here in this friggin' wasteland."

"Listing..." Rainbow sighed, leaning forward from where she sat. "Mules are only good for one of two things." She held one forelimb up. "Packing camp supplies..." She held another forelimb up. "...or packing heat."

"These guys were pretty resourceful, though!"

"Uh huh. Yeah. Whatever." Rainbow squinted. "What happened?"

"They double-crossed me."

"Pffft!" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Big surprise."

"They took my eight thousand bits and kicked me out of their hideout." Listing Breeze shuddered. "Now the Buffalos to the south think the Desert Hounds cheated them out of payment for the parasprite dust. So... none of my business associates are allowed to deal around the southern casinos of Lower Las Pegasus." She gulped. "And we never did get those wheels."

"So... let me get this straight..." Rainbow furrowed her brow. "The Buffalos think you and your gang robbed them of eight thousand bits."

"That's right."

"But the Hump Gang stole those bits from you."

"Uh huh."

"So now... you're eight thousand bits short with the Desert Hounds... who probably want your ovaries strung up on fenceposts..." Rainbow clenched her teeth. "...and you're still five thousand bits short with what remains of the Red Cloud Gang back in Cloudsdale!"

"That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Yup."

"Listing, when are you ever going to learn?"

"Learn what?!" Listing shrugged. "The situation's simple! I just gotta get the bits back from the Hump Gang... pay it to the Buffalos in interest... then get the parasprite dust to the Desert Hounds before it spoils!"

"Do you even hear yourself, Listy?!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "You're... practically at war with three shifty organizations! And that's not including whatever the LPPD are going to do if they catch you exchanging any of this crummy stuff!"

Listing rolled her eyes. "Come on, booger. I've gotten away with crazier stuff before."

"Pffft..." Rainbow folded her forelimbs. "Don't I know it."

Listing frowned. "Then why are you doubting me all of the sudden?"

"It's not a matter of doubt, Listy! It's common sense!" Rainbow scowled, "Just what do you plan to do with the Red Cloud Gang once you've made peace with the Desert Hounds... if you make peace with them?!"

Listing cleared her throat. "I'll work on it when I get there."

"See?! This is exactly your problem! You never plan for anything!"

"Oh, like you ever planned for anything, Rainbow."

"I sure as heck wouldn't have stuck my head this far up my own flank!"

"Oh really..."

"Yeah really!" Rainbow snorted. "I've changed!"

"Hah!" Listing snickered. "No you haven't."

"How would you know?"

"Because you're still limp as a noodle!"

Rainbow opened her muzzle, but no words came out.

"It's true, isn't it?" Listing wheezed. "Still haven't checked yourself out. Still haven't pulled yourself out of that medical mess. Still believing that fairy tales can come true and somehow save you from yourself." Listing raised an eyebrow. "Tell me, booger. This vacation you're on? Can you even afford it?"

Rainbow fumed, avoiding the mare's glare.


A warm breeze blew dust and pebbles across the dead ground.

"Look..." Listing sighed, brushing her orange bangs back. "Sorry for getting... mmmm... h-heated. It's just that this situation is soooooooo crazy frustrating. And I'm at the end of my rope." She gulped. "I had plans of getting the Hell out of Dodge, but those stupid Buffalos are everywhere... and don't get me started on the Hump Gang. They've got friends in the griffon lands to the west. Plus, after all that business with the Red Cloud Gang, I can't show my head around turkey skies. Y'know?"

"Ever thought of flying east?"

"Pffft. What am I, a pussy?"

Rainbow sighed.

"What I need is an edge... an opportunity to catch the mules with their saddles down... and I-I don't have the resources to pull something else on my own. I..." She gulped. "I need a partner to help me outsmart them and win my bits back. Rainbow Dash, I need you."

Rainbow glared. At last, she muttered: "How much do you need, Listing?"

"Huh?" Listing blinked.

"You need all nine hundred of my bits?"

"Heck, no!" Listing grimaced. "Rainbow, I've already robbed enough souls in this cotton-picking kingdom! I'm not about to rob my own fillyfr—" She winced, squirmed, and blurted: "You. I'm not going to rob you." She gulped. "That's... that's not what all of this is about."

Rainbow took a deep breath. Flexing her wings, she tilted forward, landing on wobbly legs. "Well then..." With a sigh, she trotted forward. "Where exactly can we find this 'Hump Gang?'"

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