• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,814 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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Thwack Thwack Thwack! Rainbow Dash gripped a hammer in the crook of her hoof, nailing a loose floorboard in place inside Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy raised her voice to speak above the noise. "Wow, Rainbow Dash! Did Zecora really give you enough of that potion to last you a month?!"

Rainbow Dash spat out another nail and set it in place. "Mrmmmf... mmmhmmm!" Thwack thwack! "So long as I ration the stuff. Pace it out, y'know? I'm good to go!"

"It's not too watered down is it? I mean... does it really work?"

"I dunno..." Thwack! Rainbow Dash hammered the last nail in and turned towards Fluttershy. "You tell me!"

"Oh my... that's such a good thing," Fluttershy said, wingtips fluttering. "I guess you needed some way to test it out to see if it was working, huh?"


"Well, thanks for helping me replace that old squeaky floorboard," Fluttershy remarked. "It was such a bother. Poor Angel kept tripping over it every night after the sun went down."

Rainbow Dash flew over to a nearby table and placed the tools down. "What I don't understand is how come you haven't had your big and strong coltfriend take care of it."

"Huh?" Fluttershy blinked. "Oh! You mean Big Macintosh?" She pawed at the floor, blushing with a smile. "He'd only... p-punch a hole through the floor with how big his limbs are. Eheh..."

"I'm scared to think of what happens when he hugs you, girl."

"Oh! It's nothing like that!" Fluttershy cooed. "He's so soft and gentle when he wants to be. It's just the menial stuff that he fumbles around with. But it's okay." She smiled with her eyes shut. "He's my big, lovable goof."


"Oh Rainbow." Fluttershy blew her bangs out from her eyes and smirked. "Don't be that way. We both know that deep down inside, you have the more romantic heart out of both of us."

"Yeah. I just... don't ever wanna be so gushy about it," Rainbow Dash said, shuddering. "Out loud."

"Even if you were given the chance to say your feelings to Applejack?"

"Yeah, but assuming that ever happened, it'd be someplace far away." Rainbow gulped. "In a sound proof cabin." Her cheeks reddened. "Very... very sound proof."

"Hehehe..." Fluttershy smiled. Soon, however, that smile faded. "Uhm... Rainbow, I want you to know that—yesterday—when we were sitting at the table with Trixie and Applejack came up, I didn't say much because I didn't want to bring up—"

"Yeah, yeah... I get it Fluttershy." Rainbow sighed. "And I thank you."

"Uh huh..."

Rainbow Dash clenched her jaw, fidgeting beside the table.

"Is... there something on your mind, Rainbow?"

"Yeah. I guess. I uh..." Rainbow squirmed. "I kinda sorta volunteered to accompany Applejack on her business trip to Orlandoats."

"Orlandoats?" Fluttershy blinked. "As in Orlandoats, Fillyda?!"

"Uh huh. And she was totally down for it."

"Really?!" Fluttershy beamed. "Oh, Rainbow, that's wonderful! You must be so thrilled!"

"Eh... that's one for it."

"I'm sure Applejack is very happy," Fluttershy said. She trotted over and gave Rainbow a playful nuzzle. "To have such a kind, loyal, adorable friend to spend such quality time with. Mmmmm..."

"Guh! Fluttershy!" Rainbow shoved back. "Cut it out!"


"I'm looking forward to it as well," Rainbow said. "At least... slightly more 'looking forward' than I am 'absolutely bucking terrified.'"

"Awwwwww. Rainbowwwww..." Fluttershy shook her head. "Don't think of it like that!"

"I'm not sure there even is anything worth 'thinking of!'" She sighed heavily. "For all I know, it may be too friggin' late to catch up with her."

"Huh? Whatever do you mean?"

"You hang out with Big Mac all the time, Fluttershy," Rainbow muttered. "I'm sure he talks about the farm a lot."

"Well, to me, he does."

"Tell me..." Rainbow fidgeted, slowly... nervously turning to look at her friend. "...does he ever talk about him?"

Fluttershy blinked.

"You know..." Rainbow frowned. "HIM."

Fluttershy leaned back. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh...!" She smiled gently. "Well, if you ask me, he seems like such a nice pony."

"Uh huh. Yeah. I bet." Rainbow paced, grumbling. "And what does Big Mac think?"

"Erm... B-Big Mac doesn't hang out with Stu Leaves that much."

"Yeah? Why not?"

"Well... Stu is certainly nice, but he's also very talkative." Fluttershy giggled slightly. "And about as typical as pegasus stallions get."

"A lot of air upstairs?"

"But he means well! And he's been helping out—"

"—Applejack. Yeah. I noticed."

"Erm... n-not just Applejack, Rainbow, but all of Ponyville!"

Rainbow turned and squinted at her. "Huh?"

Fluttershy smirked. "You really haven't been around much, have you?" She trotted over. "Stu Leaves has been volunteering all across town. I've seen him helping the Cakes fix the roof to Sugarcube Corner. Just the other day, he assisted Twilight Sparkle in taking weather samples of the noonday sky. According to Roseluck, he's helped the elderly citizens with their gardening."

"Yeesh..." Rainbow's ears folded. "Talk about wanting to make a splash..."

"I think it's a great deal more genuine than that, Rainbow Dash. He's Cloudsdalian—born and raised. And you know what it's like to live and breathe that City..." Fluttershy smiled. "...to relish that unbound feeling of altruism and devotion to the elements! We're all born stewards of the earth—some more than others. Stu Leaves is just such a specimen."

"Yeah, well, if you say so..." Rainbow Dash's tail flicked limply as she gazed at the floor. "It just seems to me like all he's doing is rubbing up to Applejack... being super extra friendly."

"Heehee... you know how it is with pegasi when we first see a farm. I bet he's mesmerized by it all! I wouldn't blame him for wanting to help out with crops more than anything!"

"Heh..." Rainbow chuckled. "You got a point there. The first time I learned that corn sprouted out from dirt, I nearly turned a cloud to chocolate."

"Heehee! You used to have a ground phobia."

"I did not!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "I just... thought the ground was boring, that's all!"

"Rainbow Dash, statistically, most pegasus colts and fillies have an innate fear of the earth. It's okay."

"Maybe you had a statistical fear of Terra Firma, Missy!"

"Actually, I recall being enraptured by earth and all its creatures when I first landed on the butterfly cloud."

"Yeah... well... uh... y-you had a phobia of everything else!"

"If you insist, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "You were never afraid of the ground."

"Guhhh..." Rainbow groaned, face-hoofing. "How come you're never this much of a troll when we're with the other girls?"

"Hmmmm..." Fluttershy smirked. "I wouldn't want to steal the spotlight."

"Heh. Consider it stolen, girl. With the hubcaps ripped off."

The two mares giggled for a space in time.

After the room went silent, Rainbow Dash eventually muttered, "In my life, I've run into dragons, diamond dogs, rampaging buffalo, and a whole bunch of nasty chaotic bad guys."


Rainbow took a deep breath. "And yet... I'm almost certain that next week with Applejack is going to kill me."

"Awwwwwww... you're just being dramatic."

"Nah. I'm being real."

"Are you, now?" Fluttershy cocked her head to the side. "You know, Rainbow Dash..."

"Hmm? What, Flutters?"

The mare brushed her bangs aside for the umpteenth time and said, "Being able to spend that much time alone with the mare of your dreams..." She shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe you'll actually manage to get something off your chest."

Rainbow Dash stood dead-still.

"And... mmmmm... p-perhaps turn a new page in your life."

Rainbow slowly turned to gaze at Fluttershy with a neutral expression.

Fluttershy sighed. "...or maybe you'll just be you."

"I'm simply helping Applejack make it to Fillyda and back safely," Rainbow said. "This is a business trip, Fluttershy. Nothing else. I can't... I won't complicate things when there's so much on the line regarding Applejack's farm and her cider-making."

"And just how do you intend to fall asleep with her snoring just inches away from you when you stop for the night?"

"... ... ... I'm hoping the mosquitoes will knock me out."

"Unnngh... Rainbow Dash..."

"Annnnnnywho..." Rainbow Dash trotted across the cottage. "Was there any more hammer-and-nailing you needed me to do around the house?"

"Oh, actually... I just remembered!"

"What? Lemme guess... Angel's food dish."


Rainbow blinked. "...Angel's going to eat Rarity?"

"No, I mean, she wants to see you."

"Yeah? Since when?"

"After you left Sugarcube Corner yesterday, she asked me to deliver a message," Fluttershy said. "Uhm... she wants you to meet her today at four thirty in the afternoon."

"She does?" Rainbow squinted. "Why such a freaky-deaky specific time?"

Fluttershy shrugged.

Rainbow groaned. "She's up to something, isn't she?"

"Knowing Rarity, I wouldn't doubt it."

"I don't suppose I can just bring some garlic with me and put her out of her misery."

"Rainbow Dasssssh..." Fluttershy pouted. "She's our friend!"

"Ungh... I know... I know! It's just... I've been feeling really squirmy around her ever since the Gala." Rainbow shuddered. "She totally knows that I've got a secret crush and its driving her batty."

"Now, that isn't her fault, now is it?"

Rainbow's wings deflated. She hung her head. "No..."

Fluttershy stared at her. "Hmmm..." She smiled, leaned over, and nuzzled the blue mare. "Just tell her I said 'hi.' She'll ease up."

"Just like that, huh?"


"How is that you have that effect on ponies?"

"It's a gift," Fluttershy said with another shrug. "At least, that's what Big Macintosh calls it." Her pupils instantly shrank, and she hid nervously behind her own mane. "Erm... y-you didn't hear me say that."

"Say what?" Fwooosh! And Rainbow soared out of the cottage.

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