• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Squirrelly Oop

"Is that it?" Sunset Shimmer asked, peering up at the night sky.

"Yes," Romulus grumbled, perching on the tree beside her.

"You sure?"

Romulus snorted. "What else could a giant square patch of darkness blocking out the stars and moving east be?"

"... ... ...your mom?"

"Okay guys..." Rainbow Dash touched down on the branch beside the two. "They're almost here."

"Who's almost here?"

"Who else." Rainbow ducked back, fell, then landed four branches down. She peered at the dark floor of the forest below and whistled.

Several furry bodies shifted in the shadows. One of them came scampering up the trunk of the tree she was in and perched next to her.

"Pony voman eez prrofesseeonal, da?" Brucie remarked, his goggles glinting full of starlight. "Brucie apprreciates punctual poniez."

"From the last time I was in there, I could have sworn I saw a huge front entrance," Rainbow said.

"Da. Vhere moat should be." He cocked his furry head aside. "Vinged pony doezn't plan on entering srough dere, Brucie hopez."

"No... but it'd be the best place to let you guys in," Rainbow Dash said. "There's no good reason for why the dragons should have to lower the gate. So... how 'bout I sneak in with my two partners, set up the ambush, and then—when the dragons are preoccupied—I'll open the gate. That'll be your queu to come in... erm... fur and weapons flying. Eheh..."

"Vhat kind of a seegnal pony eentends to geeve Brucie and freeendz?"

"Just look for the gate to come down," Rainbow said, pointing. "That can only mean I've lowered it. And I'll only have it lowered once the battle is waging. You guys leap in, flank the dragon, and then we all collectively force Aatxe to cough up the Flame Staff."

"And as soon as shards are no longer heez?"

"Your castle's grounded. You get to have your home back." Rainbow scratched her neck, gazing up at the dark horizon to the east. "Uhhhh... I-I can't promise any specific real estate. From how far the thing has flown, it's gonna land really close to the Griffon barricade."

"Bah..." Brucie waved a paw. "Dat eez fine. Mozer Rushnut haz vanted home een shade for long time." He whipped out a cigar and lit it. "Now avay veeth pony trrio! Time eez money, and Brucie eezn't made out of either."

"First thing's first..." Rainbow knocked the cigar out of his grip.

"Hey!" Brucie frowned, snarling up at her. "Srachishche!" he spat.

"Dragons can spot a flame super easy—doesn't matter how small it is." Rainbow flared her nostrils. "Don't give your position away or else this whole operation is a bust!"

"Hrmmfff..." Brucie folded his forelimbs. "Beeg Boss' brroodlingz aren't so tough."

"Yeah, well, the biggest of the bunch is literally named 'Blood Fire' So you be the judge." Rainbow turned towards the two villains up above her. "Good to go."

"Splendid," Romulus muttered. "Let's get this freakshow on the road, finally." He clasped Sunset's shoulder. "Got the crystals?"

"Yes. Try not to drop them... or me."

"Wouldn't that be a tragedy," Romulus muttered, and the three swiftly shot up towards the castle's shadow directly above.

"After me, guys," Rainbow said, mane rippling in the nightly breeze. "I'll lead the way."

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