• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Ever Dashed With the Devil In the Pale Moonlight?

"But let's make things clear," Rainbow said, her eyes glinting icily in the torchlight as she glared at Sunset. "We do things my way. I got into the Castle the first time using my wits and awesomeness. If we're to make this work again, then we'll have to rely on the same elements. So no bossing me around... no threatening my life at every turn... and no threatening my friends."

"After all you've put us through," Romulus sneered, looking over his shoulder. "Do you actually think I'm gonna roll over and let you—"

"Do you want the shards or not?"

"I... I..."

"Then this is how you're going to get them," Rainbow said. "Case closed. You know as well as I do that if we keep butting heads, then neither of us are going to get what they want."

"This is preposterous!" Romulus sneered. "Don Canter would never agree to—"

"Actually, Romulus, I'm somewhat certain he would," Sunset Shimmer said.

The griffon did a double-take at her. "Excuse me?"

Wincing, the unicorn stood up, staring calmly at the scene. "If Top Dog or the Flim-Flam Brothers were running things, then they might not agree to Rainbow's proposal. But, let's face it. Don Canter is the backbone of our entire operation. He funds it—and he's what's making this whole thing possible. He would be rather warm to Rainbow Dash's proposal, seeing as he wants the stones more than anything."

"And what about you?!" Romulus growled. "You're only here because the pony wrecked your crazy magic wheeltopia!"

"She stole from me that which made my dreams possible, yes," Sunset said with a frown. "However... if we pull this heist off, then I'll have four times as many resources through sheer bits alone. I can still pursue my exploits, only I'll have the ability to buy even more magical reagents. Sometimes you have to take a brief loss as a greater victory. This is something Princess Celestia once taught me."

"Ugh! You stupid horses and your stupid horse rules—"

"Take it or leave it, pal," Rainbow Dash said. "Just remember, you'll find Aatxe and his brothers to be a lot less open to negotiation than I am."

"Hrmmmmfff..." Romulus' beak nostrils flared. He stared in the direction of the throne. "The unicorn and I will have to consult our boss, Don Canter." His good eye glared at Rainbow Dash. "If he's actually down for such a hare-brained scheme, then I have no other choice."

"Sounds as legit as you're ever gonna get, bushy-bushies," said Lancie.

"Hmmmm..." Brucie scratched his chin. He and the other rodents looked at their matriarch. "Vell, Mozer? Eet vould seem dat our hospeetaleety haz finally rreached seeck morsel minds, da?"

Mother Rushnut leaned back in her throne. She waved a paw. "Cut dem loose."

A cluster of squirrels scampered up and gnawed away at the bindings holding Romulus and Rainbow together.

"Go to your boss, Meester Beerd Cat morsel," the matriarch said. "But at feerst moment of betrrayal, expect Mozer Rushnut to collect your head."

"Da..." Brucie smirked. "And Brucie getz beak!"

"Mrmmmf..." Romulus rubbed his talons as soon as he was freed. "...you'll be lucky if you get a dayum quill." He looked over his shoulder as he got up. "This isn't over, soft-hooves. I don't expect Don Canter to let you go without a fight."

"Whatever," the mare grumbled, flexing her stiff wings as she remained standing there. While Sunset and Romulus walked off, the squirrels hung out in tight groups, murmuring with one another.

Lancie strolled over to Rainbow Dash. "Soooooooo..." He licked his fang, folded his arms, and stared up at her. "...that was rather unexpected." His granite brow furrowed. "What's really going on, Sparky?"

"What does it look like?" Rainbow droned unemotionally. "We're teaming up with the devil incarnate to get the shards."

"And you know just as I do that doing that won't get me back to normal. Nor would it heal Princess Frecklestasia's adorafilly sister." He cocked his head to the side. "So what do you really have in mind?"

"Romulus and Company are going to get close to the shards." Rainbow's voice lowered to a quiet murmur. "But what they'll actually receive is a lot more... or less. Depending on how you look at it."


Rainbow gazed into the shadows. An orange phantom's green eyes gazed back. "When the moment comes... and things are most awesome and opportune... I'm gonna drop them like a bad habit."

"Just how far?"

Rainbow gulped. "Far enough that—when they land—they're gonna break so hard that not even a doppleganger of myself could put them back together like I have been doing for you."

"Sparky, I must say." Lancie leaned back. "This plan of yours is random, cruel, and outright dangerous." His fang glinted in the torchlight as he smiled. "I love it."

"I know you do."

"Is that why you thought of it?"

"No." Rainbow's nostrils flared. "I thought of it because I love something else..." She gulped. "Somepony else..."

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