• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,814 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Set Sail for Bluer Skies

Rainbow Dash flew north.

She blinked, her eyes scraping over the treetops of the Everfree Forest.

The flowy lengths of a flight captain's vest hung around her petite figure. It was still three sizes too big... maybe four. She really should have gone somewhere to have it adjusted. No doubt, Rarity would have given her a discount at the Carousel Boutique... or else made her a whole new, properly-sized vest for free... but Rainbow Dash wasn't feeling like going there anytime soon.

As Rainbow scaled the northern lengths of the Everfree Forest, her mind wandered towards the "events" of that morning. She didn't think about the serious words coming out of Noir's muzzle. She didn't think about how many sighing breaths she released when discussing the mysterious departure of Lancie. She didn't think about the last moment she laid her eyes on the granite shards as they were hidden away in Noir's trunk.

All she thought about were the smiles of contentment across Zecora's and Noir's muzzles as they nuzzled one another. It was such a sudden gesture, coming completely out of left field. And yet, despite the spontaneous nature of the act, it was far from melodramatic or outlandish. In fact, it was the very definition of subdued.

Rainbow Dash wondered if things would have presented themselves the same way if Zecora had somehow ended up with Big Macintosh just like the shaman had so desperately desired for so long. Then again, if Zecora did end up with Big Mac, then she wouldn't be sharing such tranquil time with a like-minded soul who appreciated nature, mysticism, and the preservation of innocent ponykind.

In fact, for all Rainbow Dash knew, Zecora and Noir were just... friends. Very amorous "friends," but friends nonetheless. Their respect for one another was more than understood, and if there was any intimate admiration beyond the fact—it only showed itself when it needed to. Nothing was forced.

There were times when Rainbow Dash wondered just what would happen if she and Applejack actually did become an item. Would they be rolicking in the hay 24/7? Would they be smooching out in public? Scouring the countryside for ferris wheels to cuddle on?

Or... perhaps...

She and the mare of her dreams would be just like they already were... best friends—only they'd be nuzzling a bit more. And they wouldn't have to be crazy about it. Perhaps the best thing about having a marefriend is knowing that she can hug or hold her at anytime, but she needn't do so. Because just by standing next to her... breathing the same air as her... she'd know that she'd belong to her... and the other way around.

Perhaps love was a subtle thing that Rainbow Dash could very easily stumble upon, without having to brute force it all the time.

It was such a simple idea... beautifully absent of headache and angst...

...that it brought the deepest smile to Rainbow's lips since she last set eyes on Applejack. As in really gazed at the mare—even from afar—realizing that everything would be right with the world... if only the two could be a tiny bit closer from thereon out.

And such was a thing Zecora had now. Try as she might, Rainbow Dash couldn't feel even the tiniest smidgen of jealousy. She was insanely happy for her friend—to the point of bubbling inside.

And that's when a strange thought struck Rainbow Dash like a lightning bolt. What if others could feel that way about her? About her and Applejack? If ever fate was to make itself manifest in the way she always hoped... always dreamed... ever cried herself to sleep at night over—

"Whoah there, Rainbow Dash!" Sharp Quill's voice rang through the heavens from below. "Party's over here, girl!"

"... ... ...?!" Rainbow Dash braked in mid-air. She spun around twice, blinking wildly. At the sound of chuckles, she looked straight down.

Over four dozen mares and stallions—all pegasi—were gathered along the northern edge of the Everfree Forest, standing in the flimsy shade of multiple dead trees.

"Something pulling you north?" Sharp Quill winked. "The Southern Birds don't need corralling yet!"

"Httt!" Rainbow Dash flew down in a blur. The ground shook as she landed.

A few ponies jumped back, gasping. They then broke into applause.

Rainbow blinked. "What's the big deal?"

"Just that that was quite a landing, girl! Whew!" Sharp Quill exhaled, grinning. "Usually, I'm used to seeing you put your wings into it, but those legs of yours sure do pack a punch, don't they?"

"Whatever." Rainbow Dash spun towards the nearest cluster. "Assemble the... uhm... troops?"

Sharp Quill cleared his throat. "Everypony look alive! Captain's here!"

"Right." Rianbow's voice cracked as she faced the volunteer fliers. "Who here wants to be awesome?"

Two or three hooves raised—

"Trick question. I'm the awesome one. The rest of you are gonna have to keep up. Follow my lead. Got it?"

Chuckles and nods.

"Okay. First thing's first." Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out, lingered, then exhaled: "...Where's Stu?"

"That's the first thing on our agenda?" Sharp Quill asked.

"No, for realsies." Rainbow squinted aside. "Where is the melon fudge?"


"A no-show, huh?" Rainbow smirked. "Well, that's what you get for forgetting to set your clock to kickflank time." She turned towards the group. "Well then, let's start out with some exercises and—"

"Rainbow!" Stu's voice rang from a few meters behind. "There you are! At last!"

Rainbow's muzzle hung open. She clenched her eyes shut, wings flexing and unflexing. She heard the tell-tale hooftrots of Stu coming up over the crest of a dead hill.

"How about some energy cider to get you going? Whew! Is this gonna be a fun evening or what?"

"I was about to tell you," Sharp Quill said with a smirk. "Stu Leaves arrived early this morning and set up shop with an apple stand courtesy of Sweet Apple Acres." His eyes brightened. "He was actually the first pony here! Gave us complimentary refreshments and all!"

"Uh huh!" other ponies from the flight group chimed in.

"Sweet and tangy!"

"Good stuff! I'm ready to kick some clouds!"

"Me too!"


Rainbow Dash took a deep, long breath. "... ... ...right." She suppressed a growl. "How about we go... buck some dead trees to get the blood flowing...?"

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