• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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When the Bombs Fell

"All my life, if there's one thang I've wanted to avoid bein'... it's selfish."

"Selfish... Applejack?"

"Mmmmm. Is that so hard to believe? After all, I have a lot on my shoulders. Ain't no sense in complainin' about it, so I don't. Not that I want to. Just a statement of fact that... that runnin' a farm and lookin' after the family ain't no easy task. I've always stuck to it with no difficulty. Still, a part of me has always been plum scared that I might... I dunno... fall away from the work at hoof and just go my own way."

"Pffft. That's totally not like you."

"I know. But that's the thang about fears. They're not so sensible, now are they? Ya see, Ma and Pa didn't have no choice when they left the family. Fate and circumstance took 'em without their say."


"It would have been so easy... so very easy to have just given up on the farm from the get-go and set out on my own life. And y'know what? I almost did just that! When I was a wee little filly!"

"Are... are you talking about when you were a kid and you went off to Manehattan to be with your Aunt and Uncle?"

"Right on."

"Applejack. Like... you were just a foal. You had your whole life ahead of you! Who knows what decision you would have made?"

"Well, I almost made the wrong one. The easy one. The... selfish one."

"Are you saying that all this time you've secretly wanted to ditch the farm and be a city mare?"

"Eh... not quite. But it's always stuck with me, y'know? That I so very easily could have given up on what's turned out to be a darn challengin'... mite stressful life."

"You don't strike me as if you have regrets."

"Darn tootin'! And... y'know... I've stuck to it! The apple buckin'. The corn shuckin'. The fruit vendorin' in downtown Ponyville..."

"You love your family, AJ."

"Without a doubt. And nothing's ever challenged that! And... and for the longest time, I never thought anythang would."

"... ... ...has that changed?"

"I... I'm not sure. I mean... I ain't no lazy mare."

"Of course not..."

"And I still lurve my family somethin' fierce. But... but I guess things started to get a bit strange when Twilight showed up."



"Strange in what way, AJ?"

"Like... I've always had friends and acquaintances, y'know? But never before have I had close friends like I've had with y'all. It's just... just so plum amazin'. It's like my whole life opened up a new chapter and the sunlight was shinin' across each paragraph all golden and glorious. Erhm... sorry for gettin' silly and metaphoric. Wish I could make it all clearer."

"Hehe... works for me..."

"And for the first time in my life... I-I felt as though I could have leisure time... leisure time I deserved. Y'all are... just so dang fun to be with."

"You're as strong and dependable as it gets, AJ. Nopony's gonna doubt your convictions."

"Reckon not. And I've managed to keep my loyalties intact between both my friends and my family. You haven't seen me shirkin' no responsibilities. That's for sure."


"In fact, I felt as though I had everythang in the bag. Which is why—I guess—when I see ponies... p-ponies like you startin' to show up less and less to get togethers... I... I unfairly judge ya for bein'... for bein' less strong than myself. And... oh gosh... that just ain't right, Rainbow. That ain't right at all."

"I... guess I can understand where you may have been coming from."

"I-I used to think the same about Rarity! I mean... you know the mare. Always fussin' with her dresses and mane. Dotin' on the stallions. So focused on her work and career. For a long time there, I thought purdy lowly of her. Took a lot of time and experience to rightly humble me."

"Heh... I feel you."

"But t'ain't no excuse for... for the things I said back there at the campfire. Mmmmff... it just sorta came out of me."

"At least it was honest."

"Was it, though? I dunno. I don't feel like I believe it, but I can't change the fact that I said it. And... and that I'm awful sorry."

"I forgive you, AJ."

"I was afraid you'd say that."

"Huh? You were afraid that I'd forgive you?"

"Yer loyal as can be, Rainbow. Sometimes... sometimes I think you'd forgive a steamroller for crushin' ya to death."

"... ... ..."

"...reckon that dun make much sense."

"I'm still trying to figure it out. Heh."

"Heheheheh... phweeeee... and then of course there's Stu."

"Uhm... what about him?"

"I dun blame you for feelin' less than pleased with the stallion, Rainbow. After all, I've... I've let myself get distracted by him."

"In... what way?"

"Pffft. You know. That time we rode home from yer cyclone trainin' together. I practically ignored you the whole ride."

"Eh... whatever. You two were having fun."

"Were we? I mean... is that all we are? Just fun-lurvin' ponies?"

"What are you trying to get at, AJ?"

"... ... ..."


"Stu's a fantastic stallion. But... but bein' around him... well... it brings back them old fears."

"...those old fears of being selfish?"


"What's so bad about that?"

"Simply because... because I find myself thinkin' about him more than you and the other girls... than even my own family. And that scares me."

"It scares you that you've made such a good friend?"

"No, Rainbow. I... I'm afraid you dun get it."

"Get what?"

"It scares me that... awww shucks... th-that I just m-might be fallin' in lurve..."

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