• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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Caramel yawned, his voice producing a tiny squeaking noise. He rubbed his eyes before climbing into his berth. "Okay, girls. Time to count sheep."

"Hmmmmm..." Bon Bon smiled at Lyra as she trotted across the sleeping coach. "Doesn't Caramel produce the cutest yawns?"

"Watch it, B-Squared," Lyra muttered, swinging the curtain to her berth open. "It'll go straight to her fluffy head."

"Remind me to work on a Dirty Bass Yawn Mix," Vinyl said, climbing into a compartment across the way.

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow squinted up at the unicorn. "What would you call it?"

"'Sunset On Planet Femme.'" Vinyl yanked her shades off, exposing a pair of thin, scrutinous, magenta eyes. "What do I look like, a genius?"

"So all you get paid for is record scratching."

"Don't let the secret get out." Vinyl grabbed her curtain. "I've got waaaaaaay too many patrons to lose. Ni-Ni."

"Ni-Ni, Vinyl," Caramel said from across the way, and both ponies shut their curtains with coordinated grace.

Lyra stood on a stool, glaring into her compartment. "Awwwwwwwwww Poop." She frowned. "King Poop and the Knights of the Round Crud."

Bon Bon looked up, blinking. "What's the matter?"

"The window's got a rattle to it. That crap's gonna keep me up allllll night."

"For real?" Rainbow asked.

"Hey. Don't diss the mind of a musician!" Lyra scowled at the other two. "I need a precise kind of evenly-paced rhythmic tapping to go to sleep to, not this... cacophonous bull hockey violating my earholes!"

"Oh! Well... uhm..." Bon Bon shifted from side to side. Then, after a sideways cough, she stood bird-hoofed and smiled up at the other mare. "I guess you could just use my berth!"

Lyra looked down at her. "Really?"


"You're willing to switch bunks?"

"... ... ..." Bon Bon's smile stayed in place. "Yes! That's what I meant!" Her ears twitched. "Which is exactly why I said what I meant!"

"Cool. I mean... if you can live with this bedlam." Lyra hopped off the stool and made for Bon Bon's berth. She slapped the mare's shoulder along the way. "There. That's for good luck. Now the bed bugs won't have to bite."

"Yeah. Wouldn't that be a shame." Bon Bon exhaled. "To... be bitten in your sleep..."

"Whatever." And Lyra drew the curtains swiftly shut behind her. Schlunk!

Bon Bon stood in place, silent. Eventually, she glanced across the compartment.

Rainbow Dash stared silently back.

"Whew... long day, huh?" Bon Bon remarked. "Almost..." A winded sigh. "...makes you want to drop dead where you're standing..."

"Get your ass to bed," Lyra's voice grumbled from beyond the curtain.

Bon Bon cleared her throat. "Then again..."

"Good night, Bon Bon." Rainbow waved as she flapped her wings and ascended to her own bunk. "Should be a pleasant sleep... y'know... when one is not being abducted against her will."

"Yes. Uhm... definitely..."

Rainbow Dash climbed in. Crawling across the mattress, she turned around three times and prepared to lie down—

"And Rainbow?"

The pegasus looked up. "Hmmm?"

Bon Bon's head poked out of the curtains on her side. "You're going to have a fun time this week. I promise." A wink, and she turned off the lantern positioned next to her. As the compartment went dark, she shut the curtains and surrendered to the dull hush of the rushing train.

Rainbow closed her curtains as well. Legs and wings spread, she laid back lazily on her back. One sigh escaped her nostrils, followed by another. Slowly, she tilted her head back, gazing out the window with soft eyes.

An upside down desert rolled silently past her, melting into deep blue night.

"Hmmm... pretty chaotic, don't you think, Lancie?" Rainbow managed.


A brief smile crossed Rainbow's lips. She savored it as long as she could, and soon her eyes closed.

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