• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,814 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Also a Client

Rainbow Dash gathered firewood... or so she told herself.

The mare shuffled limply past thicket after thicket, pawing at the ground, dragging the occasional twig or branch loose from the treeline.

"Mrmmfff..." was what she had to donate to the collective universe. With a sullen sigh, she hung her head and trotted onward.

Not long later, the air broke with the rustling of wingfeathers. Fluttershy came gliding in. Upon seeing Rainbow Dash, she turned about—or at least as quickly as her dainty body could allow her. Soon, she touched down beside the other pony.

"Rainbow Dash! There you are." She cleared her throat and trotted closer. "Is everything alright?"

"Mmmmrfff... as alright as it's ever going to be."

"Oh Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy pouted. "Don't be like this. We were only striking conversation."

"You gals were," Rainbow muttered. "And then someone brought up Stu." Her ruby eyes rolled. "Then it just turned into striking."

"So we got into a little bit of the guy gab." Fluttershy shrugged. "So what?"

Rainbow turned icily towards her. "What was everyone talking about when you left them?"

Fluttershy bit her lip. She shuffled from side to side. "Mmmm... Rarity was... t-talking about m-making new suits for Big Mac." She gulped. "And Stu."

"Knew it." Rainbow grumbled, marching along. "Even out here, halfway up a mountain, with all of my bestest friends... I just can't outrun the guy."

"Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy sighed. "Can't..." She winced slightly. "Aren't you able to enjoy your comraderie with Applejack without having to compare yourself constantly to Stu Leaves?"

"No way," Rainbow muttered. "You don't get it, Fluttershy. There's nothing to compare."

"Then why are you so obsessed with—"

"Because I'm better than him!" Rainbow suddenly barked, her voice echoing past numerous trees. Fluttershy looked around nervously at that, but Rainbow wasn't finished. "In every friggin' way, too! I'm loyaler... awesomer... truer..."

"Rainbow, you can't just say—"

"I can and I will!" Rainbow frowned. "So what has Stu done to liven Applejack's day-to-day existence, huh? Chatted with her? Bucked apples for her?!" Rainbow shrugged. "I've done that too!" She paced about, kicking at the dirt and twigs. "Okay... so maybe I haven't bought her a stupid expensive crystal orange tree with my monthly fortune."


"Maybe I don't look after her produce when she's away. I could do that! I could so so much more! I have done so much more!" Nostrils flaring, Rainbow growled into the mountainside. "I wanna see Stu go on an epic quest for some stupid rare flowers and—" She froze in places, eyes twitching.

Fluttershy blinked. "...Rainbow?"

"Erm..." Rainbow shook a hoof. "Forget what I said. Just... Stu's stupid. There. Over and done."

"Wait just one minute!" Fluttershy flew in front of her, muzzle agape. "Did I hear you say what I thought I heard you say—?"

"I've got some firewood to gather. Wanna help?"

"Those flowers." Fluttershy gulped. "The endangered plants that cured Apple Bloom." Her eyes sparkled. "It... it was you?"

"Fluttershy, please—"

"Then... that means all this time..." Fluttershy stared into nothingness. Her eyes darted left and right, and her face lit up with realization. "Oh my goodness! Oh my goodnesss, of course!"


"Rainbow, do you realize what this means?!" Fluttershy danced in place, grinning. "You... you saved Apple Bloom! You're a hero! Applejack's only sister! She was dying and... and you saved her, Rainbow Dash."

"You have no proof of that—"

"What proof do I need?! You're you!" Fluttershy giggled. "Rainbow Dash. Awesome and loyal as ever. Why did I not even think that you would have been doing such a thing?! I mean... Celestia above! You must have traveled half the world and faced a million dangers to—" She froze in mid-speech, blinking. "... ... ...why haven't you told anypony?" she murmured.

Rainbow bit her lip.

"Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy's voice lowered to an anxious murmur. She slowly shook her head. "You... you haven't even told Applejack...?"

"She's not a prize to be won, Fluttershy," Rainbow muttered.


"What matters is that she and her family are well." Rainbow gulped. "What matters is that she's happy." A deep breath. "As her best friend... would I wish anything else for her?" She shrugged. "Would it be any different if I was her lover?"

Fluttershy opened her muzzle, but nothing came out. She grimaced, an expression mixed with confusion and nausea. At last, she hung her head... sniffling.

Rainbow blinked. "Fluttershy?" She squirmed where she stood. "Fluttershy, what's wrong?"

Fluttershy reached over. Her limbs were soft—but strong. She forced Rainbow Dash into a tight hug.

Rainbow bit her lip, feeling Fluttershy's quiet sobs.

"You precious... precious thing..." Fluttershy nuzzled Rainbow's neck. At last, she let loose an exasperated sigh as she stared tearfully into the forest. "There are times when I really don't know what to do with you, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow gulped, patting Fluttershy's shoulder. "Yeah... well... join the club..."

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