• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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753 - On a Tear

“Are you sure there isn’t anything else that might fit me better?”

“Will you stop whining already?” huffed Solvei, rolling her eyes before glancing at Akna. “You wanted clothes, and Master gave them to you, so what’s the problem?”

“The problem is that I look like...like...” Apparently unable to find the words to properly summarize her current appearance, Akna instead glanced down at herself, biting her lip as her ears flattened against her head.

Although he had no eye for fashion, it wasn’t hard for Lex to understand the source of Akna’s discomfort, even if he had no sympathy for her.

While there’d been several different outfits stuffed into his extradimensional pack, none of them had been designed for someone of humanoid stature. Footwear had been completely out of the question, for instance, due to each outfit having been made with hooves in mind. Similarly, her six-foot height was larger than what most ponies measured when standing on their back legs, and the intended recipient of the clothing in Lex’s possession had apparently been no exception.

The result was that, while Akna had been able to dress herself, the clothes she’d eventually selected sat awkwardly on her. Her leggings – a simple pair of black pants made out of cotton – barely reached to her knees, even though they would have made it to the ankles on a pony. Worse, the material hadn’t been designed for someone of such robust proportions, causing it to cling to her like a second skin, the seams straining visibly every time she took a step. That her tail was pushed upward due to the hole being slightly misaligned for her body type only seemed to upset her more.

But it was trying to cover her upper body that had caused the adlet the most consternation, since none of the garments designed for covering the wearer’s torso had been made to account for the presence of breasts, let alone the prominent pair of mammaries that Akna was sporting.

That had been illustrated quite pointedly by how she’d managed to ruin no less than three shirts in attempting to keep her chest covered.

The first casualty had been a plain brown woolen sweater. Although it had been immediately obvious that it was too small for her, Akna had tugged at the material insistently, telling them that wool was a fiber which stretched. Of course, it had been midway through that explanation that she’d managed to tear the fabric right down the middle, leaving her bosom completely on display beneath the ripped material.

Red-faced as she’d ignored Solvei’s snickering and Lex’s impatient growl, a cream-colored button-down made of silk had been Akna’s next victim. After spending almost two full minutes trying to slip the brass fasteners through the holes, her first deep breath had sent them flying off, nearly causing Solvei to collapse from how hard she’d been laughing.

The simple, undyed canvas tunic that she’d tried after that had seemed like it would survive where its predecessors had met their end. That particular article of clothing had clearly been designed for rough use, and while Akna had complained about how it had compressed her bust, the sturdy textile hadn’t seemed in danger of destruction.

Unfortunately, Akna’s sigh of relief at having found a wearable top had come when she’d been looking down at the tunic, causing the super-cooled air of her breath to freeze the fabric as solidly as if it had been caught in an ice storm. Needless to say, when she’d frantically tried to chip the ice off, she’d accomplished nothing except to shatter the central portion of the garment as though it had been made of glass.

By that time, Solvei – who had simply shrunk herself down to pony size in order to fit into a deep blue two-piece outfit with gold brocading – had been rolling on the ground and howling in mirth, while Lex’s patience had been completely shot. After informing Akna that she’d go topless if she didn’t find something immediately, the sniffling adlet had settled for a simple shirt of red linen.

It hadn’t been her first choice for a reason. A size too small even before taking the difference in body shape into account, it not only left her entire belly on display, but wasn’t even able to reach down far enough to fully cover her breasts, leaving their curved undersides visible before the taut fabric managed to hide the remainder. But at least the garment held, even if Akna was visibly making sure not to stretch too far or breathe too deeply.

Even then, every step the adlet took made both orbs jiggle in their imperfect container, as though threatening to burst forth at any moment despite her efforts.

“I’m the spiritual leader of my tribe, slayer of the yetis, and a loyal devotee of the Night Mare,” muttered Akna miserably as they strode toward the gateway, arms crossed beneath her chest to try and stabilize how much it was bouncing. “Why do I have to be humiliated like this?”

Solvei’s shot Akna a reproachful look. “Compared to what my master went through in that Rite of yours, you’re getting off easy. He-”

“We’re almost within range of the lights,” cut in Lex sharply from where he was walking between the two of them. “Settle down and focus on the plan.”

“Right, right.”

“Understood, Master.”

With no choice except to trust that they understood how important it was that they follow his instructions, Lex kept walking.

Up ahead, he saw the two guards stationed outside the gate peering in their direction, apparently nearing the edge of their field of vision. By any reasonable measure, they shouldn’t have been; to Lex’s own eyes, they were still fairly distant from the edge of the light cast by the glowing orbs lining the wall. But he’d expected that the residents of Darkest Night, even if they were ponies, would have greater visual acuity, particularly if they were assigned to watch the exterior of this settlement for potential dangers.

But the fact that he’d been correct was less notable than the fact that, at this distance, he could see that the pair of armored pegasi were not, in fact, pegasi at all.

Instead, both stallions had wings that were composed of fleshy membranes rather than feathers, giving them a bat-like appearance. Contributing to that impression were the slight fangs that peaked past their lips, as well as the vertical slits of their pupils. Even their ears seemed a little larger than that of a normal pony’s, as well as being slightly tufted.

Equestria had long had rumors of ponies like them, but as far as Lex was aware they’d never been verified. They’d had names like “thestrals” or – less imaginatively – “bat ponies.” But on Everglow, and apparently here in Darkest Night as well, that particular tribe was real, and went by a different name:

Leather wings.

“That’s far enough!” yelled one of the guards; apparently they’d come close enough to be seen. Throwing his lance aside, the leather wing hoisted his crossbow and pointed it at them. “Don’t come any closer!”

“Identify yourself immediately!” shouted the second, having moved in perfect tandem with his partner. “If you do anything else, we’ll shoot!”

Coming to a halt, Lex didn’t bother responding to the threat, instead focusing on his circlet to let him see into the magical spectrum, fighting back the urge to grimace at what he saw. That the guards’ weapons and armor were enchanted wasn’t surprising – though given the relative weakness of the auras he could see clinging to their gear, the magic they’d been imbued with was of a fairly basic variety, likely doing little more than enhancing durability, improving balance and weight distribution, and other mild improvements – but that the wall behind them was magically strengthened was beyond what he’d expected.

In fact, judging from the patterns of the aura surrounding it, the mortared stonework wasn’t only reinforced, it was also enhanced in numerous other ways. There were several auras that he could only catch a glimpse of, their presence overshadowed by stronger spellwork. But the ones he could make out painted an impressive picture, having properties such as a friction-decreasing enchantment designed to make the exterior harder to climb, countermeasures against magical alterations to its structure, and even an etheric resonance designed to prevent incorporeal creatures from passing through it.

That last one made Lex snort, able to appreciate the irony of coming across that particular defense when he had insufficient dark magic to turn into a shadow anyway. But that interested him less than the fact that he’d just been considering how difficult it was to create a large-scale magical defense for an entire town.

And yet now, they’d come across exactly that.

Even considering that this was a goddess’s realm, whoever had constructed the wall around this town had to be a spellcaster of prodigious ability.

Which made it fortunate that Lex had decided that the three of them wouldn’t try to sneak or fight their way in.

“Servants of the Night Mare!” howled Solvei, stepping forward in a manner that made it clear she was unconcerned with the guards’ warnings. “Rejoice! Before you stands none other than our goddess’s greatest champion! One who has bent Severance of the Umbral Regalia to his will! Slayer of dragons, devils, and other creatures who dare to defy Our Dark Lady’s will! Bearer of the Charismata! I present to you His Highness, Prince Lex Legis!”

“Open the gates immediately!” demanded Akna, raising her voice as she moved up to stand across from Solvei, forcing herself to adopt a haughty posture. “Bring forth the ruler of this place so that they may give thanks that one so high in the Dark Tyrant of the Night’s esteem has come to grace their presence! Then make ready your gifts and offerings in recognition of His Highness’s glorious service to our goddess!”

Pausing just long enough to catch each other’s eyes, both lupines took a breath before bringing their introduction to a close.

“IN THE NIGHT MARE’S NAME,” they shouted in unison, “OUR PRINCE COMMANDS IT!”

The two guards simply stared, wide-eyed at the flamboyant introduction. Nor were they alone, as up on the wall several other leather wings in guard uniforms had come to see what the spectacle was, whispering and pointing as they looked on with expressions ranging from anxious to incredulous to suspicious.

Finally, one of the guards managed to regain his wits, lowering his crossbow as he licked his lips, giving Lex a half-hearted nod as his eyes flicked down to the barbed wire around his foreleg. “Just, um...just wait a moment. I mean, a moment if you please, er, sire. I’ll, uh, go send word to my commanding officer.”

He didn’t wait for a response before flapping his wings, flying up to the top of the wall, leaving his sputtering partner behind. Belatedly lowering his own weapon, the remaining guard shot a nervous smile their way, his grin faltering when the expression wasn’t returned. Gulping a little, he backed up until he was almost pressed against the portcullis, his gaze alternating between the trio awaiting entrance and the ground.

After a few moments, one of the leather wings took off from the group huddled on top of the wall, ducking low so as to fly beneath the wire spires. No sooner had they left than the first guard returned, his composure slightly recovered. “Our commander begs your indulgence as we, ah, alert the necessary individuals so that a proper welcome can be prepared.”

A quick telepathic command to Solvei made the winter wolf snarl. “Be quick about it! His Highness doesn’t like to be kept waiting!”

Flustered, the leather wing sputtered a series of apologies and assurances that things would quickly be put in order, but Lex didn’t bother listening, his thoughts again turning elsewhere.

While the Rite of Sublimation wasn’t something he was comfortable dwelling on – the horrible truths it had showed him, and his own subsequent breakdown, were still too painful to think back about – the circumstances of his failure were exceptionally clear to him now: going on a rampage of slaughter and destruction wasn’t something the Night Mare would countenance.

For all that she didn’t mind his killing ghouls and devils and even alien creatures like the sahuagin – the latter likely due to their already having their own alien gods or simply not meeting whatever esoteric criteria she looked for in potential worshipers – the Night Mare wasn’t a death goddess. Her religion didn’t require ritual killings nor endorse conversion under pain of being executed. Rather, she held that her ideals of power and control were the foundations of an ideal society, one which ultimately benefitted everyone. Threats to that paradigm could be dispatched, but only if they couldn’t be subdued or otherwise put to better use.

That the Shrine of the Starless Sky had maintained a prohibition against her worshipers – which had included a bewildering variety of creatures all under the Keeper’s control – killing each other should have made that painfully obvious.

But while Lex had lost sight of that during the Rite, he could at least recognize it now. If he’d failed the test for killing ponies who weren’t worshipers of the Night Mare, then slaying the ponies of Darkest Night – the incarnate souls of her worshipers, reborn in her realm after dying – would doubtlessly draw a much stronger rebuke from the goddess. Even if Lex could no longer find value in the moral code he’d spent so much time constructing, simple prudence therefore demanded that violence against the ponies here be avoided, or at least minimized, wherever possible.

To that end, it was better to enter this town legitimately, rather than trying to bypass or overpower its defenders. Which meant a diplomatic overture, something that he was almost guaranteed to bungle if he tried it on his own. Nor had Solvei or Akna been able to come up with any ideas in that regard, since neither were familiar with civilized societies in general or pony settlements in particular.

But while the idea for presenting himself at the gates in such an ostentatious manner had been Lex’s, it wasn’t one that he credited himself for.

Instead, having been reminded of his lost loves by the way Solvei and Akna had been bickering during the clothing debacle, he’d asked himself what Sonata and Aria would do.

Now all that was left was to wait and see if it had worked.

Author's Note:

After Akna deals with a few wardrobe malfunctions, she and Solvei present Lex to the city guards, demanding that he be given royal treatment as one of the Night Mare's favored!

Will he be given a reception fit for a prince, or is there no warm welcome to be had here?

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