• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,192 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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163 - Close as Kin

“Let me see if I get this straight,” said Cloudbank, giving Lex a look of controlled disbelief. “You want me to find a bunch of ponies who’ll go back into the ruined city that they escaped from, risking their lives in the process, so that they can rob a bank?” She paused just long enough to take a breath before shaking her head. “I’m sure you’ve got some sort of angle here, but I can’t imagine what it is.”

Drafty gave the other mare a look of mild reproach. “Of course he has a reason, Cloudy.” She turned her eyes back toward Lex, smiling again. “I bet it’s something really important, right?”

Lex closed his eyes with a sigh. For a moment a feeling of irritation swept over him, wondering how it was that nopony else could see the problems that he considered obvious, but he couldn’t sustain the emotion, discomfort and fatigue causing it to fall away in a wave of weariness. “We need the money in the bank in order to start putting Vanhoover back together,” he explained. “With it, we can purchase food from nearby farms, as well as building materials that can make this place more livable while we focus on retaking the city proper.” He didn’t mention that – even if all of the ghouls were to simply vanish tomorrow – restoring Vanhoover to its pre-flooding state would take months at a bare minimum. More likely, it would require years. Despite the fact that it was still late summer, worrying about what would happen to this camp when winter arrived was not an unreasonable concern.

Drafty gave Cloudbank a look that was a mixture of smug and triumphant. “Told you so.”

But Cloudbank wasn’t listening. “I get that, but it-” She cut herself off as she glanced behind her, her eyes falling to Severance. Whatever it was saying made her frown. “But it’s not our money!” she said a moment later, looking from the weapon to Lex as she spoke. “You’re right that we need bits, but this shouldn’t be how we should get them.”

Lex frowned at the challenge, because that was what it was. She had just challenged the moral legitimacy of his chosen course of action, and that wasn’t something he could overlook. “First of all,” he replied coldly, “I am absolutely empowered to seize the banks’ assets, by virtue of my being the sole and absolute authority over Vanhoover and all entities – be they pony, business, or otherwise – that reside within it.” He struggled to sit up as he spoke, no longer being content to lie down while Cloudbank and Thermal Draft stood over him. The latter mare moved as though to assist him, but he waved a hoof to ward her off.

Sitting up was a far greater struggle than it should have been, and he almost keeled over at one point, but he managed to force himself upward, breathing heavily from the exertion. “Secondly,” he continued, “my ordering the remaining currency to be appropriated is not only lawful, it’s the morally-correct decision. That much capital has the ability to make a drastic and immediate improvement to the lives of everypony here. Even if you classified our taking it as theft, which would be profoundly spurious not only because I’ve authorized this action but also because that money’s current situation has effectively resulted in its abandonment since at least some of its owners are certainly dead and it’s uncertain that the accounting records have survived anyway, doing so in order to save lives is not only morally acceptable but morally required, as any deontological system worthy of the name will prioritize the saving of lives above the taking of someone else’s property when there’s no alternative to be found!” He was yelling now, causing both mares to wince. “And thirdly,” he snarled, his eyes boring holes into Cloudbank, “there IS no other way to be found! We need large amounts of money and we need it-”

“We understand,” interrupted Drafty. Lex shot her an angry look, but she didn’t flinch, raising a hoof in a conciliatory gesture. “We understand,” she repeated. “You’re right about us using the money.”

Lex glared at her for a moment, as though uncertain about her agreeing with him, before turning his eyes back to Cloudbank. But she didn’t meet his gaze, looking down uncomfortably, her ears folded back. Finally, satisfied that he’d thoroughly refuted the objections that Cloudbank had raised, Lex slowly laid back down.

His head had just hit the pillow when Sonata burst into the tent, a winded-looking House Call following her. “I heard yelling. What’s going on?” asked Sonata, looking around rapidly. “Is everything okay?” The words were barely out of her mouth when she realized how winded Lex looked. “Like, oh my gosh! What happened?” She knelt down at his side, giving him a quick once-over before looking back at Cloudbank and Drafty, her brow furrowed. “Did you two do something?”

Cloudbank licked her lips, still looking chagrined. “We were-”

“-just leaving,” cut in Drafty. Glancing at Cloudbank, she caught her eye and nodded her head toward the tent flap. House Call stepped around them and put his medical bag down, starting to rummage through it.

“Cloudbank,” called Lex just before the pair left. The mare in question paused, looking back as her name was called, biting her lip in anticipation of being dressed down again. “I want you to have those volunteers assembled and ready to leave by no later than noon. This needs to happen as soon as possible.”

Cloudbank nodded once, not meeting his eyes, and then turned and left.

Cloudbank’s eyes were still downcast as she trudged away from Lex’s tent, a dejected look on her face. A moment later, she felt Drafty press against her. “Hey,” came her girlfriend’s voice. “You okay?”

Cloudbank let out a sigh, not sure how much to say. The last time she had criticized Lex Drafty had almost taken her head off for it, and the last thing she wanted right now was another fight. “I’m fine,” she muttered.

“You don’t look fine.”

Alright, if she wants to do this, then we’ll do this. I don’t care anymore, Cloudbank decided. “He didn’t have to yell at me like that.”


“I mean, I get it. We do need that money to fix things up here, and I guess it’s not really stealing because of…whatever it was he was talking about back there, but he didn’t need to cut me off at the knees like that! I was just saying what I thought, was all.”

“I know,” said Drafty softly.

Cloudbank almost tripped, unable to believe what she’d just heard. Whipping her head around, she found Drafty looking at her with a small smile. “Wait, you do?”

“Mm-hmm,” nodded Drafty, still giving her a warm look.

Her girlfriend’s expression didn’t match how Cloudbank felt, however, and that was enough to confuse her. “So…what then?” She wasn’t even sure what she was asking, except that she wasn’t sure why Drafty didn’t seem to be as upset as she should be if she felt that her hero had been unfair.

Drafty didn’t reply right away, the two of them walking in silence for a moment before speaking. “Do you remember when we first met Lex?”

Cloudbank’s face screwed up in confusion. Huh? “Yeah…it was, what, a week ago?” Admittedly, it felt like a lot longer, with everything that had happened.

“You didn’t like him very much then.” It was a statement, rather than a question. When Cloudbank didn’t reply, Drafty kept going. “You really gave him a hard time back when he wanted to investigate that dummy light and it turned out to be a trap, remember?”

Cloudbank’s frown deepened, not sure if she was being scolded or not. “Yeah…?”

“And you said something like he should leave playing hero to the princesses.” Drafty’s statement brought the memory immediately to Cloudbank’s mind:

She took a step closer to Lex, and the two of them were practically nose-to-nose as a result. “Maybe instead of running around and trying to do everything by yourself, you should call in the ponies who actually have a track record of saving all of Equestria!”

For some reason that felt uncomfortable to remember now, and Cloudbank huffed, her patience starting to wear thin. “What’s your point?”

Drafty stopped, and turned so she was facing Cloudbank directly, still giving her a happy look. “My point is look how well you two get along now.”

“Wh-, are you joking?! We don’t get along at all! Did you see what just happened back there?!”

But to Cloudbank’s consternation, Drafty just chuckled. “I did, apparently better than you.” Cloudbank opened her mouth to protest, but Drafty spoke up first. “Cloudy, he asked you to be the one to find ponies who can do what needs to be done. He didn’t ask Sonata. He didn’t ask me. You’re the one he’s counting on.”

Cloudbank’s mouth hung open, momentarily poleaxed. “I…that doesn’t mean-”

“And it wasn’t just then,” continued Drafty. “You’re the one he wanted to give that speech about the Night Mare, because you’re the one he introduced to his goddess.” She pointed to Severance, still laying across Cloudbank’s back. “You’re the one he lets carry around his super-strong magic weapon. And let’s not forget, you’re the pony he trusted to get the job done when we were all fighting for our lives against those monsters.”

“That was because I was the only one who volunteered,” protested Cloudbank feebly. All of a sudden she wasn’t sure what to think.

“And he believed in you when you did. Or do you really think that Lex Legis of all ponies wouldn’t have said anything if he didn’t think you were up to the task?” When no further protests came, Drafty’s smile widened. “I know that he’s really rough around the edges, but he’s not that hard to read if you know what to look for, and I’m telling you, he’s fond of you, Cloudy. Other than Sonata, you might be the pony that he likes the most.” For a moment her smile dimmed, but its intensity rallied a moment later. “And I know you like him, too.”

Cloudbank hadn’t noticed the momentary change in her girlfriend’s demeanor, having looked away as she’d tried to process what she’d been told, but that last part was enough to bring her back to reality. “Hold on…!”

Drafty gave her a pointed look. “If you don’t like him, then why were you so upset about how badly he’d injured himself?”

Again, Cloudbank looked away, biting her lip. Why had she been so upset? “That was…I was mad because he was being irresponsible, messing around with magic he couldn’t control.” Even to her, it sounded like a weak excuse. Lex had hurt himself because he’d been trying to create enough food for everyone. Calling that “irresponsible” didn’t really make sense, and she knew it.

Drafty knew it too. “Uh-huh…” Her sarcasm was obvious.

Cloudbank made one last-ditch effort to refute what the other mare was saying. “But we fight all the time.”

Drafty shrugged. “Whenever my uncle would come over and visit, he and my dad would always fight. It wasn’t any sort of big blow-up or anything, but they’d snipe at each other all the time. I couldn’t understand why he kept coming over to visit, until my mom told me that they weren’t really angry at each other. It was just something they did. I never really got why, but when I got older I could see that they weren’t really upset by what they were saying.” She put a wing over Cloudbank and started walking again, the other mare keeping pace with her. “I know that’s not quite the same for you and Lex, but it sort of is. You might bicker a lot when you’re together, but I know he trusts you, and I know you feel the same way.”

“Yeah, well…I don’t know if I agree,” answered Cloudbank with a sulk.

Drafty couldn’t help but laugh at that, before leaning over and giving Cloudbank a quick peck on the cheek. “Well, maybe I’m wrong,” she teased, “but in the meantime, we need to figure out who to talk to about robbing a bank.”

Relieved at the change in topic, Cloudbank turned to look at the tables where everypony was dining. “I think I have a good idea where to start…”

Author's Note:

Lex and Cloudbank rub each other the wrong way again, but Drafty is convinced that the two of them are closer than they think.

Who will be chosen to help make a withdrawal from the bank?

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