• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,191 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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158 - Statement of Faith

Despite Drafty’s assurances, Cloudbank could feel herself starting to grow nervous again as she touched down.

Her brief flight had been enough to let her get a good look at the crowd, and the sight had filled her stomach with butterflies. There have to be at least five hundred ponies here! And that wasn’t even all of them; against her better judgment, Cloudbank had glanced back at the rest of the camp as she’d moved to land. Sure enough, there were more ponies – a lot more – headed her way. Even as she watched, several other pegasi were coming in to land nearby.

The thought of so many eyes on her was enough to make her stumble as she landed. Barely managing to get her hooves under her, Cloudbank immediately looked towards the massed group of people, expecting them to already be pointing and snickering at the dumb pegasus who couldn’t even land correctly. But to her intense relief, nopony seemed to be looking at her. Instead, all eyes were turned towards Lex, who was regarding the crowd coolly.

Cloudbank felt a sudden burst of jealousy, and for once it had nothing to do with Drafty. I bet this just rolls right off your back, doesn’t it? she thought bitterly. The idea of Lex being nervous about addressing a crowd – being afraid of anything, really – was beyond her ability to imagine. She was almost tempted to tell him that he could give this sermon or speech or whatever it was by himself, but there was no seriousness behind the thought. After everything Lex had done for them, Cloudbank knew that it would be the height of ungratefulness if she couldn’t do this for him. But still, you think he’d have Sonata do it, she complained internally. This is supposed to be what she does, right?

As though he’d heard her thoughts, Lex suddenly looked right at her. Either ignoring or not seeing her wince as he made eye contact, her gestured toward himself, calling her over. Biting her lip, Cloudbank nevertheless trotted towards him, making sure not to glance back at the crowd of ponies as she did so, knowing that there was no way they weren’t looking at her now.

“It’s about time,” snapped Lex as she reached him. “Are you ready?”

Not even slightly. “Let’s just get this over with.”

Lex’s eyes narrowed in disapproval at her answer. “Make sure you do this properly.”

If you wanted me to do this properly, you should have said something about this before last night! raged Cloudbank inwardly. But her outward response was to give a crisp nod. “Right.”

Lex seemed almost suspicious, scrutinizing her for a long moment as if expecting her to argue with him. Finally, he seemed satisfied, stepping back a few paces. “Good. Then…begin.”

Blinking at the abrupt order to start, Cloudbank felt momentarily flummoxed. Somehow, she’d thought that there’d be some sort of big…thing happening before she began. Like, he’d make some sort of…of pomp and ceremony or something to gather everypony’s attention, and maybe introduce her before she had to start speaking. The idea that he’d just tell her to start talking left her momentarily reeling. Without thinking, Cloudbank’s eyes slid over to the crowd, and the sight made her limbs lock up.

They were all looking at her.

The large gathering of ponies weren’t quiet, all talking to each other and moving idly as they stood around, but all of the ones who were up front were looking directly at her. A few were pointing at her, and just seeing that made her stomach tighten up in knots. She tried to swallow, but all of a sudden her mouth was dry, and she found herself wishing that she was anywhere but here. Fighting that giant monster was nowhere near as bad as this! Slowly, almost unconsciously, she somehow managed to open her mouth. “I...”

“Louder!” hissed Lex. “Get in the air so everypony can see you clearly!”

That was the last thing she wanted, but somehow Cloudbank found herself nodding woodenly, and without thinking about it she flapped her wings, flying a few feet upward. Looking down, she saw that everypony was quieting down, correctly intuiting that something was about to happen. Cloudbank agreed with them, though to her that something was going to be them watching her throw up, or suddenly forget how to fly, or maybe throw up and then forget how to fly, landing right in her own-

Something caught her eye all of a sudden, making her raise her gaze as she looked behind the crowd.

There was one pegasus that was just now arriving, her wings flapping heavily as she flew towards the gathered ponies. With her back to the sun, the latecomer’s features were hard to make out, and it took Cloudbank a moment to realize that it was Drafty. Wonderful, thought Cloudbank dismally. Now I can humiliate myself in front of her too.

But as she watched, Drafty didn’t land, instead circling lazily in the air behind the crowd. Her behavior was strange enough that Cloudbank couldn’t help but frown, glancing down at the assembled ponies for any hint of why Drafty wasn’t touching down. But there was no clue to be found about why her girlfriend was remaining aloft, as the only thing she saw was the gut-wrenching view of everypony looking up at her. In fact, nopony even seemed to have realized that Drafty was there at all, their eyes glued to Cloudbank.

Wondering if Drafty needed something, Cloudbank raised her gaze back towards Drafty…and saw that she had started dancing.

Stunned by the incongruity of what was happening, Cloudbank could only watch as Drafty started to move her back legs as though she were walking, while she raised her forelegs above her head and waved them back and pumped them up and down, body undulating to a rhythm that only she could hear. A moment later she changed her tempo, bringing her fore-hooves together and moving them around in a circle in front of her, bobbing her head back and forth. This new dance also lasted for only a few moments before she changed it up again, spinning her forelegs in a windmill motion and kicking one back leg out, then the other. But it was only when Drafty looked right at her and gave a wide, carefree grin that Cloudbank understood what Drafty was doing.

She was trying to make her laugh. This entire one-mare show, where Drafty was acting like a complete goofball, was an attempt to get her to relax and forget her tension. It was her way of saying “I’m here for you.”

The realization caused a breathy laugh to escape Cloudbank’s mouth, the corners of her lips turning upward of their own accord. Seeing that, Drafty smiled wider, throwing a wink at her before finally moving to land at the back of the crowd. Cloudbank didn’t take her eyes off of her, knowing that Drafty had misunderstood her having laughed just now. It hadn’t been because she’d found the other mare’s impromptu dance routine humorous, but instead had been an expression of surprise, almost overwhelmed by just how much she loved her in that moment. That Drafty would do something like that for her, that she’d make such a gesture…it filled her with a warmth so strong that for a moment Cloudbank thought she was going to cry.

Drafty…thank you. Rubbing a hoof across her eyes, Cloudbank gave the mare she loved one last look before turning her attention to the rest of the crowd, her fear completely gone now.

“Everypony,” she said loudly, causing the last of the crowd’s murmurs and whispers to die away, “thank you for coming. My name is Cloudbank, and if you’re here because you heard there was going to be food, then you came to the right place.” That sent a ripple through the assembled ponies, more than a few looking around as though wondering where this supposed supply of food was going to come from. “Now, I know you’re all hungry, and I promise that this won’t take very long,” continued Cloudbank. “But I wanted to take a minute to tell you all what’s going to happen.” Turning slightly, Cloudbank pointed a hoof at the red-horned unicorn almost directly below her. “By now I’m sure most of you have heard about Lex Legis, the pony who brought us here to help save Vanhoover. Well, in just a second, he’s going to cast a spell that’s going to make enough food for everypony appear right out of thin air!”

This time the crowd’s reaction was more intense, everypony speaking up with reactions that ranged from wonder to skepticism, and it took Cloudbank a moment to quiet them down. “Now, I know that sounds hard to believe, but it’s true. That’s because Lex knows a new kind of magic, one that can do things that wouldn’t have been possible before.” She momentarily wondered if she should get into the different types of magic Lex seemed to know, before deciding against it. She wasn’t too clear on the differences herself, and besides, she wanted to stay on target while the courage Drafty had given her lasted. “And this new magic is a power that he received from the Night Mare.”

Again, she was forced to wait until the crowd had quieted down before she could continue. “One thing I want to make clear is that the Night Mare is not Nightmare Moon! While their names sound the same, the two are completely different. After all,” Drafty’s joke came back to her then, and Cloudbank suddenly found she couldn’t resist, “Nightmare Moon takes candy away, while the Night Mare is going to make sure we’re all fed.” She couldn’t help but offer a self-conscious smile as she made the joke, and to her relief she heard scattered laughter break out in response.

“But seriously though,” she continued, her face turning somber, “the Night Mare is able to give Lex this magic because she’s a goddess. If you don’t know what that is, then imagine a pony that lives in another world – a world far away from here – but is incredibly powerful. More powerful than even the princesses. So powerful that she can send some of that power to anypony that follows her, giving them the ability to use magic even if they’re not a unicorn.” Knowing that her words would be much more powerful if she backed them up with a demonstration, Cloudbank raised her hooves and began to gesture, chanting as she did. A moment later, a shimmering field sprung into being around her, and she heard gasps from the crowd below.

“This,” she waved her hooves to indicate the glittering aura around her, “is a spell the Night Mare granted me. It works like a shield, protecting me from anything that would try to hurt me. I could cast it on someone else too, if I wanted, so that I can protect the ponies I care about.” She couldn’t help but look at Drafty then, sharing a smile with her before continuing, knowing it was time to wrap it up.

“The reason she gives me magic like this, and gives Lex magic to feed everypony here, is because the Night Mare is a protector. She wants the ponies that follow her to become strong so that they can stand up, not just for themselves, but for everypony that can’t. She gives her magic to those ponies who, when they see something bad happening, are willing to step in and fix it, even if it’s dangerous. Following her…”

What the Night Mare means to me…

“Following her means being willing to step up and do what needs to be done, no matter how hard it is, for the sake of somepony else. If you have it in you to do that, each and every time, then the Night Mare will always be there to help you.”

Finishing her speech, Cloudbank paused for a long moment, not entirely sure what to do now. Just landing and walking away seemed kind of anticlimactic, but what else could she do? It wasn’t like there was a stage she could walk off the side of. Glancing over at Drafty again, the other mare thankfully seemed to read her mind, because she suddenly gave a loud cheer. The ponies around her looked at her in surprise, but Drafty didn’t stop, whooping and clopping her hooves on the ground…and a moment later they took up the call, doing the same. From there the cheering spread like wildfire, and a moment later the entire crowd was applauding, stomping their hooves so hard that several of the closer dilapidated tents collapsed. Smiling in relief, Cloudbank slowly sank toward the ground. But before she got there a sudden burst of inspiration filled her, and she couldn’t resist saying one last thing.

“Thank you all so much! And now,” she swept a hoof back, “take it away, Lex!”

Author's Note:

Cloudbank formally introduces the Night Mare to Equestria. Did she do a good job?

Hopefully, Lex is about to find a way to live up to what was said!

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