• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,191 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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368 - Skewed Priorities

Sonata couldn’t help but smile as she and Nosey trotted toward where Lex was, humming a happy tune to herself.

Lex beat up the princesses! she sang in her head. He’s really made a mess of things now! Just the thought threatened to make her break out in a grin. Now that Lex had done something way worse than just get hot ‘n’ heavy with Aria, the fact that she had fooled around with Nosey was no big deal! Since he’s done the whole “I’m taking over the world, for justice! Mwahaha!”-thing all over them, I bet he won’t even care about anything else! I can be all “Hey, while you were slapping those two around, I did some slap-and-tickle with Nosey,” and he’ll be like “I don’t even care, ‘cuz I’ve gotta coagulate some new plans now, for justice!” And then I bet he’ll totes need his spokespony to help him out, and everything will go back to nor-


Blinking as Nosey’s yell brought her out of her daydream, Sonata belatedly realized that they’d finally made it. Barely thirty feet ahead of them was Lex, struggling to his hooves as those foals from last night helped him up, Severance hovering nearby. Following behind Nosey as the blonde mare broke into a gallop, Sonata found herself slightly worried by how Lex looked like he was barely able to stand. Did he overdo it again? The thought sent a twinge of guilt through her, remembering that she and Nosey were supposed to be there to stop exactly that from happening, but she pushed it away. It’s good that Lex messed things up, she reminded herself, because now that makes what we did less bad. But for some reason the thought didn’t seem quite so reassuring now…

“Lex, are you alright?!” fretted Nosey as she reached his side. “What happened?! We saw that you were fighting the princesses, but-”

“He wasn’t just fighting them,” gushed Fruit Crunch – at least Sonata was pretty sure that was him; Nosey had mentioned those kids’ names a whole bunch this morning over breakfast – from where he was helping to prop Lex up. “He put a major smack-down on them! I mean, we couldn’t see too much of it,” he grinned, “since we were fighting the Royal Guard and all-”

“And we won, too!” chirped Feathercap, despite bashfully concealing the lower part of his face behind his binoculars.

“Not all of us,” added Fiddlesticks sadly. Walking over to Sonata, she sniffled as she threw a foreleg around her in a hug. “Our spirit animals didn’t make it,” she whimpered.

Sonata tilted her head, hugging Fiddlesticks back automatically. “Wait, your what now?”

But Nosey cut in before any of them could answer. “Listen, I want to hear all about what happened, I really do,” she began, her eyes sweeping over to the conspicuous sight of Princess Celestia’s unmoving figure a stone’s throw away. “But shouldn’t we do something about the princesses fir-” She came to an abrupt halt as she stepped around Lex to look at Princess Luna.

For a moment Nosey’s brow furrowed, quite clearly not sure who she was looking at. Shaking her head, she glanced around, but when she didn’t see any other defeated ponies, she looked back at Luna. Slowly, her confusion faded into understanding, and the blood drained from her face. “L-Lex,” she gulped, her voice a whisper. “What have you done?”

“It was really incredible,” answered Straightlace, his eyes wide. “It happened just a minute ago. Lex was talking to Severance about something, and then he – Lex, not Severance – said ‘I have no intention of showing her mercy.’” He growled the last part in a passable imitation of Lex’s own voice. “And then this black aura surrounded Luna, and when it vanished-”

“She looked like that,” added Cleansweep, who looked a bit unnerved by what she was saying.

Tilting her head, Sonata gently separated herself from Fiddlesticks and walked over to see what everyone was talking about, blinking as the unconscious unicorn came into view. “Wait a sec…so, Lex made whatshername’s wings vanish?” She tilted her head in thought, before smiling as she realized what was going on. “Ooh! So this is, like, one of those optimum illusions, right? Her wings are behind some mirrors somewhere?” Reached a hoof down, she poked Luna’s sides, looking for the trick that was keeping her wings hidden.

“No, Sonata,” moaned Nosey. At some point, Feathercap had gone over to lend her a helping hoof, patting her gently on the back, though she barely seemed to notice. “You don’t understand. Luna’s not an alicorn anymore. Her wings are gone.”

“They are?” Blinking, Sonata tried to figure out where a pair of wings would go, slowly turning her head to look up in the sky. “So…should we, like, get one of those nets with a really long handle and go try and catch ‘em?”

Despite herself, a giggle escaped Nosey’s lips, though it had a slightly hysterical tenor to it. “The Chronicle will never print this,” she muttered. “Even if they did, nopony would believe it.”

“All of you,” rasped Lex as he let go of Fruit Crunch, taking a step forward. “Be quiet.”

Everyone immediately fell silent, except for Sonata, who rolled her eyes as she walked over to him. “Aw c’mon!” she teased, eager to keep this particular topic going. After all, the more they talked about it the less chance there was that he’d ask where she and Nosey had been. “This is, like, a super big deal! Tell us more…” She trailed off as got closer to him, realizing that her initial impression had been more correct than she’d realized: Lex had overdone it again. Badly.

His face was pale, but unlike Nosey it was quite clearly from pain and exertion rather than anxiety, his jaw clenching as he forced himself to take another step. Even that seemed to require a titanic effort, his legs trembling as he shifted his weight forward, sweat already starting to run down his face. It was only when his foreleg touched down that he released the breath he’d been holding, exhaling audibly before taking several heavy breaths. “Hurry and…” he gasped, looking at Sonata, “fetch…the doctors…”

“R-right!” she nodded. “Just hold on, I’ll have them come here and fix you up in no-”

“No!” he snarled. Or at least, he tried to; his voice came out sounding more like a croak. “Not…for me! For the…princesses…and guards!” He moved his left foreleg – the one that looked like he’d stuck it in a shredder, being covered with cuts and dried blood – as though to point at the fallen ponies. But his leg only twitched a little, and Lex swayed dangerously as though about to collapse.

Sonata started forward, alarmed, but Fruit Crunch beat her to it, appearing at Lex’s side in an instant to steady him. “I’ve got you!” he called, worry having replaced his previous excitement. “Just…just hang on, okay? Dust Bun-, er, Cleansweep can’t heal you without her animal, but we’ll get the doctors here right away!”

Sonata’s eyes lit up then. “Hang on! Lex, you have healing magic, right? Like, when you cured whatshisname, when our ship was attacked by the sea-hooligans, or whatever they were called? That pony who kept bragging about the scar he got from that?”

“Sandbar,” muttered Lex, the reproach in his voice barely audible with how he was struggling just to speak. “His name…was…Sandbar…”

Sonata nodded. “Right, whatever, Sandbar! Go ahead and use that on yourself now!”

Despite looking like he was going to collapse at any second, Lex’s ears managed to fold back. “I can’t…” A look of shame crossed his face then. “Used it up…this morning…”

“No way!” Sonata couldn’t have looked more shocked. “Why?”

“Does that really matter right now?!” cut in Nosey, giving Sonata an incredulous look. “Look, I’ll go get the doctors, okay? Just stay here and don’t let him try to do anything else!” Her eyes were filled with worry as she looked at Lex then. “For once, let someone else take care of you, okay?” She didn’t wait for an answer as she turned and galloped off, heading toward the medical tents.

But Lex was intent on answering Sonata’s question. “After the three…of you left…I was getting ready…to meet the princesses,” he groaned. “I had decided…that I’d fight them…” A shudder went through him then, and Fruit Crunch had to adjust his stance to keep Lex from collapsing. “So I…used those…healing spells…on myself…” His jaw clenched as he kept going. “And then…a few minutes later…after I’d used them…I changed my mind…I decided that…fighting the princesses…was pointless…” He gave a sharp exhalation that might have been a self-deprecating laugh. “Those spells…were wasted…”

“Hang on!” protested Sonata. “That, like, doesn’t even make any sense! You were totes still hurting this morning, so fixing yourself up wasn’t wasted! If you hadn’t done that, you’d be even more hurt than you are now!” She looked at Fruit Crunch. “Tell him!”

Not sure what was going on, and slightly intimidated by the serious nature of the conversation, Fruit Crunch nevertheless nodded. “She’s right, Lex! I mean, so what if you decided that fighting Celestia and Luna was pointless? You still got into a fight with them anyway, so it’s a good thing that you healed up first!”

“…If I had…kept one…I might have…been able to…save him…” murmured Lex.

Feeling completely lost now, Sonata could only shake her head. “Huh? Who?”


Tilting her head, Sonata grimaced at the name of that awful black-and-white stallion. “That jerk? What’s he got to do with you using up your healing spells?”

But Fruit Crunch’s eyes had widened. “Oh geez, I forgot!”

His friends had similar looks on their faces. “Now I remember!” blurted Cleansweep. “When we got here, after I healed Lex he started trying to talk Celestia and Luna down, telling them that I could-”

“Go heal Silhouette,” finished Feathercap, starting to tremble a little.

Fiddlesticks nodded. “But it was too late then, because one of the Royal Guard ponies came back and said that Silhouette had died.”

“And the princesses blamed Lex for it,” finished Straightlace quietly. “But then he started to say something about bringing him back, and that’s when that wire around his hoof went crazy.”

“Yeah.” Fruit Crunch cringed at the memory. “What was up with th-”

“Whoa whoa whoa!” interrupted Sonata. “Time out! What happened to that Silhouette guy?! And why were those two blaming Lex for it?!”

“It was…my fault…” mumbled Lex.

He tried to take another step, and very nearly knocked Fruit Crunch over in the process, the colt grunting with the effort to keep him upright. “We’ve gotta get him someplace where he can lie down!” he grunted.

“Let’s go inside the train station,” suggested Straightlace.

“Nuh-uh!” Sonata’s reply was immediate. “I want the doctors to be able to go, like, right to him when they get here! Let’s, um…” She twisted her head to and fro, looking for someplace that wasn’t completely torn up from the fight. “Let’s go put him on the train station platform, next to all that food.” It was a little ways away, but better than being inside the building.

Fruit Crunch nodded, and started to guide Lex over there, practically carrying the stallion now. His friends and Sonata quickly moved to assist him, each of them working to bear some of Lex’s weight. It was an awkward procession, but it only took them a few seconds to reach the platform and gently lay Lex on it, making sure to spread his cloak out like a blanket under him. As soon as that was done, Sonata immediately settled down beside him, biting her lip. “Listen…I know I should have been here-”

Lex’s eyes, which had been turning unfocused, snapped over to her. “No,” he breathed, a little bit of vigor returning to his voice now that he wasn’t pushing himself just to stand. “Better that…you weren’t…”

That hadn’t been what she’d thought he'd say. She’d been sure that he’d have gotten mad at her for letting him talk to the princesses alone. The unexpected kindness was enough to kick her guilt into overdrive, and Sonata found herself floundering, suddenly wanting to make up for how thoughtless she’d been. “Is there, like, anything I can do for you now? For realsies, anything at all?”

Lex answered immediately. “Keep everypony…away from…Severance.”

Author's Note:

We find out why Lex didn't use any of the divine spells the Night Mare granted him during his fight with the princesses.

Then again, even if he'd kept a healing spell in reserve, would he have had the opportunity to use it on Silhouette anyway?

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