• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,192 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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40 - Taking Responsibility

“Miss, please calm down.”

“I am calm!” yelled Nosey at the pegasus stallion behind the counter. “I’m very calm, so stop worrying about me and start worrying about how to get this envelope to Canterlot so I can get this story published!”

“Miss, I’ve told you: with the trains out we can’t make any deliveries. If you want to wait until the dockyards reopen, we might be able to see about delivering it to Las Pegasus. I’m sure a courier service can deliver it for you from there.”

“That’ll take forever!” Nosey let out an exasperated sigh. “Even after the mayor lifts her emergency decree that the docks are closed, I’d still have to wait for a ship to leave, and then wait for it to make it there, all just to get this sent out! I need it to reach Canterlot ASAP!”

“I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.”

“This isn’t an inconvenience, this is a travesty! The news is being suppressed!” She threw her forehooves into the air, the very picture of drama. In the few hours since she’d gotten back to Tall Tale, Nosey had run like mad to get her story ready for publication. Or at least, a truncated version of her story, designed to whet the appetite and stoke public demand for her forthcoming book. To that end, she’d banged out an article about Lex’s fight against the dragon, summarizing the major points while teasing at more details being forthcoming, and managed to find a photography studio to develop her pictures, making copies of two of them to accompany her feature.

Now she had them all ready to go, but there was no way to get them delivered to her editor!

Turning away from the unhelpful pony at the counter for a moment, Nosey rubbed her chin in thought. There had to be some way to get a delivery to Canterlot! After a moment, a lightbulb went off over her head. “You have delivery-pegasi on staff, right?”

“Of course we do. Heck, I’m one of them.”

“Okay,” she grinned. “Then I want you or some other pegasus to follow the railroad tracks to the next town on the line. According to what I heard, that should be past the breaks in the tracks, so the mail should still be running there.”

“Miss, with all due respect, that’s not going to happen. The nearest town on the rail line is a hundred miles away; we only make personal deliveries for items that are staying here in Tall Tale. Having one of our employees fly so far just to drop an envelope off isn’t viable.”

Nosey’s response was to take out her purse and upend it over the counter, letting bits rain out. “Here. Is this enough to make it viable?”

The pegasus blinked, glancing down at the mess of bits. There were a lot more there than a single delivery would normally cost. After a moment he coughed politely. “Yes, well…as I was saying, while we normally don’t perform long-range deliveries, we can make an exception for such an, er, important matter.” He began gathering the bits into a sack. “Just let me get some supplies and I’ll deliver your envelope personally.”

Nosey was all smiles. “Excellent.” Turning around, there was an extra spring in her step as she left the courier’s office. Everything was going great! Oh, she would have loved to have seen her editor’s face when he read her piece over, particularly when he saw those pictures, but she’d have to settle for just writing a story that would launch her career like never before.

Of course, that still left one problem that needed to be solved.

Now that she’d spent all of her money having that envelope mailed, where was she going to sleep tonight?

Sonata blinked in confusion, staring at Lucy blankly. “Huh? Whaddaya mean ‘resign’?”

“She’s going to quit being the mayor because of what happened with the evacuation!” Lucy was almost in tears, clearly very upset by the prospect. “Tell her she can’t do that!”

“Lucy!” Ribbon Cutter’s voice carried a sharp rebuke, but she sighed a moment later. Standing up, she gestured to Lex and Sonata. “Please come in. Lucy, you wait outside, and make sure you close the door behind you.”


“I promise we’ll talk more after I’m done with this meeting, okay?” Ribbon gave her secretary a tight smile, which seemed to mollify the younger mare, since she left without any further protests.

Waiting until the door had clicked shut, Ribbon let out a sigh, gesturing to the seats in front of her. “Please, make yourselves comfortable.” She’d waited until the pair had settled down before continuing. “I apologize for my secretary’s outburst. She’s been with me ever since I took over this office, so she has very strong feelings about what I’m proposing.”

“Are you really gonna quit?” asked Sonata.

“Yes, but…I’m sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself.” Ribbon closed her eyes and gave a perfunctory cough, visibly gathering herself as she straightened up in her chair. Opening her eyes she started again. “First, let me introduce myself again. My name is Ribbon Cutter, and I’m the mayor of Tall Tale, at least for the moment.” Cracking a small smile, she turned her attention to Lex.

“Mr. Lex Legis, I presume?” When he nodded silently in response, she continued. “I’ve asked you here because I’ve only heard scattered reports about what happened, and wanted to confirm directly. Would you please tell me what happened this morning with the evacuation group?”

Lex paused for a moment, silently evaluating the mare in front of him, before nodding. “Very well.”

The subsequent explanation took some time. Ribbon sat back and listened intently, occasionally asking a question or for some point to be expounded on. Sonata also chimed in frequently with various details.

Finally, they reached the end of the tale, and Ribbon sat back, a pensive look on her face. Silence fell, unbroken for a long moment until Ribbon got up and turned to look out her office window. “So the dragon really was going to eat everypony?” Her voice was soft, and Sonata wondered if she was genuinely asking or just thinking out loud.

Lex, however, took the question at face value. “Without a doubt. Even if you discount the testimony given by Fireflower’s siblings, which would be foolish as it explains how the dragon knew to coordinate its appearance with their immobilizing everypony, it was already assuming an attack posture when it approached us. There can be no argument that it was hostile.”

Ribbon slumped, seeming to cave in on herself. “I was so sure that it was different…that it wanted to help…”

“Oh, that’s because you were enchanted,” ventured Sonata casually.

That got a more pronounced reaction. Ribbon started, as though she’d received a sudden pinch, and turned around to look at Sonata. “What?”

“You were under a spell that influenced your behavior,” explained Lex, adjusting his circlet as he spoke. “In fact…hm,” his brow furrowed. “I’m not detecting any magical emanations.”

“That’s because it’s worn off now,” said Sonata. “But it was there before.”

“Wait, wait.” Ribbon circled her desk, moving closer to the pair. “The dragon…it used magic on me?”

“Yep!” Sonata nodded. “When I talked to you before, you said you were kidnapped and taken to its cave, right? And that you were talking with it and ‘realized’ how nice it was and that it just wanted to help? That was when it happened.”

Ribbon looked like a drowning mare who had just been thrown a life preserver. “So this…what I did…it wasn’t my fault?”

“It wasn’t,” confirmed Lex dispassionately. “Given the reputations of dragons in Equestria, you would have had to have been unforgivably stupid to have put any faith in such a creature. That’s why it had to beguile you with magic to ensure your cooperation. You’re a victim, not a collaborator.”

“Isn’t that great?” smiled Sonata, springing to her hooves. “I mean, it’s not great that you were duped and made to trick other ponies into almost being the dragon’s breakfast, but it’s great that it wasn’t your fault that you did!” Oblivious to her tactlessness, she went over to Ribbon and raised a foreleg, holding it out towards her for a hoof-bump. “Now you don’t have to quit being mayor!”

“I…” Ribbon started to hold out a hoof in response, but stopped halfway, before shaking her head and lowering it. “No, I’m still going to resign my office.”

“Huh? But why?” Sonata tilted her head, confused.

Ribbon slowly returned to her chair, sitting down with a sigh. “Because somepony needs to take responsibility for everything that’s happened.”

Lex raised an eyebrow, his appraisal of Ribbon going up by a few points. Given how Celestia and her ilk had seemed intent on avoiding responsibility at every turn, apparently being of the persuasion that everything was fine so long as there wasn’t an ongoing crisis, this mare’s insistence on holding herself to a higher standard was a breath of fresh air.

Sonata seemed to think otherwise, moving up to Ribbon’s desk and placing her forehooves on it, leaning forward. “But we just said that it wasn’t your fault! You even said so yourself!”

“I know, but there’s more to it than that,” Ribbon replied. “The very fact that I was able to be manipulated like that in the first place means that I wasn’t able to fulfill my duty to the ponies of Tall Tale. And even if I had known what was going on, I wouldn’t have been able to stop it, which is another strike against me.”

“But that’s crazy!” insisted Sonata. “Nobody could have done that.”

“One pony could have,” replied Ribbon, directing a pointed look at Lex. It was more than enough to clue him in on what she was talking about. In fact, he realized, this was the real reason that she had wanted this meeting. It wasn’t just that she wanted a first-hoof report about what had happened. It was because she wanted to appoint her successor.

Sonata was slower to catch on, but eventually the idea got through to her. “Hang on…you don’t mean…” She sank back into her seat in surprise.

Ribbon didn’t break eye contact with Lex. “Am I right in guessing that, since you have enough magic to defeat a dragon in a one-on-one fight, you can’t be enchanted the way I was?”

Lex nodded. “I have numerous magical defenses on my person at all times, including resistance to mental influences.”

Now it was Ribbon’s turn to nod, clearly having expected an answer along those lines. “And there’s no question as to your strength, or your dedication to helping ponies in need.” She swept her eyes over his wounds. They were, she knew, a testament to just how far he was willing to go for complete strangers. Indeed, from what they had told her just now, he hadn’t even realized that this mare who seemed like his girlfriend had been there until after the battle was joined.

Sonata’s eyes were widening, looking back and forth between Ribbon and Lex.

Ribbon stood up again, and this time Lex did the same, sensing the magnitude of what she was about to say. Belatedly, Sonata did also. “In a few hours I’m going to make a statement about everything that’s happened.” Ribbon’s voice was firm, having made up her mind. “At that time, I’m going to publicly announce my resignation as the mayor of Tall Tale. I’d like to name my chosen successor as part of the announcement.”

She paused, and a pin dropping could have been heard in the ensuing silence. A moment later, she continued.

“Lex Legis, will you become the new mayor of Tall Tale?”

It had been less than five minutes since it had become clear to Lex that Ribbon had been leading up to that question. But in that time his mind had run through myriad different considerations, weighing numerous factors and examining each and every of them, both in isolation and within the context of multiple different frameworks. By the time the question left Ribbon’s mouth, Lex had already decided upon his answer.

“Yes, I will.”

Author's Note:

Ribbon drops a bombshell on Lex, and his reply is an even bigger one! But what about Vanhoover?

Of course, let's not forget the most important question: where is Nosey going to sleep tonight?

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