• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,191 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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123 - No Third Option

The last ghoul hit the ground hard, its body impacting the stone floor of the corridor with a heavy thud, and then lay still.

When no more of them came rushing out of the darkness, Lex gave a contemptuous snort – as much for their existence as for how easily they’d been defeated – and turned his attention back to Cozy. “Are you alright?” The question was entirely perfunctory; he’d made sure that none of the creatures had been able to get anywhere near her during the fighting. Nevertheless, his moral framework demanded that he ask the question anyway, just to be certain.

“Y-yeah,” nodded Cozy, shaken despite herself. Although being so close to the undead ponies without any weapons – except for a smattering of spells she’d been given by Lashtada that morning, which she knew wouldn’t have been enough to save her if she’d been alone, especially since some of them needed her holy symbol to work – had been unnerving, it hadn’t been the most frightening part of the brief encounter. That particular designation went to Lex himself.

He had taken out the undead ponies in a manner that could only be called ruthless. In stark contrast to how visibly distraught he’d been when he’d first encountered them, back in that abandoned store, this time he’d seemed almost bored. Even as his spells had decimated the initial wave of undead creatures, and sent Severance to cut down the rest, his expression had remained as cold and hard as those black crystals he so often conjured. Even when they’d stopped attacking and tried to flee, he had refused to let them go, tearing through them unstoppably until the undead things were completely annihilated. It had reminded her of when she’d first met him; he’d defeated her and her friends with such casual disdain that she couldn’t help but compare it to when King Sombra had invaded the Crystal Empire.

No, that’s not fair, she decided. Lex has been trying his hardest to protect everypony. He’s nothing like King Sombra. But just like when she’d tried to thank him a minute ago, the thought lacked conviction. As much as she appreciated what he’d done for her, Cozy couldn’t overlook how uninterested Lex seemed to be in Sonata, despite the ex-Siren’s assurances that the two of them were in a loving, committed relationship. I should just ask him about it, she decided. Although she’d been too intimidated to try before, that wasn’t how a priestess of Lashtada should act. She needed to find out if he was taking advantage of Sonata’s feelings…later, after they rescued Pillow.

“He’s not here.” Lex’s voice cut through her thoughts.


“Your husband. He’s not here.” Although it had disgusted him to do so, Lex had looked over each of the corpses that was scattered up and down the hallway. None of them were a crystal stallion, though their bodies were decayed enough that he had made sure to check their remaining cutie marks just to be certain. The experience had driven home that each and every one of the monsters he’d slain had once been a pony, leaving his stomach tied in knots. Confirming that Pillowcase was not among their number had been cold comfort.

Cozy quite obviously didn’t feel the same, judging by the sigh of relief she gave. “Thank Lashtada.”

“I doubt Lashtada had anything to do with it,” remarked Lex acidly. Not bothering to wait for a reply, he turned back towards the corridor and began to walk down it, pulling Severance to him without missing a beat. Although she knew he wouldn’t leave her behind, Cozy nevertheless hurried to keep up with him, stepping gingerly around the dead bodies as she did so.

It felt like only a few minutes later when Lex turned a corner only to immediately freeze in place. For an instant, Cozy thought that he’d somehow detected another band of undead ponies, but then she peeked around him and realized why he’d stopped: roughly thirty feet or so ahead of them, the passage split into a T-intersection, and Cozy could see light spilling out from around the corner turning right. Knowing they were nowhere near the outside, the light had to be from her missing necklace, which meant that they’d found Fencer! For an instant she wanted to rush forward, needing to see if the other mare had found Pillowcase, but she quashed that urge before she could act on it. Acting without thinking had almost gotten her killed before; it could very well get Pillow killed now if Fencer had found him first.

Instead, she looked at Lex, whose eyes were still on the light spilling from around the corner, narrowed in consideration. Gesturing for her to be quiet, he whispered something to Severance, and the scythe floated over to hover next to her protectively. An instant later, Lex turned into a shadow and slipped through the wall of crates. He’s circling around, Cozy realized.

The next few moments felt like an eternity, and Cozy wasn’t aware that she was holding her breath until her lungs began to ache. She forced herself to slowly exhale, only to give a sudden gasp an instant later. The light was moving! As she watched, it bobbed and bounced as though somepony had picked it up. More than that, it was growing brighter! Whoever had it was coming this way! Torn between wanting to run away and moving forward to meet them, Cozy found herself frozen in place. Her heart was hammering in her chest as the light grew closer, until a second later a figure emerged from around the corner…!

It was Lex. Floating next to him, held aloft in his telekinesis, was her holy symbol. As he reached the intersection, he stopped and looked at Cozy, frowning. “This was lying in the middle of the floor, with nothing around it,” he pronounced grimly.

Not sure if she should feel disappointed or relieved, Cozy walked over to him, Severance floating alongside her. “So Fencer’s nowhere to be found?” she asked as she took her holy symbol, putting it back around her neck. That seemed like an obvious question, but she thought that maybe Lex, with his high intellect, had figured something else out.

He had just opened his mouth to reply when another voice called out. “No. But I’ve found you.”

Cozy stiffened, and Lex did as well, recognizing the voice as Fencer’s. Both of them immediately looking down the darkened passageway that was the left branch of the T-intersection, where the words had come from. From out of the gloom, Fencer’s voice came again. “I have your crystal stallion. If you want him back, you’ll do exactly what I say. Don’t, and all you’ll get is a crystal corpse.”

Cozy felt her heart clench at the words, a wave of panic washing over her. “No…” she whimpered, not in denial of Fencer’s terms, but rather that this was happening at all.

Lex grit his teeth, cold fury radiating off of him. “Fencer, if you don’t turn him over right now-”

“Then you’ll what?” came her voice, its source still concealed by the darkness, “Blast me with your magic? Send your scythe over here to cut me apart? Go ahead.” A dark chuckle punctuated her next statement. “You might get me, but not before I kill your little nag’s husband.” Lex’s only response was to growl, not having a better reply.

This was her plan, he realized. She put the light down at the other end of the corridor, then waited for us to go investigate it so she could observe us from concealment. Worse, she had done so from far enough away that his enhanced sight hadn’t been able to spot her when he’d been returning to the intersection. But there was no way she knew about that, so how…? No, it’s obvious. She simply put enough distance between herself and the light because she wanted to be able to retreat unseen if the ghouls found it before we did. That just happened to put her out of the range of my dark-vision.

“Pillow! Say something!” yelled Cozy, her voice filled with anguish.

But despite her plea, the only voice that answered was Fencer’s. “Yell all you want. Your stallion’s in no condition to reply.”

Cozy bit her lip, shaking with rage and fear. “What did you do to him?!”

“Nothing, this time. He was like this when I found him.”

“I want to see him!”

“Certainly.” Fencer’s reply to Cozy’s demand had a smug undertone to it. “Both of you come forward, slowly. If you or that scythe try anything, it’s all over for your stallion.” Cozy didn’t hesitate, immediately moving forward in a slow walk. Severance followed beside her, with Lex trailing after them. The fact that Fencer had remained out of sight up until now was enough to put him on his guard, wondering what new trick she had in store.

Is she luring us into a trap? Having us walk into some sort of deadly apparatus like the kind that Cozy and her friends had rigged in that apartment building? Or did she cut some sort of deal with some of the ghouls that are here, making us focus on her so that they can get the drop on us? Or what if… A horrible thought occurred to him. What if she found Pillowcase, and he’s already become a ghoul, and took her hostage and is making her say these things? His thoughts continued to swirl as they moved forward, dreaming up various scenarios and responses in the few seconds that they followed Fencer’s voice.

And then she came into view.

Despite everything he’d anticipated, the myriad ways in which he’d tried to expect the unexpected, what he saw – his enhanced vision letting him catch sight of her a few seconds before Cozy’s light washed over her – was exactly what she’d presented: a very-much alive Fencer standing over the prone body of a crystal stallion. The stallion in question was lying on his side, facing away from Lex and Cozy. His crystal coat had lost its luster, looking more like a greenish-brown than the emerald sheen that Cozy had described him as having. Even so, Lex could make out numerous cuts and bruises on his body, along with various smudges and stains from whatever squalor he’d been living in. But most notable of all was the mark of two heart-shaped pillows on his flank, confirming the unconscious stallion’s identity.

Standing just behind him was Fencer. She had also gotten dirty, with some unidentifiable grime in her mane and on her sides, but from the size of her grin she wasn’t too concerned about it. And it was easy to see why she was grinning: her front-left hoof was raised, resting on top of an upright broken board and not allowing it to fall over. But it was the other end of the board that concerned Lex: it narrowed to a jagged point, and was pressed against Pillowcase’s neck.

If Fencer leaned forward even a little, if she placed any weight on her hoof at all, then the broken board would immediately pierce Pillow’s throat.

This isn’t insurmountable, thought Lex, his mind still running furiously. I can disintegrate the board with a spell. No, whatever spell I try, she’ll lean forward before I can finish casting. I could telekinetically yank the board away? No, her body weight is greater than the amount of force I can generate; she’d lean on it to keep it in place and likely stab Pillow in the process, or just stomp on his throat with her hoof instead. Maybe wrap crystals around the jagged edge to blunt it? No, those are heavy; she’d just crush his throat instead of piercing it. If she does, could Cozy use a healing spell and save him? He glanced at Cozy, and wasn’t reassured by what he saw; the crystal mare had gone pale at the sight of her husband’s predicament. While Lex wasn’t entirely certain that meant that she couldn’t save him if worse came to worst, he had no intention of testing that theory. I need to get Pillowcase away from her without giving her a chance to harm him, he knew. But how to do that?

“As you can see,” smirked Fencer, “I have him, and you, dead to rights.” She put a slight emphasis on the word “dead” to underline her threat, her eyes locking onto Lex. “If you try anything, if I see your horn glow even a little, or if your scythe floats in a way that looks even a little threatening, or anything happens that I don’t like, then you’re not getting your crystal stallion back alive.”

“Pillow!” wailed Cozy. But the crystal stallion didn’t move. “What’s wrong with him?” Her voice was almost a sob, looking at Fencer pleadingly.

“He was like this when I found him,” answered Fencer with an unconcerned shrug. “He was hiding inside a crate, and it smelled like he had been there for days, probably ever since we ran across him before. He’s still breathing though, and if you give me what I want, he’ll stay that way.”

“Anything!” promised Cozy immediately. “I’ll give you anything, so please just let him go!”

Fencer shook her head. “Not you.” Her eyes turned to Lex. “What I want, the only way you’re going to get your stallion back, is if you take that scythe of yours,” her eyes narrowed even as her grin widened, “and cut that horn off your head.”

Author's Note:

Lex and Cozy find Pillowcase, but Fencer has found him first!

Fencer gives Lex an ultimatum: Pillow in exchange for his horn. With no third option that he can see, which one will Lex choose?

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