• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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570 - Best Laid Plans

“I can’t believe Princess Luna wants to wait to remove her curse!”

Pausing in the tour of Ponyville she’d been giving Starlight – having teleported the two of them there just a few minutes ago – on the way back to her castle, Twilight shook her head. “She’s not waiting, Starlight. She and Princess Celestia are taking the next train to the Crystal Empire.”

“But she said no when Princess Celestia asked you to teleport us all straight there!” Glancing around idly as they passed through the plaza at the center of town, Starlight gave a huff. “I don’t know what sort of horrible curse Lex had in mind for me, but I do know that whatever it was, I’d want it removed as soon as possible. But Princess Luna wants to take the train because ‘it’s about the process’?” Scowling as if she found the princess’s reasoning offensive, Starlight shook her head. “What does that even mean?”

In contrast to her pupil, Twilight’s expression was one of concern rather than scorn. “I’m guessing it means that even if we did teleport there right away, Cadance would still need time to get everything ready. Remember, all of the crystal ponies need to come out and pour their love into the Crystal Heart at once. That level of coordination isn’t something you can set up with just a few moments, which I suppose is why they made the Crystal Fair a national holiday, since it’s traditional for everypony to empower the Heart at the end of the festivities.” Finishing her lecture, Twilight let out a sigh. “But I don’t think that was Luna’s real reason for not wanting to rush.”

That was enough to pique Starlight’s interest, glancing over at Twilight. “What do you mean?”

The question made Twilight look down, her ears folding back. “I don’t have the same relationship with Princess Luna that I do with Princess Celestia, but I like to think I’ve gotten to know her pretty well since she came back from the moon. And the way she’s acting now…it’s like she’s afraid of getting her hopes up if the Crystal Heart doesn’t work.”

“Oh.” Digesting that for a moment, Starlight joined her new mentor in looking dejected. “I didn’t even think of that. So much for learning about friendship, huh?”

The recrimination in Starlight’s voice immediately snapped Twilight out of her funk. “Starlight, it’s barely been two days since I took you on as a student, and you haven’t even had your first friendship lesson yet. You can’t expect to just pick up everything right away.”

Despite nodding, Starlight’s expression didn’t change. “I know, but it’s just…I was right there with Luna, and I couldn’t tell how she really felt. Maybe that means I’m just not cut out for friendship…”

Smiling, Twilight put a wing around the other mare, giving her a quick hug. “I don’t think that’s true. Somepony who couldn’t make friends wouldn’t be so worried about how they left things with the ponies in their village. Not to mention that you had a really close childhood friend, too. You said his name was Sunburst, right?”

Smiling in spite of herself, Starlight looked up. “Yeah, although I haven’t seen him in years.”

“That doesn’t mean it’s not a friendship worth cherishing,” counseled Twilight as the two of them approached her castle at last. “In fact, since I’m not joining Celestia and Luna until their train’s stopover in Ponyville tomorrow morning, I’ll have time to write some letters and see if I can find out where Sunburst is now.”

Starlight’s eyes widened. “You’d do that for me?”

“Of course!” Pleased at the thought of being able to help rekindle a long-lost friendship, Twilight smiled. “Once we know where he’s living now, meeting him will be your first friendship lesson. Until then, you can get settled in and explore Ponyville until I get back from the Crystal Empire.”

Stopping just in front of the doors to the castle, Starlight turned to face Twilight directly. “About that…I was actually wondering if I could go to the Crystal Empire with you.”

Her brow furrowing, Twilight tilted her head. “Why? I mean, I’d love to have you, but I thought that after everything you’ve been through in the last few days, you’d want a little peace and quiet.”

“Are you kidding?” asked Starlight, giving an exaggerated snort. “I can’t wait to see Lex’s evil magic come undone!” Her smile took on a sharper edge as she imagined the event. “I hope there’s some sort of feedback on his end, something to let him know that he’s been thwarted.” Her features softened then, and she gave Twilight a wry look. “Besides, somepony’s going to need to run defense for you and Princess Cadance if your new suitor happens to show up.”

Twilight grimaced. Her student’s antipathy toward Lex was understandable, but to Twilight it was a worrying reminder of how few ponies shared her opinion that he wasn’t all bad. And with her attempt to force Lex to the negotiating table via their duel – which in hindsight seemed like a terrible idea, now that she knew Starlight was the one the map had sent her there to find – having failed, resulting in Lex’s ascension to royalty, those opinions would only harden.

But Twilight knew that it was still too soon to even broach the subject of Lex with Starlight, so instead she focused on the other issue that her student had raised. “That reminds me,” she murmured, “I need to let Cadance and Shining Armor know what happened in case Blueblood turns up on their doorstep, asking if he can get in on their marriage.”

“Your parents live in Canterlot, right?” added Starlight. “You might want to give them a heads-up too, just in case. Blueblood seems like the sort of guy who’d make a big deal about getting your dad’s permission to seek your hoof in matrimony, or something like that.”

Twilight bit her lip as she telekinetically opened the doors, knowing Starlight was right. “I’ll send them a quick word of warning right now,” she groaned as she walked inside. “Spike! SPIKE! I need to send some letters!”

But after several seconds passed in silence, it became clear there wasn’t going to be any response from the little dragon.

“Maybe he’s out with Soft Mane,” offered Starlight. “Princess Celestia said she left Canterlot yesterday, after that pony she healed was released from the hospital, right? We didn’t eat anything before you teleported us off the train, so I bet they went somewhere for breakfast.”

“I don’t know.” Walking over to the kitchen, Twilight frowned as she looked at the sink and spied a distinct lack of dirty dishes. “Spike usually likes to show off his cooking skills.”

“Well, then maybe they’re in his room celebrating having some alone time together,” smirked Starlight. “They are boyfriend and girlfriend, after all.”

The comment earned her a dirty look from Twilight. “Grass Patch, Soft Mane’s mother, is staying here too, and she makes it her job to chaperone them.” Looking for a reason to change the subject, she turned around and started toward the stairs. “I’m sure they’ll be back later. In the meantime, we can start getting your room set up.”

“You really don’t have to go that far,” insisted Starlight, taking in the sight of her new residence as she trotted after Twilight. “You’re already letting me live here, I should at least take care of settling in myself…or at least that’s what I would say, if my horn wasn’t still damaged.”

“It’s still not fully healed?” asked Twilight, glancing back in mild concern.

Reaching one hoof up to rub it gingerly, Starlight grimaced. “I think I might be able to use a little magic now, but I’ll admit I was hoping to have Soft Mane do her thing and-…did you hear something?”

Twilight stopped, perking her ears up. “I don’t think so. Did you?”

“I thought I did. It almost sounded like a voice…” Glancing around, her eyes settled on the door to her immediate left. Looking at it for a moment, she smirked, then stepped closer to Twilight. “What’s that room?” she whispered.

Confused at the sudden reduction in volume on Starlight’s part, Twilight reluctantly did the same. “The linen closet. Why?”

“Well,” drawled Starlight quietly. “If I wanted to avoid my parents while spending some quality time with my boyfriend, I know where I’d hide.”

“That’s ridiculous,” snapped Twilight at her normal volume. Her face twisting as the subject of Spike – who was like a little brother to her – having an intimate encounter was once again thrust into her consciousness, Twilight shook her head as she walked over to the closet door. “The only thing in here are sheets, which now that I think about it, you’ll be needing for your roo-”

Then pandemonium descended.

A heavy thump, followed by a muffled groan of pain, came from inside the closet. But there was no time for either mare to react before the door suddenly flew open, Spike hurtling out to collide bodily with Twilight, knocking them both to the floor. Nor was he alone, as Soft Mane stumbled out of the open entranceway a moment later, tripping over the other two and fall onto all fours.

Watching the three of them collapse, Starlight blinked once, then giggled at the sight. “Wow, you guys…”

But the joke she was about to make died on her lips as a third individual exited the linen closet.

An earth stallion, his body was a study in contrasts. His coat was pitch black, while his mane and tail were pure white. His cutie mark was a similar snowy, showing the featureless outline of a pony standing in profile. The only color to be found on his body was in his eyes, and even then, it was only in how bloodshot his sclera were, his irises black enough that they were indistinguishable from his pupils.

His lips curled back in a silent snarl, revealing unblemished teeth that seemed to shine against the darkness of his coat, the unknown pony was already moving as he rushed into the hallway. Leaping over the fallen trio, he spared Starlight only the briefest of glances as he whirled around and galloped down the hallway. In a second he’d turned a corner and vanished from sight.

“Silhouette!” coughed Twilight, struggling to extricate herself from underneath the other two. “That was Silhouette! What-”

“Stop him!” yelled Spike, sitting up abruptly. “Quick! He’s heading for the portal!”

Starlight frowned in confusion. “The mirror to that human world? Twilight said it was smashed!”

“Not that one,” coughed Soft Mane, having caught a hoof to the stomach during their fall. “The other portal! The one that needs blood to be activated!” Stretching an arm out, she pointed down the hall where Silhouette had gone. “He’s trying to get to Everglow!”

That was all Starlight needed to hear. “I’ll stop him!”

“Starlight, wait!” But Twilight’s warning went unheeded as her student took off down the hallway, disappearing around the same corner that Silhouette had a few seconds prior.

Worry for her new friend warred with concern for her old ones as Twilight got to her hooves, the latter barely edging out the former as she looked Spike and Soft Mane over. “Are you two okay?! Where’s Grass Patch?!”

“She’s alright,” wheezed Soft Mane, one hand on her aching middle. “He knocked her out, but she’ll be okay.”

“Don’t worry about us,” added Spike, moving to help Soft Mane stand. “Go help Starlight!”

Taking a half-second to confirm that they’d be alright without her, Twilight nodded, then turned and flew down the hallway, wings flapping hard as she chased after Starlight and Silhouette. She didn’t dare teleport to the room in question; even if the portal was normally quiescent without a drop of blood to activate it, using trans-spatial magic in its vicinity was just asking for trouble. But so was someone activating it blindly! I should have dismantled that thing as soon as I came back to Equestria! Twilight berated herself as she flew faster, trying to erase Silhouette’s head start. I know the spell to move between planes now, so there’s no reason to let that-

“Don’t move!”

The sound of Starlight’s voice raised in anger made Twilight fly faster. Hurrying around the same corner as the other two, she barreled down the connecting hallway. Just one more turn, and the portal room would be the third door on the right. Almost there!

“I said don’t move!”

Reaching the destination corridor at last, Twilight saw that the door to the portal room was thrown open, Starlight’s voice emanating from within. Flying as fast as she could, Twilight rushed for the door, not able to see what was happening inside…

And then a bright flash of magic filled the hall.

Author's Note:

As Twilight and Starlight prepare to go to the Crystal Empire, Silhouette unexpectedly reappears!

Did he make it to Everglow? Did Starlight get pulled through with him?

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