• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,192 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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365 - Unyielding Will

His grip on Severance was becoming tenuous. The weapon was thrashing harder now, as if sensing that it was almost free, and in his mind it was still clamoring noisily for Luna to be vanquished in the Night Mare’s name. And if his single, untested plan to destroy the thing didn’t work, then there’d be very little he could do to stop it.

But despite all of that, Lex found himself experiencing a rush of confidence.

How could he not? After all, he had just defeated Celestia and Luna! No matter that he’d previously determined that he wouldn’t be able to use this victory to take over the whole of Equestria, just the knowledge that he’d managed to overcome the Royal Sisters in combat was heady in its own right. It served as validation of what he’d always known to be true: that he was stronger than them. That he was smarter than them. That he was a true-


Luna’s scream of impotent fury earned only a perfunctory glance from Lex, more to confirm her position than because he cared about what she was saying. Whatever threats or promises she made now were meaningless, since her current inability to cast spells left her unable to back them up. She was already beaten, whether she was willing to admit it or not.

But Luna either didn’t recognize that, or didn’t care. Standing next to where Celestia had fallen, she glared up at him with a look of pure loathing. “YOU’RE A MONSTER!” she screamed. “AND I WON’T LET YOU HURT ANYPONY ELSE!” She had barely finished when she leaped into the air, wings flapping as she furiously as she soared upward.

Lex snorted as she surged directly toward him, apparently intent on trying to pummel him with her hooves again. Stupid, Lex scoffed. Hasn’t she realized that she can’t touch me while I’m in this form?

He received his answer a moment later, as Luna stopped her vertical charge before she’d completed it. Instead, she levelled off before she’d reached his height, hovering in the air as she turned over so her back was to the ground as she began flapping her wings harder. The result left her hovering in place upside down as she sent stronger and stronger gusts of wind up toward him, as if trying to quite literally blow him away. But the movement of the air had no effect on his incorporeal form, and Lex didn’t even feel the breeze that she was sending at him.

The futility of what she was doing was enough to make Lex narrow his eyes in confusion, unable to believe that she thought that would work. It was only when she adjusted her position slightly, placing the orb of electricity hovering below him – the one he’d left hanging there after Luna’s failed attempt to make it collide with him – directly between himself and her that he realized what she was attempting. She’s still trying to attack me with my own spell.

It was such a pathetic plan that he very nearly laughed. The sphere, being composed purely of magically-conjured electricity, had no mass to speak of, and so couldn’t be moved via gusts of air any more than his shadow-form could have been. She’s either desperate, or even stupider than I thought, he decided wryly. Most likely both. But his amusement was cut short as he felt Severance give another sharp tug against his telekinesis, very nearly freeing itself. Tightening his grip on the thing, Lex turned his attention back to the scythe, pausing only to spare a thought to make the orb move down toward Luna.

His intent hadn’t been to strike her – the sphere moved too slowly to have any real chance of accomplishing that – but to demonstrate that her efforts were fruitless. With that firmly established, Lex was certain that she’d break off her attacks and instead focus on extracting Celestia from the battlefield. He was thus caught off-guard when Luna instead winged upward, deftly dodging the descending orb, and placed herself directly between him and Severance. “You imbecile!” snapped Lex, no longer amused by her antics. “Get out of here! You’re in danger!” Being as close to the scythe as she was meant that if he lost his grip on it now, it would attack her before he could use his spell!

Luna, however, didn’t seem inclined to listen to his warning. Instead she looked at him and seethed, her lips twisted in a rictus snarl of fury and pain as her she pointed her horn at him, clearly trying to channel her magic through it despite the injury she’d sustained. “You cursed the ponies here who wouldn’t obey your tyranny!” she shrieked. “You’ve injured my sister, killed my worshiper, tried to kill me, and now you dare to act as though you’re concerned for my welfare?!” Visibly straining, an aura flickered into being around her horn, only to fade out a second later. But Luna didn’t stop, and her eyes began to glow as she pushed herself harder.

“What are you doing?!” roared Lex. A unicorn himself, he knew full well that trying to use Equestrian magic with a horn injury was like trying to run on a broken leg. It would only compound the damage, potentially seriously. “Stop!” He didn’t move, instead directing his thoughts towards the electrical orbs…

“I WON’T!” screamed Luna. Her eyes were glowing brighter now, having turned a solid white as she kept straining. The aura faded back into being around her horn then, thin and sputtering, but sustained. “I AM LUNA, EQUESTRIA’S GUARDIAN GODDESS OF THE NIGHT! I WILL NEVER-”

“YOU ARE NOT A GODDESS!” roared Lex. He could only hope this would work, needing to keep Luna distracted while he moved the spheres into position. Her tantrum couldn’t be allowed to continue; not only was she at risk of seriously injuring herself, but he could feel his grip on Severance reaching its limit. If she wasn’t incapacitated immediately, protecting her would be impossible, and at the moment the only way to do that was to hit her with the same power that had knocked out Celestia. Now if he could just keep her occupied long enough… “THE NIGHT MARE IS MORE WORTHY OF THAT TITLE THAN YOU’LL EVER BE!” Closer…closer… “SHE’S STRONG, WHILE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU IS WEAK!” Move them into her blind spots… “SHE EXALTS THOSE WITH THE COURAGE TO LEAD THE WORLD RATHER THAN RUN FROM IT!” Almost there…just a little more… “SHE’S A TRUE GODDESS, AND YOU’RE JUST A PRETENDER!” Now!

Incensed beyond all reason, Luna’s eyes glowed like lanterns, shining brightly enough that they were painful to look at. Her horn was emitting sparks, the aura around it pulsating and strobing dangerously. She opened her mouth, but what she intended to say was lost as all three of Lex’s electrical orbs moved in and made contact with her at once. Coming from beneath, behind, and above her, Luna wasn’t even able to scream as they collectively discharged their power into her, her limbs spasming as her body jerked and trembled under their combined current. Lex only kept them in contact with her for a moment, knowing that hitting her with all three at once was a dangerous risk, but that she had to be taken out of commission before she could make things any worse.

As the orbs moved away from her, Luna managed to hang in the air for just a moment – her horn no longer shrouded in an aura, and her eyes having changed back to normal – before she went limp and began to fall. Lex made no move to catch her, but instead mentally directed his miniature tornado to position itself under her. The whirlwind arrested her fall, tossing her a few feet back up into the air, bleeding off the momentum she’d accumulated before it moved out of the way, letting her hit the ground with a soft thud.

Lex was already moving, floating down after her and returning to physical form as he went over to check on her, certain that she wasn’t anywhere close to consciousness now…if she’d survived. Stumbling as the full strain of holding Severance back fell on him, he struggled to maintain his enhanced telekinesis for just a little longer as he made his way over to Luna, pressing a hoof gently against her neck. He couldn’t suppress a sigh of relief when he felt a pulse a moment later, confirming that she was still alive.

But there was no more time to focus on that. Looking up at Severance, Lex released his telekinetic grip on it, fighting back the urge to gasp in relief. Instead, he immediately started casting, forcing his tortured muscles to bear it as he poured as much power as he could into his spell…

“I don’t believe it…” whispered Nosey as she came to a stop, too shocked to continue running.

“Hah! Told ya!” grinned Sonata, her discomfort from a few minutes ago forgotten. “Those princess ponies totes got owned! Lex-, wait…” Furrowing a brow, she put a hoof to her chin as something occurred to her. “Hang on…that means…” She put her hoof down with a triumphant stomp a few seconds later, her smile returning in full force. “They got powned!” Visibly pleased with herself, Sonata elbowed Nosey. “Get it? Ponies? Owned? Powned!”

But Nosey wasn’t paying attention. Instead, she dazedly took her glasses off, rubbing them to make absolutely sure what she was seeing wasn’t the result of the lenses being smudged. But the view was the same when she put them back on.

Having just reached the edge of the camp, the full scope of the battle was now readily apparent. Near the train station, the landscape itself had been altered by the titanic clash that had just concluded, with the ground being pock-marked by scorch marks and holes, while black crystals of varying sizes jutted up from the earth intimidatingly. But that was nothing compared to the sight of Lex standing over the fallen princesses.

He really did it, thought Nosey dizzily. He actually defeated Celestia and Luna, all by himself. Part of her knew that she shouldn’t be as shocked as she was. Sonata hadn’t been wrong about Lex defeating powerful monsters before, something Nosey had seen up close and personal when he had rescued her from Xiriel. Likewise, she’d read all about how, when the changelings had invaded Canterlot, Princess Celestia had fought and lost a duel against their queen, Chrysalis. Neither Lex’s might nor the Royal Sisters’ fallibility should have surprised her…and yet it did.

“Lex Legis is now the most powerful pony in the entire world,” she murmured, her bottom hitting the dirt as the full weight of what she was saying settled over her, that realization being too momentous for her to remain standing. Sure, Princess Twilight and her friends were also pretty strong, having defeated monsters like Tirek and Discord, but Nosey had just finished telling Sonata how Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had once performed those exact same feats…and they had just lost the fight against Lex now. If he could defeat those two, then there was no reason to think that Princess Twilight and her friends would do any better if they challenged him. “He can remake Equestria however he wants now.”

“Hold on a sec,” frowned Sonata as she tapped Nosey on the shoulder. “So you’re saying I don’t even get a chuckle for my ‘powned’ joke?”

Nosey gave the other mare a wide-eyed look. “Sonata…do you not understand that Lex basically just overthrew the princesses?”

Sonata tilted her head. “For realsies?” For some reason that sounded familiar to her, reminding her of stuff that she’d talked to Lex about back when they’d been dating on Everglow. “That’s…a bad thing, right? I think I remember him talking about that before, and me telling him it was a bad thing.”

“I don’t know,” admitted Nosey. The entire situation was too big for her to wrap her head around, especially in conjunction to what had just happened with her and Sonata. It was like this morning was the culmination of all the craziness of the last couple of days, with everything she thought she knew suddenly being turned completely upside down. For a moment it was enough to make Nosey just want to run away from everything, feeling as lost and uncertain as she had right after Xiriel had used her…

Her anxiety must have shown on her face, because Sonata suddenly gave her a worried look. “Nosey? You okay? Do you need me to use my calming spell on you again?”

For a moment Nosey almost said yes, but took a deep breath, holding it for a moment before she let out a breath. “No. No, I’m alright.” The first rule of being a newsmare came back to her then: when in doubt, gather facts and talk to people. That would make her feel better. “C’mon. We need to meet up with Lex.”

“Okay!” nodded Sonata, striding purposefully forward, before pausing to look back at Nosey. “So…we’re totes gonna ask him about that whole ‘conquered the world’ thing, and not about the ‘whole buncha girlfriends’ thing, right?”

A pained look crossed Nosey’s face at that. “Er…” But she was saved from answering as a sudden movement in the distance drew her attention.

Sonata saw the look on her face, and turned to see what she was looking at, smiling as she caught sight of something rushing down from the sky toward Lex. “Aw, look!” she cooed. “Severance wants to go say congratulations!”

Author's Note:

In the face of insurmountable odds, Luna refuses to give up. But Lex pushes back harder, putting the would-be goddess down for the count!

Now, however, he has to deal with Severance. What's his plan for fighting the scythe?

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