• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,641 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Battle Down the Mine

In a cave somewhere in the Digital World, a mine of sorts was currently being dug out.

Inside the mine were a bunch of Digimon, who appeared to be green monkeys wearing caveman clothing. They also wore gloves and were currently holding large pickaxes, whilst having chains locked around their legs that stopped them from running away.

The Digimon were busy hacking away at the walls in front of them, trying to find something.

One of these Digimon suddenly stopped, panting as he was clearly exhausted. However, a growl appeared behind him and he went completely still. He then slowly turned to look around, seeing a red and white wolf-like Digimon with a super long snot wearing black leather around its legs.

"Who said you could take a break?" He asked, snapping his teeth at the Digimon and making him cry out before quickly getting back to work. "That's what I thought." The Digimon walked away, as the monkeys kept working.

One of them hit the wall and managed to break a part off of it, revealing something beneath it. That something was a lump of silver rock, completely different from the black rock it was surrounded by. The monkey pulled it out of the wall and examined it, then threw it into a wheelbarrow that was full of the same rock.

The wolf Digimon saw this and ran up towards a different section of the mine, where a large rock was in the very centre and had something atop of it. That something was a tent-like structure, which had a figure inside of it that appeared to be some kind of centaur. "Master, the work is going slowly. But we've been able to collect a large amount of ore."

"You're not going fast enough. Go back to the village and gather more...volunteers."

"Yes master," the wolf nodded before running off. Several minutes later, a large pack of the wolves began to make their way out of the mine and came out of a cave in the base of a desert mountain. They rushed along the sand, moving at incredibly high speed. They would get the workers their master wanted and they knew that nobody would be able to stop them.

The Digital World was home to many different areas, with many biomes located all around the place.

It was in one of these biomes that we find Flash Sentry, making his way over a rock-covered desert area with his trusty partner. The heat of the place was insane, making the pair moan as they trekked through the sand. "Why did I let you talk me into this," he groaned at the group in front of him.

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash smiled as they looked back at him, Tawnimon and Kamemon by their side. The last two members of their group also smiled, the pair turning back to him. "Come on partner," Applejack tipped her hat. "We're not that far from this spot. Trust me, you'll love it there." Flash frowned, remembering how he ended up in this situation to begin with.

Earlier that day, Flash and Veemon were in Codex looking over the many locations he had managed to acquire.

"Brave Forest, Great Lake, Machine City, the Mountains. All looked pretty good. But I'm gonna need some more areas if I really wanna keep my opponents guessing." He remembered Micro's battle against Lightning. The Castle of Dark Illusions had thrown the girl off and given him the edge. Flash needed something like that as well.

"Hey Flash," the teen looked around and smiled when he saw Twilight. He then saw she was also with Rainbow and a girl he hadn't met yet.

"Hey," he waved at them, "I don't think we've met yet."

"Name's Applejack," she smirked before gesturing to the Digimon next to her. "And this is ma'h partner, Labramon." Flash smiled at the dog Digimon, but noticed something odd.

"Hey, I thought Labramon were supposed to have a purple tail and ears? Why's yours orange?"

Applejack laughed, "ya'h not the first one to say that."

Labramon nodded, "mine are just orange. Always have been." Flash was surprised by this, but shrugged. "So what are you doing? Gonna battle?" Labramon turned to Veemon, "I'd love to go up against you."

"Thanks," Veemon smirked, "but we're not looking to battle today."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "we're thinking about going out to get some location scans." This intrigued the girls, who all smiled at him.

"You wanna location?" Applejack asked, "a'h know a great one to go to. But...it's a Champion Level area." Flash frowned, since that meant he wouldn't be able to teleport there on his own. "But I think there's a Rookie Level area next to it. Wanna go?" Flash smirked at this, nodding at the idea of going on a little adventure.

Now Flash was starting to regret it. They had been walking for an hour and Flash was burning up under the heat, having to take his jacket off so as to not burn to death.

"Why is it so hot?" He moaned, "this isn't the real world. So why is it as hot as a real life desert? Maybe hotter." The girls laughed at this, they and their Digimon understanding Flash's plight. It took a while to get used to the heat of the Digital Desert.

"The Digital World is an amalgamation of all the data that makes up our internet," Twilight explained. "This desert was created from the data and info gathered about the deserts of earth. If that information states that deserts are hot, then this place will be hot." Flash sighed as they began to make their way up a dune.

"Besides," Applejack told him, "we're close to our destination."

"Well this destination better have air conditioning," Flash groaned as they reached the top of the dune. And when they did, they saw a large portion of trees off in the distance.

Applejack tipped her hat. "There it is. Serene Oasis."

Flash smirked, liking the look of it. It was as large as a town and appeared lush and beautiful, Flash and Veemon both looking forward to investigating the environment and figuring out the best way to fight there. "So what kind of Digimon live there?"

"Only two types," Labramon replied as they made their way towards it. "Lalamon and Monmon."

"Monmon?" Flash asked, not familiar with that breed of Digimon.

"A combo of a monkey and a caveman," Twilight replied. "They usually carry a giant slingshot, which they use to fire large rocks at their opponents." Flash smirked, liking the sound of this Digimon already. They moved towards the oasis but as they did, Kamemon noticed something in the distance to the left of the oasis.

"Huh?" Rainbow felt her partner pull at her pants and looked down at him, "what's up?" Kamemon simply pointed at the dust cloud, Rainbow seeing it and being confused about what it was. "Hey, Applejack. Does this place ever have sandstorms?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "but nowhere near the oasis. Why?" Rainbow pointed at the large cloud and they all realised something must be wrong, Twilight taking out her Digivice and bringing up her item box.

Suddenly, a pair of binoculars appeared in her hands and she began to star at the cloud. Doing so, she saw a Digimon right in front of it that was running towards the oasis. "Fangmon?" The others turned to her, "there's a Fangmon at the front of that cloud."

"What's a Fangmon doing in a desert environment?" Tawnimon asked. "they're supposed to live in forests." The others shrugged, clearly not knowing why a Fangmon would be there. However, they all knew where it was going.

"The oasis!" Veemon cried, as Applejack and Labramon began to run forward.

"Those Digimon won't stand a chance if it attacks!" Applejack cried, taking out her Digivice as the others followed suit. "Let's go, Labramon." The dog nodded as the Digivice exploded with light, which began to swirl around him.

"Labramon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon grew larger and eventually exploded off his body, revealing a large wolf Digimon that was a mix of orange and white, with metal pieces covering its body including yellow drills. It had a drill on its head that seemed to act as a horn, along with a large drill on the tip of its tail. "Dorulumon!"

Applejack leapt up and landed on Dorulumon's back, grabbing the metal vents on his back and holding onto them as the wolf shot forwards. At the same time, Twilight took out her own Digivice. "Tawnimon!" She held it up as the Digivice sent a blast of light towards her partner.

Tawnimon leapt into the air and the light surrounded him. "Tawnimon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon grew and explode, revealing a large winged horn with a red mask over its face and a horn on its head. "Unimon!"

Twilight leapt onto Unicorns' back, Flash and Rainbow jumping on behind her as Veemon and Kamemon grabbed Unimon's legs.

The flying horse soared into the air, showing amazing strength as he carried the five of them towards the oasis. But the dust cloud was faster and reached the trees first, finally disappearing to reveal a bunch more Fangmon. "How many are there?" Applejack asked, as the wolves leapt into the trees and let out several howls. "Hurry!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Dorulumon growled, hating that he couldn't go any faster on the uneven terrain.

They eventually reached the oasis and rushed inside, Dorulumon leaping through the trees as Unimon landed and galloped passed with Veemon and Kamemon running besides him. Flash looked around and saw the trees were all palm trees whose large leaves came together and blocked out the sun's heat.

Screams filled the air as they arrived at their destination, finding a village of monkey Digimon along with pink and green flower Digimon.

The Fangmon were leaping around, knocking down the houses that these Digimon lived in and howling whenever they attacked. The Monmon and Lalamon tried to escape, but the Fangmon were too fast. One Lalamon became trapped against a still standing house, the Fangmon approaching with his mouth slobbering.

"You're mine," he told her. But as he was about to attack, Dorulumon's voice filled the air.

"Drill Bit Blitz!" He turned towards the voice and saw a flying drill shooting towards him. It slammed into the wolf, burrowing into his side before exploding. The wolf howled in pain as he was blasted away, slamming into a tree and falling to the ground.

Lalamon turned towards her savior and saw Dorulumon running towards her with Applejack on his back. "Applejack!" She cried, flying over to her. "Thank goodness you're here."

"What's happening?" Applejack asked, "why are these Fangmon attacking ya'll." But more cries made them look around and see a Monmon getting pinned by a Fangmon. "Get ya'h dirty paws off him!"

"Make me!" The Fangmon growled, only to hear another voice call out from behind him.

"Express Claw!" He looked around and saw Flamedramon flying towards him, his claws glowing as he slashed at the wolf. This forced Fangmon to leap away, Flamedramon's attacking missing but the Monmon had been freed.

At the same time, another Digimon appeared. This one looked like a mix of a turtle and a duck, with a CD disc on its head.

"DJ Shooter!" He cried, as the disc on his head began to spin around before exploding off it towards Fangmon. The wolf tried to dodge it, but the disc was faster and smashed into him. He howled as more Fangmon noticed the new arrivals and attacked.

"Aerial Attack!" Unimon flew over the village and fired a blast of light from his mouth, which hit the ground and kept the Fangmon from advancing on them. It also allowed the Lalamon and Monmon to run over to the heroes and hide behind them, the four Digimon standing protective of them.

"Why are you attacking this village?" Twilight asked, jumping off Unimon.

"We have our reasons," the lead Fangmon stated. "You'll be wise to stay out of this, human, unless you wanna end up joining these weaklings where we're taking them."

"Taking them?" Applejack looked around and realised something, "where are the others?" The number of Monmon were far less then the last time she had been there. They used to have the same amount as the Lalamon, but now the plants outnumbered the monkeys three to one.

"They took them!" A Lalamon cried, shocking the humans and their partners.

"That's right," the Fangmon growled. "And the rest of them are gonna be joining them!" They all charged, leaping into the air with their claws at the ready. But Dorulumon leapt forward.

"I don't think so!" The drill on the end of his tail started spinning, "Drill Tornado!" The spiral unleashed a blast of wind, which struck the lead Fangmon and sent it flying backwards into the air. Dorulumon them moved his tail and sent the tornado towards the rest of the Fangmon.

Everyone watched as the Fangmon was sucked into the vortex and thrown out of the top, the lot flying through the trees and disappearing out of the oasis. The drill then slowly came to a stop, causing the tornado to vanish as well.

Applejack turned to the Digimon, "everyone okay?" The Lalamon and Monmon all nodded, only to look around and see the damage done to their home.

"Man," Flash sighed, "they really did a number of this place."

"And we'd just fixed it up from the last time," Lalamon sighed.

"Last time?" Twilight looked worried, "you mean they've done this before?"

A Monmon nodded, "the last time was a few days ago. They've been coming here, attacking our home and making off with as many Monmon as they could carry." This angered the humans and their Digimon, as they looked in the direction the Fangmon had come from.

"We've gotta find them and put an end ta this," Applejack stated. "We can't let this continue." The others nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. But the question was, how did they find them?

Dorulumon turned out to have the answer, the wolf beginning to sniff the ground and pick up the many scents that were laced into it. "I've got one of the Fangmon's scents," he stated. "Give me a few minutes to get a better grasp of it and we can track them down."

"That's what I like to hear," Rainbow smirked. "We'll make those Fangmon pay for all the pain they caused." The others nodded and as Dorulumon continued to work on properly locating the smell, they started helping and Monmon and Lalamon in fixing up their homes."

Meanwhile, back at the mine, the Fangmon whined as they all limped back into the cavern.

As they did, the figure noticed their arrival and did no look happy. "Why have you returned with no more workers?" The Fangmon looked down, clearly not happy about the answer they needed to give. "Well?"

"It wasn't our fault!" The lead wolf whined, "a bunch of humans showed with their Digimon. They stopped us from getting any of the Monmon." This did not sit well with the figure, who crossed his arms and thought about what this could mean.

"Humans. Ever since they showed up in the Digital World, they're always getting in the way. One human chased me for three days straight trying to get a scan of me. Well they're not going to stop me from achieving my goals." He focused back on the Fangmon, "get them to dig faster. We don't have nearly enough ore for my purposes. And if you're wanting your own upgrades, you better find a way to get more workers to dig it up for you."

"Yes Armormon." The Fangmon turned towards the Monmon, who had been listening instead of mining. "GET BACK TO WORK!" They cried out and started mining again, but also couldn't help but think about what they had heard.

If these humans had been able to save their friends from falling captive, maybe they would find a way to locate and liberate them. They could only hope that was the case.

Having helped to do a bit of rebuilding in the village, the humans and their Digimon left the Serene Oasis and began searching for the Fangmon's hideout.

Dorulumon lead the search, sniffing the ground and leading them through the desert. As they did, Flash couldn't help but be amazed by how strong he was. "Your Labramon's really tough," he told Applejack. "I didn't even know Labramon could become Dorulumon."

"Nobody did," Applejack smirked. "There've been Dorulumon before, but nobody ever figured out what they Digivolved from. Wasn't even in the evolution chart when a'h first partnered with him. But then one day, we were explorin' a forest when we got attacked by a Togemon. The Needle Spray knocked me back and ma'h Digivice fell from ma'h hand so a'h couldn't load a deck."

"That's when I attacked," Dorulumon stated back as he sniffed the ground. "I had no idea what I was doing, but I had to try and protect Applejack. That's when I suddenly felt a surge of power. The next thing I know, I'm Digivolving into the handsome specimen you see before you."

"Huh," Flash remembered what Twilight had told him about the random Digivolutions usually resulting in the form that particular Digimon would naturally become.

Applejack smirked. "After that, Dorulumon appeared in Labramon's evolution tree. But when someone else tried to Digivolve a Labramon scan he had, he couldn't find Dorulumon anywhere."


"Nobody's sure," Twilight replied. "The Codex Commanders investigated it, but couldn't find anything different about Applejack's Labramon than any other. The only differences are the orange parts instead of purple, but there's nothing in his code to explain why he's so different."

"And who cares," Applejack smirked. "Ma'h Labramon likes being Dorulumon and that's all that matters." The others nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly whilst Flash was just amazed.

Even now, there was so much of the Digital World he didn't know about.

They continued to traverse the desert in search of the Fangmon's lair, though they knew the place couldn't be too far away since one of the reasons they likely kept coming back was because it was close. And after a while, they spotted something in the distance that the scent trail appeared to be leading them to. A mountain.

It wasn't a big mountain, roughly the size of the standard skyscraper, but it looked very steep and the Fangmon likely wouldn't have been able to climb it. So if this was their lair, they were likely located at the base inside a cave or something.

"Guys?" Veemon gulped, "I just had a thought." He turned to them, "what if the Fangmon...ate the Monmon." That thought hadn't occurred to Flash, but now it was flowing through his head at full speed.

But before he could start to imagine the gruesome images they might end up finding, Twilight spoke up from Unimon's back. "I doubt it. Don't forget, Digimon don't leave bodies behind when they die. If they tried to eat a Monmon, they would have just exploded and left nothing behind to feast on. The only way one Digimon could eat another was if they swallowed one whole and given the size difference, I don't see them doing that."

Everyone sighed at this, glad to hear it. But it still begged the question. If they weren't eating the Monmon, why the heck were they kidnapping them?

Eventually, they arrived at the base of the mountain and Dorulumon continued to follow the scent. "Yup," he nodded, "they've been here. In fact, the scent's really strong. This has to be their base of operations."

"Then let's get ready in case they attack again," Twilight suggested. The others nodded and got off of Unimon, the lot taking out their Digivices and activating their decks. "Here we go!" Twilight swung her Digivice around and summoned the cubes. "Biomerge, Activate!" The two cubes moved towards her. "Digi-Armor, Energise!" The cubes absorbed her and merged into a single cube, with Twilight being surrounded by light. "Tawnimon, Armor Digivolve to..." The light exploded off of her along with the cube, revealing her form. "Aurumon, Loving Wisdom!"

"My turn!" Rainbow cried as Kamemon ran forward, the Digivice unleashing a blast of light that surrounded him.

"Kamemon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon grew larger and eventually exploded, revealing a giant turtle Digimon who was yellow in colour and had spikes on its back instead of a shell. "Tortomon!"

Rainbow then activated her Digivice and swung it around, summoning the the twin translucent cubes. One had a ghostly image of a red and white bird Digimon inside, whilst the other had the Digimental of Courage inside. "Biomerge, Activate!" The cubes fused with her and burst into light. "Digi-Armor, Energise!" The light then exploded into flames, as Rainbow transformed. "Hawkmon, Armor Digivolve to..." The flames extinguished and revealed a six foot tall feathered dinosaur-like Digimon.

Its body appeared entirely red, though its lower jaw was yellow and its head was surrounded by a bunch of white and dark red feathers. It had long fin arms that had long red feathers coming off them that were white tipped, with three long black claws on the end of them. Its feet, knees, chest and shoulders were covered in the same flame patterned armor as Flamedramon, with the Crest of Courage on its chest. Its head was also covered in red armor, hiding its face, whilst its tail was long and feathery. "Pteryxmon, Flightless Courage!"

Applejack swung her Digivice around and brought up a single box, revealing a scan of Lalamon within it. "Biomerge, Activate!" The cube flew over and she was sucked inside, transforming into a copy of Lalamon who quickly glowed. "Lalamon, Digivolve to..." She grew larger and the light exploded off of her, revealing a lizard-like Digimon with a sunflower for a face and a pair of giant leaves that mimicked wings. "Sunflowmon!"

"Digi-Armor, Energise!" Flash cried, as the Digimental of Courage appeared and exploded into flames.

They flew over to Veemon and wrapped around him, as he began to transform. "Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." The flames exploded of off him and revealed his armor form. "Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!"

Flash quickly swung his Digivice around, as the cube appeared with Flamemon inside of it. "Biomerge, Activate!" The cube sucked him inside and he was quickly transformed into the rookie, only to then burst into flames. "Flamemon, Digivolve to..." The flames grew larger and exploded off of him, revealing his adult form. "Agunimon!"

The four transformed humans and their partners stared up at the mountain, Aurumon, Unimon and Sunflowmon leaping into the air to look around whilst the grounded ones moved towards it. As they did, Pteryxmon looked herself over and smirked.

"Nice. This is pretty cool."

Agunimon turned to her, "first time using that form?"

"Yup," she nodded. "When I saw how awesome your Courage Armor was, I decided to see what it could do to my Digimon scans. Too bad Kamemon can't Armor Digivolve. But at least my Hawkmon can." As she said that, Aurumon called out from above.

"I found an opening!" They moved over to her and sure enough, there was a hole in the side of the mountain a little ways up from the base. However, as Aurumon flew in close to look inside, something shot out of it.

"RAAAAH!" A Fangmon roared as it slammed into her, making Aurumon scream as she was tackled down to the ground. This shocked the others and they rushed into action, Unimon especially wanting to save his partner. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to save your prisoners," Aurumon cried. As she said that, Unimon flew in and swung his front leg into Fangmon. This knocked him off Aurumon and allowed her to roll to her feet before leaping into the air. Fangmon growled but before he could attack, Sunflowmon flew down as her face began to glow.

"Sunshine Beam!" The light exploded off her face and caused the ground at Fangmon's feet to blow up, knocking him flying as the others arrived. He landed and looked down for the count, but he was able to let out a howl that they realised was alerting the other Fangmon.

Sure enough, a few moments later several more Fangmon leapt out of the cave and landed in front of their pack mate.

Tortomon rushed forward and as he did, his shell spikes began to glow. "Strong Carapace!" The spikes rocketed into the air and flew down towards the Fangmon, blasting at them and forcing the wolves away from the cave. "Go!"

"He's right!" Sunflowmon flew down, "Tortomon and I can't fit through that hole. You guys go and find the Monmon!" They all nodded and rushed for the cave, as the Fangmon picked themselves up.

"Don't let them through!" They tried to get to the cave, but Sunflowmon got between them.

"Cactus Tail!" She swung her tail around and slammed the thorn in the end of it into them, knocking them all back and allowing everyone to leap up into the cave. Said cave was a long tunnel, Aurumon flying ahead of everyone and using her night vision goggles to see where she was going.

A Fangmon was in the tunnel and glared at her, "Infrared Ray!" She fired lasers from her goggles, but Fangmon leapt up to avoid it. But before it could attack, Agunimon arrived.

"Pyro Punch!" He leapt up and thrust his fist into the Digimon, making Fangmon howl in pain as he was thrown backwards. They pushed their way through until they reached the end of the tunnel, which opened up into a large chamber that they realised was the start of multiple mine shafts.

"What is this place?" Flamedramon asked, as they marched into the mine and spotted the many Monmon

They were busy hacking away at the rocks, looking tired, hungry and injured. The sight of them in such a state was horrible, the six swearing to free them from their captors. And speaking of their captors, a bunch more Fangmon arrived. They were coming out of the mineshafts, were standing on ledges further up and atop a large rock in the centre of the mine that had a tent on it.

"INTRUDERS!" They howled, making Monmon stop mining and turn to see their saviour. "Master, we have intruders."

"I heard you," a voice coming from the tent spoke up. "Can you fools really not do a task as simple as keeping them out? What am I keeping you here for?" The tent opened up and something stepped out of it, everyone tensing up as they heard the heavy metal footsteps on the rock.

Eventually, the figure reached the edge of the rock and revealed itself.

It was some kind of mechanical centaur, whose body was green in colour from what little of it they could see. Only the upper parts of its legs and waist were visible, whilst the rest was covered in a bunch of heavy machinery that made it look like something out of a gundam anime.

Its arms had large gatlings guns on them whilst its stomach was covered by round metal that had a pair of guns sticking out of it. It also had a pair of guns on its back and its head was covered in a red helmet that had a face mask. This Digimon took armed and loaded to an entirely new extreme.

"What are you doing in my mine!?" The Digimon called out, Agunimon stepping forward.

"We're here to free these Monmon!" He cried, pointing at the captured monkeys. "And we've come to stop the Fangmon from attacking the oasis village. Which I'm guessing you ordered."

"Yes," he replied. "I required labourers to work in my mine. That's why I had the Fangmon recruit some for me."

"Recruit?" Dorulumon growled, "you kidnapped them and chained them up." He saw the chains around a Monmon's leg, preventing its escape. "How could you do something so horrible?"

"I'm just enacting justice on these Digimon for their crimes," the Digimon replied. "They caused pain and suffering, so I'm making them feel that same pain and suffering." They all wondered what the heck this Digimon was talking about, but he said nothing more and pointed his gatling guns at them. "Fangmon, take them down. We'll chain them up and put them to work as well."

"Yes Armormon!" The Fangmon roared before they all leapt at the six, who got into a fighting stance.

"Everyone move!" Aurumon cried, as they split apart in order to not be one large target. She and Unimon took to the air, firing their ranged attacks at the Fangmon.

At the same time, Flamedramon and Agunimon ran forward with their fists and claws bursting into flames. "Pyro Punch/Flame Fist!" They punched the wolves in front of them and knocked them back, only for more Fanmon to run up in their place. The fire Digimon stood back to back and started fighting the Fangmon as hard as they good.

"Wildfire Wingbeat!" Pteryxmon squawked as her wings caught fire, then launched the attack with a single flap. The flames flew off and morphed into a wave, which hit the Fangmon and pushed them all backwards.

Dorulumon roared as he leapt at the smaller wolves, swatting one away with his paws before spinning around and clubbing some more with his tail. He then turned to one of the Monmon and knew he had to free them, so started spinning his drill tail.

As he started cutting through the chains, Fangmon rushed towards him and were about to attack. But Unimon flew in and kicked them. The drill broke through the chain, making Monmon cheer as he ran for the exit.

"Don't let any of them get away!" Armormon ordered, a Fangmon rushing towards Monmon. But Pteryxmon intercepted it and slashed at him with burning claws.

"Blazing Slash!" The wolf howled in pain as he was knocked away, allowing Dorulumon to drill into another chain and break it off, freeing the Monmon. Pteryxmon then spun around and slammed her tail into another Fangmon, knocking it away whilst Agunimon ran passed.

As he did, the white gauntlets around his wrists burst into flames. "Pyro Darts!" He grabbed the flames and they formed needles between his fingers, which he threw towards several Fangmon. Each one found themselves getting hit by an explosion and knocked backwards.

One Fangmon leapt at Agunimon and had its claws at the ready, only for Aurumon to fly down and grab it by the tail. "HEY!" He growled, as he was lifted into the air. He was about to curl up and bite her, but the owl flew in a circle that stopped him from doing that.

The next thing he knew, he was flying through the air and crashing into a rock before falling to the ground near Dorulumon.

This stopped him from drilling, forcing him to use his Drill Tornado to blow the wolf away. When it was, he returned to drilling into the chain. As soon as the Monmon was free, it ran for the exit. Fangmon tried to get him, but the others were able to defend him until he reached the entrance to the tunnel.

Running up it as fast as he could, the monkey caveman was terrified the Fangmon would chase after him before he could get to freedom. But eventually, he arrived at the end of the cave and got outside.

The heat of the sun felt so good, but he didn't get much chance to enjoy it. For as he ran out of the cave, he found himself coming face to face with a Fangmon.

"Where do you think you're going!?" He growled, making Monmon gulp. At least until something caught their attention.

"Spinning Attack!" They looked around and saw Tortomon, whose head and legs were withdrawn into his shell, spinning towards them so fast he whipped up a dust cloud. He then crashed into Fangmon and the wolf was knocked away, allowing Monmon to see his friends hiding behind Sunflowmon as she fought against several Fangmon.

"Sunshine Beam!" She fired the blast and the explosion blew the Fangmon backwards, knocking them into the side of the mountain. "Back off, ya'h no good varmants. Ya'h not getting close to these Digimon." Monmon ran over to them, as another two Monmon arrived out of the mountain. But there were still many more left trapped inside.

"Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon launched the flaming missile and the explosion knocked the Fangmon backwards.

As this was going on, Agunimon was dancing around knocking the Fangmon back with kicks, punches and the occasional knee to the face. Unimon flew down and stomped on a Fangmon that tried to attack Dorulumon, allowing the wolf to cut through another chain.

Pteryxmon dashed through the cave, her feathery body catching fire as she slammed past the Fangmon.

This sent the wolf flying and crashing into a rock, as Flamedramon and Agunimon jumped back to back once again. And as the wolf fell to the ground, Armormon looked around and saw its minions laid out on the ground.

"Idiots!" He roared, as he saw more and more of his workers running out on the job. "Enough!" He pointed his weapons as Agunimon as the gatling guns started spinning. "Justice Strike!" They started firing along with the machine guns on his stomach, sending a hail of bullets towards the fire Digimon.

Agunimon noticed this and quickly leapt into action, "Pyro Tornado!" He spun on the spot and and fire exploded out of him, swirling around his body. The flaming vortex acted as a shield that blocked the bullets, slowing them down enough for the heat to melt them. However, some of them still managed to get through.

Luckily, Agunimon had ridden the tornado upwards and dodged these bullets. And when the vortex vanished, he was up above the rock Armormon was on.

"This ends...NOW!" He fell towards Armormon and attempted to kick him in the face, but Armormon laughed and raised his gatling gun arm. The kick connected and did little if any damage to the cyborg, who then pushed Agunimon back and knocked him away. "Augh!" He crashed into the ground as Armormon pointed his gun at him.

"Goodbye!" He was about to fire, but Aurumon flew in first.

"I don't think so!" She kicked the gun and knocked it away, as the weapon started firing. Being knocked off balance caused the recoil of the weapon to send Armormon off staggering as the bullets went flying in random direction, including a good many hitting the ceiling.

"Aurumon!" Agunimon picked himself up, as the owl Digimon flew towards him.

"You okay?" He nodded and the pair turned their attention back to Armormon, right as Flamedramon and Pteryxmon used their flames to propel themselves into the air and land on the rock around him.

The mechanical centaur found himself surrounded on four sides, but didn't look worried in the slightest. "You think you can beat me?" He asked, "don't make me laugh."

"Tell me something," Agunimon stated. "What are you doing here? You're clearly angry at the Monmon for something, but there are other ways to make them suffer. You're having them mine for something specific, aren't you?"

"Clever," Armormon chuckled, "yes I am. This mountain is full of huanglong ore." That statement made Aurumon and Pteryxmon look worried, though Agunimon and Flamedramon weren't sure what that was.

"You're trying to make Chrome Digizoid!" Aurumon cried, with Agunimon and Flamedramon knowing what that was. "Why?"

"To upgrade!" Armormon replied. "I'm powerful now, but by replacing my weapons with those made of Chrome Digizoid, I'll be more powerful than ever. It might even allow me to Digivolve into the Mega Level." Those words made them all worried, for two reasons.

First was the idea of this psycho reaching the Mega Level and the horrors he could inflict if he did. Then there was the fact that if he was trying to get to that Level, he must already be an Ultimate. And that meant none of them had to power to beat him, even if they worked together. But they couldn't let that fact scare them.

"Come on!" Agunimon charged, "we're taking this guy down."

Armormon laughed as he galloped forward, "I doubt that!" He swung his gun arms around and Agunimon ducked under it, as his gauntlets expelled fire.

"Pyro Darts!" He threw the flaming needs at Armormon's face and they exploded, but he didn't even flinch whilst Aurumon flew behind him.

"Infrared Beam!" She fired a laser at his back, but the guns on them folded upwards and started firing. They countered the beams and kept going to try and shoot the owl down, the Armor Digimon barely managing to escape. "WOW!"

Agunimon leapt back, as Flamedramon and Pteryxmon rushed forward. "Flame Fist/Blazing Slash!" They swung their burning claws at the Digimon, but he blocked them both with his metal arms.

"Pathetic!" He pushed the two back and fired at them, whilst his stomach machine guns fired at Agunimon. The three fire Digimon cried out, as the bullets impacted them and they were knocked backwards. Each of their HP went down and they were worried about what would happen if he beat them.

Down below, Dorulumon managed to free the final Monmon. "Get out of here!" He told him, the monkey nodding since he didn't need to be told twice. He ran for the exit, as Unimon blasted one of the recovering Fangmon down again. "We have to get out of here!"

"Then what?" Unimon asked, landing next to him. "If we don't stop this now, Armormon's just gonna attack again when we leave. We need to deal with him, permanently." They looked up and watched as Agunimon changed at Armormon, leaping over his bullet blast and spinning around to deal a kick to his head.

But the Ultimate Digimon absorbed the impact with his helmet and didn't even look like he felt it, instead knocking Agunimon away before attempting to shoot him with his machine guns. Pteryxmon distracted him through, leaping at the Digimon and attempting to slash at him with her feet claws.

Armormon leapt back as she did so, hitting the edge of the rock and having nowhere else to go.

Dorulumon charged, seeing his opening. He leapt at the rock and once he was there, he thrust his spinning drill into it. At the same time, Armormon points his guns at the Digimon. But as he fired, the rock beneath him suddenly crumbled. "GYAH!" He fell, his arms pointing to the ceiling and unleashing a barrage of bullets that continued to cause more damage to it.

Dorulumon leapt back, as Armormon crashed into the ground and was buried by the rocks.

"That got him!" Flamedramon smirked as they looked down at the rock pile, those still on the rocks leaping down to make sure he was taken care of. But as they got close to the pile, they saw it suddenly start to shift and move.

"Everyone, get back!" Flash cried, leaping backwards as the others retreated as well. As they did, the rocks exploded and her destroyed by a barrage of bullets.

Armormon roared as he continued to shoot in multiple directions, including the ceiling. The Ultimate did not look happy that he had just been buried, but he barely appeared damaged. He glared at the intruders, whilst his Fangmon had started to recover from the attack.

Agunimon looked around and realised that if Armormon combined forces with his Fangmon, there was no way they could defeat them. It seemed like they were going to lose, until something fell down and landed at his foot.

He looked down and saw a rock, making him look up and realise the ceiling was riddled with holes that were connected by cracks. "This place isn't gonna take much more punishment," he stated. "One more hit and the roof'll give in."

Armormon didn't seem to hear this, or just didn't care, as he aimed his weapons at them.

Dorulumon attacked first, the drill on his head spinning. "Drill Bit Blitz!" He fired the drill of, which was instantly replaced by another, and it shot straight towards Armormon.

But the Ultimate Digimon simply swung its arm around and the drill was deflected, sent flying upwards and crashing into the ceiling, where it drilled into the already damage roof before exploding. And this explosion was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The entire chamber started to shake and rumble, as the cracks began to grow larger and the rocks began to fall from it. They all knew what this meant.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" Aurumon cried, as the heroes made their way towards the exit. Armormon and the Fangmon were shocked to see this, unable to believe their precious mine was collapsing.

"Grab the ore!" Armormon roared, pointing towards an area that they had placed the ore they had extracted. But it was at the back of the cave and the Fangmon knew that if they went back for it, they would be buried with the ore. "Where are you going?" He cried, as the Fangmon rushed for the exit.

"We're getting out of here before we're crushed!" The leader yelled, as they escaped through the tunnel.

"COWARDS!" He galloped towards his ore stash, as the ceiling began to give way. The entrance was blocked off the minute the last Fangmon ran through it, Armormon reaching the large pile of ore and picking up the rocks. But as he did, more and more of the cave fell upon him. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Outside, Sunflowmon and Tortomon had been making sure the Monmon were all okay when they felt the sand begin to rumble.

They looked up towards the mountain and saw the place shaking, making them worried the whole thing was gonna collapse down on their friends. But before they could consider trying to go in and save them, Aurumon flew out of the cave. She was soon followed by Unimon, Pteryxmon, Dorulumon, Flamedramon and finally, Agunimon brought up the rear.

They all rushed away from the mountain, fearing the shaking would cause the mountain to collapse on them as well. And as they ran, Agunimon looked back to see the Fangmon running out in terror. He wasn't sure if they all got out, but the last one that was part of the pack escaped right as the cave collapsed.

Armormon was nowhere in sight and the heroes all stopped running and watched as the mountain seemed to get shorter, whilst also keeping an eye on the Fangmon to make sure they didn't do anything bad.

But the Fangmon didn't seem to care about them, instead running off in the opposite direction to them as the heroes let what had just happened sink in. "Everyone okay?" Sunflowmon asked, as he body glowed before she reverted back to her human state.

The others all De-Digivolved as well, Flash and Veemon falling to the ground exhausted. "I'm okay," Flash told her. "What about the Monmon?"

"We're fine," one of them stated. "Thanks to you all. You saved us."

"It's the least we could do," Twilight smiled before getting serious. "But what was Armormon saying about you all causing pain and suffering?" The Monmon all thought about it, only for one of them to step forward.

"I think I know," he told them. "I was one of the first they captured. When I met him, I felt like I recognised him. I think he was one of us." This confused them all, gesturing for the Digimon to continue. "A long time ago, there was a Monmon that lived in our village. He was really mean and always looking for a fight, even if there was no reason to."

"Oh yeah," another Monmon nodded. "Total jerk. Always trying to pick a fight over the smallest thing. And whenever he started a fight, it'd always end with somebody hurt or something broken."

The first Monmon nodded. "It got so bad, that we couldn't take it anymore and told him to leave the oasis. He didn't seem to want to fight when it was all of us up against him. We threw him out of the village and he disappeared into the desert, swearing to one day get his own back."

"Wait," Flash frowned, "you think Armormon was that Monmon?" They didn't look sure, but they also felt like Armormon was just like the Monmon they had banished. "He must have done a lot of training in order to get all the way up to the Ultimate form."

"Well he's gone now," Applejack stated. "I don't think he could pull himself out of that, even if he's an Ultimate."

"But what if he survived?" A Monmon asked, "he could be trapped down there." As much as they hated him for what he had done, it didn't fit right for them to just leave him trapped there for who knows how long."

"We'll ask the Codex Commanders," Twilight explained. "They'll be able to figure out if he's down there. And if he is, they'll get him out and probably send him somewhere far away so he can't hurt you guys again." The Monmon nodded, hoping that Armormon would never be a problem for them again.

With that, they all headed back towards the Serene Oasis. They village would still be a wreck and they would need to help rebuild it for the Digimon. Hopefully, the Monmon and Lilamon would no longer have to live in fear of being attacked.

Armormon groaned as he remained trapped under the mountain.

His body had suffered a great degree of damage, so much that he couldn't possibly blast his way free of the many rocks that trapped him. He was going to be trapped there forever and there was nothing he could do but wait until he starved to death and was reincarnated. Maybe in his next life, he would reach the Mega Level and be unstoppable.

However, as he was about to give up, something happened.

An explosion occurred above him, causing him to look up and see the rocks being ripped away be something. Large claws were cutting through the boulders, eventually freeing Armormon's head. "Ah," a Digimon he couldn't make out in the darkness spoke, "there you are."

"Who...who are you?"

"Hopefully, a friend. One who heard about your little racket and wanted to try and convince you to join our cause. But by the looks of things, you won't need much convincing."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm here to offer you a choice. Join us and help my master achieve his destiny, or I'll leave you here to your fate. What will it be?"

Armormon thought about it and realised he didn't have a choice. "Alright, get me out of here and I'll join you. But who is your master and what exactly is this destiny of his."

The Digimon chuckled, "welcome to the Virus Corp. And our master's destiny is the destiny of all Virus Digimon. To destroy the Digital World."

Author's Note:

Our heroes managed to topel and evil tyrant and save many innocent Digimon. But who was this mysterious figure that saved Armormon? Only time will tell.

Many of you are probably wondering about the Armor Digimon Rainbow became, the die hard fans thinking that wasn't Hawkmon's Armor. True, but I've never really been a fan of Allomon. Plus, I'm a big fan of a certain Youtuber who re-designed many of the non-show armors. As such, I'll be using the Armor Digimon he created if I think they're better then the originals. Here, check it out.

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