• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,641 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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True Strength

The battle for the final Dragon Soul Stone had begun and everyone was in a race to acquire the stone before anyone else, but things had been made complicated by the opposing side.

Outside the canyon, the Royal Knights watched and waited to see what would happen. They prayed that this would just be a waste of their time, all of them knowing that if they were needed then the Digital World might already be doomed.

"I don't like how quiet it's gotten," Omnimon stated. "The air feels too tense. Like something bad's about to happen." And sure enough. As soon as he said that, an explosion of light caught their attention and made them look towards the canyon.

"What is that?" Crusadermon asked, as the light grew brighter and brighter.

"That's the light of Digivolution," UlforceVeedramon stated.

Omnimon held up and glowing golden orb, which showed an image of Azulongmon. "What's happening? Please tell me that's one of your Digimon."

"I'm afraid not," the Great Dragon replied.

Inside the canyon, Megadramon and MagnaAngemon flew through the air rocky terrain whilst looking back.

"What is that?" MagnaAngemon stated. They watched as whatever was producing that light grew larger, forcing them to look away it was so bright. "That's a Digivolution. But it's not like any Digivolution I've ever seen."

"You sure?" Megadramon asked. "I've seen light that bright only once. When Angewomon Digivolved." The angel realised he was right. That was Mega Digivolution. But that could only mean one thing.

"They've figured out a way around the Mega Level barrier. Digivolving inside it. So long as they don't leave, they can do whatever they want inside the barrier. That's not good."

"Flash," Megadramon glanced back. "I hope you and your friends are okay."

To say Flash and his friends were having a trying day was an understatement.

First, they had found themselves up against powerful Battle Gear made courtesy of Datamon. But even after overcoming all that, they now faced an even larger problem by the name of Bombardramon. The giant robotic dragon was now looming over them, with Armormon inside the head ready to do some serious damage against them.

"What the heck is that thing?" Pteryxmon asked, as the mechanical dragon powered itself up completely.

"Datamon actually did it," Mistymon stated. "He made an entirely new Digimon. And it's a Mega." He would be proud of his friend, if the created Digimon had not been on the enemy's side of the field.

Datamon stared up at what at what he wished he didn't have to call his masterpiece. After so much time, he had created a fully functioning Digimon. But now that Digimon was going to help destroy the Digital World.

Bombardramon laughed as he raised one of his giant mechanical feet, then thrust it down towards the ground. The impact it made was so strong, it shook the ground and caused everyone not flying to lose their balance.

"Everyone hold on!" Paildramon cried, as Bombardramon opened his mouth.

"Let's see what some of my new features are," the mechanical Digimon cried as a laser blaster barrel folded out. "Bombarding Blast!" The weapon unleashed a laser that shot down and struck the ground, exploding with enough force to send anyone near it flying.

"GYAH!" They cried, as ToyGreymon, Firamon, Leomon, Petaldramon and Gokuwmon were slammed into the ground. As they hit it, Paildramon, CresTawnimon, MegaKabuterimon and MetalSnimon flew up.

"Desperado Blaster!" Paildramon unleashed the barrage of lasers, whilst CresTawnimon flew higher.

"Gale Star!" The energy shot off the stars on her body, which collided with Bombardramon at the same time the energy bullets hit him. But none of them did any real damage.

"That the best you got?" Bombardramon asked, only for MegaKabuterimon and MetalSnimon to reach him.

"Horn Buster!" MegaKabuterimon's horn sparked with energy before he rammed it into Bombardramon, whilst the chainsaws on MetalSnimon began to spin.

"Razor Destroyer!" The chainsaw ground into the metal body, but didn't even scratch it whilst the electrical attack didn't even singe him.

"Wow," Bombardramon laughed, "I think I just got stung by a mosquito." As he said that, Angewomon and Sunflowmon flew up.

"Celestial Arrow!" The angel Digimon unleashed the arrow and it shot towards him, whilst Sunflowmon's face began to glow.

"Sunshine Beam!" A laser fired and struck Bombardramon, at the same time the Celestial Arrow landed. But nothing they did was doing any damage.

"Blast Fire!" Mistymon swung his blazing sword, which engulfed the Mega Level in a massive flame. But the Digimon simply stepped out of them, not looking damaged in the slightest. "What the heck is that body made of?"

"I'm sorry," Datamon cried. "I designed this body to have absolutely no weaknesses. I didn't have any choice" As he said that, Bombardramon raised his wings and parts of them began to open. "Oh no. Everyone take cover!" From out of the wings, a bunch of missiles launched and flew into the air, then curved down towards the canyon.

"Oh boy," Paildramon cried as the missiles drew closer. He raised his blasters and started firing, the lasers hitting some of the missiles and destroying them. But there were just too many to take out.

The others tried their long range attacks, but they didn't react in time to destroy them all and the missiles collided with the ground. Everyone screamed as the explosions slammed into them, throwing them all backwards as they let out screams of pain. Bombardramon could only laugh, loving the new power he had been given.

Up atop the canyon wall, Cyberdramon and Fumamon continued to do battle.

As the ninja Digimon threw a bunch of shurikens at him, Cyberdramon slashed them away with is claws before the canyon began to shake. "What?" He turned towards the source of the shaking and saw a large amount of smoke coming up from within the canyon. "What is that?"

"Don't get distracted!" Fumamon rushed forward and slashed at him, Cyberdramon leaping back to avoid his blade.

He landed and glanced back again, fear coursing through him as he realised that was where his friends were. "What did you do?"

Fumamon chuckled as he spun his sword through the air. "Your old friend Datamon really pulled through. He managed to create an entirely new Digimon for Armormon to Digivolve into. A Mega Level Digimon." Shining's eyes went wide. "I wouldn't be surprised if he's already crushed your friends."

"Don't underestimate them!" Cyberdramon cried. "My friends are stronger than you think they are."

"Maybe," Fumamon nodded. "But they're all stuck at the Ultimate Level. Against a Mega..." He rushed forward, his swords swinging around, "they don't stand a chance!" Cyberdramon ran forward and blocked the sword his his claws, all the while worrying about his friends.

It was bad enough they had those insane Battle Gear to deal with. But if Armormon really had gotten to Mega, they were in serious danger. "Be careful."

The explosions filled the air with Megadramon and MagnaAngemon hearing them as they continued through the canyon.

The turned a corner and saw a bunch of Troopmon charging at them, Megadramon flying ahead and swinging his tail around to knock them away. MagnaAngemon wanted to finish them off, but Azulongmon's orb flew up next to him. "You don't have time for that. Focus on the Dragon Soul Stone."

"Fine," he growled before they kept going. Eventually, after turning three more turns, they found themselves staring at the giant rock that held the power of the final Great Dragon. "This is it." MagnaAngemon flew forward, "the power of Goldramon will soon be mine."

Megadramon felt uncomfortable around the stone, knowing that a single touch upon its activation could lead to his own evolution into Megidramon. Magnadramon had trusted him, so he wouldn't let her down. "Please tell me you know how long it'll take to activate."

MagnaAngemon frowned. "Alas, I do not. The power of the Dragon Soul Stone will not be awakened until the right time. And that time could be any moment now, or it could be several hours. I just don't know." Another explosion filled the air, making them all look back and see smoke coming from far off. "But the longer we have to wait, the more likely it is WarGrowlmon will show up to take it for himself."

Megadramon nodded, only to then notice something above them and look up. "Huh?"

Up above them was a Flymon, who was hovering over the canyon with something in its claws. A familiar sphere-like device that Megadramon had seen before, his eyes going wide as he watched the bug drop it.

"Warp gate!" He raised his arms and fired the missiles, MagnaAngemon looking up and seeing the orb fall as well. The missiles got closer, but at the last moment the orb exploded and a portal opened where it had been.

The missiles flew into said portal, seconds before something flew out of it. WarGrowlmon.

The cyborg Digimon rocketed out of his cavern base, which was quickly consumed in an explosion caused by Megadramon's missiles. He smirked as he fell towards the pair, as his chest armor charged up. "Atomic Blaster!" He launched the laser towards the Digimon, both gasping as they were forced to leap away from it.

The laser struck the ground and caused an incredible explosion, which rocked the entire battlefield whilst WarGrowlmon landed.

He let out a chuckle as he stood to full height, Megadramon and MagnaAngemon glaring at him as the smoke cleared. "Well this is a sight. The high and mighty MagnaAngemon, standing beside a disgusting Virus Digimon. I never thought I would see the day." He glared back at the Dragon Soul Stone, the sight making him smile. "Such a beautiful sight. And this time, its power will be mine."

"That's not happening!" MagnaAngemon extended his blade, "this is where your reign of terror ends."

WarGrowlmon slowly turned to him, an arrogant smirk on his metal mouth. "Really? You're going to stop me? And how do you intend to do that? Don't you remember what happened the last two times you faced me?"

"Of course. We defeated you and you ran off with your tail between your legs."

"No. Your friends defeated me. And both times they did, it was after I laid you out and almost deleted you." He chuckled as he raised his Assault Balancer, ready to attack and destroy them both. "You might see yourself as some high and mighty warrior who's destined to save the Digital World, but the truth is you're nothing but a weakling that targets weaker Digimon in order to make yourself look strong."

"That's not true," MagnaAngemon growled. "I am a mighty Angel Digimon. Protector of the Digital World and destroyer of evil."

"Oh please. You Angel Digimon are pathetic. If you're not fighting a Dark Virus Digimon, you're almost as weak as a Champion. Now..." He raised his arm blades. "Do yourself a favour and run along. Spend what little time you have left in the Digital World enjoying yourself. Don't waste it in some foolish crusade."

MagnaAngemon didn't listen to him and charged forward, letting out a mighty roar as he tried to slash at WarGrowlmon. But the Digimon easily blocked the attack with his arm blades and sighed.

"Some Digimon are just too stupid to learn!" He used all his strength to push the Angel Digimon backwards, then shot his Assault Balancer forward in an attempt to stab him in the chest. But at the last moment, Megadramon thrust his arm in front of MagnaAngemon and the blade bounced off it. "And you!" WarGrowlmon glared at him. "How long do you intend to keep this farce up?"

Megadramon glared at him, WarGrowlmon leaping forward in an attempt to cut him in half. But Megadramon quickly raised his arms and blocked the blade, the pair glaring at one another.

"Why are you risking your life to help this fool, who would destroy you without a second thought? How does helping him benefit you in any way?"

"It doesn't," Megadramon groaned. "I admit it. I hate this guy. But Azulongmon and Magnadramon trusted me to help him." He pushed WarGrowlmon back, "and that's the least I can do to pay them back for everything they've done for me."

"How sweet," WarGrowlmon charged again. "But it's equally as pathetic!" He swung his tail around, trying to knock him down, but Megadramon did the same and their tails spiralled around each other. The pair tried to pull the other around and throw them about, but they were of equal strength and in a tug of war.

But MagnaAngemon flew around him and charged forward, trying to stab his sword right into WarGrowlmon's chest. But as he got close, the cyborg T-rex's chest unleashed a burst of lightning. "Megalo Spark!" It shot towards the angelic Digimon and slammed into him, knocking him backwards. And at the same time, WarGrowlmon's jets ignited and pushed him into the air.

Megadramon was pulled up with him, his non-powered wings not strong enough to stop him. The next thing he knew, he was being thrown around and his grip on WarGrowlmon was lost.

"WOW!" He slammed down into the ground, right next to MagnaAngemon, as WarGrowlmon laughed.

"This is too easy. And with Armormon keeping the rest of those fools busy, nothing will be able to stop me." The two groaned as they pushed each other up, Azulongmon and Magnadramon powerless to do anything but watch. Things weren't looking good. Not in the slightest.

The smoke began to clear, Bombardramon saw how well his foe's states were.

Paildramon had crashed into the side of the canyon, alongside CresTawnimon and Mistymon. Crescemon and Angewomon appeared to have barely managed to avoid getting blown away, Petaldramon using his roots to shield himself and several others as best her could.

Gokuwmon and Khionemon had crashed into the ground alongside several other Digimon, as Pteryxmon, Sunflowmon, Hudiemon and Firamon glowed and reverted back to their human form. Sunset let out a moan, as Coronamon laid beside her. She pulled her partner in for a hug, as Rainbow tried to push herself up. But she couldn't and fell back to the ground.

"Rainbow!" Kurmamon cried, Rapidmon and JaegerDorulumon gasping at their partners in distress. The giant turtle rushed over to them, Bombardramon seeing this and preparing to fire a laser at the downed human. But at the last minute, MegaKabuterimon and MetalSnimon slammed into him.

"Oh no you don't!" The insects cried as they managed to push the robotic head upwards just enough for the laser to shoot past the others. Kurmamon used this opening to pick the three up and carry them to safety, but Bombardramon saw this and growled.

"Get off of me!" Suddenly, his entire body surged with electricity. The power struck the pair and made them scream in pain, allowing Bombardramon to throw them off of him. But just as he was about to fire another laser at them, he heard Rapidmon's voice.

"Tri-Beam!" He looked over and saw a triangular beam of light shooting towards him, hitting the Digimon in the chest.

"Weisse Spirale!" JaegerDorulumon fired a beam from his shield, hitting Bombardramon as well but the metal just absorbed it.

At the same time, Leomon rushed towards Bombardramon and leapt into the air. "Fist of the Beast King!" He punched his fist into the machine's chest, but it still did nothing.

"Toy Nova/Kaimen Barrage!" ToyGreymon and Crocannodramon both launched their attacks, hitting the Mega Level before he could retaliate. But still, the damage was barely a scratch.

"There's got to be a way we can hurt him," Leomon stated before noticing Datamon hiding behind a rock. As Paildramon, CresTawnimon, Angewomon, Khionemon and Crescemon rushed at robot, Leomon ran over to the Digimon and grabbed him.

"Hey!" He cried, being pulled out from behind the rock. "What are you doing?"

"We need to get you somewhere safe," Leomon told him. "Somewhere you can find a way to stop that thing."

"I can't!" Datamon cried as Bombardramon saw them fleeing.

"Oh no you don't!" He launched a laser in their direction, only for Mistymon to appear in front of him. He let out a roar as he swung his blade around, unleashing a burst of fire that struck the laser and caused it to explode. The impact sent Mistymon staggering back, whilst Leomon got Datamon around a corner of the canyon.

"I don't care if you think you can't do it," the lion man stated. "You've got to find a way to beat him. You designed this form."

"Exactly," Datamon cried. "That's why I know the form doesn't have a weakness. They forced me to go over every detail of the design again and again. I couldn't let a single fault through." A large explosion made them look back and see Mistymon being blown back.

"GYAH!" He cried, crashing into the ground and sliding to a stop as he started glowing.

"Micro!" MegaKabuterimon yelled, flying down to grab his partner as Micro reverted back to human.

"Cable Catcher!" Paildramon launched his finger bindings towards Bombardramon and wrapped them around his neck, flying past him in an attempt to pull him away. At the same time, CresTawnimon slashed at the metal with her wings, Crescemon used her scythes and Khionemon unleashed a burst of cold air.

But Bombardramon's metal body simply absorbed the attacks and refused to even be scratched by them. "Nice try!" Bombardramon swung his neck around with enough force to throw Paildramon around, forcing him to release his finger binds as he was sent hurtling through the air.

He accidently crashed into CresTawnimon, the pair falling to the ground. And as they did, Angewomon and MetalSnimon flew up towards him. "Heaven's Charm!" Angewomon created the ring of light, which he threw at the Digimon in an attempt to bind him.

Armormon looked up from the cockpit and smirked before opening his mouth, allowing his mechanical body to bit into the ring and make it explode. At the same time, MetalSnimon flew up and pointed his booster rocket boot at Bombardramon. "Metal Swarm!" He fired a blast of energy, which exploded into multiple energy meteors that rained down on him.

Bombardramon laughed as he raised his large tail, the multiple sections beginning to spin. "Laser Massacre!" The multiple laser barrels exploded and sent lasers flying in every direction, destroying the Metal Swarm attack and hitting several Digimon at once.

"GYAH!" MetalSnimon, Angewomon, JaegerDorulumon and Rapidmon were blasted back. MetalSnimon and Angewomon quickly divided into their human and In-Training components, whilst the two solo Digimon were simply forced to De-Digivolve into their In-Training forms as well.

MegaKabuterimon saw this and gasped, fearing they would either be hit by a laser or injured upon hitting the ground. As such, he flew out from his cover and the lasers began to strike him. "GRAAAH!" They bounced off his shell, doing serious damage but he forced himself to hold on until he reached the others. "Gotcha!" He continued to shield them until they were safely behind the rocks of the canyon.

Once there, he started glowing and reverted back to Motimon. Doing so caused him to accidently drop the others next to where Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy and Micro were. They all laid out, Kurmamon, Leomon and Datamon seeing their forces dwindling by the second.

"This isn't good," Leomon stated.

"What do we do?" Kurmamon asked, as Petaldramon and several other Champion Level Digimon attacked. At the same time, Paildramon flew in and used his String Strike attack whilst Crescemon slashed at him with his scythe. CresTawnimon and Khionemon unleashed their long distance attacks, but nothing worked.

"I'm afraid Bombardramon can't be stopped," Datamon stated. "One Mega is enough to defeat two dozen or more Ultimates. There's just no way we can beat him."

"I refuse to let that be the case!" Leomon rushed back out, Kurmamon following behind him. "Fist of the Beast King!" He launched the fireball, which struck Bombardramon's leg. But again, nothing happened.

CresTawnimon flew overhead and started at the Digimon, then had an idea and turned to those still able to fight. "Aim for the joints!" They looked up at her. "There's no way they can be well shielded and allow just ease of movement. Aim for the joints!"

"You got it!" Paildramon cried as he started dancing around the lasers that Bombardramon started firing. When he got in close, he extended his Sting Strike blades before thrusting his attack into a section between his body and his leg.

The cone-like weapon entered the area and seemed to do some kind of damage, but Bombardramon quickly pulled back before using one of his large wings to bat Paildramon away. "GYAH!" He crashed into the ground, whilst Leomon, Crescemon, Khionemon and Kurmamon, Gokuwmon and Petaldramon got in close.

Petaldramon used his Thorn Jab attack to wrap around Bombardramon's back legs, keeping him locked in place and allowing the others to attack. "Raaaah!" Leomon leapt up and stabbed his sword into the joint on Bombardramon's other leg, whilst Crescemon stabbed her scythe into the ankle joint and Gokuwmon thrust his staff into the back of the knee.

Khionemon flew up and unleashed a burst of cold air, freezing up another leg at the knee joint whilst Kurmamon pointed his arm cannons at another knee. "Shell Shock Strike!" The harpoon fired out of the shell launched and struck the joint, preventing Bombardramon from moving too much.

"You think this will stop me?" The Mega Level Digimon asked. "Pathetic!" He summoned the cannon from his mouth and pointed it at the Digimon, his neck bending around giving him the perfect aim to hit the Digimon at his feet.

"Look out!" CresTawnimon cried, but the laser launched and struck Crescemon.

"Gyah!" The Ultimate Rabbit Digimon was blown away, slamming into the ground and beginning to revert back to her In-Training form.

"Moonmon!" Khionemon flew down and picked her partner up, as Bombardramon tried to blast them both. But the snow spirit Digimon managed to dodge the attack and carry her partner away, only for Bombardramon to open up his wings.

"Unending Devastation!" The missiles launched again and flew down towards the ground, Khionemon gasping as she did her best to shield Moonmon whilst avoiding the missiles and explosions. At the same time, everyone else did their best to escape as well. Unfortunately, Petaldramon was too big to escape and got struck by the blasts.

"Gaaaaah!" He was knocked flying, his roots ripping out of the ground and freeing Bombardramon's back legs. He hit the ground and skidded along it, reverting back to Sproutmon as he did.

"No!" Gokuwmon yelled, but couldn't get out from under Bombardramon without getting blasted. And as CresTawnimon was attempting to avoid the explosions, she suddenly found herself flying into a swinging around metal tail.

"GYAH!" She screamed, getting hit and knocked flying by the tremendous impact. As she did, she glowed and split into Twilight and Tweetmon.

"TWILIGHT!" Paildramon leapt into the air, managing to avoid the explosions going on around him. But before he could reach the two, Bombardramon laughed.

"I've got you now!" Suddenly, his chest opened up and something shot out of it. A bunch of metal cables that shot towards Paildramon, wrapping around him before he could notice them.

"What the?" He looked down at the cables, which bound his arms and wings to his side before looking around and seeing the cable connecting to Bombardramon's chest. And the next thing he knew, it was retracting and he was being pulled backwards. "Twilight!" He watched her and Tweetmon falling, as more explosions went off around them.

But before they could pick up too much speed, a ramp of ice appeared and the pair began to slide down it. Khionemon was the one who had saved her, quickly picking the pair up. "I've got you!" But before she could get them away, Bombardramon unleashed a blast from his mouth cannon.

It blasted its way through the ice ramp and struck Khionemon's feet, causing an explosion that blasted her backwards and made her scream in pain.

As she hit the ground, she reverted back to human form with Twilight, Tweetmon and Moonmon beside her. Twilight groaned, as she forced her eyes open and looked up to see Bombardramon charging up another blast to send her way.

But as it fired, Kurmamon suddenly appeared behind them and the laser slammed into him. "Gyah!" He cried, the laser sending him staggering forward. "Hurry," he scooped them up and started staggering forward, but Bombardramon launched another barrage of lasers from his tail.

"Stop it!" Paildramon cried, trying to pull on the chord holding him only for Bombardramon to suddenly unleashed a burst of electrical energy. "GYAAAAAAAAH!" He cried, getting zapped by the energy whilst the lasers struck the area around Kurmamon and finally blew him off his feet.

"Yaaaah!" He crashed into the ground and the girls were thrown from his grasp, as he reverted back into Sherumon.

Gokuwmon and Leomon rushed out from under Bombardramon, running over to try and cut the chords holding Paildramon. But the metal was just too strong.

Paildramon groaned as he opened his eyes, then saw Bombardramon pull his leg back. "Look out!" Gokuwmon and Leomon spun around and saw the let flying at them, the beast men attempting to leap back and managing to avoid the foot. But the force from the kick was so powerful, the wind it unleashed slammed into them like a brick wall.

"GAAAAAAH!" They were flung backwards, spinning through the air until they smashed into a back wall.

"NO!" Paildramon cried, seeing Gokuwmon revert back to human whilst fearing the Champion Digimon might be deleted. As they both fell towards the ground, Micro and the rest of those who had been moved to a safe spot came out of hiding.

Rainbow gasped seeing her partner on the ground, rushing over to help whilst the others did the same for those littered around the ground. The only one left who was still in fighting condition was Paildramon, but he wasn't in the best shaped and was currently tied up.

Bombardramon laughed as he stared down at the DNA Digimon, as the chords around him tightened. "Things aren't looking too good for you, are they?" Paildramon glared at him as he pulled on the metal rope, but he couldn't escape. "Face it, losers, you've lost. By now, WarGrowlmon has likely destroyed those fools you sent to face him. And once the Dragon Soul Stone is his, the world will end. It's over."

"RAAAAAH!" Megadramon rushed forward and tackled WarGrowlmon, wrapping his tail around him as he tried to force the Digimon to the ground.

But WarGrowlmon could only laugh as his Assault Balancer coiled up and pointed at the back of his neck, then thrust itself forward in an attempt to stab him. It was only at the last minute, that Megadramon noticed and shifted his head so the blade struck his metal helmet.

But as it bounced off, WarGrowlmon pulled one of his arms free before punching him right in the chest. "Gaaah!" He fell backwards, WarGrowlmon quickly grabbing his tail and using it to swing the Digimon around. Megadramon soon found himself getting slammed into the ground, then again, then into a nearby wall before getting thrown away.

As he let Megadramon go, MagnaAngemon flew at him and tried to slash him. But WarGrowlmon spun around and blocked it, MagnaAngemon slashing at him again and again with little success. "Seriously? Who taught you how to fight?"

"Nobody!" MagnaAngemon spun around to try and kick him, but WarGrowlmon blocked with his armor's claws and pushed him back. "Ever since you Virus Digimon attacked my home, I swore to stop anyone from ever feeling the same pain I felt. I trained tirelessly after that, eventually managing to Digivolve into my Champion state. And once I was, I began to crusade to wipe you out!"

"That explains why you're so weak," WarGrowlmon chuckled.

"Weak? I've destroyed many Virus Digimon in my time. Wiped them out before they could even attack and cause more harm."

WarGrowlmon snarled. "It's Digimon like you that make this world unbearable. Despite your weakness, you think you'll win just because you've deluded yourself into thinking you have right and justice on your side. But the fact is, there's no such thing as right or justice. All there is is power and only the strong decide what is right."

Megadramon picked himself up, as WarGrowlmon sent his Assault Balancer flying at MagnaAngemon. The angel Digimon used his arm shield to protect himself, whilst WarGrowlmon charged up his Atomic Blaster. And at the last moment, Megadramon leapt at him and grabbed him around the waist before lifting him up.

The laser fired and missed MagnaAngemon, who quickly flew forward attempting to stab WarGrowlmon.

But WarGrowlmon pointed his thrusters at Megadramon and fired them, the flames hitting him in the face and forcing Megadramon to let him go. This allowed WarGrowlmon to fly upwards, avoiding MagnaAngemon's attack with the blade almost hitting Megadramon.

WarGrowlmon then spun around and dived down towards the pair, crossing his blades as he did so. "Radiation Blade!" Before either of them could react, he shot past them and was behind the pair before they could even blink.

Then, the Digimon were both consumed by an explosion that originated from their chests and they roared in pain. They both fell to the ground and WarGrowlmon laughed.

"Now do you understand! You can't hope to defeat me. My power can not be matched by any other Ultimate. And without your precious Megas here to save you, you don't stand a chance." The pair groaned as they laid on the ground. "Nothing can stop me! NOTHING!"

Fumamon spun around and slashed his sword as Cyberdramon, only for the Ultimate Digimon to leap backwards.

He spread his wings and flew up out of range, then swung his claws around. "Desolation Claw!" The orb of dark energy formed and with an almighty thrust, it exploded into a beam that shot towards Fumamon.

The Virus pulled his sword out of the ground and crossed them over, the beam hitting them and sending the energy flying off in different directions. The force of the impact made him flinch, pushing him backwards as he did. After a few moments of this, he finally slid to a stop.

He lowered his sword and looked up at Cyberdramon, who didn't look like he was coming down. "So, you think you're safe up there?" He put his sword away, "think again." He then took something out. A remote of some kind. And when he pressed a button on it, a portal opened up behind him.

Cyberdramon thought maybe he was running away. But instead, something flew out of the portal at an incredible speed.

It was some kind of futuristic motorbike, with no wheels that was flying through the air. "What do you think?" Fumamon leapt up and landed on the bike's seat. "I had Datamon make this custom for me!" He revved the engine and shot into the air heading straight for Cyberdramon.

The Ultimate Digimon barely managed to leap out of the way in time, as the vehicle flew past him. It then swerved through the air and as it did, the front opened before a pair of laser blasters folded out. The next thing Cyberdramon knew, a barrage of energy bullets flew out and slammed into him.

"AUGH!" He cried, as he fell towards the ground and crashed into it.

Fumamon laughed as he flew down, hovering above the ground and staring down at him. "And you thought you actually stood a chance against us." Cyberdramon pushed himself up. "By now, your friends are probably all deleted. Why keep fighting?"

Cyberdramon sighed as he stood tall. "I told you not to underestimate them. They're stronger than you think." He glanced back at where the large explosions had been coming from. "Those kids have more potential than any other in Codex. Even if I can't overcome an obstacle like that, I know they can." He looked back at Fumamon. "So if you want any chance at getting out of this alive, you need to realize I'm not the biggest threat to your plans. It's them." With that, he charged forward and Fumamon did the same. The pair continued fighting, Shining's word's running through Fumamon's head.

Was he right?

Back with the others, Bombardramon stared at those he had already defeated.

The humans and In-Training Digimon looked rather pitiful in their sorry state, whilst Leomon looked ready to collapse even as he pushed himself to his feet. He then noticed Datamon, who was still hiding behind a rock. "Don't hide away. Come out and celebrate your amazing accomplishment. You've created the most powerful Digimon currently in the Digital World."

Datamon frowned. He wasn't sure if Bombardramon actually was the most powerful Digimon right now, but he did know that he was the most powerful Digimon in the area. Even the Royal Knights would likely have issue defeating him. And they couldn't come and fight until after the Dragon Soul Stone was claimed.

Bombardramon then retracted the chords around Paildramon and pulled him forward, only to let it go slack as he swung his leg around and smashed it into him. "GYAH!" Paildramon was thrown backwards, only for the cable to go stiff with him almost feeling his spine snap when he was stopped and fell into the ground.

"Flash!" Twilight cried, she and the others fearing what might happen if Paildramon didn't escape.

"Biomerge!" Rainbow cried, trying to become a Digimon. But as the light swirled around her, she flinched in pain and it exploded off of her. She fell to her knees, in too much pain to try and Digivolve again.

"This isn't good," Micro sighed. "Paildramon's the only Ultimate left. But he's trapped."

"De-Digivolve!" Trixie told him. "You'll escape then!"

Micro shook his head. "Flash is probably in just as bad a shape as us. If he does De-Digivolve, he and Veemon won't be able to Digivolved again." As he said that, Bombardramon fired a laser at the ground next to Paildramon. The explosion and flying debris buffeted him, but the cable kept him from being blown away.

He grunted, but held his ground as he kept trying to break free.

As Paildramon struggled against the bindings, Bombardramon laughed seeing him completely helpless. "I've been looking forward to this." His mouth opened and a large cannon barrel folded out of it. "The moment I finally get to delete you fools once and for all."

Paildramon grunted as he struggled against the metal chords, then looked around at all his friends. They were all in a real bad state. If they didn't find a way to stop Bombardramon now, it would all be lost. "No," he pushed himself back up to his feet. "We...we're not gonna let you win."

"Let me win?" Bombardramon laughed again. "You don't have a choice. I am the most unstoppable Digimon that ever lived. Nothing you fools could try would let you even scratch me. Soon, the Digital World will be destroyed."

"That means you'll be destroyed as well!" Twilight cried, as she hugged Tweetmon close to her chest. "What's the point of gaining all this power, if you're just going to lose it when the Digital World is decimated!?"

"The Digital World may be destroyed, but I won't be. With this new power, I'll easily survive it and get to see the new Digital World that will replace this one. And once I'm there, I'll be able to rule it like I always should have."

"You're insane," Leomon groaned.

"Call me what you want. Doesn't change the fact. This world relies on power. Only the strong can survive in this world and the weak fall to the wayside."

"No," Paildramon groaned, "that's not true."

"Oh, but it is. It's just a shame you didn't see it. Think about it. Every fight you've ever been in. Every battle you've ever seen. Who ended up winning in the end? The strongest of the two. WarGrowlmon has only lost because each time he was about to win, his opponent managed to get stronger. Strength is what matters and nothing else."

Paildramon looked down, as is letting this info sink in. And as it did, Flash and Veemon were suddenly reminded of something. Due to their linked minds, they were able to see memories they both had and something about them made them realize an important truth.

"You're right," Paildramon looked up at Bombardramon. "Strength is important." His friends all looked shocked, whilst Bombardramon simply smiled.

"Ahh, you finally understand. Too little too late."

"Oh, I understand more than you'll ever know. Strength is important. But your strength isn't important." Bombardramon tilted his head. "True strength, doesn't come from how much firepower you have. So what if you can blow up a mountain. Doesn't matter. True strength comes from within." He struggled against the cables and they actually seemed to be straining at this.

"What are you talking about?" Bombardramon asked.

"Strength come from having something important to use that strength for. Something you want to protect. And you have nothing you want to protect, so you have no real strength." The cables began to slow fray. "Ever since I came here, I've been happy, I've been sad, I've been angry. I've faced constant challenges and constantly found myself almost getting deleted. And every time it happened, I managed to get out of it because I've had my friends there to help me."

"So what?"

"So...I love this world. Coming here is the best thing that ever happened to me. And the reason it's the best thing...is because of all the friends I've made here. They're what make this world worth living in. And if you think I'm gonna let you destroy it, just so you can try and live out some mad power fantasy, you're wrong. I don't care how strong you are, I won't let you destroy it."

"You think a weakling like you can stop me?"

"We're...not weak," Veemon's voice came out of Paildramon's mouth.

"We," Flash's voice followed, "have strength you'll never understand." A soft glow began to form around the pair, but only his friends noticed. Bombardramon was too far away to notice.

"Is that so," Bombardramon chuckled. "Well then show me." The two continued to struggle against the chords, as Bombardramon charged up the mouth cannon and prepared to fire. "What is this strength you have?"

Paildramon struggled, the chords tightening, but the glow didn't stop as Flash spoke up. "You'll see..." He started.

"Our strength..." Veemon carried out, as the glow was finally noticed by Bombardramon. And as they yelled in unison, the chords finally strapped. "RIGHT NOW!" The light suddenly exploded off of Paildramon and surrounded him.

"AHHHH!" Bombardramon was blinded by the light, alongside everyone else as it flew up into the air. "What is this?"

Inside the light, Paildramon spun through the air as new power flowed through him. "Paildramon, Mega Digivolve to..." His armor quickly began to reshape itself. His gauntlets grew larger and his claws grew longer, quickly changing from white to gold as his String Strike blade transformed.

The chest armor began to open up, as the X mark on his chest disappeared. His legs were soon surrounded by light, which transformed into black armor. And as he hunched forward, his arms reshaping into legs, his white wings were surrounded by light and grew larger. The same was happening to his tail, whilst his blue wings disappeared. And when he beat his glowing wings, the light exploded off of them to reveal they were now large red dragon wings spanning more than his length from head to tail.

His head also began to reshape itself, his mask and helmet changing to accommodate it. White hair sprouted from his head and he quickly gained a new mouth, his white lower jaw opening up whilst the rest was hidden behind the front mouth. At the same time, a flash of light signalled a black tube appearing on his back. A golden ring was around the end and it looked like it could unleash one serious blast of power.

As all this had been happening, the Digimon's body had been growing larger and was now four times Paildramon's size.

The orb of light had flown above the canyon and stopped above it, still within the barrier of the Dragon Soul Stone, before exploding to reveal the new Digimon. A blue quadrupedal dragon wearing black and gold armor, with large red wings and a red and white helmet over his head along with a cannon on his back.

The dragon opened its eyes and let out and mighty roar, which shoot the ground and caught the attention of all those fighting in the canyon. "IMPERIALDRAMON!"

Down on the ground, Flash's friends were all shocked by what they were seeing. "Flash...Mega Digivolved," Twilight whispered. She could hardly believe it. Digivolving to Ultimate so quickly was an amazing sight. But Digivolving to Mega, something even her brother had yet to accomplish, was unthinkable.

Over on the canyon wall, Cyberdramon and Fumamon had been fighting when they noticed the brilliant light. "Okay," Fumamon tilted his head, "I was not expecting that." Cyberdramon was also shocked by this.

Despite not being close enough to hear the Digimon's announcement before the evolution, he knew that could only be one Digimon. Which meant it could only be one player. "Flash." He was shocked by this, but also proud. He really had come a long way. "Go get 'em."

As they continued to stare at the new Mega Level, Micro, Trixie and Sandal all remembered when they first met the Royal Knights.

"What did he say his name was?" Micro turned to the pair, "Imperialdramon?" They nodded, the name sparking a memory with the lot of them. "That's...that the same name as the Digimon that formed the Royal Knights?"

Sandal remembered more and looked confused. "But...I thought he was supposed to be a humanoid Digimon? That's what all those images showed."

"Yeah," Trixie nodded. "And he was supposed to have a sword. This Digimon doesn't have a sword?" So many questions were flowing through all of their minds. What was this Digimon and what was its connection to the Digimon they had learned about from the knights? And more importantly, would this new Digimon be able to stop Bombardramon?

Speaking of the Mega Level. Bombardramon stared up at the descending dragon, who now filled just as much of the canyon as him. They were roughly the same size, though Bombardramon's long neck gave him the height advantage. "Impossible. This is impossible. There's no way you could be strong enough to Digivolve to Mega. IT SIMPLY ISN'T POSSIBLE!"

"Oh, it's possible." Imperialdramon spread his wings. "If you have a strong enough desire to protect those you love, then nothing is beyond your limits." He took off and flew towards his fellow Mega. "And now you'll see our true strength."

Bombardramon staggered back, but quickly recovered and locked all his weapons on Imperialdramon. "Stay back!" He fired a barrage of missiles from his wings, which shot towards Imperialdramon. But the Dragon Digimon leapt into the air and they sailed beneath him.

But instead of exploding, they curved around and chased him into the sky. But whenever they got close to hitting him, he simply avoided them and they would smash into each other and explode.

"So fast," several of his friends cried at the sight. Despite being huge, Imperialdramon was incredibly fast and agile in the air. The missiles didn't even touch him, nor did any of the smoke from the explosion.

"Fast smast!" Bombardramon opened his mouth cannon whilst his tail blasters started firing. "Lasers move at the speed of light!" But no matter how many shots he launched, Imperialdramon was able to avoid each and every one of them as he drew closer. "That is fast!"

Once Imperialdramon was close enough, the claws and blade on the end of his right leg glowed. "Imperial Claw!" He swung around and slashed at the robotic dinosaur, his claws ripping through the armor that made him up.

"AUGH!" He staggered back in pain, but quickly recovered and began to fire a single laser stream from his mouth. But Imperialdramon jumped back as the laser carved itself into the ground trying to chase after him.

"Eternal Zeal!" Flames filled Imperialdramon's mouth and with a roar, they exploded out in a powerful stream. The fire quickly consumed Bombardramon and he once again screamed, as warning lights went off in his cockpit.

"You insolent worm!" The flames dispersed and he saw Imperialdramon was gone, the Mega Level looking around but not seeing him until he looked up. "Get down here and fight!"

"I am fighting!" Imperialdramon stated. "I just figured you wanted a break, but okay!" He shot down at incredible speed and in the blink of an eye, he was right in front of Bombardramon and slashed at him once again. He aimed for one of the legs and used the blade on the back of his leg to gouge into it, sparks and oil flying everywhere as he was unable to control it any longer.

"Gyah!" He staggered back, unable to believe this was happening. "What is this!? You were at my mercy and suddenly, you just evolved and got super powerful. Where did this strength come from? How were you able to do this so fast, when it took me so long to reach this power level?"

"You're too self-centred to get it!" Imperialdramon unleashed a fireball that completely destroyed the leg they had damaged. "Our power comes from being a team and working together, for the good of all!" The others cheered, as Imperialdramon got in close. "They are what gives me strength! What lets me pick myself up any time I'm knocked down. And I won't let you hurt them!" He slammed his tail into Bombardramon and pushed him back.

"Oh, give it a rest!" Bombardramon rapidly fired from his mouth and tail, but the lasers simply bounced off Imperialdramon's armor as he flew up. "What matters is power. And I'm still the most powerful one here." He kept shooting, with nothing happening to Imperialdramon.

"Not for long." The cannon on his back began to light up, drawing in energy that it would soon unleash upon the opponent.

Bombardramon looked worried, but then noticed his cheering friends and smiled. "You say your friends are your strength. Then I'll destroy that strength. Unending Devastation!" He unleashed every missile and laser he had, which all flew towards Twilight and the others.

They all gasped at this, as the attacks prepared to destroy them. They couldn't outrun them or hope to protect themselves. Was this the end?

But before the attacks could land, Imperialdramon suddenly appeared above them. His feet surrounded them and his body shielded them, as the attacks slammed into him. "Graaaah!" He cried, as the impacts continued.

"Flash!" Twilight cried, but saw the dragon's face showed a look of determination. "YOU CAN DO IT!" The others yelled out in agreement, as the cannon on his back completely charged.

He glared Bombardramon down, "big mistake. Threatening the Digital World is one thing. But nobody threatens my friends!" The weapon on his back hummed, as the onslaught from the Unending Devastation ceased. "Time to make sure you never harm another Digimon again. Positron...LASER!" The weapon unleashed all its power in a single, all powerful attack.

Bombardramon gasped seeing the attack coming. But as he tried to counter with his own blasts, he found his body was completely out of power. "No." He couldn't even move, his mechanical body just standing there like an oversized target. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The laser slammed into him and almost his entire body was consumed, with only his head and half his neck being spared.

Everyone was forced to shield their eyes, as the attack filled the canyon with light. Bombardramon's screams filled the air, the sound being oddly enjoyable to everyone who had suffered from him.

When the light finally faded, everyone heard something heavy hit the ground and opened their eyes. They looked around and saw that something was Bombardramon's robotic head and neck, the rest of the body having been completely destroyed.

"Incredible," Datamon gasped. "I built that body to be almost indestructible. And he destroyed it with a single blast." He looked up at Imperialdramon. "Just how powerful is he?"

Imperialdramon flew over to the head and saw Armormon inside, looking rather pathetic in his current state. "How," he groaned, "how did you do this?"

Imperialdramon simply stared down at him. "So long as I have something to protect, I'll always find the strength I need to win." The metal head began to disappear. "Return to the egg. Let your next life be one where you find friends you wish to protect."

Armormon said nothing, his eyes losing their colour before he and his Mega Level head vanished into digital dust.

Everyone watched, then turned to Imperialdramon. They were still in shock about Flash somehow getting to the Mega Level. It seemed almost unthinkable.

But before anyone could ask how he did it, an explosion up ahead caught their attention. "That must be Megadramon," Rainbow cried as Imperialdramon flew higher.

"What are you doing?" Rarity asked, as the dragon prepared to shoot off.

"Flash!" Twilight cried, "you don't know how much longer you'll remain Mega. Don't go doing something reckless." Imperialdramon chuckled down at them.

"Come on. You know me better than that." He then flew off, before anyone could try and stop him. "Of course I'm gonna do something reckless!" With that, he disappeared in a flurry of motion. The sight of him flying off amazed everyone, but also made them frown since they would now have to travel there themselves.

The battle of the final Dragon Soul Stone was going to be a close one. Despite Flash having reached the Mega Level, they all knew victory wasn't going to be so easy. They had to hurry, or it would be too late.

Author's Note:

Well, some of you were probably expecting that. But for those that weren't, I hope you enjoyed the surprise. Flash has achieved Mega. But will it help him stop WarGrowlmon? Only time will tell.

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