• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,639 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Canyon Bombardment

In a dark hidden cave, many pieces of machinery filled the cavern. All of it was interconnected, leading to one large machine in the centre of the room that had a larger glass tube on top of it.

Datamon was currently working at one of these machines, typing away at the computer whilst his arms were still chained up. Hagurumon were floating beside him, holding the chain and staring at the computer to make sure Datamon didn't do anything stupid.

Then, Armormon stepped into the room. "Is it ready?"

Datamon sighed, "yes." He stepped away from the computer, "all you need to do is step into the device and activate it. It'll upload the new data into your system. But I have no idea if this will work. It could give you the outcome you're hoping for, or it could turn you into a horrible mutation."

"Well, you'd better hope it works out. Because if it doesn't, you'll never leave this chamber alive." Datamon frowned as Armormon stepped over to the machine. But as he did, Fumamon appeared.

"It's here!" Armormon turned to him. "The final Dragon Soul Stone. It's appeared."

"I see," Armormon smiled. "Then I'd better get this done as soon as possible." He stepped into the chamber. "Have one of your Troopmon carry a tracker I can use to warp there when I'm finished." Fumamon nodded before disappearing, whilst Armormon turned to the Hagurumon. "Do it."

They nodded and pulled one of the levers, causing the glass tube to close around Armormon whilst the rest of the machines began to power up. They watched, as they hummed and sparked with energy. Slowly, parts of the machine under the tube began to unfold from it. There were a bunch of square metal columns, connected to the machine by metal arms. On the sides of the columns pointing at the tube, a bunch of lights could be seen beginning to light up.

Then, parts of the machine began to spun and the columns started spinning around the tube. And as they did, the lights started unleashing blasts of energy into the tube.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Armormon screamed, as the energy flowed into his body and started uploading the new data into him. It was pure agony, but the Ultimate Digimon refused to let himself be beaten by the pain. He would become the most powerful Digimon alive. And when he was, he would get his payback on those that had wronged him before.

Within a large cave system, a Digimon was running through the tunnels. That Digimon's body was shaped like a star, with a pair of black sunglasses on the front of it. It also had arms and legs, white and red in colour with white tassels.

The Digimon rushed down the cave and eventually came to a giant open space. But as it did, it heard a voice calling out. "Genocide Attack!" Suddenly, a bunch of fish missiles flew down and exploded around the Digimon. This knocked him flying and he crashed into the wall, falling to the ground as the one who fired the missiles flew down.

Megadramon smirked as he saw his opponent, SuperStarmon, was in trouble. "Now I got you!"

"You got nothing," SuperStarmon cried as he practically break-danced around until he was back on his feet. And when he did, he exploded into the air. "Superstar Uppercut!" Before Megadramon could stop him, the fist slammed into the Digimon's chin and knocked him backwards.

"Gyah!" He crashed into the cavern wall, SuperStarmon leaping away, but used his claws to keep from sliding down the wall. "Let me show you what I've got!" He cried before his body started glowing. "Megadramon, Digivolve to..." His body quickly reshaped itself into a winged humanoid shape, the light then exploding off of him. "ULFORCEVEEDRAMON!"

SuperStarmon gulped and shivered, the Royal Knight floating above him looking ready to do some serious damage. "Mommy."

"Ray of Victory!" UlforceVeedramon unleashed a beam of light, which shot down and struck SuperStarmon. The Digimon screamed in pain, as he was blasted backwards. And before he could recover, UlforceVeedramon was suddenly right in front of him and his sword was thrust into the star Digimon's face.

The Digimon exploded, a human boy falling out of it. As he did, the cavern began to disappear and the Royal Knight floated down to the ground. When he landed, he was transformed back into Flash Sentry.

"Yes!" He cheered, as the battlefield returned to its natural domed state. He then looked over at his opponent. "No hard feelings?"

"Yeah," he sighed as he picked himself up. "Whatever." He grabbed his Digivice and headed out of the room, as Veemon appeared from out of the Digivice.

"That was awesome!" The Rookie cried, the pair high-fiving before they left the dome and returned to the foyer. "I didn't know Megadramon could Digivolve into UlforceVeedramon."

"Me neither," Flash smirked. "We'll have to let Megadramon know the next time we see him. I know there can only be one UlforceVeedramon at a time, but I'm sure hearing he can become a great hero Digimon will make his day." They stepped out of the dome and headed towards the foyer. And he wasn't the only one.

Twilight and Sunset were ahead of him, walking with Tawnimon and Coronamon. They had just been in a double battle and from the happy looks on their faces, they had managed to win.

"Hey!" He caught their attention, "success in the stadium?"

"You have to ask?" Sunset smiled. "Of course we won. Who do you think we are?"

"Don't answer that," Twilight stated before Flash could reply. "How'd your battle turn out?"

"Pretty good," Flash stated. "I won, but it got kind of hairy for a minute or so. My opponent stuck us inside a cave system and I was worried my bigger forms wouldn't be able to fit. But I managed to find a couple of open spaces I could fight in." They arrived at the foyer and found their friends enjoying some snacks and playing games with one another.

The only one who didn't seem to be enjoying himself was Micro, who was sitting at the table looking through location scans he had.

"Still worried about Datamon?"

"Yeah," Micro nodded. "What if...what if got...deleted?"

"Datamon's pretty strong," Shining told him. "He is an Ultimate Digimon after all. He wouldn't go down so easily." They all nodded. "Besides, I can't see why anyone would want him deleted. His Battle Gears are way too useful." Micro nodded. He new Shining was right, but it didn't make the situation feel any better.

Suddenly, everyone got an alert on their Digivices. One that made them frown since they knew what it likely was. And sure enough, they opened the messages and found themselves being asked to come help gain the final Dragon Soul Stone.

"This is it," Flash told the others.

Shining nodded. "We've been pretty lucky the last few times. But now, we have to give it everything we've got. WarGrowlmon might not have found the stone. But if they have, then we can't let him get anywhere near it." They all headed towards the Digi-Port, along with many other Codex Players who were answering the call.

Flash spotted Jet and Lightning, both sitting at a table looking like they didn't have a care in the world. At the same time, Dracmon was asking what the alert was for. Flash doubted the Rookie would care once he knew about it, though Jet's explanation seemed to cause him to sweat bullets. Flash wondered why that was, but quickly focused on the situation ahead of them.

"Let's do this!" Flash uploaded the location scan and transported into the mountain base of the Great Dragons.

When they arrived, they found the base wasn't as jam pact as the last two times they had been there. And it was clear why. The army clearly hadn't been able to rebuild their numbers after their previous battles. Flash could only hope the same was true for WarGrowlmon's side.

"Flash!" He looked around and spotted Megadramon, the giant dragon Digimon taking up a large corner of the cave.

"Megadramon!" Flash and Veemon rushed over to him, the others following right behind him. "It's great to see you. How's things been?"

"Great," Megadramon smiled as a Frigimon stepped up to them. He was carrying a tray of Digi-Bites, offering them to the brave heroes that had come to offer their help. They each took some and once they had, Frigimon turned to offer some to Megadramon. The cyborg smiled and took a box, Frigimon walking off. "Almost everyone's really opened up to me. Magnadramon and Azulongmon have helped as well. It's great. Feels just like home."

"That's good," Twilight nodded before a frown appeared on her lips. "But when you say almost everyone's opened up to you. I'm guessing that means..."

"MagnaAngemon." They turned and smiled when they saw Leomon walking towards them, box of Digi-Bites in hand. "Yes. The close minded fool still thinks any Digimon that's a Virus Type is nothing but a danger to the Digital World. And with more and more of us accepting Megadramon into our ranks, he's been growing more and more annoyed."

"Jerk," Rainbow frowned. "I don't get why Magnadramon and Azulongmon keep him around. I'd have kicked his sorry behind out of this place by now."

"Unfortunately, creating this army of going after the Dragon Soul Stones were his idea. Plus, he's the only Digimon capable of becoming Goldramon. If there was another MagnaAngemon around, I'd happily ask him to take the role." The others nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly at that idea.

It was in that moment, the back of the wall opened up and someone stepped out of it. Everyone frowned, but knew they had to at least show him respect since he was their key to winning this war. As he stepped out, a pair of holographic screens appeared above the stage.

On them, Azulongmon and Magnadramon could be seen. "Greetings, my friends." Azulongmon smiled. "I'm happy so many of you could come. I'm afraid we've been unable to increase our numbers as of late. We lost so many Digimon in our campaigns against WarGrowlmon. But having you here is certainly giving us hope."

"Indeed," Magnadramon nodded. "We cannot offer you much in the means of reward, but I'm sure none of you wish to lose the Digital World. That is why we must work together, in order to protect this land from suffering the scourge of Megidramon. And now, let us show you where the final Dragon Soul Stone is located."

The holographic screen changed, now showing what appeared to be a giant canyon. It was several miles from one side of the edge to the other and looked four times deeper. As the image moved over to the terrain, they saw the place was full of waterfalls, several rivers, a couple of treed areas and a lot of rocks.

"The Great Canyon," Azulongmon announced. "It is quite the sight, I'm sure you'd agree. But marvelling at the environment will have to wait. Somewhere in this canyon, the final Dragon Soul Stone is waiting to be claimed."

MagnaAngemon stepped forward. "You all have but one duty. To make sure I get to the Dragon Soul Stone. No matter what, it's imperative that happens. Even if it means giving up your lives. You must make sure I get to the stone. Is that understood?" The Digimon didn't look happy about being cannon fodder, but they all nodded. "Good. Then get ready. We're heading out as soon as possible." They nodded, as a pair of golden orbs appeared.

One of the orbs flew over to Flash and the others, Salamon smiling when she saw it had Magnadramon within it. "Sister."

"Hello Salamon," Magnadramon smiled. "And Rarity, I understand the two of you managed to get to the Ultimate Level."

"Indeed," Rarity nodded. "It wasn't easy, but we should be able to put up a much better fight if we come up against WarGrowlmon and the rest of his legion."

Magnadramon nodded, as she flew up to Megadramon. "I have a favour I need to ask of you."

"Of course," Megadramon smiled. "After everything you've done for me, you don't even have to ask. Just let me know and I'll do it."

"Thanks you. But you may not be happy to accept once you know what it is." This intrigued them, "I need you to watch MagnaAngemon's back." Their eyes went wide. "I know the pair of you don't have the best relationship."

"That's putting it mildly," Flash stated. "He hates him, just because he has a hatred for Virus Digimon."

"Yes," Magnadramon nodded. "Even so, we must make sure MagnaAngemon gets to the Dragon Soul Stone before WarGrowlmon. So I am asking you to protect him."

Megadramon sighed. "Very well. If that is what you wish. I'll do my best to protect him. But I don't think he'll like that very much."

"Yes. Azulongmon is telling him that now."

"WHAT!?" And sure enough, MagnaAngemon looked absolutely insulted. "You dare state I need protection in the form of that...thing!" They frowned at this. "I will not allow it!"

"This is non-negotiable," Azulongmon stated. "WarGrowlmon knows you're the only one who can stop him. He's going to be sending all his forces after you. You may be able to take them on, but that'll cost you time and energy. Neither of which you have. Megadramon is our strongest Digimon. He will be going with you. End of story."

MagnaAngemon growled. "Fine. But I don't have to like it." He turned to Megadramon, "you'd better not get in my way. And if you try and make a grab for the Dragon Soul Stone. I'll tear you to shreds. Understand!?" Megadramon sighed, but nodded his head anyway.

MagnaAngemon flew over to where the portal was being set up, stepping through it as soon as it was open. The others began to make their way towards it as well, whilst Megadramon picked himself up off the ground.

"Don't listen to him," Flash stated.

"Yeah," Veemon nodded, "he's just a meanie. A woosy meanie at that. I bet anything, he's gonna end up getting his rear handed to him when WarGrowlmon shows up."

"He'd better not," Megadramon stated. "Like Magnadramon said, he's the linchpin in our plan. If he gets defeated, WarGrowlmon will claim the Dragon Soul Stone and we'll be in trouble. We have to protect him, even if he is a jerk." The others nodded, as the portal opened up.

"Alright," Shining told the others, "let's get going." MagnaAngemon stepped through the portal first, followed by Leomon and Megadramon. The others soon followed them through, all hoping they would be able to make it out of this battle without any lose.

When they stepped out of the portal, they found themselves in a large open rocky area. This area was flat landmass as far as the eye could see. But a little ways in the distance, they saw the area they were looking for. The Great Canyon.

"There it is," MagnaAngemon stated. "That is where the final Dragon Soul Stone is located." He spread his wings and took off, flying towards the canyon as the others followed suit.

"Better get ready," Shining stated as he took out his Digivice. "Let's do this, guys!" The others nodded and took out their Digivices, holding them up as they unleashed burst of light. Shining, Flash, Twilight, Rarity, Thorax and Sunset all called out in unison. "Biomerge, Activate!" They leapt up as they combined with their Digimon.

"Monodramon, Digivolve to...STRIKEDRAMON!"

"Veemon, Digivolve to...EXVEEMON!"

"Tawnimon, Digivolve to...HOOTAWNIMON!"

"Salamon, Digivolve to...GATOMON!"

"Grubmon, Digivolve to...SNIMON!"

Coronamon, Digivolve to...FIRAMON!"

The others held up their Digivices and light flew off of them, moving towards their Digimon in order to Digivolve them. "Tentomon, Digivolve to...KABUTERIMON!"

"Lunamon, Digivolve to...LEKISMON!"

"Mangoramon, Digivolve to...ARBORMON!"

"Kamemon, Digivolve to...TORTOMON!"

"Dilemon, Digivolve to...GATORMON!"

"Labramon, Digivolve to...DORULUMON!"

"Terriermon, Digivolve to...GARGOMON!"

Once that was done, they brought up another Digivolution deck and both Rainbow and Micro called out together. "Digi-Armor Energize!" They and the others were consumed by the light and began to transform.

"Hawkmon, Armor Digivolve to...PTERYXMON!"

"Tentomon, Armor Digivolve to...FLAMEWIZARDMON!"

"Impmon, Digivolve to...SORCERIMON!"

"Shamenmon, Digivolve to...APEMON!"

"Wormmon, Digivolve to...Hudiemon!"

"ToyAgumon, Digivolve to...TOYGREYMON!"

"Lalamon, Digivolve to...SUNFLOWMON!"

All around them, the other Codex Players were either fusing with their Digimon, or Digivolving them and Biomerging into their own Digimon. Once Digivolved, the Digimon that could all fly picked up the smaller ones that couldn't and took to the air. They flew after MagnaAngemon, Megadramon and the other Digimon, whilst Leomon, Gatormon, Tortomon and Dorulumon all ran after them.

At the same time, another portal opened up further back. And from out of it, Omnimon, Dynasmon and all the other Royal Knights flew out. The only one not there with them was Examon, the gigantic dragon waiting back at the castle in case he was needed.

Omnimon watched the Digimon rush into battle, knowing this could very well be the day the Digital World might end. "Be ready," he told them. "If they fail, we may have to step in and slay Megidramon." They nodded, but many had faith in their friends.

However, Kentaurosmon happened to look around and spot something flying towards the canyon from another direction. "What's that?" They looked around and spotted when he had seen, the lot realising it was a swarm of Flymon.

"Not good!" Omnimon summoned his Supreme Cannon. "Shoot them down!" He started firing, the others with long range attacks doing the same.

In the swarm of Flymon, Fumamon was riding one of them and sensed the danger approaching. Looking around, he spotted the Royal Knights and the attacks they were unleashing. "Evasive maneuvers!" The Flymon began to buzz away from one another, trying not to be such a big target.

Several weren't able to escape in time and got hit by the attacks, causing them to be deleted. But more were able to escape the blasts and keep flying, as they flew towards the barrier.

"Hurry!" Fumamon cried, "get to the barrier!" The Flymon managed to cross into the Dragon Soul Stone's barrier, the Royal Knight's attacks bouncing off of it as they got to safety. "Too close."

Omnimon growled as the last Flymon flew into the barrier. He then raised a golden orb in his Greymon hand. "Azulongmon, the enemy has arrived. We tried to stop them, but they got past us into the barrier."

"I see," Azulongmon nodded. "That is worrying. I shall inform the others right away."

MagnaAngemon and Megadramon had reached the canyon, the pair flying down into it whilst the others followed suit.

The canyon was rather deep, so deep that a skyscraper could fit inside and there'd still be room for a jet to fly through the canyon without going above the edge of the walls. Leomon and the rest of the flightless Digimon, had needed some help getting down. But once they were down, the group began to make their way through the canyon. But as they did, a pair of golden spheres appeared beside MagnaAngemon with Azulongmon and Magnadramon within them.

"Be careful," the blue dragon announced. "The enemy is approaching. Expect them to show up any moment."

"Understood," MagnaAngemon nodded. He looked up and sure enough, there were the Flymon. "Everyone, get ready. We're about to have some company!"

Strikedramon looked up and spotted one of the lead Flymon, who was carrying something on its back. "Fumamon!" He growled, as he rushed towards the wall. "Leave him to me. I've got a score to settle."

"Be careful!" HooTawnimon called out, as he began to leap up the wall towards the edge. With his incredible speed and jumping ability, he was able to reach the top before the Flymon got to close.

"Battle Gear...BOOST!" A flash of light appeared appeared around his chest and shoulders, as something appeared. A large set of tubular cannons hanging from his shoulders, Strikedramon having a metal vest around his chest they were connected to. "Hyper Cannon!" The cannons began to charge up and Strikedramon let out a mighty roar. "FIRE!" The cannons unleashed a pair of twin energy blasts, which shot into the sky at high speed.

Fumamon noticed it at the last moment and his eyes went wide, causing him to leap off the Flymon as the blast slammed into him and it was blown out of the sky. As it fell to the ground, Fumamon pulled out his swords and prepared to slash at Strikedramon. But the Champion leapt back, his Battle Gear needing a few more moments to charge back up.

"Nice try," Fumamon told him. "But it'll take more than that to get the drop on me." He rushed forward swinging his swords around as the Flymon continued to zoom overhead.

And as they did, they started dropping the warp bombs they were carrying into the canyon.

MagnaAngemon saw them coming and growled, knowing any moment he was likely going to end up getting swarmed by those filthy Viruses. But at the last moment, Megadramon raised his arms and fired the fish-shaped missiles.

They flew into the air and exploded, taking out several of the warp bombs. But they couldn't get them all and several struck the ground, exploding as they did so and creating a bunch of portals.

"Great," Leomon growled. He drew his sword, as Ogremon, IceDevimon, Troopmon and other Virus Digimon stepped out from the portal. "Just what we need."

"We can take em!" ExVeemon stated. "We just gotta blow a hole in their group, so MagnaAngemon can get through." The others nodded as the Virus Digimon charged forward. ExVeemon leapt into the air and crossed his arms. "Vee-Laser!" The beam of light exploded out of his chest, flying down and exploding upon contract with the opponent.

This blew them back, whilst the others followed suit. "Magic Ignition!" FlameWizardmon unleashed a barrage of fireballs, which exploded to knock the Virus Digimon down.

"Sky Strike!" HooTawnimon flew forward and smashed her way through the crowd, a veil of light surrounding her as she did so.

Lekismon then leapt into the air. "Moon Night Bomb!" She punched the air, unleashing a barrage of bubbles at the remaining Virus Digimon. As they popped, the Digimon found themselves feeling rather sleepy. And this allowed the others to get in some attacks.

"Crystal Barrage/Angry Spike/Electro Shocker/Blockade Seed/Wildfire Wingbeat/Strong Carapace/Gargo Pellets/ Plastic Nova/Hydro Pump/Sunshine Beam/Drill Bit Blitz/Twin Sickle/Fira Bomb!" Several more Digimon launched their attacks, Leomon amongst them. The canyon was soon filled with explosions, which knocked the Virus Digimon back.

Megadramon saw the opening and turned to MagnaAngemon. "Let's go."

"Don't give me orders!" The Ultimate Angel flew into the sky and shot past the Virus Digimon, but knew this wouldn't be the last of them. Several Flymon had flown ahead, likely dropping those Warp Gates further along. MagnaAngemon would have to mow them all down. Nobody was getting between him and the Dragon Soul Stone.

As soon as MagnaAngemon and Megadramon flew around a corner, ExVeemon flew down and started getting up close and personal with the enemy. He punched an IceDevimon in the face before spinning around and slamming his tail into a Pachymon.

The others were also fighting hand to hand, each of them being sure to not waste too much power. Leomon slashed at many of them, whilst Gargomon slammed his metal fist into their faces. The flying Digimon continued to stay in the air, Sunflowmon carrying Gatomon as the cat leapt towards an IceDevimon.

"Lightning Paw!" She threw the punch right into one's face, knocking it back as Sunflowmon caught her.

"Sunshine Beam!" The sunflower Digimon blasted the IceDevimon, along with several more. Snimon then flew past the pair, slashing at a bunch and knocking them to the ground. Firamon did the same, igniting her entire body and smashing into another ice devil.

Apemon blocked a Pachymon's tail mace, pushing it back and allowing FlameWizardmon to blast them with a fireball. Gatormon unleashed a burst of water, which Sorcerimon quickly froze to make a bunch of ice below the Virus Digimon's feet.

The Ogremon roared as they fell to the ground, whilst Troopmon leapt over to some rocks for better footing. And as they did, they fired at the Digimon with their guns.

Several of them, both Digimon and player, found themselves getting hit and knocked backwards. But as they did, Hudiemon flew over them. "Infinite Dream!" She beat her wings and the powder flew down, landing on the Digimon and healing them up.

As this was happening, Dorulumon, Tortomon and Arbormon rushed forward to deal some serious blows to the opponents. "Things are looking good," HooTawnimon stated. "But..."

"But?" ExVeemon asked.

"I can't shake the feeling this is going too well. This is their last chance to take a Dragon Soul Stone. You'd think they'd pull out all the stops." ExVeemon realised she was right. Why weren't they using their best warriors, like Armormon? Where even was he?

Back in the cave, Armormon continued to scream as he was being subjected to Datamon's upgrade.

A Hagurumon was staring at a screen on the computer, watching as a loading bar filled up. "Almost finished!" He stated. "Ninety-six percent. Ninety-seven percent." The machines then started exploding, smoke and fire filling the chamber. "Ninety-eight percent. Ninety-nine percent!" More explosions went off, causing bits and pieces of the machine to go flying everywhere.

Armormon kept screaming as the energy went haywire, with one of the energy columns being sent flying. And finally, the entire machine blew up and the other Digimon were forced to run.

When the smoke and fire faded away, the coughing machine and cyborg Digimon stagger back towards the now trashed device. And when they looked over at the computer, they saw the progress bar reading one hundred percent. "Did it work?" A Hagurumon asked, the lot of them turning towards the chamber.

From out of it, Armormon staggered forward. He coughed and moaned, clearly having a lot taken out of him from the process. But he was alive and when the pain of the experiment began to wear off, he looked himself over and smiled.

"Yes. I can feel it. The power is within me. All I have to do is let it out." Datamon gulped, wishing he wasn't such an amazing genius. If he really had given Armormon the power he was after, then nothing could stop him.

"I'm sorry, my friends."

Up on the top of the canyon, Strikedramon and Fumamon continued their battle.

"Hyper Cannon, Fire!" The Champion unleashed a blast of energy, which shot straight towards the Ultimate Ninja. But before they could hit, Fumamon crossed his swords and the laser slammed into them. He was pushed backwards by this, but managed to maintain his footing as he waited for the energy to die down.

Eventually, it did and he smirked before charging once again. "Nice toys!" He swung his blades around and in the blink of an eye, Strikedramon found both his cannons getting cut up. "But I bet our toys are better!"

Strikedramon gasped at his destroyed weapons, then heard what Fumamon had said. "What?"

Fumamon leapt back and laughed. "What? You don't remember? When you attacked our old base, we left you a little something behind. A prototype of the weapons we've been preparing since you beat us the last time." He pointed his swords at them, "well they're finally ready." He suddenly threw the swords into the air, distracting Shining as he pulled out a flare and ignited it.

The firework shot up and exploded, getting the attention of the other Digimon as he caught his sword.

"What was that?" Strikedramon asked, only for Fumamon to chuckle.

"Your friends are about to find out."

Down below, everyone noticed the firework and the Virus Digimon smiled.

"Finally!" A Troopmon cried. He then took something out. It looked like the fob one would use for their car, the other Virus Digimon doing the same. "I've been waiting to try out these new toys."

"What are you talking about?" ExVeemon asked, only for the Digimon to press the button on the fobs. This caused a bunch of portals to appear behind them. And from out of these portals, a bunch of strange vehicles shot out. "What the heck?" These vehicles came in many different shapes and sizes.

Several were high-tech motorcycles, which the Ogremon leapt onto. Others were coin-shaped flying vehicles, with spinning spikes on the edge that the IceDevimon leapt into. And then there were a bunch of futuristic tank-like weapons, which the Troopmon leapt into and started piloting.

The Pachymon didn't have any vehicles, instead getting a bunch of mech suits that covered their bodies. Their backs had rockets on the back, whilst their feet were covered by a pair of rollerblades. Their short arms gained metal coverings with drills and buzzsaws on the ends and their heads had large metal helmets on them.

"What are those things?" Pteryxmon squawked, as the tank vehicle came to life and pointed its railgun-like weapon towards them. Lightning sparked between it before firing, the Digimon all crying out as they leapt away. The electro sphere struck the ground and caused a serious explosion, the force of the blast knocking everyone close away.

They screamed as they were slammed into the ground, ExVeemon and HooTawnimon flying up. But as they did, the flying disk vehicles sho towards them. The spikes spun faster, transforming the vehicles into a bunch of flying buzzsaws. "Wow!" ExVeemon almost got cut in half. "Not cool."

Back on the ground, the Ogremon laughed as they raced around on their motorcycles. Leomon growled as he tried to slash at them, but had little success. "What's the matter?" One of them laughed, "too fast for you?" The top of the bike's front then opened up, as a laser barrel folded out. "Too bad!" The barrel fired and Leomon was struck in the chest.

"Gaaah!" He fell backwards, hitting the ground as the other Ogremon launched a barrage of attacks at the other Digimon on the ground.

"Augh!" Dorulumon howled. as some Garurumon and Ikkakumon were knocked down. The Orgemon then rushed forward and collided with a Frigimon, causing it to explode as it was knocked down.

At the same time, the Pachymon's rockets ignited and they shot forward on their rollerblades. This allowed them to move at incredible speeds, either ramming their armored heads into Digimon or attacking them with their arm weapons.

Gatomon was barely able to avoid getting run over, Sunflowmon flying down to pick her up. "This isn't good," she stated as a Starmon tried and failed to stop one of the bikes.

"Where the heck did these things come from?" Sunflowmon asked, FlameWizardmon having a good idea as he used his fire blast attack to try and stop several.

"They have to be Battle Gear," he stated as Kabuterimon rammed his head into one of the buzzsaws. "But I've never seen Battle Gear this advanced." He instantly knew this could only be the work of one Digimon. "Datamon, what have you done?"

"Vee Laser!" ExVeemon unleashed his chest beam and struck one of the tanks on the ground. But the weapon was so well armored, it didn't do a thing against it. And in return, the tank pointed its railgun at him. "Not good." He barely managed to pull back in time to avoid getting hit in the chest, HooTawnimon almost getting hit as well.

This distraction allowed the buzzsaw vehicles to fly up and slam into them, both screaming as they felt the blades cutting into their bodies. Soon enough, they were all thrown towards the ground and at the mercy of the other Virus Digimon.

"Drill Tornado!" Dorulumon unleashed the powerful vortex from this tail, which he shot towards the Pachymon flying across the ground.

The dinosaur Digimon were slammed by the tremendous gale, but the rockets on their backs allowed them to push through and continue fighting. Once they were close enough, one thrust their drill arm into his side and Dorulumon howled in pain.

"Dorulumon!" Sunflowmon cried, as Gatomon leapt out of her hands and fell towards the Pachymon.

"Lightning Paw!" She slammed her fist into one of their heads, but the metal helmets made it so he attack did nothing. And before she could get away, the Pachymon spun around and slammed his tail mace into her chest. "GYAH!" She was sent flying backwards, Hudiemon managing to grab her before she smashed into anything.

"Are you okay?" Hudiemon asked, Gatomon having trouble catching her breath. Had Rarity been in the human world, an impact like that would have probably powderized every bone in her chest.

"These brutes certainly don't know how to treat a lady." As she said that, Gargomon called out for them to watch out. They spun around and saw one of the buzzsaw Battle Gears flying towards them. Hudiemon barely managed to avoid it before Gargomon unleashed a flurry of bullets.

But the spinning blades were able to deflect the attack, as lightning began to spark around them. "Try this!" IceDevimon yelled, as he hit a button that caused the energy to explode off of the blades and form a wave that flew out in every direction.

Everyone who saw the wave managed to avoid it, but several Digimon were unable to escape and got struck by it. They cried out, as they were blasted backwards and crashed into the ground. They let out a bunch of moans, as several of them either reverted back to Rookie Level, human form, or split into a human and their partner.

"You okay?" HooTawnimon told them, as they pushed themselves back to their feet. As they did, the Digimon started attacking by shooting at them again. They all cried out, as the other Digimon worked to protect them. "All of you, Port out of here!" The players didn't need to be told twice, quickly grabbing their partners and disappearing before they could be struck by another attack.

HooTawnimon wasn't so lucky, getting struck by several bike blades and knocked down to the ground. As she did, the Pachymon rushed towards her and prepared to use their buzzsaws to cut her to pieces.

"Vee-Laser!" The X-shaped beam struck the ground and carved a line into it, causing them to stop and look up at ExVeemon. The champion was clearly not about to let them hurt his friend. But before he could attack again, one of the tanks pointed their railgun at him and fired a blast.

At the same time, Strikedramon had removed his weapons and was now fighting against Fumamon head on.

The Ultimate Ninja Digimon threw several shurikens towards Strikedramon, who managed to jump and spin out of the way. When he landed, Fumamon rushed forward with incredible speed and slashed at him several times. "Wow!" Strikedramon barely managed to avoid the attacks, only for Fumamon to then slam a foot into his chest and knock him flying backwards. "GYAH!"

Fumamon laughed, as Strikedramon was thrown back and rolled along the ground. Eventually, he came to a stop and let out a moan. "You really think you have what it takes to end us?" Fumamon asked. "We have the best Battle Gear ever created. You fools can't hope to stand up to that."

Strikedramon pushed himself up and turned to glare at Fumamon. "Battle Gears can be powerful, but they're nothing more than a tool. Their strength is only matched by the strength of the user. And you guys are hardly worth considering as strong."

Fumamon glared at him, only for an explosion and a cry of what sounded like ExVeemon to fill the air. "And how, pray tell, do you intend to overcome the power they've given us?"

"By relying on our own power," Strikedramon began to glow. "The power granted through hard work and inner discovery. Our true power!" He rushed forward, as the light exploded off of him. "Strikedramon, Digivolve to..." Fumamon was blinded by the light and when he finally recovered enough to open his eyes, he found himself staring at an incoming fist seconds before it smashed into him. "CYBERDRAMON!"

Fumamon was thrown backwards and he ended up doing several flips through the air until he eventually smashed into the ground, rolling along it before he slid to a stop. When he looked up, he saw the Ultimate Digimon and knew he the fight was really about to start.

ExVeemon groaned as he laid on the ground, the rest of his friends laid out in the same way.

The rest of the Virus Digimon were lined up, their vehicles ready to blast them all to atoms. Seeing the vehicles rev up to attack again, ExVeemon pushed himself to his feet. "I'm not done yet. What about the rest of you? You guys gonna be beaten by a bunch of oversized toasters?" The Digimon all pushed themselves up, refusing to be beaten so easily. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You wanna use those things to try and get the upper hand, but you're a million years too late for that."

"Yeah, right." One of the Ogremon laughed, "we've got you completely overpowered."

HooTawnimon spread her wings. "If you had had those things during the first Dragon Soul Stone's appearance, maybe you would have us beat. But we've come a long way since then."

"Everybody ready?" FlameWizardmon cried, the others cheering as ExVeemon leapt into the air.

"Then let's show them what true strength looks like!" As he said that, the ghostly form of Stingmon appeared before being absorbed into the dragon and making him glow. "ExVeemon, DNA Digivolve to..." He quickly transformed and grew larger, the light exploding off of him. "PAILDRAMON!"

The other Digimon began to glow as well, only Pteryxmon, Hudiemon, ToyGreymon, Sunflowmon and Firamon remaining the same. "HooTawnimon, Digivolve to...CRESTAWNIMON!"

"FlameWizardmon, Digivolve to...MISTYMON!"

"Kabuterimon, Digivolve to...MEGAKABUTERIMON!"

"Sorcerimon, Digivolve to...KHIONEMON!"

"Lekismon, Digivolve to...CRESCEMON!"

"Apemon, Digivolve to...GOKUWMON!"

"Arbormon, Digivolve to...PETALDRAMON!"

"Kamemon, Digivolve to...KURMAMON!"

"Gargomon, Digivolve to...RAPIDMON!"

"Gatormon, Digivolve to...CROCANNODRAMON!"

"Dorulumon, Digivolve to...JAEGERDORULUMON!"

"Gatomon, Digivolve to...ANGEWOMON!"

"Snimon, Digivolve to...METALSNIMON!"

The now Ultimate Level Digimon stared down at the vehicle driving Digimon, who suddenly felt very vulnerable. "So what if they're Digivolved!" An Ogremon cried, revving his bike's engine. "They still can't beat us!" He shot forward, racing along the canyon floor towards Paildramon.

But the Ultimate looked down at him before pulling one of his blasters forward. The next thing Ogremon knew, a laser flew down and struck the ground in front of him. "GYAH!" The explosion knocked the bike flying and Ogremon was thrown off of it, Paildramon then extending the blades on his arm.

"String Strike!" With a single slash, the stinger cut through the bike and caused it to explode.

The other Viruses roared in anger and rushed forward, the tanks firing at them. But before they could hit, Kurmamon appeared and curled himself up. "Spike Defence!" The energy dome appeared around him and blocked the electric blast, as several of the bikes flew forward and smashed into the barrier.

The flying Battle Gears flew overhead, then dived down to try and attack some of the remaining Champions. But Mistymon, Gokuwmon and JaegerDorulumon appeared, using their weapons to block the attacks. "Nice try!" Mistymon cried, pushing a buzzsaw back. He then leapt up and before the IceDevimon could react, his sword pieced the machine and caused it to spark and smoke up.

He leapt away, seconds before it exploded, as Gokuwmon and JaegerDorulumon used their weapons to damage the flying Battle Gear as well.

"Winter Breeze!" Khionemon unleashed a wave of freezing wind, which struck the Pachymon and caused them to start freezing up.

"Hey!" One of them yelled, as their feet were frozen to the ground. They started using their drills and saws to cut through the ice, but they were sitting ducks in the meantime. And sure enough, Crescemon rushed forward and started swinging her bladed weapons around.

The next thing the Pachymon knew, their new Battle Gear was being cut to ribbons and they had no way of stopping it. All they could do was cry out, as Crescemon landed behind them.

Khionemon smirked at this, but was almost hit by one of the tank's blasts. "You're next!" She unleashed another wave of cold air, which struck the tanks and caused them to start freezing up. They quickly froze to the ground, their treads moaning under the stress of trying to move.

"What's happening?" a Troopmon cried, trying to get his machine back up and running. But nothing he did worked. "Fire!"

"We can't!" Another Troopmon yelled, "whatever this is. It's freezing up our connections. We can't access our energy banks!" MetalSnimon, Rapidmon and MegaKabuterimon charged at the frozen vehicles.

"Razor Destroyer!" He used his chainsaw blades to smash through the ice and cut into the metal, the railgun being torn to shreds as parts of the tank began to malfunction.

"Rapid Fire!" Rapidmon unleashed a barrage of missiles, whilst MegaKabuterimon charged with hit horn sparking.

"Horn Buster!" He rammed his horn into the tank, ripping it apart and causing it to overload from the energy being sent into it. The Troopmon all screamed, as they quickly abandoned their weapon in order to escape.

They leapt out of the tanks, which exploded and consumed several of the Troopmon before they could get away. And as they did, the Ogremon on their bikes tried to escape so as to not lose their best weapons. But before they could get away, Angewomon flew up.

"Celestial Arrow!" She fired the arrow of light towards them, hitting one of the bikes and causing it to explode. As she did, several buzzsaw weapons charged towards her. But Petaldramon quickly came to her rescue.

"Leaf Cyclone!" He unleashed a leaf infused tornado, which rocketed upwards and slammed into the Battle Gear. The riders lost all control of their vehicles, eventually being thrown out of the tornado and sent flying.

"Gale Star!" CresTawnimon beat her wings and sent the glowing stars on her chest flying towards one of them. They smashed into the vehicles, ripping it apart and forcing the IceDevimon to escape.

"Kaimen Barrage!" Crocannodramon raised his missile launchers and then fired at another buzzsaw, which was also abandoned seconds before it was destroyed. And as the two wrecked vehicles fell to the ground, the last one found itself being targeted by all the un-evolved Digimon.

"Fist of the Beast King!"

"Wildfire Wingbeat!"

"Sunshine Beam!"

"Plastic Nova!"

"Fira Bomb!" The attacks fired and slammed into the damaged machine, causing it to also be broken up beyond repair whilst the IceDevimon leapt to safety.

Paildramon flew around the battlefield and watched as an Ogremon raced towards him. "I'm taking you down with me!" But Paildramon didn't look at all worried, landing and simply reaching out to grab the bike by the front end. "WOW!" Ogremon found himself being thrown off the bike, which was just stopped whilst his momentum continued forward.

Paildramon then lifted the bike up and ripped the machine in half, followed by him throwing the pieces towards two more bikes and knocking their riders off it.

As the pair continued to fight, the explosions and screams of Fumamon's team filled the air. This made Cyberdramon smirk, "so much for your toys." But then, Fumamon just smirked.

"What, you thought that was the only plan we had for you guys?" He laughed, "we refuse to lose to you this time. That's why, we're pulling out all the stops. Battle Gears aren't the only things your friend has been working on. We've been putting his other interest to good use."

"Other interests?" Cyberdramon asked, only for his eyes to go wide. "No way. He couldn't...he wouldn't."

"Oh, but he did. And the procedure should have finished by now. Once Armormon has stabilised himself, he'll be making his way into the battle. And I'm sure he's eager to show off his new abilities to your friends." Cyberdramon glanced over to where the battle was taking place. This wasn't good.

Everyone panted as they finished off the last of the Battle Gear, the pieces of junk nothing now but scrap metal.

Paildramon ripped one of them apart and looked around, seeing the many Troopmon and other Digimon still preparing to do battle. "Bring it on!" He cried, grabbing his Desperado Blasters and aiming them at the lot.

But before he could fire, a portal opened up behind one of the Troopmon. "Now, now." Paildramon instantly recognised the voice. "Let's not do anything rash." Armormon stepped out of the portal. "We wouldn't want to cause any unneeded injury."

"Armormon!" Angewomon growled. "We were wondering where you got to."

Paildramon chuckled. "I just figured you hightailed it from WarGrowlmon's army. Considering the thrashing we gave you last time, it seemed like something a coward like you would do?"

"Coward?" Armormon growled. "You'll regret calling me that when this is over." He then let out a chuckle, "after all. I have something that you'll certainly find rather interesting." They all raised their eyebrows, as Armormon pulled on a chain he currently had coiled around his arm.

From out of the portal, another Digimon was pulled out by the chain. "Datamon!" Mistymon gasped, seeing his friend in a rather sorry stated. "I knew it. I knew you were the only one that could build Battle Gears that advanced." He saw a look of shame on Datamon's face, Mistymon turning to Armormon. "Let him go! Right now!"

"Sure!" Armormon pulled on the chain so hard, Datamon was yanked into the air. He then spun the chain around before letting it go, sending Datamon flying until he crashed into the canyon wall. "He's of no more use to us. Now that he's given me what I wanted."

"What are you talking about?" CresTawnimon asked, as Datamon picked himself up.

"I'm so sorry," he told them. "I didn't have a choice. They made me do it."

"Do what?" Pteryxmon asked, only for Armormon to laugh as he slowly stepped forward.

"He's given me the power to destroy you all, once and for all." Everyone got ready to attack, expecting him to use some kind of high class Battle Gear. "You know, this little barrier the Dragon Soul Stone erected has a slight flaw. It's designed to only keep Mega Digimon out. But there's nothing to stop new Mega Digimon from appearing within."

Everyone looked at him in confusion, wondering what the heck he was talking about. But then, Mistymon gasped. "Datamon, you didn't!"

"Oh, he did!" Armormon laughed, "and now it's time I unleash my new power upon you all!" Armormon's body began to glow and before anyone could stop him, he started growing to a colossal size. "Armormon, Mega Digivolve to..."

His body filled the canyon and everyone was forced to run or get crushed, several of the Ultimates unleashing long range attacks but having no effect on the Digivolving beast. Slowly, its form began to take shape and everyone found themselves staring at what appeared to be a giant glowing brachiosaur.

Then, the light faded to reveal his appearance and many were reminded of a Digimon named Cannondramon. This Digimon was similar in appearance, though it appeared almost entirely robotic. The metal that made up most of its body was pure white, though it had several blue patterns covering it. The front of its super long neck was purple and ran all the way down to its chest.

Said chest was covered in white armor that appeared to open, whilst its four white legs looked similar to Armormon's legs but were entirely metal and covered in blue lines. Its back had a pair of large metal wings, which didn't look like they would be able to allow for any kind of flight. At the same time, its metal tail was almost as long as it was and was divided into multiple octagonal sections. These eight sided sections each had a small laser turret sticking out of each side and slowly, they began spinning in opposite directions to the one next to it. The end of the tail also had a large laser barrel on the tip.

The head of this Digimon was also very strange. It looked like that of a normal lizard's head, with metal spikes sticking out the top with a chomping lower mouth. But the top of the head had no eyes or nose. Instead, that entire section of the head was made of glass. And inside that glass was a cockpit of some kind, but one without any controls or buttons.

Instead, Armor was there. The Digimon's entire upper body was inside the cockpit, whilst the lower parts of his body from the waist down was surrounded by a strange yellow substance that looked like skin. His arms from the elbow down were also inside this flesh section, the Digimon's eyes beginning to glow as his new form powered up.

Everyone was in absolute shock at the sight of this Digimon, having never seen anything like it before. The blue sections of the Digimon began to light up and Armormon yelled out, his voice being projected from the new mechanical Digimon over some kind of loudspeaker. "BOMBARDRAMON!" His voice echoed across the canyon, deafening several individuals.

Mistymon turned to Datamon, seeing a look of shame appear on his face. He had dreamed of creating a new type of Digimon and had succeeded. And now that Digimon would likely destroy them and everything around them.

Bombardramon laughed hysterically, as he felt his new power flowing through him. "Yes!" He stepped forward, "YES! Behold, the most powerful Digimon ever created!"

Author's Note:

And so, it has begun. The forces of good and evil do battle, with only one side able to be the victor. Flash and his friends face a new threat. One that they might not be able to overcome. How will this battle end? Only time will tell.

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