• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,639 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Eclipse Battle

Somewhere out in the Digital World, the moon was shining brightly in the sky.

But as many Digimon were trying to sleep, a loud noise filled the air. The sound of an engine, revving throughout a valley. It was loud and moving fast, as if someone was driving a car or a truck somewhere as fast as they could.

Inside said valley, a Digimon was moving for their lives.

This Digimon was a large yellow machine Digimon, roughly the size of a bulldozer. That made sense, given it practically was a bulldozer. It had a square body, with Caterpillar treads instead of wheels, that had a crane coming out the back and arms on the side that ended in a shovel or a forklift. Its head was a silver tube with a yellow dome.

The Digimon raced as fast as he could, to try and outrun his pursuer. But as he turned a corner, a ball of fire came flying down towards him. And before he could react, it smashed into him and he exploded.

A scream left his mouth, as he burst into data and flew into the fireballs.

The flames vanished from the Digimon, delving it back into the darkness. All that could be seen of it, was that it was a four legged creature with wings. And as the data flowed into it, it roared as someone stepped out of the darkness.

"You're getting stronger every moment," the female voice replied. "Do you think you're strong enough, yet?"

"Maybe," the Digimon growled. "But I want to be stronger. Strong enough to make those that hurt me pay." The human sighed at this.

"I think you're strong enough. And we can't spend too much time on this. If we keep training, we might miss when the Dragon Soul Stone appears. We weren't there in the last battle and I heard it almost ended in disaster. We should challenge them now."

The Digimon growled, "fine. We'll get our revenge on them, then help with the Dragon Soul Stone." The human nodded, as the Digimon looked up at the moon. "You'd better watch yourself. I'm coming for you.

It was another brilliant day in Codex, with Trixie and Lunamon meeting up with Flash and Twilight.

They had plans to go to the base of the Four Great Dragons, hoping the info Twilight had given them might have helped them find the location of the final Dragon Soul Stone. "Alright," she headed towards the spot they were planning to meet up. "I just hope Twilight's discovery works."

Lunamon nodded as they walked. "If we can find the Dragon Soul Stone before WarGrowlmon, we'll have the advantage." Trixie nodded, remembering how close the fight had been last time. And if the army really were being armed by Datamon, then they were going to need every advantage they could get.

But as she spotted Flash and Twilight, her Digivice suddenly beeped. "Huh?" She took the device out and found there was a message, the teen looking around to see if anyone else had gotten a message. But no, it was just her. "Guess it's not about the Dragon Soul Stone."

Flash and Twilight noticed what she was doing and headed over to see what was up, as Trixie opened the message and looked surprised. "What's wrong?" Lunamon asked.

"Someone just challenged me to a stadium battle." Flash and Twilight heard this.

"Someone challenged you?" Flash asked, "who?"

"Doesn't say," Trixie read it again. "But apparently, they're calling me out."

"That's odd," Twilight hummed. "You don't usually get challenges like that. Whoever they are, they must seriously wanna battle you." She gave Trixie a curious look, "are you gonna accept?"

Trixie turned to Lunamon. "What do you think? I mean...we did have plans for today."

"But they want to battle you," Lunamon replied. "It would be rude to say no." Trixie nodded and turned to the others, who nodded back. They would stay and watch.

"Alright then." Trixie sent a message back to the sender, whose info was blocked. "Be there in five." She headed off and Lunamon followed, whilst Flash, Twilight and their Digimon went to find a table to watch the match.

As they ran, Trixie got another message saying they had a battlefield waiting for them. All she had to do was ask at the front desk.

"Whoever this is, they really don't wanna wait." They soon arrived at the Champion Stadium and headed inside, spotting a robot who wasn't being talked to by another player. "Hey, Trixie Lulamoon. Apparently, I have a battle scheduled."

"Of course," the robot nodded. "Battlefield six-A." Trixie nodded and headed to the battlefield, nerves beginning to get to her. Whoever this was, Trixie had a feeling they weren't challenging her just to test themselves against a good player.

"Could I have done something to upset them?"

"Maybe," Lunamon nodded. "Maybe it's someone we've already beaten, out for a rematch." They arrived at the door, which likely had their opponent inside.

"Only one way to find out." Trixie opened the door and stepped inside, spotting someone and their Digimon.

The player was an orange skinned girl with red and yellow hair, wearing an orange top under a black leather jacket, pink skirt and leather boots. The Digimon next to her was a two foot tall lion cub, standing on two legs. It was mostly red, but had a bunch of yellow hair on his chest. It also had some strange looking bracelets around its wrists and a similar looking crown atop its head. Its tail was that of a normal cat, but the end had a burning ball of fire on it.

As Trixie and Lunamon stepped forward, Trixie tried to remember if she had battled this girl before. But she was sure she hadn't.

She then noticed the Digimon was glaring at her, which made Trixie feel like she had seen a Digimon like it somewhere. But she just couldn't figure out where. "Hey," she waved, "Trixie Lulamoon. And you're..."

"Sunset Shimmer," the girl replied. "The one who's going to take you down."

Trixie smirked, "I don't think so." Her focus then turned to the Digimon, "who's your friend?"

"Coronamon!" The Digimon stated. "I hope you're ready. We're gonna make you sorry you ever entered the Digital World." Trixie and Lunamon shared a concerned look. The way it said that was more than just boasting.

"Trixie Lulamoon!" the overhead voice stated, "Sunset Shimmer! You are both here to compete in a Codex Battle. Are both players ready to compete?"

"Yup," Sunset smiled whilst Trixie just nodded.

"Then place your Digivices into the battle podiums and select your decks." They did so, Trixie bringing up her deck and choosing to use her standard Lunamon evolution deck. As she did, she stared at Sunset's partner, whilst glancing at her Mega Digimon. She had never used this in an actual match. Would she get to this time?

The pair locked their decks, as the voice spoke again. "Sunset Shimmer. You have been randomly selected to choose the battlefield you would like to use." Sunset smirked as she selected a field. "Geyser Field has been selected." Trixie's eyes went wide, as she remembered that battlefield. The same battlefield she had tag battled with Flash in. She really didn't wanna go there again. "When both players are ready, hit the start button."

Trixie and Sunset smiled down at their partners before hitting the start button. "LET'S GET DIGITAL!" The battlefield began to form around them, whilst they and their Digimon turned to one another.

"Let's do this!" Sunset cried as Coronamon leapt into the air and the pair fist bumped, causing them to combine.

At the same time, Lunamon leapt into Trixie's arms. "We've got this," the girl told her partner before they merged as well. Soon, the humans vanished and only the Rookies remained, as the battlefield vanished.

Back in the foyer, Flash and Twilight saw the battlefield forming. A large open rockscape, with many pools of boiling water covering it. In several areas, there were small holes that unleashed blasts of steam.

"Not that place again," Flash gulped.

"Maybe it won't be so bad," Twilight suggested. "I mean, Trixie's fought there before. So she knows what to expect. And no offence, but this time she won't have someone holding her back." Flash frowned, feeling very offended by that statement. But before he could say anything, the Digimon appeared on the field.

Lunamon: 5-100%
Coronamon: 5-100%

Twilight brought up Coronamon's stats.

Name: Coronamon
Level: Rookie
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Fire
Species: Beast
Family: Dragon's Roar, Virus Busters, Nature Spirits

"A Fire Vaccine," Twilight smiled. "Super weak to a Water type Data Digimon. Trixie can do this." Flash hoped she was right, as Coronamon ran forward.

Lunamon watched, as the humanoid lion ran towards her.

As she did, Coronamon's fists started steaming. "Corona Knuckle!" She thrust a punch towards Lunamon, who raised her arms to block and was knocked backwards.

Lunamon: 5-85%
Coronamon: 5-100%

Lunamon staggered back, but managed to pull herself to a stop. Lucky for her, since a pool of boiling water was right behind her. And as she came to a stop, Coronamon charged again.

But she managed to dodge this time, leaping to the side as Coronamon tried to throw a punch. The lion missed and almost lost her balance, as Lunamon rolled back to her feet and raised her antenna. "Tear Shot!" What appeared between her antenna and when she slapped them together, it shot towards Coronamon and slammed her in the chest.

"GYAH!" She screamed, the four times effective attack blasting her backwards.

Lunamon: 5-85%
Coronamon: 5-60%

The blast knocked Coronamon into the pool, Lunamon hissing as she watched the lion fall into the scolding hot water. "That had to hurt." She expected Coronamon's points to go down, but those watching saw Coronamon was unaffected by it.

And before Lunamon could think to prepare another attack, the water exploded as Coronamon leapt out of it. "Raaaaah!" She cried, slamming one of her feet into Lunamon's chest.

Lunamon: 5-80%
Coronamon: 5-60%

As Lunamon staggered back, Coronamon landed and charged. The lion cub Digimon showed incredible speed, as she started wailing on Lunamon with super fast punches and kicks.

Lunamon cried out in pain with each hit, her life points dropping every time. And when she tried to slash at Coronamon with her claws, the fire Digimon leapt backwards and did several flips to get to a safe spot.

Lunamon: 5-55%
Coronamon: 5-60%

Lunamon growled at her and rushed forward, only to stop when she saw a crack in front of her. And it was a good thing, because not two seconds later a blast of steam came shooting out of it.

She staggered back, giving Coronamon the chance to leap forward. She shot through the steam, the heat not evening singing her, as she got in close to Lunamon. "Petit Provenance!" The crown on his head unleashed a bunch of fire, which flew around him and transformed the little Digimon into a blazing fireball.

Lunamon gasped, as the flames slammed into her and she was knocked backwards.

Lunamon: 5-35%
Coronamon: 5-60%

Lunamon groaned as she was thrown backwards, slamming into the ground and rolling along it until she came to an eventual stop. As she did, Coronamon's flames vanished as she smirked. "This is my playground. Coronamon's completely heat proof. I doubt even the heat of the sun could hurt me in this state."

Lunamon pushed herself back to her feet, as Coronamon charged forward.

"Get up!" Lunamon told Trixie, as Coronamon prepared to punch her once again. But when she threw the fist, Lunamon spun around and blocked with her antenna ears.

"Not happening!" She cried, quickly springing the eats upwards and knocking Coronamon backwards. "Luna Claw!" She shot forward and slashed at Coronamon, making her cry out in pain as her chest was sliced at.

Lunamon: 5-35%
Coronamon: 5-25%

"Gaaah!" Coronamon hit the ground and Lunamon chose this moment to run off, knowing she would need to find a Digivolution Coin in order to make up for the speed difference between them. But as she ran off, Coronamon picked herself up.

Inside the Digimon's head, Sunset smirked. "Don't let her get away!" She then heard, making her roll her eyes.

"Would you relax. It's not like she can escape. The only way we get out of here is if one of us wins. Until that happens, she can run but she can't hide." She started walking forward, whilst Coronamon seemed annoyed. "I know you wanna get her back, but we've gotta be careful. She has the advantage and if we're not careful, she'll get the upper hand on us."

"I know," Coronamon sighed. "But I hate waiting like this."

"Don't worry," Sunset smiled. "We'll win this fight. Then you can move past what happened and live your life."

Lunamon ran as fast as she could over the warm ground.

But as she ran, she couldn't help but think back to Coronamon. "Something about that Digimon seems really familiar." She groaned, "but I just can't place it."

"I know," Lunamon sighed. "When I stared at him, I got the feeling I'd met him somewhere before. But it just won't come to mind." As she said that, Trixie saw a Digivolution Coin.

It was floating on the other side of a large pool of boiling water, Trixie looking around and trying to figure out how long it would take to get to it. "Too long," she frowned before an idea popped into her head. "Oh, this is gonna hurt."

"What's gonna hurt?" Lunamon asked, as Trixie stepped backwards several steps before running forward. "What are you doing?" Trixie didn't answer and instead, leapt off the side of the pool towards the centre of it.

"Is she nuts?" Veemon asked, "she'll boil herself alive!"

"Not if she's doing what I think she's doing," Flash smirked as he remembered his first battle with Trixie. And sure enough, about a third of the way across the pool, Lunamon landed on the water. But she didn't sink. Instead, she leapt off the water like it was a solid floor.

"Oh yeah," Veemon smiled. "I forgot she could do that."

"But it's not without a risk," Twilight pointed at Luna's HP counter.

Lunamon: 5-30%
Coronamon: 5-25%

Trixie flinched at the hot foot, as she fell back towards the water again. She landed and once again, she cried out as her foot touched the boiling liquid and was burned.

Lunamon: 5-25%
Coronamon: 5-25%

She leapt towards the other shore, crying out at the pain in her foot. And as she fell back down, it looked like she wasn't gonna make it. "Tear Shot!" She fired a blast of water at the pool and upon impact, it evaporated and created and upwards burst of steam.

Said steam was hot, but not hot enough to burn her. But it was a strong enough force to push her back into the air, allowing her to reach the other side of the pool and take the Digivolution Coin. "Good," she sighed, "that should make things easier." Her gauge filled up by a lot, but still not enough to allow for Digivolution. "Now. Where's Sunset?"

It was in that moment, she heard a noise and looked around to see some kind of fireball was moving towards her.

Atop that fireball was Coronamon, the Rookie smiling as she rode the flaming projectile towards Lunamon. And when she got to the hot spring, the flames vanished to reveal some kind of red snowboard-shaped object below her feet.

"Surprise!" Coronamon cheered, as the board hit the water and was moving fast enough to slide over the surface. And when she got close to the other side, the board burst into flames and the steam it caused propelled her up into the air.

"Look out!" Lunamon told Trixie, the girl gasping as she leapt back. But Coronamon flew overhead and the flames caught her shoulder. Trixie cried out, clutching her shoulder as she rolled away.

Lunamon: 5-20%
Coronamon: 5-25%

"Yehaa!" Coronamon cried, as she did several flips through the air. "Corona Flame!" A burst of fire exploded out of the crown on her head, hitting Lunamon before she could escape.

"GYAAAAAAH!" Lunamon cried, being burned alive.

Lunamon: 5-0%
Coronamon: 5-25%

"Ooh," they all flinched seeing this.

"It did that much damage to a Digimon she's weak to?" Twilight wondered how powerful that attack actually was, making a mental note to try and watch if Sunset ever used Coronamon against a Virus Digimon.

They watched as the flames died down around Lunamon, who fell to the ground looking to be in a bad way. At the same time, Coronamon smiled as she hovered above the ground on her Battle Gear.

"Had enough?"

Lunamon looked up at Coronamon and gave her a glare. "Not on your life!" She pushed herself up and summoned a water sphere. "Tear Shot!" She fired the water blast and Coronamon lent back on her board, the water slamming into it and extinguishing the flames as she was knocked off it.

"Augh!" Coronamon hit the ground, as Lunamon summoned water around her ears.

"Lop-Ear Ripple!" She spun around and in doing so, the ears swirled and caused the water to fly off. That water morphed into a bunch of bubbles, which shot towards Coronamon.

The Rookie picked herself up and before she could avoid them, the water shots slammed into Lunamon and made her cry out at each impact

Lunamon: 4-100%
Coronamon: 5-0%

As Lunamon stopped spinning, she noticed her gauge fill up and smiled. "Lunamon, Digivolve to..." She started glowing and transformed. As she did, Coronamon picked herself up and ran to grab her board. She leapt on it, as the light exploded off her opponent. "Lekismon!"

The moon rabbit Digimon looked over at Coronamon, who was constantly flying around trying to avoid the oncoming attack. "Raaaaah!" Coronamon then dived down and shot towards Lekismon, who raised her gloved hands.

"Moon Night Bomb!" She swung her arms around and unleashed a bunch of water bubbles, which formed a wall between them.

"Wow!" Coronamon started swerving around, being sure not to touch any of the bubbles. And as she tried to get away from the wall, Lekismon leapt up and over it.

"Moon Night Kick!" She spun around and brought her foot down, Coronamon barely managing to avoid it in time.

The lion Digimon flame boarded through the battlefield, Lekismon following after her. As she did, a wall of steam erupted in front of them. Coronamon flew straight through it, not even getting hot, whilst Lekismon was forced to stop.

Coronamon looked around, needing her own Digivolution Coin. And as another geyser exploded in front of them, it shot something into the air. "Yes!" She cried, seeing the coin falling towards the ground.

She pumped all her power into the board and it propelled her upwards, as the steam blocking Lekismon disappeared.

"Tear Arrow!" She formed an ice arrow and fired it, the projectile shooting through the air and slamming into the bottom of her board.

"WOW!" Coronamon was forced to leap off the Battle Gear, grabbing the coin as she fell towards the ground. And as she hit the floor near a pool, Lekismon ran forward ready to deal a kick to her. But Coronamon managed to roll to the side and dodge the stomp, Lekismon frowning.

It was then that Coronamon's entire body burst into flames, shocking Trixie and forcing her back. Then, her body began to grow and reshape itself. "Coronamon, Digivolve to..." Once the transformation was complete, the flames extinguished and revealed a large lion Digimon.

Its body was mostly red, but her head and most of her chest was surrounded by a mane of yellow hair. Her head had an upgraded version of Coronamon's crown, which had now morphed into some kind of helmet. The bracelets around his wrists were now on his front legs, with identical ones now on his back legs. a similar apparatus was on the upper part of his back legs, which was giving off small bursts of fire along with all the other parts of its armor. Its tail was longer and the flame on the end was burning brighter, a black band around the tip giving it a flamethrower design.

But the thing that was most noticeable about this Digimon, were the two large red wings sticking out its back through the mane. With a single beat, the wings lifted the Digimon into the air and let it soar into the sky. As it did, Sunset let out a mighty roar. "FIRAMON!"

Everyone was amazed by the new Digimon, as Twilight brought up the stats.

Name: Firamon
Level: Champion
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Fire
Species: Beast
Family: Dragon's Roar, Virus Busters, Nature Spirits

"Still a Fire Type Vaccine," Flash pointed out. "Trixie still has the advantage." Twilight frowned, clearly thinking something different. And Flash quickly saw why, as Lekismon ran forward and leapt into the air.

"Moon Night Kick!" She flew towards Firamon and spun around, trying to hit the Digimon. But Firamon beat her wings and dodged the attack.

"Nice try!" She laughed before the flames burning off her bracelets, wrapped around her front feet. "Fira Claw!" She swung her claws around and sliced right down Lekismon's chest.

"Augh!" She cried, as the impact knocked her back to the ground.

Lekismon: 4-80%
Firamon: 4-100%

She did several flips and landed, as Firamon continued to fly above her. "This isn't good." Lunamon agreed, as Firamon began to dive down towards them. And as Lekismon tried to run, the ground split open and another wall of steam exploded out of it. "Wow!" She leapt back, as Firamon reached her and slashed with her claws. "Augh!"

Lekismon: 4-70%
Firamon: 4-100%

As she staggered back, Firamon took to the air. "We've gotta find a way to stop her from flying around."

"Try shooting at her wings," Lunamon suggested. Lekismon nodded and summoned some ice arrows.

"Tear Shot!" She fired, the arrows shooting into the air. But as the arrows flew towards Firamon, the winged lion unleashed a burst of heat that caused the arrows to melt. However, it wasn't hot enough to completely evaporate the water and it slammed into him.

"Augh!" She cried, the water feeling like acid against her.

Lekismon: 4-70%
Firamon: 4-80%

As the pain wore off, Firamon shook her head and glared down at Lekismon. And at the same time, something about the way she stared at her made Trixie feel like she knew this Digimon. "This is starting to drive me nuts."

"Focus!" Lunamon cried, as Firamon seemed to be up to something.

The fire of her helmet exploded, growing four times as big and morphing into a sphere. Trixie could tell this attack had everything Firamon had within it. "Fira...BOMB!" She roared and the shockwave sent the attack flying down towards Lekismon.

"Not good," Trixie cried. "Any ideas?"

"I'd say run, but the shockwave of that thing's probably gonna hit us." Trixie agreed and realised she only had one chance, as she raised her arm.

"Battle Gear...BOOST!" In a flash of light, a metal dish appeared in her hands. "Sonic Shield!" She leapt back as much as she could and as the fireball struck the ground, she smashed the shield into a rock.

The whole thing began to vibrate and as she lifted it up, the shockwaves from the shield flew outwards and struck the shockwaves from the Fira Bomb.

The two waves pushed against each other, cancelling the other out and giving nothing for the fire to ride upon. This left Lekismon safe, but not for long as Firamon flew down and let out a roar as she swung her claws at the moon rabbit.

"Wow!" She raised her shield again and the claws struck it, the impact causing it to vibrate and create a ringing sensation that slammed into Firamon.

The beast roared at this, the ringing causing her sensitive ears to scream at her.

Lekismon: 4-70%
Firamon: 4-70%

As he staggered back, Lekismon saw her chance and leapt into the air. "Moon Night Kick!" She spun around and before Firamon could counter, slammed her foot into the Digimon's head. The force of the impact made Firamon roar in pain, as she was knocked flying back and flew through a wall of steam.

Lekismon: 4-70%
Firamon: 4-45%

Lekismon smiled, as those watching her cheered for the great move. And when the steam wall vanished, she spotted Firamon picking herself up. "Let's try this again!" She leapt up and with all her strength, slammed the shield into the ground.

Firamon heard this and realised what was coming, so quickly spread her wings and leapt into the sky before Lekismon could hit her with it. She flew as high as she could and by the time the waves hit her, they had weakened enough to be annoying but not damaging.

An idea then formed in her head and she started flying around and around, building up as much speed as possible.

She then dived straight down, as the flames coming off her armor exploded before spiralling around her. "Flame Dive!" Transforming into a powerful meteor, Lekismon frowned before slamming her shield into the ground.

The gong unleashed the sonic blast, which she pointed at the fireball. But Firamon was moving so fast, the sonic blast didn't slow her down. It did blow away the fire before the sound faded, allowing Firamon to get in close. She then used her claws to grab onto the edge of the shield and used them to pull it out of Lekismon's grip, Firamon quickly throwing it into a nearby pool before slashing at her.

"Augh!" She screamed, as the claws racked down her chest and she was knocked backwards.

Lekismon: 4-60%
Firamon: 4-45%

Firamon then leapt back as a nearby geyser exploded and sent a coin into the air, Firamon looking around and seeing it was an SP Coin. She quickly rushed up towards it and bit down on the coin, absorbing the power before turning to Lekismon and unleashing a bunch of fire from her head. "Fira Bomb!"

Lekismon saw the giant fireball form above her before being sent rocketing towards her, the rabbit Digimon looking around to try and find a place to hide. But there was nowhere for her to hide and eventually, she realised her only option was to brace herself as it slammed into the ground and exploded.

"GYAAAAAAH!" She cried, as a wave of fire slammed into her and knocked her backwards.

Lekismon: 4-35%
Firamon: 4-45%

She was sent flying backwards and smashed into the ground several times, as she slowly rolled along it before eventually coming to a stop near the edge of a water pool. She moaned, as Firamon moved towards her. She smirked as she stepped forward, her claws ready to slash at Lekismon.

But as she got close and prepared to cut her up, Lekismon spun around and revealed a bunch of ice arrows in her gasp. "Tear Arrow!" They shot towards Firamon and pieced one of her wings, making her roar in pain.

Lekismon: 4-35%
Firamon: 4-30%

As she staggered back, Lekismon pushed herself to her feet and shot forward. And before Firamon could respond, Lekismon dealt several powerful kicks right to Firamon's face.

Lekismon: 4-35%
Firamon: 4-0%

Firamon growled as she tried to take off, but her wing was too badly damaged to allow that. So as Lekismon spun around to strike her again, Firamon ducked down and the kick flew over her head. She then pounced and slashed at her twice.

Lekismon: 4-15%
Firamon: 3-100%

Lekismon staggered back and as she did, a geyser exploded behind her and Firamon noticed something get thrown into the air. A Digivolution Coin.

Firamon smirked as she ran forward, looking like she was preparing to slash at Lekismon again. The moon rabbit then leapt to the side, Firamon's attack hitting nothing. But this allowed the lion to leap up and catch the Digivolution Coin, Lekismon gasping when she saw it.

As Firamon landed back on the ground, the flames once again burned around her paws. "Fira Claw!" She charged, ready to burn Lekismon to ashes. But Lekismon quickly raised her arms.

"Moon Night Bomb!" The bubbles exploded out of her gloves and before Firamon could react, she slammed into them and they popped.

Drowsiness overtook her, allowing Lekismon to pick herself up.

"Now I've got you!" Lekismon charged, ready to deal a powerful blow to Firamon. But before she could, the ground exploded and she was struck by a wall of steam. "AAAHHHHHHH!"

Lekismon: 4-0%
Firamon: 3-100%

Firamon staggered forward and into the steam. The heat didn't hurt, but it quickly woke her up and she smiled before charging forward. "You're mine!" Her Fira Claw was still active and before Lekismon could defend herself, she was slashed down the front and screamed again.

Lekismon: 3-85%
Firamon: 3-100%

As Lekismon staggered away, Firamon smirked as her gauge was completely filled. "Perfect." And once again, her body burst into flames. "Firamon, Digivolve to.." And as her body grew large, she leapt up onto her back legs and took a humanoid shape. And when the flames extinguished, it revealed a Digimon Trixie, Lunamon, Flash and Veemon all recognised. "FLAREMON!"

All thought of the pain Lekismon was in, vanished as soon as she saw the Digimon. And now, she realised why the Digimon looked so familiar. "You."

"It's him," Flash gasped. "Flaremon."

Twilight turned to him. "You told us about that Digimon. The one you and Trixie fought to get the Digimental of Friendship?" Flash nodded, as Twilight brought up Flaremon's stats.

Name: Flaremon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Fire
Species: Beast Man
Family: Dragon's Roar, Virus Busters, Nature Spirits

"Hold on," Tawnimon spoke up. "Lots of Digimon could potentially become Flaremon. Just because it's the same type, doesn't mean it is the Flaremon you fought." Flash knew he was right, but something about that Digimon made him feel it was the one they had faced.

Trixie thought so as well, Lekismon staring up at the Ultimate. "You're him...aren't you? The one we fought that day."

Flaremon smiled. "Yes, he is. After you destroyed his home, I found him and nursed him back to health. He had nowhere to go and we connected, so I asked him to join me. And now, here we are. Let me tell you, he's been eager to fight against you for a long time."

"So that's why you sent me the battle request."

"That's right," Flaremon raised her fist. "I want to help Coronamon move on with his life. And to do that, I'm going to beat you and make us all even." Her gauntlet unleashed a burst of fire, which wrapped around her fist. "Guren Juuouha!" She punched the air and sent out a lion shaped fireball, which flew towards Lekismon and exploded as soon as it hit her.

Lekismon: 3-60%
Flaremon: 3-100%

"Augh!" Lekismon crashed to the ground, as Flaremon leapt into the air. Though she now lacked wings, she clearly made up for it with her jumping ability.

She fell towards the ground and looked ready to crush Lekismon underfoot, but Lekismon managed to avoid this though just barely. And as she did, she swung her arms around.

"Moon Night Bomb!" The bubbles flew towards Flaremon, but she unleashed a wave of heat that popped the bubbles before they got close. Flaremon then rushed forward, through the fire, and tried to deal a punch straight towards Lekismon.

But whilst she was bigger, she had lost a lot of speed. So Lekismon was able to leap up, the punch hitting the ground instead, then deal several super speed kicks right into Flaremon's face. "Gyah!"

Lekismon: 3-60%
Flaremon: 3-50%

That last kick sent Flaremon staggering back, whilst Lekismon noticed another geyser explode near them. And it sent a Digivolution Coin into the air. "This one's mine!" She moved at full speed, as Flaremon recovered and spotted the coin.

"Oh no you don't!" He charged after her, but Lekismon was just too fast. She reached the spot the coin was falling towards. But as she did, Flaremon took a deep breath. "Purifying HOWL!!!!" A sonic blast exploded out of her mouth and shot towards Lekismon, hitting her as soon as she touched the coin.

"AUGH!" The blast knocked her flying and she crashed into the ground.

Lekismon: 3-5%
Flaremon: 3-50%

Lekismon pushed herself up, as Flaremon charged and looked ready to deal some serious damage. But before she could get close, Lekismon started glowing and the light blinded Flaremon. "Lekismon, Digivolve to..." She grew taller and stronger, as new armor appeared around her. The light then faded, revealing her Ultimate form. "Crescemon!"

As Flaremon blinked the light out of his eyes, Crescemon leapt into the air and raised her moon themed weapon. "Lunatic Dance!" She started spinning and her blade began to slash against Flaremon, making him roar as she raised her arms to defend only to get some serious cuts.

Crescemon: 3-5%
Flaremon: 3-5%

As soon as Crescemon started slowing down, Flaremon pulled her fist back and dealt a powerful strike to her. But she raised her shield and blocked the attack, getting knocked backwards several feet.

Flaremon then clenched her fists, as fire wrapped around them. "Kurenai Shishi no Mai!" She started punching the air and sent multiple lion fireballs at Crescemon. She blocked several with his shield before charging, using her Nova Luna to slash at the others as she got in close. And as the last fireball was deflected, she swung her blade at Flaremon.

But Flaremon just managed to dodge before thrusting a fist into her stomach, knocking the wind right out of her and making her cry out in pain as she was knocked backwards.

Crescemon: 3-0%
Flaremon: 3-5%

Crescemon fell back and rolled along the ground, but managed to get to her feet as Flaremon charged. And as she threw another punch, Crescemon braced herself before raising her shield. The fist quickly made contact and pushed her down, but her springy legs propelled her back and she pushed Flaremon back before slamming her leg into her stomach.

Crescemon: 2-100%
Flaremon: 3-0%

As Flaremon staggered back, another geyser exploded. And this one shot two coins into the air. An SP Coin and a Digivolution Coin, which Crescemon rushed for.

She charged at Flaremon and as the Digimon tried to punch her, she dodged the attack and used Flaremon's arm as a ramp to run up and leapt off. "Ice Archery!" She quickly fired several ice arrows down towards Flaremon, who spun around and unleashed a blast of heat from her gauntlets.

This distracted her, as Crescemon reached the coins and slashed them with her weapon.

But as the power flowed into her, the spot she was going to land on broke apart and unleashed a bunch of steam. "Wow!" She raised her shield and blocked the steam, but the heat from it caused her shield to get red hot. "Augh!"

Crescemon: 2-90%
Flaremon: 2-100%

She reached the other side of the steam and landed, but was forced to throw her shield away due to it being so hot. "Ow...ow...ow...ow!" She waved her arm around, as Flaremon burst through the steam.

"Purifying HOWL!" The sonic blast slammed into Crescemon before she could protect herself and she was blasted back, towards a pool of burning water.

Crescemon: 2-65%
Flaremon: 2-100%

She slammed her Nova Luna into the ground, hoping it would slow her down. But she reached the pool before it did and she was thrown out onto the water, the rabbit slamming her boots into the water. Luckily, the padding of said boots resisted the water and she was able to leap up and out of the pool without getting burned.

But as she landed, Flaremon rushed towards her and tried to punch her back into the pool. But Crescemon dodged and managed to get behind her, slashing at her with her weapon.

Crescemon: 2-65%
Flaremon: 2-80%

Flaremon roared before spinning around and slamming a foot into Crescemon's stomach, knocking her flying backwards.

Crescemon: 2-55%
Flaremon: 2-80%

Crescemon slammed into the ground, sliding along it until she came to a stop. And as Flaremon charged, she swung her legs around to make her body spin until she was back on her feet. Then, she swung her blade around and slashed at Flaremon with everything she had.

"Augh!" Flaremon roared, the Nova Luna cutting into her chest.

Crescemon: 2-55%
Flaremon: 2-60%

As Flaremon staggered back, Crescemon raised her staff. "Lunatic..." Flaremon realised this attack would hurt if she didn't do something, but then noticed the ground and smiled. "DANCE!" Crescemon shot forward, but Flaremon punched the ground with all her strength. Doing so caused it to break open and unleash a jet of steam, that smashed into Crescemon and burned her up. "AUGH!"

Crescemon: 2-15%
Flaremon: 2-60%

As Crescemon staggered back, Flaremon summoned more fire around her fist. "Guren Juuouha!" With a powerful punch, she sent the fireball flying at Crescemon and slammed into her.

"GYAH!" She cried, the explosion knocking her flying backwards.

Crescemon: 2-0%
Flaremon: 2-60%

Everyone flinched seeing Trixie take serious damage. If she didn't do something quick, she would lose.

"Come on!" Flash cried. "You can do this. Just keep fighting." They watched as Crescemon picked herself up, but they could tell that steam blast had done a serious number of her. And as Flaremon charged, it looked like Crescemon was down for the count.

"Trixie!" Twilight cried, the others calling out to her.

Trixie's head was buzzing, her fur and helmet still hot from the blast.

"Trixie!" Lunamon cried, "raise your weapon. Hurry!" Trixie did so and at the last moment, the fist of Flaremon slammed into it and she was knocked sliding backwards. She almost fell into a pool, but managed to stay upright. And as Flaremon charged, Trixie's focus finally came back. In that moment, she spotted something.

As Flaremon tried to punch her, Crescemon leapt into the air and did several flips as she flew over Flaremon. As she did, she slashed at the Beast Man and sliced her right down the back. "AUGH!"

Crescemon: 1-100%
Flaremon: 2-40%

She landed and did several back flips, Flaremon spinning towards her and growling before she charged. And as the Ultimate threw another punch, Crescemon grabbed her shield and lifted it up.

Flaremon's fist slammed into the weapon, but Crescemon held her ground and managed to stay in place. And with every hit, Trixie stayed focused on the battle whilst Lunamon focused on the gauge in the corner of their vision.

"Almost," she whispered as Flaremon brought both hands together and smashed them into Crescemon's shield. The impact made their teeth rattle, but they stayed put as the gauge filled. "Almost!"

Flaremon then leapt back, taking a deep breath whilst Trixie got ready to dodge the incoming attack.

But before she did, Lunamon saw the gauge completely fill up. "NOW!" Crescemon threw her shield at Flaremon, forcing him to duck as Crescemon raised her Nova Luna up.

It was then that her body began to glow, blinding Flaremon and causing her to go staggering back. "Crescemon, Mega Digivolve to..." She leapt into the air, as her body began to grow larger and her armor became more streamlined. And when the light faded, it revealed a beautiful looking woman wearing silver and blue armor designed around a rabbit and the moon.

She wore a silver helmet with a blue mouth guard, long blue ears and a pink scarf around her neck. The rest of her armor was silver with blue accents, whilst beneath it she wore a purple body suit. On her legs, between her knees and feet, were leg guards shaped like a crescent moon. And in her hand was a long white and blue striped pole with crescent moon blades on either side of it.

The Digimon floated in the air, spinning her weapon around before striking a pose. "DIANAMON!"

The light shining off her armor was like nothing Flaremon had ever seen. And she wasn't the only one amazed.

"No way," Twilight whispered.

"What is that?" Veemon asked, feeling a strange sense of devotion. Like this was a Digimon that needed to be worshipped, or else.

"It's one of the Olympus XII," Twilight explained. "A powerful group of Digimon, on the level of the Royal Knights." She brought up Dianamon's data. "How could Trixie have a scan of it? I heard that Digivolution Line was locked, like the Royal Knights."

Name: Dianamon
Level: Mega
Type: Data
Attribute: Water
Species: Deity
Family: Deep Savers, Nightmare Soldiers, Nature Spirits

Flaremon stared up at Dianamon, who continued to float there.

Then, she clenched her fists and summoned as much fire as she could into them. "Kurenai Shishi no Mai!" She punched the air and launched the lion fireballs, but Dianamon raised her weapon and spun it around. The blade cut through the flames and left her untouched.

Then, she shot down and was right in front of Flaremon.

"What?" Before she could react, Dianamon spun around and slammed one of her high heeled boots into her. "Gyah!" She was sent flying back, crashing into the ground as her HP dropped.

Dianamon: 1-100%
Flaremon: 2-20%

"So strong," Flaremon groaned. She pushed herself up, as Dianamon flew into the air and started spinning.

"Good Night Moon!" As she slowed down, she brought her legs together. The moons on her legs began to glow and when they came together, a crescent shaped beam flew down off of them and slammed into Flaremon.

"AUGH!" She screamed, as the beam exploded against her and knocked her back.

Dianamon: 1-100%
Flaremon: 2-0%

As Flaremon staggered back, she was suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of drowsiness. It was all she could do to stay awake, as Dianamon flew down. "Raaaaah!" She swung her clawed hands around, but Dianamon easily dodged the attack and spun around to deal a kick straight to Flaremon's back. "Augh!"

Dianamon: 1-100%
Flaremon: 1-80%

As Flaremon staggered forward, she almost let herself fall asleep. But before she did, she noticed a crack in the ground and moved behind it. And as Dianamon charged forward, Flaremon smashed her arms into the crack and unleashed the steam.

It jetted towards Dianamon, but the Mega saw it coming and spun her staff around. Doing so created a shield of wind, that deflected the steam back towards Flaremon. The Ultimate was quickly slammed by the vaporised water, with no pain occurring from it. But it did wash away her drowsiness, making her smile as she summoned as much power as she could.

As she did, Dianamon flew up into the air and pointed one end of her weapon towards Flaremon. Said end was quickly surrounded in ice, which made it morph into an icy crossbow-like weapon. And on it, an arrow made of sparkling ice appeared.

"Purifying HOWL!" Flaremon roared, unleashing a sonic blast that shot straight towards Dianamon.

"Arrow of Artemis!" She cried, the ice arrow firing as the crossbow shattered. The arrow shot down towards the sonic blast and slammed right into it, piecing through the sound without even being vibrated by it. The arrow moved so fast, Flaremon had no hope of stopping it.

"Look out!" Coronamon cried, as Sunset tried to move them away. But it was too late.

The arrow slammed into Flaremon's chest and exploded, the force blasting Flaremon back as his chest was covered in a layer of quickly spreading ice.

Dianamon: 1-100%
Flaremon: 1-30%

Dianamon stared down at her, Trixie and Lunamon watching as Flaremon began to look around. Clearly, she was trying to find a Digivolution Coin. But there was no sign of one. "I feel bad for them," Lunamon then stated. "We destroyed his home and now, Coronamon might never let it go."

"Maybe," Trixie sighed. "But if he can't let go of the past, he's only hurting himself. If we let him win, he'd probably lord it over us forever." She was suddenly overwhelmed with some kind of knowledge, which felt like it was coming from the Digimon she currently was. A vast amount of wisdom, flowed into her head. "An eye for an eye, only leaves everyone blind."

Lunamon nodded. "Let's just finish this as quickly as possible."

Dianamon nodded before shooting down, as Flaremon ripped the ice off her chest. And when she landed, Flaremon saw her and growled before charging at full speed. He covered his claws in fire and slashed at her, but Dianamon swung her double ended Nova Luna around.

Claws and metal connected, scraping against one another as the two locked eyes. Dianamon then pushed Flaremon back and started spinning on the spot, as the fire lion kept slashing at her. But she used her weapon to deflect every strike before spinning around and hitting Flaremon with her foot.

Dianamon: 1-100%
Flaremon: 1-15%

Flaremon almost fell over, as Dianamon leapt into the air and brought her weapon up to swing down. But Flaremon was able to regain her balance and dodge the blade, barely, grabbing it by the staff and pulling the Mega towards her. "Guren Juuouha!" He smashed the fist into Dianamon and knocked her back.

Dianamon: 1-85%
Flaremon: 1-15%

As she landed, Flaremon threw her weapon away and charged. But Dianamon ran forward as well and quickly did a front flip, using her hands to balance as she kicked towards Flaremon. But the lion leapt away, causing Dianamon to fly past her. Only this allowed Dianamon to grab her weapon and as Flaremon charged, she swung it around and slashed at her.

"Augh!" She screamed, as her last security was destroyed.

Dianamon: 1-85%
Flaremon: 1-0%

And as she fell backwards, Dianamon leapt into the air. There, she began spinning her staff around. A humming came from the weapon, as the two blades blurred into one and created the image of a moon. And as Flaremon looked up, Dianamon spun through the air. "CRESCENT HARKEN!" She threw the moon illusion towards Flaremon, whose eyes flinched at the light.

When she opened them again, she was met by the image of the moon itself, plummeting towards her.

"No," Sunset whispered.

"No," Coronamon cried. Then, the moon image shattered and the double bladed staff was spinning towards them both. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" They screamed, as the weapon slammed into them and their body was destroyed.

Sunset and Coronamon fell to the ground, as the weapon spun through the air and was caught by Dianamon.

The Mega Level floated down, as the electronic voice spoke. "Battle, over. Winner, Trixie Lulamoon." the battlefield began to dissolve, as Dianamon split into Trixie and Lunamon. The pair looked over at Sunset and Coronamon, Sunset looking disappointed whilst Coronamon was staring at the ground in shock.

"No," he whispered. "No," he slammed his fist on the ground. "No! No! No! NO!"

Sunset sighed, obviously wishing she could help her partner. But she wasn't sure what to say.

And as she tried to think of something, Lunamon stepped over to Coronamon. The lion cub Digimon looked up at her, seeing the upset look on her face. "I'm sorry about what we did. We took the Digimental and it meant your home was destroyed. I'm so sorry." Coronamon looked away, clearly not wanting to say anything to her. "But it's not all bad."

"Not all bad?" Coronamon glared at her. "You took my home."

"But you got to meet Sunset," Lunamon pointed out. "You care about her, don't you?" Coronamon said nothing and glanced over at his partner, Sunset staring back wondering what he would say.


"And you never would have met her, if we hadn't done what we did. And taking the Digimental also helped a lot of other Digimon. Many who can now use it to Armor Digivolve into a Digimon that they like being."

"I guess," Coronamon sighed.

Trixie stepped over to him. "We are sorry. Flash and Veemon are probably sorry too. But defeating us in a battle wouldn't change anything. It'd make you feel good for a little while, then it'd just make you hollow."

"She's right," Sunset told him. "We did our best. We gave them a fight they won't soon forget. But now I think it's time to move on." She picked herself up and reached down to lift him up, hugging him close to her chest. "Time to stop looking back. Let's look to the future, together."

Coronamon still looked upset, but after a sigh he let out a smile. "Alright," he nodded, "look to the future. Together." Sunset smiled and the pair hugged tightly, Trixie and Lunamon smiling at them.

"Come on," Trixie grabbed her Digivice and headed for the exit. "Let's get out of here. I'll buy you something at the foyer."

Sunset gave her a look. "Buy? The food in Codex is free."

"Which is why I'm buying." They all laughed at this and headed out of the battle room, then out of the stadium towards the foyer. There, Flash and Twilight were waiting for them.

"Trixie," Twilight smiled, "that battle was amazing."

"Of course it was," Trixie flicked her hair over her shoulder, "I was in it." The others rolled their eyes, as Trixie turned to Flash and Veemon. "Boys. I think we owe someone here an apology." The boys turned to Coronamon, who sat down in a chair. They quickly realised what Trixie was getting at and nodded.

"We're really sorry," Flash told him. "About what happened to your home."

"Yeah," Veemon nodded. "We didn't mean to destroy."

"Yeah, yeah." Coronamon looked away. "Whatever. Sunset's right. I need to put that behind me and focus on the future." The others nodded, hoping Coronamon actually did forgive them and could move on.

Wanting to change the subject, Twilight turned to Trixie and Lunamon. "That Digimon you became. Dianamon. How did you get a scan of an Olympus XII Digimon?"

"Honestly?" Trixie shrugged, "I have no idea. It was locked when I tried Digivolving Crescemon in the lab. But then I was practising with Lunamon in the Beta-Stadium. We were fighting against my Crusadermon deck and we were in a really bad spot. It was when I was about to Digivolve that I remembered, I forgot to add a Mega into my deck."

Lunamon nodded. "But we didn't want to stop the battle, so we just let the Digivolution go through. The next thing we know, we're Dianamon and I never felt so great."

"Dianamon must be your natural Digivolution," Twilight realised. "I've heard of the Olympus XII and studied them, but I don't think I've ever seen a member of them before." The others nodded, none of them having seen one either.

Trixie and Lunamon shared a look, wondering just how special their Mega Form was. Either way, it didn't matter. They had managed to put their differences with Coronamon aside and hopefully, this meant they could work together when they needed to. The Digital World would need all the help it could get, for the battles that were yet to come.

Author's Note:

Well, there you have it. Many of you were wondering where the heck Sunset was and now, you have your answer. And that means she'll get to join the cast. It'll be a slow integration. Give us time to really know her before she gets more spotlight episodes. Hope you enjoyed it.

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