• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,641 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Beach Day Mystery

The wind blew fiercely, through a mountain in the Digital World. Said mountain had many tall peaks upon it, that made many different platforms for Digimon to climb and fight upon.

And one of these Digimon, was currently climbing up the side of it. It appeared to be some kind of ape-like Digimon, covered in thick brown fur with only its pink ears and snout being visible. But the Digimon was also covered in rocks, having a rock mask covering its eyes with a rock horn sticking out of its head. Rocks were also covering its shoulders, hands and feet, whilst a bunch of rocks were stacked on top of one another coming out of it butt to form a tail.

The Digimon pulled itself up the rock and reached the top, which was a flat rocky spike sticking out the side of the mountain. He looked around, but saw no sign of what it was looking for. But then...

"BLUE THUNDER!" A sphere of blue lightning shot towards the Digimon and exploded at its feet, knocking it flying backwards towards the edge of the spike.

The Digimon slammed its claws into the rock to slow itself down, eventually coming to a stop just before going over the edge. As it did, it looked up at a smaller rock ledge. And there, its opponent stared down at him.

Raidramon stood tall, his body sparking with energy as he unleashed a loud fusion of a howl and a roar. He then leapt off the rock and landed on the rock spike, his opponent moving towards him. As he did, the electrical energy flew off his back spikes and onto his horn. "Plasma Blade!" The lightning extended the protrusion and he swung it downwards, hitting the Digimon but doing very little damage.

Raidramon: 2-45%
Baboongamon: 1-45%

Over in Codex, everyone was watching Flash's battle and was very worried.

"This isn't good," Shining sighed. "Raidramon's an Electric-type, so it's very weak against an Earth-type like Baboongamon." Sure enough, Baboongamon shook off the electrical attack and charged forward.

"Glide Rock!" He spun around and smashed his tail into Raidramon.

Raidramon cried out as he was knocked flying backwards, crashing into the mountain before falling to the ground. His friends flinched at this, not liking how this match appeared to be going. "Come on Flash!" Rainbow cried, "you can win this!"

"How?" Fluttershy asked. "He's still new with his Friendship Armor. And his opponent is using one of their best Digimon." Everyone didn't like the look of how things were going for Raidramon.

"Don't worry," Twilight told them. "Flash will be fine. He might be new to using Raidramon, but he's practised hard to master it. And the Digimon he Digivolved him into." That surprised the group, since they weren't aware of Flash having an Ultimate for his new Armor Digimon."

Raidramon groaned as he picked himself up, whilst Baboongamon ran forwards looking ready to pummel him into next week.

But at the last moment, Raidramon managed to pick himself up and leap into the air. Baboongamon punched the mountain instead, resulting in cracks forming in the rock face that travelled upwards. As Baboongamon pulled his arm up, Raidramon saw the cracks and charged up a blast of lightning.

"Blue Thunder!" He launched the electro sphere at the mountain and when it connected, it exploded and caused the side of the mountain to break apart. The rocks began to fall, Raidramon far enough away not to be in danger. But Baboongamon wasn't so lucky, resulting in him getting buried before he could try and escape.

Raidramon: 2-15%
Baboongamon: 1-30%

Raidramon quickly ran forward and up the rock pile, which was already being knocked away as Baboongamon punched his way through the rocks.

Raidramon reached the top of the pile and leapt up onto another rock ledge, as his opponent finally broke free with a roar. "Mount Rock!" He grabbed one of the rocks and threw it with tremendous force, the rock flying right at Raidramon and smashed into his side.

"GYAH!" He cried, glad that he was armored there.

Raidramon: 2-0%
Baboongamon: 1-30%

He quickly shook the pain off and started running, leaping off the edge of the ledge onto a higher one. He did this three more times until he reached another flat area of the mountain. And there, he spotted a Digivolution Coin and smirked.

"Yes!" He rushed over and bit down on the coin, absorbing the energy as Baboongamon pulled himself up the side of the mountain. And when he reached the top, the wolf dragon started glowing. "Raidramon, Digivolve to..." His form grew larger, but remained quadrupedal.

The middle spike on his back vanished, whilst the other two transformed into bladed shapes and folded downwards.

When the light finally faded, it revealed a large wolf-like creature covered in white armor with gold trim and blue lines covering it. His lower jaw was blue and his head was covered in a white helmet, whilst his feet had metal cuffs around the ankles that had wheels attached to them. On his back were a pair of golden blades that folded outwards to form wings.

The Digimon's entire body radiated light and he looked incredible powerful. "KendoGarurumon!" He let out a mighty howl after saying this.

Anyone who wasn't Twilight stared at the new Digimon in amazement, having only ever heard stories of this creature with barely anyone managing to find one.

Twilight brought up the Digimon's stats, amazing everyone as they red it.

Name: KendoGarurumon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Free
Attribute: Light
Species: Cyborg
Family: Nature Spirits

"No way," Sandal turned to Mangoramon. "Isn't he a member of the Legendary Warriors, just like Arbormon?"

"Yup," Mangoramon nodded. "He's the Beast Warrior of Light, said to the fastest of the Ten Legendary Warriors. The only one said to equal his strength is BurningGreymon."

"What are the odds that Flash would gain two Legendary warriors from Armor Digimon?" Tentomon asked, as Baboongamon attacked.

KendoGarurumon leapt into the air, his wings allowing him to glide around and maneuver himself over Baboongamon.

As he did, he opened his mouth before streams of light flew into it. "Lupine Laser!" A beam of light exploded out of his mouth and slammed into Baboongamon, hitting him in the back and sending him flying.

KendoGarurumon: 1-100%
Baboongamon: 1-10%

He hit the ground as KendoGarurumon landed, the wheels on the back of his legs folding down as they did. Baboongamon picked himself up as KendoGarurumon shot forward, the wheels allowing him to fly across the ground at high speed.

"Mount Rock!" He threw several rocks at KendoGarurumon, but the mechanical wolf zigzagged using his wheels to avoid them all and shot past Baboongamon to slam his tail into him. He howled as he was sent flying, his last Security breaking when he hit the ground.

KendoGarurumon: 1-100%
Baboongamon: 1-0%

As Baboongamon fell to the ground, KendoGarurumon stopped right in front of him and spread his blade wings out. As he did, his entire body started glowing and his wheels started spinning at high speed. "HOWLING STAR!" He shot forward at blinding speed.

Baboongamon tried to escape, but the Digimon was just too fast and shot by in the blink of an eye. He stopped right behind the Digimon, seconds before an explosion engulfed him and Baboongamon's body exploded to reveal a teenager.

"Battle, over!" The mechanical voice announced. "Winner, Flash Sentry!" The battlefield began to disappear, as KendoGarurumon split back into Flash and Veemon.

The pair smiled at each other and high-fived, then turned to their defeated opponent and letting them know they had been a great challenge. The teen nodded and left, Flash taking his Digivice and smiling at the deck he had just used. It had been a lot of work, but he had gotten enough skill with them to fight on an even footing in a battle.

"That was awesome!" Veemon told him, as they pair left the stadium. "It's still kind of weird to have four legs, but the added speed really makes it worth it." Flash couldn't agree more, as they arrived at the foyer. There, his friends were waiting for him.

"Dude!" Sandal cheered, "that battle was off the chain."

"Thanks," Flash nodded. "It was tough. I'm just glad I didn't accidently slip off the mountain. There was barely anywhere to land whilst climbing."

"I'm more impressed with that Ultimate Evolution," Micro told him. "I can't believe Veemon can become two Legendary Warriors."

Flash smirked. "And that's not all I got." Everyone raised an eyebrow at this, as Flash took out his Digivice and summoned two energy cubes. Inside, they all saw two more Digimon Flash had recently acquired. One was a humanoid wolf-like Digimon with blue fur and white fur, wearing white leather pants covered in belts. He had the same belts around his arms and he also wore fingerless gloves to show off his black claws, along with a scarf running down his back.

The other was a tall humanoid Digimon in white a blue wolf armor. He had a laser cannon of some kind on his right arm and carried a pair of lightsabers, whilst a pair of long scarf ends trailed down his back. On his shoulder was the Japanese kanji for light.

"Wow," Shining smirked, "Strabimon and Lobomon. Now that is some serious power we're talking about."

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "I've been training to use them in my next match, but it isn't easy." He groaned, "Strabimon's as hard to control as Strikedramon."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Twilight held her side and remembered a practise match they had had with that Digimon. That thing had been brutal.

Rarity then turned to Trixie, remembering that she too had managed to get a scan of the Digimental of Friendship. "Out of curiosity, are any of your Digimon able to Armor Digivolve with it?" Trixie smiled and nodded, "which one?"

"ME!" Lunamon cheered, jumping up with her hand in the air. "I can Armor Digivolve into a Digimon called Rabbitmon. The best part is, I can jump super high and I'm big enough for Trixie to ride and hold onto whilst I'm moving super fast." Trixie nodded, also liking Lunamon's new form.

But learning to ride such a speedy Digimon hadn't been easy, Trixie having several bruises from when she was practising.

And she wasn't the only one who had been hitting it hard lately. Now that Flash, Micro, Sandal and Trixie had all reached the Ultimate Level, the rest of their friends had been training hard to try and break their limits as well. They had been training so hard, they had barely had time for anything else.

As such, many of them were looking a little run ragged, something Pinkie Pie and Dilemon couldn't help but notice.

"You all look wiped!" Everyone turned to her. "I get you're all determined to grow stronger, but we've gotta have a little fun every now and then." She pointed at Flash. "When was the last time you weren't exploring or battling in the stadium?"

Flash thought about it and realised it had been a while. Even when things were meant to be a calm relaxing day, something popped up and caused them to go into crisis mode. "I guess it's been a while."

"Exactly," Pinkie stood up and looked them over. "Tomorrow, everyone scan a swimsuit into your Digivices." That surprised them, "we're going to the beach."

"The beach?" Thorax asked, "you want us to spend the day relaxing by the seaside?"

"Exactly," Pinkie smiled. "And I know the perfect beach. It's big, with beautiful clear water and has no strong Digimon there. The perfect place to relax and let the stress melt away."

"I don't know," Rainbow clearly didn't like the idea of stopping her training. But then Pinkie gave her the puppy dog eyes. Something she or anyone else couldn't resist. "Alright, fine. I'm in." The others all nodded, though several stated none of them had swimsuits outside of the standard school issued ones.

"Don't worry," Rarity smiled to the girls without them. "I can make you all some suits that you'll absolutely love." Suddenly, they were all very worried.

That night.

The moon shined down on the ocean of the Digital World, illuminating the water and making the beach of a nearby stretch of land look incredible.

On that beach, a Digimon stepped out of the water. It was a child sized Digimon that appeared like a humanoid frog, being light blue in colour with a dark blue diving suit on its body. On its head, it had a helmet on that covered everything except his mouth. It was orange at the bottom around the nose and the rest was filled with a rainbow of different fish scales. He also had a pair of goggle were his eyes should be and two green fins coming off his head. Around his shoulders and waist were metal bands that looked like floaties, to help this adolescent Digimon from sinking.

The Digimon, known as Sapomon, ran towards the water and smiled once he was inside of it, the floatie around his waist keeping him afloat as he paddled out into the water.

He was enjoying himself and loved the feel of the water on his body. But he was so focused on the enjoyment, he didn't notice something was off with the water.

Despite the illumination of the moon, a part of the water was starting to turn dark. It was like someone had poured oil into the water, creating a section of dark liquid that was moving around.

It slowly made its way over to Sapomon, who was using his floatie like a chair to lean back on and look up at the night sky. As such, he was completely unaware of the dark water moving towards him. It wasn't until the darkness was surrounding him, that he felt a change.

His legs and any other part of him below the surface, began to feel uncomfortable. Despite the temperature of the water staying the same, he felt like it had suddenly turned to ice water and his body was beginning to ache.

"What's going on?" He asked, his voice sounding croaky. He finally noticed the colour of the water and gasped, attempting to swim out of it. But before he could, the dark water began to swirl around and form a mini whirlpool. "HELP!" He screamed, as he was dragged away by the current. He couldn't fight it and eventually, he was sucked into the centre of the maelstrom and pulled beneath the water.

The whirlpool remained for several more moments before slowing to a stop, the dark water beginning to fade away. Eventually, the ocean looked completely normal.

The next day.

Much like Pinkie had said, the beach she had taken them all to was absolutely incredible.

It was half a mile of white sand, shaped into a crescent moon shape with a forest running along the back of it. The only rocks on the beach were large boulders and there was no seaweed or anything that might ruin the perfect fun in the sun.

Flash, Micro, Sandal, Shining and Thorax stood on the beach with their Digimon, wearing swim trunks the same colour as their regular clothes, whilst the girls were all hiding behind a large rock getting changed. This, of course, confused the males since changing clothes in the Digital World, was as simple as pressing a button with a flash of light covering yourself.

Even so, the boys were forced to wait until the girls were done before they could even attempt to enjoy themselves. Luckily, they didn't have to wait long.

"Hello boys." They all looked around and were shocked when they saw Rarity leading the rest of the girls out from behind the rock. "What do you think?" Rarity was dressed in a purple top with a blue skirt and a hat on her head, whilst Twilight was wearing a blue and purple one piece and Applejack was dressed in a blue and green shirt and shorts with an apple on the front of it.

The other girls were all dressed in two piece suits and did not appear happy with them. Pinkie was the only one enjoying it, the girl skipping along in her white suit with yellow ribbons. She was giving the boys quite as show as she did, Flash, Micro, Sandal and Thorax needing to look away.

The other girls weren't much better, with Trixie and Rainbow both wearing dark blue suits with Trixie having a shawl wrapped around her waist. But Fluttershy looked absolutely mortified with her green two piece, the girl likely wishing her arms could stretch so she could wrap them around her entire body.

"Rarity," Fluttershy turned to her friend, "why did you get me this suit. It's...it's..."

"It's perfect on you deary," Rarity smiled. "I always knew you were hiding an amazing figure and now's the time to show it off." Fluttershy clearly didn't want to show it off, Terriermon rushing over to her and leaping onto her shoulder. This allowed him to hang his long ears down over her shoulders, giving Fluttershy the chance to sigh in relief as she was covered up.

Twilight stepped over to Flash, smiling when she saw him looking gormless. "So, what do you think?"

"Um..." Flash wasn't sure how to answer that question, especially since Shining Armor was standing right there next to him. "You look...really good." Twilight smiled, as Flash tried to keep his face from being seen by her and Shining.

Luckily, Veemon decided to yell out and catch everyone's attention. "What are we waiting for? Let's go have some fun!" Veemon rushed towards the ocean, Tentomon and Monodramon following after him.

Mangoramon was not in the mood to go in the water, given salt water and plants didn't mix, whilst Grubmon decided to explore the beach for anything that might be fun to do. Labramon, Kamemon, Salamon and Lunamon also ran towards the water, whilst Dilemon simply stood on the rock the girls had changed behind and stared out at the horizon.

Pinkie laughed, seeing the Digimon enjoying themselves and rushed over to join them. Rainbow, Applejack and Trixie followed after. Tawnimon was sticking with Twilight, who had gone over to a bunch of beach chairs Pinkie had somehow brought with her whilst taking out her Digivice.

Turns out, the Digivice had an E-book setting that Flash was unaware of. The girl sat down and started reading, Rarity and Fluttershy joining her to do the same. Shining had decided to catch some digital sun, whilst the boys just stood there.

Flash, Micro, Sandal and Thorax all watched the girls splash around in the water, the lot of them unable to take their eyes off the sight before them. "Is this heaven?" Thorax asked, the other three unable to answer.

"We should probably do something, instead of just standing around staring." Flash looked at the others, who all nodded. Thorax decided to go see what Grubmon was up to, whilst Flash and Sandal headed out into the water. Micro decided to sit, using his Digivice to take out a shovel and bucket. It might have been childish, but he loved building sandcastle.

"Alright," he started looking through his Locations, "what to build?" He came across the Castle of Dark Illusion and smirked. He might not be able to make it look exactly like the original, but he could work on the top.

The girls in the water were all splashing around, laughing as they played whilst the Digimon were swimming around racing.

Flash and Sandal had dived down to the bottom of the ocean and were investigating the seafloor, all the while having an impromptu breath holding contest.

The seafloor was perfect for swimming close to the beach, as there was nothing one the bottom except sand. No shells or seaweed. It was like this place was programmed to be the perfect beach day location.

It took them a while to reach a section of the ocean that wasn't just sand, with a sudden drop leading down the side of a rocky cliff that added an extra twenty feet to the ocean's depths. It was way too deep for the pair of them to go down, the pair preferring not to drown. But at the bottom of the cliff, the pair saw what appeared to be a coral reef with many different types of fish and water plants living there.

Flash and Sandal surfaced and took in air, the pair swimming back towards the others.

"You guys having fun?" Rainbow asked, as they swam into the shallows.

"Wish we had some snorkelling equipment," Flash sighed. "I'd love to take a closer look at that reef."

"I bet Fluttershy would love to see that to," Pinkie smiled before turning to the beach. "Fluttershy! You should come out and swim with us!"

"I'm good," Fluttershy assured them. The others sighed, wishing she wasn't so shy about herself. Terriermon more than anyone, was upset she would rather hide away then enjoy the ocean.

At the same time, Thorax had caught up with Grubmon as they explored the beach. "See anything?"

"No," Grubmon shook his head, "can't see anything out of the ordinary. This beach is so boring." Thorax rolled his eyes, as they came across a bunch of large rocks near the water's edge. They stepped around it and still saw no sign of anything interesting.

"It's kind of weird," Thorax stated as he stepped into the water. "Such a great beach, you'd think it'd already be claimed by a Digimon or something." Grubmon nodded, starting to wonder the same thing.

The pair continued to speak but as they did, something appeared in the water behind them.

The normally crystal clear water was beginning to grow dark and slowly made its way towards Thorax's feet. And inside the dark water, a pair of bright red eyes appeared

When Thorax finally felt the horrible chill at his feet, it was too late. Whatever was in the water, exploded out of it and grabbed him. This made Thorax gasp, as he felt something grab him from behind and cover his mouth. The next thing he knew, he was being dragged backwards into the water.

Grubmon fell in with him and the pair disappeared into the dark pool, splashing filling the air as the two tried to escape what was dragging them below. But whatever it was had too much of a grip on them and they were soon completely submerged.

Despite the water in the area only being a few inches deep, the pair disappeared within the water and were soon gone. Once they were, the water returned to normal and everything appeared completely normal.

Back with the others, Terriermon had finally convinced Fluttershy to go out swimming with them.

Twilight and Rarity had also joined them, the group swimming towards the edge of the cliff in order to look down into it. "I'm with Flash," Twilight told them. "It's too bad we don't have any scuba gear."

"Can't you just Biomerge into a water Digimon?" Trixie asked, "you both have Betamon and Seadramon, don't you?" They realised she was right, but then frowned at the thought of becoming a massive water Digimon. They wanted to get a good look at the sea life, but giant sea-serpent would probably scare all the fish away.

"Too bad we don't have any smaller water Digimon to turn into," Flash sighed. "I wonder if there's an Digimental that'll let Veemon turning into a water Digimon?"

"Probably," Twilight nodded. "But if it does exist, it might not be discovered for a long time." Flash frowned at this, whilst ducking his head under the water and staring at the reef.

As he did, he couldn't help but notice something and pulled his head back out. "I can buy there not being any Digimon on the beach. But shouldn't there be aquatic Digimon under the water?" The others realised he was right. The coral reef was the perfect location for Digimon like Crabmon and Swimmon to call home. So why weren't there?

They continued swimming for a little while longer before heading back to shore, their stomachs telling them it was time to enjoy a nice packed lunch.

But when they got back to the place, they noticed they were no missing a pair. "Where's Thorax and Grubmon?" Flash asked, but nobody answered.

"Didn't they go exploring the beach?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," Micro nodded, "but the beach isn't that big." Tentomon flew up and tried to see if he could spot the pair. But there was no sign of any of them.

"Strange. I can't see them anywhere." That made them worry, Shining spotting a bunch of footprints walking in the direction Thorax had gone.

"Monodramon and I will go find him," he told the others. "You guys stay here in case he comes back." They all nodded and sat down, Shining and Monodramon both heading down the beach. They followed the footprints and eventually, they found themselves stepping behind a large rock.

"The footprints stop here," Monodramon looked forward and saw the water. "You think they went swimming?"

Shining hummed, unsure if that was the case. Even so, it didn't explain how he could have just vanished. "Did he port back to Codex for some reason?" He was about to take out his Digivice and call him, but realised he had left it at the beach. He also remembered Thorax doing the same thing, meaning there was no way he could have ported away. "What is going on?"

Monodramon had stepped into the water to see if that might tell him which way Thorax had gone. But as he did, the darkness began to form again. Monodramon didn't notice it either, at least until it was too late.

A loud splashed filled the air and Monodramon spun around to see a dark creature with red eyes fly out of the water.

Shining also saw this and gasped, as Monodramon was tackled by the creature and pushed under the water. "MONODRAMON!" His voice echoed out, as he ran into the water to try and save his partner. But as he did, another creature leapt out and grabbed him by the arms and legs. "Augh!" He was also dragged under the surface, unable to pull himself free.

The Mega Level player let out another cry as he was dragged into the dark water, disappearing alongside Monodramon.

Back with the others, they had been waiting for Shining and Thorax to get back.

Twilight was watching where her brother had gone off, wondering what was taking him so long to find them. As she did, the others were beginning to snack on some of the treats whilst Pinkie and Tawnimon helped Micro with his sand castle.

"They should have been back by now." Everyone turned to Twilight, seeing that she was getting worried.

Flash was about to tell her she had nothing to fear. But in that moment, they heard Shining's voice yell out. "MONODRAMON!" That caused everyone to get on edge and they quickly stood up, Shining's voice yelling out again at something horrible.

Twilight broke out into a sprint, Flash right behind her. Their Digimon followed with the others right behind them. They ran to where Shining's voice had come from and when they ran around the rock, they found Shining was nowhere in sight.

"Where is he?" Twilight looked terrified, the others beginning their search. But everything just looked completely normal.

"Maybe he ported back to Codex?" Rainbow suggested, only to then see Micro holding both his and Thorax's Digivices. "Okay, maybe they didn't."

"This is really bad," Mangoramon stated. "First Thorax and Grubmon vanish, now those two."

"What do you think happened?" Fluttershy asked, looking absolutely terrified. The others weren't sure, but the look on Twilight's face showed she was thinking the worst.

"Everyone calm down," Flash stated. "Let's try and look at this with clear heads." Everyone took a deep breath, as Flash picked up Shining and Thorax's Digivices. They weren't working, but that was normal since they deactivated when not in their owner's possession. "Micro, what happens to a Digivice if the owner is...deleted?"

Micro glanced over at Twilight and gulped. "Well, it depends on how they were deleted. If the Digivice was on them when they got deleted, the Digivice would be destroyed if the owner was blasted or fell into something like lava. But if they fell off a cliff or just didn't have the Digivice, it'd be left behind." Twilight did not look happy hearing this. "But...their info would be deleted from any friends list they're in."

Twilight's eyes went wide and she took out her Digivice, looking through her friends list until she found both Thorax and Shining's data. "They're alive!"

"So then what happened to them?" Applejack asked, the others looking just as confused. Flash tried to think and nodded.

"Let's split up and look around. Nobody does anything alone. Stay in groups of at least two." They all nodded, as Flash looked up at the forest and out at the ocean. "Pinkie, can you and Dilemon go check the ocean?"

"No problem," Pinkie smiled as Twilight stepped up next to her.

"I'm going with her. If Shining's out there, I have to find him." Flash nodded and asked Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy to continue coming the beach. He, Micro, Trixie and Sandal would head into the forest and search for any signs of things happening in there.

"Let's do this!" Flash took out his Digivice and summoned the Digimental of Friendship, Trixie doing the same thing as they called out in unison. "Digi-Armor, Energize!" The Digimentals activated and exploded into lightning, which flew over to Veemon and Lunamon to wrap them up in cocoons.

"Veemon/Lunamon, Armor Digivolve to..." The pair began to transform, with Veemon taking his Raidramon form whilst Lunamon became slightly smaller than him.

The lightning flew off Lunamon and she was revealed to be a large white rabbit Digimon, wearing armor and leather. The lower part of her head, upper arms and upper legs were the only part revealed, whilst the rest was in mostly black armor. Her front legs wore black leather gloves with blue stripes and claws, whilst her back legs were in black armored boots with blue on the toes. The armor on her body was black with blue on the back part and around her neck. Her ears were longer than she was and covered in a black leather strip with yellow triangles on it.

She bounced around, whilst Veemon's evolution howled. "Raidramon, the Storm of Friendship!"

"Rabbitmon, Moonlight Friendship!"

Flash and Micro leapt onto Raidramon's back, whilst Trixie jumped onto Rabbitmon and Sandal leapt up behind her. Tentomon grabbed Mangoramon and they all rushed into the forest, as Twilight turned to the others.

"Let's go!" Twilight held up her Digivice and pointed it at Tawnimon. Pinkie and Rainbow did the same, the light exploding off the screens and wrapping around the Digimon.

"Tawnimon, Digivolve to...HooTawnimon!"

"Dilemon, Digivolve to...Gatormon!"

"Kamemon, Digivolve to...Gwappamon!"

Twilight leapt onto HooTawnimon with Rarity and Salamon, whilst Pinkie climbed onto Gatormon with Applejack and Labramon. They headed off out to the ocean, whilst Rainbow, Fluttershy, Gwappamon and Terriermon once again started searching the beach.

In the forest, Raidramon and Rabbitmon moved at high speed as those riding them looked around for any sign of their friends. But they couldn't find anything. Trixie was holding onto Rabbitmon's ears, with Sandalwood holding onto her waist.

"See anything?" The eco kid called out to Flash and Micro, who shook their heads. They continued to run through the woods and eventually decides to split up, Flash and Micro going one way whilst Trixie and Sandal went another. Tentomon dropped Mangoramon onto Sandal's back as they split up, both heading in opposite directions to try and find any sign of their friends.

If they couldn't find anything, then hopefully the others would.

Over with Twilight and the others, HooTawnimon and Gatormon had gone pretty far out. But there was no sign of Shining, Thorax or their Digimon.

"Where are they?" Twilight looked worried, as Rarity placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry darling. We'll find them. We just have to search harder." Twilight nodded and they continued to fly overhead, whilst Pinkie and Applejack rode on Gatormon's back.

The frizzy haired girl leaned over her partner's side and shoved her head into the water, hoping she didn't spot either of them down there since it could mean they were in serious trouble. When she pulled her head out, she sighed and put her chin on her hands. "Why did this have to happen? I just wanted us to all have a fun filled day at the beach. Now our friends are missing and who knows what's happening to them."

"Pinkie," Applejack placed her hand on her shoulder, "we know this isn't your fault. You were trying to do something to help us all and we appreciate that." Pinkie smiled, as they continued to search the area for any sign of their friends. But then, Labramon spotted something in the distance.

"Hey, what's that?" Applejack and Pinkie looked over and saw what Labramon had spotted. A puddle of dark water, which appeared to be growing and moving towards them.

"I'm not sure," Applejack hummed before waving up to Twilight. When she and Rarity looked down, Applejack pointed at the puddle and Twilight had HooTawnimon fly over to take a closer look.

"What is that?" Rarity looked disgusted by it, whilst Twilight was unsure.

"If we were in the real world, I'd guess it was some kind of pollution. But in the Digital World..." She looked down to the others. "Whatever you do, don't let yourself swim into it. Who knows what it'll do?" They nodded and Gatormon began to swim away from it. But as he did, the dark water began to spread faster. That made Twilight worry. "Get out of there!"

Gatormon started swimming at top speed, but the water was faster and Gatormon was soon surrounded by it. "This can't be good!" Applejack stated, as the water started swirling around.

"Whirlpool!" Pinkie screamed as they held onto Gatormon to keep from being thrown into the water.

Twilight and the others gasped, Twilight calling out to them. "Quick, port out!" They took out their Digivices and tried to do just that, but before they could something shot out of the water and tackled both Pinkie and Applejack.

The teens screamed as they were thrown into the water, Labramon trying to grab them with little success. The girls were quickly pulled into the water and Gatormon wasn't far behind, unable to escape the vortex.

Twilight and the others in the air gasped, as they watched them all be sucked into the depths of the ocean. "What's going on?" Rarity asked, Twilight unsure how to answer.

"Get us back to shore!" She told HooTawnimon, who nodded and began to turn back towards the mainland. If they wanted to save their friends, they would need all the help they could get.

However, their escape was a lost cause. For as they made their way towards land, something shot out of the water. Some kind of metal prong, which struck HooTawnimon's wing and made him squawk in pain as he lost control. The girls tried to hold on, but HooTawnimon was unable to beat his wing and rolled in the air.

This sent them tumbling off of him, the girls screaming as they fell into the water with the Champion owl falling right besides them.

They all sank below the water and as they did, many strange creatures appeared inside the whirlpool and swam to them. Each one grabbed them and started pulling them down, Twilight unable to hold her breath and eventually blacking out. And when she did, she thought about her brother and feared he might have been attacked by these creatures as well.

If he was, then who would be able to save them? Their friends on the shore were their only hope, but would they find them before getting attacked themselves?

Back with Flash and Micro, the pair were continuing to search the forest for a trace of their friends.

Raidramon had slowed to about twenty miles an hour, which was basically a crawl for him speed wise, so the other two could look out for any clue that might lead them to the others. "There's gotta be something that'll tell us where the others went."

"I'm not seeing anything," Micro stated as Raidramon leapt up onto a tall rock and then down onto the other side of it. "Maybe Twilight and the others found something. We should check in with them." Flash nodded and Raidramon finally came to a stop.

As they did, Flash took out his Digivice and brought up his friends list. He first tried contacting Twilight, but for some reason he wasn't getting a signal. "Huh." He tried again, but nothing was getting through. He then tried Rarity, but she was also failing to pick up.

Micro took out his Digivice and found Applejack and Pinkie were also MIA. "What's going on?"

Flash finally managed to get through to Rainbow, "what's up?"

"Is Twilight with you guys? She's not answering."

"Hang on, Fluttershy's trying to call her now." They waited, Rainbow frowning on the screen. "Nothing. She can't seem to get through to anyone."

"That's not good," Flash sighed. "Let's head back to the beach and see if we can't find them. We'll call Trixie and tell her to head back as well." Rainbow nodded before they call ended. Micro quickly sent a message to Trixie and Raidramon prepared to head back.

But before he could, the dragon Digimon's ears twerked. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Flash asked, as Raidramon turned to look through some trees. He then ran towards them and the pair held on, the wolf dragon Digimon racing through the forest until they reached an area with a large hole surrounded by trees.

"There's someone down there," Raidramon looked down it and the other two stared into the abyss.

The hole was about thirty feet deep and at the bottom of it, there was a Digimon laying there. It was an almost caveman-looking Digimon, whose body was mostly covered in shaggy long white hair. He wore brown rags and besides him was a wooden staff, with what appeared to be a large pawed fist on the end of it.

"Jijimon," Micro gasped, "that's a Mega Level Digimon."

"Hey!" Flash cried, "you okay?" The Digimon moaned as he tried to move his head.

"My back," was all he could say back. The others frowned and knew they had to help him, so Micro used his Digivice to summon some rope. Tentomon quickly flew down and tied to rope around the Digimon and the others wrapped it around a strong looking branch, allowing Raidramon to pull him up using pulley system. "Thank you."

"No problem," Flash told him once he and Micro swung him out from over the pit and Raidramon put him down. "What the heck were you doing down there?"

"Oh," Jijimon held his back in pain, "I was on my way to seal the breach. But I made the idiotic decision to travel here at night. It was so dark, I didn't see this pit in front of me until I was falling down it. And now I've thrown my back out."

"Well you should be okay so long as you don't strain yourself," Micro told him. "But what did you mean by breach?"

"This part of the Digital World isn't stable," Jijimon groaned. "The dimensional fabric is quite weak. And every now and then, a tear in that fabric appears. That's why I'm here. Every now and then, the area's dimensional wall needs to be reinforced. But I've been stuck in that pit for days."

"So a tear's probably opened up?" Flash asked, Jijimon nodding as he slowly put the pieces together. "If a tear did open up, what would happen?"

"Bad things. This particular area is connected to another dimension. A realm of darkness, where many dark creatures lurk. Creatures that would cause great destruction, if they were allowed to wander free." The four shared a worried look, especially when they remembered the disappearances of their friends.

"What would happen if something from our side fell through one of these breaches?" Jijimon looked worried about this.

"Then they would be in very great danger. If they fell into that realm, then the chances of them getting back on their own would be next to impossible." Their eyes went wide and Flash quickly ran to get on Raidramon, Micro following. "Here." Jijimon took something off from around his neck. It was a white crystal with rope tied around it to form a necklace. "This gemstone is the only thing that can protect you from the dark energy of that realm." He threw it at Flash, "it'll also allow you to close to breach when you find it. If your friends have fallen into that realm, I can only wish you luck in saving them."

"Thanks," Flash put the necklace one as Micro climbed on, Tentomon holding onto Micro's back. "Let's go!" With that, Raidramon shot off and the still injured Jijimon sat there.

"Please close the breach. If he is allowed to break through, the Digital World could be in grave danger."

Back at the beach, Rainbow and Fluttershy continued to search the beach for any sign of their friends.

But there was neither hide nor hair of them. And with Twilight and the other's sudden disappearance, their worries grew even greater. "GUYS!" Rainbow cried out, as Gwappamon stepped into the water. "Come on guys! Show yourselves!"

Gwappamon frowned as he looked around, still seeing no sign of anything out of the ordinary. However, he failed to notice the dark water that was slowly appearing around his feet.

It wasn't until the pool surrounded both his feet that he felt the chilly coldness. "Huh?" He looked down and saw the dark water, but something grasped his feet before he could jump out of it. "GYAH!" His cry made the others look around and see him being dragged underwater by something, Rainbow gasping as she rushed over to him.

"Hang on!" She reached out and grabbed his hands, trying to pull him out. But the pull was too much and she was dragged down with him.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy screamed, as the pair were dragged beneath the water. She stared in shock as her friend disappeared into the shallow water, fear coursing through her. And before she or Terriermon could think of what to do next, the water suddenly exploded upwards.

"RUN!" Terriermon screamed, Fluttershy turning to run away. But as she did, the water morphed into a giant wave that began to chase after her. Terriermon leapt into the air, "Bunny Blast!" The energy ball exploded out of his mouth towards the wave, but did nothing to stop the dark tsunami from crashing down and hitting them both.

They screamed as the water completely surrounded them, then started dragging them back into the ocean.

As this was happening, Rabbitmon leapt out of the forest with Trixie, Sandalwood and Mangoramon on her back. They arrived just in time to see Fluttershy and Terriermon disappear below the water, the lot of them gasping as they ran forward.

"What happened to them?" Trixie asked, as the water once again exploded into a wave that moved forward.

"Hold on!" Rabbitmon cried, as she leapt into the air in order to avoid them getting crushed by the water. As she did, her ears folded around as electrical energy appeared between them. "Carrot Bomb!" A blast of lightning exploded out from between them, the energy taking the form of a carrot that collided with the wave and exploded.

This was strong enough to blow the water back, Rabbitmon landing down on the beach far away from the water.

"You think that's what happened to the others?" Sandal asked, as Mangoramon jumped off his back. "They got swallowed by that giant wave?"

"Or something worse," Rabbitmon gulped. As she said that, Raidramon leapt out of the forest and landed on the beach near the water. "Get away from the ocean!"

"Huh?" Raidramon asked, only for another wave to explode upwards and try to grab him. "WOW!" He leapt back, the water slamming into the beach where he had been standing. "Plasma Blade!" His horn exploded with electrical energy and he quickly cut the water, dispelling it and forcing the wave to retreat.

"What the heck was that?" Tentomon asked, as Raidramon ran to the others.

"We don't know!" Trixie cried. "But whatever it was, it took Fluttershy and Terriermon!"

"And it probably took the others too," Mangoramon agreed. This made the others frown, Flash realising it had to be the breach and dark monster Jijimon had told them about.

"We need to save them," Flash stated.

"How?" Micro asked, "we don't even know where they are." As he said that, the dark water began to congeal again and exploded into a large water pillar. They all jumped at this, as something appeared within the water. Whatever it was, there were many of them.

The figures threw something at the lot of them, Raidramon and Rabbitmon both leaping into action. "Blue Thunder/Carrot Bomb!" The electrical attacks blasted the oncoming projectiles and destroyed them, but the figures in the water were throwing more than the pair could launch.

"Super Shocker/Bloom-Arang!" Tentomon and Mangoramon launched their attacks to try and stop them, but it was no use. The harpoons that had been launched broke through the attacks and slammed into the pair, knocking them both backwards.

"Tentomon/Mangoramon!" They rushed towards their partners, as Raidramon launched a Blue Thunder attack at the Digimon in the water.

But the column of water split apart, the attack flying between it, as the Digimon threw more harpoons. "GYAH!" Raidramon was struck in the chest, the attack hitting with enough force to knock him back.

Rabbitmon leapt to his support. But before she could do anything, the column of water suddenly curved and blasted towards her. "Augh!" She was struck by it and the second she was, she felt almost all of her energy being sapped away.

She fell to the ground as the water pulled back, glowing as she reverted back to Lunamon and her Digimental returned to Trixie. "Lunamon!" She rushed over to her partner, as Raidramon began to pick himself up.

And as he did, the water column flew towards him as well. "Look out!" Flash cried, Raidramon looking up and charging his body.

"THUNDER BLAST!" He unleashed the most powerful electrical attack he could muster and sent it flying at the water column, the two colliding and pushing against one another. Both seemed evenly matched, but slowly Raidramon's attack overwhelmed the water.

Everyone smiled at this, only for another blast of water to fly out hit Raidramon in the chest.

He roared as his attack was cancelled out, allowing the more powerful water stream to shoot down and drench him. And like Rabbitmon, his strength was also sapped away and he reverted back to Veemon. "NO!" Flash rushed to him, as the water blast pulled back and began to morph and spin.

Everyone looked up and saw the water morph into a tornado, which began to move towards them. They all picked their partners up and ran, but the tornado's force started pulling them in.

Within seconds, the lot were lifted off their feet and sucked into the vortex. They screamed as they were pulled inside, the tornado returning to the ocean and sinking into the depths.

As they sank below the waves, Flash felt himself beginning to black out as the dark water sapped him of all his strength. And he wasn't the only one.

Looking around, he saw the rest of his friends going limp as they were unable able to fight against whatever had them. Flash realised the same thing must have happened to his friends. It was no wonder they had been so easily captured.

However, as he was about to blackout, something floated in front of him. The crystal Jijimon had given him. And as he focused on it, the crystal started glowing. Before he could wonder what was happening, the light exploded outwards and created a sphere that surrounded him. Doing so pushed the water away, allowing Flash to breathe. And when he turned to his friends, the bubble moved.

One by one, it floated over to his friends and pulled them inside. When they were, they were able to breathe and gasped for air. "You guys okay?" Flash asked once the last one was in, the lot of them coughing and panting as they continued to sink into the water.

"What's going on?" Micro asked.

"I'm not sure," Flash nodded. He looked around and as he did, he saw the figures from before swimming around them. But the light of the sphere made them hiss as they were forced to keep their distance.

Eventually, they found themselves reaching what appeared to be the bottom of the ocean. But when the orb hit it, the floor was pushed apart like it was made of more water. In seconds, they found themselves surfacing from the dark water.

As the orb left the water, the group found themselves standing upside down. But that didn't last long and they soon fell on their heads, crying out as they did so.

They moaned as they picked themselves up and looked around, the sight before them like nothing any of them had ever seen.

The whole environment was made of darkness.

It wasn't that there was just no light. Everything about this place was dark. The sky was gray and lifeless. The water was dark and dank. The beach was colourless. And in the distance, a lighthouse was sitting on an outcrop of land and shooting out a ray of dark light.

They all shivered, the air itself feeling like it was sucking the life right out of them. "What is this place?" Veemon asked.

"It's a world of darkness," Flash realised as they finally reached land and found a dark fog was making it impossible to see anything past the beach. But the water was clear and visible. "The water is acting like a portal between our world and this...Dark Ocean."

Everyone else felt worried, as the sphere disappeared and they were dropped onto the beach. Whatever this place was, it was dangerous. And their friends were trapped their somewhere. If they wanted to get them all back, they would need to face whatever evil lurked there and find their friends before it was too late. But could they?

In the murky depths, the strange creatures were swimming down towards the deepest part of the ocean.

When they got their, they all floated there and looked into the abyss. "Master," one of them gargled out, "we have captured many new hosts. But some managed to escape. What do we do?" As he said that, a giant pair of eyes opened up and glowed red. They were so large that twenty of the creatures could fit inside them, showing just how large this creature was.

The light of the eyes illuminated the rest of the form, showing a giant head and many long tendrils coming off of it. The creature was almost indescribable. And it had its eyes set on the visitors of its world.

Author's Note:

That's right, people. We've arrived at the Dark Ocean. I love 02, but I hate that they dropped that subplot without expanding on it. Other fanficers have tried to in the past and now, it's my turn.

Also, I wrote this ages ago. Before the new 02 movie came out. And no, I haven't seen it. So if that movie has Dark Ocean stuff in it, I retract what I just said. Still doing this arc though.

For those wondering about Sapomon, he's another creation of Karn EX and his amazing artists. Go check his videos out if you haven't. And keep a look out, since more of these Rookies might be showing up sometime.

The same is true for Rabbitmon's redesign, taking cues from Karn's remake. He just makes such great Digimon.

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