• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,641 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Gearing up for War

In the Digital World, a large group of Digimon were flying through the air.

This group was being led by none other than Megadramon, the Virus Type Cyborg Digimon leading Azulongmon, Magnadramon, MagnaAngemon and several other flying Digimon towards a canyon area. One of the Digimon flying with them was Kabuterimon, who was carrying Micro, Sandalwood, Trixie, Shining, Thorax and their Digimon.

Riding atop Megadramon's head were Flash and Veemon, the pair smiling as they felt the wind hit their faces.

"It isn't too far from here," Megadramon stated as they pushed through the wind. "I'm starting to recognise landmarks around us. WarGrowlmon's canyon base is close."

"And you're absolutely sure this is the location?" Magnadramon asked him. It wasn't that she didn't trust Megadramon, but they had been searching for this area for a while.

"Absolutely," Megadramon nodded. "I might have warp gated there when I first joined, but I flew around the area a lot when I was there." Megadramon knew he was risking a lot on this statement. When he first joined the Great Dragon Army, he had offered to look through maps to try and find the base. Since he never knew which part of the Digital World it was in, he had to look through countless maps. But eventually, he found one with the right typography.

"Why are we listening to him?" MagnaAngemon growled. "He could be leading us into a trap."

"Would you shut up already!" Flash cried, "I trust Megadramon not to stab me in the back more than I trust you not to." MagnaAngemon glared at him, but the others turned to give him a look. Clearly, they weren't in the mood to hear him right now. It didn't help that when Megadramon had found the base, he hadn't been invited to come and had to tag along.

"Let's all just calm down," Shining stated. "Remember who the real enemy is right now." The others nodded, as the canyon came into view.

"There it is!" Megadramon cried, the others turning to see it. "Be ready. They could attack at any minute."

"I doubt it," Azulongmon stated. "They would have been fools to remain here after Megadramon left. They likely abandoned this area right after our last battle with them."

"You think?" Trixie asked, "so why are we investigating it?"

"This is just a scouting mission," Magnadramon replied. "Hopefully, they'll have left something that might help us learn more about them and find a weakness we can exploit. But there may be a small chance they didn't leave. Either they haven't had the chance, or they just didn't think Megadramon would be able to find this place. If that's the case, Azulongmon and I will be able to handle WarGrowlmon without much trouble. We'll leave the rest of the army to you."

"Got it," they nodded as Micro turned to Shining. "Too bad Twilight and the girls didn't want to come."

"It's not that they didn't want to come," Shining replied. "They're working on another project. Something that might be able to help us win this war." Everyone shared a look, wondering what the heck Twilight and the others were doing.

In another section of the Digital World, Twilight, Tawnimon and their friends were in an old library.

To say some of them weren't happy about this was an understatement. "I'm so bored!" Rainbow cried, as she leaned back on her chair. "What the heck do you even expect to find in a bunch of dusty old books?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, as she took another book off the shelf and opened it up. "The Dragon Soul Stones have appeared before," she stated. "If we can find out where they appeared, we might be able to figure out where the last one will appear."

"Do you really think you can figure that out?" Applejack asked. "A'h thought they just showed up in random places."

"Nothing in the Digital World is random," Twilight replied. "Remember, this is a digital world. Everything that happens here is controlled by a program. So there must be a program controlling where the Dragon Soul Stones are appearing. And if I can find where that program sent them previously, I can figure out where it'll send the last one."

"I hope you're right," Rarity sighed. "The last two times it appeared, WarGrowlmon almost got his grubby metal hands on it. If they get to the stone before us again..."

"That's why we've got to find the stone first," Tawnimon stated. "So come on. We've got a lot of books to go through and barely any time. The next stone could appear any day." They nodded and all started searching the different books for any clue of where the Dragon Soul Stones could be. But there were a lot of books to go through. This was gonna take a while.

Back with Flash and his group, they had arrived at the canyon base and dived into the fissure.

Arriving at the bottom, they found the place was completely deserted. "Looks like they did abandon this place," Shining stated as Kabuterimon put them all down. "What do you want us to do now?"

"WarGrowlmon's cave was in there," Megadramon pointed at a small hole in the canyon wall. "Fumamon and Armormon were the only ones that used that passage. WarGrowlmon always used Warp Gates to get in and out of it."

"Well that certain is a waste of resources," Magnadramon stated before turning to the humans. "Do you mind investigating? The rest of us will search the outside of the cave. If you find anything-"

"We'll let you know," Flash assured them. They looked into the room and each took out their Digivices, turning to their partners who nodded back before they dialled up a deck to use. "BIOMERGE!" They cried out, the humans and Digimon combining their powers together.

The other Digimon watched, all still amazed when they saw the Digimon and humans merge into one. "Veemon, Armor Digivolve to...Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!"

"Monodramon, Digivolve to...Strikedramon!"

"Tentomon, Armor Digivolve to...FlameWizardmon, Burning Magical Courage!"

"Lunamon, Digivolve to...Lekismon!"

"Mangoramon, Digivolve to...Arbormon!"

"Grubmon, Digivolve to..." Grubmon began to turn into an entirely new Digimon. When the light faded, it revealed a large stag beetle Digimon that was around the size of a Garurumon. It was mostly a fusion of brown and blue. Its head was brown, whilst its body and rear-end were dark blue with yellow lines. He had six brown legs, the front four being the type of legs you would see on a normal beetle whilst the back two here kite-shaped in appearance. His front four legs had hand-like limbs on the end of them, with two white clawed fingers and a thumb on each of them.

On the front of its head, on either side of its mouth, were a pair of long white horns with white spikes covering them. On his back were a pair of insectoid wings. The Digimon landed on the ground and spread its wings, snapping its horns together. "Lucanumon."

The six Digimon turned to one another and nodded, then headed inside the cave whilst the rest began searching the canyon. Inside the cave, they looked around for any sign that WarGrowlmon might be there. But nothing was showing up. "See anything?" Flamedramon asked, the others shaking their heads as they came to a section of the cave that split into multiple tunnels. "Well, this could be an issue."

"I'll head down this way," FlameWizardmon announced as he pointed down one of the tunnels.

Arbormon stepped up next to him. "I'm with you." They nodded and headed down the tunnel, whilst Lekismon and Lucanumon head to another tunnel.

"We'll head down here," they stepped into the tunnel. That just left two more tunnels, Strikedramon turning to Flamedramon.

"You okay heading down the last one on your own?" Flamedramon nodded, the pair splitting up and heading down the final two tunnels. "Yell if you run into anything." Flash nodded, Veemon in his ear keeping a look out for anything he might have missed.

They stepped through the cave, the tunnels growing larger and larger with every step they took. Soon they were so large, even Megadramon could have fitted inside of them. "This must be where WarGrowlmon hangs out."

"I just hope he's not here right now," Veemon frowned. "I'd hate to have to fight him on our own."

"If he does show up, we'll head back up the tunnel until it gets smaller." He frowned. "Although, I wouldn't put it past him to try and bury us." They arrived at a large chamber, full of different pieces of machinery. "What's this?" He stepped over to one of the piles and picked it up, finding it was a damaged motherboard of some kind. The walls were also covered in some kind of red metallic substance, which didn't make them feel too good about it.

He rubbed his claws against the rock and the red substance came onto them, Flamedramon taking a closer look and realising it was specs of red metal filings. And the shade of red had Flash humming.

"WarGrowlmon." He looked around. "I'm betting this is where he's been getting fixed up after each of his battles."

"He had to get fixed?" Veemon asked.

"Well he is a Cyborg Digimon," Flash pointed out. "His biological parts can heal normally, but machines don't heal on their own." Veemon nodded in understanding. "But all these parts couldn't have only come from WarGrowlmon."

"Maybe they were fixing the rest of their Digimon in here," Veemon guessed. "Armormon's a Cyborg Digimon as well." Flash nodded, but couldn't remember seeing any other mechanical Digimon as part of that army.

"They were working on something here. But what?"

In another part of the cave, FlameWizardmon and Arbormon walked through the tunnel until they arrived at their own chamber. And this one was also full of machine parts. But these machine parts were a bunch of wires and cables littered around the room.

FlameWizardmon rushed over to them and started examining them, whilst Arbormon gave him a curious look. "You okay?"

"These wires were hooked up to something," he explained. "Something that was clearly drawing a ton of power." Arbormon wondered what that something might be. "There's only one thing in the Digital World I can think of that would draw that kind of power. Datamon's computers."

"You think Datamon was taken by WarGrowlmon?"

"I've been searching the Digital World ever since he disappeared," Micro stated. "Going to every place he might be and asking any Digimon that might know his whereabouts. But nobody's seen him. It's like he vanished into thin air. And right now, there's only one way I can imagine him just disappearing without leaving a trace. Being dragged through a Warp Gate and held prisoner somewhere."

"But don't you think this is a bit of a reach?" Arbormon stated.

"Sometimes when you reach for something, you grab the truth." Arbormon didn't know where he got that line from, but damn was it chilling. "I know it's insane to think that Datamon was taken by WarGrowlmon, but I've exhausted every other option I have. WarGrowlmon must be getting desperate for more power. And the best way to get more power without Digivolving...is Battle Gear."

"And Datamon's the best Battle Gear maker in the Digital World," Arbormon nodded. "I get it. Have you told anyone else this?" FlameWizardmon shook his head. "We should. If Datamon is gonna make Battle Gear for the enemy, Azulongmon and the others will need to know."

FlameWizardmon sighed, but nodded in agreement. The pair continued to examine the wiring, Micro hoping he was actually wrong. If Datamon was making Battle Gear for the Virus Army, there was no telling what kind of damage was going to be done.

As they made their way through their tunnel, Lekismon and Lucanumon found themselves coming to a set of large metal doors.

"You don't find these in canyon caves," Lekismon stated.

"Well, this is the Digital World," Lucanumon stated. "This place could have always had a pair of metal doors hiding something behind it." Lekismon nodded, realising he was right. They stepped forward, searching for a way to open the doors. But there was no handle. No buttons to open it up and not even a fingerprint recognition device.

"How the heck are we supposed to open this thing?" Lekismon asked, with Lunamon giving a suggestion.

"Maybe you can force them open. They might only be a few inches thick."

"Worth a try."

"What's worth a try?" Lucanumon asked, as Lekismon stepped backwards. "What are you doing?" But as he asked, Lekismon rushed forward and leapt at the doors, swinging her legs around and smashing them into the door. But the only thing that happened with a shooting pain going up her leg.

"GAAAAH!" She leapt back and started hopping on the ground, holding her foot as it turned red and throbbed like in a cartoon. "Stupid thing!" She slammed a fist into the wall. if Lucanumon could see through her skin, he would see an image of her hand bones shattering to dust. "GEYOW!" She screamed, Lucanumon fighting the urge to laugh as he turned to the door.

"Let me try!" He took several steps back, as his horns began to glow. "Power Horn!" He rushed forward and slammed the horns into to the metal door, hoping that would be enough to damage it just a little. But the door didn't even shake and Lucanumon found himself vibrating. "Ow."

Lekismon frowned as she stared at the door. "They wouldn't have such good security, if they weren't protecting something important. We're busting through here, no matter what it takes."

Back at the library, Twilight and Tawnimon were the only ones still searching the library for information.

The others were all sitting around tables, looking exhausted and bored. "How many books have we checked?" Terriermon asked, as Fluttershy looked at a large stack of books they had already gone through.

"I've lost count," she sighed. "But not one of them had any information on the Dragon Soul Stone."

Pinkie looked over at Twilight, who was speed reading through books as fast as Tawnimon could bring them to her. "Twilight, maybe you should take a break. You can't keep studying like that. You'll break your brain."

"Not until I find some documentation about the Dragon Soul Stone," she stated.

"Maybe there isn't any," Rainbow told her. "Who would actually take the time to write down when and where these things showed up? And even if they tried, don't they show up a few centuries apart? There's no way one Digimon could survive long enough to do that."

"She might have a point," Rarity agreed. "It's possible the answers we seek just don't exist. I'm sorry, Twilight." The girl sighed as she closed the book, right as the librarian stepped up to them.

Said Librarian was a Digimon name Bokomon, who was a short white Digimon with a pink wool belt around his stomach.

The Digimon looked up at the last stack of books and gasped. "What is happening here?" He turned to them and they all gulped. "Well?"

"We're searching for information," Twilight replied. "Have you heard of the Dragon Soul Stone?" Bokomon looked surprised by this. "We're trying to figure out where they've appeared in the past, so that we might be able to find it in the future."

"I see," he nodded with a hum. "I'm afraid you won't find any books in here, that have that particular piece of information. I've read every book in this library and none of them have it." Twilight frowned, "but you might be able to find it somewhere else." They all looked up at him, as Bokomon rushed off.

"Was that story over?" Pinkie asked, as they all got up and tried to follow Bokomon. They eventually found him coming out of a back office, carrying what appeared to be a very old scroll.

"This scroll contains all the information we have on the Library of Infinite Knowledge."

"The Library of Infinite Knowledge?" Twilight quickly took the scroll. "What's that?" She had an idea and it felt promising, her brain about to burst at the possibility.

"It is the greatest library in the Digital World," Bokomon stated. "It was created by a Digimon named Wisemon, who wished to know everything there was to know about everything. So he created the library, which could store all the information in the Digital World. Whenever something happens in the Digital World, it is recorded in the library.

Twilight gasped. "That means the Dragon Soul Stone locations have to be there as well." The others smiled. "So where is it?"

"Wisemon was said to have hidden the library away, so that nobody could use the information he had collected for evil. The last known location of the library, was within the Desert of Deception. A large desert that is said to create mirages, making it impossible to cross."

"Ha!" Rainbow laughed. "Maybe impossible for others. But not for me!" The others nodded. They knew it was hard, but they had to find this library. If it contained the information they were after, it was worth the risk.

"Thank you," Twilight told Bokomon. "Let's go, everyone." They nodded and took out their Digivices, the six and their Digimon porting away to find this desert.

"Good luck," Bokomon told them when they disappeared.

Strikedramon continued to search his tunnel, but unlike the others he wasn't turning up anything.

He eventually turned a corner and found himself coming face to face with a dead end, which made him frown. "Great." He was about to head back, but then stopped and turned back to the wall. His cop instincts were screaming that something wasn't right. He stepped forward and placed his claws on the wall.

"What is it?" Monodramon asked, as Strikedramon leaned against the wall. He started knocking at it, as if trying to hear something through what was likely a hundred miles of solid rock.

He then leapt back, as his claws and hair burst into flames. "Strike Fang!" He shot forward and smashed his claws into the wall, causing it to shake and break apart. The wall crumbled to nothing, Strikedramon being careful to watch the roof in case it began to collapse. But once he was sure it wouldn't, he walked forward and found himself in another cave.

Carefully stepping forward, he used blue light from his burning claws to illuminate the place. "See anything?" Monodramon asked.

"No," Shining replied. "Why was this room hidden if-" He stopped when his gaze shifted over to a nearby rock, the Digimon pointing his flaming claws towards it. "Who's there? Don't try hiding. I saw you!" But rock remained unmoving, as Strikedramon stared at it. "Maybe I was wrong?" He turned to leave, smirking as he turned away from it.

Monodramon laughed. "Three...two...one." Strikedramon leapt up and spun around, allowing him to see a Digimon had just leapt out from behind the rock and was pointing something at the spot he had just been on.

That Digimon was a Troopmon. And in his hand was some kind of rifle, which was definitely not a Troopmon's standard weapon. "Fire!" He shot a laser, only to then notice Strikedramon had moved. "Hey, where'd-" He looked up and saw Strikedramon, who was beginning to fall towards him. "Uh oh." He leapt to the side, barely avoiding the claws Strikedramon tried to cut him to pieces with.

"Give up!" Strikedramon cried, only for Troopmon to stagger around and unleash a laser from his weapon. Strikedramon dived under the laser and rushed forward, slashing at the weapon. "Strike Claw!" The claws cut through the rifle and it broke into pieces, causing the Troopmon to stagger backwards.

"Hey!" He cried, "you know what I had to do to get one of those things?" Strikedramon rushed forward and tackled the Troopmon, making him scream as he was forced to the ground. "Please don't delete me!"

"Then start talking!" Strikedramon snarled. He could feel his digital instincts starting to build up, forcing him to take a deep breath so he wouldn't lose control. "Where is WarGrowlmon? Why did they leave you here?"

"I don't know where he is!" Troopmon replied. "I swear. They left me here as a guard. If nobody showed up by the time they returned, we were going to start using this place as our base again. Guess that idea is out the window." Strikedramon glared at him, "I promise it's the truth."

"Alright." Strikedramon jumped off of him, but then hoisted him to his feet. "But don't think this means you're off the hook. We'll see what Azulongmon wants to do with you." Troopmon gulped.

"Just so long as that MagnaAngemon guy isn't around. I've heard about him. He's nuts."

"Can't argue with you there. So long as you don't do anything stupid, I'll protect you. Now get moving." But as he pushed Troopmon forward, he didn't notice the Virus reaching into a pocket on his suit. There, he fiddled with something before pressing a button. A button that sent a signal out to a different area of the cave.

Lekismon and Lucanumon were still trying to open the doors. But nothing they did worked.

"Aaaah!" Lekismon cried, unable to pry the doors open. "Come on! What do we have to do to get you open?" She kicked the the doors again, though not as hard as she had the first time. As she did, Lucanumon suddenly had an idea.

"These are mechanical doors. Maybe they open through voice activation." Lekismon thought about it and realised he might be right. "But if it is, that means we might never be able to open. Not unless we can guess what the command is."

Lekismon sighed, as she slide down the doors and sat against them. "I guess it wouldn't be something as simple as open sesame." But as soon as she said that, the doors let out a beeping noise and they looked up to see the doors were slowly moving apart from one another. "No way." The pair moved away from the doors, watching as the gap between them got larger and larger.

Light flowed out from the gap and blinded for for a moment, forcing them to close their eyes and look away. By the time they could turn back and look into the light, the doors were completely open.

They stepped through the now open doors and were shocked by what they saw. Inside the room were a bunch of strange looking vehicles, all of which were identical. They were a bunch of giant metal rings, with spikes on the outside of them. The ring was made up of two parts, one inner ring and the outer ring with the spikes. Inside the inner ring was some kind of control console and a seat, which reminded them somewhat of a Harley bike.

"What are these things?" Lucanumon asked, trying to count how many there were. But before he could get past fifteen, the vehicles all began to rev up whilst the lights on them glowed. "Uh oh."

"I think we should leave," Lekismon stated. They turned to run and as they did, the vehicles began to move. The outer ring began to spin forward, whilst the inner ring and control section remained in place.

The vehicles rushed down the tunnels, their spikes ripping up the ground as they rolled along it. "Get on!" Lucanumon cried, as he spread his wings and started flying. Lekismon leapt onto his back, surfing him as he flew down the tunnel. But the wheels were still in hot pursuit.

The rings were spinning so fast, they were causing the tunnel around them to shake. At the same time, their engines revved louder and louder, echoing through the cave system.

Flamedramon, Strikedramon, FlameWizardmon and Arbormon all felt the shaking and heard the engines, which worried them since that couldn't have been a good thing.

"What's that?" Strikedramon asked, turning to Troopmon who coward.

"I don't know, man. I wasn't told anything about the caves shaking." Strikedramon couldn't tell if he was lying or not. But a scream caught his attention and made him rush forward, dragging the Virus Digimon around with him. He flew through the cave until he reached the area he had split up from the others, as Flamedramon, Arbormon and FlameWizardmon ran out.

"Did you guys hear that?" Flamedramon asked, the others nodding before they noticed Troopmon was there. "Err...Shining?"

"He's one of WarGrowlmon's gang," Strikedramon snarled. "Left here to be a spy in case anyone showed up." Before he could say anymore, another scream filled the air and they looked around.

Lekismon and Lucanumon were racing down the corridor and before any of them could say anything, they shot right past them. "RUN!" Lekismon screamed, making the four blink before looking down the corridor. There, they saw a legion of metal rings racing towards them. Several were currently rolling side by side, almost mirroring a steamroller with spikes.

The four all went wide-eyed, panic flooding their systems as they turned to follow the others. But as they did, Troopmon was finally able to pull himself out of Strikedramon's grasp. "Hey!" He cried, trying to catch the Digimon. But Troopmon rushed back towards the spinning wheels of death. "Don't, you'll be destroyed!"

But Troopmon didn't listen and kept going, as he pulled something out of his suit. Something that looked an awful lot like a car fob. And when he pressed the button on it, the wheels suddenly came to a complete stop.

Strikedramon glared at him. "You lied. You did know what they were."

"Well you were stupid enough to believe me!" Troopmon leapt into the central ring, landing on the seat and grabbing the handlebars. "And now you face the power of master WarGrowlmon's newest weapons. Our Battle Gear!"

"That's Battle Gear?" Flamedramon asked, as Troopmon hit the button on the fob again. When he did, the Battle Gears he wasn't riding it once again shot towards them. "RUN!" They race down the tunnel, Troopmon laughing as he revved up the engine and raced towards them as well.

Back outside, Megadramon had just flown out of another cave looking disappointed. "Nothing in there."

"We were unable to locate anything in our caves as well," Azulongmon stated. "However, several of the tunnels grew smaller as we got deeper inside. We may have to ask our smaller friends to go take a look." Magnadramon agreed, whilst MagnaAngemon flew out looking unhappy.

"There's nothing here!" He cried, glaring at Megadramon. "This is clearly just a trick to keep us distracted. For all we know, this Virus informed WarGrowlmon of our base's location. He could be attacking it right now whilst he keeps us here." Megadramon glared at him, but Azulongmon flew down.

"Enough!" He cried. "Your constant accusations of Megadramon are beginning to grow stale. You need to put aside your hatred of Virus Digimon. We can't afford infighting if we're to defeat WarGrowlmon."

"Can't you see, he's making a fool out of you. There's nothing here and there never was." In that moment, Lekismon's screams filled the air and they looked down to see her and Lucanumon flying out of the cave.

Lucanumon noticed them first and quickly flew up. "I don't know what it is, but WarGrowlmon clearly left it to attack intruders." As he said that, Flamedramon, Strikedramon, FlameWizardmon and Arbormon ran out of the cave. Behind them were a bunch of strange machines.

Megadramon turned to smirk at MagnaAngemon. "Who's the fool now?" The Celestial Digimon glared at him, as Magnadramon flew down.

"Come on! We have to help them!" But now that they were in the open, the four Champions didn't seem as scared and quickly skidded to a stop as they spun around.

"Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon unleashed a blast of fire, which shot towards one of the wheels. It slammed into it and exploded, but the device simple barrelled right through the flames. "No way!" Flamedramon leapt up to avoid getting crushed.

"Seed Blockade!" Arbormon launched the seeds from his mouth, which hit one of the wheels and began sprouting seeds. But as they tried to wrap around the wheels, the spikes began tearing them apart when they were pulled down to the ground under the wheel.

Strikedramon didn't try an attack, instead charging at one of the wheels and attempting to stop it on his own. "Ahhhhhh!" He cried, as the wheel ground against his arms. He fought through the pain and tried to push the wheel onto its side, but the Battle Gear refused to budge.

At the same time, FlameWizardmon stared at them in total disbelief. He was sure these things were Battle Gear, just like Troopmon stated. But he only knew of one Digimon with the skills to create something this powerful. "Datamon. I knew it." More of the Battle Gear rushed towards him and he barely managed to dodge it in time. "Magic Ignition!" He launched the fireballs towards a wheel, but it simply exploded against it with no damage done. "Seriously?"

One of the wheels shot towards Flamedramon and the Armor Digimon leapt into the air, only for another wheel to somehow use a rock to propel itself into the air at him. "WOW!" He crossed his arms and the wheel smashed into him, making him cry out as he was thrown backwards.

But before he could hit the ground, Megadramon flew down and caught him. "You okay?"

Flamedramon moaned. "Yeah. Thanks for the catch." As he said that, Magnadramon flew down and swung her tail around. This created a powerful gust of wind, which the Digimon were able to grab onto the ground to protect themselves from. The Battle Gear wasn't so lucky and was thrown into the air, Azulongmon flying towards them as his horn sparked.

"Sourai!" He unleashed a burst of lightning, which rained down from the sky and struck the Battle Gear.

The spiked wheels were electrocuted and had some serious damage done to them, the electrical blast eventually ending as the wheels fell to the ground. "Is everyone alright?" Magnadramon asked, as Lucanumon flew down and let Lekismon off.

"We'll live," Strikedramon growled. "Now where is that lying-" He heard another engine and they all turned to see Troopmon fly out of the cave, where he saw the destroyed Battle Gear.

"What?" He looked around, "how did you-" He stopped when he saw the two Mega Levels glaring down at him. "Oh." MagnaAngemon then appeared, making him scream as he kicked the Battle Gear into flying off. They watched him shoot down the canyon, everyone rushing after him. "You're not gonna get me!"

"You're only making things difficult for yourself," MagnaAngemon growled. "Give up before I get annoyed." But Troopmon kept racing off and he frowned. "Fine. We'll do this the hard way!" He accelerated and shot past the wheel, stopping right in front of him as he extended his blade.

But before he could attack, Troopmon pulled a lever on his controls. And to everyone's shock, the spikes on the wheel started glowing with energy whilst the wheel's speed increased. This caused the light of the spikes to fuse into a single bright light ring, which encircled the entire vehicle.

"What the?" Flamedramon asked.

"MagnaAngemon!" Azulongmon cried, "get out of there!"

"I will not run from a Virus Digimon." MagnaAngemon charged, letting out a roar as he rushed towards the vehicle. He swung his sword around and struck the light ring, attempting to cut through the spikes and destroy the Battle Gear. But the speed of the Battle Gear was much faster than his speed, so when they connected he quickly found himself being overpowered. "Augh!"

Everyone watched as his armor and weapons were shredded to pieces, until he was finally knocked backwards and crashed into the ground. Smoke came off his chest, as Troopmon went flying over him and swerved around to a stop. "Pathetic Vaccine!" He revved his engine and charged, planning to crush him under his spiked treads.

But before he could reach MagnaAngemon, Flamedramon, Strikedramon, Lekismon, FlameWizardmon and Arbormon landed in front of him.

The five Digimon braced themselves, as the wheel slammed into them. They all cried out, but pushed against it to stop it from deleting the angel. Lucanumon flew down to help them, but realised they weren't going to be able to do anything at their current level.

"Ready Grubmon?"

"Oh yeah!" He cried, before their bodies burst into light and they spoke in unison. "Lucanumon, Digivolve to..." His body began to grow smaller, transforming into a more humanoid form. His wings disappeared and he fell to the ground, landing with a crash as the light flew off of him. "HyperLucanumon!"

Everyone looked around at his new form, seeing that he now looked a lot like Stingmon.

HIs chest, arms, upper legs and feet were blue in colour, whilst the rest of his body was brown. His head was similar to Stingmon's, with his mouth, forehead and the section between his red eyes being brown whilst the rest of its head was blue. Instead of antenna, a pair of stag beetle horns stuck out of his head. From out of his back, a pair of Stingmon wings extended. His shoulders were covered by a pair of blue square shoulderpads, which had a pair of blades attached to them. Those blades quickly detached and moved over to his humanoid hands, allowing him to catch them and swing them around.

"Raaaah!" He roared, rushing forward as the blades glowed. "Power Stag Slash!" He flew into the air and raised the blades, preparing to cut the machine in half.

Troopmon saw this and gasped, grabbing another leaver and pulling back on it. This caused the wheel to stop spinning, allowing the other five to push it back. This caused HyperLucanumon to miss his attack, whilst Troopmon pulled the lever back further.

The wheel started spinning, but in the opposite direction, allowing Troopmon to reverse away from them. And when he did, he stopped the wheel before pushing the lever forward and once again rolling forwards.

The Digimon prepared to attack again, but the Battle Gear suddenly swerved and moved over to the wall. And too their amazement, it was actually able to climb the wall and raced along it despite being sideways. "Okay," Flamedramon stated, "I wasn't expecting that." They raced after him, as the bike raced towards were the higher Level Digimon were.

"I got this!" Megadramon roared, as he launched a bunch of missiles towards the Battle Gear. But the vehicle leapt off the wall and they exploded without causing any issues. The other five kept chasing after him, leaping through the smoke as Troopmon rolled under the dragon Digimon and back towards the cave.

"Why do I get the feeling he's not trying to escape," FlameWizardmon stated. The others were starting to think the same thing, but couldn't figure out what he was planning.

Troopmon looked worried, as he returned to the area where the destroyed Battle Gears still laid. "I was told not to use this unless it was an absolute emergency. And I can't think of a bigger emergency than this!" As he reached the field of Battle Gear parts, he pressed a button on the controls and the spikes glowed again.

Lightning then exploded out of the spikes and struck the metal fragments, lifting them into the air and pulling them towards the Battle Gear. When it reached the remaining wheel, Troopmon watched the parts slam into it and fuse with the metal. Different parts and machinery came together, creating an entirely new type of device.

The others rushed onto the scene and when they arrived, they saw the Battle Gear rebuilding itself. "What the heck?" Arbormon asked. "What's it doing?"

Slowly, the new shape formed and revealed a giant metal sphere with the spinning wheels coming out of every angle. The working wheel was in the very centre of it, Troopmon inside starting at the through a gap in the metal. He smirked at them, whilst they just stared at him in shock.

"Something not good," Strikedramon growled.

"Maybe you should let us deal with it," Magnadramon stated. But Strikedramon raised a claw.

"No. Who knows what else that thing could do. You and Azulongmon should hold back unless there's no other way. We'll handle it. But that thing's too much for our Champion forms."

"Then let's evolve," Flamedramon smirked as the others nodded. And as the metal monstrosity finished forming, the five of them all rushed forward and dug deep before their entire bodies burst into light or flames. "Flamedramon, Digivolve to...BURNINGGREYMON!"

"Strikedramon, Digivolve to...CYBERDRAMON!"

"Lekismon, Digivolve to...CRESCEMON!"

"FlameWizardmon, Digivolve to...MISTYMON!"

"Arbormon, Digivolve to...PETALDRAMON!"

Digivolutions complete, they and HyperLucanumon attacked the machine with BurningGreymon the first to attack. "Pyro Blaster!" The flaming bullets exploded out of his arm launchers and they exploded against the metal wheel, up the spinning gave them a little protection against them.

At the same time, Mistymon and Cyberdramon charged forward. "Blast Fire!" His sword was surrounded by fire and he swung it around, unleashing a flaming wave that struck the metal rings from beneath.

"Cyber Nail!" Cyberdramon leapt up and slashed his claws through the steal, the heated metal now much weaker. The claws sliced through the blades like a hot knife through butter, Troopmon panicking as he got damage alerts.

"No way," he pressed several buttons and levers. "I am not letting you beat me!" The spikes around the many rings light up as they spun clearing the energy rings that had taken MagnaAngemon down.

HyperLucanumon rushed forward, his blades glowing as he swung them around. "Hyper Boomerang!" The blades unleashed a burst of light, which took the form of spinning energy blades that shot towards the machine and slammed into it. The impact caused it to stop moving forward, getting knocked backwards as they did.

At the same time, Crescemon and Petaldramon charged forward. "You ready?" Petaldramon asked the armored rabbit, who nodded before leaping onto one of his tails. Petaldramon then let out a roar as he flung her up into the air, whilst she brought her shield and scythe together.

"Ice Archery!" She launched a barrage of icicles towards the device, aiming for the joints. The ice shattered against the metal, the fragments rolling into the machine as the heat from the spikes caused them to melt. Crescemon smirked as BurningGreymon caught her. "Doesn't matter how well that thing was made. Get water in it and its bound to get fried."

"Leaf Cyclone!" Petaldramon then unleashed a tornado, with leaves inside of it. The tornado struck the sphere and caused it to be blown backwards, Troopmon pushing it to continue forwards in its attack. But the water that had been sucked into it was starting to cause problems, along with the damage that had already been done to it.

"Come on," he cried whilst fiddling with several controls. "Work! Why won't you work!?"

"Give it up," BurningGreymon cried. "You're not gonna win this. Surrender and you won't get hurt!" But Troopmon refused to let himself get captured, forcing the machine into overdrive. Everyone watched as the spikes glowed even brighter, as the machine raced forward. But as it did, the controls exploded in Troopmon's face and he screamed as he lost control.

The Digimon all leapt around to avoid the lightning that was shooting off the spikes, which caused the canyon around them to explode.

As it did, Megadramon chose to fly in and launch several missiles into the machine, the explosions causing the wheels to break apart. "Now!" He cried, as BurningGreymon took this chance to fly in.

His body burst into flames, as he spun around. "Wildfire Tsunami!" The fire shot off of him and struck the machine, causing more explosions.

Troopmon reached for the controls, attempting to eject himself before it could kill him. But the console blew again and Troopmon was unable to escape. "NOOOOOO!" He screamed before the entire machine was consumed in an explosion, everyone leaping back to avoid getting hit.

When the smoke from the explosion faded, the remains of the machine littered the ground.

Azulongmon and Magnadramon flew down, as all but Megadramon glowed and reverted back to human and Digimon. Monodramon was in Rookie form, alongside Veemon. But the others were all back in their In-Training form, Veemon groaning as he fell to the ground in exhaustion.

"That was nuts!" He cried. "WarGrowlmon sure knows how to make things exciting."

"At least you're all okay," Magnadramon told them. "You all did well." She turned to Megadramon, "all of you." Megadramon smiled, whilst Azulongmon studied the wreckage. "Battle Gear. I can't believe WarGrowlmon has something like this in his possession."

"I think I know how he got it," Micro stated. "My friend, Datamon, is one of the best Battle Gear designers in the Digital World. But he's gone missing."

"And you think he built these for WarGrowlmon?" Magnadramon asked.

"If he did, it wasn't by choice. Datamon would never let his inventions be used for evil. WarGrowlmon has to have captured him. He's forcing Datamon to build these and if I know Datamon, these are just the start." He sighed. "If we don't find Datamon soon, we might have to face an entire army of Virus Digimon with these things."

"It was hard enough to counter just one," Flash frowned. "I don't like the idea of an entire army having this kind of power." The others agreed, hoping they might be able to find Datamon before he did anything he would truly regret.

What none of them realised, was that their entire battle with Troopmon and their conversation had been recorded by a hidden camera.

In another part of the Digital World, Fumamon was watching a video feed.

Said feed was showing the metal sphere of death being destroyed, an unhappy hum escaping his lips as he turned to leave the stone chamber he was in. He made his way through the dark tunnels and arrived at another chamber, where WarGrowlmon and Armormon were watching Datamon as he worked.

"Our old base is no longer available to us," he told them. They turned to him, as he marched forward. "Azulongmon and the others have found it. Seems we were right not to assume Megadramon wouldn't be able to find his way back there."

"I see," WarGrowlmon snarled. "And what of the Battle Gear we had stored there?"

"Troopmon attempted to use it to destroy the invaders," Fumamon stated. "As you can probably guess, that didn't go so well. The Battle Gear have all been destroyed." WarGrowlmon did not look happy. "And it seems they we were right not to keep them here. They malfunctioned and destroyed Troopmon."

"I told you," Datamon glared at them. "They were prototypes. It was his own fault for riding them when they weren't ready."

"Well your next patch had better be improved," Armormon stated. "They need to be powerful and safe to use. If they aren't, you will not like what I will do to you."

Datamon glared at him. "Make up your mind. Do you want me to focus on the Battle Gear or your new...you. Getting me to split focus like this will only end in disaster."

"We want them both done and perfect," Armormon stated. "So you'd better learn to split your focus and still do a good job. You know what will happen to you if you don't."

Datamon sighed as he turned back to the computer, bringing up the fail on Armormon's new form. "I've been able to create a base to work from. Take a look and tell me what you think." Armormon stepped forward and hummed, as he looked the image on the screen over.

"Not bad," he nodded. "Not bad at all. But it needs a few more tweaks. Maybe a little more firepower."

"More firepower?" Datamon looked horrified. "You're already gonna be a walking disaster. How much more power could you possibly want?"

"Enough to make sure I survive anything," he replied. "I want to be able to survive, even if the entire Digital World collapses around me. I want the power to destroy anyone who stands in my way."

"You can't be serious?" Datamon asked, "that's insane. You know, there is such a thing as being too powerful. If I gave you that kind of firepower, the body I'm designing might not be able to take it. You'll destroy yourself."

"Then you'd better make sure the body can handle it. Remember what'll happen if you fail." Datamon sighed, as Armormon walked away. Datamon wasn't sure what he could do. Whether he succeeded or failed, he was going to get deleted. "Micro...anybody. Help."

Back at Codex, Flash and the others had returned to the foyer and all sat down in exhaustion. "That was certainly a day," Shining sighed.

"Tell me about it," Flash agreed. "We almost got ourselves run over and have nothing to show for it."

"I wouldn't say that," Micro told him. "We now know that Datamon is being held captive by WarGrowlmon." The others didn't say anything, not wanting to point out that that wasn't confirmed. "Plus, we took those Battle Gears out. I'd rather face them like that rather than have to fight them whilst we're getting the Dragon Soul Stone." The others nodded, agreeing with that.

Shining then looked around, wondering if Twilight had returned from her mission. But there was no sign of her or her friends, making Shining wonder where she could possibly be right now.

In a large desert, Twilight and the others were working to make their way through the sand.

Currently, Kamemon had Digivolved into Tortomon and was carrying them across the hot desert. But a powerful wind was blowing the sand around, everyone glad they had packed goggles to shield their eyes.

"My hair!" Rarity screamed, the girl currently dressed in safari clothes with a hat. But it was doing little to protect her hair.

Twilight was doing her best to keep their scroll safe, as they struggled through the desert. "Rainbow. How is Tortomon doing?"

"This is nothing," Rainbow assured them. "Not for my partner. Right, bud?"

"You know it," Tortomon nodded.

Rainbow smirked, but then patted him on the head. "But if you do start feeling tired, let me know."

"I don't think he needs ta worry about that," Applejack stated. "A'h think the storm's starting ta die down. Look ahead!" They did and saw what appeared to be an end to the sand cloud, Tortomon rushed forward and escaping the storm to find a large empty desert.

They all looked around and saw nothing, making them frown as Rarity complained. "So we went through all that for nothing?"

"It has to be here," Twilight sighed as she looked down at the scroll. On it were several directions, alongside an image of the library. Said image made it look like a large temple with a tall spire coming out the top.

Pinkie stared into the desert and gasped when she saw something. "Over there!" They looked around and saw nothing, as Pinkie leapt off of Tortomon and ran into the desert. "Don't you see it!?" They frowned, "and giant chocolate castle!"

"Chocolate castle?" Applejack asked, as Twilight gasped.

"Pinkie, no! It's a mirage!" Pinkie heard this and as soon as she did, the chocolate castle vanished. And the next thing she knew, the sand beneath her feet suddenly vanished.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" She fell into a sink hole, falling towards the very centre where a bunch of quick sand was waiting.

"PINKIE!" Her friends screamed, as Tawnimon leapt into the air and flew down after her. He grabbed her in his talons and started pulling her up towards the top of the sand pit, as the others rushed to the edge.

"Can't...hold on...much longer!" Tawnimon cried, as Pinkie reached up to grab one of their hands.

"Tortomon!" Rainbow cried, "use your tail." But as Tortomon moved forward, Twilight gasped.

"Now, stay back!" Tortomon stopped. "His weight could make the edge of the pit collapse."

"So what do we do?" Fluttershy gasped, as Rainbow and Applejack nodded at one another. The next thing they knew, Rainbow leapt over the edge as Applejack grabbed her legs. The multi-haired girls slid down the pit, Applejack holding on hard as the others grabbed her. This led her to be only a few feet away from Pinkie.

"Grab my hand!" Rainbow cried, but Pinkie was a few inches short.

Tawnimon pulled even harder, using the last of his strength to drag her up enough for Rainbow to get her. Once their hands were grasped, Tawnimon lost his grip and Pinkie also fell out of Rainbow hand. But Rainbow managed to hold on as the others started pulling, making them all groan as they finally pulled both girls up and back over the edge.

Once there, they all panted and regained their breath. "Thanks," Pinkie sighed in relief. "That was too close."

"They don't call this place the Desert of Deception for nothing," Twilight frowned. "We shouldn't trust anything we see here."

"So we shouldn't trust that?" Terriermon asked, pointing to the distance and making them all look up and see something sticking out of the ground several miles away. A long tube-like construct, that was sticking out of the sand and pointing to the sky.

They all frowned, knowing they couldn't just ignore it since they were looking for a building. But they feared it might be another trap. "Alright," Twilight stood up, "but we need to take precautions."

Said precautions were having Tawnimon, Rainbow, Applejack and Salamon Digivolve in order to carry them all. HooTawnimon led them towards the structure, with Sunflowmon carrying Pinkie, Labramon and Dilemon. Rarity was riding Nefertimon, whilst Birdramon carried Kamemon, Fluttershy and Terriermon.

They soon arrived at the structure and found it wasn't a mirage, instead being a twenty meter tall circular tower with a pointed roof. They circled around it and frowned.

"This can't be the library," Rarity cried as they all landed. But as Twilight stared at the scroll, she realised something.

"No, it is the library." She showed them the library's image, pointing at the top which had a spire. They stared at the scroll, then at the spire as they realised what must have happened. The library, almost the entire building, had been buried beneath a billion tons of sand.

Author's Note:

I know we didn't have any big character moments or earth shaking discoveries in this chapter. But we did get to see some new forms for Thorax and see a new form of Battle Gear. Hope you enjoyed it.

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